package; import java.awt.BorderLayout; import java.awt.Color; import java.awt.Component; import java.awt.Dimension; import java.awt.GridBagConstraints; import java.awt.GridBagLayout; import java.awt.Image; import java.awt.Point; import java.awt.event.ActionListener; import java.awt.event.ActionEvent; import java.awt.event.MouseEvent; import java.awt.event.MouseListener; import java.awt.event.MouseAdapter; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.Enumeration; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.Hashtable; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.List; import java.util.Vector; import javax.swing.JFrame; import javax.swing.SwingConstants; import javax.swing.JMenuItem; import javax.swing.JPopupMenu; import javax.swing.JMenu; import javax.swing.ImageIcon; import javax.swing.JOptionPane; import javax.swing.JDesktopPane; import javax.swing.JInternalFrame; import javax.swing.JLabel; import javax.swing.JPanel; import javax.swing.JScrollPane; import javax.swing.JButton; import javax.swing.JMenuBar; import javax.swing.ScrollPaneConstants; import javax.swing.event.InternalFrameEvent; import javax.swing.event.InternalFrameListener; import javax.swing.tree.TreePath; import agg.xt_basis.Arc; import agg.xt_basis.BadMappingException; import agg.xt_basis.BaseFactory; import agg.xt_basis.Graph; import agg.xt_basis.GraphObject; import agg.xt_basis.Node; import agg.xt_basis.OrdinaryMorphism; import agg.xt_basis.Rule; import agg.xt_basis.TypeError; import agg.xt_basis.TypeSet; import agg.xt_basis.agt.RuleScheme; import agg.gui.IconResource; import agg.attribute.AttrTuple; import agg.attribute.AttrVariableTuple; import agg.attribute.impl.ValueMember; import agg.editor.impl.EdGraph; import agg.editor.impl.EdGraGra; import agg.editor.impl.EdMorphism; import agg.editor.impl.EdNode; import agg.editor.impl.EdPAC; import agg.editor.impl.EdRule; import agg.editor.impl.EdNAC; import agg.gui.editor.GraphCanvas; import agg.gui.editor.GraphEditor; import agg.gui.editor.GraphPanel; import agg.gui.editor.RuleEditor; import agg.gui.options.ParserGUIOption; import agg.gui.parser.event.ParserGUIEvent; import agg.gui.parser.event.ParserGUIListener; import agg.gui.saveload.GraphicsExportJPEG; import agg.parser.CriticalPairData; import agg.parser.Report; import agg.parser.PairContainer; import agg.parser.CriticalPair; import agg.util.Pair; /** * The graph desktop shows many overlapping graphs at the critical pair * analysis. The internal frames can be configured. * * @version $Id:,v 1.26 2010/12/21 13:40:34 olga Exp $ * @author $Author: olga $ */ public class GraphDesktop implements InternalFrameListener { int dx = 0; int dy = 0; protected final JFrame parentFrame; protected JDesktopPane desktop; protected JScrollPane jsp; protected ImageIcon internalFrameIcon; protected int nextX, nextY; protected EdGraGra layout; protected Hashtable<Graph, Pair<Pair<OrdinaryMorphism, OrdinaryMorphism>, Pair<OrdinaryMorphism, OrdinaryMorphism>>> overlappings; protected Hashtable<Graph, EdGraph> internalLayoutGraphs; protected Hashtable<Graph, JInternalFrame> internalGraphFrames; protected Dimension internalFrameSize; protected ParserGUIOption option; protected Vector<ParserGUIListener> listener; protected JInternalFrame cpaGraphFrame, conflictFrame, dependFrame, activeGraphFrame; final protected MouseListener ml; final protected JPopupMenu graphMenu = new JPopupMenu("Graph"); final protected JMenu miShapeC = new JMenu(); final protected JMenu miShapeD = new JMenu(); final protected JPopupMenu cpaGraphMenu = new JPopupMenu("CPA Graph"); final protected JMenuItem miC = new JMenuItem("Show Conflicts"); final protected JMenuItem miD = new JMenuItem("Show Dependencies"); final protected JMenuItem miAll = new JMenuItem("Show All"); final protected JMenuItem miRefresh = new JMenuItem("Refresh"); final protected JMenuItem miStraightEdges = new JMenuItem("Straight Edges"); final protected JMenuItem miHide = new JMenuItem("Hide Node/Edge"); final protected JMenuItem miLayoutGraph = new JMenuItem("Layout Graph"); final protected JMenuItem miGraphExportJPG = new JMenuItem("Export JPEG"); final protected JMenuItem miExportJPG_graphMenu = new JMenuItem("Export JPEG"); final protected JMenuItem miAddToGraphs_graphMenu = new JMenuItem("Add To Host Graphs"); final protected JMenu miAddToNACs_graphMenu = new JMenu("Add To NACs"); final protected JMenuItem miLayout_graphMenu = new JMenuItem("Layout Graph"); final protected JMenuItem miVarEqual_graphMenu = new JMenuItem("Variable Equalities"); final JMenu confsMenu = new JMenu(" Show "); final JMenu depsMenu = new JMenu(" Show "); protected JMenuItem miFirstRule, miSecondRule, miAllConfs, miAllDeps; protected CriticalPairPanel conflictPanel, dependPanel; protected int myW, myH; protected RuleEditor ruleEdit1; protected RuleEditor ruleEdit2; protected JInternalFrame ruleFrame1, ruleFrame2; protected EdRule layoutRule1, layoutRule2; protected GraphPanel activeGraphPanel; protected GraphicsExportJPEG exportJPEG; final protected Hashtable<EdGraph, VariableEqualityDialog> varEqualityDialogs; protected Point locationOnScreen; /** * Creates a new desktop. The layout is given by a graph grammar. The * display settings are given by user defined options. * * @param layout * The layout for graphs. * @param option * The options for display settings. */ public GraphDesktop(final JFrame parFrame, EdGraGra layout, ParserGUIOption option) { setLayout(layout); this.parentFrame = parFrame; this.listener = new Vector<ParserGUIListener>(); this.overlappings = new Hashtable<Graph, Pair<Pair<OrdinaryMorphism, OrdinaryMorphism>, Pair<OrdinaryMorphism, OrdinaryMorphism>>>(); this.internalGraphFrames = new Hashtable<Graph, JInternalFrame>(); this.internalLayoutGraphs = new Hashtable<Graph, EdGraph>(); this.varEqualityDialogs = new Hashtable<EdGraph, VariableEqualityDialog>(); this.desktop = new JDesktopPane(); this.myW = 500; this.myH = 500; this.desktop.setPreferredSize(new Dimension(this.myW, this.myH)); this.jsp = new JScrollPane(ScrollPaneConstants.VERTICAL_SCROLLBAR_ALWAYS, ScrollPaneConstants.HORIZONTAL_SCROLLBAR_ALWAYS); this.jsp.setViewportView(this.desktop); this.jsp.setBackground(Color.white); this.jsp.getHorizontalScrollBar().getModel().setValueIsAdjusting(true); this.jsp.getVerticalScrollBar().getModel().setValueIsAdjusting(true); this.internalFrameIcon = IconResource.getIconFromURL(IconResource .getURLOverlapGraph()); this.internalFrameSize = new Dimension(200, 200); this.option = option; this.nextX = 5; this.nextY = 5; makeGraphMenu(); makeCPAGraphMenu(); = new MouseAdapter() { public void mousePressed(MouseEvent e) { showGraphMenu(e); } public void mouseReleased(MouseEvent e) { showGraphMenu(e); } }; } void showGraphMenu(MouseEvent e) { if (e.isPopupTrigger()) { if (e.getSource() instanceof JPanel) { if (e.getSource() instanceof GraphCanvas) { this.activeGraphPanel = ((GraphCanvas) e.getSource()).getViewport(); } if (this.cpaGraphFrame != null && this.cpaGraphFrame.isVisible() && this.activeGraphFrame == this.cpaGraphFrame) { this.cpaGraphMenu .show(e.getComponent(), e.getX(), e.getY()); setPickedGraphObjectOfCPAgraph(e.getX(), e.getY()); } else { if (this.ruleEdit1 != null && (this.activeGraphPanel == this.ruleEdit1.getLeftPanel() || this.activeGraphPanel == this.ruleEdit1.getRightPanel())) { this.miAddToGraphs_graphMenu.setEnabled(false); this.miAddToNACs_graphMenu.setEnabled(false); if (this.activeGraphPanel.getGraph().getPicked(e.getX(), e.getY()) == null), e.getX(), e.getY()); } else if (this.ruleEdit2 != null && (this.activeGraphPanel == this.ruleEdit2.getLeftPanel() || this.activeGraphPanel == this.ruleEdit2.getRightPanel() || this.activeGraphPanel == this.ruleEdit2.getLeftCondPanel())) { this.miAddToGraphs_graphMenu.setEnabled(false); this.miAddToNACs_graphMenu.setEnabled(false); if (this.activeGraphPanel.getGraph().getPicked(e.getX(), e.getY()) == null), e.getX(), e.getY()); } else if (!this.activeGraphPanel.getGraph().isCPAgraph()) { this.miAddToGraphs_graphMenu.setEnabled(true); this.miAddToNACs_graphMenu.setEnabled(true); this.miFirstRule.setText("Of First Rule: "+this.ruleEdit1.getRule().getName()); this.miSecondRule.setText("Of Second Rule: "+this.ruleEdit2.getRule().getName()); if (this.activeGraphPanel.getGraph().getPicked(e.getX(), e.getY()) == null) { this.locationOnScreen = new Point( this.parentFrame.getLocation().x +this.desktop.getLocation().x +this.activeGraphPanel.getLocation().x +e.getX(), this.parentFrame.getLocation().y +this.desktop.getLocation().y +this.activeGraphPanel.getLocation().y +e.getY());, e.getX(), e.getY()); } } } } } } protected void showVarEqualityDialog(final EdGraph graph, final Point location) { if (this.varEqualityDialogs.get(graph) != null) { this.varEqualityDialogs.get(graph).setVisible(true); } else if (!graph.getBasisGraph().getHelpInfoAboutVariableEquality().equals("")) { this.varEqualityDialogs.put(graph, (new VariableEqualityDialog(graph, location))); } } private void createRuleEditor1() { this.ruleEdit1 = new RuleEditor(null); this.ruleEdit1.setRuleDividerLocation(150); ((JPanel) this.ruleEdit1.getLeftPanel().getCanvas()) .addMouseListener(; ((JPanel) this.ruleEdit1.getRightPanel().getCanvas()) .addMouseListener(; ((JPanel) this.ruleEdit1.getNACPanel().getCanvas()) .addMouseListener(; if (this.exportJPEG != null) { this.ruleEdit1.setExportJPEG(this.exportJPEG); } } private void createRuleEditor2() { this.ruleEdit2 = new RuleEditor(null); this.ruleEdit2.setRuleDividerLocation(150); ((JPanel) this.ruleEdit2.getLeftPanel().getCanvas()) .addMouseListener(; ((JPanel) this.ruleEdit2.getRightPanel().getCanvas()) .addMouseListener(; ((JPanel) this.ruleEdit2.getNACPanel().getCanvas()) .addMouseListener(; if (this.exportJPEG != null) { this.ruleEdit2.setExportJPEG(this.exportJPEG); } } protected Object setPickedGraphObjectOfCPAgraph(int x, int y) { if (this.cpaGraphFrame == null) return null; Component c = this.cpaGraphFrame.getContentPane().getComponent(0); if (c instanceof GraphEditor) { return ((GraphEditor) c).getGraph().getPicked(x, y); } return null; } /** * Sets the layout for the left hand side of the rules. * * @param layout * The layout */ public void setLayout(EdGraGra layout) { this.layout = layout; this.nextX = 5; this.nextY = 5; } /** * Sets the GUI options for display settings. * * @param option * The GUI options for display settings. */ public void setGUIOption(ParserGUIOption option) { this.option = option; } public void setExportJPEG(GraphicsExportJPEG jpg) { this.exportJPEG = jpg; if (this.ruleEdit1 != null && this.ruleEdit2 != null) { this.ruleEdit1.setExportJPEG(this.exportJPEG); this.ruleEdit2.setExportJPEG(this.exportJPEG); } } /** */ public JInternalFrame addCriticalPairTable(CriticalPairPanel cppanel, String tableName) { boolean newFrame = false; String name = "Critical Pairs"; if (!tableName.equals("")) name = tableName; JInternalFrame cpIFrame = null; if (cppanel.getPairContainer().getKindOfConflict() == CriticalPair.CONFLICT) { if (this.conflictFrame == null) { cpIFrame = new JInternalFrame(name, true, true, true, true); this.conflictFrame = cpIFrame; setMenuBarOfConflictTableFrame(this.confsMenu); this.conflictPanel = cppanel; newFrame = true; this.nextX = 0; if (this.dependFrame == null) this.nextY = 50; else this.nextY = 100; } else cpIFrame = this.conflictFrame; } else if (cppanel.getPairContainer().getKindOfConflict() == CriticalPair.TRIGGER_DEPENDENCY || cppanel.getPairContainer().getKindOfConflict() == CriticalPair.TRIGGER_SWITCH_DEPENDENCY) { if (this.dependFrame == null) { cpIFrame = new JInternalFrame(name, true, true, true, true); this.dependFrame = cpIFrame; setMenuBarOfDependencyTableFrame(this.depsMenu); this.dependPanel = cppanel; newFrame = true; this.nextX = 50; if (this.conflictFrame == null) this.nextY = 50; else this.nextY = 100; } else cpIFrame = this.dependFrame; } if (cpIFrame != null) { if (newFrame) { cpIFrame.addInternalFrameListener(this); int fw = cppanel.getTableWidth() + 110; int fh = cppanel.getTableHeight() + 80; if (fw > 600) fw = 600; if (fh > 400) fh = 400; cpIFrame.setSize(new Dimension(fw, fh)); cpIFrame.setFrameIcon(this.internalFrameIcon); cpIFrame.getContentPane().add(cppanel); cpIFrame.setLocation(this.nextX, this.nextY); this.desktop.add(cpIFrame); cpIFrame.setVisible(true); // setMenuBar(cpIFrame); try { cpIFrame.setIcon(false); cpIFrame.setSelected(true); } catch (java.beans.PropertyVetoException pve) { } } else if (!cpIFrame.isVisible()) { this.desktop.add(cpIFrame); cpIFrame.setVisible(true); try { cpIFrame.setIcon(false); cpIFrame.setSelected(true); } catch (java.beans.PropertyVetoException pve) { } } else { try { if (cpIFrame.isIcon()) cpIFrame.setIcon(false); cpIFrame.setSelected(true); } catch (java.beans.PropertyVetoException pve) { } } } return cpIFrame; } /** * Add a new graph to the desktop. The layout is take from the grammar. * * @param g * The new graph */ public JInternalFrame addGraph(Graph g) { if ((this.option == null) || (this.option.getNumberOfCriticalPair() <= this.desktop.getComponentCount())) { return null; } GraphEditor gege = null; JInternalFrame newGraph = new JInternalFrame(g.getName(), true, false, true, true); this.internalGraphFrames.put(g, newGraph); newGraph.addInternalFrameListener(this); newGraph.setSize(this.internalFrameSize); newGraph.setFrameIcon(this.internalFrameIcon); EdGraph eg = new EdGraph(g, this.layout.getTypeSet()); this.internalLayoutGraphs.put(g, eg); eg.setEditable(false); eg.setDrawingStyleOfCriticalObjects(this.option.getDrawingStyleOfCriticalObjects()); gege = new GraphEditor(); gege.setGraph(eg); eg.makeInitialUpdateOfNodes(); eg.doDefaultEvolutionaryGraphLayout(10); gege.setExportJPEG(this.exportJPEG); ((JPanel) gege.getGraphPanel().getCanvas()).addMouseListener(; gege.setEditMode(agg.gui.editor.EditorConstants.MOVE); gege.setTitle(" "); newGraph.getContentPane().add(gege); this.desktop.add(newGraph); try { newGraph.setIcon(true); newGraph.setSelected(false); newGraph.setVisible(true); newGraph.getDesktopIcon().setLocation(this.nextX, this.nextY); if ((this.nextX + newGraph.getDesktopIcon().getSize().width) >= this.desktop .getSize().width) { // int w = this.nextX + newGraph.getDesktopIcon().getSize().width; int h = this.desktop.getSize().height; this.nextX = 5; this.nextY = this.nextY + newGraph.getDesktopIcon().getSize().height; if ((this.nextY + newGraph.getDesktopIcon().getSize().height) >= h) { h = this.nextY + newGraph.getDesktopIcon().getSize().height; this.desktop.setPreferredSize(new Dimension(this.myW, h)); } } this.nextX = this.nextX + newGraph.getDesktopIcon().getSize().width; } catch (java.beans.PropertyVetoException pve) {} return newGraph; } public JInternalFrame addGraph(EdGraph eg, int w1, int h1) { if (eg == null || this.option == null || this.option.getNumberOfCriticalPair() <= this.desktop.getComponentCount()) { return null; } boolean newFrame = true; GraphEditor gege = null; eg.setEditable(false); eg.setDrawingStyleOfCriticalObjects(this.option.getDrawingStyleOfCriticalObjects()); JInternalFrame graphFrame = this.internalGraphFrames.get(eg.getBasisGraph()); if (graphFrame == null) { graphFrame = new JInternalFrame(eg.getBasisGraph().getName(), true, true, true, true); this.internalGraphFrames.put(eg.getBasisGraph(), graphFrame); this.internalLayoutGraphs.put(eg.getBasisGraph(), eg); graphFrame.addInternalFrameListener(this); graphFrame.setSize(new Dimension(w1, h1)); graphFrame.setFrameIcon(this.internalFrameIcon); if (!eg.isCPAgraph()) { eg.updateGraph(); } gege = new GraphEditor(); gege.setExportJPEG(this.exportJPEG); graphFrame.getContentPane().add(gege); if (eg.isCPAgraph()) { if (!eg.getBasisGraph().isEmpty()) { int fw = eg.getGraphDimension().width; int fh = eg.getGraphDimension().height; if (fw > 600) fw = 600; else if (fw < 400) fw = 400; if (fh > 400) fh = 400; else if (fh < 300) fh = 300; graphFrame.setSize(new Dimension(fw, fh)); } else { graphFrame.setSize(new Dimension(300, 200)); } this.cpaGraphFrame = graphFrame; this.cpaGraphFrame.addMouseListener(; } ((JPanel) gege.getGraphPanel().getCanvas()) .addMouseListener(; } else { newFrame = false; if (eg.isCPAgraph()) { Component c = graphFrame.getContentPane().getComponent(0); if (c instanceof GraphEditor) { gege = (GraphEditor) c; gege.setExportJPEG(this.exportJPEG); } if (!eg.getBasisGraph().isEmpty()) { int fw = eg.getGraphDimension().width; int fh = eg.getGraphDimension().height; if (fw > 600) fw = 600; else if (fw < 400) fw = 400; if (fh > 400) fh = 400; else if (fh < 300) fh = 300; graphFrame.setSize(new Dimension(fw, fh)); } else { graphFrame.setSize(new Dimension(300, 200)); } try { graphFrame.setSelected(true); } catch (java.beans.PropertyVetoException e) {} } } if (gege != null) { gege.setGraph(eg); gege.setEditMode(agg.gui.editor.EditorConstants.MOVE); gege.setTitle(" "); } this.desktop.add(graphFrame); try { if (!eg.isCPAgraph()) { graphFrame.setIcon(true); graphFrame.setSelected(false); } graphFrame.setVisible(true); } catch (java.beans.PropertyVetoException pve) { System.out.println("GraphDesktop.addGraph:: java.beans.PropertyVetoException: "+pve.getMessage()); } if (newFrame) { graphFrame.getDesktopIcon().setLocation(this.nextX, this.nextY); this.nextX = this.nextX + graphFrame.getDesktopIcon().getSize().width; if ((this.nextX + graphFrame.getDesktopIcon().getSize().width) >= this.desktop .getSize().width) { // int w = this.nextX + graphFrame.getDesktopIcon().getSize().width; int h = this.desktop.getSize().height; this.nextX = 5; this.nextY = this.nextY + graphFrame.getDesktopIcon().getSize().height; if ((this.nextY + graphFrame.getDesktopIcon().getSize().height) >= h) { h = this.nextY + graphFrame.getDesktopIcon().getSize().height; this.desktop.setPreferredSize(new Dimension(this.myW, h)); } } this.nextX = this.nextX + graphFrame.getDesktopIcon().getSize().width; } return graphFrame; } public JInternalFrame addRule1(Rule rule, int w1, int h1) { if ((this.option == null) || (this.option.getNumberOfCriticalPair() <= this.desktop.getComponentCount())) { return null; } if (!(rule instanceof RuleScheme)) { if (this.layout != null) { this.layoutRule1 = this.layout.getRule(rule); if (this.layoutRule1 == null) { this.layoutRule1 = new EdRule(rule); this.layoutRule1.getLeft().doDefaultEvolutionaryGraphLayout(10); this.layoutRule1.getRight().doDefaultEvolutionaryGraphLayout(10); } else { if (!this.layoutRule1.getLeft().hasDefaultLayout()) this.layoutRule1.getLeft().doDefaultEvolutionaryGraphLayout(10); if (!this.layoutRule1.getRight().hasDefaultLayout()) this.layoutRule1.getRight().doDefaultEvolutionaryGraphLayout(10); } } else { this.layoutRule1 = new EdRule(rule); this.layoutRule1.getLeft().doDefaultEvolutionaryGraphLayout(10); this.layoutRule1.getRight().doDefaultEvolutionaryGraphLayout(10); } this.layoutRule1.update(); this.layoutRule1.getLeft().setEditable(false); this.layoutRule1.getRight().setEditable(false); } else { this.layoutRule1 = null; } if (this.ruleFrame1 == null) { createRuleEditor1(); this.ruleFrame1 = new JInternalFrame("", true, true, true, true); this.ruleFrame1.setFrameIcon(this.internalFrameIcon); this.ruleFrame1.setTitle(" Rule 1 "); this.ruleFrame1.addInternalFrameListener(this); this.ruleFrame1.getContentPane().add(this.ruleEdit1); this.ruleFrame1.setSize(new Dimension(w1, h1)); this.desktop.add(this.ruleFrame1); } this.ruleEdit1.setRule(this.layoutRule1); this.ruleEdit1.setNAC(null); this.ruleEdit1.setEditMode(agg.gui.editor.EditorConstants.MOVE); this.ruleEdit1.setRuleTitle(rule.getQualifiedName(), ""); this.ruleEdit1.enableSynchronMoveOfMappedObjects(false); this.ruleFrame1.setVisible(false); try { this.ruleFrame1.setIcon(true); this.ruleFrame1.setSelected(false); this.ruleFrame1.setVisible(true); } catch (java.beans.PropertyVetoException pve) { } this.nextX = this.ruleFrame1.getDesktopIcon().getSize().width; this.nextY = 5; this.ruleFrame1.getDesktopIcon().setLocation(this.nextX, this.nextY); return this.ruleFrame1; } public JInternalFrame addRule2(Rule rule, int w1, int h1) { if ((this.option == null) || (this.option.getNumberOfCriticalPair() <= this.desktop.getComponentCount()) // || (rule instanceof RuleScheme) ) { return null; } if (!(rule instanceof RuleScheme)) { if (this.layout != null) { this.layoutRule2 = this.layout.getRule(rule); if (this.layoutRule2 == null) { this.layoutRule2 = new EdRule(rule); this.layoutRule2.getLeft().doDefaultEvolutionaryGraphLayout(10); this.layoutRule2.getRight().doDefaultEvolutionaryGraphLayout(10); } else if (this.layoutRule2 == this.layoutRule1) { this.layoutRule2 = new EdRule(rule); setRuleLayout(this.layoutRule2, this.layoutRule1); } else { if (!this.layoutRule2.getLeft().hasDefaultLayout()) this.layoutRule2.getLeft().doDefaultEvolutionaryGraphLayout(10); if (!this.layoutRule2.getRight().hasDefaultLayout()) this.layoutRule2.getRight().doDefaultEvolutionaryGraphLayout(10); } } else { this.layoutRule2 = new EdRule(rule); this.layoutRule2.getLeft().doDefaultEvolutionaryGraphLayout(10); this.layoutRule2.getRight().doDefaultEvolutionaryGraphLayout(10); } this.layoutRule2.update(); this.layoutRule2.getLeft().setEditable(false); this.layoutRule2.getRight().setEditable(false); } else { this.layoutRule2 = null; } if (this.ruleFrame2 == null) { createRuleEditor2(); this.ruleFrame2 = new JInternalFrame("", true, true, true, true); this.ruleFrame2.setFrameIcon(this.internalFrameIcon); this.ruleFrame2.setTitle(" Rule 2 "); this.ruleFrame2.addInternalFrameListener(this); this.ruleFrame2.getContentPane().add(this.ruleEdit2); this.ruleFrame2.setSize(new Dimension(w1, h1)); this.desktop.add(this.ruleFrame2); } this.ruleEdit2.setRule(this.layoutRule2); this.ruleEdit2.setNAC(null); this.ruleEdit2.setEditMode(agg.gui.editor.EditorConstants.MOVE); this.ruleEdit2.setRuleTitle(rule.getQualifiedName(), ""); this.ruleEdit2.enableSynchronMoveOfMappedObjects(false); this.ruleFrame2.setVisible(false); try { this.ruleFrame2.setIcon(true); this.ruleFrame2.setSelected(false); this.ruleFrame2.setVisible(true); } catch (java.beans.PropertyVetoException pve) { } this.nextX = this.ruleFrame1.getDesktopIcon().getSize().width * 2; this.nextY = 5; this.ruleFrame2.getDesktopIcon().setLocation(this.nextX, this.nextY); return this.ruleFrame2; } private void setRuleLayout(EdRule to, EdRule from) { to.getLeft().setLayoutByBasisObject(from.getLeft()); to.getRight().setLayoutByBasisObject(from.getRight()); Vector<EdNAC> nacsTo = to.getNACs(); Vector<EdNAC> nacsFrom = from.getNACs(); for (int i = 0; i < nacsTo.size(); i++) { EdGraph nacGto = nacsTo.get(i); for (int j = 0; j < nacsFrom.size(); j++) { EdGraph nacGfrom = nacsFrom.get(j); if (nacGto.getBasisGraph() == nacGfrom.getBasisGraph()) { nacGto.setLayoutByBasisObject(nacGfrom); break; } } } Vector<EdPAC> pacsTo = to.getPACs(); Vector<EdPAC> pacsFrom = from.getPACs(); for (int i = 0; i < pacsTo.size(); i++) { EdGraph pacGto = pacsTo.get(i); for (int j = 0; j <pacsFrom.size(); j++) { EdGraph pacGfrom = pacsFrom.get(j); if (pacGto.getBasisGraph() == pacGfrom.getBasisGraph()) { pacGto.setLayoutByBasisObject(pacGfrom); break; } } } } public void setIconOfRules(boolean b) { if (this.ruleFrame1 != null && !this.ruleFrame1.isIcon()) { try { this.ruleFrame1.setIcon(b); } catch (java.beans.PropertyVetoException ex) { } } if (this.ruleFrame2 != null && !this.ruleFrame2.isIcon()) { try { this.ruleFrame2.setIcon(b); } catch (java.beans.PropertyVetoException ex) { } } } private EdNAC resetNAC(RuleEditor edit, EdRule rule, String nacName, Color bgcolor) { if (rule == null || nacName == null || nacName.length() == 0) return null; EdNAC nacGraph = null; if (rule.getNACs().isEmpty()) edit.setNAC(null); else { for (int i = 0; i < rule.getNACs().size(); i++) { nacGraph = rule.getNACs().get(i); if (nacName.equals(nacGraph.getName())) { edit.setNAC(nacGraph); edit.setNACTitle("NAC: " + nacGraph.getName()); edit.getNACPanel().setBackground(bgcolor); //new Color(255, 255, 165)); edit.getLeftPanel().setBackground(bgcolor); //new Color(255, 255, 165)); return nacGraph; } } } return nacGraph; } private EdPAC resetPAC(RuleEditor edit, EdRule rule, String pacName, Color bgcolor) { if (rule == null || pacName == null || pacName.length() == 0) return null; EdPAC pacGraph = null; if (rule.getPACs().isEmpty()) edit.setPAC(null); else { for (int i = 0; i < rule.getPACs().size(); i++) { pacGraph = rule.getPACs().get(i); if (pacName.equals(pacGraph.getName())) { edit.setPAC(pacGraph); edit.setPACTitle("PAC: " + pacGraph.getName()); edit.getPACPanel().setBackground(bgcolor); //new Color(255, 255, 165)); edit.getLeftPanel().setBackground(bgcolor); //new Color(255, 255, 165)); return pacGraph; } } } return pacGraph; } public JInternalFrame getInternalCPAGraphFrame() { return this.cpaGraphFrame; } public JInternalFrame getInternalGraphFrame(Graph g) { return this.internalGraphFrames.get(g); } public EdGraph getInternalLayoutGraph(Graph g) { return this.internalLayoutGraphs.get(g); } public JButton addNextButton(Graph g, String text) { JInternalFrame f = this.internalGraphFrames.get(g); JButton next = new JButton(text); f.getContentPane().add(next, BorderLayout.SOUTH); return next; } /** * Shows a little internal frame with a message that two rule are not * critic. * * @param first * The first rule. * @param second * The second rule. */ public void notCriticFrame(Rule first, Rule second) { notCriticFrame(first, second, ""); } /** * Shows a little internal frame with a message that two rule are not * critic. * * @param first * the first rule * @param second * the second rule * @param text * text to show in the frame */ public void notCriticFrame(Rule first, Rule second, String text) { resetNAC(this.ruleEdit1, this.layoutRule1, null, Color.WHITE); this.ruleEdit1.setDividerLocation(0, 0); resetNAC(this.ruleEdit2, this.layoutRule2, null, Color.WHITE); this.ruleEdit2.setDividerLocation(0, 0); Report.trace("starte notCriticFrame", 1); JInternalFrame newGraph = new JInternalFrame("not critic rules", false, false, false, false); newGraph.setVisible(true); newGraph.setSize(300, 150); newGraph.setFrameIcon(this.internalFrameIcon); newGraph.getContentPane().setLayout(new BorderLayout()); url = ClassLoader.getSystemClassLoader() .getResource("agg/lib/icons/ok2.gif"); if (url != null) { ImageIcon icon = new ImageIcon(url); Image image = icon.getImage(); Image scaledImage = image.getScaledInstance(50, 50, Image.SCALE_SMOOTH); ImageIcon scaledIcon = new ImageIcon(scaledImage); JLabel l = new JLabel(scaledIcon); newGraph.getContentPane().add(l, BorderLayout.WEST); } JPanel messagePanel = new JPanel(); messagePanel.setLayout(new GridBagLayout()); JLabel message1 = new JLabel("r1: "+first.getName()); JLabel message2 = new JLabel("doesn't exclude"); JLabel message3 = new JLabel("r2: "+second.getName()); JLabel message4 = null; if (text.length() != 0) message4 = new JLabel(text); GridBagConstraints c = new GridBagConstraints(); c.gridwidth = GridBagConstraints.REMAINDER; messagePanel.add(message1, c); messagePanel.add(message2, c); messagePanel.add(message3, c); if (message4 != null) messagePanel.add(message4, c); newGraph.getContentPane().add(messagePanel, BorderLayout.CENTER); Report.println("DesktopSize " + this.desktop.getSize(), Report.TRACE); int posX = (int) this.desktop.getSize().getWidth(); int posY = (int) this.desktop.getSize().getHeight(); posX = posX / 2; posY = posY / 2; int width = (int) newGraph.getSize().getWidth(); int height = (int) newGraph.getSize().getHeight(); width = width / 2; height = height / 2; newGraph.setLocation(posX - width, posY - height); this.desktop.add(newGraph); Report.trace("beende notCriticFrame", -1); } /** * Sets the size of the internal frame for a overlapping graph. * * @param size * The window size */ public void setOverlappingGraphWindowSize(Dimension size) { this.internalFrameSize = size; JInternalFrame[] allFrames = this.desktop.getAllFrames(); if (allFrames != null) for (int i = 0; i < allFrames.length; i++) { allFrames[i].setSize(this.internalFrameSize); } } /** * Adds a new overlapping graph with the two morphisms from the left sides. * * @param graph * The new overlapping graph. * @param pair * A pair of morphisms */ public void addOverlapping(Graph graph, Pair<Pair<OrdinaryMorphism, OrdinaryMorphism>, Pair<OrdinaryMorphism, OrdinaryMorphism>> pair) { this.overlappings.put(graph, pair); } public CriticalPairPanel getActivePairPanel() { JInternalFrame[] allFrames = this.desktop.getAllFrames(); if (allFrames != null) { for (int i = 0; i < allFrames.length; i++) { JInternalFrame f = allFrames[i]; Component c = f.getContentPane().getComponent(0); if (c instanceof CriticalPairPanel) { if (((CriticalPairPanel) c).isActive()) return (CriticalPairPanel) c; } } } return null; } public CriticalPairPanel getConflictPairPanel() { return this.conflictPanel; } public CriticalPairPanel getDependPairPanel() { return this.dependPanel; } /** * Returns the component to display the desktop. This component can be set * in a frame, panel or something like that. * * @return The desktop */ public Component getComponent() { return this.jsp; } /** * Returns the desktop object of the graph desktop. * * @return The desktop */ public JDesktopPane getDesktop() { return this.desktop; } public void setIconOfPairTable(boolean b) { for (int i = this.desktop.getAllFrames().length - 1; i >= 0; i--) { JInternalFrame f = this.desktop.getAllFrames()[i]; Component c = f.getContentPane().getComponent(0); if (c instanceof CriticalPairPanel) { try { f.setIcon(b); } catch (java.beans.PropertyVetoException ex) { } } } } public void setIconOfPairTable(CriticalPairPanel p, boolean b) { if (p == null) return; for (int i = this.desktop.getAllFrames().length - 1; i >= 0; i--) { JInternalFrame f = this.desktop.getAllFrames()[i]; Component c = f.getContentPane().getComponent(0); if (c instanceof CriticalPairPanel && (CriticalPairPanel) c == p) { try { f.setIcon(b); } catch (java.beans.PropertyVetoException ex) { } } } } public void setIconOfCPAGraph(boolean b) { if (this.cpaGraphFrame == null) return; try { this.cpaGraphFrame.setIcon(b); } catch (java.beans.PropertyVetoException ex) { } } public void removeCPAGraphFrame() { JInternalFrame[] allFrames = this.desktop.getAllFrames(); if (allFrames != null) { for (int i = 0; i < allFrames.length; i++) { JInternalFrame f = allFrames[i]; Component c = f.getContentPane().getComponent(0); if (c instanceof GraphEditor) { GraphEditor gege = (GraphEditor) c; EdGraph eg = gege.getGraph(); if (eg.isCPAgraph()) { if (f.isIcon()) { this.desktop.remove(f.getDesktopIcon()); } else { this.desktop.remove(f); } } } } } } private void removeVarEqualityDialogs() { final Iterator<VariableEqualityDialog> iterator = this.varEqualityDialogs.values().iterator(); while (iterator.hasNext()) {; } this.varEqualityDialogs.clear(); } /** * Removes all frames from the this.desktop. */ public void removeAllFrames() { removeVarEqualityDialogs(); this.overlappings.clear(); this.desktop.removeAll(); this.nextX = 5; this.nextY = 5; } /** * Removes all graph frames from the desktop. Critical pair table remains. */ public void removeAllGraphFrames() { removeVarEqualityDialogs(); this.overlappings = new Hashtable<Graph, Pair<Pair<OrdinaryMorphism, OrdinaryMorphism>, Pair<OrdinaryMorphism, OrdinaryMorphism>>>(); for (int i = this.desktop.getAllFrames().length - 1; i >= 0; i--) { JInternalFrame f = this.desktop.getAllFrames()[i]; if (f == this.cpaGraphFrame) continue; Component c = f.getContentPane().getComponent(0); if (c instanceof GraphEditor) { // String gname = ((GraphEditor) c).getGraph().getBasisGraph() // .getName(); // if ((gname.indexOf("Combined") == -1) // && (gname.indexOf("Conflicts") == -1) // && (gname.indexOf("Dependencies") == -1)) { if (f.isIcon()) { this.desktop.remove(f.getDesktopIcon()); } else { this.desktop.remove(f); } // } } else if (c instanceof JLabel) { this.desktop.remove(f); } } this.nextX = 5; this.nextY = 5; this.nextX = this.nextX + 160 * 3; } public void removePairPanelFrame(CriticalPairPanel p) { JInternalFrame[] allFrames = this.desktop.getAllFrames(); if (allFrames != null) { for (int i = 0; i < allFrames.length; i++) { JInternalFrame f = allFrames[i]; Component c = f.getContentPane().getComponent(0); if (c instanceof CriticalPairPanel) { if (p == (CriticalPairPanel) c) { this.desktop.remove(i); return; } } } } } public void removePairPanelFrame(PairContainer p) { JInternalFrame[] allFrames = this.desktop.getAllFrames(); if (allFrames != null) { for (int i = 0; i < allFrames.length; i++) { JInternalFrame f = allFrames[i]; Component c = f.getContentPane().getComponent(0); if (c instanceof CriticalPairPanel) { if (((CriticalPairPanel) c).getPairContainer() == p) { this.desktop.remove(i); return; } } } } } public void removeRuleFrame(int indx) { JInternalFrame[] allFrames = this.desktop.getAllFrames(); if (allFrames != null) { for (int i = 0; i < allFrames.length; i++) { JInternalFrame f = allFrames[i]; if (indx == 1 && f == this.ruleFrame1) { this.desktop.remove(i); this.ruleFrame1 = null; break; } else if (indx == 2 && f == this.ruleFrame2) { this.desktop.remove(i); this.ruleFrame2 = null; break; } } } } public void removeRuleFrames() { JInternalFrame[] allFrames = this.desktop.getAllFrames(); if (allFrames != null) { for (int i = allFrames.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) { JInternalFrame f = allFrames[i]; if (f == this.ruleFrame1) { this.desktop.remove(i); this.ruleFrame1 = null; } else if (f == this.ruleFrame2) { this.desktop.remove(i); this.ruleFrame2 = null; } } } } public void reinitComponents() { if (this.conflictPanel != null) { removePairPanelFrame(this.conflictPanel); this.conflictPanel = null; this.conflictFrame = null; } if (this.dependPanel != null) { removePairPanelFrame(this.dependPanel); this.dependPanel = null; this.dependFrame = null; } if (this.cpaGraphFrame != null) { removeCPAGraphFrame(); this.cpaGraphFrame = null; } this.internalLayoutGraphs.clear(); this.internalGraphFrames.clear(); if (this.ruleEdit1 != null) removeRuleFrame(1); if (this.ruleEdit2 != null) removeRuleFrame(2); removeAllFrames(); } public void refresh() { // System.out.println("GraphDesktop.refresh ..."); removeAllGraphFrames(); JInternalFrame[] allFrames = this.desktop.getAllFrames(); if (allFrames != null) { for (int i = 0; i < allFrames.length; i++) { JInternalFrame f = allFrames[i]; Component c = f.getContentPane().getComponent(0); if (c instanceof CriticalPairPanel) { ((CriticalPairPanel) c).refreshView(); } } } if (this.cpaGraphFrame != null) { Component c = this.cpaGraphFrame.getContentPane().getComponent(0); if (c instanceof GraphEditor) ((GraphEditor) c).updateGraphics(); } if (this.ruleEdit1 != null) this.ruleEdit1.updateGraphics(); if (this.ruleEdit2 != null) this.ruleEdit2.updateGraphics(); } public void refreshCPAGraph() { if (this.cpaGraphFrame != null) { Component c = this.cpaGraphFrame.getContentPane().getComponent(0); if (c instanceof GraphEditor) { ((GraphEditor) c).updateGraphics(); } } } public boolean hasEmptyComponents() { if (this.conflictFrame != null && !((CriticalPairPanel) this.conflictFrame.getContentPane() .getComponent(0)).isEmpty()) { return false; } else if (this.dependFrame != null && !((CriticalPairPanel) this.dependFrame.getContentPane() .getComponent(0)).isEmpty()) { return false; } else { return true; } } /** * Register a new listener. * * @param pgl * A new listener. */ public void addParserGUIListener(ParserGUIListener pgl) { this.listener.addElement(pgl); } /** * Removes a listener. * * @param pgl * The listener. */ public void removeParserGUIListener(ParserGUIListener pgl) { this.listener.remove(pgl); } void fireParserGUIEvent(Object data) { ParserGUIEvent event = new ParserGUIEvent(this, data); for (int i = 0; i < this.listener.size(); i++) { ParserGUIListener l = this.listener.elementAt(i); l.occured(event); } } // ====================================================================== // Internal Frame Listener // ====================================================================== /** * This method is invoked when a internal frame is activated. This method is * responsible for the update of the morphism. * * @param e * The event from the internal frame */ public void internalFrameActivated(InternalFrameEvent e) { // Invoked when an internal frame is activated. JInternalFrame jif = (JInternalFrame) e.getSource(); Component c = jif.getContentPane().getComponent(0); if (jif == this.cpaGraphFrame && this.activeGraphFrame != this.cpaGraphFrame) { if (this.ruleFrame1 != null && this.ruleFrame2 != null) { try { this.ruleFrame1.setIcon(true); this.ruleFrame2.setIcon(true); } catch (java.beans.PropertyVetoException pve) {} } if (!this.internalGraphFrames.isEmpty()) { Enumeration<JInternalFrame> en = this.internalGraphFrames.elements(); while (en.hasMoreElements()) { JInternalFrame item = en.nextElement(); if (item != this.cpaGraphFrame) { try { item.setIcon(true); } catch (java.beans.PropertyVetoException pve) {} } } } this.activeGraphFrame = jif; } else if (c instanceof GraphEditor) { // first deactivate last active frame if (this.activeGraphFrame != null) { Component co = this.activeGraphFrame.getContentPane() .getComponent(0); if (co instanceof GraphEditor) { GraphEditor gege = (GraphEditor) co; Color bgcolor = Color.WHITE; if (gege.getGraphPanel() != null) gege.getGraphPanel().setBackground(bgcolor); if (this.ruleEdit1 != null && this.ruleEdit1.getLeftPanel() != null) { this.ruleEdit1.getLeftPanel().setBackground(bgcolor); this.ruleEdit1.getRightPanel().setBackground(bgcolor); } if (this.ruleEdit2 != null && this.ruleEdit2.getLeftPanel() != null) { this.ruleEdit2.getNACPanel().setBackground(bgcolor); this.ruleEdit2.getLeftPanel().setBackground(bgcolor); this.ruleEdit2.setNAC(null); } EdGraph eg = gege.getGraph(); eg.clearMarks(); } } this.activeGraphFrame = jif; if (this.activeGraphFrame.getX() == 0 && this.activeGraphFrame.getY() == 0) { this.activeGraphFrame.setLocation(dx, dy); dx = (dx==0)? 50 : 0; dy = (dy==0)? 50 : 0; } GraphEditor gege = (GraphEditor) c; EdGraph eg = gege.getGraph(); Pair<Pair<OrdinaryMorphism, OrdinaryMorphism>, Pair<OrdinaryMorphism, OrdinaryMorphism>> morphs = this.overlappings.get(eg.getBasisGraph()); if (morphs == null) return; // if (this.varEqualityDialogs.get(eg) != null // && this.varEqualityDialogs.get(eg).isVisible()) { // this.varEqualityDialogs.get(eg).setEnabled(true); // } String nacName = eg.getBasisGraph().getHelpInfoAboutNAC(); String pacName = eg.getBasisGraph().getHelpInfoAboutPAC(); OrdinaryMorphism o1 = morphs.first.first; OrdinaryMorphism o2 = morphs.first.second; // set background color of overlapping panels Color bgcolor = new Color(255, 255, 165); gege.getGraphPanel().setBackground(bgcolor); if (CriticalPairData.isSwitchDependency(eg.getBasisGraph().getName())) { if (o1.getSource() == this.layoutRule2.getBasisRule().getLeft()) this.ruleEdit2.getLeftPanel().setBackground(bgcolor); else if (o1.getSource() == this.layoutRule2.getBasisRule().getRight()) this.ruleEdit2.getRightPanel().setBackground(bgcolor); EdNAC nac1 = resetNAC(this.ruleEdit1, this.layoutRule1, nacName, bgcolor); if (nac1 != null) this.ruleEdit1.getNACPanel().setBackground(bgcolor); if (morphs.second != null) { if (morphs.second.first.getSource() == this.layoutRule1.getBasisRule().getLeft()) { this.ruleEdit1.getLeftPanel().setBackground(bgcolor); this.ruleEdit1.getRightPanel().setBackground(Color.WHITE); } else if (morphs.second.first.getSource() == this.layoutRule1.getBasisRule().getRight()) { this.ruleEdit1.getRightPanel().setBackground(bgcolor); this.ruleEdit1.getLeftPanel().setBackground(Color.WHITE); } } else { this.ruleEdit1.getRightPanel().setBackground(bgcolor); } // set morphism marks int indx = 0; EdMorphism numbers = new EdMorphism(null); Pair<OrdinaryMorphism, OrdinaryMorphism> morphsN2 = morphs.second; indx = numbers.makeVDiagram_NAC(this.layoutRule2.getBasisRule(), this.layoutRule1.getBasisRule(), o1, o2, morphsN2, indx); if (nac1 != null) indx = numbers.completeMorphismMarks(nac1.getMorphism(), numbers.getFirstTarget(), indx); eg.setMorphismMarks(numbers.getSourceOfMorphism(), true); setMorphismMarks(this.layoutRule2, null, numbers.getTargetOfMorphism(1), indx); setMorphismMarks(this.layoutRule1, nac1, numbers.getTargetOfMorphism(2), indx); fireParserGUIEvent(numbers); fireParserGUIEvent(eg.getBasisGraph()); } else if (eg.getBasisGraph().getName().indexOf("produceEdge-deleteNode-")>=0) { this.ruleEdit1.getLeftPanel().setBackground(bgcolor); this.ruleEdit2.getLeftPanel().setBackground(bgcolor); // set morphism marks int indx = 0; EdMorphism numbers = new EdMorphism(null); indx = numbers.makeVDiagram(this.layoutRule1.getBasisRule(), this.layoutRule2.getBasisRule(), o1, o2, indx); eg.setMorphismMarks(numbers.getSourceOfMorphism(), true); setMorphismMarks(this.layoutRule1, null, numbers.getTargetOfMorphism(1), indx); setMorphismMarks(this.layoutRule2, null, numbers.getTargetOfMorphism(2), indx); fireParserGUIEvent(numbers); fireParserGUIEvent(eg.getBasisGraph()); } else { EdPAC pac2 = null; EdNAC nac2 = null; if (o1.getSource() == this.layoutRule1.getBasisRule().getLeft()) this.ruleEdit1.getLeftPanel().setBackground(bgcolor); else if (o1.getSource() == this.layoutRule1.getBasisRule().getRight()) this.ruleEdit1.getRightPanel().setBackground(bgcolor); nac2 = resetNAC(this.ruleEdit2, this.layoutRule2, nacName, bgcolor); if (nac2 != null) { this.ruleEdit2.getNACPanel().setBackground(bgcolor); } pac2 = resetPAC(this.ruleEdit2, this.layoutRule2, pacName, bgcolor); if (pac2 != null) { this.ruleEdit2.getPACPanel().setBackground(bgcolor); } this.ruleEdit2.getLeftPanel().setBackground(bgcolor); // set morphism marks EdMorphism numbers = new EdMorphism(null); int indx = 0; Pair<OrdinaryMorphism, OrdinaryMorphism> condMorph2 = morphs.second; if (pac2 != null) { indx = numbers.makeVDiagram_PAC( this.layoutRule1.getBasisRule(), this.layoutRule2.getBasisRule(), o1, o2, condMorph2, pac2.getMorphism(), indx); } if (nac2 != null) { indx = numbers.makeVDiagram_NAC( this.layoutRule1.getBasisRule(), this.layoutRule2.getBasisRule(), o1, o2, condMorph2, indx); } else { indx = numbers.makeVDiagram(this.layoutRule1.getBasisRule(), this.layoutRule2.getBasisRule(), o1, o2, indx); } eg.setMorphismMarks(numbers.getSourceOfMorphism(), true); setMorphismMarks(this.layoutRule1, null, numbers.getTargetOfMorphism(1), indx); if (pac2 != null) setMorphismMarks(this.layoutRule2, pac2, numbers.getTargetOfMorphism(2), indx); if (nac2 != null) setMorphismMarks(this.layoutRule2, nac2, numbers.getTargetOfMorphism(2), indx); else setMorphismMarks(this.layoutRule2, pac2, numbers.getTargetOfMorphism(2), indx); fireParserGUIEvent(numbers); fireParserGUIEvent(eg.getBasisGraph()); } gege.updateGraphics(); // deactivate critical pair panels JInternalFrame[] allFrames = this.desktop.getAllFrames(); if (allFrames != null) { for (int i = 0; i < allFrames.length; i++) { JInternalFrame f = allFrames[i]; Component comp = f.getContentPane().getComponent(0); if (comp instanceof CriticalPairPanel) ((CriticalPairPanel) comp).active = false; else return; } } } else if (c instanceof CriticalPairPanel) { ((CriticalPairPanel) c).active = true; if (this.ruleEdit1 != null) { this.ruleEdit1.getLeftPanel().setBackground(Color.WHITE); this.ruleEdit1.getRightPanel().setBackground(Color.WHITE); } if (this.ruleEdit2 != null) { this.ruleEdit2.getLeftPanel().setBackground(Color.WHITE); if (this.ruleEdit2.getLeftCondPanel() != null) this.ruleEdit2.getLeftCondPanel().setBackground(Color.WHITE); } fireParserGUIEvent(c); } else if (jif == this.ruleFrame1) { int xpos = (this.ruleFrame1.getX() < 0) ? 0 : this.ruleFrame1.getX(); int ypos = (this.ruleFrame1.getY() < 0) ? 0 : this.ruleFrame1.getY(); this.ruleFrame1.setLocation(xpos, ypos); } else if (jif == this.ruleFrame2) { int xpos = (this.ruleFrame2.getX() <= 0) ? 0 : this.ruleFrame2.getX(); int ypos = (this.ruleFrame2.getY() <= 0) ? 50 : this.ruleFrame2.getY(); this.ruleFrame2.setLocation(xpos, ypos); } } private void setMorphismMarks(EdRule r, EdGraph condGraph, HashMap<?,?> map, int lastMark) { if (condGraph == null) r.setMorphismMarks(map); else if (condGraph instanceof EdNAC) r.setMorphismMarks(map, (EdNAC)condGraph); else if (condGraph instanceof EdPAC) r.setMorphismMarks(map, (EdPAC)condGraph); } /** * This method is invoked when a internal frame is closed. * * @param e * The event from the internal frame. */ public void internalFrameClosed(InternalFrameEvent e) { // Invoked when an internal frame has been closed. JInternalFrame jif = (JInternalFrame) e.getSource(); Component c = jif.getContentPane().getComponent(0); if (c instanceof GraphEditor) { GraphEditor gege = (GraphEditor) c; EdGraph eg = gege.getGraph(); if (eg.isCPAgraph()) { if (jif.isIcon()) { this.desktop.remove(jif.getDesktopIcon()); } else { this.desktop.remove(jif); } } else { if (this.varEqualityDialogs.get(eg) != null) { this.varEqualityDialogs.get(eg).setVisible(false); this.varEqualityDialogs.remove(eg); } } } else if (c instanceof CriticalPairPanel) { if (jif.isIcon()) { this.desktop.remove(jif.getDesktopIcon()); } else { this.desktop.remove(jif); } } else if (c instanceof RuleEditor) { RuleEditor re = (RuleEditor) c; if (jif.isIcon()) { this.desktop.remove(jif.getDesktopIcon()); } else { this.desktop.remove(jif); } if (re == this.ruleEdit1) this.ruleFrame1 = null; else if (re == this.ruleEdit2) this.ruleFrame2 = null; } } /** * This method is invoked when a internal frame is closing. * * @param e * The event from the internal frame. */ public void internalFrameClosing(InternalFrameEvent e) { // Invoked when an internal frame is in the process of being closed. } /** * This method is invoked when a internal frame is deactevated. * * @param e * The event from the internal frame. */ public void internalFrameDeactivated(InternalFrameEvent e) { // Invoked when an internal frame is de-activated. } /** * This method is invoked when a internal frame is deiconified. * * @param e * The event from the internal frame. */ public void internalFrameDeiconified(InternalFrameEvent e) { // Invoked when an internal frame is de-iconified. // JInternalFrame jif = (JInternalFrame) e.getSource(); // Component c = jif.getContentPane().getComponent(0); // if (c instanceof GraphEditor) { // GraphEditor gege = (GraphEditor) c; // EdGraph eg = gege.getGraph(); // if (!eg.isCPAgraph() // && !eg.getBasisGraph().getHelpInfoAboutVariableEquality().equals("")) { // this.desktop.setToolTipText( // "Use graph panel background pop-up menu to see variable equality"); // } // } } /** * This method is invoked when a internal frame is iconified. * * @param e * The event from the internal frame. */ public void internalFrameIconified(InternalFrameEvent e) { // Invoked when an internal frame is iconified. JInternalFrame jif = (JInternalFrame) e.getSource(); Component c = jif.getContentPane().getComponent(0); if (c instanceof CriticalPairPanel) { if (((CriticalPairPanel) c).getPairContainer().getKindOfConflict() == CriticalPair.CONFLICT) jif.getDesktopIcon().setLocation(5, 5); else jif.getDesktopIcon().setLocation(5, jif.getDesktopIcon().getSize().height); } else if (jif == this.cpaGraphFrame) { jif.getDesktopIcon().setLocation(5, jif.getDesktopIcon().getSize().height * 2); } else { if (c instanceof GraphEditor) { GraphEditor gege = (GraphEditor) c; EdGraph eg = gege.getGraph(); if (this.varEqualityDialogs.get(eg) != null) { this.varEqualityDialogs.get(eg).setVisible(false); this.varEqualityDialogs.remove(eg); } } } } /** * This method is invoked when a internal frame is opened. * * @param e * The event from the internal frame. */ public void internalFrameOpened(InternalFrameEvent e) { } private void makeCPAGraphMenu() { this.cpaGraphMenu.add(this.miC); this.cpaGraphMenu.add(this.miD); this.cpaGraphMenu.add(this.miAll); this.cpaGraphMenu.addSeparator(); this.cpaGraphMenu.add(this.miHide); this.cpaGraphMenu.addSeparator(); this.cpaGraphMenu.add(this.miStraightEdges); this.cpaGraphMenu.addSeparator(); makeCPAEdgeShapeMenu(this.miShapeC, "Conflict Edge Style", "Conflict"); this.cpaGraphMenu.add(this.miShapeC); makeCPAEdgeShapeMenu(this.miShapeD, "Dependency Edge Style", "Dependency"); this.cpaGraphMenu.add(this.miShapeD); this.cpaGraphMenu.addSeparator(); this.cpaGraphMenu.add(this.miLayoutGraph); this.cpaGraphMenu.addSeparator(); this.cpaGraphMenu.add(this.miRefresh); this.cpaGraphMenu.addSeparator(); this.cpaGraphMenu.add(this.miGraphExportJPG); this.miGraphExportJPG.addActionListener(new ActionListener() { public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) { if (GraphDesktop.this.activeGraphPanel != null && GraphDesktop.this.activeGraphPanel.getGraph() != null) {; } } }); this.cpaGraphMenu.pack(); this.cpaGraphMenu.setBorderPainted(true); JPopupMenu.setDefaultLightWeightPopupEnabled(false); } private void makeGraphMenu() { this.graphMenu.add(this.miVarEqual_graphMenu); this.miVarEqual_graphMenu.addActionListener(new ActionListener() { public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) { if (GraphDesktop.this.activeGraphPanel != null && GraphDesktop.this.activeGraphPanel.getGraph() != null) { showVarEqualityDialog(GraphDesktop.this.activeGraphPanel.getGraph(), GraphDesktop.this.locationOnScreen); } } }); this.graphMenu.addSeparator(); this.graphMenu.add(this.miAddToGraphs_graphMenu); this.miAddToGraphs_graphMenu.addActionListener(new ActionListener() { public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) { if ((GraphDesktop.this.activeGraphPanel != null) && (GraphDesktop.this.activeGraphPanel.getGraph() != null) && (GraphDesktop.this.layout != null)) { addGraphToHostGraphs(); } } }); this.graphMenu.add(this.miAddToNACs_graphMenu); this.miFirstRule = this.miAddToNACs_graphMenu.add(new JMenuItem("Of First Rule")); this.miFirstRule.addActionListener(new ActionListener() { public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) { addGraphToNACs(true); } }); this.miSecondRule = this.miAddToNACs_graphMenu.add(new JMenuItem("Of Second Rule")); this.miSecondRule.addActionListener(new ActionListener() { public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) { addGraphToNACs(false); } }); this.graphMenu.addSeparator(); this.graphMenu.add(this.miLayout_graphMenu); this.miLayout_graphMenu.addActionListener(new ActionListener() { public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) { if (GraphDesktop.this.activeGraphPanel != null && GraphDesktop.this.activeGraphPanel.getGraph() != null) { makeLayout(GraphDesktop.this.activeGraphPanel.getGraph(), GraphDesktop.this.activeGraphPanel.getSize()); GraphDesktop.this.activeGraphPanel.updateGraphics(); } } }); this.graphMenu.addSeparator(); this.graphMenu.add(this.miExportJPG_graphMenu); this.miExportJPG_graphMenu.addActionListener(new ActionListener() { public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) { if (GraphDesktop.this.activeGraphPanel != null && GraphDesktop.this.activeGraphPanel.getGraph() != null) { GraphDesktop.this.activeGraphPanel.setBackground(Color.white);; GraphDesktop.this.activeGraphPanel.setBackground(new Color(255, 255, 165)); } } }); this.graphMenu.pack(); this.graphMenu.setBorderPainted(true); JPopupMenu.setDefaultLightWeightPopupEnabled(false); } void addGraphToHostGraphs() { int levelOfTGcheck = this.layout.getLevelOfTypeGraphCheck(); this.layout.getTypeSet().getBasisTypeSet().setLevelOfTypeGraph(TypeSet.ENABLED); EdGraph g = this.activeGraphPanel.getGraph().copy(); g.unsetAttributeValueWhereVariable(); // because g should be added to host graphs, // remove all variables of node / edge attributes if (this.layout.addGraph(g)) { Collection<TypeError> errors = this.layout.setLevelOfTypeGraphCheck(levelOfTGcheck); if (errors == null || errors.isEmpty()) { if (this.parentFrame instanceof agg.gui.AGGAppl) { TreePath path = ((agg.gui.AGGAppl) this.parentFrame).getGraGraTreeView() .getTreePathOfGrammarElement(this.layout); ((agg.gui.AGGAppl) this.parentFrame).getGraGraTreeView().getTree().setSelectionPath(path); ((agg.gui.AGGAppl) this.parentFrame).getGraGraTreeView().selectPath( ((agg.gui.AGGAppl) this.parentFrame).getGraGraTreeView().getTree().getRowForPath(path)); this.layout.setEditable(true); if (((agg.gui.AGGAppl) this.parentFrame).getGraGraTreeView().addGraph(this.layout, g)) { JOptionPane.showMessageDialog( this.parentFrame, "<html><body>" +"You will see currently added graph in the GraGra tree view <br>" + "when you are back to main AGG GUI. <br>" +"Please check attribute settings of nodes and edges." +"</html></body>"); } this.layout.setEditable(false); } else { JOptionPane.showMessageDialog( null, "<html><body>" +"To see the saved graph in the GraGra tree view, <br>" + "please reload the grammar of CPA <br>" + "when you are back to main AGG GUI. <br>" +"Please check attribute settings of nodes and edges." +"</html></body>"); } } else { // System.out.println(errors.iterator().next().getMessage()); if (this.parentFrame instanceof agg.gui.AGGAppl) { // set level of TypeGraph to enabled TreePath path = ((agg.gui.AGGAppl) this.parentFrame).getGraGraTreeView() .getTreePathOfGrammarElement(this.layout.getTypeGraph()); if (path != null) { ((agg.gui.AGGAppl) this.parentFrame).getGraGraTreeView().selectPath( ((agg.gui.AGGAppl) this.parentFrame).getGraGraTreeView().getTree().getRowForPath(path)); ((agg.gui.AGGAppl) this.parentFrame).getGraGraTreeView().setTypeGraphLevel(TypeSet.ENABLED); } // add graph to current gragra path = ((agg.gui.AGGAppl) this.parentFrame).getGraGraTreeView() .getTreePathOfGrammarElement(this.layout); if (path != null) { boolean graEditable = this.layout.isEditable(); if (!graEditable) this.layout.setEditable(true); ((agg.gui.AGGAppl) this.parentFrame).getGraGraTreeView().selectPath( ((agg.gui.AGGAppl) this.parentFrame).getGraGraTreeView().getTree().getRowForPath(path)); ((agg.gui.AGGAppl) this.parentFrame).getGraGraTreeView().addGraph(this.layout, g); if (!graEditable) this.layout.setEditable(false); } JOptionPane.showMessageDialog( this.parentFrame, "<html><body>" +"You will see currently added graph in the GraGra tree view <br>" + "when you are back to main AGG GUI.<br> <br>" + "<font color=\"#FF0000\">WARNING!</font><br>" +"Maybe the level of the Type Graph was changed to " + "<font color=\"#FF0000\">enabled</font>." +"</html></body>"); } else { JOptionPane.showMessageDialog( null, "<html><body>" +"To see currently saved graph in the GraGra tree view, <br>" + "please reload the grammar of CPA <br>" + "when you are back to main AGG GUI.<br> <br>" + "<font color=\"#FF0000\">WARNING!</font><br>" +"Maybe the level of the Type Graph was changed to " + "<font color=\"#FF0000\">enabled</font>." +"</html></body>"); } } } } /* * Make a <code>filter NAC</code> from the selected overlapping graph * and add it to the first rule. */ void addGraphToNACs(boolean firstRule) { if (this.activeGraphPanel != null && this.activeGraphPanel.getGraph() != null && this.layout != null) { int levelOfTGcheck = this.layout.getLevelOfTypeGraphCheck(); this.layout.getTypeSet().getBasisTypeSet().setLevelOfTypeGraph(TypeSet.ENABLED); // get the rule EdRule r = firstRule? this.ruleEdit1.getRule(): this.ruleEdit2.getRule(); // get the critical graph EdGraph g = this.activeGraphPanel.getGraph(); // get attr variable names equality Hashtable<String,String> varEqualName = VariableEqualityDialog.getVarNameEquality(g.getBasisGraph().getHelpInfoAboutVariableEquality()); // get critical pair Pair<Pair<OrdinaryMorphism,OrdinaryMorphism>,Pair<OrdinaryMorphism,OrdinaryMorphism>> cp = this.overlappings.get(g.getBasisGraph()); boolean mapOK = true; JLabel errMsg = new JLabel(); OrdinaryMorphism bnac = this.makeNAC(cp, r.getBasisRule(), g.getBasisGraph(), firstRule, errMsg); // OrdinaryMorphism bnac = CriticalPairData.makeNACFromGraph(cp, r.getBasisRule(), g.getBasisGraph(), firstRule); mapOK = (bnac != null && !bnac.isEmpty()); if (mapOK) { insertNACIntoGrammar(bnac, g, r, varEqualName, firstRule); } else { JOptionPane.showMessageDialog( null, "It was not possible to create a NAC based on this critical graph.\n" +errMsg.getText(), "Rule: "+r.getName(), JOptionPane.ERROR_MESSAGE); } this.layout.getTypeSet().getBasisTypeSet().setLevelOfTypeGraph(levelOfTGcheck); } } private OrdinaryMorphism makeNAC( final Pair<Pair<OrdinaryMorphism, OrdinaryMorphism>, Pair<OrdinaryMorphism, OrdinaryMorphism>> p, final Rule r, final Graph g, boolean firstRule, JLabel errMsg) { // make help iso-morphism OrdinaryMorphism iso = g.isoCopy(); if (iso == null) return null; iso.getTarget().setName(iso.getTarget().getName().replace("_copy", "")); // create a nac morphism : r.LHS --> OrdinaryMorphism bnac = BaseFactory.theFactory().createMorphism( r.getLeft(), iso.getTarget()); Pair<OrdinaryMorphism,OrdinaryMorphism> cp1 = p.first; Pair<OrdinaryMorphism,OrdinaryMorphism> cp2 = p.second; OrdinaryMorphism o1 = cp1.first; OrdinaryMorphism o2 = cp1.second; boolean mapOK = true; // set nac mappings if (firstRule) { Enumeration<GraphObject> dom = o1.getDomain(); while (dom.hasMoreElements()) { GraphObject go = dom.nextElement(); try { if (go.getContext() == r.getLeft()) { bnac.addMapping(go, iso.getImage(o1.getImage(go))); } else if (go.getContext() == r.getRight()) { Enumeration<GraphObject> inverse = r.getInverseImage(go); if (inverse.hasMoreElements()) { GraphObject goL = inverse.nextElement(); bnac.addMapping(goL, iso.getImage(o1.getImage(go))); } else { errMsg.setText("One of critical objects has reference to a new RHS object."); mapOK = false; break; } } } catch (BadMappingException ex) { // System.out.println(ex.getMessage()); mapOK = false; } } mapOK = mapOK && !bnac.isEmpty(); } else { Enumeration<GraphObject> dom = o2.getDomain(); while (dom.hasMoreElements()) { GraphObject go = dom.nextElement(); try { if (go.getContext() == r.getLeft()) { bnac.addMapping(go, iso.getImage(o2.getImage(go))); } else if (go.getContext() == cp2.first.getTarget()) { Enumeration<GraphObject> inverse = cp2.first.getInverseImage(go); if (inverse.hasMoreElements()) { GraphObject goL = inverse.nextElement(); bnac.addMapping(goL, iso.getImage(o2.getImage(go))); } } } catch (BadMappingException ex) { // System.out.println(ex.getMessage()); mapOK = false; } } mapOK = mapOK && !bnac.isEmpty(); } iso.dispose(); if (!mapOK) { bnac.dispose(false, true); return null; } return bnac; } private void insertNACIntoGrammar( final OrdinaryMorphism bnac, final EdGraph g, final EdRule r, final Hashtable<String,String> varEqualName, boolean firstRule) { // make layout nac and add it to layout rule EdNAC nac = new EdNAC(bnac); nac.setLayoutByIndex(g, true); if (this.parentFrame instanceof agg.gui.AGGAppl) { TreePath path = ((agg.gui.AGGAppl) this.parentFrame).getGraGraTreeView() .getTreePathOfGrammarElement(r); ((agg.gui.AGGAppl) this.parentFrame).getGraGraTreeView().getTree().setSelectionPath(path); ((agg.gui.AGGAppl) this.parentFrame).getGraGraTreeView().selectPath( ((agg.gui.AGGAppl) this.parentFrame).getGraGraTreeView().getTree().getRowForPath(path)); // add nac to rule and into tree if (((agg.gui.AGGAppl) this.parentFrame).getGraGraTreeView().addNAC(r, nac)) { // adjust attr variables renameEqualVar(nac.getBasisGraph(), r.getBasisRule().getAttrContext().getVariables(), varEqualName, firstRule); r.getBasisRule().addToAttrContext(nac.getBasisGraph().getAttrContext()); JOptionPane.showMessageDialog( this.parentFrame, "<html><body>" +"You will see currently added NAC in the GraGra tree view <br>" + "when you are back to main AGG GUI. <br>" +"Please check attribute settings of nodes and edges." +"</html></body>", "Rule: "+r.getName(), JOptionPane.INFORMATION_MESSAGE); } } else { // add nac to rule r.addNAC(nac); // adjust attr variables renameEqualVar(nac.getBasisGraph(), r.getBasisRule().getAttrContext().getVariables(), varEqualName, false); r.getBasisRule().addToAttrContext(nac.getBasisGraph().getAttrContext()); JOptionPane.showMessageDialog( null, "<html><body>" +"To see the saved NAC in the GraGra tree view, <br>" + "please reload the grammar of CPA <br>" + "when you are back to main AGG GUI. <br>" +"Please check attribute settings of nodes and edges." +"</html></body>", "Rule: "+r.getName(), JOptionPane.INFORMATION_MESSAGE); } } private void renameEqualVar(Graph g, AttrVariableTuple attrCont, Hashtable<String,String> varEqualName, boolean firstRule) { Iterator<Node> nodes = g.getNodesCollection().iterator(); while (nodes.hasNext()) { Node go =; if (go.getAttribute() != null) renameEqualVar(go, attrCont, varEqualName, firstRule); } Iterator<Arc> arcs = g.getArcsCollection().iterator(); while (arcs.hasNext()) { Arc go =; if (go.getAttribute() != null) renameEqualVar(go, attrCont, varEqualName, firstRule); } } private void renameEqualVar(GraphObject go, AttrVariableTuple attrCont, Hashtable<String,String> varEqualName, boolean firstRule) { AttrTuple attr = go.getAttribute(); for (int i=0; i<attr.getNumberOfEntries(); i++) { ValueMember m = (ValueMember)attr.getMemberAt(i); if (m.isSet() && m.getExpr().isVariable()) { String vnameG = m.getExprAsText(); if (firstRule) { if (attrCont.getMemberAt(vnameG.replace("r1_", "")) != null) { String vR = vnameG.replace("r1_", ""); m.setExprAsText(vR); } else { Enumeration<String> names1 = varEqualName.keys(); while (names1.hasMoreElements()) { String n1 = names1.nextElement().replace("[", ""); if (vnameG.contains(n1)) { String vR = n1.replace("r1_", ""); m.setExprAsText(vR); } } } } else { if (attrCont.getMemberAt(vnameG.replace("r2_", "")) != null) { String vR = vnameG.replace("r2_", ""); m.setExprAsText(vR); } else { Iterator<String> names2 = varEqualName.values().iterator(); while (names2.hasNext()) { String n2 ="]", ""); if (vnameG.contains(n2)) { String vR = n2.replace("r2_", ""); m.setExprAsText(vR); } } } } } } } protected void makeLayout(EdGraph g, Dimension d) { g.updateVisibility(); final List<EdNode> visiblenodes = g.getVisibleNodes(); g.setCurrentLayoutToDefault(false); g.getDefaultGraphLayouter().setEnabled(true); Dimension dim = g.getDefaultGraphLayouter().getNeededPanelSize(visiblenodes); if (dim.width < 350) dim.width = 350; if (dim.width < d.width) dim.width = d.width; if (dim.height < 350) dim.height = 350; if (dim.height < d.height) dim.height = d.height; g.getDefaultGraphLayouter().setPanelSize(dim); g.getDefaultGraphLayouter().allowChangePanelSize(false); g.getDefaultGraphLayouter().setEnabled(true); g.doDefaultEvolutionaryGraphLayout( g.getDefaultGraphLayouter(), 100, 10); } private JMenu makeCPAEdgeShapeMenu(final JMenu shape, String title, String kind) { // Arc Style shape.setText(title); final JMenuItem miSolid = shape.add(new JMenuItem("Solid Line")); miSolid.setHorizontalTextPosition(SwingConstants.RIGHT); miSolid.setIcon((new agg.gui.icons.ColorSolidLineIcon(; miSolid.setActionCommand(kind + "Solid"); final JMenuItem miDot = shape.add(new JMenuItem("Dot Line")); miDot.setHorizontalTextPosition(SwingConstants.RIGHT); miDot.setIcon(new agg.gui.icons.ColorDotLineIcon(; miDot.setActionCommand(kind + "Dot"); final JMenuItem miDash = shape.add(new JMenuItem("Dash Line")); miDash.setHorizontalTextPosition(SwingConstants.RIGHT); miDash.setIcon(new agg.gui.icons.ColorDashLineIcon(; miDash.setActionCommand(kind + "Dash"); return shape; } public void addActionListenerToCPAGraphMenu(ActionListener l) { this.miC.addActionListener(l); this.miD.addActionListener(l); this.miAll.addActionListener(l); this.miRefresh.addActionListener(l); this.miStraightEdges.addActionListener(l); this.miHide.addActionListener(l); this.miLayoutGraph.addActionListener(l); for (int i = 0; i < this.miShapeC.getItemCount(); i++) { this.miShapeC.getItem(i).addActionListener(l); } for (int i = 0; i < this.miShapeD.getItemCount(); i++) { this.miShapeD.getItem(i).addActionListener(l); } } public void removeActionListenerFromCPAGraphMenu(ActionListener l) { this.miC.removeActionListener(l); this.miD.removeActionListener(l); this.miAll.removeActionListener(l); this.miRefresh.removeActionListener(l); this.miStraightEdges.removeActionListener(l); this.miHide.removeActionListener(l); this.miLayoutGraph.removeActionListener(l); for (int i = 0; i < this.miShapeC.getItemCount(); i++) { this.miShapeC.getItem(i).removeActionListener(l); } for (int i = 0; i < this.miShapeD.getItemCount(); i++) { this.miShapeD.getItem(i).removeActionListener(l); } } private void setMenuBarOfConflictTableFrame(final JMenu m) { final JMenuBar mb = new JMenuBar(); mb.add(m); this.conflictFrame.setJMenuBar(mb); JMenuItem item = makeConflictMenuItem("delete - use conflict", m); item.setActionCommand(CriticalPairData.DELETE_USE_C_TXT); item = makeConflictMenuItem("delete - need ( PAC ) conflict", m); item.setActionCommand(CriticalPairData.DELETE_NEED_C_TXT); m.addSeparator(); item = makeConflictMenuItem("produce - forbid ( NAC ) conflict", m); item.setActionCommand(CriticalPairData.PRODUCE_FORBID_C_TXT); item = makeConflictMenuItem("produce Edge - delete Node conflict", m); item.setActionCommand(CriticalPairData.PRODUCE_EDGE_DELETE_NODE_C_TXT); m.addSeparator(); item = makeConflictMenuItem("change - use attr-conflict", m); item.setActionCommand(CriticalPairData.CHANGE_USE_ATTR_C_TXT); item = makeConflictMenuItem("change - forbid ( NAC ) attr-conflict", m); item.setActionCommand(CriticalPairData.CHANGE_FORBID_ATTR_D_TXT); item = makeConflictMenuItem("change - need ( PAC ) attr-conflict", m); item.setActionCommand(CriticalPairData.CHANGE_NEED_ATTR_C_TXT); m.addSeparator(); item = makeConflictMenuItem("All Conflicts", m); item.setActionCommand("ALL"); this.miAllConfs = item; m.addSeparator(); m.addSeparator(); final JMenuItem mi = m.add(new JMenuItem(" Export JPEG ")); mi.addActionListener(new ActionListener() { public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) { if (GraphDesktop.this.exportJPEG != null); } }); } private JMenuItem makeConflictMenuItem(String txt, final JMenu m) { JMenuItem mi = new JMenuItem(txt); mi.setForeground(; mi.addActionListener(new ActionListener() { public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) { if (((JMenuItem)e.getSource()).getActionCommand().equals("ALL")) { m.setForeground(; m.setText(" Show "); GraphDesktop.this.conflictPanel.refreshView(); fireParserGUIEvent(null); } else { m.setForeground(; m.setText(" Show : "+((JMenuItem)e.getSource()).getText()); GraphDesktop.this.conflictPanel.showCriticalPairsOfKind(((JMenuItem)e.getSource()).getActionCommand()); fireParserGUIEvent(null); } } }); m.add(mi); return mi; } public void doClickShowAllConflicts() { this.confsMenu.setForeground(; this.confsMenu.setText(" Show "); } private JMenuItem makeDependMenuItem(String txt, final JMenu m) { JMenuItem mi = new JMenuItem(txt); mi.setForeground(; mi.addActionListener(new ActionListener() { public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) { if (((JMenuItem)e.getSource()).getActionCommand().equals("ALL")) { m.setForeground(; m.setText(" Show "); GraphDesktop.this.dependPanel.refreshView(); fireParserGUIEvent(null); } else { m.setForeground(; m.setText(" Show : "+((JMenuItem)e.getSource()).getText()); GraphDesktop.this.dependPanel.showCriticalPairsOfKind(((JMenuItem)e.getSource()).getActionCommand()); fireParserGUIEvent(null); } } }); m.add(mi); return mi; } public void doClickShowAllDepends() { this.depsMenu.setForeground(; this.depsMenu.setText(" Show "); } private void setMenuBarOfDependencyTableFrame(final JMenu m) { final JMenuBar mb = new JMenuBar(); mb.add(m); this.dependFrame.setJMenuBar(mb); JMenuItem item = makeDependMenuItem("produce - use dependency", m); item.setActionCommand(CriticalPairData.PRODUCE_USE_D_TXT); item = makeDependMenuItem("produce - <use & delete> dependency", m); item.setActionCommand(CriticalPairData.PRODUCE_DELETE_D_TXT); item = makeDependMenuItem("produce - <use & change> dependency", m); item.setActionCommand(CriticalPairData.PRODUCE_CHANGE_D_TXT); m.addSeparator(); item = makeDependMenuItem("produce - need ( PAC ) dependency", m); item.setActionCommand(CriticalPairData.PRODUCE_NEED_D_TXT); m.addSeparator(); item = makeDependMenuItem("delete - forbid ( NAC ) dependency", m); item.setActionCommand(CriticalPairData.DELETE_FORBID_D_TXT); m.addSeparator(); item = makeDependMenuItem("change - use attr-dependency", m); item.setActionCommand(CriticalPairData.CHANGE_USE_ATTR_D_TXT); item = makeDependMenuItem("change - forbid ( NAC ) attr-dependency", m); item.setActionCommand(CriticalPairData.CHANGE_FORBID_ATTR_D_TXT); m.addSeparator(); item = makeDependMenuItem("All Dependencies", m); item.setActionCommand("ALL"); this.miAllDeps = item; m.addSeparator(); m.addSeparator(); final JMenuItem mi = m.add(new JMenuItem(" Export JPEG ")); mi.addActionListener(new ActionListener() { public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) { if (GraphDesktop.this.exportJPEG != null); } }); } } /* * $Log:,v $ * Revision 1.26 2010/12/21 13:40:34 olga * improved - show CPA Graph * * Revision 1.25 2010/12/20 20:43:37 olga * tuning * * Revision 1.24 2010/12/20 20:07:14 olga * improved - show CPA Graph * * Revision 1.23 2010/12/17 15:44:31 olga * improved - show CPA Graph * * Revision 1.22 2010/11/06 18:31:54 olga * extended and improved * * Revision 1.21 2010/11/04 10:57:36 olga * improved * * Revision 1.20 2010/09/23 08:18:50 olga * tuning * * Revision 1.19 2010/08/16 09:33:18 olga * improved * * Revision 1.18 2010/08/16 08:57:29 olga * tuning * * Revision 1.17 2010/08/12 14:55:14 olga * tuning * * Revision 1.16 2010/08/09 14:11:34 olga * improved * * Revision 1.15 2010/08/09 14:09:56 olga * extended by possibility to add a critical graph as NAC of the first or second rule * * Revision 1.14 2010/08/09 14:01:05 olga * extended by possibility to add a critical graph as NAC of the first or second rule * * Revision 1.13 2010/08/05 14:12:58 olga * tuning * * Revision 1.12 2010/07/29 10:12:12 olga * tuning * * Revision 1.11 2010/06/09 11:06:51 olga * tuning * * Revision 1.10 2010/03/08 15:41:21 olga * code optimizing * * Revision 1.9 2009/08/05 14:15:11 olga * CPA: add critical graph to the current gragra - improved * * Revision 1.8 2009/05/28 13:18:28 olga * Amalgamated graph transformation - development stage * * Revision 1.7 2009/04/27 07:37:17 olga * Copy and Paste TypeGraph- bug fixed * CPA - dangling edge conflict when first produce second delete - extended * * Revision 1.6 2009/03/25 15:19:17 olga * code tuning * * Revision 1.5 2009/03/19 10:07:50 olga * code tuning * * Revision 1.4 2009/03/19 09:31:08 olga * CPE: attr check improved * * Revision 1.3 2009/02/23 09:01:56 olga * Convert Atomic Graph Constraints to Post Application Condition of Rule - bug fixed, reworked and improved error messaging * Graph copy - bug fixed * Code tuning * * Revision 1.2 2008/11/13 08:26:20 olga * some tests * * Revision 1.1 2008/10/29 09:04:11 olga * new sub packages of the package agg.gui: typeeditor, editor, trafo, cpa, options, treeview, popupmenu, saveload * * Revision 1.42 2008/09/22 10:03:48 olga * tests * * Revision 1.41 2008/09/11 09:22:26 olga * Some changes in CPA: new computing of conflicts after an option changed, * Graph layout of overlapping graphs * * Revision 1.40 2008/09/04 07:50:27 olga * GUI extension: hide nodes, edges * * Revision 1.39 2008/07/21 10:03:28 olga * Code tuning * * Revision 1.38 2008/05/05 09:11:52 olga * Graph parser - bug fixed. * New AGG feature - Applicability of Rule Sequences - in working. * * Revision 1.37 2008/04/07 09:36:56 olga * Code tuning: refactoring + profiling * Extension: CPA - two new options added * * Revision 1.36 2008/02/25 08:44:49 olga * Extending of CPA: new class CriticalRulePairAtGraph to get critical * matches of two rules at a concret graph. * * Revision 1.35 2008/02/18 09:37:10 olga * - an extention of rule dependency check is implemented; * - some bugs fixed; * - editing of graphs improved * * Revision 1.34 2007/12/10 08:42:58 olga * CPA of grammar with node type inheritance for attributed graphs - bug fixed * * Revision 1.33 2007/11/19 08:48:41 olga * Some GUI usability mistakes fixed. * Default values in node/edge of a type graph implemented. * Code tuning. * * Revision 1.32 2007/11/12 08:48:57 olga * Code tuning * * Revision 1.31 2007/11/08 12:57:00 olga * working on CPA inconsistency for rules with pacs and inheritance * bugs are possible * * Revision 1.30 2007/11/05 09:18:21 olga * code tuning * * Revision 1.29 2007/11/01 09:58:18 olga * Code refactoring: generic types- done * * Revision 1.28 2007/10/24 08:21:29 olga * CPA with inheritance: implementierung and test * * Revision 1.27 2007/09/27 08:42:47 olga * CPA: new option -ignore pairs with same rules and same matches- * * Revision 1.26 2007/09/24 09:42:39 olga * AGG transformation engine tuning * Revision 1.25 2007/09/10 13:05:44 olga In this * update: - package xerces2.5.0 is not used anymore; - class * com.objectspace.jgl.Pair is replaced by the agg own generic class * agg.util.Pair; - bugs fixed in: usage of PACs in rules; match completion; * usage of static method calls in attr. conditions - graph editing: added some * new features Revision 1.24 2007/07/09 08:00:29 olga GUI tuning * * Revision 1.23 2007/06/13 08:33:07 olga Update: V161 * * Revision 1.22 2007/04/19 07:52:45 olga Tuning of: Undo/Redo, Graph layouter, * loading grammars * * Revision 1.21 2007/03/29 09:52:04 olga Bug fixed: CPA graph - update and show * popup menu * * Revision 1.20 2007/03/28 10:01:12 olga - extensive changes of Node/Edge Type * Editor, - first Undo implementation for graphs and Node/edge Type editing and * transformation, - new / reimplemented options for layered transformation, for * graph layouter - enable / disable for NACs, attr conditions, formula - GUI * tuning * * Revision 1.19 2007/02/05 12:33:44 olga CPA: chengeAttribute * conflict/dependency : attributes with constants bug fixed, but the critical * pairs computation has still a gap. * * Revision 1.18 2007/01/11 10:21:18 olga Optimized Version 1.5.1beta , free for * tests * * Revision 1.17 2006/12/13 13:33:04 enrico reimplemented code * * Revision 1.16 2006/11/01 11:17:30 olga Optimized agg sources of CSP * algorithm, match usability, graph isomorphic copy, node/edge type * multiplicity check for injective rule and match * * Revision 1.15 2006/08/02 09:00:57 olga Preliminary version 1.5.0 with - * multiple node type inheritance, - new implemented evolutionary graph layouter * for graph transformation sequences * * Revision 1.14 2006/05/17 06:57:16 olga CPA graph: set conflict/dependency * edge style * * Revision 1.13 2006/05/08 08:24:12 olga Some extentions of GUI: - Undo Delete * button of tool bar to undo deletions if grammar elements like rule, NAC, * graph constraints; - the possibility to add a new graph to a grammar or a * copy of the current host graph; - to set one or more layer for consistency * constraints. Also some bugs fixed of matching and some optimizations of CSP * algorithmus done. * * Revision 1.12 2006/03/13 10:04:42 olga CPA tuning * * Revision 1.11 2006/03/06 09:15:36 olga Type sorting inconsistency of unnamed * typs eliminated * * Revision 1.10 2006/03/02 12:03:23 olga CPA: check host graph - done * * Revision 1.9 2006/03/01 09:55:47 olga - new CPA algorithm, new CPA GUI * * Revision 1.8 2005/12/21 14:48:46 olga GUI tuning * * Revision 1.7 2005/10/24 13:37:32 olga Pop-up menu of CPA graph * * Revision 1.6 2005/10/13 10:27:39 olga CPA GUI , CPA Graph * * Revision 1.5 2005/10/12 10:00:56 olga CPA GUI tuning * * Revision 1.4 2005/10/10 08:05:16 olga Critical Pair GUI and CPA graph * * Revision 1.3 2005/09/26 08:35:15 olga CPA graph frames; bugs * * Revision 1.2 2005/09/19 09:12:14 olga CPA GUI tuning * * Revision 1.1 2005/08/25 11:56:55 enrico *** empty log message *** * * Revision 1.3 2005/07/11 09:30:20 olga This is test version AGG V1.2.8alfa . * What is new: - saving rule option <disabled> - setting trigger rule for layer - * display attr. conditions in gragra tree view - CPA algorithm <dependencies> - * creating and display CPA graph with conflicts and/or dependencies based on * (.cpx) file * * Revision 1.2 2005/06/20 13:37:04 olga Up to now the version 1.2.8 will be * prepared. * * Revision 1.1 2005/05/30 12:58:03 olga Version with Eclipse * * Revision 1.18 2005/01/28 14:02:32 olga -Fehlerbehandlung beim Typgraph check * -Erweiterung CP GUI / CP Menu -Fehlerbehandlung mit identification option * -Fehlerbehandlung bei Rule PAC * * Revision 1.17 2004/11/15 11:24:45 olga Neue Optionen fuer Transformation; * verbesserter default Graphlayout; Close GraGra mit Abfrage wenn was geaendert * wurde statt Delete GraGra * * Revision 1.16 2004/06/14 12:34:19 olga CP Analyse and Transformation * * Revision 1.15 2004/04/19 11:39:30 olga Graphname als String ohne Blanks * * Revision 1.14 2003/03/05 18:24:09 komm sorted/optimized import statements * * Revision 1.13 2003/03/03 17:46:59 olga GUI * * Revision 1.12 2003/02/13 17:08:09 olga GUI Anpassung * * Revision 1.11 2003/02/03 17:49:11 olga GUI * * Revision 1.10 2003/01/22 16:19:31 olga CP-Tabelle verbessert * * Revision 1.9 2003/01/20 12:10:55 olga CriticalPairPanel anpassung * * Revision 1.8 2003/01/20 10:46:59 komm CriticalPairPanel integrated * * Revision 1.7 2003/01/15 16:30:20 olga Critical pairs table eingebaut (test) * * Revision 1.6 2003/01/13 14:28:30 komm no change * * Revision 1.5 2002/12/09 17:53:26 olga GUI - Verbesserung * * Revision 1.4 2002/11/25 15:06:05 olga Verbesserte Ueberlappungsgraph Anzeige * * Revision 1.3 2002/11/07 16:03:05 olga Anzeige von Overlap-Graphen in CPA * verbessert * * Revision 1.2 2002/10/02 18:30:55 olga XXX * * Revision 2002/07/11 12:17:19 olga Imported sources * * Revision 1.3 2001/04/11 14:57:00 olga Arbeit an der GUI. * * Revision 1.2 2001/03/08 11:02:43 olga Parser Anbindung gemacht. Stand nach * AGG GUI Reimplementierung. Stand nach der AGG GUI Reimplementierung.Das ist * Stand nach der AGG GUI Reimplementierung und Parser Anbindung. * * Revision 2001/01/28 13:14:44 shultzke API fertig * * Revision 2001/01/03 09:44:54 shultzke TODO's bis auf laden und * speichern erledigt. Wann meldet sich endlich Michael? * * Revision 2001/01/02 12:28:57 shultzke Alle Optionen angebunden * * Revision 2000/09/25 13:51:56 shultzke Report.trace veraendert * * Revision 2000/08/10 12:22:12 shultzke Ausserdem wird nicht mehr eine * neues GUIObject erzeugt, wenn zur ParserGUI umgeschaltet wird. Einige Klassen * wurden umbenannt. Alle Events sind in ein eigenes Eventpackage geflogen. * * Revision 2000/08/07 10:38:52 shultzke Option erweitert * * Revision 2000/07/24 07:47:23 shultzke not critic-Fenster eingebaut * * Revision 2000/07/19 13:59:59 shultzke *** empty log message *** * * Revision 2000/07/16 18:52:24 shultzke *** empty log message *** * * Revision 2000/07/12 14:33:44 shultzke Morphismen koennen jetzt besser * gemalt werden * * Revision 2000/07/10 15:08:09 shultzke additional representtion * hinzugefuegt * * Revision 2000/07/09 17:12:35 shultzke grob die GUI eingebunden * */