package agg.gui; import java.awt.Color; import java.awt.Dimension; import java.awt.Insets; import java.awt.event.ActionListener; import javax.swing.Icon; import javax.swing.ImageIcon; import javax.swing.JButton; import javax.swing.JToolBar; import agg.gui.icons.*; /** * The tool bar of AGG application. * * @author $Author: olga $ * @version $ID */ @SuppressWarnings("serial") public class AGGToolBar extends JToolBar { public AGGToolBar(int orientation) { super(orientation); // 0 = horizontal orientation setFloatable(true); // putClientProperty( "JToolBar.isRollover", Boolean.FALSE ); } public JButton addTool(JButton b) { return (JButton) super.add(b); } public JButton addTool(JButton b, int indx) { return (JButton) super.add(b, indx); } public void addSeparator( Dimension size, int indx ){ JToolBar.Separator s = new JToolBar.Separator( size ); super.add(s, indx); } public JButton createTool(JButton b, String keyStr, String iconName, boolean enabled) { if (keyStr.equals("textable")) { final TextIcon icon = new TextIcon(iconName, enabled); b.setIcon(icon); icon.setEnabled(enabled); } b.setEnabled(enabled); return b; // (JButton) this.add(b); } public JButton createTool(String keyStr, String iconName, String name, String command, ActionListener l, boolean enabled) { if (keyStr.equals("imageable")) { ImageIcon image = null; if (ClassLoader.getSystemResource("agg/lib/icons/" + iconName + ".gif") != null) { image = new ImageIcon( ClassLoader.getSystemResource("agg/lib/icons/" + iconName + ".gif")); } else if (ClassLoader.getSystemResource("agg/lib/icons/" + iconName + ".jpg") != null) { image = new ImageIcon( ClassLoader.getSystemResource("agg/lib/icons/" + iconName + ".jpg")); } else if (ClassLoader.getSystemResource("agg/lib/icons/" + iconName + ".png") != null) { image = new ImageIcon( ClassLoader.getSystemResource("agg/lib/icons/" + iconName + ".png")); } if (image != null) { final JButton b = new JButton(image); b.setToolTipText(name); b.setMargin(new Insets(0, 0, 0, 0)); b.getAccessibleContext().setAccessibleName(name); b.setActionCommand(command); b.addActionListener(l); b.setEnabled(enabled); return b; } } else if (keyStr.equals("textable")) { final TextIcon icon = new TextIcon(iconName, enabled); final JButton b = createButton(icon, name, command, l, enabled); icon.setEnabled(enabled); return b; } else if (keyStr.equals("iconable")) { if (iconName.equals("SelectAllIcon")) { final SelectAllIcon icon = new SelectAllIcon(; final JButton b = createButton(icon, name, command, l, enabled); icon.setEnabled(enabled); return b; } else if (iconName.equals("SelectNodeTypeIcon")) { final SelectNodeTypeIcon icon = new SelectNodeTypeIcon(; final JButton b = createButton(icon, name, command, l, enabled); icon.setEnabled(enabled); return b; } else if (iconName.equals("SelectArcTypeIcon")) { final SelectArcTypeIcon icon = new SelectArcTypeIcon(; final JButton b = createButton(icon, name, command, l, enabled); icon.setEnabled(enabled); return b; } else if (iconName.equals("DeselectAllIcon")) { final DeselectAllIcon icon = new DeselectAllIcon(); final JButton b = createButton(icon, name, command, l, enabled); icon.setEnabled(enabled); return b; } else if (iconName.equals("NewGraGraIcon")) { final NewGraGraIcon icon = new NewGraGraIcon(; final JButton b = createButton(icon, name, command, l, enabled); icon.setEnabled(enabled); return b; } else if (iconName.equals("NewTypeGraphIcon")) { final NewTypeGraphIcon icon = new NewTypeGraphIcon(; final JButton b = createButton(icon, name, command, l, enabled); icon.setEnabled(enabled); return b; } else if (iconName.equals("NewGraphIcon")) { final NewGraphIcon icon = new NewGraphIcon(; final JButton b = createButton(icon, name, command, l, enabled); icon.setEnabled(enabled); return b; } else if (iconName.equals("NewRuleIcon")) { final NewRuleIcon icon = new NewRuleIcon(; final JButton b = createButton(icon, name, command, l, enabled); icon.setEnabled(enabled); return b; } else if (iconName.equals("NewAtomicIcon")) { final NewAtomicIcon icon = new NewAtomicIcon(; final JButton b = createButton(icon, name, command, l, enabled); icon.setEnabled(enabled); return b; } else if (iconName.equals("NewConclusionIcon")) { final NewConclusionIcon icon = new NewConclusionIcon(; final JButton b = createButton(icon, name, command, l, enabled); icon.setEnabled(enabled); return b; } else if (iconName.equals("NewConstraintIcon")) { final NewConstraintIcon icon = new NewConstraintIcon(; final JButton b = createButton(icon, name, command, l, enabled); icon.setEnabled(enabled); return b; } else if (iconName.equals("NewNestedACIcon")) { final NewNestedACIcon icon = new NewNestedACIcon(; final JButton b = createButton(icon, name, command, l, enabled); icon.setEnabled(enabled); return b; } else if (iconName.equals("NewNACIcon")) { final NewNACIcon icon = new NewNACIcon(; final JButton b = createButton(icon, name, command, l, enabled); icon.setEnabled(enabled); return b; } else if (iconName.equals("NewPACIcon")) { final NewPACIcon icon = new NewPACIcon(; final JButton b = createButton(icon, name, command, l, enabled); icon.setEnabled(enabled); return b; } else if (iconName.equals("DeleteGraGraIcon")) { final DeleteGraGraIcon icon = new DeleteGraGraIcon(; final JButton b = createButton(icon, name, command, l, enabled); icon.setEnabled(enabled); return b; } else if (iconName.equals("DeleteRuleIcon")) { final DeleteRuleIcon icon = new DeleteRuleIcon(; final JButton b = createButton(icon, name, command, l, enabled); icon.setEnabled(enabled); return b; } else if (iconName.equals("DeleteNestedACIcon")) { final DeleteNestedACIcon icon = new DeleteNestedACIcon(; final JButton b = createButton(icon, name, command, l, enabled); icon.setEnabled(enabled); return b; } else if (iconName.equals("DeleteNACIcon")) { final DeleteNACIcon icon = new DeleteNACIcon(; final JButton b = createButton(icon, name, command, l, enabled); icon.setEnabled(enabled); return b; } else if (iconName.equals("DeletePACIcon")) { final DeletePACIcon icon = new DeletePACIcon(; final JButton b = createButton(icon, name, command, l, enabled); icon.setEnabled(enabled); return b; } else if (iconName.equals("DeleteTypeGraphIcon")) { final DeleteTypeGraphIcon icon = new DeleteTypeGraphIcon(; final JButton b = createButton(icon, name, command, l, enabled); icon.setEnabled(enabled); return b; } else if (iconName.equals("DeleteGraphIcon")) { final DeleteGraphIcon icon = new DeleteGraphIcon(; final JButton b = createButton(icon, name, command, l, enabled); icon.setEnabled(enabled); return b; } else if (iconName.equals("DeleteAtomicIcon")) { final DeleteAtomicIcon icon = new DeleteAtomicIcon(; final JButton b = createButton(icon, name, command, l, enabled); icon.setEnabled(enabled); return b; } else if (iconName.equals("DeleteConclusionIcon")) { final DeleteConclusionIcon icon = new DeleteConclusionIcon(; final JButton b = createButton(icon, name, command, l, enabled); icon.setEnabled(enabled); return b; } else if (iconName.equals("DeleteConstraintIcon")) { final DeleteConstraintIcon icon = new DeleteConstraintIcon(; final JButton b = createButton(icon, name, command, l, enabled); icon.setEnabled(enabled); return b; } else if (iconName.equals("MatchIcon")) { final MatchIcon icon = new MatchIcon(; final JButton b = createButton(icon, name, command, l, enabled); icon.setEnabled(enabled); return b; } else if (iconName.equals("CompletionIcon")) { final CompletionIcon icon = new CompletionIcon(; final JButton b = createButton(icon, name, command, l, enabled); icon.setEnabled(enabled); return b; } else if (iconName.equals("StepIcon")) { final StepIcon icon = new StepIcon(; final JButton b = createButton(icon, name, command, l, enabled); icon.setEnabled(enabled); return b; } else if (iconName.equals("StartIcon")) { final StartIcon icon = new StartIcon(; final JButton b = createButton(icon, name, command, l, enabled); icon.setEnabled(enabled); return b; } else if (iconName.equals("StopIcon")) { final StopIcon icon = new StopIcon(; final JButton b = createButton(icon, name, command, l, enabled); icon.setEnabled(enabled); return b; } else if (iconName.equals("StepBackIcon")) { final StepBackIcon icon = new StepBackIcon(; final JButton b = createButton(icon, name, command, l, enabled); icon.setEnabled(enabled); return b; } } return null; } public JButton createButton(Icon icon, String name, String command, ActionListener l, boolean enabled) { // JButton b = (JButton) this.add(new JButton(icon)); final JButton b = new JButton(icon); b.setToolTipText(name); b.setMargin(new Insets(0, 0, 0, 0)); b.getAccessibleContext().setAccessibleName(name); b.setActionCommand(command); b.addActionListener(l); b.setEnabled(enabled); return b; } public JButton getButton(String name) { for (int i=0; i<this.getComponentCount(); i++) { Object b = this.getComponent(i); if (b instanceof JButton) { if (((JButton)b).getText().equals(name)) { return (JButton)b; } } } return null; } public JButton getButton(String name, String command) { for (int i=0; i<this.getComponentCount(); i++) { Object b = this.getComponent(i); if (b instanceof JButton) { if (((JButton)b).getText().equals(name) && ((JButton)b).getActionCommand().equals(command)) { return (JButton)b; } } } return null; } } // AGGToolBar