package org.eclipse.emf.henshin.interpreter.giraph; import java.util.*; import org.eclipse.emf.henshin.model.*; import org.eclipse.emf.henshin.model.staticanalysis.*; import*; import org.eclipse.emf.ecore.*; public class GiraphRuleTemplate { protected static String nl; public static synchronized GiraphRuleTemplate create(String lineSeparator) { nl = lineSeparator; GiraphRuleTemplate result = new GiraphRuleTemplate(); nl = null; return result; } public final String NL = nl == null ? (System.getProperties().getProperty("line.separator")) : nl; protected final String TEXT_1 = "/*" + NL + " * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one" + NL + " * or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file" + NL + " * distributed with this work for additional information" + NL + " * regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file" + NL + " * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the" + NL + " * \"License\"); you may not use this file except in compliance" + NL + " * with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at" + NL + " *" + NL + " *" + NL + " *" + NL + " * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software" + NL + " * distributed under the License is distributed on an \"AS IS\" BASIS," + NL + " * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied." + NL + " * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and" + NL + " * limitations under the License." + NL + " */" + NL + "package "; protected final String TEXT_2 = ";" + NL + "" + NL + "import;" + NL + "import java.util.ArrayDeque;" + NL + "import java.util.ArrayList;"; protected final String TEXT_3 = NL + "import java.util.Collections;"; protected final String TEXT_4 = NL + "import java.util.Deque;" + NL + "import java.util.HashSet;" + NL + "import java.util.List;" + NL + "import java.util.Set;" + NL + "" + NL + "import org.apache.giraph.aggregators.LongSumAggregator;"; protected final String TEXT_5 = NL + "import org.apache.giraph.edge.Edge;"; protected final String TEXT_6 = NL + "import org.apache.giraph.edge.EdgeFactory;"; protected final String TEXT_7 = NL + "import org.apache.giraph.graph.BasicComputation;" + NL + "import org.apache.giraph.graph.Vertex;" + NL + "import org.apache.giraph.master.DefaultMasterCompute;" + NL + "import;" + NL + "import;"; protected final String TEXT_8 = NL + "import org.apache.log4j.Logger;"; protected final String TEXT_9 = NL + "import static "; protected final String TEXT_10 = ".HenshinUtil" + NL + " .ApplicationStack;" + NL + "import static "; protected final String TEXT_11 = ".HenshinUtil" + NL + " .ApplicationStackAggregator;" + NL + "import static "; protected final String TEXT_12 = ".HenshinUtil" + NL + " .Match;" + NL + "import static "; protected final String TEXT_13 = ".HenshinUtil" + NL + " .VertexId;" + NL + "" + NL + "/**" + NL + " * Generated implementation of the Henshin unit \""; protected final String TEXT_14 = "\"." + NL + " */" + NL + "@Algorithm(" + NL + " name = \""; protected final String TEXT_15 = "\"" + NL + ")" + NL + "public class "; protected final String TEXT_16 = " extends" + NL + " BasicComputation<VertexId, ByteWritable, ByteWritable, Match> {" + NL + "" + NL + " /**" + NL + " * Name of the match count aggregator." + NL + " */" + NL + " public static final String AGGREGATOR_MATCHES = \"matches\";" + NL + "" + NL + " /**" + NL + " * Name of the rule application count aggregator." + NL + " */" + NL + " public static final String AGGREGATOR_RULE_APPLICATIONS = \"ruleApps\";" + NL + "" + NL + " /**" + NL + " * Name of the node generation aggregator." + NL + " */" + NL + " public static final String AGGREGATOR_NODE_GENERATION = \"nodeGen\";" + NL + "" + NL + " /**" + NL + " * Name of the application stack aggregator." + NL + " */" + NL + " public static final String AGGREGATOR_APPLICATION_STACK = \"appStack\";"; protected final String TEXT_17 = NL + NL + " /**" + NL + " * Type constant for \""; protected final String TEXT_18 = "\"." + NL + " */" + NL + " public static final byte "; protected final String TEXT_19 = " = "; protected final String TEXT_20 = ";"; protected final String TEXT_21 = NL + NL + " /**" + NL + " * "; protected final String TEXT_22 = " constant for \""; protected final String TEXT_23 = "\"." + NL + " */" + NL + " public static final int "; protected final String TEXT_24 = " = "; protected final String TEXT_25 = ";"; protected final String TEXT_26 = NL + NL + " /**" + NL + " * Logging support." + NL + " */" + NL + " protected static final Logger LOG = Logger.getLogger("; protected final String TEXT_27 = ".class);"; protected final String TEXT_28 = NL + NL + " /**" + NL + " * Default segment count." + NL + " */" + NL + " private static int SEGMENT_COUNT = "; protected final String TEXT_29 = ";" + NL + "" + NL + " /**" + NL + " * Currently active rule." + NL + " */" + NL + " private int rule;" + NL + "" + NL + " /**" + NL + " * Current segment." + NL + " */" + NL + " private int segment;" + NL + "" + NL + " /**" + NL + " * Current microstep." + NL + " */" + NL + " private int microstep;" + NL + "" + NL + " /**" + NL + " * Finished flag." + NL + " */" + NL + " private boolean finished;" + NL + "" + NL + " /*" + NL + " * (non-Javadoc)" + NL + " * @see org.apache.giraph.graph.Computation#preSuperstep()" + NL + " */" + NL + " @Override" + NL + " public void preSuperstep() {" + NL + " ApplicationStack stack =" + NL + " getAggregatedValue(AGGREGATOR_APPLICATION_STACK);" + NL + " if (stack.getStackSize() == 0) {" + NL + " long ruleApps = ((LongWritable)" + NL + " getAggregatedValue(AGGREGATOR_RULE_APPLICATIONS)).get();" + NL + " finished = ruleApps == 0;" + NL + " rule = -1;" + NL + " } else {" + NL + " finished = false;" + NL + " rule = stack.getLastUnit();" + NL + " segment = stack.getLastSegment();" + NL + " microstep = stack.getLastMicrostep();" + NL + " }" + NL + " }" + NL + "" + NL + " /*" + NL + " * (non-Javadoc)" + NL + " * @see org.apache.giraph.graph.Computation#compute(" + NL + " * org.apache.giraph.graph.Vertex, java.lang.Iterable)" + NL + " */" + NL + " @Override" + NL + " public void compute(" + NL + " Vertex<VertexId, ByteWritable, ByteWritable> vertex," + NL + " Iterable<Match> matches) throws IOException {" + NL + " if (finished) {" + NL + " vertex.voteToHalt();" + NL + " return;" + NL + " }" + NL + " switch (rule) {"; protected final String TEXT_30 = NL + " case "; protected final String TEXT_31 = ":" + NL + " match"; protected final String TEXT_32 = "(" + NL + " vertex, matches, segment, microstep);" + NL + " break;"; protected final String TEXT_33 = NL + " default:" + NL + " break;" + NL + " }" + NL + " }"; protected final String TEXT_34 = NL + NL + " /**" + NL + " * Match (and apply) the rule \""; protected final String TEXT_35 = "\"." + NL + " * This takes "; protected final String TEXT_36 = " microsteps." + NL + " * @param vertex The current vertex." + NL + " * @param matches The current matches." + NL + " * @param segment The current segment." + NL + " * @param microstep The current microstep." + NL + " */" + NL + " protected void match"; protected final String TEXT_37 = "(" + NL + " Vertex<VertexId, ByteWritable, ByteWritable> vertex," + NL + " Iterable<Match> matches, int segment, int microstep)" + NL + " throws IOException {" + NL; protected final String TEXT_38 = NL + "\"Vertex \" + vertex.getId() + \" in superstep \" + getSuperstep() +" + NL + " \" matching rule "; protected final String TEXT_39 = " on segment \" + segment +" + NL + " \" in microstep \" + microstep);" + NL + " for (Match match : matches) {" + NL + "\"Vertex \" + vertex.getId() +" + NL + " \" in superstep \" + getSuperstep() +" + NL + " \" received (partial) match \" + match);" + NL + " }"; protected final String TEXT_40 = NL + " Set<Match> finalMatches = new HashSet<Match>();"; protected final String TEXT_41 = NL + " "; protected final String TEXT_42 = "filter"; protected final String TEXT_43 = "(" + NL + " vertex, matches, segment, microstep, finalMatches);" + NL + " long matchCount = 0;" + NL + " long appCount = 0;" + NL; protected final String TEXT_44 = " if (microstep == "; protected final String TEXT_45 = ") {"; protected final String TEXT_46 = NL + " // Joining matches at node "; protected final String TEXT_47 = ":" + NL + " List<Match> matches1 = new ArrayList<Match>();" + NL + " List<Match> matches2 = new ArrayList<Match>();" + NL + " VertexId id = vertex.getId();" + NL + " for (Match match : matches) {" + NL + " if (id.equals(match.getVertexId("; protected final String TEXT_48 = "))) {" + NL + " matches1.add(match.copy());" + NL + " } else {" + NL + " matches2.add(match.copy());" + NL + " }" + NL + " }"; protected final String TEXT_49 = NL + "\"Vertex \" + id + \" in superstep \" + getSuperstep() +" + NL + " \" joining \" + matches1.size() + \" x \" + matches2.size() +" + NL + " \" partial matches of rule "; protected final String TEXT_50 = "\");"; protected final String TEXT_51 = NL + " for (Match m1 : matches1) {" + NL + " for (Match m2 : matches2) {" + NL + " Match match = m1.append(m2);"; protected final String TEXT_52 = NL + " if (!match.isInjective()) {" + NL + " continue;" + NL + " }"; protected final String TEXT_53 = NL + " matchCount++;"; protected final String TEXT_54 = NL + "\"Vertex \" + vertex.getId() +" + NL + " \" sending (partial) match \" + match +" + NL + " \" back to vertex \" + match.getVertexId("; protected final String TEXT_55 = "));"; protected final String TEXT_56 = NL + " sendMessage(match.getVertexId("; protected final String TEXT_57 = "), match);"; protected final String TEXT_58 = NL + " match = match.remove("; protected final String TEXT_59 = ");"; protected final String TEXT_60 = NL + " if (!finalMatches.add(match)) {" + NL + " continue;" + NL + " }" + NL + " matchCount++;" + NL + " if (segment == SEGMENT_COUNT - 1) {" + NL + " apply"; protected final String TEXT_61 = "(" + NL + " vertex, match, appCount++);" + NL + " } else {" + NL + " sendMessage(vertex.getId(), match);" + NL + " }"; protected final String TEXT_62 = NL + " }" + NL + " }"; protected final String TEXT_63 = NL + " // Matching node "; protected final String TEXT_64 = ":"; protected final String TEXT_65 = NL + " "; protected final String TEXT_66 = "vertex.getValue().get() == "; protected final String TEXT_67 = NL + " ok = ok && vertex.getNumEdges() >= "; protected final String TEXT_68 = ";"; protected final String TEXT_69 = NL + " ok = ok && (SEGMENT_COUNT == 1 || getSegment(vertex.getId()) == segment);"; protected final String TEXT_70 = NL + " if (ok) {"; protected final String TEXT_71 = NL + " Match match = new Match(segment).append(vertex.getId());"; protected final String TEXT_72 = NL; protected final String TEXT_73 = " for (Match match : matches) {"; protected final String TEXT_74 = NL; protected final String TEXT_75 = " match = match.append(vertex.getId());"; protected final String TEXT_76 = NL; protected final String TEXT_77 = " if (!match.isInjective()) {"; protected final String TEXT_78 = NL; protected final String TEXT_79 = " continue;"; protected final String TEXT_80 = NL; protected final String TEXT_81 = " }"; protected final String TEXT_82 = NL; protected final String TEXT_83 = " if (vertex.getId().compareTo(match.getVertexId("; protected final String TEXT_84 = ")) < 0) {"; protected final String TEXT_85 = NL; protected final String TEXT_86 = " continue;"; protected final String TEXT_87 = NL; protected final String TEXT_88 = " }"; protected final String TEXT_89 = NL; protected final String TEXT_90 = " // Node "; protected final String TEXT_91 = ": check for edge to match of "; protected final String TEXT_92 = " of type \""; protected final String TEXT_93 = "\":"; protected final String TEXT_94 = NL; protected final String TEXT_95 = " VertexId targetId = match.getVertexId("; protected final String TEXT_96 = ");"; protected final String TEXT_97 = NL; protected final String TEXT_98 = " for (Edge<VertexId, ByteWritable> edge :"; protected final String TEXT_99 = NL; protected final String TEXT_100 = " vertex.getEdges()) {"; protected final String TEXT_101 = NL; protected final String TEXT_102 = " if (edge.getValue().get() =="; protected final String TEXT_103 = NL; protected final String TEXT_104 = " "; protected final String TEXT_105 = " &&"; protected final String TEXT_106 = NL; protected final String TEXT_107 = " edge.getTargetVertexId().equals(targetId)) {"; protected final String TEXT_108 = NL; protected final String TEXT_109 = " matchCount++;"; protected final String TEXT_110 = NL; protected final String TEXT_111 = "\"Vertex \" + vertex.getId() +"; protected final String TEXT_112 = NL; protected final String TEXT_113 = " \" sending (partial) match \" + match +"; protected final String TEXT_114 = NL; protected final String TEXT_115 = " \" back to vertex \" + match.getVertexId("; protected final String TEXT_116 = "));"; protected final String TEXT_117 = NL; protected final String TEXT_118 = " sendMessage(match.getVertexId("; protected final String TEXT_119 = "), match);"; protected final String TEXT_120 = NL; protected final String TEXT_121 = " match = match.remove("; protected final String TEXT_122 = ");"; protected final String TEXT_123 = NL; protected final String TEXT_124 = " if (finalMatches.add(match)) {"; protected final String TEXT_125 = NL; protected final String TEXT_126 = " matchCount++;"; protected final String TEXT_127 = NL; protected final String TEXT_128 = " if (segment == SEGMENT_COUNT - 1) {"; protected final String TEXT_129 = NL; protected final String TEXT_130 = " apply"; protected final String TEXT_131 = "("; protected final String TEXT_132 = NL; protected final String TEXT_133 = " vertex, match, appCount++);"; protected final String TEXT_134 = NL; protected final String TEXT_135 = " } else {"; protected final String TEXT_136 = NL; protected final String TEXT_137 = " sendMessage(vertex.getId(), match);"; protected final String TEXT_138 = NL; protected final String TEXT_139 = " }"; protected final String TEXT_140 = NL; protected final String TEXT_141 = " }"; protected final String TEXT_142 = NL; protected final String TEXT_143 = " break;"; protected final String TEXT_144 = NL; protected final String TEXT_145 = " }"; protected final String TEXT_146 = NL; protected final String TEXT_147 = " }"; protected final String TEXT_148 = NL; protected final String TEXT_149 = " matchCount++;"; protected final String TEXT_150 = NL; protected final String TEXT_151 = " Set<VertexId> targets = new HashSet<VertexId>();"; protected final String TEXT_152 = NL; protected final String TEXT_153 = " for (Edge<VertexId, ByteWritable> edge : vertex.getEdges()) {"; protected final String TEXT_154 = NL; protected final String TEXT_155 = " if (edge.getValue().get() =="; protected final String TEXT_156 = NL; protected final String TEXT_157 = " "; protected final String TEXT_158 = " &&"; protected final String TEXT_159 = NL; protected final String TEXT_160 = " targets.add(edge.getTargetVertexId())) {"; protected final String TEXT_161 = NL; protected final String TEXT_162 = "\"Vertex \" + vertex.getId() +"; protected final String TEXT_163 = NL; protected final String TEXT_164 = " \" sending (partial) match \" + match +"; protected final String TEXT_165 = NL; protected final String TEXT_166 = " \" forward to vertex \" + edge.getTargetVertexId());"; protected final String TEXT_167 = NL; protected final String TEXT_168 = " sendMessage(edge.getTargetVertexId(), match);"; protected final String TEXT_169 = NL; protected final String TEXT_170 = " }"; protected final String TEXT_171 = NL; protected final String TEXT_172 = " }"; protected final String TEXT_173 = NL; protected final String TEXT_174 = " }"; protected final String TEXT_175 = NL + " }"; protected final String TEXT_176 = NL + " for (Match match : matches) {" + NL + " VertexId id = match.getVertexId("; protected final String TEXT_177 = ");" + NL + " if (vertex.getId().equals(id)) {" + NL + " matchCount++;"; protected final String TEXT_178 = NL + "\"Vertex \" + id + \" in superstep \" + getSuperstep() +" + NL + " \" sending (partial) match \" + match + \" to myself\");"; protected final String TEXT_179 = NL + " sendMessage(id, match);" + NL + " }" + NL + " }"; protected final String TEXT_180 = NL + " }"; protected final String TEXT_181 = " else {" + NL + " throw new RuntimeException(\"Illegal microstep for rule \" +" + NL + " \""; protected final String TEXT_182 = ": \" + microstep);" + NL + " }" + NL + " if (matchCount > 0) {" + NL + " aggregate(AGGREGATOR_MATCHES," + NL + " new LongWritable(matchCount));" + NL + " }" + NL + " if (appCount > 0) {" + NL + " aggregate(AGGREGATOR_RULE_APPLICATIONS," + NL + " new LongWritable(appCount));" + NL + " }" + NL + " }" + NL + "" + NL + " /**" + NL + " * Filter matches per segment for the rule \""; protected final String TEXT_183 = "\"." + NL + " * @param vertex The current vertex." + NL + " * @param matches The current matches." + NL + " * @param segment The current segment." + NL + " * @param microstep The current microstep." + NL + " * @param finalMatches Set of final matches." + NL + " * @return The filtered matches." + NL + " */" + NL + " protected Iterable<Match> filter"; protected final String TEXT_184 = "(" + NL + " Vertex<VertexId, ByteWritable, ByteWritable> vertex," + NL + " Iterable<Match> matches, int segment, int microstep," + NL + " Set<Match> finalMatches)" + NL + " throws IOException {" + NL + " if (segment > 0) {" + NL + " List<Match> filtered = new ArrayList<Match>();" + NL + " long matchCount = 0;" + NL + " long appCount = 0;" + NL + " for (Match match : matches) {" + NL + " int matchSegment = match.getSegment();" + NL + " if (matchSegment < segment) {" + NL + " if (!finalMatches.add(match)) {" + NL + " continue;" + NL + " }" + NL + " matchCount++;" + NL + " if (segment == SEGMENT_COUNT - 1 && microstep == "; protected final String TEXT_185 = ") {" + NL + " apply"; protected final String TEXT_186 = "(" + NL + " vertex, match, appCount++);" + NL + " } else {" + NL + " sendMessage(vertex.getId(), match);" + NL + " }" + NL + " } else if (matchSegment > segment) {" + NL + " throw new RuntimeException(\"Received match \" + match +" + NL + " \" of rule "; protected final String TEXT_187 = " of segment \" +" + NL + " matchSegment + \", but current segment is only \" + segment);" + NL + " } else {" + NL + " filtered.add(match.copy());" + NL + " }" + NL + " }" + NL + " if (matchCount > 0) {" + NL + " aggregate(AGGREGATOR_MATCHES," + NL + " new LongWritable(matchCount));" + NL + " }" + NL + " if (appCount > 0) {" + NL + " aggregate(AGGREGATOR_RULE_APPLICATIONS," + NL + " new LongWritable(appCount));" + NL + " }" + NL + " return filtered;" + NL + " }" + NL + " return matches;" + NL + " }" + NL + "" + NL + " /**" + NL + " * Apply the rule \""; protected final String TEXT_188 = "\" to a given match." + NL + " * @param vertex The base vertex." + NL + " * @param match The match object." + NL + " * @param matchIndex Match index." + NL + " * @return true if the rule was applied." + NL + " * @throws IOException On I/O errors." + NL + " */" + NL + " protected boolean apply"; protected final String TEXT_189 = "(" + NL + " Vertex<VertexId, ByteWritable, ByteWritable> vertex," + NL + " Match match, long matchIndex) throws IOException {"; protected final String TEXT_190 = NL + " VertexId cur"; protected final String TEXT_191 = " = match.getVertexId("; protected final String TEXT_192 = ");"; protected final String TEXT_193 = NL + "\"Vertex \" + vertex.getId() +" + NL + " \" applying rule "; protected final String TEXT_194 = " with match \" + match);"; protected final String TEXT_195 = NL + " removeEdgesRequest(cur"; protected final String TEXT_196 = ", cur"; protected final String TEXT_197 = ");"; protected final String TEXT_198 = NL + " removeVertexRequest(cur"; protected final String TEXT_199 = ");"; protected final String TEXT_200 = NL + " VertexId new"; protected final String TEXT_201 = " ="; protected final String TEXT_202 = NL + " VertexId.randomVertexId();"; protected final String TEXT_203 = NL + " deriveVertexId(vertex.getId(), (int) matchIndex, "; protected final String TEXT_204 = ");"; protected final String TEXT_205 = NL + " addVertexRequest(new"; protected final String TEXT_206 = "," + NL + " new ByteWritable("; protected final String TEXT_207 = "));"; protected final String TEXT_208 = NL + " VertexId src"; protected final String TEXT_209 = " = new"; protected final String TEXT_210 = ";"; protected final String TEXT_211 = NL + " VertexId src"; protected final String TEXT_212 = " = cur"; protected final String TEXT_213 = ";"; protected final String TEXT_214 = NL + " VertexId trg"; protected final String TEXT_215 = " = new"; protected final String TEXT_216 = ";"; protected final String TEXT_217 = NL + " VertexId trg"; protected final String TEXT_218 = " = cur"; protected final String TEXT_219 = ";"; protected final String TEXT_220 = NL + " Edge<VertexId, ByteWritable> edge"; protected final String TEXT_221 = " =" + NL + " EdgeFactory.create(trg"; protected final String TEXT_222 = "," + NL + " new ByteWritable("; protected final String TEXT_223 = "));" + NL + " addEdgeRequest(src"; protected final String TEXT_224 = ", edge"; protected final String TEXT_225 = ");"; protected final String TEXT_226 = NL + " return true;" + NL + " }"; protected final String TEXT_227 = NL; protected final String TEXT_228 = NL + " /**" + NL + " * Derive a new vertex Id from an exiting one." + NL + " * @param baseId The base vertex Id." + NL + " * @param matchIndex The index of the match." + NL + " * @param vertexIndex The index of the new vertex." + NL + " * @return The derived vertex Id." + NL + " */" + NL + " private VertexId deriveVertexId(VertexId baseId, int matchIndex," + NL + " int vertexIndex) {" + NL + " long generation = ((LongWritable) getAggregatedValue(" + NL + " AGGREGATOR_NODE_GENERATION)).get();" + NL + " return baseId" + NL + " .append((byte) generation)" + NL + " .append((byte) matchIndex)" + NL + " .append((byte) vertexIndex);" + NL + " }" + NL; protected final String TEXT_229 = NL + " /**" + NL + " * Get the segment that a vertex belongs to." + NL + " * @param vertexId The ID of the vertex." + NL + " * @return The segment of the vertex." + NL + " */" + NL + " private int getSegment(VertexId vertexId) {" + NL + " return Math.abs(vertexId.hashCode()) % SEGMENT_COUNT;" + NL + " }" + NL + "" + NL + " /**" + NL + " * Master compute which registers and updates the required aggregators." + NL + " */" + NL + " public static class MasterCompute extends DefaultMasterCompute {" + NL + "" + NL + " /**" + NL + " * Stack for storing unit success flags." + NL + " */" + NL + " private final Deque<Boolean> unitSuccesses =" + NL + " new ArrayDeque<Boolean>();" + NL + "" + NL + " /**" + NL + " * Stack for storing the execution orders of independent units." + NL + " */" + NL + " private final Deque<List<Integer>> unitOrders =" + NL + " new ArrayDeque<List<Integer>>();" + NL + "" + NL + " /*" + NL + " * (non-Javadoc)" + NL + " * @see org.apache.giraph.master.DefaultMasterCompute#compute()" + NL + " */" + NL + " @Override" + NL + " public void compute() {" + NL + " long ruleApps = ((LongWritable)" + NL + " getAggregatedValue(AGGREGATOR_RULE_APPLICATIONS)).get();"; protected final String TEXT_230 = NL + " long matches = ((LongWritable)" + NL + " getAggregatedValue(AGGREGATOR_MATCHES)).get();" + NL + " if (getSuperstep() > 0) {" + NL + " + \" (partial) matches computed and \" +" + NL + " ruleApps + \" rule applications conducted in superstep \" +" + NL + " (getSuperstep() - 1));" + NL + " }"; protected final String TEXT_231 = NL + " if (ruleApps > 0) {" + NL + " long nodeGen = ((LongWritable)" + NL + " getAggregatedValue(AGGREGATOR_NODE_GENERATION)).get();" + NL + " setAggregatedValue(AGGREGATOR_NODE_GENERATION," + NL + " new LongWritable(nodeGen + 1));" + NL + " }" + NL + " ApplicationStack stack;" + NL + " if (getSuperstep() == 0) {" + NL + " stack = new ApplicationStack();" + NL + " stack = stack.append("; protected final String TEXT_232 = ", 0, 0);"; protected final String TEXT_233 = NL + " stack = nextRuleStep(stack, ruleApps);"; protected final String TEXT_234 = NL + " } else {" + NL + " stack = getAggregatedValue(AGGREGATOR_APPLICATION_STACK);" + NL + " stack = nextRuleStep(stack, ruleApps);" + NL + " }" + NL + " setAggregatedValue(AGGREGATOR_APPLICATION_STACK, stack);" + NL + " }" + NL + "" + NL + " /**" + NL + " * Compute the next rule application stack." + NL + " * @param stack The current application stack." + NL + " * @param ruleApps Number of rule applications in last superstep." + NL + " * @return The new application stack." + NL + " */" + NL + " private ApplicationStack nextRuleStep(" + NL + " ApplicationStack stack, long ruleApps) {" + NL + " while (stack.getStackSize() > 0) {" + NL + " int unit = stack.getLastUnit();" + NL + " int segment = stack.getLastSegment();" + NL + " int microstep = stack.getLastMicrostep();" + NL + " stack = stack.removeLast();" + NL + " switch (unit) {"; protected final String TEXT_235 = NL + " case "; protected final String TEXT_236 = ":" + NL + " stack = process"; protected final String TEXT_237 = "(" + NL + " stack"; protected final String TEXT_238 = ", microstep"; protected final String TEXT_239 = ");" + NL + " break;"; protected final String TEXT_240 = NL + " default:" + NL + " throw new RuntimeException(\"Unknown unit \" + unit);" + NL + " }" + NL + " if (stack.getStackSize() > 0) {" + NL + " unit = stack.getLastUnit();"; protected final String TEXT_241 = NL + " "; protected final String TEXT_242 = "unit == "; protected final String TEXT_243 = NL + " break;" + NL + " }" + NL + " }" + NL + " }" + NL + " return stack;" + NL + " }"; protected final String TEXT_244 = NL + NL + " /**" + NL + " * Process "; protected final String TEXT_245 = " \""; protected final String TEXT_246 = "\"." + NL + " * @param stack The current application stack."; protected final String TEXT_247 = NL + " * @param segment The current segment."; protected final String TEXT_248 = NL + " * @param microstep The current microstep."; protected final String TEXT_249 = NL + " * @param ruleApps Number of rule applications in last superstep."; protected final String TEXT_250 = NL + " * @return The new application stack." + NL + " */" + NL + " private ApplicationStack process"; protected final String TEXT_251 = "(" + NL + " ApplicationStack stack"; protected final String TEXT_252 = ", int microstep"; protected final String TEXT_253 = ") {"; protected final String TEXT_254 = NL + " if (microstep > 0 && !unitSuccesses.pop()) {" + NL + " unitSuccesses.push(false);" + NL + " } else if (microstep == "; protected final String TEXT_255 = ") {" + NL + " unitSuccesses.push(true);" + NL + " } else if (microstep < "; protected final String TEXT_256 = ") {" + NL + " stack = stack.append("; protected final String TEXT_257 = ", 0, microstep + 1);" + NL + " stack = stack.append("; protected final String TEXT_258 = ", 0, 0);" + NL + " }"; protected final String TEXT_259 = NL + " if (microstep > 0 && !unitSuccesses.pop()) {" + NL + " unitSuccesses.push(false);" + NL + " } else if (microstep == "; protected final String TEXT_260 = ") {" + NL + " unitSuccesses.push(true);" + NL + " } else {" + NL + " switch (microstep) {"; protected final String TEXT_261 = NL + " case "; protected final String TEXT_262 = ":" + NL + " stack = stack.append("; protected final String TEXT_263 = ", 0, "; protected final String TEXT_264 = ");" + NL + " stack = stack.append("; protected final String TEXT_265 = ", 0, 0);" + NL + " break;"; protected final String TEXT_266 = NL + " default:" + NL + " break;" + NL + " }" + NL + " }"; protected final String TEXT_267 = NL + " if (microstep == 0) {" + NL + " List<Integer> order = new ArrayList<Integer>();" + NL + " for (int i = 0; i < "; protected final String TEXT_268 = "; i++) {" + NL + " order.add(i);" + NL + " }" + NL + " Collections.shuffle(order);" + NL + " unitOrders.push(order);" + NL + " }" + NL + " if (microstep > 0 && unitSuccesses.pop()) {" + NL + " unitOrders.pop();" + NL + " unitSuccesses.push(true);" + NL + " } else if (microstep == "; protected final String TEXT_269 = ") {" + NL + " unitOrders.pop();" + NL + " unitSuccesses.push(false);" + NL + " } else {" + NL + " int next = unitOrders.peek().get(microstep);" + NL + " switch (next) {"; protected final String TEXT_270 = NL + " case "; protected final String TEXT_271 = ":" + NL + " stack = stack.append("; protected final String TEXT_272 = ", 0, microstep + 1);" + NL + " stack = stack.append("; protected final String TEXT_273 = ", 0, 0);" + NL + " break;"; protected final String TEXT_274 = NL + " default:" + NL + " break;" + NL + " }" + NL + " }"; protected final String TEXT_275 = NL + " if (microstep == 0 || unitSuccesses.pop()) {" + NL + " stack = stack.append("; protected final String TEXT_276 = ", 0, 1);" + NL + " stack = stack.append("; protected final String TEXT_277 = ", 0, 0);" + NL + " } else {" + NL + " unitSuccesses.push(true);" + NL + " }"; protected final String TEXT_278 = NL + " if (microstep < "; protected final String TEXT_279 = ") {" + NL + " stack = stack.append("; protected final String TEXT_280 = ", segment, microstep + 1);" + NL + " } else if (segment < SEGMENT_COUNT - 1) {" + NL + " stack = stack.append("; protected final String TEXT_281 = ", segment + 1, 0);" + NL + " } else {" + NL + " unitSuccesses.push(ruleApps > 0);" + NL + " }"; protected final String TEXT_282 = NL + " return stack;" + NL + " }"; protected final String TEXT_283 = NL + NL + " /*" + NL + " * (non-Javadoc)" + NL + " * @see org.apache.giraph.master.DefaultMasterCompute#initialize()" + NL + " */" + NL + " @Override" + NL + " public void initialize() throws InstantiationException," + NL + " IllegalAccessException {" + NL + " registerAggregator(AGGREGATOR_MATCHES," + NL + " LongSumAggregator.class);" + NL + " registerAggregator(AGGREGATOR_RULE_APPLICATIONS," + NL + " LongSumAggregator.class);" + NL + " registerPersistentAggregator(AGGREGATOR_NODE_GENERATION," + NL + " LongSumAggregator.class);" + NL + " registerPersistentAggregator(AGGREGATOR_APPLICATION_STACK," + NL + " ApplicationStackAggregator.class);" + NL + " }" + NL + "" + NL + " }" + NL + "}"; protected final String TEXT_284 = NL; public String generate(Object argument) { final StringBuffer stringBuffer = new StringBuffer(); @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") Map<String,Object> args = (Map<String,Object>) argument; @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") Map<Rule,GiraphRuleData> ruleData = (Map<Rule,GiraphRuleData>) args.get("ruleData"); Unit mainUnit = (Unit) args.get("mainUnit"); String className = (String) args.get("className"); String packageName = (String) args.get("packageName"); boolean masterLogging = (Boolean) args.get("masterLogging"); boolean vertexLogging = (Boolean) args.get("vertexLogging"); boolean useUUIDs = (Boolean) args.get("useUUIDs"); int segmentCount = (Integer) args.get("segmentCount"); List<Unit> allUnits = new ArrayList<Unit>(); allUnits.add(mainUnit); allUnits.addAll(mainUnit.getSubUnits(true)); List<Rule> rules = new ArrayList<Rule>(ruleData.keySet()); boolean needsEdgeFactory = false; boolean needsVertexIdFactory = false; int maxCreatedNodes = 0; for (GiraphRuleData data : ruleData.values()) { if (!data.changeInfo.getCreatedEdges().isEmpty()) { needsEdgeFactory = true; } if (!data.changeInfo.getCreatedNodes().isEmpty()) { needsVertexIdFactory = true; } maxCreatedNodes = Math.max(maxCreatedNodes, data.changeInfo.getCreatedNodes().size()); } boolean needsCollections = false; for (Unit unit : allUnits) { if (unit instanceof IndependentUnit) { needsCollections = true; break; } } boolean needsEdgeClass = false; for (Rule rule : rules) { if (!rule.getLhs().getEdges().isEmpty() || !rule.getRhs().getEdges().isEmpty()) { needsEdgeClass = true; break; } } stringBuffer.append(TEXT_1); stringBuffer.append( packageName ); stringBuffer.append(TEXT_2); if (needsCollections) { stringBuffer.append(TEXT_3); } stringBuffer.append(TEXT_4); if (needsEdgeClass) { stringBuffer.append(TEXT_5); } if (needsEdgeFactory) { stringBuffer.append(TEXT_6); } stringBuffer.append(TEXT_7); if (masterLogging || vertexLogging) { stringBuffer.append(TEXT_8); } stringBuffer.append(TEXT_9); stringBuffer.append( packageName ); stringBuffer.append(TEXT_10); stringBuffer.append( packageName ); stringBuffer.append(TEXT_11); stringBuffer.append( packageName ); stringBuffer.append(TEXT_12); stringBuffer.append( packageName ); stringBuffer.append(TEXT_13); stringBuffer.append( mainUnit.getName() ); stringBuffer.append(TEXT_14); stringBuffer.append( mainUnit.getName() ); stringBuffer.append(TEXT_15); stringBuffer.append( className ); stringBuffer.append(TEXT_16); Map<ENamedElement,String> typeConstants = GiraphUtil.getTypeConstants(mainUnit.getModule()); int value = 0; for (ENamedElement type : typeConstants.keySet()) { stringBuffer.append(TEXT_17); stringBuffer.append( type.getName() ); stringBuffer.append(TEXT_18); stringBuffer.append( typeConstants.get(type) ); stringBuffer.append(TEXT_19); stringBuffer.append( value++ ); stringBuffer.append(TEXT_20); } Map<Unit,String> unitConstants = GiraphUtil.getUnitConstants(mainUnit); value = 0; for (Unit unit : unitConstants.keySet()) { stringBuffer.append(TEXT_21); stringBuffer.append( (unit instanceof Rule) ? "Rule" : "Unit" ); stringBuffer.append(TEXT_22); stringBuffer.append( unit.getName() ); stringBuffer.append(TEXT_23); stringBuffer.append( unitConstants.get(unit) ); stringBuffer.append(TEXT_24); stringBuffer.append( value++ ); stringBuffer.append(TEXT_25); } if (masterLogging || vertexLogging) { stringBuffer.append(TEXT_26); stringBuffer.append( className ); stringBuffer.append(TEXT_27); } stringBuffer.append(TEXT_28); stringBuffer.append( segmentCount ); stringBuffer.append(TEXT_29); for (Rule rule : rules) { stringBuffer.append(TEXT_30); stringBuffer.append( unitConstants.get(rule) ); stringBuffer.append(TEXT_31); stringBuffer.append( ruleData.get(rule).rule.getName() ); stringBuffer.append(TEXT_32); } stringBuffer.append(TEXT_33); // Generate the code for all rules: for (GiraphRuleData data : ruleData.values()) { Rule rule = data.rule; RuleChangeInfo changeInfo = data.changeInfo; // Sort indexes of nodes to be removed from the match: List<Integer> required = new ArrayList<Integer>(); for (Node node : data.requiredNodes) { required.add(data.orderedLhsNodes.indexOf(node)); } Collections.sort(required); Collections.reverse(required); stringBuffer.append(TEXT_34); stringBuffer.append( data.rule.getName() ); stringBuffer.append(TEXT_35); stringBuffer.append( data.matchingSteps.size() ); stringBuffer.append(TEXT_36); stringBuffer.append( rule.getName() ); stringBuffer.append(TEXT_37); /* START LOGGING */ if (vertexLogging) { stringBuffer.append(TEXT_38); stringBuffer.append( rule.getName() ); stringBuffer.append(TEXT_39); } /* END LOGGING */ stringBuffer.append(TEXT_40); stringBuffer.append(TEXT_41); stringBuffer.append( data.matchingSteps.size() > 1 ? "matches = " : "" ); stringBuffer.append(TEXT_42); stringBuffer.append( rule.getName() ); stringBuffer.append(TEXT_43); for (int i=0; i<data.matchingSteps.size(); i++) { /* START STEP LOOP */ GiraphRuleData.MatchingStep step = data.matchingSteps.get(i); stringBuffer.append( i>0 ? " else" : " " ); stringBuffer.append(TEXT_44); stringBuffer.append( i ); stringBuffer.append(TEXT_45); if (step.isJoin) { /* START JOIN */ stringBuffer.append(TEXT_46); stringBuffer.append( GiraphUtil.getNodeName(step.node) ); stringBuffer.append(TEXT_47); stringBuffer.append( data.orderedLhsNodes.indexOf(step.node) ); stringBuffer.append(TEXT_48); if (vertexLogging) { stringBuffer.append(TEXT_49); stringBuffer.append( rule.getName() ); stringBuffer.append(TEXT_50); } stringBuffer.append(TEXT_51); if (rule.isInjectiveMatching()) { stringBuffer.append(TEXT_52); } if (step.sendBackTo != null) { /* START SEND BACK TO */ stringBuffer.append(TEXT_53); if (vertexLogging) { stringBuffer.append(TEXT_54); stringBuffer.append( data.orderedLhsNodes.indexOf(step.sendBackTo) ); stringBuffer.append(TEXT_55); } stringBuffer.append(TEXT_56); stringBuffer.append( data.orderedLhsNodes.indexOf(step.sendBackTo) ); stringBuffer.append(TEXT_57); /* END SEND BACK TO */ } else if (i == data.matchingSteps.size()-1) { for (Integer req : required) { stringBuffer.append(TEXT_58); stringBuffer.append( req ); stringBuffer.append(TEXT_59); } stringBuffer.append(TEXT_60); stringBuffer.append( data.rule.getName() ); stringBuffer.append(TEXT_61); } stringBuffer.append(TEXT_62); /* END JOIN */ } else { /* START CHECKING */ String xx = ""; if (step.isMatching) { /* START MATCHING */ xx = " "; List<EClass> validTypes = GiraphUtil.getValidTypes(step.node, mainUnit.getModule()); stringBuffer.append(TEXT_63); stringBuffer.append( GiraphUtil.getNodeName(step.node) ); stringBuffer.append(TEXT_64); for (int j=0; j<validTypes.size(); j++) { stringBuffer.append(TEXT_65); stringBuffer.append( (j==0) ? "boolean ok = " : " " ); stringBuffer.append(TEXT_66); stringBuffer.append( typeConstants.get(validTypes.get(j)) ); stringBuffer.append( (j==validTypes.size()-1) ? ";" : " ||" ); } if (rule.isInjectiveMatching() && !step.node.getOutgoing().isEmpty()) { stringBuffer.append(TEXT_67); stringBuffer.append( step.node.getOutgoing().size() ); stringBuffer.append(TEXT_68); } if (i==0) { stringBuffer.append(TEXT_69); } stringBuffer.append(TEXT_70); /* END MATCHING */ } if (step.isStart) { /* START IS START */ stringBuffer.append(TEXT_71); /* END IS START */ } else { /* START IS NOT START*/ stringBuffer.append(TEXT_72); stringBuffer.append(xx); stringBuffer.append(TEXT_73); if (step.isMatching) { stringBuffer.append(TEXT_74); stringBuffer.append(xx); stringBuffer.append(TEXT_75); if (rule.isInjectiveMatching()) { stringBuffer.append(TEXT_76); stringBuffer.append(xx); stringBuffer.append(TEXT_77); stringBuffer.append(TEXT_78); stringBuffer.append(xx); stringBuffer.append(TEXT_79); stringBuffer.append(TEXT_80); stringBuffer.append(xx); stringBuffer.append(TEXT_81); } NodeEquivalence equi = data.requiredNodesEquivalences.get(step.node); if (equi!=null && equi.indexOf(step.node)>0) { Node compareTo = equi.get(equi.indexOf(step.node)-1); stringBuffer.append(TEXT_82); stringBuffer.append(xx); stringBuffer.append(TEXT_83); stringBuffer.append( data.orderedLhsNodes.indexOf(compareTo) ); stringBuffer.append(TEXT_84); stringBuffer.append(TEXT_85); stringBuffer.append(xx); stringBuffer.append(TEXT_86); stringBuffer.append(TEXT_87); stringBuffer.append(xx); stringBuffer.append(TEXT_88); } } /* END IS NOT START*/ } if (step.edge != null) { /* START EDGE */ if (step.verifyEdgeTo != null) { /* START VERIFY EDGE */ xx = xx + " "; stringBuffer.append(TEXT_89); stringBuffer.append(xx); stringBuffer.append(TEXT_90); stringBuffer.append( GiraphUtil.getNodeName(step.edge.getSource()) ); stringBuffer.append(TEXT_91); stringBuffer.append( GiraphUtil.getNodeName(step.edge.getTarget()) ); stringBuffer.append(TEXT_92); stringBuffer.append( step.edge.getType().getName() ); stringBuffer.append(TEXT_93); stringBuffer.append(TEXT_94); stringBuffer.append(xx); stringBuffer.append(TEXT_95); stringBuffer.append( data.orderedLhsNodes.indexOf(step.verifyEdgeTo) ); stringBuffer.append(TEXT_96); stringBuffer.append(TEXT_97); stringBuffer.append(xx); stringBuffer.append(TEXT_98); stringBuffer.append(TEXT_99); stringBuffer.append(xx); stringBuffer.append(TEXT_100); stringBuffer.append(TEXT_101); stringBuffer.append(xx); stringBuffer.append(TEXT_102); stringBuffer.append(TEXT_103); stringBuffer.append(xx); stringBuffer.append(TEXT_104); stringBuffer.append( typeConstants.get(step.edge.getType()) ); stringBuffer.append(TEXT_105); stringBuffer.append(TEXT_106); stringBuffer.append(xx); stringBuffer.append(TEXT_107); /* END VERIFY EDGE */ } /* END EDGE */ } if (step.sendBackTo != null) { /* START SEND BACK TO */ stringBuffer.append(TEXT_108); stringBuffer.append(xx); stringBuffer.append(TEXT_109); if (vertexLogging) { stringBuffer.append(TEXT_110); stringBuffer.append(xx); stringBuffer.append(TEXT_111); stringBuffer.append(TEXT_112); stringBuffer.append(xx); stringBuffer.append(TEXT_113); stringBuffer.append(TEXT_114); stringBuffer.append(xx); stringBuffer.append(TEXT_115); stringBuffer.append( data.orderedLhsNodes.indexOf(step.sendBackTo) ); stringBuffer.append(TEXT_116); } stringBuffer.append(TEXT_117); stringBuffer.append(xx); stringBuffer.append(TEXT_118); stringBuffer.append( data.orderedLhsNodes.indexOf(step.sendBackTo) ); stringBuffer.append(TEXT_119); /* END SEND BACK TO */ } else if (i == data.matchingSteps.size()-1) { /* START LAST STEP */ if (step.isStart) { xx = ""; } for (Integer req : required) { stringBuffer.append(TEXT_120); stringBuffer.append(xx); stringBuffer.append(TEXT_121); stringBuffer.append( req ); stringBuffer.append(TEXT_122); } stringBuffer.append(TEXT_123); stringBuffer.append(xx); stringBuffer.append(TEXT_124); stringBuffer.append(TEXT_125); stringBuffer.append(xx); stringBuffer.append(TEXT_126); stringBuffer.append(TEXT_127); stringBuffer.append(xx); stringBuffer.append(TEXT_128); stringBuffer.append(TEXT_129); stringBuffer.append(xx); stringBuffer.append(TEXT_130); stringBuffer.append( data.rule.getName() ); stringBuffer.append(TEXT_131); stringBuffer.append(TEXT_132); stringBuffer.append(xx); stringBuffer.append(TEXT_133); stringBuffer.append(TEXT_134); stringBuffer.append(xx); stringBuffer.append(TEXT_135); stringBuffer.append(TEXT_136); stringBuffer.append(xx); stringBuffer.append(TEXT_137); stringBuffer.append(TEXT_138); stringBuffer.append(xx); stringBuffer.append(TEXT_139); stringBuffer.append(TEXT_140); stringBuffer.append(xx); stringBuffer.append(TEXT_141); /* END LAST STEP */ } if (step.verifyEdgeTo != null) { /* START VERIFY EDGE */ stringBuffer.append(TEXT_142); stringBuffer.append(xx); stringBuffer.append(TEXT_143); stringBuffer.append(TEXT_144); stringBuffer.append(xx); stringBuffer.append(TEXT_145); stringBuffer.append(TEXT_146); stringBuffer.append(xx); stringBuffer.append(TEXT_147); xx = xx.substring(0, xx.length() - 4); /* END VERIFY EDGE */ } if (step.edge!=null && step.verifyEdgeTo==null) { /* START NOT VERIFY EDGE */ String yy = !step.isStart && step.isMatching ? " " : ""; stringBuffer.append(TEXT_148); stringBuffer.append(yy); stringBuffer.append(TEXT_149); stringBuffer.append(TEXT_150); stringBuffer.append(yy); stringBuffer.append(TEXT_151); stringBuffer.append(TEXT_152); stringBuffer.append(yy); stringBuffer.append(TEXT_153); stringBuffer.append(TEXT_154); stringBuffer.append(yy); stringBuffer.append(TEXT_155); stringBuffer.append(TEXT_156); stringBuffer.append(yy); stringBuffer.append(TEXT_157); stringBuffer.append( typeConstants.get(step.edge.getType()) ); stringBuffer.append(TEXT_158); stringBuffer.append(TEXT_159); stringBuffer.append(yy); stringBuffer.append(TEXT_160); if (vertexLogging) { stringBuffer.append(TEXT_161); stringBuffer.append(yy); stringBuffer.append(TEXT_162); stringBuffer.append(TEXT_163); stringBuffer.append(yy); stringBuffer.append(TEXT_164); stringBuffer.append(TEXT_165); stringBuffer.append(yy); stringBuffer.append(TEXT_166); } stringBuffer.append(TEXT_167); stringBuffer.append(yy); stringBuffer.append(TEXT_168); stringBuffer.append(TEXT_169); stringBuffer.append(yy); stringBuffer.append(TEXT_170); stringBuffer.append(TEXT_171); stringBuffer.append(yy); stringBuffer.append(TEXT_172); /* END NOT VERIFY EDGE */ } if (!step.isStart) { stringBuffer.append(TEXT_173); stringBuffer.append(xx); stringBuffer.append(TEXT_174); } if (step.isMatching) { stringBuffer.append(TEXT_175); } if (step.keepMatchesOf != null) { stringBuffer.append(TEXT_176); stringBuffer.append( data.orderedLhsNodes.indexOf(step.keepMatchesOf) ); stringBuffer.append(TEXT_177); if (vertexLogging) { stringBuffer.append(TEXT_178); } stringBuffer.append(TEXT_179); } } stringBuffer.append(TEXT_180); } // end for stringBuffer.append(TEXT_181); stringBuffer.append( rule.getName() ); stringBuffer.append(TEXT_182); stringBuffer.append( data.rule.getName() ); stringBuffer.append(TEXT_183); stringBuffer.append( rule.getName() ); stringBuffer.append(TEXT_184); stringBuffer.append( data.matchingSteps.size()-1 ); stringBuffer.append(TEXT_185); stringBuffer.append( data.rule.getName() ); stringBuffer.append(TEXT_186); stringBuffer.append( rule.getName() ); stringBuffer.append(TEXT_187); stringBuffer.append( rule.getName() ); stringBuffer.append(TEXT_188); stringBuffer.append( data.rule.getName() ); stringBuffer.append(TEXT_189); List<Node> matchNodes = new ArrayList<Node>(); matchNodes.addAll(data.orderedLhsNodes); matchNodes.removeAll(data.requiredNodes); for (int j = 0; j < matchNodes.size(); j++) { Node lhsNode = matchNodes.get(j); Node rhsNode = data.rule.getMappings().getImage(lhsNode, data.rule.getRhs()); boolean needed = changeInfo.getDeletedNodes().contains(lhsNode); for (Edge edge : lhsNode.getAllEdges()) { needed = needed || changeInfo.getDeletedEdges().contains(edge); } if (rhsNode!=null) { for (Edge edge : rhsNode.getAllEdges()) { needed = needed || changeInfo.getCreatedEdges().contains(edge); } } if (needed) { stringBuffer.append(TEXT_190); stringBuffer.append( j ); stringBuffer.append(TEXT_191); stringBuffer.append( j ); stringBuffer.append(TEXT_192); } } if (vertexLogging) { stringBuffer.append(TEXT_193); stringBuffer.append( data.rule.getName() ); stringBuffer.append(TEXT_194); } for (Edge edge : changeInfo.getDeletedEdges()) { stringBuffer.append(TEXT_195); stringBuffer.append( matchNodes.indexOf(edge.getSource()) ); stringBuffer.append(TEXT_196); stringBuffer.append( matchNodes.indexOf(edge.getTarget()) ); stringBuffer.append(TEXT_197); } for (Node node : changeInfo.getDeletedNodes()) { stringBuffer.append(TEXT_198); stringBuffer.append( matchNodes.indexOf(node) ); stringBuffer.append(TEXT_199); } int n = 0; for (Node node : changeInfo.getCreatedNodes()) { stringBuffer.append(TEXT_200); stringBuffer.append( n ); stringBuffer.append(TEXT_201); if (useUUIDs) { stringBuffer.append(TEXT_202); } else { stringBuffer.append(TEXT_203); stringBuffer.append( n ); stringBuffer.append(TEXT_204); } stringBuffer.append(TEXT_205); stringBuffer.append( n++ ); stringBuffer.append(TEXT_206); stringBuffer.append( typeConstants.get(node.getType()) ); stringBuffer.append(TEXT_207); } int e = 0; for (Edge edge : changeInfo.getCreatedEdges()) { // THE SOURCE OF THE NEW EDGE: if (changeInfo.getCreatedNodes().contains(edge.getSource())) { stringBuffer.append(TEXT_208); stringBuffer.append( e ); stringBuffer.append(TEXT_209); stringBuffer.append( changeInfo.getCreatedNodes().indexOf(edge.getSource()) ); stringBuffer.append(TEXT_210); } else { stringBuffer.append(TEXT_211); stringBuffer.append( e ); stringBuffer.append(TEXT_212); stringBuffer.append( matchNodes.indexOf(data.rule.getMappings().getOrigin(edge.getSource())) ); stringBuffer.append(TEXT_213); } // THE TARGET OF THE NEW EDGE: if (changeInfo.getCreatedNodes().contains(edge.getTarget())) { stringBuffer.append(TEXT_214); stringBuffer.append( e ); stringBuffer.append(TEXT_215); stringBuffer.append( changeInfo.getCreatedNodes().indexOf(edge.getTarget()) ); stringBuffer.append(TEXT_216); } else { stringBuffer.append(TEXT_217); stringBuffer.append( e ); stringBuffer.append(TEXT_218); stringBuffer.append( matchNodes.indexOf(data.rule.getMappings().getOrigin(edge.getTarget())) ); stringBuffer.append(TEXT_219); } stringBuffer.append(TEXT_220); stringBuffer.append( e ); stringBuffer.append(TEXT_221); stringBuffer.append( e ); stringBuffer.append(TEXT_222); stringBuffer.append( typeConstants.get(edge.getType()) ); stringBuffer.append(TEXT_223); stringBuffer.append( e ); stringBuffer.append(TEXT_224); stringBuffer.append( e ); stringBuffer.append(TEXT_225); e++; } stringBuffer.append(TEXT_226); } // end of for all rules stringBuffer.append(TEXT_227); if (needsVertexIdFactory && !useUUIDs) { stringBuffer.append(TEXT_228); } stringBuffer.append(TEXT_229); if (masterLogging) { stringBuffer.append(TEXT_230); } stringBuffer.append(TEXT_231); stringBuffer.append( unitConstants.get(mainUnit) ); stringBuffer.append(TEXT_232); if (!(mainUnit instanceof Rule)) { stringBuffer.append(TEXT_233); } stringBuffer.append(TEXT_234); for (Unit unit : allUnits) { stringBuffer.append(TEXT_235); stringBuffer.append( unitConstants.get(unit) ); stringBuffer.append(TEXT_236); stringBuffer.append( unit.getName() ); stringBuffer.append(TEXT_237); stringBuffer.append( (unit instanceof Rule) ? ", segment" : "" ); stringBuffer.append(TEXT_238); stringBuffer.append( (unit instanceof Rule) ? ", ruleApps" : "" ); stringBuffer.append(TEXT_239); } // end for stringBuffer.append(TEXT_240); for (int i=0; i<rules.size(); i++) { stringBuffer.append(TEXT_241); stringBuffer.append( i==0 ? "if (" : " " ); stringBuffer.append(TEXT_242); stringBuffer.append( unitConstants.get(rules.get(i)) + (i<rules.size()-1 ? " ||" : ") {" ) ); } stringBuffer.append(TEXT_243); for (Unit unit : allUnits) { stringBuffer.append(TEXT_244); stringBuffer.append( unit.eClass().getName() ); stringBuffer.append(TEXT_245); stringBuffer.append( unit.getName() ); stringBuffer.append(TEXT_246); if (unit instanceof Rule) { stringBuffer.append(TEXT_247); } stringBuffer.append(TEXT_248); if (unit instanceof Rule) { stringBuffer.append(TEXT_249); } stringBuffer.append(TEXT_250); stringBuffer.append( unit.getName() ); stringBuffer.append(TEXT_251); stringBuffer.append( (unit instanceof Rule) ? ", int segment" : "" ); stringBuffer.append(TEXT_252); stringBuffer.append( (unit instanceof Rule) ? ", long ruleApps" : "" ); stringBuffer.append(TEXT_253); if (unit instanceof IteratedUnit) { int iters = Integer.parseInt(((IteratedUnit) unit).getIterations()); stringBuffer.append(TEXT_254); stringBuffer.append( iters ); stringBuffer.append(TEXT_255); stringBuffer.append( iters ); stringBuffer.append(TEXT_256); stringBuffer.append( unitConstants.get(unit) ); stringBuffer.append(TEXT_257); stringBuffer.append( unitConstants.get(((IteratedUnit) unit).getSubUnit()) ); stringBuffer.append(TEXT_258); } else if (unit instanceof SequentialUnit) { SequentialUnit seq = (SequentialUnit) unit; stringBuffer.append(TEXT_259); stringBuffer.append( seq.getSubUnits().size() ); stringBuffer.append(TEXT_260); for (int i=0; i<seq.getSubUnits().size(); i++) { stringBuffer.append(TEXT_261); stringBuffer.append( i); stringBuffer.append(TEXT_262); stringBuffer.append( unitConstants.get(unit) ); stringBuffer.append(TEXT_263); stringBuffer.append( i+1 ); stringBuffer.append(TEXT_264); stringBuffer.append( unitConstants.get(seq.getSubUnits().get(i)) ); stringBuffer.append(TEXT_265); } stringBuffer.append(TEXT_266); } else if (unit instanceof IndependentUnit) { IndependentUnit indi = (IndependentUnit) unit; stringBuffer.append(TEXT_267); stringBuffer.append( indi.getSubUnits().size() ); stringBuffer.append(TEXT_268); stringBuffer.append( indi.getSubUnits().size() ); stringBuffer.append(TEXT_269); for (int i=0; i<indi.getSubUnits().size(); i++) { stringBuffer.append(TEXT_270); stringBuffer.append( i); stringBuffer.append(TEXT_271); stringBuffer.append( unitConstants.get(unit) ); stringBuffer.append(TEXT_272); stringBuffer.append( unitConstants.get(indi.getSubUnits().get(i)) ); stringBuffer.append(TEXT_273); } stringBuffer.append(TEXT_274); } else if (unit instanceof LoopUnit) { stringBuffer.append(TEXT_275); stringBuffer.append( unitConstants.get(unit) ); stringBuffer.append(TEXT_276); stringBuffer.append( unitConstants.get(((LoopUnit) unit).getSubUnit()) ); stringBuffer.append(TEXT_277); } else if (unit instanceof Rule) { stringBuffer.append(TEXT_278); stringBuffer.append( ruleData.get(unit).matchingSteps.size()-1 ); stringBuffer.append(TEXT_279); stringBuffer.append( unitConstants.get(unit) ); stringBuffer.append(TEXT_280); stringBuffer.append( unitConstants.get(unit) ); stringBuffer.append(TEXT_281); } stringBuffer.append(TEXT_282); } // end for stringBuffer.append(TEXT_283); stringBuffer.append(TEXT_284); return stringBuffer.toString(); } }