/* * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more * contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with * this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership. * The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0 * (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with * the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package org.apache.solr.search; import org.apache.solr.SolrTestCaseJ4; import org.apache.solr.common.SolrInputDocument; import org.apache.solr.request.SolrQueryRequest; import org.apache.solr.response.ResultContext; import org.apache.solr.response.SolrQueryResponse; import org.junit.Before; import org.junit.BeforeClass; import org.junit.Test; import java.util.*; public class TestRangeQuery extends SolrTestCaseJ4 { @BeforeClass public static void beforeClass() throws Exception { initCore("solrconfig.xml", "schema11.xml"); } @Override @Before public void setUp() throws Exception { // if you override setUp or tearDown, you better call // the super classes version super.setUp(); clearIndex(); assertU(commit()); } Random r = new Random(1); void addInt(SolrInputDocument doc, int l, int u, String... fields) { int v=0; if (0==l && l==u) { v=r.nextInt(); } else { v=r.nextInt(u-l)+l; } for (String field : fields) { doc.addField(field, v); } } interface DocProcessor { public void process(SolrInputDocument doc); } public void createIndex(int nDocs, DocProcessor proc) { for (int i=0; i<nDocs; i++) { SolrInputDocument doc = new SolrInputDocument(); doc.addField("id", ""+i); proc.process(doc); assertU(adoc(doc)); } } @Test public void testRangeQueries() throws Exception { // ensure that we aren't losing precision on any fields in addition to testing other non-numeric fields // that aren't tested in testRandomRangeQueries() int i=2000000000; long l=500000000000000000L; double d=0.3333333333333333; // first 3 values will be indexed, the last two won't be String[] ints = {""+(i-1), ""+(i), ""+(i+1), ""+(i-2), ""+(i+2)}; String[] longs = {""+(l-1), ""+(l), ""+(l+1), ""+(l-2), ""+(l+2)}; String[] doubles = {""+(d-1e-16), ""+(d), ""+(d+1e-16), ""+(d-2e-16), ""+(d+2e-16)}; String[] strings = {"aaa","bbb","ccc", "aa","cccc" }; String[] dates = {"0299-12-31T23:59:59.999Z","2000-01-01T00:00:00.000Z","2000-01-01T00:00:00.001Z", "0299-12-31T23:59:59.998Z","2000-01-01T00:00:00.002Z" }; // fields that normal range queries should work on Map<String,String[]> norm_fields = new HashMap<>(); norm_fields.put("foo_i", ints); norm_fields.put("foo_l", longs); norm_fields.put("foo_d", doubles); norm_fields.put("foo_ti", ints); norm_fields.put("foo_tl", longs); norm_fields.put("foo_td", doubles); norm_fields.put("foo_tdt", dates); norm_fields.put("foo_s", strings); norm_fields.put("foo_dt", dates); // fields that frange queries should work on Map<String,String[]> frange_fields = new HashMap<>(); frange_fields.put("foo_i", ints); frange_fields.put("foo_l", longs); frange_fields.put("foo_d", doubles); frange_fields.put("foo_ti", ints); frange_fields.put("foo_tl", longs); frange_fields.put("foo_td", doubles); frange_fields.put("foo_tdt", dates); frange_fields.put("foo_pi", ints); frange_fields.put("foo_pl", longs); frange_fields.put("foo_pd", doubles); frange_fields.put("foo_s", strings); frange_fields.put("foo_dt", dates); Map<String,String[]> all_fields = new HashMap<>(); all_fields.putAll(norm_fields); all_fields.putAll(frange_fields); for (int j=0; j<ints.length-2; j++) { List<String> fields = new ArrayList<>(); fields.add("id"); fields.add(""+j); for (Map.Entry<String,String[]> entry : all_fields.entrySet()) { fields.add(entry.getKey()); fields.add(entry.getValue()[j]); } assertU(adoc(fields.toArray(new String[fields.size()]))); } assertU(commit()); // simple test of a function rather than just the field assertQ(req("{!frange l=0 u=2}id"), "*[count(//doc)=3]"); assertQ(req("{!frange l=0 u=2}product(id,2)"), "*[count(//doc)=2]"); assertQ(req("{!frange l=100 u=102}sum(id,100)"), "*[count(//doc)=3]"); for (Map.Entry<String,String[]> entry : norm_fields.entrySet()) { String f = entry.getKey(); String[] v = entry.getValue(); assertQ(req(f + ":[* TO *]" ), "*[count(//doc)=3]"); assertQ(req(f + ":["+v[0]+" TO "+v[2]+"]"), "*[count(//doc)=3]"); assertQ(req(f + ":["+v[1]+" TO "+v[2]+"]"), "*[count(//doc)=2]"); assertQ(req(f + ":["+v[0]+" TO "+v[1]+"]"), "*[count(//doc)=2]"); assertQ(req(f + ":["+v[0]+" TO "+v[0]+"]"), "*[count(//doc)=1]"); assertQ(req(f + ":["+v[1]+" TO "+v[1]+"]"), "*[count(//doc)=1]"); assertQ(req(f + ":["+v[2]+" TO "+v[2]+"]"), "*[count(//doc)=1]"); assertQ(req(f + ":["+v[3]+" TO "+v[3]+"]"), "*[count(//doc)=0]"); assertQ(req(f + ":["+v[4]+" TO "+v[4]+"]"), "*[count(//doc)=0]"); assertQ(req(f + ":{"+v[0]+" TO "+v[2]+"}"), "*[count(//doc)=1]"); assertQ(req(f + ":{"+v[1]+" TO "+v[2]+"}"), "*[count(//doc)=0]"); assertQ(req(f + ":{"+v[0]+" TO "+v[1]+"}"), "*[count(//doc)=0]"); assertQ(req(f + ":{"+v[3]+" TO "+v[4]+"}"), "*[count(//doc)=3]"); } for (Map.Entry<String,String[]> entry : frange_fields.entrySet()) { String f = entry.getKey(); String[] v = entry.getValue(); assertQ(req("{!frange}"+f ), "*[count(//doc)=3]"); assertQ(req("{!frange" + " l="+v[0]+"}"+f ), "*[count(//doc)=3]"); assertQ(req("{!frange" + " l="+v[1]+"}"+f ), "*[count(//doc)=2]"); assertQ(req("{!frange" + " l="+v[2]+"}"+f ), "*[count(//doc)=1]"); assertQ(req("{!frange" + " l="+v[3]+"}"+f ), "*[count(//doc)=3]"); assertQ(req("{!frange" + " l="+v[4]+"}"+f ), "*[count(//doc)=0]"); assertQ(req("{!frange" + " u="+v[0]+"}"+f ), "*[count(//doc)=1]"); assertQ(req("{!frange" + " u="+v[1]+"}"+f ), "*[count(//doc)=2]"); assertQ(req("{!frange" + " u="+v[2]+"}"+f ), "*[count(//doc)=3]"); assertQ(req("{!frange" + " u="+v[3]+"}"+f ), "*[count(//doc)=0]"); assertQ(req("{!frange" + " u="+v[4]+"}"+f ), "*[count(//doc)=3]"); assertQ(req("{!frange incl=false" + " l="+v[0]+"}"+f ), "*[count(//doc)=2]"); assertQ(req("{!frange incl=false" + " l="+v[1]+"}"+f ), "*[count(//doc)=1]"); assertQ(req("{!frange incl=false" + " l="+v[2]+"}"+f ), "*[count(//doc)=0]"); assertQ(req("{!frange incl=false" + " l="+v[3]+"}"+f ), "*[count(//doc)=3]"); assertQ(req("{!frange incl=false" + " l="+v[4]+"}"+f ), "*[count(//doc)=0]"); assertQ(req("{!frange incu=false" + " u="+v[0]+"}"+f ), "*[count(//doc)=0]"); assertQ(req("{!frange incu=false" + " u="+v[1]+"}"+f ), "*[count(//doc)=1]"); assertQ(req("{!frange incu=false" + " u="+v[2]+"}"+f ), "*[count(//doc)=2]"); assertQ(req("{!frange incu=false" + " u="+v[3]+"}"+f ), "*[count(//doc)=0]"); assertQ(req("{!frange incu=false" + " u="+v[4]+"}"+f ), "*[count(//doc)=3]"); assertQ(req("{!frange incl=true incu=true" + " l=" +v[0] +" u="+v[2]+"}"+f ), "*[count(//doc)=3]"); assertQ(req("{!frange incl=false incu=false" + " l=" +v[0] +" u="+v[2]+"}"+f ), "*[count(//doc)=1]"); assertQ(req("{!frange incl=false incu=false" + " l=" +v[3] +" u="+v[4]+"}"+f ), "*[count(//doc)=3]"); } } @Test public void testRandomRangeQueries() throws Exception { String handler=""; final String[] fields = {"foo_s","foo_i","foo_l","foo_f","foo_d" // SortableIntField, etc ,"foo_pi","foo_pl","foo_pf","foo_pd" // plain int IntField, etc ,"foo_ti","foo_tl","foo_tf","foo_td" // trie numer fields }; final int l=5; final int u=25; createIndex(15, new DocProcessor() { @Override public void process(SolrInputDocument doc) { addInt(doc, l,u, fields); } }); assertU(commit()); // fields that a normal range query will work correctly on String[] norm_fields = { "foo_i","foo_l","foo_f","foo_d" ,"foo_ti","foo_tl","foo_tf","foo_td" }; // fields that a value source range query should work on String[] frange_fields = {"foo_i","foo_l","foo_f","foo_d", "foo_pi","foo_pl","foo_pf","foo_pd"}; for (int i=0; i<1000; i++) { int lower = l + r.nextInt(u-l+10)-5; int upper = lower + r.nextInt(u+5-lower); boolean lowerMissing = r.nextInt(10)==1; boolean upperMissing = r.nextInt(10)==1; boolean inclusive = lowerMissing || upperMissing || r.nextBoolean(); // lower=2; upper=2; inclusive=true; // inclusive=true; lowerMissing=true; upperMissing=true; List<String> qs = new ArrayList<>(); for (String field : norm_fields) { String q = field + ':' + (inclusive?'[':'{') + (lowerMissing?"*":lower) + " TO " + (upperMissing?"*":upper) + (inclusive?']':'}'); qs.add(q); } for (String field : frange_fields) { String q = "{!frange v="+field + (lowerMissing?"":(" l="+lower)) + (upperMissing?"":(" u="+upper)) + (inclusive?"":" incl=false") + (inclusive?"":" incu=false") + "}"; qs.add(q); } SolrQueryResponse last=null; for (String q : qs) { // System.out.println("QUERY="+q); SolrQueryRequest req = req("q",q,"rows","1000"); SolrQueryResponse qr = h.queryAndResponse(handler, req); if (last != null) { // we only test if the same docs matched since some queries will include factors like idf, etc. DocList rA = ((ResultContext)qr.getValues().get("response")).docs; DocList rB = ((ResultContext)last.getValues().get("response")).docs; sameDocs( rA, rB ); } req.close(); last = qr; } } } static boolean sameDocs(DocSet a, DocSet b) { DocIterator i = a.iterator(); // System.out.println("SIZES="+a.size() + "," + b.size()); assertEquals(a.size(), b.size()); while (i.hasNext()) { int doc = i.nextDoc(); assertTrue(b.exists(doc)); // System.out.println("MATCH! " + doc); } return true; } }