package agg.util.colim; /** * A IntIterator allows you to iterate through * the contents of a IntBuffer. */ public final class IntIterator implements BidirectionalIterator { /** * Return an iterator positioned at the first element of a particular array. * @param array The array whose first element I will be positioned at. */ public static IntIterator begin( int[] array ){ return new IntIterator( array, 0 ); } /** * Return an iterator positioned immediately after the last element of a particular array. * @param array The array whose last element I will be positioned after. */ public static IntIterator end( int[] array ){ return new IntIterator( array, array.length ); } int buffer[]; Container original; int index; /** * Construct myself to be an iterator with no associated data structure or position. */ public IntIterator(){ this( new IntArray(), 0 ); } /** * Construct myself to be a copy of an existing iterator. * @param iterator The iterator to copy. */ public IntIterator( IntIterator iterator ){ buffer = iterator.buffer; original = iterator.original; index = iterator.index; } /** * Construct myself to be positioned at a particular index of a specific * array of ints. */ public IntIterator( int[] vector, int index ){ this( new IntArray( vector ), index ); } /** * Construct myself to be positioned at a particular index of a specific IntArray. */ public IntIterator( IntArray vector, int index ){ buffer = vector.array; original = vector; this.index = index; } /** * Construct myself to be positioned at a particular index of a specific IntBuffer. * @param vector My associated IntBuffer. * @param index My associated index. */ public IntIterator( IntBuffer vector, int index ){ buffer =; original = vector; this.index = index; } /** * Return a clone of myself. */ public Object clone(){ return new IntIterator( this ); } /** * Return true if a specified object is the same kind of iterator as me * and is positioned at the same element. * @param object Any object. */ public boolean equals( Object object ){ return object instanceof IntIterator && equals( (IntIterator)object ); } /** * Return true if iterator is positioned at the same element as me. * @param iterator The iterator to compare myself against. */ public boolean equals( IntIterator iterator ){ return iterator.index == index && iterator.buffer == buffer; } /** * Return true if I'm positioned at the first item of my input stream. */ public boolean atBegin(){ return index == 0; } /** * Return true if I'm positioned after the last item in my input stream. */ public boolean atEnd(){ return index == original.size(); } /** * Return true if there are more elements in my input stream. */ public boolean hasMoreElements(){ return index < original.size(); } /** * Advance by one. */ public void advance(){ ++index; } /** * Advance by a specified amount. * @param n The amount to advance. */ public void advance( int n ){ index += n; } /** * Retreat by one. */ public void retreat(){ --index; } /** * Retreat by a specified amount. * @param n The amount to retreat. */ public void retreat( int n ){ index -= n; } /** * Return the next element in my input stream. * @exception java.util.NoSuchElementException If I'm positioned at an invalid index. */ public Object nextElement(){ try{ Object obj = get(); advance(); return obj; }catch ( IndexOutOfBoundsException ex ){ throw new java.util.NoSuchElementException( "IntIterator" ); } } /** * Return the object at my current position. * @exception java.lang.ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException If I'm positioned at an invalid index. */ public Object get(){ return get( 0 ); } public int getInt(){ return getInt( 0 ); } /** * Return the object that is a specified distance from my current position. * @param offset The offset from my current position. * @exception java.lang.ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException If the adjusted index is invalid. */ public Object get( int offset ){ return new Integer( buffer[ index + offset ] ); } public int getInt( int offset ){ return buffer[ index + offset ]; } /** * Set the object at my current position to a specified value. * @param object The object to be written at my current position. * @exception java.lang.ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException If I'm positioned at an invalid index. */ public void put( Object object ){ put( 0, object ); } public void put( int object ){ put( 0, object ); } /** * Write an object at a specified distance from my current position. * @param offset The offset from my current position. * @param object The object to write. * @exception java.lang.ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException If the adjusted index is invalid. */ public void put( int offset, Object object ){ put( offset, IntBuffer.asInt( object ) ); } public void put( int offset, int object ){ buffer[ index + offset ] = object; } /** * Return the distance from myself to another iterator. * I should be before the specified iterator. * @param iterator The iterator to compare myself against. * @exception IllegalArgumentException If the iterators are incompatible. */ public int distance( ForwardIterator iterator ){ if ( !isCompatibleWith( iterator ) ) throw new IllegalArgumentException( "iterators not compatible" ); return ( (IntIterator)iterator ).index - index; } /** * Return my current index. */ public int index(){ return index; } /** * Return my associated array. */ public Container getContainer(){ return original; } /** * Return true if both <CODE>iterator</CODE> and myself can be used * as a range. */ public boolean isCompatibleWith( InputIterator iterator ){ return iterator instanceof IntIterator && buffer == ( (IntIterator)iterator ).buffer; } }