/* * reserved comment block * DO NOT REMOVE OR ALTER! */ /* * Copyright 1999-2004 The Apache Software Foundation. * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ /* * $Id: XSLTErrorResources_de.java,v 2005/09/13 10:08:18 pvedula Exp $ */ package com.sun.org.apache.xalan.internal.res; import java.util.ListResourceBundle; import java.util.Locale; import java.util.MissingResourceException; import java.util.ResourceBundle; /** * Set up error messages. * We build a two dimensional array of message keys and * message strings. In order to add a new message here, * you need to first add a String constant. And * you need to enter key , value pair as part of contents * Array. You also need to update MAX_CODE for error strings * and MAX_WARNING for warnings ( Needed for only information * purpose ) */ public class XSLTErrorResources_de extends ListResourceBundle { /* * This file contains error and warning messages related to Xalan Error * Handling. * * General notes to translators: * * 1) Xalan (or more properly, Xalan-interpretive) and XSLTC are names of * components. * XSLT is an acronym for "XML Stylesheet Language: Transformations". * XSLTC is an acronym for XSLT Compiler. * * 2) A stylesheet is a description of how to transform an input XML document * into a resultant XML document (or HTML document or text). The * stylesheet itself is described in the form of an XML document. * * 3) A template is a component of a stylesheet that is used to match a * particular portion of an input document and specifies the form of the * corresponding portion of the output document. * * 4) An element is a mark-up tag in an XML document; an attribute is a * modifier on the tag. For example, in <elem attr='val' attr2='val2'> * "elem" is an element name, "attr" and "attr2" are attribute names with * the values "val" and "val2", respectively. * * 5) A namespace declaration is a special attribute that is used to associate * a prefix with a URI (the namespace). The meanings of element names and * attribute names that use that prefix are defined with respect to that * namespace. * * 6) "Translet" is an invented term that describes the class file that * results from compiling an XML stylesheet into a Java class. * * 7) XPath is a specification that describes a notation for identifying * nodes in a tree-structured representation of an XML document. An * instance of that notation is referred to as an XPath expression. * */ /** Maximum error messages, this is needed to keep track of the number of messages. */ public static final int MAX_CODE = 201; /** Maximum warnings, this is needed to keep track of the number of warnings. */ public static final int MAX_WARNING = 29; /** Maximum misc strings. */ public static final int MAX_OTHERS = 55; /** Maximum total warnings and error messages. */ public static final int MAX_MESSAGES = MAX_CODE + MAX_WARNING + 1; /* * Static variables */ public static final String ER_NO_CURLYBRACE = "ER_NO_CURLYBRACE";; public static final String ER_ILLEGAL_ATTRIBUTE = "ER_ILLEGAL_ATTRIBUTE"; public static final String ER_NULL_SOURCENODE_APPLYIMPORTS = "ER_NULL_SOURCENODE_APPLYIMPORTS"; public static final String ER_CANNOT_ADD = "ER_CANNOT_ADD"; public static final String ER_NULL_SOURCENODE_HANDLEAPPLYTEMPLATES="ER_NULL_SOURCENODE_HANDLEAPPLYTEMPLATES"; public static final String ER_NO_NAME_ATTRIB = "ER_NO_NAME_ATTRIB"; public static final String ER_TEMPLATE_NOT_FOUND = "ER_TEMPLATE_NOT_FOUND"; public static final String ER_CANT_RESOLVE_NAME_AVT = "ER_CANT_RESOLVE_NAME_AVT"; public static final String ER_REQUIRES_ATTRIB = "ER_REQUIRES_ATTRIB"; public static final String ER_MUST_HAVE_TEST_ATTRIB = "ER_MUST_HAVE_TEST_ATTRIB"; public static final String ER_BAD_VAL_ON_LEVEL_ATTRIB = "ER_BAD_VAL_ON_LEVEL_ATTRIB"; public static final String ER_PROCESSINGINSTRUCTION_NAME_CANT_BE_XML = "ER_PROCESSINGINSTRUCTION_NAME_CANT_BE_XML"; public static final String ER_PROCESSINGINSTRUCTION_NOTVALID_NCNAME = "ER_PROCESSINGINSTRUCTION_NOTVALID_NCNAME"; public static final String ER_NEED_MATCH_ATTRIB = "ER_NEED_MATCH_ATTRIB"; public static final String ER_NEED_NAME_OR_MATCH_ATTRIB = "ER_NEED_NAME_OR_MATCH_ATTRIB"; public static final String ER_CANT_RESOLVE_NSPREFIX = "ER_CANT_RESOLVE_NSPREFIX"; public static final String ER_ILLEGAL_VALUE = "ER_ILLEGAL_VALUE"; public static final String ER_NO_OWNERDOC = "ER_NO_OWNERDOC"; public static final String ER_ELEMTEMPLATEELEM_ERR ="ER_ELEMTEMPLATEELEM_ERR"; public static final String ER_NULL_CHILD = "ER_NULL_CHILD"; public static final String ER_NEED_SELECT_ATTRIB = "ER_NEED_SELECT_ATTRIB"; public static final String ER_NEED_TEST_ATTRIB = "ER_NEED_TEST_ATTRIB"; public static final String ER_NEED_NAME_ATTRIB = "ER_NEED_NAME_ATTRIB"; public static final String ER_NO_CONTEXT_OWNERDOC = "ER_NO_CONTEXT_OWNERDOC"; public static final String ER_COULD_NOT_CREATE_XML_PROC_LIAISON = "ER_COULD_NOT_CREATE_XML_PROC_LIAISON"; public static final String ER_PROCESS_NOT_SUCCESSFUL = "ER_PROCESS_NOT_SUCCESSFUL"; public static final String ER_NOT_SUCCESSFUL = "ER_NOT_SUCCESSFUL"; public static final String ER_ENCODING_NOT_SUPPORTED = "ER_ENCODING_NOT_SUPPORTED"; public static final String ER_COULD_NOT_CREATE_TRACELISTENER = "ER_COULD_NOT_CREATE_TRACELISTENER"; public static final String ER_KEY_REQUIRES_NAME_ATTRIB = "ER_KEY_REQUIRES_NAME_ATTRIB"; public static final String ER_KEY_REQUIRES_MATCH_ATTRIB = "ER_KEY_REQUIRES_MATCH_ATTRIB"; public static final String ER_KEY_REQUIRES_USE_ATTRIB = "ER_KEY_REQUIRES_USE_ATTRIB"; public static final String ER_REQUIRES_ELEMENTS_ATTRIB = "ER_REQUIRES_ELEMENTS_ATTRIB"; public static final String ER_MISSING_PREFIX_ATTRIB = "ER_MISSING_PREFIX_ATTRIB"; public static final String ER_BAD_STYLESHEET_URL = "ER_BAD_STYLESHEET_URL"; public static final String ER_FILE_NOT_FOUND = "ER_FILE_NOT_FOUND"; public static final String ER_IOEXCEPTION = "ER_IOEXCEPTION"; public static final String ER_NO_HREF_ATTRIB = "ER_NO_HREF_ATTRIB"; public static final String ER_STYLESHEET_INCLUDES_ITSELF = "ER_STYLESHEET_INCLUDES_ITSELF"; public static final String ER_PROCESSINCLUDE_ERROR ="ER_PROCESSINCLUDE_ERROR"; public static final String ER_MISSING_LANG_ATTRIB = "ER_MISSING_LANG_ATTRIB"; public static final String ER_MISSING_CONTAINER_ELEMENT_COMPONENT = "ER_MISSING_CONTAINER_ELEMENT_COMPONENT"; public static final String ER_CAN_ONLY_OUTPUT_TO_ELEMENT = "ER_CAN_ONLY_OUTPUT_TO_ELEMENT"; public static final String ER_PROCESS_ERROR = "ER_PROCESS_ERROR"; public static final String ER_UNIMPLNODE_ERROR = "ER_UNIMPLNODE_ERROR"; public static final String ER_NO_SELECT_EXPRESSION ="ER_NO_SELECT_EXPRESSION"; public static final String ER_CANNOT_SERIALIZE_XSLPROCESSOR = "ER_CANNOT_SERIALIZE_XSLPROCESSOR"; public static final String ER_NO_INPUT_STYLESHEET = "ER_NO_INPUT_STYLESHEET"; public static final String ER_FAILED_PROCESS_STYLESHEET = "ER_FAILED_PROCESS_STYLESHEET"; public static final String ER_COULDNT_PARSE_DOC = "ER_COULDNT_PARSE_DOC"; public static final String ER_COULDNT_FIND_FRAGMENT = "ER_COULDNT_FIND_FRAGMENT"; public static final String ER_NODE_NOT_ELEMENT = "ER_NODE_NOT_ELEMENT"; public static final String ER_FOREACH_NEED_MATCH_OR_NAME_ATTRIB = "ER_FOREACH_NEED_MATCH_OR_NAME_ATTRIB"; public static final String ER_TEMPLATES_NEED_MATCH_OR_NAME_ATTRIB = "ER_TEMPLATES_NEED_MATCH_OR_NAME_ATTRIB"; public static final String ER_NO_CLONE_OF_DOCUMENT_FRAG = "ER_NO_CLONE_OF_DOCUMENT_FRAG"; public static final String ER_CANT_CREATE_ITEM = "ER_CANT_CREATE_ITEM"; public static final String ER_XMLSPACE_ILLEGAL_VALUE = "ER_XMLSPACE_ILLEGAL_VALUE"; public static final String ER_NO_XSLKEY_DECLARATION = "ER_NO_XSLKEY_DECLARATION"; public static final String ER_CANT_CREATE_URL = "ER_CANT_CREATE_URL"; public static final String ER_XSLFUNCTIONS_UNSUPPORTED = "ER_XSLFUNCTIONS_UNSUPPORTED"; public static final String ER_PROCESSOR_ERROR = "ER_PROCESSOR_ERROR"; public static final String ER_NOT_ALLOWED_INSIDE_STYLESHEET = "ER_NOT_ALLOWED_INSIDE_STYLESHEET"; public static final String ER_RESULTNS_NOT_SUPPORTED = "ER_RESULTNS_NOT_SUPPORTED"; public static final String ER_DEFAULTSPACE_NOT_SUPPORTED = "ER_DEFAULTSPACE_NOT_SUPPORTED"; public static final String ER_INDENTRESULT_NOT_SUPPORTED = "ER_INDENTRESULT_NOT_SUPPORTED"; public static final String ER_ILLEGAL_ATTRIB = "ER_ILLEGAL_ATTRIB"; public static final String ER_UNKNOWN_XSL_ELEM = "ER_UNKNOWN_XSL_ELEM"; public static final String ER_BAD_XSLSORT_USE = "ER_BAD_XSLSORT_USE"; public static final String ER_MISPLACED_XSLWHEN = "ER_MISPLACED_XSLWHEN"; public static final String ER_XSLWHEN_NOT_PARENTED_BY_XSLCHOOSE = "ER_XSLWHEN_NOT_PARENTED_BY_XSLCHOOSE"; public static final String ER_MISPLACED_XSLOTHERWISE = "ER_MISPLACED_XSLOTHERWISE"; public static final String ER_XSLOTHERWISE_NOT_PARENTED_BY_XSLCHOOSE = "ER_XSLOTHERWISE_NOT_PARENTED_BY_XSLCHOOSE"; public static final String ER_NOT_ALLOWED_INSIDE_TEMPLATE = "ER_NOT_ALLOWED_INSIDE_TEMPLATE"; public static final String ER_UNKNOWN_EXT_NS_PREFIX = "ER_UNKNOWN_EXT_NS_PREFIX"; public static final String ER_IMPORTS_AS_FIRST_ELEM = "ER_IMPORTS_AS_FIRST_ELEM"; public static final String ER_IMPORTING_ITSELF = "ER_IMPORTING_ITSELF"; public static final String ER_XMLSPACE_ILLEGAL_VAL ="ER_XMLSPACE_ILLEGAL_VAL"; public static final String ER_PROCESSSTYLESHEET_NOT_SUCCESSFUL = "ER_PROCESSSTYLESHEET_NOT_SUCCESSFUL"; public static final String ER_SAX_EXCEPTION = "ER_SAX_EXCEPTION"; public static final String ER_XSLT_ERROR = "ER_XSLT_ERROR"; public static final String ER_CURRENCY_SIGN_ILLEGAL= "ER_CURRENCY_SIGN_ILLEGAL"; public static final String ER_DOCUMENT_FUNCTION_INVALID_IN_STYLESHEET_DOM = "ER_DOCUMENT_FUNCTION_INVALID_IN_STYLESHEET_DOM"; public static final String ER_CANT_RESOLVE_PREFIX_OF_NON_PREFIX_RESOLVER = "ER_CANT_RESOLVE_PREFIX_OF_NON_PREFIX_RESOLVER"; public static final String ER_REDIRECT_COULDNT_GET_FILENAME = "ER_REDIRECT_COULDNT_GET_FILENAME"; public static final String ER_CANNOT_BUILD_FORMATTERLISTENER_IN_REDIRECT = "ER_CANNOT_BUILD_FORMATTERLISTENER_IN_REDIRECT"; public static final String ER_INVALID_PREFIX_IN_EXCLUDERESULTPREFIX = "ER_INVALID_PREFIX_IN_EXCLUDERESULTPREFIX"; public static final String ER_MISSING_NS_URI = "ER_MISSING_NS_URI"; public static final String ER_MISSING_ARG_FOR_OPTION = "ER_MISSING_ARG_FOR_OPTION"; public static final String ER_INVALID_OPTION = "ER_INVALID_OPTION"; public static final String ER_MALFORMED_FORMAT_STRING = "ER_MALFORMED_FORMAT_STRING"; public static final String ER_STYLESHEET_REQUIRES_VERSION_ATTRIB = "ER_STYLESHEET_REQUIRES_VERSION_ATTRIB"; public static final String ER_ILLEGAL_ATTRIBUTE_VALUE = "ER_ILLEGAL_ATTRIBUTE_VALUE"; public static final String ER_CHOOSE_REQUIRES_WHEN ="ER_CHOOSE_REQUIRES_WHEN"; public static final String ER_NO_APPLY_IMPORT_IN_FOR_EACH = "ER_NO_APPLY_IMPORT_IN_FOR_EACH"; public static final String ER_CANT_USE_DTM_FOR_OUTPUT = "ER_CANT_USE_DTM_FOR_OUTPUT"; public static final String ER_CANT_USE_DTM_FOR_INPUT = "ER_CANT_USE_DTM_FOR_INPUT"; public static final String ER_CALL_TO_EXT_FAILED = "ER_CALL_TO_EXT_FAILED"; public static final String ER_PREFIX_MUST_RESOLVE = "ER_PREFIX_MUST_RESOLVE"; public static final String ER_INVALID_UTF16_SURROGATE = "ER_INVALID_UTF16_SURROGATE"; public static final String ER_XSLATTRSET_USED_ITSELF = "ER_XSLATTRSET_USED_ITSELF"; public static final String ER_CANNOT_MIX_XERCESDOM ="ER_CANNOT_MIX_XERCESDOM"; public static final String ER_TOO_MANY_LISTENERS = "ER_TOO_MANY_LISTENERS"; public static final String ER_IN_ELEMTEMPLATEELEM_READOBJECT = "ER_IN_ELEMTEMPLATEELEM_READOBJECT"; public static final String ER_DUPLICATE_NAMED_TEMPLATE = "ER_DUPLICATE_NAMED_TEMPLATE"; public static final String ER_INVALID_KEY_CALL = "ER_INVALID_KEY_CALL"; public static final String ER_REFERENCING_ITSELF = "ER_REFERENCING_ITSELF"; public static final String ER_ILLEGAL_DOMSOURCE_INPUT = "ER_ILLEGAL_DOMSOURCE_INPUT"; public static final String ER_CLASS_NOT_FOUND_FOR_OPTION = "ER_CLASS_NOT_FOUND_FOR_OPTION"; public static final String ER_REQUIRED_ELEM_NOT_FOUND = "ER_REQUIRED_ELEM_NOT_FOUND"; public static final String ER_INPUT_CANNOT_BE_NULL ="ER_INPUT_CANNOT_BE_NULL"; public static final String ER_URI_CANNOT_BE_NULL = "ER_URI_CANNOT_BE_NULL"; public static final String ER_FILE_CANNOT_BE_NULL = "ER_FILE_CANNOT_BE_NULL"; public static final String ER_SOURCE_CANNOT_BE_NULL = "ER_SOURCE_CANNOT_BE_NULL"; public static final String ER_CANNOT_INIT_BSFMGR = "ER_CANNOT_INIT_BSFMGR"; public static final String ER_CANNOT_CMPL_EXTENSN = "ER_CANNOT_CMPL_EXTENSN"; public static final String ER_CANNOT_CREATE_EXTENSN = "ER_CANNOT_CREATE_EXTENSN"; public static final String ER_INSTANCE_MTHD_CALL_REQUIRES = "ER_INSTANCE_MTHD_CALL_REQUIRES"; public static final String ER_INVALID_ELEMENT_NAME ="ER_INVALID_ELEMENT_NAME"; public static final String ER_ELEMENT_NAME_METHOD_STATIC = "ER_ELEMENT_NAME_METHOD_STATIC"; public static final String ER_EXTENSION_FUNC_UNKNOWN = "ER_EXTENSION_FUNC_UNKNOWN"; public static final String ER_MORE_MATCH_CONSTRUCTOR = "ER_MORE_MATCH_CONSTRUCTOR"; public static final String ER_MORE_MATCH_METHOD = "ER_MORE_MATCH_METHOD"; public static final String ER_MORE_MATCH_ELEMENT = "ER_MORE_MATCH_ELEMENT"; public static final String ER_INVALID_CONTEXT_PASSED = "ER_INVALID_CONTEXT_PASSED"; public static final String ER_POOL_EXISTS = "ER_POOL_EXISTS"; public static final String ER_NO_DRIVER_NAME = "ER_NO_DRIVER_NAME"; public static final String ER_NO_URL = "ER_NO_URL"; public static final String ER_POOL_SIZE_LESSTHAN_ONE = "ER_POOL_SIZE_LESSTHAN_ONE"; public static final String ER_INVALID_DRIVER = "ER_INVALID_DRIVER"; public static final String ER_NO_STYLESHEETROOT = "ER_NO_STYLESHEETROOT"; public static final String ER_ILLEGAL_XMLSPACE_VALUE = "ER_ILLEGAL_XMLSPACE_VALUE"; public static final String ER_PROCESSFROMNODE_FAILED = "ER_PROCESSFROMNODE_FAILED"; public static final String ER_RESOURCE_COULD_NOT_LOAD = "ER_RESOURCE_COULD_NOT_LOAD"; public static final String ER_BUFFER_SIZE_LESSTHAN_ZERO = "ER_BUFFER_SIZE_LESSTHAN_ZERO"; public static final String ER_UNKNOWN_ERROR_CALLING_EXTENSION = "ER_UNKNOWN_ERROR_CALLING_EXTENSION"; public static final String ER_NO_NAMESPACE_DECL = "ER_NO_NAMESPACE_DECL"; public static final String ER_ELEM_CONTENT_NOT_ALLOWED = "ER_ELEM_CONTENT_NOT_ALLOWED"; public static final String ER_STYLESHEET_DIRECTED_TERMINATION = "ER_STYLESHEET_DIRECTED_TERMINATION"; public static final String ER_ONE_OR_TWO = "ER_ONE_OR_TWO"; public static final String ER_TWO_OR_THREE = "ER_TWO_OR_THREE"; public static final String ER_COULD_NOT_LOAD_RESOURCE = "ER_COULD_NOT_LOAD_RESOURCE"; public static final String ER_CANNOT_INIT_DEFAULT_TEMPLATES = "ER_CANNOT_INIT_DEFAULT_TEMPLATES"; public static final String ER_RESULT_NULL = "ER_RESULT_NULL"; public static final String ER_RESULT_COULD_NOT_BE_SET = "ER_RESULT_COULD_NOT_BE_SET"; public static final String ER_NO_OUTPUT_SPECIFIED = "ER_NO_OUTPUT_SPECIFIED"; public static final String ER_CANNOT_TRANSFORM_TO_RESULT_TYPE = "ER_CANNOT_TRANSFORM_TO_RESULT_TYPE"; public static final String ER_CANNOT_TRANSFORM_SOURCE_TYPE = "ER_CANNOT_TRANSFORM_SOURCE_TYPE"; public static final String ER_NULL_CONTENT_HANDLER ="ER_NULL_CONTENT_HANDLER"; public static final String ER_NULL_ERROR_HANDLER = "ER_NULL_ERROR_HANDLER"; public static final String ER_CANNOT_CALL_PARSE = "ER_CANNOT_CALL_PARSE"; public static final String ER_NO_PARENT_FOR_FILTER ="ER_NO_PARENT_FOR_FILTER"; public static final String ER_NO_STYLESHEET_IN_MEDIA = "ER_NO_STYLESHEET_IN_MEDIA"; public static final String ER_NO_STYLESHEET_PI = "ER_NO_STYLESHEET_PI"; public static final String ER_NOT_SUPPORTED = "ER_NOT_SUPPORTED"; public static final String ER_PROPERTY_VALUE_BOOLEAN = "ER_PROPERTY_VALUE_BOOLEAN"; public static final String ER_COULD_NOT_FIND_EXTERN_SCRIPT = "ER_COULD_NOT_FIND_EXTERN_SCRIPT"; public static final String ER_RESOURCE_COULD_NOT_FIND = "ER_RESOURCE_COULD_NOT_FIND"; public static final String ER_OUTPUT_PROPERTY_NOT_RECOGNIZED = "ER_OUTPUT_PROPERTY_NOT_RECOGNIZED"; public static final String ER_FAILED_CREATING_ELEMLITRSLT = "ER_FAILED_CREATING_ELEMLITRSLT"; public static final String ER_VALUE_SHOULD_BE_NUMBER = "ER_VALUE_SHOULD_BE_NUMBER"; public static final String ER_VALUE_SHOULD_EQUAL = "ER_VALUE_SHOULD_EQUAL"; public static final String ER_FAILED_CALLING_METHOD = "ER_FAILED_CALLING_METHOD"; public static final String ER_FAILED_CREATING_ELEMTMPL = "ER_FAILED_CREATING_ELEMTMPL"; public static final String ER_CHARS_NOT_ALLOWED = "ER_CHARS_NOT_ALLOWED"; public static final String ER_ATTR_NOT_ALLOWED = "ER_ATTR_NOT_ALLOWED"; public static final String ER_BAD_VALUE = "ER_BAD_VALUE"; public static final String ER_ATTRIB_VALUE_NOT_FOUND = "ER_ATTRIB_VALUE_NOT_FOUND"; public static final String ER_ATTRIB_VALUE_NOT_RECOGNIZED = "ER_ATTRIB_VALUE_NOT_RECOGNIZED"; public static final String ER_NULL_URI_NAMESPACE = "ER_NULL_URI_NAMESPACE"; public static final String ER_NUMBER_TOO_BIG = "ER_NUMBER_TOO_BIG"; public static final String ER_CANNOT_FIND_SAX1_DRIVER = "ER_CANNOT_FIND_SAX1_DRIVER"; public static final String ER_SAX1_DRIVER_NOT_LOADED = "ER_SAX1_DRIVER_NOT_LOADED"; public static final String ER_SAX1_DRIVER_NOT_INSTANTIATED = "ER_SAX1_DRIVER_NOT_INSTANTIATED" ; public static final String ER_SAX1_DRIVER_NOT_IMPLEMENT_PARSER = "ER_SAX1_DRIVER_NOT_IMPLEMENT_PARSER"; public static final String ER_PARSER_PROPERTY_NOT_SPECIFIED = "ER_PARSER_PROPERTY_NOT_SPECIFIED"; public static final String ER_PARSER_ARG_CANNOT_BE_NULL = "ER_PARSER_ARG_CANNOT_BE_NULL" ; public static final String ER_FEATURE = "ER_FEATURE"; public static final String ER_PROPERTY = "ER_PROPERTY" ; public static final String ER_NULL_ENTITY_RESOLVER ="ER_NULL_ENTITY_RESOLVER"; public static final String ER_NULL_DTD_HANDLER = "ER_NULL_DTD_HANDLER" ; public static final String ER_NO_DRIVER_NAME_SPECIFIED = "ER_NO_DRIVER_NAME_SPECIFIED"; public static final String ER_NO_URL_SPECIFIED = "ER_NO_URL_SPECIFIED"; public static final String ER_POOLSIZE_LESS_THAN_ONE = "ER_POOLSIZE_LESS_THAN_ONE"; public static final String ER_INVALID_DRIVER_NAME = "ER_INVALID_DRIVER_NAME"; public static final String ER_ERRORLISTENER = "ER_ERRORLISTENER"; public static final String ER_ASSERT_NO_TEMPLATE_PARENT = "ER_ASSERT_NO_TEMPLATE_PARENT"; public static final String ER_ASSERT_REDUNDENT_EXPR_ELIMINATOR = "ER_ASSERT_REDUNDENT_EXPR_ELIMINATOR"; public static final String ER_NOT_ALLOWED_IN_POSITION = "ER_NOT_ALLOWED_IN_POSITION"; public static final String ER_NONWHITESPACE_NOT_ALLOWED_IN_POSITION = "ER_NONWHITESPACE_NOT_ALLOWED_IN_POSITION"; public static final String INVALID_TCHAR = "INVALID_TCHAR"; public static final String INVALID_QNAME = "INVALID_QNAME"; public static final String INVALID_ENUM = "INVALID_ENUM"; public static final String INVALID_NMTOKEN = "INVALID_NMTOKEN"; public static final String INVALID_NCNAME = "INVALID_NCNAME"; public static final String INVALID_BOOLEAN = "INVALID_BOOLEAN"; public static final String INVALID_NUMBER = "INVALID_NUMBER"; public static final String ER_ARG_LITERAL = "ER_ARG_LITERAL"; public static final String ER_DUPLICATE_GLOBAL_VAR ="ER_DUPLICATE_GLOBAL_VAR"; public static final String ER_DUPLICATE_VAR = "ER_DUPLICATE_VAR"; public static final String ER_TEMPLATE_NAME_MATCH = "ER_TEMPLATE_NAME_MATCH"; public static final String ER_INVALID_PREFIX = "ER_INVALID_PREFIX"; public static final String ER_NO_ATTRIB_SET = "ER_NO_ATTRIB_SET"; public static final String WG_FOUND_CURLYBRACE = "WG_FOUND_CURLYBRACE"; public static final String WG_COUNT_ATTRIB_MATCHES_NO_ANCESTOR = "WG_COUNT_ATTRIB_MATCHES_NO_ANCESTOR"; public static final String WG_EXPR_ATTRIB_CHANGED_TO_SELECT = "WG_EXPR_ATTRIB_CHANGED_TO_SELECT"; public static final String WG_NO_LOCALE_IN_FORMATNUMBER = "WG_NO_LOCALE_IN_FORMATNUMBER"; public static final String WG_LOCALE_NOT_FOUND = "WG_LOCALE_NOT_FOUND"; public static final String WG_CANNOT_MAKE_URL_FROM ="WG_CANNOT_MAKE_URL_FROM"; public static final String WG_CANNOT_LOAD_REQUESTED_DOC = "WG_CANNOT_LOAD_REQUESTED_DOC"; public static final String WG_CANNOT_FIND_COLLATOR ="WG_CANNOT_FIND_COLLATOR"; public static final String WG_FUNCTIONS_SHOULD_USE_URL = "WG_FUNCTIONS_SHOULD_USE_URL"; public static final String WG_ENCODING_NOT_SUPPORTED_USING_UTF8 = "WG_ENCODING_NOT_SUPPORTED_USING_UTF8"; public static final String WG_ENCODING_NOT_SUPPORTED_USING_JAVA = "WG_ENCODING_NOT_SUPPORTED_USING_JAVA"; public static final String WG_SPECIFICITY_CONFLICTS = "WG_SPECIFICITY_CONFLICTS"; public static final String WG_PARSING_AND_PREPARING = "WG_PARSING_AND_PREPARING"; public static final String WG_ATTR_TEMPLATE = "WG_ATTR_TEMPLATE"; public static final String WG_CONFLICT_BETWEEN_XSLSTRIPSPACE_AND_XSLPRESERVESPACE = "WG_CONFLICT_BETWEEN_XSLSTRIPSPACE_AND_XSLPRESERVESP"; public static final String WG_ATTRIB_NOT_HANDLED = "WG_ATTRIB_NOT_HANDLED"; public static final String WG_NO_DECIMALFORMAT_DECLARATION = "WG_NO_DECIMALFORMAT_DECLARATION"; public static final String WG_OLD_XSLT_NS = "WG_OLD_XSLT_NS"; public static final String WG_ONE_DEFAULT_XSLDECIMALFORMAT_ALLOWED = "WG_ONE_DEFAULT_XSLDECIMALFORMAT_ALLOWED"; public static final String WG_XSLDECIMALFORMAT_NAMES_MUST_BE_UNIQUE = "WG_XSLDECIMALFORMAT_NAMES_MUST_BE_UNIQUE"; public static final String WG_ILLEGAL_ATTRIBUTE = "WG_ILLEGAL_ATTRIBUTE"; public static final String WG_COULD_NOT_RESOLVE_PREFIX = "WG_COULD_NOT_RESOLVE_PREFIX"; public static final String WG_STYLESHEET_REQUIRES_VERSION_ATTRIB = "WG_STYLESHEET_REQUIRES_VERSION_ATTRIB"; public static final String WG_ILLEGAL_ATTRIBUTE_NAME = "WG_ILLEGAL_ATTRIBUTE_NAME"; public static final String WG_ILLEGAL_ATTRIBUTE_VALUE = "WG_ILLEGAL_ATTRIBUTE_VALUE"; public static final String WG_EMPTY_SECOND_ARG = "WG_EMPTY_SECOND_ARG"; public static final String WG_PROCESSINGINSTRUCTION_NAME_CANT_BE_XML = "WG_PROCESSINGINSTRUCTION_NAME_CANT_BE_XML"; public static final String WG_PROCESSINGINSTRUCTION_NOTVALID_NCNAME = "WG_PROCESSINGINSTRUCTION_NOTVALID_NCNAME"; public static final String WG_ILLEGAL_ATTRIBUTE_POSITION = "WG_ILLEGAL_ATTRIBUTE_POSITION"; // public static final int ER_NO_CURLYBRACE = 1; /* * Now fill in the message text. * Then fill in the message text for that message code in the * array. Use the new error code as the index into the array. */ // Error messages... /** Get the lookup table for error messages. * * @return The int to message lookup table. */ public Object[][] getContents() { return new Object[][] { /** Error message ID that has a null message, but takes in a single object. */ {"ER0000" , "{0}" }, /** ER_NO_CURLYBRACE */ // public static final int ER_NO_CURLYBRACE = 1; { ER_NO_CURLYBRACE, "Fehler: '{' darf nicht innerhalb des Ausdrucks stehen."}, /** ER_ILLEGAL_ATTRIBUTE */ // public static final int ER_ILLEGAL_ATTRIBUTE = 2; { ER_ILLEGAL_ATTRIBUTE , "{0} hat ein unzul\u00e4ssiges Attribut {1}."}, /** ER_NULL_SOURCENODE_APPLYIMPORTS */ // public static final int ER_NULL_SOURCENODE_APPLYIMPORTS = 3; {ER_NULL_SOURCENODE_APPLYIMPORTS , "sourceNode ist Null in xsl:apply-imports!"}, /** ER_CANNOT_ADD */ // public static final int ER_CANNOT_ADD = 4; {ER_CANNOT_ADD, "{0} kann nicht {1} hinzugef\u00fcgt werden."}, /** ER_NULL_SOURCENODE_HANDLEAPPLYTEMPLATES */ // public static final int ER_NULL_SOURCENODE_HANDLEAPPLYTEMPLATES = 5; { ER_NULL_SOURCENODE_HANDLEAPPLYTEMPLATES, "sourceNode ist Null in handleApplyTemplatesInstruction!"}, /** ER_NO_NAME_ATTRIB */ // public static final int ER_NO_NAME_ATTRIB = 6; { ER_NO_NAME_ATTRIB, "{0} muss ein Namensattribut haben."}, /** ER_TEMPLATE_NOT_FOUND */ //public static final int ER_TEMPLATE_NOT_FOUND = 7; {ER_TEMPLATE_NOT_FOUND, "Vorlage konnte nicht gefunden werden: {0}"}, /** ER_CANT_RESOLVE_NAME_AVT */ // public static final int ER_CANT_RESOLVE_NAME_AVT = 8; {ER_CANT_RESOLVE_NAME_AVT, "Namensvorlage f\u00fcr den Attributwert in xsl:call-template konnte nicht aufgel\u00f6st werden."}, /** ER_REQUIRES_ATTRIB */ //public static final int ER_REQUIRES_ATTRIB = 9; {ER_REQUIRES_ATTRIB, "{0} erfordert das Attribut {1}."}, /** ER_MUST_HAVE_TEST_ATTRIB */ // public static final int ER_MUST_HAVE_TEST_ATTRIB = 10; { ER_MUST_HAVE_TEST_ATTRIB, "{0} muss \u00fcber ein Attribut ''test'' verf\u00fcgen."}, /** ER_BAD_VAL_ON_LEVEL_ATTRIB */ // public static final int ER_BAD_VAL_ON_LEVEL_ATTRIB = 11; {ER_BAD_VAL_ON_LEVEL_ATTRIB, "Falscher Wert f\u00fcr Ebenenattribut: {0}."}, /** ER_PROCESSINGINSTRUCTION_NAME_CANT_BE_XML */ // public static final int ER_PROCESSINGINSTRUCTION_NAME_CANT_BE_XML = 12; {ER_PROCESSINGINSTRUCTION_NAME_CANT_BE_XML, "Name der Verarbeitungsanweisung darf nicht 'xml' sein."}, /** ER_PROCESSINGINSTRUCTION_NOTVALID_NCNAME */ // public static final int ER_PROCESSINGINSTRUCTION_NOTVALID_NCNAME = 13; { ER_PROCESSINGINSTRUCTION_NOTVALID_NCNAME, "Name der Verarbeitungsanweisung muss ein g\u00fcltiges NCName-Format haben: {0}."}, /** ER_NEED_MATCH_ATTRIB */ // public static final int ER_NEED_MATCH_ATTRIB = 14; { ER_NEED_MATCH_ATTRIB, "{0} muss \u00fcber ein entsprechendes Attribut verf\u00fcgen, wenn ein Modus vorhanden ist."}, /** ER_NEED_NAME_OR_MATCH_ATTRIB */ // public static final int ER_NEED_NAME_OR_MATCH_ATTRIB = 15; { ER_NEED_NAME_OR_MATCH_ATTRIB, "{0} erfordert einen Namen oder ein \u00dcbereinstimmungsattribut."}, /** ER_CANT_RESOLVE_NSPREFIX */ // public static final int ER_CANT_RESOLVE_NSPREFIX = 16; {ER_CANT_RESOLVE_NSPREFIX, "Pr\u00e4fix des Namensbereichs kann nicht aufgel\u00f6st werden: {0}."}, /** ER_ILLEGAL_VALUE */ // public static final int ER_ILLEGAL_VALUE = 17; { ER_ILLEGAL_VALUE, "xml:space weist einen ung\u00fcltigen Wert auf: {0}"}, /** ER_NO_OWNERDOC */ // public static final int ER_NO_OWNERDOC = 18; { ER_NO_OWNERDOC, "Der Kindknoten hat kein Eignerdokument!"}, /** ER_ELEMTEMPLATEELEM_ERR */ // public static final int ER_ELEMTEMPLATEELEM_ERR = 19; { ER_ELEMTEMPLATEELEM_ERR, "ElemTemplateElement-Fehler: {0}"}, /** ER_NULL_CHILD */ // public static final int ER_NULL_CHILD = 20; { ER_NULL_CHILD, "Es wird versucht, ein leeres Kind hinzuzuf\u00fcgen!"}, /** ER_NEED_SELECT_ATTRIB */ // public static final int ER_NEED_SELECT_ATTRIB = 21; { ER_NEED_SELECT_ATTRIB, "{0} erfordert ein Attribut ''select''."}, /** ER_NEED_TEST_ATTRIB */ // public static final int ER_NEED_TEST_ATTRIB = 22; { ER_NEED_TEST_ATTRIB , "xsl:when muss \u00fcber ein Attribut 'test' verf\u00fcgen."}, /** ER_NEED_NAME_ATTRIB */ // public static final int ER_NEED_NAME_ATTRIB = 23; { ER_NEED_NAME_ATTRIB, "xsl:with-param muss \u00fcber ein Attribut 'name' verf\u00fcgen."}, /** ER_NO_CONTEXT_OWNERDOC */ // public static final int ER_NO_CONTEXT_OWNERDOC = 24; { ER_NO_CONTEXT_OWNERDOC, "Der Kontextknoten verf\u00fcgt nicht \u00fcber ein Eignerdokument!"}, /** ER_COULD_NOT_CREATE_XML_PROC_LIAISON */ // public static final int ER_COULD_NOT_CREATE_XML_PROC_LIAISON = 25; {ER_COULD_NOT_CREATE_XML_PROC_LIAISON, "XML-TransformerFactory-Liaison konnte nicht erstellt werden: {0}"}, /** ER_PROCESS_NOT_SUCCESSFUL */ // public static final int ER_PROCESS_NOT_SUCCESSFUL = 26; {ER_PROCESS_NOT_SUCCESSFUL, "Xalan:-Prozess konnte nicht erfolgreich durchgef\u00fchrt werden."}, /** ER_NOT_SUCCESSFUL */ // public static final int ER_NOT_SUCCESSFUL = 27; { ER_NOT_SUCCESSFUL, "Xalan: war nicht erfolgreich."}, /** ER_ENCODING_NOT_SUPPORTED */ // public static final int ER_ENCODING_NOT_SUPPORTED = 28; { ER_ENCODING_NOT_SUPPORTED, "Verschl\u00fcsselung wird nicht unterst\u00fctzt: {0}."}, /** ER_COULD_NOT_CREATE_TRACELISTENER */ // public static final int ER_COULD_NOT_CREATE_TRACELISTENER = 29; {ER_COULD_NOT_CREATE_TRACELISTENER, "TraceListener konnte nicht erstellt werden: {0}."}, /** ER_KEY_REQUIRES_NAME_ATTRIB */ // public static final int ER_KEY_REQUIRES_NAME_ATTRIB = 30; {ER_KEY_REQUIRES_NAME_ATTRIB, "xsl:key erfordert ein Attribut 'name'!"}, /** ER_KEY_REQUIRES_MATCH_ATTRIB */ // public static final int ER_KEY_REQUIRES_MATCH_ATTRIB = 31; { ER_KEY_REQUIRES_MATCH_ATTRIB, "xsl:key erfordert ein Attribut 'match'!"}, /** ER_KEY_REQUIRES_USE_ATTRIB */ // public static final int ER_KEY_REQUIRES_USE_ATTRIB = 32; { ER_KEY_REQUIRES_USE_ATTRIB, "xsl:key erfordert ein Attribut 'use'!"}, /** ER_REQUIRES_ELEMENTS_ATTRIB */ // public static final int ER_REQUIRES_ELEMENTS_ATTRIB = 33; { ER_REQUIRES_ELEMENTS_ATTRIB, "(StylesheetHandler) {0} erfordert ein Attribut ''elements''!"}, /** ER_MISSING_PREFIX_ATTRIB */ // public static final int ER_MISSING_PREFIX_ATTRIB = 34; { ER_MISSING_PREFIX_ATTRIB, "(StylesheetHandler) {0}: Das Attribut ''prefix'' fehlt. "}, /** ER_BAD_STYLESHEET_URL */ // public static final int ER_BAD_STYLESHEET_URL = 35; { ER_BAD_STYLESHEET_URL, "Formatvorlagen-URL-Adresse ist ung\u00fcltig: {0}."}, /** ER_FILE_NOT_FOUND */ // public static final int ER_FILE_NOT_FOUND = 36; { ER_FILE_NOT_FOUND, "Formatvorlagendatei konnte nicht gefunden werden: {0}."}, /** ER_IOEXCEPTION */ // public static final int ER_IOEXCEPTION = 37; { ER_IOEXCEPTION, "Bei folgender Formatvorlagendatei ist eine E/A-Ausnahmebedingung aufgetreten: {0}."}, /** ER_NO_HREF_ATTRIB */ // public static final int ER_NO_HREF_ATTRIB = 38; { ER_NO_HREF_ATTRIB, "(StylesheetHandler) Attribut 'href' f\u00fcr {0} konnte nicht gefunden werden."}, /** ER_STYLESHEET_INCLUDES_ITSELF */ // public static final int ER_STYLESHEET_INCLUDES_ITSELF = 39; { ER_STYLESHEET_INCLUDES_ITSELF, "(StylesheetHandler) {0} schlie\u00dft sich selbst direkt oder indirekt mit ein!"}, /** ER_PROCESSINCLUDE_ERROR */ // public static final int ER_PROCESSINCLUDE_ERROR = 40; { ER_PROCESSINCLUDE_ERROR, "Fehler in StylesheetHandler.processInclude, {0}."}, /** ER_MISSING_LANG_ATTRIB */ // public static final int ER_MISSING_LANG_ATTRIB = 41; { ER_MISSING_LANG_ATTRIB, "(StylesheetHandler) {0}: Das Attribut ''lang'' fehlt. "}, /** ER_MISSING_CONTAINER_ELEMENT_COMPONENT */ // public static final int ER_MISSING_CONTAINER_ELEMENT_COMPONENT = 42; { ER_MISSING_CONTAINER_ELEMENT_COMPONENT, "(StylesheetHandler) Element {0} an falscher Position?? Fehlendes Containerelement ''component''. "}, /** ER_CAN_ONLY_OUTPUT_TO_ELEMENT */ // public static final int ER_CAN_ONLY_OUTPUT_TO_ELEMENT = 43; { ER_CAN_ONLY_OUTPUT_TO_ELEMENT, "Ausgabe kann nur an ein Element, Dokumentfragment, Dokument oder Druckausgabeprogramm erfolgen."}, /** ER_PROCESS_ERROR */ // public static final int ER_PROCESS_ERROR = 44; { ER_PROCESS_ERROR, "Fehler in StylesheetRoot.process"}, /** ER_UNIMPLNODE_ERROR */ // public static final int ER_UNIMPLNODE_ERROR = 45; { ER_UNIMPLNODE_ERROR, "UnImplNode-Fehler: {0}"}, /** ER_NO_SELECT_EXPRESSION */ // public static final int ER_NO_SELECT_EXPRESSION = 46; { ER_NO_SELECT_EXPRESSION, "Fehler! xpath-Auswahlausdruck (-select) konnte nicht gefunden werden."}, /** ER_CANNOT_SERIALIZE_XSLPROCESSOR */ // public static final int ER_CANNOT_SERIALIZE_XSLPROCESSOR = 47; { ER_CANNOT_SERIALIZE_XSLPROCESSOR, "XSLProcessor kann nicht serialisiert werden!"}, /** ER_NO_INPUT_STYLESHEET */ // public static final int ER_NO_INPUT_STYLESHEET = 48; { ER_NO_INPUT_STYLESHEET, "Formatvorlageneingabe wurde nicht angegeben!"}, /** ER_FAILED_PROCESS_STYLESHEET */ // public static final int ER_FAILED_PROCESS_STYLESHEET = 49; { ER_FAILED_PROCESS_STYLESHEET, "Verarbeitung der Formatvorlage fehlgeschlagen!"}, /** ER_COULDNT_PARSE_DOC */ // public static final int ER_COULDNT_PARSE_DOC = 50; { ER_COULDNT_PARSE_DOC, "Dokument {0} konnte nicht syntaktisch analysiert werden!"}, /** ER_COULDNT_FIND_FRAGMENT */ // public static final int ER_COULDNT_FIND_FRAGMENT = 51; { ER_COULDNT_FIND_FRAGMENT, "Fragment konnte nicht gefunden werden: {0}."}, /** ER_NODE_NOT_ELEMENT */ // public static final int ER_NODE_NOT_ELEMENT = 52; { ER_NODE_NOT_ELEMENT, "Der Knoten, auf den von einer Fragment-ID verwiesen wurde, war kein Element: {0}."}, /** ER_FOREACH_NEED_MATCH_OR_NAME_ATTRIB */ // public static final int ER_FOREACH_NEED_MATCH_OR_NAME_ATTRIB = 53; { ER_FOREACH_NEED_MATCH_OR_NAME_ATTRIB, "'for-each' muss entweder ein Attribut 'match' oder 'name' haben."}, /** ER_TEMPLATES_NEED_MATCH_OR_NAME_ATTRIB */ // public static final int ER_TEMPLATES_NEED_MATCH_OR_NAME_ATTRIB = 54; { ER_TEMPLATES_NEED_MATCH_OR_NAME_ATTRIB, "Vorlagen m\u00fcssen entweder ein Attribut 'match' oder 'name' haben."}, /** ER_NO_CLONE_OF_DOCUMENT_FRAG */ // public static final int ER_NO_CLONE_OF_DOCUMENT_FRAG = 55; { ER_NO_CLONE_OF_DOCUMENT_FRAG, "Kein Klon eines Dokumentfragments!"}, /** ER_CANT_CREATE_ITEM */ // public static final int ER_CANT_CREATE_ITEM = 56; { ER_CANT_CREATE_ITEM, "Im Ergebnisbaum kann kein Eintrag erzeugt werden: {0}."}, /** ER_XMLSPACE_ILLEGAL_VALUE */ // public static final int ER_XMLSPACE_ILLEGAL_VALUE = 57; { ER_XMLSPACE_ILLEGAL_VALUE, "xml:space in der Quellen-XML hat einen ung\u00fcltigen Wert: {0}."}, /** ER_NO_XSLKEY_DECLARATION */ // public static final int ER_NO_XSLKEY_DECLARATION = 58; { ER_NO_XSLKEY_DECLARATION, "Keine Deklaration xsl:key f\u00fcr {0} vorhanden!"}, /** ER_CANT_CREATE_URL */ // public static final int ER_CANT_CREATE_URL = 59; { ER_CANT_CREATE_URL, "Fehler! URL kann nicht erstellt werden f\u00fcr: {0}"}, /** ER_XSLFUNCTIONS_UNSUPPORTED */ // public static final int ER_XSLFUNCTIONS_UNSUPPORTED = 60; { ER_XSLFUNCTIONS_UNSUPPORTED, "xsl:functions wird nicht unterst\u00fctzt."}, /** ER_PROCESSOR_ERROR */ // public static final int ER_PROCESSOR_ERROR = 61; { ER_PROCESSOR_ERROR, "XSLT-TransformerFactory-Fehler"}, /** ER_NOT_ALLOWED_INSIDE_STYLESHEET */ // public static final int ER_NOT_ALLOWED_INSIDE_STYLESHEET = 62; { ER_NOT_ALLOWED_INSIDE_STYLESHEET, "(StylesheetHandler) {0} nicht zul\u00e4ssig innerhalb einer Formatvorlage!"}, /** ER_RESULTNS_NOT_SUPPORTED */ // public static final int ER_RESULTNS_NOT_SUPPORTED = 63; { ER_RESULTNS_NOT_SUPPORTED, "result-ns wird nicht mehr unterst\u00fctzt! Verwenden Sie stattdessen xsl:output."}, /** ER_DEFAULTSPACE_NOT_SUPPORTED */ // public static final int ER_DEFAULTSPACE_NOT_SUPPORTED = 64; { ER_DEFAULTSPACE_NOT_SUPPORTED, "default-space wird nicht mehr unterst\u00fctzt! Verwenden Sie stattdessen xsl:strip-space oder xsl:preserve-space."}, /** ER_INDENTRESULT_NOT_SUPPORTED */ // public static final int ER_INDENTRESULT_NOT_SUPPORTED = 65; { ER_INDENTRESULT_NOT_SUPPORTED, "indent-result wird nicht mehr unterst\u00fctzt! Verwenden Sie stattdessen xsl:output."}, /** ER_ILLEGAL_ATTRIB */ // public static final int ER_ILLEGAL_ATTRIB = 66; { ER_ILLEGAL_ATTRIB, "(StylesheetHandler) {0} hat ein ung\u00fcltiges Attribut: {1}."}, /** ER_UNKNOWN_XSL_ELEM */ // public static final int ER_UNKNOWN_XSL_ELEM = 67; { ER_UNKNOWN_XSL_ELEM, "Unbekanntes XSL-Element: {0}"}, /** ER_BAD_XSLSORT_USE */ // public static final int ER_BAD_XSLSORT_USE = 68; { ER_BAD_XSLSORT_USE, "(StylesheetHandler) xsl:sort kann nur mit xsl:apply-templates oder xsl:for-each verwendet werden."}, /** ER_MISPLACED_XSLWHEN */ // public static final int ER_MISPLACED_XSLWHEN = 69; { ER_MISPLACED_XSLWHEN, "(StylesheetHandler) xsl:when steht an der falschen Position!"}, /** ER_XSLWHEN_NOT_PARENTED_BY_XSLCHOOSE */ // public static final int ER_XSLWHEN_NOT_PARENTED_BY_XSLCHOOSE = 70; { ER_XSLWHEN_NOT_PARENTED_BY_XSLCHOOSE, "(StylesheetHandler) F\u00fcr xsl:when ist xsl:choose nicht als Elter definiert!"}, /** ER_MISPLACED_XSLOTHERWISE */ // public static final int ER_MISPLACED_XSLOTHERWISE = 71; { ER_MISPLACED_XSLOTHERWISE, "(StylesheetHandler) xsl:otherwise steht an der falschen Position!"}, /** ER_XSLOTHERWISE_NOT_PARENTED_BY_XSLCHOOSE */ // public static final int ER_XSLOTHERWISE_NOT_PARENTED_BY_XSLCHOOSE = 72; { ER_XSLOTHERWISE_NOT_PARENTED_BY_XSLCHOOSE, "(StylesheetHandler) F\u00fcr xsl:otherwise ist xsl:choose nicht als Elter definiert!"}, /** ER_NOT_ALLOWED_INSIDE_TEMPLATE */ // public static final int ER_NOT_ALLOWED_INSIDE_TEMPLATE = 73; { ER_NOT_ALLOWED_INSIDE_TEMPLATE, "(StylesheetHandler) {0} ist innerhalb einer Vorlage nicht zul\u00e4ssig!"}, /** ER_UNKNOWN_EXT_NS_PREFIX */ // public static final int ER_UNKNOWN_EXT_NS_PREFIX = 74; { ER_UNKNOWN_EXT_NS_PREFIX, "(StylesheetHandler) {0}: Erweiterung des Namensbereichspr\u00e4fixes {1} ist unbekannt"}, /** ER_IMPORTS_AS_FIRST_ELEM */ // public static final int ER_IMPORTS_AS_FIRST_ELEM = 75; { ER_IMPORTS_AS_FIRST_ELEM, "(StylesheetHandler) Importe k\u00f6nnen nur als erste Elemente in der Formatvorlage auftreten!"}, /** ER_IMPORTING_ITSELF */ // public static final int ER_IMPORTING_ITSELF = 76; { ER_IMPORTING_ITSELF, "(StylesheetHandler) {0} importiert sich direkt oder indirekt selbst!"}, /** ER_XMLSPACE_ILLEGAL_VAL */ // public static final int ER_XMLSPACE_ILLEGAL_VAL = 77; { ER_XMLSPACE_ILLEGAL_VAL, "(StylesheetHandler) xml:space hat einen ung\u00fcltigen Wert: {0}. "}, /** ER_PROCESSSTYLESHEET_NOT_SUCCESSFUL */ // public static final int ER_PROCESSSTYLESHEET_NOT_SUCCESSFUL = 78; { ER_PROCESSSTYLESHEET_NOT_SUCCESSFUL, "processStylesheet nicht erfolgreich!"}, /** ER_SAX_EXCEPTION */ // public static final int ER_SAX_EXCEPTION = 79; { ER_SAX_EXCEPTION, "SAX-Ausnahmebedingung"}, /** ER_FUNCTION_NOT_SUPPORTED */ // public static final int ER_FUNCTION_NOT_SUPPORTED = 80; //{ ER_FUNCTION_NOT_SUPPORTED, // "Function not supported!"}, /** ER_XSLT_ERROR */ // public static final int ER_XSLT_ERROR = 81; { ER_XSLT_ERROR, "XSLT-Fehler"}, /** ER_CURRENCY_SIGN_ILLEGAL */ // public static final int ER_CURRENCY_SIGN_ILLEGAL = 82; { ER_CURRENCY_SIGN_ILLEGAL, "Ein W\u00e4hrungssymbol ist in der Formatmusterzeichenfolge nicht zul\u00e4ssig."}, /** ER_DOCUMENT_FUNCTION_INVALID_IN_STYLESHEET_DOM */ // public static final int ER_DOCUMENT_FUNCTION_INVALID_IN_STYLESHEET_DOM = 83; { ER_DOCUMENT_FUNCTION_INVALID_IN_STYLESHEET_DOM, "Eine Dokumentfunktion wird in der Dokumentobjektmodell-Formatvorlage nicht unterst\u00fctzt!"}, /** ER_CANT_RESOLVE_PREFIX_OF_NON_PREFIX_RESOLVER */ // public static final int ER_CANT_RESOLVE_PREFIX_OF_NON_PREFIX_RESOLVER = 84; { ER_CANT_RESOLVE_PREFIX_OF_NON_PREFIX_RESOLVER, "Pr\u00e4fix einer Aufl\u00f6sung ohne Pr\u00e4fix kann nicht aufgel\u00f6st werden!"}, /** ER_REDIRECT_COULDNT_GET_FILENAME */ // public static final int ER_REDIRECT_COULDNT_GET_FILENAME = 85; { ER_REDIRECT_COULDNT_GET_FILENAME, "Umleitungserweiterung: Dateiname konnte nicht abgerufen werden - Datei oder Attribut 'select' muss eine g\u00fcltige Zeichenfolge zur\u00fcckgeben. "}, /** ER_CANNOT_BUILD_FORMATTERLISTENER_IN_REDIRECT */ // public static final int ER_CANNOT_BUILD_FORMATTERLISTENER_IN_REDIRECT = 86; { ER_CANNOT_BUILD_FORMATTERLISTENER_IN_REDIRECT, "FormatterListener kann in Umleitungserweiterung nicht erstellt werden!"}, /** ER_INVALID_PREFIX_IN_EXCLUDERESULTPREFIX */ // public static final int ER_INVALID_PREFIX_IN_EXCLUDERESULTPREFIX = 87; { ER_INVALID_PREFIX_IN_EXCLUDERESULTPREFIX, "Pr\u00e4fix in exclude-result-prefixes ist nicht g\u00fcltig: {0}."}, /** ER_MISSING_NS_URI */ // public static final int ER_MISSING_NS_URI = 88; { ER_MISSING_NS_URI, "Fehlende Namensbereichs-URI f\u00fcr angegebenes Pr\u00e4fix."}, /** ER_MISSING_ARG_FOR_OPTION */ // public static final int ER_MISSING_ARG_FOR_OPTION = 89; { ER_MISSING_ARG_FOR_OPTION, "Fehlendes Argument f\u00fcr Option: {0}."}, /** ER_INVALID_OPTION */ // public static final int ER_INVALID_OPTION = 90; { ER_INVALID_OPTION, "Ung\u00fcltige Option: {0}"}, /** ER_MALFORMED_FORMAT_STRING */ // public static final int ER_MALFORMED_FORMAT_STRING = 91; { ER_MALFORMED_FORMAT_STRING, "Syntaktisch falsche Formatzeichenfolge: {0}"}, /** ER_STYLESHEET_REQUIRES_VERSION_ATTRIB */ // public static final int ER_STYLESHEET_REQUIRES_VERSION_ATTRIB = 92; { ER_STYLESHEET_REQUIRES_VERSION_ATTRIB, "xsl:stylesheet erfordert ein Attribut 'version'!"}, /** ER_ILLEGAL_ATTRIBUTE_VALUE */ // public static final int ER_ILLEGAL_ATTRIBUTE_VALUE = 93; { ER_ILLEGAL_ATTRIBUTE_VALUE, "Attribut {0} weist einen ung\u00fcltigen Wert auf: {1}"}, /** ER_CHOOSE_REQUIRES_WHEN */ // public static final int ER_CHOOSE_REQUIRES_WHEN = 94; { ER_CHOOSE_REQUIRES_WHEN, "xsl:choose erfordert xsl:when."}, /** ER_NO_APPLY_IMPORT_IN_FOR_EACH */ // public static final int ER_NO_APPLY_IMPORT_IN_FOR_EACH = 95; { ER_NO_APPLY_IMPORT_IN_FOR_EACH, "xsl:apply-imports ist in xsl:for-each nicht zul\u00e4ssig."}, /** ER_CANT_USE_DTM_FOR_OUTPUT */ // public static final int ER_CANT_USE_DTM_FOR_OUTPUT = 96; { ER_CANT_USE_DTM_FOR_OUTPUT, "DTMLiaison kann nicht f\u00fcr einen Ausgabe-Dokumentobjektmodellknoten verwendet werden... \u00dcbergeben Sie stattdessen com.sun.org.apache.xpath.internal.DOM2Helper!"}, /** ER_CANT_USE_DTM_FOR_INPUT */ // public static final int ER_CANT_USE_DTM_FOR_INPUT = 97; { ER_CANT_USE_DTM_FOR_INPUT, "DTMLiaison kann nicht f\u00fcr einen Eingabe-Dokumentobjektmodellknoten verwendet werden... \u00dcbergeben Sie stattdessen com.sun.org.apache.xpath.internal.DOM2Helper!"}, /** ER_CALL_TO_EXT_FAILED */ // public static final int ER_CALL_TO_EXT_FAILED = 98; { ER_CALL_TO_EXT_FAILED, "Aufruf an Erweiterungselement fehlgeschlagen: {0}."}, /** ER_PREFIX_MUST_RESOLVE */ // public static final int ER_PREFIX_MUST_RESOLVE = 99; { ER_PREFIX_MUST_RESOLVE, "Das Pr\u00e4fix muss in einen Namensbereich aufgel\u00f6st werden: {0}"}, /** ER_INVALID_UTF16_SURROGATE */ // public static final int ER_INVALID_UTF16_SURROGATE = 100; { ER_INVALID_UTF16_SURROGATE, "Ung\u00fcltige UTF-16-Ersetzung festgestellt: {0} ?"}, /** ER_XSLATTRSET_USED_ITSELF */ // public static final int ER_XSLATTRSET_USED_ITSELF = 101; { ER_XSLATTRSET_USED_ITSELF, "xsl:attribute-set {0} verwendet sich selbst, wodurch eine Endlosschleife verursacht wird."}, /** ER_CANNOT_MIX_XERCESDOM */ // public static final int ER_CANNOT_MIX_XERCESDOM = 102; { ER_CANNOT_MIX_XERCESDOM, "Nicht-Xerces-Dokumentobjektmodelleingabe kann nicht mit Xerces-Dokumentobjektmodellausgabe gemischt werden!"}, /** ER_TOO_MANY_LISTENERS */ // public static final int ER_TOO_MANY_LISTENERS = 103; { ER_TOO_MANY_LISTENERS, "addTraceListenersToStylesheet - TooManyListenersException"}, /** ER_IN_ELEMTEMPLATEELEM_READOBJECT */ // public static final int ER_IN_ELEMTEMPLATEELEM_READOBJECT = 104; { ER_IN_ELEMTEMPLATEELEM_READOBJECT, "In ElemTemplateElement.readObject: {0}"}, /** ER_DUPLICATE_NAMED_TEMPLATE */ // public static final int ER_DUPLICATE_NAMED_TEMPLATE = 105; { ER_DUPLICATE_NAMED_TEMPLATE, "Mehrere Vorlagen mit folgendem Namen gefunden: {0}."}, /** ER_INVALID_KEY_CALL */ // public static final int ER_INVALID_KEY_CALL = 106; { ER_INVALID_KEY_CALL, "Ung\u00fcltiger Funktionsaufruf: rekursive Aufrufe 'key()'sind nicht zul\u00e4ssig."}, /** Variable is referencing itself */ // public static final int ER_REFERENCING_ITSELF = 107; { ER_REFERENCING_ITSELF, "Variable {0} verweist direkt oder indirekt auf sich selbst!"}, /** Illegal DOMSource input */ // public static final int ER_ILLEGAL_DOMSOURCE_INPUT = 108; { ER_ILLEGAL_DOMSOURCE_INPUT, "Der Eingabeknoten kann f\u00fcr DOMSource f\u00fcr newTemplates nicht Null sein!"}, /** Class not found for option */ // public static final int ER_CLASS_NOT_FOUND_FOR_OPTION = 109; { ER_CLASS_NOT_FOUND_FOR_OPTION, "Klassendatei f\u00fcr Option {0} wurde nicht gefunden."}, /** Required Element not found */ // public static final int ER_REQUIRED_ELEM_NOT_FOUND = 110; { ER_REQUIRED_ELEM_NOT_FOUND, "Erforderliches Element nicht gefunden: {0}."}, /** InputStream cannot be null */ // public static final int ER_INPUT_CANNOT_BE_NULL = 111; { ER_INPUT_CANNOT_BE_NULL, "InputStream kann nicht Null sein."}, /** URI cannot be null */ // public static final int ER_URI_CANNOT_BE_NULL = 112; { ER_URI_CANNOT_BE_NULL, "URI kann nicht Null sein."}, /** File cannot be null */ // public static final int ER_FILE_CANNOT_BE_NULL = 113; { ER_FILE_CANNOT_BE_NULL, "Eine Datei kann nicht Null sein."}, /** InputSource cannot be null */ // public static final int ER_SOURCE_CANNOT_BE_NULL = 114; { ER_SOURCE_CANNOT_BE_NULL, "InputSource kann nicht Null sein."}, /** Can't overwrite cause */ // public static final int ER_CANNOT_OVERWRITE_CAUSE = 115; //{ ER_CANNOT_OVERWRITE_CAUSE, // "Cannot overwrite cause"}, /** Could not initialize BSF Manager */ // public static final int ER_CANNOT_INIT_BSFMGR = 116; { ER_CANNOT_INIT_BSFMGR, "BSF Manager kann nicht initialisiert werden."}, /** Could not compile extension */ // public static final int ER_CANNOT_CMPL_EXTENSN = 117; { ER_CANNOT_CMPL_EXTENSN, "Erweiterung konnte nicht kompiliert werden."}, /** Could not create extension */ // public static final int ER_CANNOT_CREATE_EXTENSN = 118; { ER_CANNOT_CREATE_EXTENSN, "Erweiterung {0} konnte nicht erstellt werden. Ursache: {1}."}, /** Instance method call to method {0} requires an Object instance as first argument */ // public static final int ER_INSTANCE_MTHD_CALL_REQUIRES = 119; { ER_INSTANCE_MTHD_CALL_REQUIRES, "Der Aufruf einer Exemplardefinitionsmethode von Methode {0} erfordert ein Objektexemplar als erstes Argument."}, /** Invalid element name specified */ // public static final int ER_INVALID_ELEMENT_NAME = 120; { ER_INVALID_ELEMENT_NAME, "Ung\u00fcltiger Elementname angegeben {0}."}, /** Element name method must be static */ // public static final int ER_ELEMENT_NAME_METHOD_STATIC = 121; { ER_ELEMENT_NAME_METHOD_STATIC, "Elementnamenmethode muss statisch sein: {0}"}, /** Extension function {0} : {1} is unknown */ // public static final int ER_EXTENSION_FUNC_UNKNOWN = 122; { ER_EXTENSION_FUNC_UNKNOWN, "Erweiterungsfunktion {0} : {1} ist unbekannt."}, /** More than one best match for constructor for */ // public static final int ER_MORE_MATCH_CONSTRUCTOR = 123; { ER_MORE_MATCH_CONSTRUCTOR, "Mehrere passende Entsprechungen f\u00fcr Konstruktor f\u00fcr {0}."}, /** More than one best match for method */ // public static final int ER_MORE_MATCH_METHOD = 124; { ER_MORE_MATCH_METHOD, "Mehrere passende Entsprechungen f\u00fcr Methode {0}."}, /** More than one best match for element method */ // public static final int ER_MORE_MATCH_ELEMENT = 125; { ER_MORE_MATCH_ELEMENT, "Mehrere passende Entsprechungen f\u00fcr Elementmethode {0}."}, /** Invalid context passed to evaluate */ // public static final int ER_INVALID_CONTEXT_PASSED = 126; { ER_INVALID_CONTEXT_PASSED, "Ung\u00fcltiger Kontext zur Auswertung von {0} \u00fcbergeben."}, /** Pool already exists */ // public static final int ER_POOL_EXISTS = 127; { ER_POOL_EXISTS, "Pool ist bereits vorhanden."}, /** No driver Name specified */ // public static final int ER_NO_DRIVER_NAME = 128; { ER_NO_DRIVER_NAME, "Kein Treibername angegeben."}, /** No URL specified */ // public static final int ER_NO_URL = 129; { ER_NO_URL, "Keine URL-Adresse angegeben."}, /** Pool size is less than one */ // public static final int ER_POOL_SIZE_LESSTHAN_ONE = 130; { ER_POOL_SIZE_LESSTHAN_ONE, "Poolgr\u00f6\u00dfe ist kleiner als Eins!"}, /** Invalid driver name specified */ // public static final int ER_INVALID_DRIVER = 131; { ER_INVALID_DRIVER, "Ung\u00fcltiger Treibername angegeben!"}, /** Did not find the stylesheet root */ // public static final int ER_NO_STYLESHEETROOT = 132; { ER_NO_STYLESHEETROOT, "Root der Formatvorlage konnte nicht gefunden werden!"}, /** Illegal value for xml:space */ // public static final int ER_ILLEGAL_XMLSPACE_VALUE = 133; { ER_ILLEGAL_XMLSPACE_VALUE, "Ung\u00fcltiger Wert f\u00fcr xml:space"}, /** processFromNode failed */ // public static final int ER_PROCESSFROMNODE_FAILED = 134; { ER_PROCESSFROMNODE_FAILED, "processFromNode ist fehlgeschlagen."}, /** The resource [] could not load: */ // public static final int ER_RESOURCE_COULD_NOT_LOAD = 135; { ER_RESOURCE_COULD_NOT_LOAD, "Die Ressource [ {0} ] konnte nicht geladen werden: {1} \n {2} \t {3}"}, /** Buffer size <=0 */ // public static final int ER_BUFFER_SIZE_LESSTHAN_ZERO = 136; { ER_BUFFER_SIZE_LESSTHAN_ZERO, "Puffergr\u00f6\u00dfe <=0"}, /** Unknown error when calling extension */ // public static final int ER_UNKNOWN_ERROR_CALLING_EXTENSION = 137; { ER_UNKNOWN_ERROR_CALLING_EXTENSION, "Unbekannter Fehler beim Aufrufen der Erweiterung."}, /** Prefix {0} does not have a corresponding namespace declaration */ // public static final int ER_NO_NAMESPACE_DECL = 138; { ER_NO_NAMESPACE_DECL, "Pr\u00e4fix {0} hat keine entsprechende Namensbereichdeklaration."}, /** Element content not allowed for lang=javaclass */ // public static final int ER_ELEM_CONTENT_NOT_ALLOWED = 139; { ER_ELEM_CONTENT_NOT_ALLOWED, "Elementinhalt nicht zul\u00e4ssig f\u00fcr lang=javaclass {0}."}, /** Stylesheet directed termination */ // public static final int ER_STYLESHEET_DIRECTED_TERMINATION = 140; { ER_STYLESHEET_DIRECTED_TERMINATION, "Formatvorlage hat die Beendigung \u00fcbertragen."}, /** 1 or 2 */ // public static final int ER_ONE_OR_TWO = 141; { ER_ONE_OR_TWO, "1 oder 2"}, /** 2 or 3 */ // public static final int ER_TWO_OR_THREE = 142; { ER_TWO_OR_THREE, "2 oder 3"}, /** Could not load {0} (check CLASSPATH), now using just the defaults */ // public static final int ER_COULD_NOT_LOAD_RESOURCE = 143; { ER_COULD_NOT_LOAD_RESOURCE, "{0} (CLASSPATH pr\u00fcfen) konnte nicht geladen werden; es werden die Standardwerte verwendet."}, /** Cannot initialize default templates */ // public static final int ER_CANNOT_INIT_DEFAULT_TEMPLATES = 144; { ER_CANNOT_INIT_DEFAULT_TEMPLATES, "Standardvorlagen k\u00f6nnen nicht initialisiert werden."}, /** Result should not be null */ // public static final int ER_RESULT_NULL = 145; { ER_RESULT_NULL, "Das Ergebnis darf nicht Null sein."}, /** Result could not be set */ // public static final int ER_RESULT_COULD_NOT_BE_SET = 146; { ER_RESULT_COULD_NOT_BE_SET, "Das Ergebnis konnte nicht festgelegt werden."}, /** No output specified */ // public static final int ER_NO_OUTPUT_SPECIFIED = 147; { ER_NO_OUTPUT_SPECIFIED, "Keine Ausgabe angegeben."}, /** Can't transform to a Result of type */ // public static final int ER_CANNOT_TRANSFORM_TO_RESULT_TYPE = 148; { ER_CANNOT_TRANSFORM_TO_RESULT_TYPE, "Umsetzen in ein Ergebnis des Typs {0} ist nicht m\u00f6glich. "}, /** Can't transform to a Source of type */ // public static final int ER_CANNOT_TRANSFORM_SOURCE_TYPE = 149; { ER_CANNOT_TRANSFORM_SOURCE_TYPE, "Umsetzen einer Quelle des Typs {0} ist nicht m\u00f6glich. "}, /** Null content handler */ // public static final int ER_NULL_CONTENT_HANDLER = 150; { ER_NULL_CONTENT_HANDLER, "Es ist keine Inhaltssteuerroutine vorhanden."}, /** Null error handler */ // public static final int ER_NULL_ERROR_HANDLER = 151; { ER_NULL_ERROR_HANDLER, "Kein Fehlerbehandlungsprogramm vorhanden"}, /** parse can not be called if the ContentHandler has not been set */ // public static final int ER_CANNOT_CALL_PARSE = 152; { ER_CANNOT_CALL_PARSE, "Die Syntaxanalyse kann nicht aufgerufen werden, wenn ContentHandler nicht festgelegt wurde."}, /** No parent for filter */ // public static final int ER_NO_PARENT_FOR_FILTER = 153; { ER_NO_PARENT_FOR_FILTER, "Kein Elter f\u00fcr Filter vorhanden"}, /** No stylesheet found in: {0}, media */ // public static final int ER_NO_STYLESHEET_IN_MEDIA = 154; { ER_NO_STYLESHEET_IN_MEDIA, "Keine Formatvorlage gefunden in: {0}, Datentr\u00e4ger= {1}."}, /** No xml-stylesheet PI found in */ // public static final int ER_NO_STYLESHEET_PI = 155; { ER_NO_STYLESHEET_PI, "Keine Verarbeitungsanweisung f\u00fcr xml-stylesheet gefunden in {0}."}, /** No default implementation found */ // public static final int ER_NO_DEFAULT_IMPL = 156; //{ ER_NO_DEFAULT_IMPL, // "No default implementation found "}, /** ChunkedIntArray({0}) not currently supported */ // public static final int ER_CHUNKEDINTARRAY_NOT_SUPPORTED = 157; //{ ER_CHUNKEDINTARRAY_NOT_SUPPORTED, // "ChunkedIntArray({0}) not currently supported"}, /** Offset bigger than slot */ // public static final int ER_OFFSET_BIGGER_THAN_SLOT = 158; //{ ER_OFFSET_BIGGER_THAN_SLOT, // "Offset bigger than slot"}, /** Coroutine not available, id= */ // public static final int ER_COROUTINE_NOT_AVAIL = 159; //{ ER_COROUTINE_NOT_AVAIL, // "Coroutine not available, id={0}"}, /** CoroutineManager recieved co_exit() request */ // public static final int ER_COROUTINE_CO_EXIT = 160; //{ ER_COROUTINE_CO_EXIT, // "CoroutineManager received co_exit() request"}, /** co_joinCoroutineSet() failed */ // public static final int ER_COJOINROUTINESET_FAILED = 161; //{ ER_COJOINROUTINESET_FAILED, // "co_joinCoroutineSet() failed"}, /** Coroutine parameter error () */ // public static final int ER_COROUTINE_PARAM = 162; //{ ER_COROUTINE_PARAM, // "Coroutine parameter error ({0})"}, /** UNEXPECTED: Parser doTerminate answers */ // public static final int ER_PARSER_DOTERMINATE_ANSWERS = 163; //{ ER_PARSER_DOTERMINATE_ANSWERS, // "\nUNEXPECTED: Parser doTerminate answers {0}"}, /** parse may not be called while parsing */ // public static final int ER_NO_PARSE_CALL_WHILE_PARSING = 164; //{ ER_NO_PARSE_CALL_WHILE_PARSING, // "parse may not be called while parsing"}, /** Error: typed iterator for axis {0} not implemented */ // public static final int ER_TYPED_ITERATOR_AXIS_NOT_IMPLEMENTED = 165; //{ ER_TYPED_ITERATOR_AXIS_NOT_IMPLEMENTED, // "Error: typed iterator for axis {0} not implemented"}, /** Error: iterator for axis {0} not implemented */ // public static final int ER_ITERATOR_AXIS_NOT_IMPLEMENTED = 166; //{ ER_ITERATOR_AXIS_NOT_IMPLEMENTED, // "Error: iterator for axis {0} not implemented "}, /** Iterator clone not supported */ // public static final int ER_ITERATOR_CLONE_NOT_SUPPORTED = 167; //{ ER_ITERATOR_CLONE_NOT_SUPPORTED, // "Iterator clone not supported"}, /** Unknown axis traversal type */ // public static final int ER_UNKNOWN_AXIS_TYPE = 168; //{ ER_UNKNOWN_AXIS_TYPE, // "Unknown axis traversal type: {0}"}, /** Axis traverser not supported */ // public static final int ER_AXIS_NOT_SUPPORTED = 169; //{ ER_AXIS_NOT_SUPPORTED, // "Axis traverser not supported: {0}"}, /** No more DTM IDs are available */ // public static final int ER_NO_DTMIDS_AVAIL = 170; //{ ER_NO_DTMIDS_AVAIL, // "No more DTM IDs are available"}, /** Not supported */ // public static final int ER_NOT_SUPPORTED = 171; { ER_NOT_SUPPORTED, "Nicht unterst\u00fctzt: {0}"}, /** node must be non-null for getDTMHandleFromNode */ // public static final int ER_NODE_NON_NULL = 172; //{ ER_NODE_NON_NULL, // "Node must be non-null for getDTMHandleFromNode"}, /** Could not resolve the node to a handle */ // public static final int ER_COULD_NOT_RESOLVE_NODE = 173; //{ ER_COULD_NOT_RESOLVE_NODE, // "Could not resolve the node to a handle"}, /** startParse may not be called while parsing */ // public static final int ER_STARTPARSE_WHILE_PARSING = 174; //{ ER_STARTPARSE_WHILE_PARSING, // "startParse may not be called while parsing"}, /** startParse needs a non-null SAXParser */ // public static final int ER_STARTPARSE_NEEDS_SAXPARSER = 175; //{ ER_STARTPARSE_NEEDS_SAXPARSER, // "startParse needs a non-null SAXParser"}, /** could not initialize parser with */ // public static final int ER_COULD_NOT_INIT_PARSER = 176; //{ ER_COULD_NOT_INIT_PARSER, // "could not initialize parser with"}, /** Value for property {0} should be a Boolean instance */ // public static final int ER_PROPERTY_VALUE_BOOLEAN = 177; { ER_PROPERTY_VALUE_BOOLEAN, "Der Wert f\u00fcr Merkmal {0} sollte ein Boolesches Exemplar sein."}, /** exception creating new instance for pool */ // public static final int ER_EXCEPTION_CREATING_POOL = 178; //{ ER_EXCEPTION_CREATING_POOL, // "exception creating new instance for pool"}, /** Path contains invalid escape sequence */ // public static final int ER_PATH_CONTAINS_INVALID_ESCAPE_SEQUENCE = 179; //{ ER_PATH_CONTAINS_INVALID_ESCAPE_SEQUENCE, // "Path contains invalid escape sequence"}, /** Scheme is required! */ // public static final int ER_SCHEME_REQUIRED = 180; //{ ER_SCHEME_REQUIRED, // "Scheme is required!"}, /** No scheme found in URI */ // public static final int ER_NO_SCHEME_IN_URI = 181; //{ ER_NO_SCHEME_IN_URI, // "No scheme found in URI: {0}"}, /** No scheme found in URI */ // public static final int ER_NO_SCHEME_INURI = 182; //{ ER_NO_SCHEME_INURI, // "No scheme found in URI"}, /** Path contains invalid character: */ // public static final int ER_PATH_INVALID_CHAR = 183; //{ ER_PATH_INVALID_CHAR, // "Path contains invalid character: {0}"}, /** Cannot set scheme from null string */ // public static final int ER_SCHEME_FROM_NULL_STRING = 184; //{ ER_SCHEME_FROM_NULL_STRING, // "Cannot set scheme from null string"}, /** The scheme is not conformant. */ // public static final int ER_SCHEME_NOT_CONFORMANT = 185; //{ ER_SCHEME_NOT_CONFORMANT, // "The scheme is not conformant."}, /** Host is not a well formed address */ // public static final int ER_HOST_ADDRESS_NOT_WELLFORMED = 186; //{ ER_HOST_ADDRESS_NOT_WELLFORMED, // "Host is not a well formed address"}, /** Port cannot be set when host is null */ // public static final int ER_PORT_WHEN_HOST_NULL = 187; //{ ER_PORT_WHEN_HOST_NULL, // "Port cannot be set when host is null"}, /** Invalid port number */ // public static final int ER_INVALID_PORT = 188; //{ ER_INVALID_PORT, // "Invalid port number"}, /** Fragment can only be set for a generic URI */ // public static final int ER_FRAG_FOR_GENERIC_URI = 189; //{ ER_FRAG_FOR_GENERIC_URI, // "Fragment can only be set for a generic URI"}, /** Fragment cannot be set when path is null */ // public static final int ER_FRAG_WHEN_PATH_NULL = 190; //{ ER_FRAG_WHEN_PATH_NULL, // "Fragment cannot be set when path is null"}, /** Fragment contains invalid character */ // public static final int ER_FRAG_INVALID_CHAR = 191; //{ ER_FRAG_INVALID_CHAR, // "Fragment contains invalid character"}, /** Parser is already in use */ // public static final int ER_PARSER_IN_USE = 192; //{ ER_PARSER_IN_USE, // "Parser is already in use"}, /** Parser is already in use */ // public static final int ER_CANNOT_CHANGE_WHILE_PARSING = 193; //{ ER_CANNOT_CHANGE_WHILE_PARSING, // "Cannot change {0} {1} while parsing"}, /** Self-causation not permitted */ // public static final int ER_SELF_CAUSATION_NOT_PERMITTED = 194; //{ ER_SELF_CAUSATION_NOT_PERMITTED, // "Self-causation not permitted"}, /** src attribute not yet supported for */ // public static final int ER_COULD_NOT_FIND_EXTERN_SCRIPT = 195; { ER_COULD_NOT_FIND_EXTERN_SCRIPT, "Externes Script bei {0} konnte nicht erreicht werden."}, /** The resource [] could not be found */ // public static final int ER_RESOURCE_COULD_NOT_FIND = 196; { ER_RESOURCE_COULD_NOT_FIND, "Die Ressource [ {0} ] konnte nicht gefunden werden.\n {1}"}, /** output property not recognized: */ // public static final int ER_OUTPUT_PROPERTY_NOT_RECOGNIZED = 197; { ER_OUTPUT_PROPERTY_NOT_RECOGNIZED, "Ausgabemerkmal nicht erkannt: {0}"}, /** Userinfo may not be specified if host is not specified */ // public static final int ER_NO_USERINFO_IF_NO_HOST = 198; //{ ER_NO_USERINFO_IF_NO_HOST, // "Userinfo may not be specified if host is not specified"}, /** Port may not be specified if host is not specified */ // public static final int ER_NO_PORT_IF_NO_HOST = 199; //{ ER_NO_PORT_IF_NO_HOST, // "Port may not be specified if host is not specified"}, /** Query string cannot be specified in path and query string */ // public static final int ER_NO_QUERY_STRING_IN_PATH = 200; //{ ER_NO_QUERY_STRING_IN_PATH, // "Query string cannot be specified in path and query string"}, /** Fragment cannot be specified in both the path and fragment */ // public static final int ER_NO_FRAGMENT_STRING_IN_PATH = 201; //{ ER_NO_FRAGMENT_STRING_IN_PATH, // "Fragment cannot be specified in both the path and fragment"}, /** Cannot initialize URI with empty parameters */ // public static final int ER_CANNOT_INIT_URI_EMPTY_PARMS = 202; //{ ER_CANNOT_INIT_URI_EMPTY_PARMS, // "Cannot initialize URI with empty parameters"}, /** Failed creating ElemLiteralResult instance */ // public static final int ER_FAILED_CREATING_ELEMLITRSLT = 203; { ER_FAILED_CREATING_ELEMLITRSLT, "Das Erstellen des Exemplars ElemLiteralResult ist fehlgeschlagen."}, //Earlier (JDK 1.4 XALAN 2.2-D11) at key code '204' the key name was ER_PRIORITY_NOT_PARSABLE // In latest Xalan code base key name is ER_VALUE_SHOULD_BE_NUMBER. This should also be taken care //in locale specific files like XSLTErrorResources_de.java, XSLTErrorResources_fr.java etc. //NOTE: Not only the key name but message has also been changed. /** Priority value does not contain a parsable number */ // public static final int ER_VALUE_SHOULD_BE_NUMBER = 204; { ER_VALUE_SHOULD_BE_NUMBER, "Der Wert f\u00fcr {0} sollte eine syntaktisch analysierbare Zahl sein."}, /** Value for {0} should equal 'yes' or 'no' */ // public static final int ER_VALUE_SHOULD_EQUAL = 205; { ER_VALUE_SHOULD_EQUAL, "Der Wert f\u00fcr {0} sollte ''yes'' oder ''no'' entsprechen."}, /** Failed calling {0} method */ // public static final int ER_FAILED_CALLING_METHOD = 206; { ER_FAILED_CALLING_METHOD, "Aufruf von Methode {0} ist fehlgeschlagen"}, /** Failed creating ElemLiteralResult instance */ // public static final int ER_FAILED_CREATING_ELEMTMPL = 207; { ER_FAILED_CREATING_ELEMTMPL, "Das Erstellen des Exemplars ElemTemplateElement ist fehlgeschlagen."}, /** Characters are not allowed at this point in the document */ // public static final int ER_CHARS_NOT_ALLOWED = 208; { ER_CHARS_NOT_ALLOWED, "Zeichen sind an dieser Stelle im Dokument nicht zul\u00e4ssig."}, /** attribute is not allowed on the element */ // public static final int ER_ATTR_NOT_ALLOWED = 209; { ER_ATTR_NOT_ALLOWED, "Das Attribut \"{0}\" ist im Element {1} nicht zul\u00e4ssig!"}, /** Method not yet supported */ // public static final int ER_METHOD_NOT_SUPPORTED = 210; //{ ER_METHOD_NOT_SUPPORTED, // "Method not yet supported "}, /** Bad value */ // public static final int ER_BAD_VALUE = 211; { ER_BAD_VALUE, "{0} ung\u00fcltiger Wert {1} "}, /** attribute value not found */ // public static final int ER_ATTRIB_VALUE_NOT_FOUND = 212; { ER_ATTRIB_VALUE_NOT_FOUND, "Attributwert {0} wurde nicht gefunden "}, /** attribute value not recognized */ // public static final int ER_ATTRIB_VALUE_NOT_RECOGNIZED = 213; { ER_ATTRIB_VALUE_NOT_RECOGNIZED, "Attributwert {0} wurde nicht erkannt "}, /** IncrementalSAXSource_Filter not currently restartable */ // public static final int ER_INCRSAXSRCFILTER_NOT_RESTARTABLE = 214; //{ ER_INCRSAXSRCFILTER_NOT_RESTARTABLE, // "IncrementalSAXSource_Filter not currently restartable"}, /** IncrementalSAXSource_Filter not currently restartable */ // public static final int ER_XMLRDR_NOT_BEFORE_STARTPARSE = 215; //{ ER_XMLRDR_NOT_BEFORE_STARTPARSE, // "XMLReader not before startParse request"}, /** Attempting to generate a namespace prefix with a null URI */ // public static final int ER_NULL_URI_NAMESPACE = 216; { ER_NULL_URI_NAMESPACE, "Es wird versucht, ein Namensbereichpr\u00e4fix mit einer Null-URI zu erzeugen."}, //New ERROR keys added in XALAN code base after Jdk 1.4 (Xalan 2.2-D11) /** Attempting to generate a namespace prefix with a null URI */ // public static final int ER_NUMBER_TOO_BIG = 217; { ER_NUMBER_TOO_BIG, "Es wird versucht, eine gr\u00f6\u00dfere Zahl als die gr\u00f6\u00dfte erweiterte Ganzzahl zu formatieren."}, //ER_CANNOT_FIND_SAX1_DRIVER // public static final int ER_CANNOT_FIND_SAX1_DRIVER = 218; { ER_CANNOT_FIND_SAX1_DRIVER, "SAX1-Treiberklasse {0} konnte nicht gefunden werden."}, //ER_SAX1_DRIVER_NOT_LOADED // public static final int ER_SAX1_DRIVER_NOT_LOADED = 219; { ER_SAX1_DRIVER_NOT_LOADED, "SAX1-Treiberklasse {0} gefunden, kann aber nicht geladen werden."}, //ER_SAX1_DRIVER_NOT_INSTANTIATED // public static final int ER_SAX1_DRIVER_NOT_INSTANTIATED = 220 ; { ER_SAX1_DRIVER_NOT_INSTANTIATED, "SAX1-Treiberklasse {0} geladen, kann aber nicht instanziert werden."}, // ER_SAX1_DRIVER_NOT_IMPLEMENT_PARSER // public static final int ER_SAX1_DRIVER_NOT_IMPLEMENT_PARSER = 221; { ER_SAX1_DRIVER_NOT_IMPLEMENT_PARSER, "SAX1-Treiberklasse {0} implementiert nicht org.xml.sax.Parser."}, // ER_PARSER_PROPERTY_NOT_SPECIFIED // public static final int ER_PARSER_PROPERTY_NOT_SPECIFIED = 222; { ER_PARSER_PROPERTY_NOT_SPECIFIED, "Systemmerkmal org.xml.sax.parser ist nicht angegeben."}, //ER_PARSER_ARG_CANNOT_BE_NULL // public static final int ER_PARSER_ARG_CANNOT_BE_NULL = 223 ; { ER_PARSER_ARG_CANNOT_BE_NULL, "Parserargument darf nicht Null sein."}, // ER_FEATURE // public static final int ER_FEATURE = 224; { ER_FEATURE, "Feature: {0}"}, // ER_PROPERTY // public static final int ER_PROPERTY = 225 ; { ER_PROPERTY, "Merkmal: {0}"}, // ER_NULL_ENTITY_RESOLVER // public static final int ER_NULL_ENTITY_RESOLVER = 226; { ER_NULL_ENTITY_RESOLVER, "Es ist keine Entit\u00e4tenaufl\u00f6sungsroutine vorhanden."}, // ER_NULL_DTD_HANDLER // public static final int ER_NULL_DTD_HANDLER = 227 ; { ER_NULL_DTD_HANDLER, "Es ist keine Steuerroutine f\u00fcr Dokumenttypbeschreibungen vorhanden."}, // No Driver Name Specified! // public static final int ER_NO_DRIVER_NAME_SPECIFIED = 228; { ER_NO_DRIVER_NAME_SPECIFIED, "Kein Treibername angegeben!"}, // No URL Specified! // public static final int ER_NO_URL_SPECIFIED = 229; { ER_NO_URL_SPECIFIED, "Keine URL-Adresse angegeben!"}, // Pool size is less than 1! // public static final int ER_POOLSIZE_LESS_THAN_ONE = 230; { ER_POOLSIZE_LESS_THAN_ONE, "Poolgr\u00f6\u00dfe ist kleiner als 1!"}, // Invalid Driver Name Specified! // public static final int ER_INVALID_DRIVER_NAME = 231; { ER_INVALID_DRIVER_NAME, "Ung\u00fcltiger Treibername angegeben!"}, // ErrorListener // public static final int ER_ERRORLISTENER = 232; { ER_ERRORLISTENER, "ErrorListener"}, // Programmer's error! expr has no ElemTemplateElement parent! // public static final int ER_ASSERT_NO_TEMPLATE_PARENT = 233; { ER_ASSERT_NO_TEMPLATE_PARENT, "Programmierfehler! 'expr' hat kein Elter ElemTemplateElement!"}, // Programmer''s assertion in RundundentExprEliminator: {0} // public static final int ER_ASSERT_REDUNDENT_EXPR_ELIMINATOR = 234; { ER_ASSERT_REDUNDENT_EXPR_ELIMINATOR, "Programmiererfestlegung in RedundentExprEliminator: {0} "}, // Axis traverser not supported: {0} // public static final int ER_AXIS_TRAVERSER_NOT_SUPPORTED = 235; //{ ER_AXIS_TRAVERSER_NOT_SUPPORTED, // "Axis traverser not supported: {0}"}, // ListingErrorHandler created with null PrintWriter! // public static final int ER_ERRORHANDLER_CREATED_WITH_NULL_PRINTWRITER = 236; //{ ER_ERRORHANDLER_CREATED_WITH_NULL_PRINTWRITER, // "ListingErrorHandler created with null PrintWriter!"}, // {0}is not allowed in this position in the stylesheet! // public static final int ER_NOT_ALLOWED_IN_POSITION = 237; { ER_NOT_ALLOWED_IN_POSITION, "{0} ist an dieser Position in der Formatvorlage nicht zul\u00e4ssig!"}, // Non-whitespace text is not allowed in this position in the stylesheet! // public static final int ER_NONWHITESPACE_NOT_ALLOWED_IN_POSITION = 238; { ER_NONWHITESPACE_NOT_ALLOWED_IN_POSITION, "Anderer Text als Leerzeichen ist an dieser Position in der Formatvorlage nicht zul\u00e4ssig!"}, // This code is shared with warning codes. // Illegal value: {1} used for CHAR attribute: {0}. An attribute of type CHAR must be only 1 character! // public static final int INVALID_TCHAR = 239; // SystemId Unknown { INVALID_TCHAR, "Unzul\u00e4ssiger Wert {1} f\u00fcr CHAR-Attribut verwendet: {0}. Ein Attribut des Typs CHAR darf nur ein Zeichen umfassen!"}, // public static final int ER_SYSTEMID_UNKNOWN = 240; //{ ER_SYSTEMID_UNKNOWN, // "SystemId Unknown"}, // Location of error unknown // public static final int ER_LOCATION_UNKNOWN = 241; //{ ER_LOCATION_UNKNOWN, // "Location of error unknown"}, // Note to translators: The following message is used if the value of // an attribute in a stylesheet is invalid. "QNAME" is the XML data-type of // the attribute, and should not be translated. The substitution text {1} is // the attribute value and {0} is the attribute name. // INVALID_QNAME //The following codes are shared with the warning codes... // Illegal value: {1} used for QNAME attribute: {0} // public static final int INVALID_QNAME = 242; { INVALID_QNAME, "Unzul\u00e4ssiger Wert {1} f\u00fcr QNAME-Attribut verwendet: {0}"}, // Note to translators: The following message is used if the value of // an attribute in a stylesheet is invalid. "ENUM" is the XML data-type of // the attribute, and should not be translated. The substitution text {1} is // the attribute value, {0} is the attribute name, and {2} is a list of valid // values. // INVALID_ENUM // Illegal value: {1} used for ENUM attribute: {0}. Valid values are: {2}. // public static final int INVALID_ENUM = 243; { INVALID_ENUM, "Unzul\u00e4ssiger Wert {1} f\u00fcr ENUM-Attribut verwendet: {0}. Folgende Werte sind g\u00fcltig: {2}."}, // Note to translators: The following message is used if the value of // an attribute in a stylesheet is invalid. "NMTOKEN" is the XML data-type // of the attribute, and should not be translated. The substitution text {1} is // the attribute value and {0} is the attribute name. // INVALID_NMTOKEN // Illegal value: {1} used for NMTOKEN attribute: {0}. // public static final int INVALID_NMTOKEN = 244; { INVALID_NMTOKEN, "Unzul\u00e4ssiger Wert {1} f\u00fcr NMTOKEN-Attribut verwendet: {0}. "}, // Note to translators: The following message is used if the value of // an attribute in a stylesheet is invalid. "NCNAME" is the XML data-type // of the attribute, and should not be translated. The substitution text {1} is // the attribute value and {0} is the attribute name. // INVALID_NCNAME // Illegal value: {1} used for NCNAME attribute: {0}. // public static final int INVALID_NCNAME = 245; { INVALID_NCNAME, "Unzul\u00e4ssiger Wert {1} f\u00fcr NCNAME-Attribut verwendet: {0}. "}, // Note to translators: The following message is used if the value of // an attribute in a stylesheet is invalid. "boolean" is the XSLT data-type // of the attribute, and should not be translated. The substitution text {1} is // the attribute value and {0} is the attribute name. // INVALID_BOOLEAN // Illegal value: {1} used for boolean attribute: {0}. // public static final int INVALID_BOOLEAN = 246; { INVALID_BOOLEAN, "Unzul\u00e4ssiger Wert {1} f\u00fcr BOOLEAN-Attribut verwendet: {0}. "}, // Note to translators: The following message is used if the value of // an attribute in a stylesheet is invalid. "number" is the XSLT data-type // of the attribute, and should not be translated. The substitution text {1} is // the attribute value and {0} is the attribute name. // INVALID_NUMBER // Illegal value: {1} used for number attribute: {0}. // public static final int INVALID_NUMBER = 247; { INVALID_NUMBER, "Unzul\u00e4ssiger Wert {1} f\u00fcr NUMBER-Attribut verwendet: {0}. "}, // End of shared codes... // Note to translators: A "match pattern" is a special form of XPath expression // that is used for matching patterns. The substitution text is the name of // a function. The message indicates that when this function is referenced in // a match pattern, its argument must be a string literal (or constant.) // ER_ARG_LITERAL - new error message for bugzilla //5202 // Argument to {0} in match pattern must be a literal. // public static final int ER_ARG_LITERAL = 248; { ER_ARG_LITERAL, "Argument von {0} in Suchmuster muss ein Literal sein."}, // Note to translators: The following message indicates that two definitions of // a variable. A "global variable" is a variable that is accessible everywher // in the stylesheet. // ER_DUPLICATE_GLOBAL_VAR - new error message for bugzilla #790 // Duplicate global variable declaration. // public static final int ER_DUPLICATE_GLOBAL_VAR = 249; { ER_DUPLICATE_GLOBAL_VAR, "Doppelte Deklaration einer globalen Variablen."}, // Note to translators: The following message indicates that two definitions of // a variable were encountered. // ER_DUPLICATE_VAR - new error message for bugzilla #790 // Duplicate variable declaration. // public static final int ER_DUPLICATE_VAR = 250; { ER_DUPLICATE_VAR, "Doppelte Deklaration einer Variablen."}, // Note to translators: "xsl:template, "name" and "match" are XSLT keywords // which must not be translated. // ER_TEMPLATE_NAME_MATCH - new error message for bugzilla #789 // xsl:template must have a name or match attribute (or both) // public static final int ER_TEMPLATE_NAME_MATCH = 251; { ER_TEMPLATE_NAME_MATCH, "xsl:template muss ein Attribut 'name' und/oder 'match' haben."}, // Note to translators: "exclude-result-prefixes" is an XSLT keyword which // should not be translated. The message indicates that a namespace prefix // encountered as part of the value of the exclude-result-prefixes attribute // was in error. // ER_INVALID_PREFIX - new error message for bugzilla #788 // Prefix in exclude-result-prefixes is not valid: {0} // public static final int ER_INVALID_PREFIX = 252; { ER_INVALID_PREFIX, "Pr\u00e4fix in exclude-result-prefixes ist nicht g\u00fcltig: {0}."}, // Note to translators: An "attribute set" is a set of attributes that can be // added to an element in the output document as a group. The message indicates // that there was a reference to an attribute set named {0} that was never // defined. // ER_NO_ATTRIB_SET - new error message for bugzilla #782 // attribute-set named {0} does not exist // public static final int ER_NO_ATTRIB_SET = 253; { ER_NO_ATTRIB_SET, "Die Attributgruppe {0} ist nicht vorhanden."}, // Warnings... /** WG_FOUND_CURLYBRACE */ // public static final int WG_FOUND_CURLYBRACE = 1; { WG_FOUND_CURLYBRACE, "'}' gefunden, es ist aber keine Attributvorlage ge\u00f6ffnet!"}, /** WG_COUNT_ATTRIB_MATCHES_NO_ANCESTOR */ // public static final int WG_COUNT_ATTRIB_MATCHES_NO_ANCESTOR = 2; { WG_COUNT_ATTRIB_MATCHES_NO_ANCESTOR, "Warnung: Attribut 'count' entspricht keinem \u00fcbergeordneten Fensterobjekt in xsl:number! Ziel = {0}"}, /** WG_EXPR_ATTRIB_CHANGED_TO_SELECT */ // public static final int WG_EXPR_ATTRIB_CHANGED_TO_SELECT = 3; { WG_EXPR_ATTRIB_CHANGED_TO_SELECT, "Veraltete Syntax: Der Name des Attributs 'expr' wurde in 'select' ge\u00e4ndert."}, /** WG_NO_LOCALE_IN_FORMATNUMBER */ // public static final int WG_NO_LOCALE_IN_FORMATNUMBER = 4; { WG_NO_LOCALE_IN_FORMATNUMBER, "Xalan bearbeitet noch nicht den L\u00e4ndereinstellungsnamen in der Funktion 'format-number'."}, /** WG_LOCALE_NOT_FOUND */ // public static final int WG_LOCALE_NOT_FOUND = 5; { WG_LOCALE_NOT_FOUND, "Warnung: L\u00e4ndereinstellung f\u00fcr xml:lang={0} konnte nicht gefunden werden."}, /** WG_CANNOT_MAKE_URL_FROM */ // public static final int WG_CANNOT_MAKE_URL_FROM = 6; { WG_CANNOT_MAKE_URL_FROM, "URL konnte nicht erstellt werden aus: {0}"}, /** WG_CANNOT_LOAD_REQUESTED_DOC */ // public static final int WG_CANNOT_LOAD_REQUESTED_DOC = 7; { WG_CANNOT_LOAD_REQUESTED_DOC, "Angeforderte Dokumentation kann nicht geladen werden: {0}"}, /** WG_CANNOT_FIND_COLLATOR */ // public static final int WG_CANNOT_FIND_COLLATOR = 8; { WG_CANNOT_FIND_COLLATOR, "Collator f\u00fcr <sort xml:lang={0} konnte nicht gefunden werden."}, /** WG_FUNCTIONS_SHOULD_USE_URL */ // public static final int WG_FUNCTIONS_SHOULD_USE_URL = 9; { WG_FUNCTIONS_SHOULD_USE_URL, "Veraltete Syntax: Die Funktionsanweisung sollte eine URL-Adresse {0} verwenden."}, /** WG_ENCODING_NOT_SUPPORTED_USING_UTF8 */ // public static final int WG_ENCODING_NOT_SUPPORTED_USING_UTF8 = 10; { WG_ENCODING_NOT_SUPPORTED_USING_UTF8, "Verschl\u00fcsselung nicht unterst\u00fctzt: {0}, UTF-8 wird verwendet."}, /** WG_ENCODING_NOT_SUPPORTED_USING_JAVA */ // public static final int WG_ENCODING_NOT_SUPPORTED_USING_JAVA = 11; { WG_ENCODING_NOT_SUPPORTED_USING_JAVA, "Verschl\u00fcsselung nicht unterst\u00fctzt: {0}, Java {1} wird verwendet."}, /** WG_SPECIFICITY_CONFLICTS */ // public static final int WG_SPECIFICITY_CONFLICTS = 12; { WG_SPECIFICITY_CONFLICTS, "Genauigkeitskonflikte gefunden: {0}. Die letzte Angabe in der Formatvorlage wird verwendet."}, /** WG_PARSING_AND_PREPARING */ // public static final int WG_PARSING_AND_PREPARING = 13; { WG_PARSING_AND_PREPARING, "========= Syntaxanalyse und Vorbereitung von {0} =========="}, /** WG_ATTR_TEMPLATE */ // public static final int WG_ATTR_TEMPLATE = 14; { WG_ATTR_TEMPLATE, "Attributvorlage, {0}"}, /** WG_CONFLICT_BETWEEN_XSLSTRIPSPACE_AND_XSLPRESERVESPACE */ // public static final int WG_CONFLICT_BETWEEN_XSLSTRIPSPACE_AND_XSLPRESERVESPACE = 15; { WG_CONFLICT_BETWEEN_XSLSTRIPSPACE_AND_XSLPRESERVESPACE, "\u00dcbereinstimmungskonflikt zwischen xsl:strip-space und xsl:preserve-space"}, /** WG_ATTRIB_NOT_HANDLED */ // public static final int WG_ATTRIB_NOT_HANDLED = 16; { WG_ATTRIB_NOT_HANDLED, "Xalan bearbeitet noch nicht das Attribut {0}!"}, /** WG_NO_DECIMALFORMAT_DECLARATION */ // public static final int WG_NO_DECIMALFORMAT_DECLARATION = 17; { WG_NO_DECIMALFORMAT_DECLARATION, "Keine Deklaration f\u00fcr Dezimalformat gefunden: {0}"}, /** WG_OLD_XSLT_NS */ // public static final int WG_OLD_XSLT_NS = 18; { WG_OLD_XSLT_NS, "Fehlender oder ung\u00fcltiger XSLT-Namensbereich "}, /** WG_ONE_DEFAULT_XSLDECIMALFORMAT_ALLOWED */ // public static final int WG_ONE_DEFAULT_XSLDECIMALFORMAT_ALLOWED = 19; { WG_ONE_DEFAULT_XSLDECIMALFORMAT_ALLOWED, "Nur eine Standarddeklaration xsl:decimal-format ist zul\u00e4ssig."}, /** WG_XSLDECIMALFORMAT_NAMES_MUST_BE_UNIQUE */ // public static final int WG_XSLDECIMALFORMAT_NAMES_MUST_BE_UNIQUE = 20; { WG_XSLDECIMALFORMAT_NAMES_MUST_BE_UNIQUE, "Namen in xsl:decimal-format m\u00fcssen eindeutig sein. Name \"{0}\" wurde dupliziert."}, /** WG_ILLEGAL_ATTRIBUTE */ //public static final int WG_ILLEGAL_ATTRIBUTE = 21; { WG_ILLEGAL_ATTRIBUTE, "{0} hat ein unzul\u00e4ssiges Attribut {1}."}, /** WG_COULD_NOT_RESOLVE_PREFIX */ // public static final int WG_COULD_NOT_RESOLVE_PREFIX = 22; { WG_COULD_NOT_RESOLVE_PREFIX, "Namensbereichpr\u00e4fix konnte nicht aufgel\u00f6st werden: {0}. Der Knoten wird ignoriert."}, /** WG_STYLESHEET_REQUIRES_VERSION_ATTRIB */ // public static final int WG_STYLESHEET_REQUIRES_VERSION_ATTRIB = 23; { WG_STYLESHEET_REQUIRES_VERSION_ATTRIB, "xsl:stylesheet erfordert ein Attribut 'version'!"}, /** WG_ILLEGAL_ATTRIBUTE_NAME */ // public static final int WG_ILLEGAL_ATTRIBUTE_NAME = 24; { WG_ILLEGAL_ATTRIBUTE_NAME, "Unzul\u00e4ssiger Attributname: {0}"}, /** WG_ILLEGAL_ATTRIBUTE_VALUE */ // public static final int WG_ILLEGAL_ATTRIBUTE_VALUE = 25; { WG_ILLEGAL_ATTRIBUTE_VALUE, "Unzul\u00e4ssiger Wert f\u00fcr Attribut {0} verwendet: {1}"}, /** WG_EMPTY_SECOND_ARG */ // public static final int WG_EMPTY_SECOND_ARG = 26; { WG_EMPTY_SECOND_ARG, "Die Ergebnisknoteneinstellung des zweiten Arguments der Dokumentfunktion ist leer. Geben Sie eine leere Knotengruppe zur\u00fcck."}, //Following are the new WARNING keys added in XALAN code base after Jdk 1.4 (Xalan 2.2-D11) // Note to translators: "name" and "xsl:processing-instruction" are keywords // and must not be translated. // WG_PROCESSINGINSTRUCTION_NAME_CANT_BE_XML /** WG_PROCESSINGINSTRUCTION_NAME_CANT_BE_XML */ // public static final int WG_PROCESSINGINSTRUCTION_NAME_CANT_BE_XML = 27; { WG_PROCESSINGINSTRUCTION_NAME_CANT_BE_XML, "Der Wert des Attributs 'name' von xsl:processing-instruction darf nicht 'xml' sein."}, // Note to translators: "name" and "xsl:processing-instruction" are keywords // and must not be translated. "NCName" is an XML data-type and must not be // translated. // WG_PROCESSINGINSTRUCTION_NOTVALID_NCNAME /** WG_PROCESSINGINSTRUCTION_NOTVALID_NCNAME */ // public static final int WG_PROCESSINGINSTRUCTION_NOTVALID_NCNAME = 28; { WG_PROCESSINGINSTRUCTION_NOTVALID_NCNAME, "Der Wert des Attributs 'name' von xsl:processing-instruction muss ein g\u00fcltiger NCName sein: {0}"}, // Note to translators: This message is reported if the stylesheet that is // being processed attempted to construct an XML document with an attribute in a // place other than on an element. The substitution text specifies the name of // the attribute. // WG_ILLEGAL_ATTRIBUTE_POSITION /** WG_ILLEGAL_ATTRIBUTE_POSITION */ // public static final int WG_ILLEGAL_ATTRIBUTE_POSITION = 29; { WG_ILLEGAL_ATTRIBUTE_POSITION, "Attribut {0} kann nicht nach Kindknoten oder vor dem Erstellen eines Elements hinzugef\u00fcgt werden. Das Attribut wird ignoriert."}, //Check: WHY THERE IS A GAP B/W NUMBERS in the XSLTErrorResources properties file? // Other miscellaneous text used inside the code... { "ui_language", "de"}, { "help_language", "de" }, { "language", "de" }, { "BAD_CODE", "Der Parameter f\u00fcr createMessage lag au\u00dferhalb des g\u00fcltigen Bereichs"}, { "FORMAT_FAILED", "W\u00e4hrend des Aufrufs von messageFormat wurde eine Ausnahmebedingung ausgel\u00f6st"}, { "version", ">>>>>>> Xalan-Version "}, { "version2", "<<<<<<<"}, { "yes", "ja"}, { "line", "Zeilennummer"}, { "column","Spaltennummer"}, { "xsldone", "XSLProcessor: fertig"}, // Note to translators: The following messages provide usage information // for the Xalan Process command line. "Process" is the name of a Java class, // and should not be translated. { "xslProc_option", "Optionen f\u00fcr Verarbeitungsklassen in der Xalan-J-Befehlszeile:"}, { "xslProc_option", "Optionen f\u00fcr Verarbeitungsklassen in der Xalan-J-Befehlszeile\u003a"}, { "xslProc_invalid_xsltc_option", "Die Option {0} wird im XSLTC-Modus nicht unterst\u00fctzt."}, { "xslProc_invalid_xalan_option", "Die Option {0} kann nur mit -XSLTC verwendet werden."}, { "xslProc_no_input", "Fehler: Es wurde keine Formatvorlagen- oder Eingabe-XML angegeben. F\u00fchren Sie diesen Befehl ohne Optionen f\u00fcr Syntaxanweisungen aus."}, { "xslProc_common_options", "-Allgemeine Optionen-"}, { "xslProc_xalan_options", "-Optionen f\u00fcr Xalan-"}, { "xslProc_xsltc_options", "-Optionen f\u00fcr XSLTC-"}, { "xslProc_return_to_continue", "(Dr\u00fccken Sie die Eingabetaste, um fortzufahren.)"}, // Note to translators: The option name and the parameter name do not need to // be translated. Only translate the messages in parentheses. Note also that // leading whitespace in the messages is used to indent the usage information // for each option in the English messages. // Do not translate the keywords: XSLTC, SAX, DOM and DTM. { "optionXSLTC", "[-XSLTC (XSLTC f\u00fcr Umsetzung verwenden)]"}, { "optionIN", "[-IN EingabeXMLURL]"}, { "optionXSL", "[-XSL XSLUmsetzungsURL]"}, { "optionOUT", "[-OUT AusgabeDateiName]"}, { "optionLXCIN", "[-LXCIN kompilierteDateivorlageDateiNameEin]"}, { "optionLXCOUT", "[-LXCOUT kompilierteDateivorlageDateiNameAus]"}, { "optionPARSER", "[-PARSER vollst\u00e4ndig qualifizierter Klassenname der Parser-Liaison]"}, { "optionE", "[-E (Entit\u00e4tenverweise nicht erweitern)]"}, { "optionV", "[-E (Entit\u00e4tenverweise nicht erweitern)]"}, { "optionQC", "[-QC (Unterdr\u00fcckte Musterkonfliktwarnungen)]"}, { "optionQ", "[-Q (Unterdr\u00fcckter Modus)]"}, { "optionLF", "[-LF (Nur Zeilenvorschubzeichen bei Ausgabe verwenden {Standardeinstellung ist CR/LF})]"}, { "optionCR", "[-CR (Nur Zeilenschaltung bei Ausgabe verwenden {Standardeinstellung ist CR/LF})]"}, { "optionESCAPE", "[-ESCAPE (Zeichen, die mit einem Escapezeichen angegeben werden m\u00fcssen {Standardeinstellung ist <>&\"\'\\r\\n}]"}, { "optionINDENT", "[-INDENT (Steuerung, um wie viele Leerzeichen einger\u00fcckt werden soll {Standardeinstellung ist 0})]"}, { "optionTT", "[-TT (Trace f\u00fcr Vorlagen ausf\u00fchren, wenn sie aufgerufen werden.)]"}, { "optionTG", "[-TG (Trace f\u00fcr jedes Generierungsereignis durchf\u00fchren.)]"}, { "optionTS", "[-TS (Trace f\u00fcr jedes Auswahlereignis durchf\u00fchren.)]"}, { "optionTTC", "[-TTC (Trace f\u00fcr die untergeordneten Vorlagen ausf\u00fchren, wenn sie verarbeitet werden.)]"}, { "optionTCLASS", "[-TCLASS (TraceListener-Klasse f\u00fcr Trace-Erweiterungen.)]"}, { "optionVALIDATE", "[-VALIDATE (Festlegen, ob eine G\u00fcltigkeitspr\u00fcfung erfolgen soll. Die G\u00fcltigkeitspr\u00fcfung ist standardm\u00e4\u00dfig ausgeschaltet.)]"}, { "optionEDUMP", "[-EDUMP {optionaler Dateiname} (Bei Fehler Stapelspeicherauszug erstellen.)]"}, { "optionXML", "[-XML (XML-Formatierungsprogramm verwenden und XML-Header hinzuf\u00fcgen.)]"}, { "optionTEXT", "[-TEXT (Einfaches Textformatierungsprogramm verwenden.)]"}, { "optionHTML", "[-HTML (HTML-Formatierungsprogramm verwenden.)]"}, { "optionPARAM", "[-PARAM Name Ausdruck (Festlegen eines Formatvorlagenparameters)]"}, { "noParsermsg1", "XSL-Prozess konnte nicht erfolgreich durchgef\u00fchrt werden."}, { "noParsermsg2", "** Parser konnte nicht gefunden werden **"}, { "noParsermsg3", "Bitte \u00fcberpr\u00fcfen Sie den Klassenpfad."}, { "noParsermsg4", "Wenn Sie nicht \u00fcber einen IBM XML-Parser f\u00fcr Java verf\u00fcgen, k\u00f6nnen Sie ihn herunterladen:"}, { "noParsermsg5", "IBM AlphaWorks: http://www.alphaworks.ibm.com/formula/xml"}, { "optionURIRESOLVER", "[-URIRESOLVER vollst\u00e4ndiger Klassenname (URIResolver wird zum Aufl\u00f6sen von URIs verwendet)]"}, { "optionENTITYRESOLVER", "[-ENTITYRESOLVER vollst\u00e4ndiger Klassenname (EntityResolver wird zum Aufl\u00f6sen von Entit\u00e4ten verwendet)]"}, { "optionCONTENTHANDLER", "[-CONTENTHANDLER vollst\u00e4ndiger Klassenname (ContentHandler wird zum Serialisieren der Ausgabe verwendet)]"}, { "optionLINENUMBERS", "[-L Zeilennummern f\u00fcr das Quellendokument verwenden]"}, // Following are the new options added in XSLTErrorResources.properties files after Jdk 1.4 (Xalan 2.2-D11) { "optionMEDIA", "[-MEDIA Datentr\u00e4gerTyp (Datentr\u00e4gerattribut verwenden, um die einem Dokument zugeordnete Formatvorlage zu suchen.)]"}, { "optionFLAVOR", "[-FLAVOR WunschName (Explizit s2s=SAX oder d2d=DOM verwenden, um die Umsetzung auszuf\u00fchren.)]"}, // Added by sboag/scurcuru; experimental { "optionDIAG", "[-DIAG (Gesamtanzahl Millisekunden f\u00fcr die Umsetzung ausgeben.)]"}, { "optionINCREMENTAL", "[-INCREMENTAL (Inkrementelle DTM-Erstellung mit der Einstellung 'true' f\u00fcr http://xml.apache.org/xalan/features/incremental anfordern.)]"}, { "optionNOOPTIMIMIZE", "[-NOOPTIMIMIZE (Mit der Einstellung 'false' f\u00fcr http://xml.apache.org/xalan/features/optimize anfordern, dass keine Formatvorlagenoptimierung ausgef\u00fchrt wird.)]"}, { "optionRL", "[-RL Verschachtelungsbegrenzung (Numerische Begrenzung f\u00fcr Verschachtelungstiefe der Formatvorlage festlegen.)]"}, { "optionXO", "[-XO [transletName] (Namen dem generierten Translet zuordnen)]"}, { "optionXD", "[-XD ZielVerzeichnis (Ein Zielverzeichnis f\u00fcr Translet angeben)]"}, { "optionXJ", "[-XJ jardatei (Translet-Klassen in eine jar-Datei mit dem Namen <jardatei> packen)]"}, { "optionXP", "[-XP paket (Ein Paketnamenpr\u00e4fix f\u00fcr alle generierten Translet-Klassen angeben)]"}, //AddITIONAL STRINGS that need L10n // Note to translators: The following message describes usage of a particular // command-line option that is used to enable the "template inlining" // optimization. The optimization involves making a copy of the code // generated for a template in another template that refers to it. { "optionXN", "[-XN (Inline-Anordnung f\u00fcr Vorlagen aktivieren)]" }, { "optionXX", "[-XX (Zus\u00e4tzliche Debugnachrichtenausgabe aktivieren)]"}, { "optionXT" , "[-XT (Translet f\u00fcr Umsetzung verwenden, wenn m\u00f6glich)]"}, { "diagTiming","--------- Umsetzung von {0} \u00fcber {1} betrug {2} Millisekunden" }, { "recursionTooDeep","Vorlagenverschachtelung ist zu stark. Verschachtelung = {0}, Vorlage {1} {2}" }, { "nameIs", "Der Name ist" }, { "matchPatternIs", "Das Suchmuster ist" } }; } /** String for use when a bad error code was encountered. */ public static final String BAD_CODE = "FEHLERHAFTER_CODE"; /** String for use when formatting of the error string failed. */ public static final String FORMAT_FAILED = "FORMAT_FEHLGESCHLAGEN"; /** General error string. */ public static final String ERROR_STRING = "#Fehler"; /** String to prepend to error messages. */ public static final String ERROR_HEADER = "Fehler: "; /** String to prepend to warning messages. */ public static final String WARNING_HEADER = "Achtung: "; /** String to specify the XSLT module. */ public static final String XSL_HEADER = "XSLT "; /** String to specify the XML parser module. */ public static final String XML_HEADER = "XML "; /** I don't think this is used any more. * @deprecated */ public static final String QUERY_HEADER = "MUSTER "; /** * Return a named ResourceBundle for a particular locale. This method mimics the behavior * of ResourceBundle.getBundle(). * * @param className the name of the class that implements the resource bundle. * @return the ResourceBundle * @throws MissingResourceException */ public static final XSLTErrorResources loadResourceBundle(String className) throws MissingResourceException { Locale locale = Locale.getDefault(); String suffix = getResourceSuffix(locale); try { // first try with the given locale return (XSLTErrorResources) ResourceBundle.getBundle(className + suffix, locale); } catch (MissingResourceException e) { try // try to fall back to en_US if we can't load { // Since we can't find the localized property file, // fall back to en_US. return (XSLTErrorResources) ResourceBundle.getBundle(className, new Locale("en", "US")); } catch (MissingResourceException e2) { // Now we are really in trouble. // very bad, definitely very bad...not going to get very far throw new MissingResourceException( "Could not load any resource bundles.", className, ""); } } } /** * Return the resource file suffic for the indicated locale * For most locales, this will be based the language code. However * for Chinese, we do distinguish between Taiwan and PRC * * @param locale the locale * @return an String suffix which canbe appended to a resource name */ private static final String getResourceSuffix(Locale locale) { String suffix = "_" + locale.getLanguage(); String country = locale.getCountry(); if (country.equals("TW")) suffix += "_" + country; return suffix; } }