package agg.xt_basis.csp; /** * Title: * Description: * Copyright: Copyright (c) 2000 * Company: * @author * @version 1.0 */ import java.util.BitSet; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.Vector; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.Hashtable; import java.util.Dictionary; import agg.attribute.AttrContext; import agg.attribute.impl.VarMember; import agg.attribute.impl.VarTuple; import agg.attribute.impl.ValueTuple; import agg.attribute.impl.ValueMember; import agg.util.csp.SolutionStrategy; import agg.util.csp.Solution_Backjump; import agg.util.csp.Variable; import agg.util.Pair; import agg.xt_basis.Arc; import agg.xt_basis.BadMappingException; import agg.xt_basis.Graph; import agg.xt_basis.GraphObject; import agg.xt_basis.Match; import agg.xt_basis.MorphCompletionStrategy; import agg.xt_basis.Morphism; import agg.xt_basis.Node; import agg.xt_basis.OrdinaryMorphism; import agg.xt_basis.Type; /** * An implementation of morphism completion as a Constraint Satisfaction Problem * (CSP). * * Please note: This class is only for internal use of the * critical pair analysis for grammars with node type inheritance. * Do not use it for any kind of implementations. */ public class Completion_InheritCSP extends MorphCompletionStrategy { private ALR_InheritCSP itsCSP; private Morphism itsMorph; private Dictionary<Object, Variable> relatedVarMap; // private boolean allowRestrictedDomain; private HashMap<String, String> mapInputParameter = new HashMap<String, String>(1); private String errorMsg; private static final BitSet itsSupportedProperties = new BitSet(6); static { itsSupportedProperties.set(CompletionPropertyBits.INJECTIVE); itsSupportedProperties.set(CompletionPropertyBits.DANGLING); itsSupportedProperties.set(CompletionPropertyBits.IDENTIFICATION); } public Completion_InheritCSP() { super(itsSupportedProperties); this.randomDomain = true; super.itsName = "CSP NTI"; // Node Type Inheritance } public void dispose() { super.dispose(); itsSupportedProperties.clear(); this.mapInputParameter.clear(); this.relatedVarMap = null; this.itsMorph = null; this.itsCSP = null; } public void setProperties(MorphCompletionStrategy fromStrategy) { initialize(itsSupportedProperties, (BitSet) fromStrategy.getProperties().clone()); } /** * Initialize the CSP by the specified morphism. The CSP variables are * created for each node and edge of the source graph of this morphism. */ public final void initialize(OrdinaryMorphism morph) throws BadMappingException { this.itsMorph = morph; AttrContext aContext = initializeAttrContext(morph); // create CSP this.itsCSP = new ALR_InheritCSP(morph.getOriginal(), aContext); if (morph.getImage().getTypeObjectsMap().isEmpty()) morph.getImage().fillTypeObjectsMap(); this.itsCSP.setRequester(morph); this.itsCSP.setDomain(morph.getImage()); } private AttrContext initializeAttrContext(OrdinaryMorphism morph) { if (morph instanceof Match) { return morph.getAttrManager().newContext( agg.attribute.AttrMapping.MATCH_MAP, ((Match) morph).getRule().getAttrContext()); } return morph.getAttrManager().newContext( agg.attribute.AttrMapping.PLAIN_MAP); } /* private void unsetUsedVariable(GraphObject go, OrdinaryMorphism morph) { if (go.getAttribute() == null) return; Vector<String> attrVars = ((ValueTuple) go.getAttribute()) .getAllVariableNames(); VarTuple varTup = (VarTuple) morph.getAttrContext().getVariables(); for (int i = 0; i < attrVars.size(); i++) { String name = attrVars.elementAt(i); VarMember vm = varTup.getVarMemberAt(name); if (vm != null) vm.setExpr(null); } } */ /** * Template method to enable creation of CSPs with varying solution * strategies by subclasses. */ protected SolutionStrategy createSolutionStrategy() { return new Solution_Backjump(getProperties().get(CompletionPropertyBits.INJECTIVE)); } public final void reset() { if (this.itsCSP != null) this.itsCSP.reset(); } public void resetSolverQuery_Type() { if (this.itsCSP != null) this.itsCSP.resetQuery_Type(); } public void enableParallelSearch(boolean b) { this.parallel = b; if (this.itsCSP != null) this.itsCSP.getSolutionSolver().enableParallelSearch(b); } public void setStartParallelSearchByFirst(boolean b) { this.startParallelMatchByFirstCSPVar = b; if (this.itsCSP != null) { this.itsCSP.getSolutionSolver().setStartParallelSearchByFirst(b); } } public AttrContext getAttrContext() { return (this.itsCSP != null)? this.itsCSP.getAttrContext(): null; } public void resetSolver(boolean doUpdateQueries) { if (this.itsCSP != null) this.itsCSP.resetSolver(doUpdateQueries); } public void reinitializeSolver(boolean doUpdateQueries) { if (this.itsCSP != null) this.itsCSP.reinitializeSolver(doUpdateQueries); } public void resetSolverVariables() { if (this.itsCSP != null) this.itsCSP.resetSolverVariables(); } public boolean isDomainOfTypeEmpty(Type t) { return this.itsCSP.isDomainOfTypeEmpty(t); } public boolean isDomainOfTypeEmpty(Type t, Type src, Type tar) { return this.itsCSP.isDomainOfTypeEmpty(t, src, tar); } public void setRelatedInstanceVarMap( Dictionary<Object, Variable> relVarMap) { this.relatedVarMap = relVarMap; } public boolean hasRelatedInstanceVarMap() { if (this.relatedVarMap != null) return true; return false; } public Dictionary<Object, Variable> getInstanceVarMap() { if (this.itsCSP != null) return this.itsCSP.getInstanceVarMap(); return null; } public void resetTypeMap(Hashtable<String, HashSet<GraphObject>> typeMap) { if (this.itsCSP != null) this.itsCSP.resetTypeMap(typeMap); } public void resetTypeMap(Graph g) { if (this.itsCSP != null) this.itsCSP.resetTypeMap(g); } public void resetVariableDomain(boolean initInstanceByNull) { if (this.itsCSP != null) { this.itsCSP.resetVariableDomain(initInstanceByNull); } } public void resetVariableDomain(GraphObject go) { if (this.itsCSP != null) this.itsCSP.resetVariableDomain(go); } protected void unsetAttrContextVariable() { this.itsCSP.unsetAttrContextVariable(); } public final boolean next(OrdinaryMorphism morph) { if (morph != this.itsMorph) { try { initialize(morph); } catch (BadMappingException ex) { return false; } } return doNext((OrdinaryMorphism) this.itsMorph); } private boolean doNext(OrdinaryMorphism morph) { this.itsCSP.setRelatedInstanceVarMap(this.relatedVarMap); boolean flag = false; this.errorMsg = ""; if (morph.getAttrContext() != null) { ((VarTuple) morph.getAttrContext().getVariables()) .unsetNotInputVariables(); } while (this.itsCSP.nextSolution()) { flag = true; this.errorMsg = ""; // try add morph. mapping after CSP success GraphObject anOrig, anImage; Iterator<Node> anNodeIter = morph.getOriginal().getNodesSet().iterator(); while (flag && anNodeIter.hasNext()) { anOrig =; Variable lhsVariable = this.itsCSP.getVariable(anOrig); if (lhsVariable != null) { anImage = (GraphObject) lhsVariable.getInstance(); if (anImage != null) { try { morph.addChild2ParentMapping(anOrig, anImage); if (morph.getImage(anOrig) == null) { flag = false; } } catch (BadMappingException ex) { flag = false; } } } } Iterator<Arc> anArcIter = morph.getOriginal().getArcsSet().iterator(); while (flag && anArcIter.hasNext()) { anOrig =; Variable lhsVariable = this.itsCSP.getVariable(anOrig); if (lhsVariable != null) { anImage = (GraphObject) lhsVariable.getInstance(); if (anImage != null) { try { morph.addChild2ParentMapping(anOrig, anImage); if (morph.getImage(anOrig) == null) { flag = false; } } catch (BadMappingException ex) { flag = false; } } } } if (!flag) continue; if (morph.getAttrContext() != null) { flag = flag && checkObjectsWithSameVariable(morph); } if (flag) { break; } morph.setErrorMsg(this.errorMsg); } return flag; } private boolean checkObjectsWithSameVariable(OrdinaryMorphism morph) { VarTuple variables = (VarTuple) morph.getAttrContext().getVariables(); for (int i = 0; i < variables.getSize(); i++) { VarMember var = variables.getVarMemberAt(i); Vector<Pair<GraphObject, String>> v = new Vector<Pair<GraphObject, String>>(); Iterator<?> iter = morph.getOriginal().getNodesSet().iterator(); while (iter.hasNext()) { GraphObject orig = (GraphObject); if (orig.getAttribute() == null) continue; ValueTuple origVal = (ValueTuple) orig.getAttribute(); for (int k = 0; k < origVal.getSize(); k++) { ValueMember mem = origVal.getValueMemberAt(k); if (mem.isSet() && mem.getExpr().isVariable() && mem.getExprAsText().equals(var.getName()) && mem.getDeclaration().getTypeName().equals( var.getDeclaration().getTypeName())) { v.add(new Pair<GraphObject, String>( orig, mem.getName())); } } } iter = morph.getOriginal().getArcsSet().iterator(); while (iter.hasNext()) { GraphObject orig = (GraphObject); if (orig.getAttribute() == null) continue; ValueTuple origVal = (ValueTuple) orig.getAttribute(); for (int k = 0; k < origVal.getSize(); k++) { ValueMember mem = origVal.getValueMemberAt(k); if (mem.isSet() && mem.getExpr().isVariable() && mem.getExprAsText().equals(var.getName()) && mem.getDeclaration().getTypeName().equals( var.getDeclaration().getTypeName())) { v.add(new Pair<GraphObject, String>( orig, mem.getName())); } } } if (v.size() > 1) { Pair<GraphObject, String> p = v.elementAt(0); GraphObject img = morph.getImage(p.first); // if (img == null) { // System.out.println(img+" "+p.first.getType().getName()); // } ValueTuple val = (ValueTuple) img.getAttribute(); ValueMember mem = val.getValueMemberAt(p.second); for (int j = 1; j < v.size(); j++) { Pair<GraphObject, String> pj = v.elementAt(j); GraphObject imgj = morph.getImage(pj.first); ValueTuple valj = (ValueTuple) imgj.getAttribute(); ValueMember memj = valj.getValueMemberAt(pj.second); if (mem.isSet() && memj.isSet()) { if (mem.getExpr().isConstant() && memj.getExpr().isConstant()) { if (!mem.getExprAsText().equals(memj.getExprAsText())) { this.errorMsg = "Attribute check: equal value by equal variable - failed!."; return false; } } else if (mem.getExpr().isVariable() && memj.getExpr().isVariable()) { if (!mem.getExprAsText().equals( memj.getExprAsText())) { this.errorMsg = "Attribute check: equal value by equal variable - failed!."; return false; } } else { this.errorMsg = "Attribute check: equal value by equal variable - failed!"; return false; } } } } } return true; } /** * An additional object name constraint will be added for the CSP variable * of the given GraphObject anObj. This constraint requires equality of the object names.<br> */ public void addObjectNameConstraint(GraphObject anObj) { this.itsCSP.addObjectNameConstraint(anObj); } /** * Removes the object name constraint for the CSP variable * of the given GraphObject anObj. */ public void removeObjectNameConstraint(GraphObject anObj) { this.itsCSP.removeObjectNameConstraint(anObj); } }