/* * Copyright (c) 1999, 2006, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. * DO NOT ALTER OR REMOVE COPYRIGHT NOTICES OR THIS FILE HEADER. * * This code is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it * under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 only, as * published by the Free Software Foundation. Oracle designates this * particular file as subject to the "Classpath" exception as provided * by Oracle in the LICENSE file that accompanied this code. * * This code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License * version 2 for more details (a copy is included in the LICENSE file that * accompanied this code). * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License version * 2 along with this work; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, * Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA. * * Please contact Oracle, 500 Oracle Parkway, Redwood Shores, CA 94065 USA * or visit www.oracle.com if you need additional information or have any * questions. */ package com.sun.tools.javac.comp; import com.sun.tools.javac.util.*; import com.sun.tools.javac.util.List; import com.sun.tools.javac.code.*; import com.sun.tools.javac.code.Type.*; import static com.sun.tools.javac.code.Flags.*; import static com.sun.tools.javac.code.Kinds.*; import static com.sun.tools.javac.code.TypeTags.*; /** Helper class for type parameter inference, used by the attribution phase. * * <p><b>This is NOT part of any supported API. * If you write code that depends on this, you do so at your own risk. * This code and its internal interfaces are subject to change or * deletion without notice.</b> */ public class Infer { protected static final Context.Key<Infer> inferKey = new Context.Key<Infer>(); /** A value for prototypes that admit any type, including polymorphic ones. */ public static final Type anyPoly = new Type(NONE, null); Symtab syms; Types types; public static Infer instance(Context context) { Infer instance = context.get(inferKey); if (instance == null) instance = new Infer(context); return instance; } protected Infer(Context context) { context.put(inferKey, this); syms = Symtab.instance(context); types = Types.instance(context); } public static class NoInstanceException extends RuntimeException { private static final long serialVersionUID = 0; boolean isAmbiguous; // exist several incomparable best instances? JCDiagnostic diagnostic; NoInstanceException(boolean isAmbiguous) { this.diagnostic = null; this.isAmbiguous = isAmbiguous; } NoInstanceException setMessage(String key) { this.diagnostic = JCDiagnostic.fragment(key); return this; } NoInstanceException setMessage(String key, Object arg1) { this.diagnostic = JCDiagnostic.fragment(key, arg1); return this; } NoInstanceException setMessage(String key, Object arg1, Object arg2) { this.diagnostic = JCDiagnostic.fragment(key, arg1, arg2); return this; } NoInstanceException setMessage(String key, Object arg1, Object arg2, Object arg3) { this.diagnostic = JCDiagnostic.fragment(key, arg1, arg2, arg3); return this; } public JCDiagnostic getDiagnostic() { return diagnostic; } } private final NoInstanceException ambiguousNoInstanceException = new NoInstanceException(true); private final NoInstanceException unambiguousNoInstanceException = new NoInstanceException(false); /*************************************************************************** * Auxiliary type values and classes ***************************************************************************/ /** A mapping that turns type variables into undetermined type variables. */ Mapping fromTypeVarFun = new Mapping("fromTypeVarFun") { public Type apply(Type t) { if (t.tag == TYPEVAR) return new UndetVar(t); else return t.map(this); } }; /** A mapping that returns its type argument with every UndetVar replaced * by its `inst' field. Throws a NoInstanceException * if this not possible because an `inst' field is null. */ Mapping getInstFun = new Mapping("getInstFun") { public Type apply(Type t) { switch (t.tag) { case UNKNOWN: throw ambiguousNoInstanceException .setMessage("undetermined.type"); case UNDETVAR: UndetVar that = (UndetVar) t; if (that.inst == null) throw ambiguousNoInstanceException .setMessage("type.variable.has.undetermined.type", that.qtype); return apply(that.inst); default: return t.map(this); } } }; /*************************************************************************** * Mini/Maximization of UndetVars ***************************************************************************/ /** Instantiate undetermined type variable to its minimal upper bound. * Throw a NoInstanceException if this not possible. */ void maximizeInst(UndetVar that, Warner warn) throws NoInstanceException { if (that.inst == null) { if (that.hibounds.isEmpty()) that.inst = syms.objectType; else if (that.hibounds.tail.isEmpty()) that.inst = that.hibounds.head; else { for (List<Type> bs = that.hibounds; bs.nonEmpty() && that.inst == null; bs = bs.tail) { // System.out.println("hibounds = " + that.hibounds);//DEBUG if (isSubClass(bs.head, that.hibounds)) that.inst = types.fromUnknownFun.apply(bs.head); } if (that.inst == null) { int classCount = 0, interfaceCount = 0; for (Type t : that.hibounds) { if (t.tag == CLASS) { if (t.isInterface()) interfaceCount++; else classCount++; } } if ((that.hibounds.size() == classCount + interfaceCount) && classCount == 1) that.inst = types.makeCompoundType(that.hibounds); } if (that.inst == null || !types.isSubtypeUnchecked(that.inst, that.hibounds, warn)) throw ambiguousNoInstanceException .setMessage("no.unique.maximal.instance.exists", that.qtype, that.hibounds); } } } //where private boolean isSubClass(Type t, final List<Type> ts) { t = t.baseType(); if (t.tag == TYPEVAR) { List<Type> bounds = types.getBounds((TypeVar)t); for (Type s : ts) { if (!types.isSameType(t, s.baseType())) { for (Type bound : bounds) { if (!isSubClass(bound, List.of(s.baseType()))) return false; } } } } else { for (Type s : ts) { if (!t.tsym.isSubClass(s.baseType().tsym, types)) return false; } } return true; } /** Instaniate undetermined type variable to the lub of all its lower bounds. * Throw a NoInstanceException if this not possible. */ void minimizeInst(UndetVar that, Warner warn) throws NoInstanceException { if (that.inst == null) { if (that.lobounds.isEmpty()) that.inst = syms.botType; else if (that.lobounds.tail.isEmpty()) that.inst = that.lobounds.head; else { that.inst = types.lub(that.lobounds); if (that.inst == null) throw ambiguousNoInstanceException .setMessage("no.unique.minimal.instance.exists", that.qtype, that.lobounds); } // VGJ: sort of inlined maximizeInst() below. Adding // bounds can cause lobounds that are above hibounds. if (that.hibounds.isEmpty()) return; Type hb = null; if (that.hibounds.tail.isEmpty()) hb = that.hibounds.head; else for (List<Type> bs = that.hibounds; bs.nonEmpty() && hb == null; bs = bs.tail) { if (isSubClass(bs.head, that.hibounds)) hb = types.fromUnknownFun.apply(bs.head); } if (hb == null || !types.isSubtypeUnchecked(hb, that.hibounds, warn) || !types.isSubtypeUnchecked(that.inst, hb, warn)) throw ambiguousNoInstanceException; } } /*************************************************************************** * Exported Methods ***************************************************************************/ /** Try to instantiate expression type `that' to given type `to'. * If a maximal instantiation exists which makes this type * a subtype of type `to', return the instantiated type. * If no instantiation exists, or if several incomparable * best instantiations exist throw a NoInstanceException. */ public Type instantiateExpr(ForAll that, Type to, Warner warn) throws NoInstanceException { List<Type> undetvars = Type.map(that.tvars, fromTypeVarFun); for (List<Type> l = undetvars; l.nonEmpty(); l = l.tail) { UndetVar v = (UndetVar) l.head; ListBuffer<Type> hibounds = new ListBuffer<Type>(); for (List<Type> l1 = types.getBounds((TypeVar) v.qtype); l1.nonEmpty(); l1 = l1.tail) { if (!l1.head.containsSome(that.tvars)) { hibounds.append(l1.head); } } v.hibounds = hibounds.toList(); } Type qtype1 = types.subst(that.qtype, that.tvars, undetvars); if (!types.isSubtype(qtype1, to)) { throw unambiguousNoInstanceException .setMessage("no.conforming.instance.exists", that.tvars, that.qtype, to); } for (List<Type> l = undetvars; l.nonEmpty(); l = l.tail) maximizeInst((UndetVar) l.head, warn); // System.out.println(" = " + qtype1.map(getInstFun));//DEBUG // check bounds List<Type> targs = Type.map(undetvars, getInstFun); targs = types.subst(targs, that.tvars, targs); checkWithinBounds(that.tvars, targs, warn); return getInstFun.apply(qtype1); } /** Instantiate method type `mt' by finding instantiations of * `tvars' so that method can be applied to `argtypes'. */ public Type instantiateMethod(List<Type> tvars, MethodType mt, List<Type> argtypes, boolean allowBoxing, boolean useVarargs, Warner warn) throws NoInstanceException { //-System.err.println("instantiateMethod(" + tvars + ", " + mt + ", " + argtypes + ")"); //DEBUG List<Type> undetvars = Type.map(tvars, fromTypeVarFun); List<Type> formals = mt.argtypes; // instantiate all polymorphic argument types and // set up lower bounds constraints for undetvars Type varargsFormal = useVarargs ? formals.last() : null; while (argtypes.nonEmpty() && formals.head != varargsFormal) { Type ft = formals.head; Type at = argtypes.head.baseType(); if (at.tag == FORALL) at = instantiateArg((ForAll) at, ft, tvars, warn); Type sft = types.subst(ft, tvars, undetvars); boolean works = allowBoxing ? types.isConvertible(at, sft, warn) : types.isSubtypeUnchecked(at, sft, warn); if (!works) { throw unambiguousNoInstanceException .setMessage("no.conforming.assignment.exists", tvars, at, ft); } formals = formals.tail; argtypes = argtypes.tail; } if (formals.head != varargsFormal || // not enough args !useVarargs && argtypes.nonEmpty()) { // too many args // argument lists differ in length throw unambiguousNoInstanceException .setMessage("arg.length.mismatch"); } // for varargs arguments as well if (useVarargs) { Type elt = types.elemtype(varargsFormal); Type sft = types.subst(elt, tvars, undetvars); while (argtypes.nonEmpty()) { Type ft = sft; Type at = argtypes.head.baseType(); if (at.tag == FORALL) at = instantiateArg((ForAll) at, ft, tvars, warn); boolean works = types.isConvertible(at, sft, warn); if (!works) { throw unambiguousNoInstanceException .setMessage("no.conforming.assignment.exists", tvars, at, ft); } argtypes = argtypes.tail; } } // minimize as yet undetermined type variables for (Type t : undetvars) minimizeInst((UndetVar) t, warn); /** Type variables instantiated to bottom */ ListBuffer<Type> restvars = new ListBuffer<Type>(); /** Instantiated types or TypeVars if under-constrained */ ListBuffer<Type> insttypes = new ListBuffer<Type>(); /** Instantiated types or UndetVars if under-constrained */ ListBuffer<Type> undettypes = new ListBuffer<Type>(); for (Type t : undetvars) { UndetVar uv = (UndetVar)t; if (uv.inst.tag == BOT) { restvars.append(uv.qtype); insttypes.append(uv.qtype); undettypes.append(uv); uv.inst = null; } else { insttypes.append(uv.inst); undettypes.append(uv.inst); } } checkWithinBounds(tvars, undettypes.toList(), warn); if (!restvars.isEmpty()) { // if there are uninstantiated variables, // quantify result type with them mt = new MethodType(mt.argtypes, new ForAll(restvars.toList(), mt.restype), mt.thrown, syms.methodClass); } // return instantiated version of method type return types.subst(mt, tvars, insttypes.toList()); } //where /** Try to instantiate argument type `that' to given type `to'. * If this fails, try to insantiate `that' to `to' where * every occurrence of a type variable in `tvars' is replaced * by an unknown type. */ private Type instantiateArg(ForAll that, Type to, List<Type> tvars, Warner warn) throws NoInstanceException { List<Type> targs; try { return instantiateExpr(that, to, warn); } catch (NoInstanceException ex) { Type to1 = to; for (List<Type> l = tvars; l.nonEmpty(); l = l.tail) to1 = types.subst(to1, List.of(l.head), List.of(syms.unknownType)); return instantiateExpr(that, to1, warn); } } /** check that type parameters are within their bounds. */ private void checkWithinBounds(List<Type> tvars, List<Type> arguments, Warner warn) throws NoInstanceException { for (List<Type> tvs = tvars, args = arguments; tvs.nonEmpty(); tvs = tvs.tail, args = args.tail) { if (args.head instanceof UndetVar) continue; List<Type> bounds = types.subst(types.getBounds((TypeVar)tvs.head), tvars, arguments); if (!types.isSubtypeUnchecked(args.head, bounds, warn)) throw unambiguousNoInstanceException .setMessage("inferred.do.not.conform.to.bounds", arguments, tvars); } } }