package org.apache.lucene.codecs.blockterms; /* * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more * contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with * this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership. * The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0 * (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with * the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ import; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.List; import org.apache.lucene.codecs.BlockTermState; import org.apache.lucene.codecs.CodecUtil; import org.apache.lucene.codecs.FieldsConsumer; import org.apache.lucene.codecs.PostingsWriterBase; import org.apache.lucene.codecs.TermStats; import org.apache.lucene.index.FieldInfo.IndexOptions; import org.apache.lucene.index.FieldInfo; import org.apache.lucene.index.FieldInfos; import org.apache.lucene.index.Fields; import org.apache.lucene.index.IndexFileNames; import org.apache.lucene.index.SegmentWriteState; import org.apache.lucene.index.Terms; import org.apache.lucene.index.TermsEnum; import; import; import org.apache.lucene.util.ArrayUtil; import org.apache.lucene.util.BytesRef; import org.apache.lucene.util.FixedBitSet; import org.apache.lucene.util.IOUtils; import org.apache.lucene.util.RamUsageEstimator; // TODO: currently we encode all terms between two indexed // terms as a block; but, we could decouple the two, ie // allow several blocks in between two indexed terms /** * Writes terms dict, block-encoding (column stride) each * term's metadata for each set of terms between two * index terms. * * @lucene.experimental */ public class BlockTermsWriter extends FieldsConsumer implements Closeable { final static String CODEC_NAME = "BLOCK_TERMS_DICT"; // Initial format public static final int VERSION_START = 0; public static final int VERSION_APPEND_ONLY = 1; public static final int VERSION_META_ARRAY = 2; public static final int VERSION_CURRENT = VERSION_META_ARRAY; /** Extension of terms file */ static final String TERMS_EXTENSION = "tib"; protected final IndexOutput out; final PostingsWriterBase postingsWriter; final FieldInfos fieldInfos; FieldInfo currentField; private final TermsIndexWriterBase termsIndexWriter; private final int maxDoc; private static class FieldMetaData { public final FieldInfo fieldInfo; public final long numTerms; public final long termsStartPointer; public final long sumTotalTermFreq; public final long sumDocFreq; public final int docCount; public final int longsSize; public FieldMetaData(FieldInfo fieldInfo, long numTerms, long termsStartPointer, long sumTotalTermFreq, long sumDocFreq, int docCount, int longsSize) { assert numTerms > 0; this.fieldInfo = fieldInfo; this.termsStartPointer = termsStartPointer; this.numTerms = numTerms; this.sumTotalTermFreq = sumTotalTermFreq; this.sumDocFreq = sumDocFreq; this.docCount = docCount; this.longsSize = longsSize; } } private final List<FieldMetaData> fields = new ArrayList<>(); // private final String segment; public BlockTermsWriter(TermsIndexWriterBase termsIndexWriter, SegmentWriteState state, PostingsWriterBase postingsWriter) throws IOException { final String termsFileName = IndexFileNames.segmentFileName(, state.segmentSuffix, TERMS_EXTENSION); this.termsIndexWriter = termsIndexWriter; maxDoc = state.segmentInfo.getDocCount(); out =, state.context); boolean success = false; try { fieldInfos = state.fieldInfos; writeHeader(out); currentField = null; this.postingsWriter = postingsWriter; // segment = state.segmentName; //System.out.println("BTW.init seg=" + state.segmentName); postingsWriter.init(out); // have consumer write its format/header success = true; } finally { if (!success) { IOUtils.closeWhileHandlingException(out); } } } private void writeHeader(IndexOutput out) throws IOException { CodecUtil.writeHeader(out, CODEC_NAME, VERSION_CURRENT); } @Override public void write(Fields fields) throws IOException { boolean success = false; try { for(String field : fields) { Terms terms = fields.terms(field); if (terms == null) { continue; } TermsEnum termsEnum = terms.iterator(null); TermsWriter termsWriter = addField(fieldInfos.fieldInfo(field)); while (true) { BytesRef term =; if (term == null) { break; } termsWriter.write(term, termsEnum); } termsWriter.finish(); } success = true; } finally { if (success) { IOUtils.close(this); } else { IOUtils.closeWhileHandlingException(this); } } } private TermsWriter addField(FieldInfo field) throws IOException { //System.out.println("\nBTW.addField seg=" + segment + " field=" +; assert currentField == null || < 0; currentField = field; TermsIndexWriterBase.FieldWriter fieldIndexWriter = termsIndexWriter.addField(field, out.getFilePointer()); return new TermsWriter(fieldIndexWriter, field, postingsWriter); } public void close() throws IOException { try { final long dirStart = out.getFilePointer(); out.writeVInt(fields.size()); for(FieldMetaData field : fields) { out.writeVInt(field.fieldInfo.number); out.writeVLong(field.numTerms); out.writeVLong(field.termsStartPointer); if (field.fieldInfo.getIndexOptions() != IndexOptions.DOCS_ONLY) { out.writeVLong(field.sumTotalTermFreq); } out.writeVLong(field.sumDocFreq); out.writeVInt(field.docCount); if (VERSION_CURRENT >= VERSION_META_ARRAY) { out.writeVInt(field.longsSize); } } writeTrailer(dirStart); } finally { IOUtils.close(out, postingsWriter, termsIndexWriter); } } private void writeTrailer(long dirStart) throws IOException { out.writeLong(dirStart); } private static class TermEntry { public final BytesRef term = new BytesRef(); public BlockTermState state; } class TermsWriter { private final FieldInfo fieldInfo; private final PostingsWriterBase postingsWriter; private final long termsStartPointer; private long numTerms; private final TermsIndexWriterBase.FieldWriter fieldIndexWriter; private final FixedBitSet docsSeen; long sumTotalTermFreq; long sumDocFreq; int docCount; int longsSize; private TermEntry[] pendingTerms; private int pendingCount; TermsWriter( TermsIndexWriterBase.FieldWriter fieldIndexWriter, FieldInfo fieldInfo, PostingsWriterBase postingsWriter) { this.fieldInfo = fieldInfo; this.fieldIndexWriter = fieldIndexWriter; this.docsSeen = new FixedBitSet(maxDoc); pendingTerms = new TermEntry[32]; for(int i=0;i<pendingTerms.length;i++) { pendingTerms[i] = new TermEntry(); } termsStartPointer = out.getFilePointer(); this.postingsWriter = postingsWriter; this.longsSize = postingsWriter.setField(fieldInfo); } private final BytesRef lastPrevTerm = new BytesRef(); void write(BytesRef text, TermsEnum termsEnum) throws IOException { BlockTermState state = postingsWriter.writeTerm(text, termsEnum, docsSeen); if (state == null) { // No docs for this term: return; } sumDocFreq += state.docFreq; sumTotalTermFreq += state.totalTermFreq; assert state.docFreq > 0; //System.out.println("BTW: finishTerm term=" + + ":" + text.utf8ToString() + " " + text + " seg=" + segment + " df=" + stats.docFreq); TermStats stats = new TermStats(state.docFreq, state.totalTermFreq); final boolean isIndexTerm = fieldIndexWriter.checkIndexTerm(text, stats); if (isIndexTerm) { if (pendingCount > 0) { // Instead of writing each term, live, we gather terms // in RAM in a pending buffer, and then write the // entire block in between index terms: flushBlock(); } fieldIndexWriter.add(text, stats, out.getFilePointer()); //System.out.println(" index term!"); } if (pendingTerms.length == pendingCount) { final TermEntry[] newArray = new TermEntry[ArrayUtil.oversize(pendingCount+1, RamUsageEstimator.NUM_BYTES_OBJECT_REF)]; System.arraycopy(pendingTerms, 0, newArray, 0, pendingCount); for(int i=pendingCount;i<newArray.length;i++) { newArray[i] = new TermEntry(); } pendingTerms = newArray; } final TermEntry te = pendingTerms[pendingCount]; te.term.copyBytes(text); te.state = state; pendingCount++; numTerms++; } // Finishes all terms in this field void finish() throws IOException { if (pendingCount > 0) { flushBlock(); } // EOF marker: out.writeVInt(0); this.sumTotalTermFreq = sumTotalTermFreq; this.sumDocFreq = sumDocFreq; this.docCount = docCount; fieldIndexWriter.finish(out.getFilePointer()); if (numTerms > 0) { fields.add(new FieldMetaData(fieldInfo, numTerms, termsStartPointer, fieldInfo.getIndexOptions().compareTo(IndexOptions.DOCS_AND_FREQS) >= 0 ? sumTotalTermFreq : -1, sumDocFreq, docsSeen.cardinality(), longsSize)); } } private int sharedPrefix(BytesRef term1, BytesRef term2) { assert term1.offset == 0; assert term2.offset == 0; int pos1 = 0; int pos1End = pos1 + Math.min(term1.length, term2.length); int pos2 = 0; while(pos1 < pos1End) { if (term1.bytes[pos1] != term2.bytes[pos2]) { return pos1; } pos1++; pos2++; } return pos1; } private final RAMOutputStream bytesWriter = new RAMOutputStream(); private final RAMOutputStream bufferWriter = new RAMOutputStream(); private void flushBlock() throws IOException { //System.out.println("BTW.flushBlock seg=" + segment + " pendingCount=" + pendingCount + " fp=" + out.getFilePointer()); // First pass: compute common prefix for all terms // in the block, against term before first term in // this block: int commonPrefix = sharedPrefix(lastPrevTerm, pendingTerms[0].term); for(int termCount=1;termCount<pendingCount;termCount++) { commonPrefix = Math.min(commonPrefix, sharedPrefix(lastPrevTerm, pendingTerms[termCount].term)); } out.writeVInt(pendingCount); out.writeVInt(commonPrefix); // 2nd pass: write suffixes, as separate byte[] blob for(int termCount=0;termCount<pendingCount;termCount++) { final int suffix = pendingTerms[termCount].term.length - commonPrefix; // TODO: cutover to better intblock codec, instead // of interleaving here: bytesWriter.writeVInt(suffix); bytesWriter.writeBytes(pendingTerms[termCount].term.bytes, commonPrefix, suffix); } out.writeVInt((int) bytesWriter.getFilePointer()); bytesWriter.writeTo(out); bytesWriter.reset(); // 3rd pass: write the freqs as byte[] blob // TODO: cutover to better intblock codec. simple64? // write prefix, suffix first: for(int termCount=0;termCount<pendingCount;termCount++) { final BlockTermState state = pendingTerms[termCount].state; assert state != null; bytesWriter.writeVInt(state.docFreq); if (fieldInfo.getIndexOptions() != IndexOptions.DOCS_ONLY) { bytesWriter.writeVLong(state.totalTermFreq-state.docFreq); } } out.writeVInt((int) bytesWriter.getFilePointer()); bytesWriter.writeTo(out); bytesWriter.reset(); // 4th pass: write the metadata long[] longs = new long[longsSize]; boolean absolute = true; for(int termCount=0;termCount<pendingCount;termCount++) { final BlockTermState state = pendingTerms[termCount].state; postingsWriter.encodeTerm(longs, bufferWriter, fieldInfo, state, absolute); for (int i = 0; i < longsSize; i++) { bytesWriter.writeVLong(longs[i]); } bufferWriter.writeTo(bytesWriter); bufferWriter.reset(); absolute = false; } out.writeVInt((int) bytesWriter.getFilePointer()); bytesWriter.writeTo(out); bytesWriter.reset(); lastPrevTerm.copyBytes(pendingTerms[pendingCount-1].term); pendingCount = 0; } } }