package org.apache.solr.spelling; /* * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more * contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with * this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership. * The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0 * (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with * the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.LinkedHashMap; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Set; import org.apache.lucene.analysis.Token; import org.apache.solr.SolrTestCaseJ4; import org.apache.solr.spelling.PossibilityIterator; import org.junit.Before; import org.junit.Test; public class SpellPossibilityIteratorTest extends SolrTestCaseJ4 { private static final Token TOKEN_AYE = new Token("AYE", 0, 3); private static final Token TOKEN_BEE = new Token("BEE", 4, 7); private static final Token TOKEN_AYE_BEE = new Token("AYE BEE", 0, 7); private static final Token TOKEN_CEE = new Token("CEE", 8, 11); private LinkedHashMap<String, Integer> AYE; private LinkedHashMap<String, Integer> BEE; private LinkedHashMap<String, Integer> AYE_BEE; private LinkedHashMap<String, Integer> CEE; @Override @Before public void setUp() throws Exception { super.setUp(); AYE = new LinkedHashMap<>(); AYE.put("I", 0); AYE.put("II", 0); AYE.put("III", 0); AYE.put("IV", 0); AYE.put("V", 0); AYE.put("VI", 0); AYE.put("VII", 0); AYE.put("VIII", 0); BEE = new LinkedHashMap<>(); BEE.put("alpha", 0); BEE.put("beta", 0); BEE.put("gamma", 0); BEE.put("delta", 0); BEE.put("epsilon", 0); BEE.put("zeta", 0); BEE.put("eta", 0); BEE.put("theta", 0); BEE.put("iota", 0); AYE_BEE = new LinkedHashMap<>(); AYE_BEE.put("one-alpha", 0); AYE_BEE.put("two-beta", 0); AYE_BEE.put("three-gamma", 0); AYE_BEE.put("four-delta", 0); AYE_BEE.put("five-epsilon", 0); AYE_BEE.put("six-zeta", 0); AYE_BEE.put("seven-eta", 0); AYE_BEE.put("eight-theta", 0); AYE_BEE.put("nine-iota", 0); CEE = new LinkedHashMap<>(); CEE.put("one", 0); CEE.put("two", 0); CEE.put("three", 0); CEE.put("four", 0); CEE.put("five", 0); CEE.put("six", 0); CEE.put("seven", 0); CEE.put("eight", 0); CEE.put("nine", 0); CEE.put("ten", 0); } @Test public void testScalability() throws Exception { Map<Token, LinkedHashMap<String, Integer>> lotsaSuggestions = new LinkedHashMap<>(); lotsaSuggestions.put(TOKEN_AYE , AYE); lotsaSuggestions.put(TOKEN_BEE , BEE); lotsaSuggestions.put(TOKEN_CEE , CEE); lotsaSuggestions.put(new Token("AYE1", 0, 3), AYE); lotsaSuggestions.put(new Token("BEE1", 4, 7), BEE); lotsaSuggestions.put(new Token("CEE1", 8, 11), CEE); lotsaSuggestions.put(new Token("AYE2", 0, 3), AYE); lotsaSuggestions.put(new Token("BEE2", 4, 7), BEE); lotsaSuggestions.put(new Token("CEE2", 8, 11), CEE); lotsaSuggestions.put(new Token("AYE3", 0, 3), AYE); lotsaSuggestions.put(new Token("BEE3", 4, 7), BEE); lotsaSuggestions.put(new Token("CEE3", 8, 11), CEE); lotsaSuggestions.put(new Token("AYE4", 0, 3), AYE); lotsaSuggestions.put(new Token("BEE4", 4, 7), BEE); lotsaSuggestions.put(new Token("CEE4", 8, 11), CEE); PossibilityIterator iter = new PossibilityIterator(lotsaSuggestions, 1000, 10000, false); int count = 0; while (iter.hasNext()) { PossibilityIterator.RankedSpellPossibility rsp =; count++; } assertTrue(count==1000); lotsaSuggestions.put(new Token("AYE_BEE1", 0, 7), AYE_BEE); lotsaSuggestions.put(new Token("AYE_BEE2", 0, 7), AYE_BEE); lotsaSuggestions.put(new Token("AYE_BEE3", 0, 7), AYE_BEE); lotsaSuggestions.put(new Token("AYE_BEE4", 0, 7), AYE_BEE); iter = new PossibilityIterator(lotsaSuggestions, 1000, 10000, true); count = 0; while (iter.hasNext()) { PossibilityIterator.RankedSpellPossibility rsp =; count++; } assertTrue(count<100); } @Test public void testSpellPossibilityIterator() throws Exception { Map<Token, LinkedHashMap<String, Integer>> suggestions = new LinkedHashMap<>(); suggestions.put(TOKEN_AYE , AYE); suggestions.put(TOKEN_BEE , BEE); suggestions.put(TOKEN_CEE , CEE); PossibilityIterator iter = new PossibilityIterator(suggestions, 1000, 10000, false); int count = 0; while (iter.hasNext()) { PossibilityIterator.RankedSpellPossibility rsp =; if(count==0) { assertTrue("I".equals(rsp.corrections.get(0).getCorrection())); assertTrue("alpha".equals(rsp.corrections.get(1).getCorrection())); assertTrue("one".equals(rsp.corrections.get(2).getCorrection())); } count++; } assertTrue(("Three maps (8*9*10) should return 720 iterations but instead returned " + count), count == 720); suggestions.remove(TOKEN_CEE); iter = new PossibilityIterator(suggestions, 100, 10000, false); count = 0; while (iter.hasNext()) {; count++; } assertTrue(("Two maps (8*9) should return 72 iterations but instead returned " + count), count == 72); suggestions.remove(TOKEN_BEE); iter = new PossibilityIterator(suggestions, 5, 10000, false); count = 0; while (iter.hasNext()) {; count++; } assertTrue(("We requested 5 suggestions but got " + count), count == 5); suggestions.remove(TOKEN_AYE); iter = new PossibilityIterator(suggestions, Integer.MAX_VALUE, 10000, false); count = 0; while (iter.hasNext()) {; count++; } assertTrue(("No maps should return 0 iterations but instead returned " + count), count == 0); } @Test public void testOverlappingTokens() throws Exception { Map<Token, LinkedHashMap<String, Integer>> overlappingSuggestions = new LinkedHashMap<>(); overlappingSuggestions.put(TOKEN_AYE, AYE); overlappingSuggestions.put(TOKEN_BEE, BEE); overlappingSuggestions.put(TOKEN_AYE_BEE, AYE_BEE); overlappingSuggestions.put(TOKEN_CEE, CEE); PossibilityIterator iter = new PossibilityIterator(overlappingSuggestions, Integer.MAX_VALUE, Integer.MAX_VALUE, true); int aCount = 0; int abCount = 0; Set<PossibilityIterator.RankedSpellPossibility> dupChecker = new HashSet<>(); while (iter.hasNext()) { PossibilityIterator.RankedSpellPossibility rsp =; Token a = null; Token b = null; Token ab = null; Token c = null; for(SpellCheckCorrection scc : rsp.corrections) { if(scc.getOriginal().equals(TOKEN_AYE)) { a = scc.getOriginal(); } else if(scc.getOriginal().equals(TOKEN_BEE)) { b = scc.getOriginal(); } else if(scc.getOriginal().equals(TOKEN_AYE_BEE)) { ab = scc.getOriginal(); } else if(scc.getOriginal().equals(TOKEN_CEE)) { c = scc.getOriginal(); } if(ab!=null) { abCount++; } else { aCount++; } } assertTrue(c != null); assertTrue(ab != null || (a!=null && b!=null)); assertTrue(ab == null || (a==null && b==null)); assertTrue(dupChecker.add(rsp)); } assertTrue(aCount==2160); assertTrue(abCount==180); } }