package org.apache.lucene.util.packed; /* * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more * contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with * this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership. * The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0 * (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with * the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ import org.apache.lucene.util.LuceneTestCase; public class TestEliasFanoSequence extends LuceneTestCase { private static EliasFanoEncoder makeEncoder(long[] values, long indexInterval) { long upperBound = -1L; for (long value: values) { assertTrue(value >= upperBound); // test data ok upperBound = value; } EliasFanoEncoder efEncoder = new EliasFanoEncoder(values.length, upperBound, indexInterval); for (long value: values) { efEncoder.encodeNext(value); } return efEncoder; } private static void tstDecodeAllNext(long[] values, EliasFanoDecoder efd) { efd.toBeforeSequence(); long nextValue = efd.nextValue(); for (long expValue: values) { assertFalse("nextValue at end too early", EliasFanoDecoder.NO_MORE_VALUES == nextValue); assertEquals(expValue, nextValue); nextValue = efd.nextValue(); } assertEquals(EliasFanoDecoder.NO_MORE_VALUES, nextValue); } private static void tstDecodeAllPrev(long[] values, EliasFanoDecoder efd) { efd.toAfterSequence(); for (int i = values.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) { long previousValue = efd.previousValue(); assertFalse("previousValue at end too early", EliasFanoDecoder.NO_MORE_VALUES == previousValue); assertEquals(values[i], previousValue); } assertEquals(EliasFanoDecoder.NO_MORE_VALUES, efd.previousValue()); } private static void tstDecodeAllAdvanceToExpected(long[] values, EliasFanoDecoder efd) { efd.toBeforeSequence(); long previousValue = -1L; long index = 0; for (long expValue: values) { if (expValue > previousValue) { long advanceValue = efd.advanceToValue(expValue); assertFalse("advanceValue at end too early", EliasFanoDecoder.NO_MORE_VALUES == advanceValue); assertEquals(expValue, advanceValue); assertEquals(index, efd.currentIndex()); previousValue = expValue; } index++; } long advanceValue = efd.advanceToValue(previousValue+1); assertEquals("at end", EliasFanoDecoder.NO_MORE_VALUES, advanceValue); } private static void tstDecodeAdvanceToMultiples(long[] values, EliasFanoDecoder efd, final long m) { // test advancing to multiples of m assert m > 0; long previousValue = -1L; long index = 0; long mm = m; efd.toBeforeSequence(); for (long expValue: values) { // mm > previousValue if (expValue >= mm) { long advanceValue = efd.advanceToValue(mm); assertFalse("advanceValue at end too early", EliasFanoDecoder.NO_MORE_VALUES == advanceValue); assertEquals(expValue, advanceValue); assertEquals(index, efd.currentIndex()); previousValue = expValue; do { mm += m; } while (mm <= previousValue); } index++; } long advanceValue = efd.advanceToValue(mm); assertEquals(EliasFanoDecoder.NO_MORE_VALUES, advanceValue); } private static void tstDecodeBackToMultiples(long[] values, EliasFanoDecoder efd, final long m) { // test backing to multiples of m assert m > 0; efd.toAfterSequence(); int index = values.length - 1; if (index < 0) { long advanceValue = efd.backToValue(0); assertEquals(EliasFanoDecoder.NO_MORE_VALUES, advanceValue); return; // empty values, nothing to go back to/from } long expValue = values[index]; long previousValue = expValue + 1; long mm = (expValue / m) * m; while (index >= 0) { expValue = values[index]; assert mm < previousValue; if (expValue <= mm) { long backValue = efd.backToValue(mm); assertFalse("backToValue at end too early", EliasFanoDecoder.NO_MORE_VALUES == backValue); assertEquals(expValue, backValue); assertEquals(index, efd.currentIndex()); previousValue = expValue; do { mm -= m; } while (mm >= previousValue); } index--; } long backValue = efd.backToValue(mm); assertEquals(EliasFanoDecoder.NO_MORE_VALUES, backValue); } private static void tstEqual(String mes, long[] exp, long[] act) { assertEquals(mes + ".length", exp.length, act.length); for (int i = 0; i < exp.length; i++) { if (exp[i] != act[i]) { fail(mes + "[" + i + "] " + exp[i] + " != " + act[i]); } } } private static void tstDecodeAll(EliasFanoEncoder efEncoder, long[] values) { tstDecodeAllNext(values, efEncoder.getDecoder()); tstDecodeAllPrev(values, efEncoder.getDecoder()); tstDecodeAllAdvanceToExpected(values, efEncoder.getDecoder()); } private static void tstEFS(long[] values, long[] expHighLongs, long[] expLowLongs) { EliasFanoEncoder efEncoder = makeEncoder(values, EliasFanoEncoder.DEFAULT_INDEX_INTERVAL); tstEqual("upperBits", expHighLongs, efEncoder.getUpperBits()); tstEqual("lowerBits", expLowLongs, efEncoder.getLowerBits()); tstDecodeAll(efEncoder, values); } private static void tstEFS2(long[] values) { EliasFanoEncoder efEncoder = makeEncoder(values, EliasFanoEncoder.DEFAULT_INDEX_INTERVAL); tstDecodeAll(efEncoder, values); } private static void tstEFSadvanceToAndBackToMultiples(long[] values, long maxValue, long minAdvanceMultiple) { EliasFanoEncoder efEncoder = makeEncoder(values, EliasFanoEncoder.DEFAULT_INDEX_INTERVAL); for (long m = minAdvanceMultiple; m <= maxValue; m += 1) { tstDecodeAdvanceToMultiples(values, efEncoder.getDecoder(), m); tstDecodeBackToMultiples(values, efEncoder.getDecoder(), m); } } private EliasFanoEncoder tstEFVI(long[] values, long indexInterval, long[] expIndexBits) { EliasFanoEncoder efEncVI = makeEncoder(values, indexInterval); tstEqual("upperZeroBitPositionIndex", expIndexBits, efEncVI.getIndexBits()); return efEncVI; } public void testEmpty() { long[] values = new long[0]; long[] expHighBits = new long[0]; long[] expLowBits = new long[0]; tstEFS(values, expHighBits, expLowBits); } public void testOneValue1() { long[] values = new long[] {0}; long[] expHighBits = new long[] {0x1L}; long[] expLowBits = new long[] {}; tstEFS(values, expHighBits, expLowBits); } public void testTwoValues1() { long[] values = new long[] {0,0}; long[] expHighBits = new long[] {0x3L}; long[] expLowBits = new long[] {}; tstEFS(values, expHighBits, expLowBits); } public void testOneValue2() { long[] values = new long[] {63}; long[] expHighBits = new long[] {2}; long[] expLowBits = new long[] {31}; tstEFS(values, expHighBits, expLowBits); } public void testOneMaxValue() { long[] values = new long[] {Long.MAX_VALUE}; long[] expHighBits = new long[] {2}; long[] expLowBits = new long[] {Long.MAX_VALUE/2}; tstEFS(values, expHighBits, expLowBits); } public void testTwoMinMaxValues() { long[] values = new long[] {0, Long.MAX_VALUE}; long[] expHighBits = new long[] {0x11}; long[] expLowBits = new long[] {0xE000000000000000L, 0x03FFFFFFFFFFFFFFL}; tstEFS(values, expHighBits, expLowBits); } public void testTwoMaxValues() { long[] values = new long[] {Long.MAX_VALUE, Long.MAX_VALUE}; long[] expHighBits = new long[] {0x18}; long[] expLowBits = new long[] {-1L, 0x03FFFFFFFFFFFFFFL}; tstEFS(values, expHighBits, expLowBits); } public void testExample1() { // Figure 1 from Vigna 2012 paper long[] values = new long[] {5,8,8,15,32}; long[] expLowBits = new long[] {Long.parseLong("0011000001", 2)}; // reverse block and bit order long[] expHighBits = new long[] {Long.parseLong("1000001011010", 2)}; // reverse block and bit order tstEFS(values, expHighBits, expLowBits); } public void testHashCodeEquals() { long[] values = new long[] {5,8,8,15,32}; EliasFanoEncoder efEncoder1 = makeEncoder(values, EliasFanoEncoder.DEFAULT_INDEX_INTERVAL); EliasFanoEncoder efEncoder2 = makeEncoder(values, EliasFanoEncoder.DEFAULT_INDEX_INTERVAL); assertEquals(efEncoder1, efEncoder2); assertEquals(efEncoder1.hashCode(), efEncoder2.hashCode()); EliasFanoEncoder efEncoder3 = makeEncoder(new long[] {1,2,3}, EliasFanoEncoder.DEFAULT_INDEX_INTERVAL); assertFalse(efEncoder1.equals(efEncoder3)); assertFalse(efEncoder3.equals(efEncoder1)); assertFalse(efEncoder1.hashCode() == efEncoder3.hashCode()); // implementation ok for these. } public void testMonotoneSequences() { //for (int s = 2; s < 1222; s++) { for (int s = 2; s < 4422; s++) { long[] values = new long[s]; for (int i = 0; i < s; i++) { values[i] = (i/2); // upperbound smaller than number of values, only upper bits encoded } tstEFS2(values); } } public void testStrictMonotoneSequences() { // for (int s = 2; s < 1222; s++) { for (int s = 2; s < 4422; s++) { long[] values = new long[s]; for (int i = 0; i < s; i++) { values[i] = i * ((long) i - 1) / 2; // Add a gap of (s-1) to previous // s = (s*(s+1) - (s-1)*s)/2 } tstEFS2(values); } } public void testHighBitLongZero() { final int s = 65; long[] values = new long[s]; for (int i = 0; i < s-1; i++) { values[i] = 0; } values[s-1] = 128; long[] expHighBits = new long[] {-1,0,0,1}; long[] expLowBits = new long[0]; tstEFS(values, expHighBits, expLowBits); } public void testAdvanceToAndBackToMultiples() { for (int s = 2; s < 130; s++) { long[] values = new long[s]; for (int i = 0; i < s; i++) { values[i] = i * ((long) i + 1) / 2; // Add a gap of s to previous // s = (s*(s+1) - (s-1)*s)/2 } tstEFSadvanceToAndBackToMultiples(values, values[s-1], 10); } } public void testEmptyIndex() { long indexInterval = 2; long[] emptyLongs = new long[0]; tstEFVI(emptyLongs, indexInterval, emptyLongs); } public void testMaxContentEmptyIndex() { long indexInterval = 2; long[] twoLongs = new long[] {0,1}; long[] emptyLongs = new long[0]; tstEFVI(twoLongs, indexInterval, emptyLongs); } public void testMinContentNonEmptyIndex() { long indexInterval = 2; long[] twoLongs = new long[] {0,2}; long[] indexLongs = new long[] {3}; // high bits 1001, index position after zero bit. tstEFVI(twoLongs, indexInterval, indexLongs); } public void testIndexAdvanceToLast() { long indexInterval = 2; long[] twoLongs = new long[] {0,2}; long[] indexLongs = new long[] {3}; // high bits 1001 EliasFanoEncoder efEncVI = tstEFVI(twoLongs, indexInterval, indexLongs); assertEquals(2, efEncVI.getDecoder().advanceToValue(2)); } public void testIndexAdvanceToAfterLast() { long indexInterval = 2; long[] twoLongs = new long[] {0,2}; long[] indexLongs = new long[] {3}; // high bits 1001 EliasFanoEncoder efEncVI = tstEFVI(twoLongs, indexInterval, indexLongs); assertEquals(EliasFanoDecoder.NO_MORE_VALUES, efEncVI.getDecoder().advanceToValue(3)); } public void testIndexAdvanceToFirst() { long indexInterval = 2; long[] twoLongs = new long[] {0,2}; long[] indexLongs = new long[] {3}; // high bits 1001 EliasFanoEncoder efEncVI = tstEFVI(twoLongs, indexInterval, indexLongs); assertEquals(0, efEncVI.getDecoder().advanceToValue(0)); } public void testTwoIndexEntries() { long indexInterval = 2; long[] twoLongs = new long[] {0,1,2,3,4,5}; long[] indexLongs = new long[] {4 + 8*16}; // high bits 0b10101010101 EliasFanoEncoder efEncVI = tstEFVI(twoLongs, indexInterval, indexLongs); EliasFanoDecoder efDecVI = efEncVI.getDecoder(); assertEquals("advance 0", 0, efDecVI.advanceToValue(0)); assertEquals("advance 5", 5, efDecVI.advanceToValue(5)); assertEquals("advance 6", EliasFanoDecoder.NO_MORE_VALUES, efDecVI.advanceToValue(5)); } public void testExample2a() { // Figure 2 from Vigna 2012 paper long indexInterval = 4; long[] values = new long[] {5,8,8,15,32}; // two low bits, high values 1,2,2,3,8. long[] indexLongs = new long[] {8 + 12*16}; // high bits 0b 0001 0000 0101 1010 EliasFanoEncoder efEncVI = tstEFVI(values, indexInterval, indexLongs); EliasFanoDecoder efDecVI = efEncVI.getDecoder(); assertEquals("advance 22", 32, efDecVI.advanceToValue(22)); } public void testExample2b() { // Figure 2 from Vigna 2012 paper long indexInterval = 4; long[] values = new long[] {5,8,8,15,32}; // two low bits, high values 1,2,2,3,8. long[] indexLongs = new long[] {8 + 12*16}; // high bits 0b 0001 0000 0101 1010 EliasFanoEncoder efEncVI = tstEFVI(values, indexInterval, indexLongs); EliasFanoDecoder efDecVI = efEncVI.getDecoder(); assertEquals("initial next", 5, efDecVI.nextValue()); assertEquals("advance 22", 32, efDecVI.advanceToValue(22)); } public void testExample2NoIndex1() { // Figure 2 from Vigna 2012 paper, no index, test broadword selection. long indexInterval = 16; long[] values = new long[] {5,8,8,15,32}; // two low bits, high values 1,2,2,3,8. long[] indexLongs = new long[0]; // high bits 0b 0001 0000 0101 1010 EliasFanoEncoder efEncVI = tstEFVI(values, indexInterval, indexLongs); EliasFanoDecoder efDecVI = efEncVI.getDecoder(); assertEquals("advance 22", 32, efDecVI.advanceToValue(22)); } public void testExample2NoIndex2() { // Figure 2 from Vigna 2012 paper, no index, test broadword selection. long indexInterval = 16; long[] values = new long[] {5,8,8,15,32}; // two low bits, high values 1,2,2,3,8. long[] indexLongs = new long[0]; // high bits 0b 0001 0000 0101 1010 EliasFanoEncoder efEncVI = tstEFVI(values, indexInterval, indexLongs); EliasFanoDecoder efDecVI = efEncVI.getDecoder(); assertEquals("initial next", 5, efDecVI.nextValue()); assertEquals("advance 22", 32, efDecVI.advanceToValue(22)); } }