package org.apache.solr.update.processor; /* * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more * contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with * this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership. * The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0 * (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with * the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ import org.apache.solr.common.SolrException; import org.apache.solr.common.SolrException.ErrorCode; import org.apache.solr.common.SolrInputDocument; import org.apache.solr.common.SolrInputField; import org.apache.solr.common.params.SolrParams; import org.apache.solr.request.SolrQueryRequest; import org.apache.solr.response.SolrQueryResponse; import org.apache.solr.schema.IndexSchema; import org.apache.solr.schema.SchemaField; import org.apache.solr.update.AddUpdateCommand; import org.slf4j.Logger; import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.List; import java.util.regex.Pattern; /** * Identifies the language of a set of input fields. * Also supports mapping of field names based * on detected language. * <p> * See <a href=""></a> * @since 3.5 * @lucene.experimental */ public abstract class LanguageIdentifierUpdateProcessor extends UpdateRequestProcessor implements LangIdParams { protected final static Logger log = LoggerFactory .getLogger(LanguageIdentifierUpdateProcessor.class); protected boolean enabled; protected String[] inputFields = {}; protected String[] mapFields = {}; protected Pattern mapPattern; protected String mapReplaceStr; protected String langField; protected String langsField; // MultiValued, contains all languages detected protected String docIdField; protected String fallbackValue; protected String[] fallbackFields = {}; protected boolean enableMapping; protected boolean mapKeepOrig; protected boolean overwrite; protected boolean mapOverwrite; protected boolean mapIndividual; protected boolean enforceSchema; protected double threshold; protected HashSet<String> langWhitelist; protected HashSet<String> mapIndividualFieldsSet; protected HashSet<String> allMapFieldsSet; protected HashMap<String,String> lcMap; protected HashMap<String,String> mapLcMap; protected IndexSchema schema; // Regex patterns protected final Pattern tikaSimilarityPattern = Pattern.compile(".*\\((.*?)\\)"); protected final Pattern langPattern = Pattern.compile("\\{lang\\}"); public LanguageIdentifierUpdateProcessor(SolrQueryRequest req, SolrQueryResponse rsp, UpdateRequestProcessor next) { super(next); schema = req.getSchema(); initParams(req.getParams()); } private void initParams(SolrParams params) { if (params != null) { // Document-centric langId params setEnabled(params.getBool(LANGUAGE_ID, true)); if(params.get(FIELDS_PARAM, "").length() > 0) { inputFields = params.get(FIELDS_PARAM, "").split(","); } langField = params.get(LANG_FIELD, DOCID_LANGFIELD_DEFAULT); langsField = params.get(LANGS_FIELD, DOCID_LANGSFIELD_DEFAULT); SchemaField uniqueKeyField = schema.getUniqueKeyField(); docIdField = params.get(DOCID_PARAM, uniqueKeyField == null ? DOCID_FIELD_DEFAULT : uniqueKeyField.getName()); fallbackValue = params.get(FALLBACK); if(params.get(FALLBACK_FIELDS, "").length() > 0) { fallbackFields = params.get(FALLBACK_FIELDS).split(","); } overwrite = params.getBool(OVERWRITE, false); langWhitelist = new HashSet<>(); threshold = params.getDouble(THRESHOLD, DOCID_THRESHOLD_DEFAULT); if(params.get(LANG_WHITELIST, "").length() > 0) { for(String lang : params.get(LANG_WHITELIST, "").split(",")) { langWhitelist.add(lang); } } // Mapping params (field centric) enableMapping = params.getBool(MAP_ENABLE, false); if(params.get(MAP_FL, "").length() > 0) { mapFields = params.get(MAP_FL, "").split(","); } else { mapFields = inputFields; } mapKeepOrig = params.getBool(MAP_KEEP_ORIG, false); mapOverwrite = params.getBool(MAP_OVERWRITE, false); mapIndividual = params.getBool(MAP_INDIVIDUAL, false); // Process individual fields String[] mapIndividualFields = {}; if(params.get(MAP_INDIVIDUAL_FL, "").length() > 0) { mapIndividualFields = params.get(MAP_INDIVIDUAL_FL, "").split(","); } else { mapIndividualFields = mapFields; } mapIndividualFieldsSet = new HashSet<>(Arrays.asList(mapIndividualFields)); // Compile a union of the lists of fields to map allMapFieldsSet = new HashSet<>(Arrays.asList(mapFields)); if(Arrays.equals(mapFields, mapIndividualFields)) { allMapFieldsSet.addAll(mapIndividualFieldsSet); } // Normalize detected langcode onto normalized langcode lcMap = new HashMap<>(); if(params.get(LCMAP) != null) { for(String mapping : params.get(LCMAP).split("[, ]")) { String[] keyVal = mapping.split(":"); if(keyVal.length == 2) { lcMap.put(keyVal[0], keyVal[1]); } else { log.error("Unsupported format for langid.lcmap: "+mapping+". Skipping this mapping."); } } } // Language Code mapping mapLcMap = new HashMap<>(); if(params.get(MAP_LCMAP) != null) { for(String mapping : params.get(MAP_LCMAP).split("[, ]")) { String[] keyVal = mapping.split(":"); if(keyVal.length == 2) { mapLcMap.put(keyVal[0], keyVal[1]); } else { log.error("Unsupported format for "+mapping+". Skipping this mapping."); } } } enforceSchema = params.getBool(ENFORCE_SCHEMA, true); mapPattern = Pattern.compile(params.get(MAP_PATTERN, MAP_PATTERN_DEFAULT)); mapReplaceStr = params.get(MAP_REPLACE, MAP_REPLACE_DEFAULT); } log.debug("LangId configured"); if (inputFields.length == 0) { throw new SolrException(ErrorCode.BAD_REQUEST, "Missing or faulty configuration of LanguageIdentifierUpdateProcessor. Input fields must be specified as a comma separated list"); } } @Override public void processAdd(AddUpdateCommand cmd) throws IOException { if (isEnabled()) { process(cmd.getSolrInputDocument()); } else { log.debug("Processor not enabled, not running"); } super.processAdd(cmd); } /** * This is the main, testable process method called from processAdd() * @param doc the SolrInputDocument to work on * @return the modified SolrInputDocument */ protected SolrInputDocument process(SolrInputDocument doc) { String docLang = null; HashSet<String> docLangs = new HashSet<>(); String fallbackLang = getFallbackLang(doc, fallbackFields, fallbackValue); if(langField == null || !doc.containsKey(langField) || (doc.containsKey(langField) && overwrite)) { String allText = concatFields(doc, inputFields); List<DetectedLanguage> languagelist = detectLanguage(allText); docLang = resolveLanguage(languagelist, fallbackLang); docLangs.add(docLang); log.debug("Detected main document language from fields "+inputFields+": "+docLang); if(doc.containsKey(langField) && overwrite) { log.debug("Overwritten old value "+doc.getFieldValue(langField)); } if(langField != null && langField.length() != 0) { doc.setField(langField, docLang); } } else { // langField is set, we sanity check it against whitelist and fallback docLang = resolveLanguage((String) doc.getFieldValue(langField), fallbackLang); docLangs.add(docLang); log.debug("Field "+langField+" already contained value "+docLang+", not overwriting."); } if(enableMapping) { for (String fieldName : allMapFieldsSet) { if(doc.containsKey(fieldName)) { String fieldLang; if(mapIndividual && mapIndividualFieldsSet.contains(fieldName)) { String text = (String) doc.getFieldValue(fieldName); List<DetectedLanguage> languagelist = detectLanguage(text); fieldLang = resolveLanguage(languagelist, docLang); docLangs.add(fieldLang); log.debug("Mapping field "+fieldName+" using individually detected language "+fieldLang); } else { fieldLang = docLang; log.debug("Mapping field "+fieldName+" using document global language "+fieldLang); } String mappedOutputField = getMappedField(fieldName, fieldLang); if (mappedOutputField != null) { log.debug("Mapping field {} to {}", doc.getFieldValue(docIdField), fieldLang); SolrInputField inField = doc.getField(fieldName); doc.setField(mappedOutputField, inField.getValue(), inField.getBoost()); if(!mapKeepOrig) { log.debug("Removing old field {}", fieldName); doc.removeField(fieldName); } } else { throw new SolrException(SolrException.ErrorCode.BAD_REQUEST, "Invalid output field mapping for " + fieldName + " field and language: " + fieldLang); } } } } // Set the languages field to an array of all detected languages if(langsField != null && langsField.length() != 0) { doc.setField(langsField, docLangs.toArray()); } return doc; } /** * Decides the fallback language, either from content of fallback field or fallback value * @param doc the Solr document * @param fallbackFields an array of strings with field names containing fallback language codes * @param fallbackValue a language code to use in case no fallbackFields are found */ private String getFallbackLang(SolrInputDocument doc, String[] fallbackFields, String fallbackValue) { String lang = null; for(String field : fallbackFields) { if(doc.containsKey(field)) { lang = (String) doc.getFieldValue(field); log.debug("Language fallback to field "+field); break; } } if(lang == null) { log.debug("Language fallback to value "+fallbackValue); lang = fallbackValue; } return lang; } /* * Concatenates content from multiple fields */ protected String concatFields(SolrInputDocument doc, String[] fields) { StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); for (String fieldName : inputFields) { log.debug("Appending field "+fieldName); if (doc.containsKey(fieldName)) { Collection<Object> fieldValues = doc.getFieldValues(fieldName); if (fieldValues != null) { for (Object content : fieldValues) { if (content instanceof String) { sb.append((String) content); sb.append(" "); } else { log.warn("Field " + fieldName + " not a String value, not including in detection"); } } } } } return sb.toString(); } /** * Detects language(s) from a string. * Classes wishing to implement their own language detection module should override this method. * @param content The content to identify * @return List of detected language(s) according to RFC-3066 */ protected abstract List<DetectedLanguage> detectLanguage(String content); /** * Chooses a language based on the list of candidates detected * @param language language code as a string * @param fallbackLang the language code to use as a fallback * @return a string of the chosen language */ protected String resolveLanguage(String language, String fallbackLang) { List<DetectedLanguage> l = new ArrayList<>(); l.add(new DetectedLanguage(language, 1.0)); return resolveLanguage(l, fallbackLang); } /** * Chooses a language based on the list of candidates detected * @param languages a List of DetectedLanguages with certainty score * @param fallbackLang the language code to use as a fallback * @return a string of the chosen language */ protected String resolveLanguage(List<DetectedLanguage> languages, String fallbackLang) { String langStr; if(languages.size() == 0) { log.debug("No language detected, using fallback {}", fallbackLang); langStr = fallbackLang; } else { DetectedLanguage lang = languages.get(0); String normalizedLang = normalizeLangCode(lang.getLangCode()); if(langWhitelist.isEmpty() || langWhitelist.contains(normalizedLang)) { log.debug("Language detected {} with certainty {}", normalizedLang, lang.getCertainty()); if(lang.getCertainty() >= threshold) { langStr = normalizedLang; } else { log.debug("Detected language below threshold {}, using fallback {}", threshold, fallbackLang); langStr = fallbackLang; } } else { log.debug("Detected a language not in whitelist ({}), using fallback {}", lang.getLangCode(), fallbackLang); langStr = fallbackLang; } } if(langStr == null || langStr.length() == 0) { log.warn("Language resolved to null or empty string. Fallback not configured?"); langStr = ""; } return langStr; } /** * Looks up language code in map (langid.lcmap) and returns mapped value * @param langCode the language code string returned from detector * @return the normalized/mapped language code */ protected String normalizeLangCode(String langCode) { if (lcMap.containsKey(langCode)) { String lc = lcMap.get(langCode); log.debug("Doing langcode normalization mapping from "+langCode+" to "+lc); return lc; } return langCode; } /** * Returns the name of the field to map the current contents into, so that they are properly analyzed. For instance * if the currentField is "text" and the code is "en", the new field would by default be "text_en". * This method also performs custom regex pattern replace if configured. If enforceSchema=true * and the resulting field name doesn't exist, then null is returned. * * @param currentField The current field name * @param language the language code * @return The new schema field name, based on pattern and replace, or null if illegal */ protected String getMappedField(String currentField, String language) { String lc = mapLcMap.containsKey(language) ? mapLcMap.get(language) : language; String newFieldName = langPattern.matcher(mapPattern.matcher(currentField).replaceFirst(mapReplaceStr)).replaceFirst(lc); if(enforceSchema && schema.getFieldOrNull(newFieldName) == null) { log.warn("Unsuccessful field name mapping from {} to {}, field does not exist and enforceSchema=true; skipping mapping.", currentField, newFieldName); return null; } else { log.debug("Doing mapping from "+currentField+" with language "+language+" to field "+newFieldName); } return newFieldName; } /** * Tells if this processor is enabled or not * @return true if enabled, else false */ public boolean isEnabled() { return enabled; } public void setEnabled(boolean enabled) { this.enabled = enabled; } }