/* * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more * contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with * this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership. * The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0 * (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with * the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package org.apache.solr.search.join; import org.apache.solr.SolrTestCaseJ4; import org.apache.solr.common.util.NamedList; import org.apache.solr.search.SolrCache; import org.junit.BeforeClass; import org.junit.Test; import java.io.IOException; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.List; import java.util.ListIterator; public class BJQParserTest extends SolrTestCaseJ4 { private static final String[] klm = new String[] {"k", "l", "m"}; private static final List<String> xyz = Arrays.asList("x", "y", "z"); private static final String[] abcdef = new String[] {"a", "b", "c", "d", "e", "f"}; @BeforeClass public static void beforeClass() throws Exception { initCore("solrconfig.xml", "schema15.xml"); createIndex(); } public static void createIndex() throws IOException, Exception { int i = 0; List<List<String[]>> blocks = createBlocks(); for (List<String[]> block : blocks) { List<XmlDoc> updBlock = new ArrayList<>(); for (String[] doc : block) { String[] idDoc = Arrays.copyOf(doc,doc.length+2); idDoc[doc.length]="id"; idDoc[doc.length+1]=Integer.toString(i); updBlock.add(doc(idDoc)); i++; } //got xmls for every doc. now nest all into the last one XmlDoc parentDoc = updBlock.get(updBlock.size()-1); parentDoc.xml = parentDoc.xml.replace("</doc>", updBlock.subList(0, updBlock.size()-1).toString().replaceAll("[\\[\\]]","")+"</doc>"); assertU(add(parentDoc)); if (random().nextBoolean()) { assertU(commit()); // force empty segment (actually, this will no longer create an empty segment, only a new segments_n) if (random().nextBoolean()) { assertU(commit()); } } } assertU(commit()); assertQ(req("q", "*:*"), "//*[@numFound='" + i + "']"); /* * dump docs well System.out.println(h.query(req("q","*:*", * "sort","_docid_ asc", "fl", * "parent_s,child_s,parentchild_s,grand_s,grand_child_s,grand_parentchild_s" * , "wt","csv", "rows","1000"))); / */ } private static int id=0; private static List<List<String[]>> createBlocks() { List<List<String[]>> blocks = new ArrayList<>(); for (String parent : abcdef) { List<String[]> block = createChildrenBlock(parent); block.add(new String[] {"parent_s", parent}); blocks.add(block); } Collections.shuffle(blocks, random()); return blocks; } private static List<String[]> createChildrenBlock(String parent) { List<String[]> block = new ArrayList<>(); for (String child : klm) { block .add(new String[] {"child_s", child, "parentchild_s", parent + child}); } Collections.shuffle(block, random()); addGrandChildren(block); return block; } private static void addGrandChildren(List<String[]> block) { List<String> grandChildren = new ArrayList<>(xyz); // add grandchildren after children for (ListIterator<String[]> iter = block.listIterator(); iter.hasNext();) { String[] child = iter.next(); assert child[0]=="child_s" && child[2]=="parentchild_s": Arrays.toString(child); String child_s = child[1]; String parentchild_s = child[3]; int grandChildPos = 0; boolean lastLoopButStillHasGrCh = !iter.hasNext() && !grandChildren.isEmpty(); while (!grandChildren.isEmpty() && ((grandChildPos = random().nextInt(grandChildren.size() * 2)) < grandChildren .size() || lastLoopButStillHasGrCh)) { grandChildPos = grandChildPos >= grandChildren.size() ? 0 : grandChildPos; iter.add(new String[] {"grand_s", grandChildren.remove(grandChildPos), "grand_child_s", child_s, "grand_parentchild_s", parentchild_s}); } } // and reverse after that Collections.reverse(block); } @Test public void testFull() throws IOException, Exception { String childb = "{!parent which=\"parent_s:[* TO *]\"}child_s:l"; assertQ(req("q", childb), sixParents); } private static final String sixParents[] = new String[] { "//*[@numFound='6']", "//doc/arr[@name=\"parent_s\"]/str='a'", "//doc/arr[@name=\"parent_s\"]/str='b'", "//doc/arr[@name=\"parent_s\"]/str='c'", "//doc/arr[@name=\"parent_s\"]/str='d'", "//doc/arr[@name=\"parent_s\"]/str='e'", "//doc/arr[@name=\"parent_s\"]/str='f'"}; @Test public void testJustParentsFilter() throws IOException { assertQ(req("q", "{!parent which=\"parent_s:[* TO *]\"}"), sixParents); } private final static String beParents[] = new String[] {"//*[@numFound='2']", "//doc/arr[@name=\"parent_s\"]/str='b'", "//doc/arr[@name=\"parent_s\"]/str='e'"}; @Test public void testIntersectBqBjq() { assertQ( req("q", "+parent_s:(e b) +_query_:\"{!parent which=$pq v=$chq}\"", "chq", "child_s:l", "pq", "parent_s:[* TO *]"), beParents); assertQ( req("fq", "{!parent which=$pq v=$chq}\"", "q", "parent_s:(e b)", "chq", "child_s:l", "pq", "parent_s:[* TO *]"), beParents); assertQ( req("q", "*:*", "fq", "{!parent which=$pq v=$chq}\"", "fq", "parent_s:(e b)", "chq", "child_s:l", "pq", "parent_s:[* TO *]"), beParents); } @Test public void testFq() { assertQ( req("q", "{!parent which=$pq v=$chq}", "fq", "parent_s:(e b)", "chq", "child_s:l", "pq", "parent_s:[* TO *]"// ,"debugQuery","on" ), beParents); boolean qfq = random().nextBoolean(); assertQ( req(qfq ? "q" : "fq", "parent_s:(a e b)", (!qfq) ? "q" : "fq", "{!parent which=$pq v=$chq}", "chq", "parentchild_s:(bm ek cl)", "pq", "parent_s:[* TO *]"), beParents); } @Test public void testIntersectParentBqChildBq() throws IOException { assertQ( req("q", "+parent_s:(a e b) +_query_:\"{!parent which=$pq v=$chq}\"", "chq", "parentchild_s:(bm ek cl)", "pq", "parent_s:[* TO *]"), beParents); } @Test public void testGrandChildren() throws IOException { assertQ( req("q", "{!parent which=$parentfilter v=$children}", "children", "{!parent which=$childrenfilter v=$grandchildren}", "grandchildren", "grand_s:" + "x", "parentfilter", "parent_s:[* TO *]", "childrenfilter", "child_s:[* TO *]"), sixParents); // int loops = atLeast(1); String grandChildren = xyz.get(random().nextInt(xyz.size())); assertQ( req("q", "+parent_s:(a e b) +_query_:\"{!parent which=$pq v=$chq}\"", "chq", "{!parent which=$childfilter v=$grandchq}", "grandchq", "+grand_s:" + grandChildren + " +grand_parentchild_s:(b* e* c*)", "pq", "parent_s:[* TO *]", "childfilter", "child_s:[* TO *]"), beParents); } @Test public void testChildrenParser() { assertQ( req("q", "{!child of=\"parent_s:[* TO *]\"}parent_s:a", "fq", "NOT grand_s:[* TO *]"), "//*[@numFound='3']", "//doc/arr[@name=\"child_s\"]/str='k'", "//doc/arr[@name=\"child_s\"]/str='l'", "//doc/arr[@name=\"child_s\"]/str='m'"); assertQ( req("q", "{!child of=\"parent_s:[* TO *]\"}parent_s:b", "fq", "-parentchild_s:bm", "fq", "-grand_s:*"), "//*[@numFound='2']", "//doc/arr[@name=\"child_s\"]/str='k'", "//doc/arr[@name=\"child_s\"]/str='l'"); } @Test public void testCacheHit() throws IOException { SolrCache filterCache = (SolrCache) h.getCore().getInfoRegistry() .get("filterCache"); NamedList filtersBefore = filterCache.getStatistics(); // it should be weird enough to be uniq String parentFilter = "parent_s:([a TO c] [d TO f])"; String childQ = "child_s:*"; assertQ("search by parent filter", req("q", "{!parent which=\"" + parentFilter + "\"}" + childQ), "//*[@numFound='6']"); assertQ("filter by parent filter", req("q", "*:*", "fq", "{!parent which=\"" + parentFilter + "\"}" + childQ), "//*[@numFound='6']"); // should have had a hit on the parentFilter assertEquals("didn't hit fqCache yet ", 1L, delta("hits", filterCache.getStatistics(), filtersBefore)); filtersBefore = filterCache.getStatistics(); // repeat the previous fq with a diff query - should cause a direct filter cache hit on the whole join query assertQ("filter by parent filter", req("q", "*:* foo_s:whatever", "fq", "{!parent which=\"" + parentFilter + "\"}" + childQ), "//*[@numFound='6']"); // should have only been one additional lookup if there was a hit on the join query (as opposed to the parent filter) assertEquals("true join query is cached in fqCache", 1L, delta("lookups", filterCache.getStatistics(), filtersBefore)); } private long delta(String key, NamedList a, NamedList b) { return (Long) a.get(key) - (Long) b.get(key); } @Test public void nullInit() { new BlockJoinParentQParserPlugin().init(null); } }