package agg.attribute.impl; import; import; import; import; import; import java.util.Vector; import agg.attribute.AttrContext; import agg.attribute.AttrEvent; import agg.attribute.AttrInstanceMember; import agg.attribute.AttrMapping; import agg.attribute.AttrTuple; import agg.attribute.AttrTypeMember; import agg.attribute.handler.AttrHandler; import agg.attribute.handler.AttrHandlerException; import agg.attribute.handler.HandlerExpr; import agg.attribute.handler.HandlerType; import agg.attribute.parser.javaExpr.Node; import agg.attribute.parser.javaExpr.SimpleNode; import agg.util.XMLHelper; /** * Holds an attribute handler expression, its type and the functionality for * matching and transforming thereof. * * @author $Author: olga $ * @version $Id:,v 1.45 2010/11/29 08:42:25 olga Exp $ */ @SuppressWarnings("serial") public class ValueMember extends Member implements AttrInstanceMember, AttrMsgCode { /** This string is shown for an empty value. */ static public final String EMPTY_VALUE_SYMBOL = ""; // Protected instance variables. /** Declaration */ protected DeclMember decl; /** Instance tuple that this value is a member of. */ protected ValueTuple tuple; /** Attribute handler expression. */ protected HandlerExpr expression; protected String expressionText; protected Object expressionObject; transient protected Exception currentException; transient protected String errorMsg; protected boolean isTransient; // Public constructors. /** * Creating a new instance with the specified type. * * @param tuple * Instance tuple that this value is a member of. * @param decl * Declaration for this member. */ public ValueMember(ValueTuple tuple, DeclMember decl) { this.tuple = tuple; this.decl = decl; rawSetExpr(null); checkValidity(); this.errorMsg = ""; this.isTransient = false; // logPrintln(VerboseControl.logContextOfInstances, // "Member created for Tuple:" + tuple); } public String getErrorMsg() { return this.errorMsg; } public boolean isValid() { return this.currentException == null; } public String getValidityReport() { if (isValid() && getDeclaration().isValid()) return null; String report = getDeclaration().getValidityReport(); if (isValid()) return report; if (report == null) report = ""; // report += "-------- VALUE : --------\n"; if (this.currentException != null) report += this.currentException.getMessage(); return report; } public AttrTypeMember getDeclaration() { return getDecl(); } public Object getExprAsObject() { if (getExpr() != null) return getExpr().getValue(); return null; } public HandlerExpr getExpr() { return rawGetExpr(); } public String getExprAsText() { if (getExpr() == null) return this.expressionText; return getExpr().toString(); } /** Setting the value and fire event <code>AttrEvent.MEMBER_VALUE_MODIFIED</code>. */ public void setExpr(HandlerExpr expr) { if (expr == null) { this.expressionText = null; this.expressionObject = null; this.expression = null; this.errorMsg = ""; this.currentException = null; } else setCheckedExpr(expr); fireChanged(AttrEvent.MEMBER_VALUE_MODIFIED); } /** Setting the value and fire event <code>AttrEvent.MEMBER_VALUE_MODIFIED</code>. */ public void setExprAsObject(Object obj) { rawSetExprAsObject(obj); fireChanged(AttrEvent.MEMBER_VALUE_MODIFIED); } protected void rawSetExprAsObject(Object obj) { // System.out.println("ValueMember.rawSetExprAsObject:: "+obj ); try { this.expressionText = null; this.expressionObject = obj; if ((getType() != null) && (obj != null)) this.expression = getHandler().newHandlerValue(getType(), obj); checkValidity(); } catch (AttrHandlerException ex) { this.currentException = ex; } } /** * Set expression and try to initialize it if it should be a new instance of a Class. * Exmpl: "new Integer(x)" */ public void setExprAsText(String exprText, boolean initialize) throws AttrImplException { setExprAsText(exprText); // try initialize variable of attr. context if (initialize && getExpr() != null && getExpr().isComplex() && (exprText.indexOf("new ") == 0)) { apply(getExpr()); } } /** Setting the value and fire event <code>AttrEvent.MEMBER_VALUE_MODIFIED</code>. */ public void setExprAsText(String exprText) { String s = exprText; if (exprText == null) s = new String(); if (s.length() == 0) { ContextView context = getContext(); if (context == null || context.doesAllowEmptyValues()) { setExpr(null); return; } } if ((s.length() != 0) && (s.charAt(0) == '(')) { // char ch = s.charAt(0); for (int i = 1; i < s.length(); i++) { if (s.charAt(i) == ')') { if (i == (s.length() - 1)) { String ss = s.substring(1, s.length() - 1); s = ss; i = s.length() + 1; } else i = s.length() + 1; } } } if (!s.equals(exprText)) rawSetExprAsText(s); else rawSetExprAsText(exprText); if (this.currentException == null) fireChanged(AttrEvent.MEMBER_VALUE_MODIFIED); } /** Setting the value. */ protected void rawSetExprAsText(String exprText) { String lastExpressionText = this.expressionText; HandlerExpr lastExpression = this.expression; Object lastExpressionObject = this.expressionObject; this.currentException = null; try { this.expressionText = exprText; this.expressionObject = null; HandlerExpr test = null; if (exprText != null) { if (exprText.length() != 0) { test = getHandler().newHandlerExpr(getType(), exprText); checkValidity(test); if (this.currentException == null) { this.expression = test; this.expressionText = exprText; } else { fireChanged(AttrEvent.MEMBER_VALUE_CORRECTNESS); this.expression = test; return; } } } checkValidity(); // try to initialize attr. member in a graph (host graph) if (this.currentException == null && getContext().getAllowedMapping() == AttrMapping.GRAPH_MAP) { if (test != null) { apply(test); if (this.currentException != null) { this.expression = null; this.expressionText = ""; this.expressionObject = null; fireChanged(AttrEvent.MEMBER_VALUE_CORRECTNESS); } } } } catch (AttrImplException aiex) { this.currentException = aiex; this.errorMsg = aiex.getMessage(); this.expressionText = lastExpressionText; this.expressionObject = lastExpressionObject; this.expression = lastExpression; } catch (AttrHandlerException ex) { this.currentException = ex; this.errorMsg = ex.getMessage(); this.expressionText = lastExpressionText; this.expressionObject = lastExpressionObject; this.expression = lastExpression; } } /** Setting the value and fire event <code>AttrEvent.MEMBER_VALUE_MODIFIED</code>. */ public void setExprAsEvaluatedText(String exprText) { try { this.expressionText = exprText; this.expressionObject = null; this.expression = getHandler().newHandlerExpr(getType(), exprText); this.expression.evaluate(getContext()); // After evaluation the string representation is not reliable // anymore. Switching to object storing. this.expressionText = null; this.expressionObject = this.expression.getValue(); checkValidity(); fireChanged(AttrEvent.MEMBER_VALUE_MODIFIED); } catch (AttrHandlerException ex) { this.currentException = ex; this.expression = null; } } /** * Setting the value and fire event <code>AttrEvent.MEMBER_VALUE_MODIFIED</code>. * This method is recommended when using AGG engine * and the attribute value of an object of RHS of a rule is a complex expression * containing calls of class methods. */ public void trySetExprAsText(String exprText) throws AttrHandlerException { try { String newText = AttrTupleManager.getDefaultManager() .getStaticMethodCall(exprText); HandlerExpr exprssn = this.getHandler().newHandlerExpr( this.getDeclaration().getType(), newText); this.checkValidity(exprssn); if (this.isValid()) { this.setExprAsText(newText); } else if (this.currentException != null) { throw new AttrHandlerException(this.currentException.getLocalizedMessage()); } else { throw new AttrHandlerException("Not valid expression: "+exprText); } } catch (AttrHandlerException ex) { throw ex; } } public void typeChanged() { boolean prevValidity = isValid(); this.expression = null; try { if (this.expressionText != null) { this.expression = getHandler().newHandlerExpr(getType(), this.expressionText); } else if (this.expressionObject != null) { this.expression = getHandler().newHandlerValue(getType(), this.expressionObject); } } catch (Exception ex) { this.currentException = ex; this.expressionText = null; this.expressionObject = null; } checkValidity(); if (prevValidity != isValid()) fireChanged(AttrEvent.MEMBER_VALUE_CORRECTNESS); } /** Check if no expression yet. */ public boolean isEmpty() { return this.getExpr() == null; } /** Check if set. */ public boolean isSet() { return !(this.getExpr() == null); } /** * This method is used inside of the method rawSetExprAsText(String text) to * initialize the attribute members with type of Java class. For example, * an expression like "new Integer(7)" will be initialized to 7. * * @param expr */ protected void apply(HandlerExpr expr) { if (expr != null && !expr.toString().equals("null")) { HandlerExpr oldExpr = getExpr(); this.expression = expr.getCopy(); HandlerExpr exp = null; try { exp = this.getExpr(); if (exp != null) { exp.evaluate(getContext()); if (exp.getValue() == null) { this.expressionText = ""; this.expression = null; this.expressionObject = null; } else { fireChanged(AttrEvent.MEMBER_VALUE_MODIFIED); } } } catch (AttrHandlerException ex1) { this.currentException = ex1; this.expression = oldExpr; throw new AttrImplException(EXPR_EVAL_ERR, ex1.getMessage() + "\n" + expr + " don't match to " + this.expression); } catch (Exception ex) { this.currentException = ex; this.expression = oldExpr; throw new AttrImplException(EXPR_EVAL_ERR, ex.getMessage() + "\n" + expr + " don't match to " + this.expression); } } } /** * Transformation application * * @param rightSide * The expression from the right rule side * @param context * The match context. */ public void apply(ValueMember rightSide, AttrContext context) { // if (this.getName().equals("HASHCODE")) return; if ((rightSide != null) && (rightSide.getExpr() != null)) { HandlerExpr oldExpr = getExpr(); this.expression = rightSide.getExpr().getCopy(); HandlerExpr exp = null; try { exp = this.getExpr(); if (exp != null) { exp.evaluate(context); if (exp.getValue() == null) { setExprAsText(exp.getString()); } else { fireChanged(AttrEvent.MEMBER_VALUE_MODIFIED); } } } catch (AttrHandlerException ex1) { this.expression = oldExpr; throw new AttrImplException(EXPR_EVAL_ERR, ex1.getMessage() + "\n" + rightSide.getExpr() + " don't match to " + this.expression); } catch (Exception ex) { this.expression = oldExpr; throw new AttrImplException(EXPR_EVAL_ERR, ex.getMessage() + "\n" + rightSide.getExpr() + " don't match to " + this.expression); } } } /** * Transform application like apply( ValueMember, AttrContext), * additionally do allow using variables without value as * value of attribute member. */ public void apply(final ValueMember rightSide, final AttrContext context, boolean allowVariableWithoutValue) { apply(rightSide, context, allowVariableWithoutValue , false); } /** * Transform application like apply( ValueMember, AttrContext), * additionally do allow using variables without value as * value of attribute member. * If equalVariableName is TRUE, then the name of the variable from rightSide * must be equal to the name of the current variable. * The equalVariableName option is only used when allowVariableWithoutValue is TRUE. */ public void apply(final ValueMember rightSide, final AttrContext context, boolean allowVarWithoutValue, boolean equalVarName) { // if (this.getName().equals("HASHCODE")) return; if (!allowVarWithoutValue) { apply(rightSide, context); return; } if ((rightSide != null) && (rightSide.getExpr() != null)) { if (equalVarName && this.getExpr() != null && this.getExpr().isVariable() && rightSide.getExpr().isVariable()) { if (this.getExprAsText().equals(rightSide.getExprAsText())) { return; } if (!this.isTransient && !rightSide.isTransient()) { throw new AttrImplException(EXPR_EVAL_ERR, rightSide.getExpr() + " don't match to " + this.expression); } } // System.out.println(this.isTransient+" "+this.getExpr()+" "+rightSide.getExprAsText() // +" "+rightSide.getExpr().isVariable()+" "+rightSide.isTransient() // +" "+context.getExpr(rightSide.getExprAsText())); if (rightSide.getExpr().isVariable() && (rightSide.isTransient() || context.getExpr(rightSide.getExprAsText()) != null)) { if (getExpr() == null) { this.expression = rightSide.getExpr().getCopy(); this.isTransient = rightSide.isTransient(); //TODO test!!! } return; } if (getExpr() == null || (this.getExpr().isConstant() && rightSide.getExpr().isConstant()) || this.isTransient ) { HandlerExpr oldExpr = getExpr(); HandlerExpr exp = null; this.expression = rightSide.getExpr().getCopy(); try { exp = this.getExpr(); if (exp != null) { exp.evaluate(context); if (exp.getValue() == null) { setExprAsText(exp.getString()); if (!this.isTransient) { setTransient(rightSide.isTransient()); } } else if (exp.getValue() != null) { fireChanged(AttrEvent.MEMBER_VALUE_MODIFIED); } } } catch (AttrHandlerException ex1) { if (exp != null && exp.getValue() == null) { setExprAsText(exp.getString()); if (!this.isTransient) setTransient(rightSide.isTransient()); } } catch (Exception ex) { if (exp != null && exp.getValue() == null) { setExprAsText(exp.getString()); if (!this.isTransient) setTransient(rightSide.isTransient()); } else { this.expression = oldExpr; } } } } } /** * Check if matching is possible into 'target' within the match context * 'context'. * * @return 'true' if possible, 'false' otherwise. */ public boolean canMatchTo(ValueMember target, ContextView context) { this.errorMsg = ""; HandlerExpr tar = null; if (target != null) tar = target.getExpr(); if (tar != null) { HandlerExpr src = this.getExpr(); if (src == null) return true; boolean result = false; result = result || tar.isVariable(); // auf Variable matchen result = result || tar.isComplex(); if (!result) { boolean r2, r3, r4=true; r3 = !src.isVariable(); r3 = r3 || context.canSetValue(src.toString(), target); if (r3) { r4 = src.isUnifiableWith(tar, context); if (!r4 && src.getString().equals(tar.getString()) && context.isVariableContext()) { // errorMsg = context.getErrorMsg(); r4 = true; } } r2 = r3 && r4; result = result || r2; } if (result) return true; this.errorMsg = this.errorMsg.concat(context.getErrorMsg()); /* if (!src.isUnifiableWith(tar, context)) { if (!errorMsg.equals("")) errorMsg = errorMsg + "\nSource attribute " + src.toString() + " does not unify with target attribute " + tar.toString() + "."; else errorMsg = "Source attribute does not unify target attribute."; } else if (target != null) { errorMsg = this.getName() + " cannot match " + target.getName(); } else errorMsg = this.getName() + " cannot match "; if (src.isVariable() && !context.canSetValue(src.toString(), target)) { if (!errorMsg.equals("")) errorMsg = errorMsg + "\nCannot set value for variable " + src.toString() + " in context."; else errorMsg = "Cannot set value in context."; } else if (target != null) { errorMsg = this.getName() + " cannot match " + target.getName(); } else errorMsg = this.getName() + " cannot match "; */ return false; } else if (context.getAllowedMapping() == AttrMapping.MATCH_MAP) { this.errorMsg = "Source attribute: <" + this.getName() + "> cannot match to its target attribute because it is not set!"; return false; } else { // if (context.getAllowedMapping() == AttrMapping.PLAIN_MAP // || context.getAllowedMapping() == AttrMapping.OBJECT_FLOW_MAP) { return true; } } /** * Performs matching with 'target' in the match context 'context'. * * @return The name of the variable that this match has affected, i.e. * assigned value to. If no variable is concerned, returns null. */ public String matchTo(ValueMember target, ContextView context) { // if (this.getName().equals("HASHCODE")) return null; HandlerExpr srcExpr = this.getExpr(); String varName = null; if (srcExpr != null && srcExpr.isVariable()) { varName = srcExpr.toString(); try { context.setValue(varName, target); } catch (NoSuchVariableException e) { } } return varName; } /** Copies the contents of the specified entry instance into this instance. */ public void copy(ValueMember fromInstance) { HandlerExpr srcExpr = fromInstance.getExpr(); HandlerExpr tarExpr = null; if (srcExpr != null) { tarExpr = srcExpr.getCopy(); if (tarExpr != null) { this.expression = tarExpr; if (fromInstance.expressionText != null) this.expressionText = fromInstance.expressionText.toString(); else this.expressionText = null; this.expressionObject = this.expression.getValue(); checkValidity(); setTransient(fromInstance.isTransient()); fireChanged(AttrEvent.MEMBER_VALUE_MODIFIED); } } else { this.setExpr(null); } } /** Tests if the handler expressions are equal. */ public boolean equals(ValueMember testObject) { if (this.getName().equals("HASHCODE")) return true; if (testObject == null) return false; if (getExpr() != null) return getExpr().equals(testObject.getExpr()); if (this.expressionText != null) return this.expressionText.equals(testObject.expressionText); if (this.expressionObject != null) return this.expressionObject.equals(testObject.expressionObject); return (testObject.expressionText == null && testObject.expressionObject == null && testObject.getExpr() == null); } public boolean compareTo(ValueMember member) { if (this.getName().equals("HASHCODE")) return true; if (member == null) return false; if (getExpr() != null) { if (member.getExpr() != null) return getExpr().toString().equals(member.getExpr().toString()); return false; } if (this.expressionText != null) return this.expressionText.equals(member.expressionText); return false; } /** * @return The textual representation of the expression or * 'EMPTY_VALUE_SYMBOL' if that is null. */ public String toString() { if (this.getExpr() != null) return this.getExpr().toString(); if (this.expressionText != null) return this.expressionText; if (this.expressionObject != null) return this.expressionObject.toString(); return EMPTY_VALUE_SYMBOL; } /** * @return The instance tuple that contains this value as a member. */ public AttrTuple getHoldingTuple() { return this.tuple; } // Internal access. // /** * Getting the instance tuple that contains this value as a member. */ protected ValueTuple getTuple() { return this.tuple; } /** Getting the context of this value. */ protected ContextView getContext() { return (ContextView) getTuple().getContext(); } /** Getting the declaration for this value */ protected DeclMember getDecl() { return this.decl; } /** Getting the handler of this value. */ public AttrHandler getHandler() { return getDecl().getHandler(); } /** Getting the type of this value. */ protected HandlerType getType() { return getDecl().getType(); } /** Getting the name of this value member. */ public String getName() { return getDecl().getName(); } public Vector<String> getAllVariableNamesOfExpression() { Vector<String> resultVector = new Vector<String>(); if (getExpr() != null) getExpr().getAllVariables(resultVector); return resultVector; } public Vector<Node> getChildrenOfExpression() { Vector<Node> resultVector = new Vector<Node>(); if (getExpr() != null) { if (getExpr().getAST() != null) { SimpleNode node = (SimpleNode) getExpr().getAST(); for (int i = 0; i < node.jjtGetNumChildren(); i++) { // System.out.println("ValueMember.getChildrenOfExpression() // :: "+node.jjtGetChild(i)); resultVector.addElement(node.jjtGetChild(i)); } } } return resultVector; } protected HandlerExpr rawGetExpr() { return this.expression; } protected void rawSetExpr(HandlerExpr expr) { this.expression = expr; } /** Setting the value and checking validity. */ protected void setCheckedExpr(HandlerExpr expr) { rawSetExpr(expr); checkValidity(); } /** Checking its own expression validity with respect to the context. */ // protected void checkValidity(){ public void checkValidity() { try { checkInContext(getExpr(), getContext()); this.currentException = null; } catch (Exception ex) { this.currentException = ex; this.errorMsg = ex.getMessage(); } } /** Checking the specified expression validity with respect to the context. */ public void checkValidity(HandlerExpr hExpr) { try { checkInContext(hExpr, getContext()); this.errorMsg = ""; this.currentException = null; } catch (Exception ex) { this.currentException = ex; this.errorMsg = ex.getMessage(); } } /** * Checking the validity of the expression 'hExpr' relative to the context * 'ctx'. */ protected void checkInContext(HandlerExpr hExpr, AttrContext ctx) { ContextView context = (ContextView) ctx; if (hExpr == null) { if (context == null || !context.doesAllowEmptyValues()) { throw new AttrImplException(EXPR_REQUIRED); } return; } String exprText = hExpr.toString(); AttrHandler handler = getHandler(); HandlerType type = getType(); if (context == null) { if (!hExpr.isConstant()) { // throw new AttrImplException(EXPR_MUST_BE_CONST); this.errorMsg = "Expression must be a constant: ".concat(hExpr.toString()); this.currentException = new AttrImplException(EXPR_MUST_BE_CONST, this.errorMsg); throw (AttrImplException)this.currentException; } } else if (!context.doesAllowComplexExpressions()) { if (hExpr.isComplex()) { // throw new AttrImplException(EXPR_MUST_BE_CONST_OR_VAR); this.errorMsg = "Complex expression is not allowed: ".concat(hExpr.toString()); this.currentException = new AttrImplException(EXPR_MUST_BE_CONST_OR_VAR, this.errorMsg); throw (AttrImplException)this.currentException; } } else if (context.getAllowedMapping() == AttrMapping.GRAPH_MAP) { } if (hExpr.isConstant()) { try { hExpr.checkConstant(context); } catch (AttrHandlerException ex) { this.errorMsg = ex.getMessage(); this.currentException = ex; throw new AttrImplException(EXPR_PARSE_ERR, this.errorMsg); } } else if (hExpr.isVariable()) { if(context != null) { if (context.isDeclared(exprText)) { try { hExpr.check(context); } catch (AttrHandlerException ex) { this.errorMsg = ex.getMessage(); this.currentException = ex; throw new AttrImplException(EXPR_PARSE_ERR, ex.getMessage()); } } else { // New variable, not yet declared if (context.doesAllowNewVariables()) { context.addDecl(handler, type.toString(), exprText); } else { // New variable declarations not allowed in this context this.errorMsg = "undeclared variable found: ".concat(hExpr.toString()); this.currentException = new AttrImplException(VAR_NOT_DECLARED, this.errorMsg); throw (AttrImplException) this.currentException; } } } } else if (hExpr.isComplex()) { // new: to test! if (context.isVariableContext() && this.expressionObject == null) { return; } try { hExpr.check(context); } catch (AttrHandlerException ex) { this.errorMsg = ex.getMessage(); this.currentException = ex; throw new AttrImplException(EXPR_PARSE_ERR, this.errorMsg); } } } public String getAttrHandlerExceptionMsg() { if (this.currentException != null) { return this.currentException.getMessage(); } return ""; } public void setTransient(boolean trans) { this.isTransient = trans; } public boolean isTransient() { return this.isTransient; } public void XwriteObject(XMLHelper h) { if ((this.decl == null) || (this.decl.getType() == null)) return; h.openSubTag("Attribute"); h.addObject("type", this.decl, false); HandlerExpr ex = getExpr(); if (h.getDocumentVersion().equals("1.0")) { if (ex.isConstant()) { Object v = ex.getValue(); h.openSubTag("Value"); if (this.decl.getType().toString().equals("String")) { // handle site effect of CPA while (v instanceof HandlerExpr) { v = ((HandlerExpr)v).getValue(); } if (v instanceof String) h.addAttrValue("string", v); } else h.addAttrValue(this.decl.getType().toString(), v); h.close(); h.addAttr("constant", "true"); } else if (ex.isVariable()) { Object v = ex.getString(); h.openSubTag("Value"); h.addAttrValue("string", v); h.close(); h.addAttr("variable", "true"); } else { // expression Object v = ex.getString(); h.openSubTag("Value"); h.addAttrValue("string", v); //h.addAttrValue("String", v); h.close(); } } else { if (ex.isConstant()) { Object v = ex.getValue(); ByteArrayOutputStream os = new ByteArrayOutputStream(); try { ObjectOutputStream oos = new ObjectOutputStream(os); oos.writeObject(v); h.addAttr("value", h.escapeString(os.toString())); } catch (IOException e) { h.addAttr("value", h.escapeString(v.toString())); } h.addAttr("constant", "true"); } else { h.addAttr("value", ex.getString()); } } h.close(); } public void XreadObject(XMLHelper h) { /* * when reading we are already filled out from ValueTuple, and as we * ourself are no entity (with an ID), we don't even call isTag(), so * this is empty. */ if ((this.decl == null) || (this.decl.getType() == null)) { System.out .println("ValueMember.XreadObject: WARNING!\n\t Attribute \"" + this.decl.getName() + "\" : type declaration of attribute value is null."); return; } // String readError = null; if (h.getDocumentVersion().equals("1.0")) { if (h.readAttr("constant") != "") { if (h.readSubTag("Value")) { Object obj = null; if (this.decl.getType().toString().equals("String")) { String javaTag = h.readSubTag(); if (javaTag.equals("java")) { obj = h.getAttrValue("String"); if (obj == null) obj = h.getAttrValue("string"); } if (javaTag.equals("string") || javaTag.equals("String")) { obj = h.getElementData(; } h.close(); if (obj == null) obj = new String(); else if (obj instanceof String) { // loesche '\n' und mehrere Leerzeichen String objStr = formString((String) obj); obj = objStr; } } else { obj = h.getAttrValue(this.decl.getType().toString()); } if (obj == null) { h.close(); return; } if (obj instanceof String) { // test if value is null if (((String) obj).equals("null")) { setExprAsText((String) obj); // readError = getValidityReport(); h.close(); return; } } String valueAsString = ""; if (this.decl.getType().toString().equals("String")) { setExprAsObject(obj); } else if (this.decl.getType().toString().equals("int")) { valueAsString = ((Integer) obj).toString(); setExprAsEvaluatedText(valueAsString); } else if (this.decl.getType().toString().equals("boolean")) { valueAsString = ((Boolean) obj).toString(); setExprAsEvaluatedText(valueAsString); } else if (this.decl.getType().toString().equals("float")) { valueAsString = ((Float) obj).toString(); setExprAsEvaluatedText(valueAsString); } else if (this.decl.getType().toString().equals("double")) { valueAsString = ((Double) obj).toString(); setExprAsEvaluatedText(valueAsString); } else if (this.decl.getType().toString().equals("long")) { valueAsString = ((Long) obj).toString(); setExprAsEvaluatedText(valueAsString); } else if (this.decl.getType().toString().equals("short")) { valueAsString = ((Short) obj).toString(); setExprAsEvaluatedText(valueAsString); } else if (this.decl.getType().toString().equals("byte")) { valueAsString = ((Byte) obj).toString(); setExprAsEvaluatedText(valueAsString); } else if (this.decl.getType().toString().equals("char")) { valueAsString = ((Character) obj).toString(); setExprAsText("\'" + valueAsString.charAt(0) + "\'"); } else { setExprAsObject(obj); } // readError = getValidityReport(); h.close(); } else System.out .println("ValueMember.XreadObject: Tag <Value> of '" + getName() + "' not found"); } else if (h.readAttr("variable") != "") { if (h.readSubTag("Value")) { Object obj = h.getAttrValue("String"); if (obj == null) obj = h.getAttrValue("string"); if (obj == null) { h.close(); return; } if (obj instanceof String) { setExprAsText((String) obj); // readError = getValidityReport(); } h.close(); } } else { if (h.readSubTag("Value")) { Object obj = null; String javaTag = h.readSubTag(); if (javaTag.equals("java")) { obj = h.getAttrValue("String"); if (obj == null) obj = h.getAttrValue("string"); } if (javaTag.equals("string") || javaTag.equals("String")) { obj = h.getElementData(; } h.close(); // obj = h.getAttrValue("String"); // old code, before Java7 if (obj == null) { h.close(); return; } if (obj instanceof String) { // loesche '\n' und mehrere Leerzeichen aus dem object-String String objStr = formString((String) obj); setExprAsText(objStr); } h.close(); } } } else { // lese altes XML Fileformat // System.out.println("ValueMember.XreadObject: Version before 1.0"); String val = h.readAttr("value"); if (h.readAttr("constant") != "") { String v = h.unescapeString(val); byte[] buf = v.getBytes(); ByteArrayInputStream is = new ByteArrayInputStream(buf); try { ObjectInputStream ois = new ObjectInputStream(is); Object vo = ois.readObject(); if (this.decl.getType().toString().equals("int") || this.decl.getType().toString().equals("boolean") || this.decl.getType().toString().equals("float") || this.decl.getType().toString().equals("double") || this.decl.getType().toString().equals("long") || this.decl.getType().toString().equals("short")) { setExprAsEvaluatedText(vo.toString()); } else { setExprAsObject(vo); } // readError = getValidityReport(); } catch (Exception e) { } } else { setExprAsText(val); // readError = getValidityReport(); } } } // loesche '\n' und mehrere Leerzeichen aus dem s private String formString(String s) { String s1 = s.toString(); String s2 = s1.replaceAll("\n", ""); while (s2.indexOf(" ") != -1) { s1 = s2.replaceAll(" ", " "); s2 = s1.toString(); } return s1; } public void removeErrorMsg() { this.errorMsg = ""; this.currentException = null; } } /* * ============================================================================ * $Log:,v $ * Revision 1.45 2010/11/29 08:42:25 olga * tuning * * Revision 1.44 2010/11/29 08:31:37 olga * new method: trySetExprAsText(String) * * Revision 1.43 2010/11/28 22:11:37 olga * new method * * Revision 1.42 2010/11/04 10:56:25 olga * tuning * * Revision 1.41 2010/09/23 08:14:09 olga * tuning * * Revision 1.40 2010/08/05 14:12:32 olga * tuning * * Revision 1.39 2010/05/05 16:15:43 olga * tuning and tests * * Revision 1.38 2010/05/03 21:58:48 olga * tuning * * Revision 1.37 2010/04/29 15:14:07 olga * tuning and tests * * Revision 1.36 2010/04/28 15:15:39 olga * tuning * * Revision 1.35 2010/04/01 10:12:44 olga * tuning * * Revision 1.34 2010/03/31 21:08:13 olga * tuning * * Revision 1.33 2010/03/21 21:22:54 olga * tuning * * Revision 1.32 2010/03/08 15:37:42 olga * code optimizing * * Revision 1.31 2009/11/23 08:53:32 olga * tuning * * Revision 1.30 2009/07/02 11:10:50 olga * improved: getExprAsText(String, boolean) * * Revision 1.29 2009/06/30 09:50:22 olga * agg.xt_basis.GraphObject: added: setObjectName(String), getObjectName() * agg.xt_basis.Node, Arc: changed: save, load the object name * agg.editor.impl.EdGraphObject: changed: String getTypeString() - contains object name if set * * workaround of Applicability of Rule Sequences and Object Flow * * Revision 1.28 2009/03/19 09:31:06 olga * CPE: attr check improved * * Revision 1.27 2009/03/12 10:57:44 olga * some changes in CPA of managing names of the attribute variables. * * Revision 1.26 2008/05/19 09:19:32 olga * Applicability of Rule Sequence - reworking * * Revision 1.25 2008/05/08 14:59:19 olga * Tuning Applicability of Rule Sequences * * Revision 1.24 2008/04/07 09:36:50 olga * Code tuning: refactoring + profiling * Extension: CPA - two new options added * * Revision 1.23 2007/12/10 08:42:58 olga * CPA of grammar with node type inheritance for attributed graphs - bug fixed * * Revision 1.22 2007/11/05 09:18:17 olga * code tuning * * Revision 1.21 2007/11/01 09:58:13 olga * Code refactoring: generic types- done * * Revision 1.20 2007/09/24 09:42:34 olga * AGG transformation engine tuning * * Revision 1.19 2007/09/17 10:50:00 olga * Bug fixed in graph transformation by rules with NACs and PACs . * AGG help docus extended by new implemented features. * * Revision 1.18 2007/09/10 13:05:19 olga * In this update: * - package xerces2.5.0 is not used anymore; * - class com.objectspace.jgl.Pair is replaced by the agg own generic class agg.util.Pair; * - bugs fixed in: usage of PACs in rules; match completion; * usage of static method calls in attr. conditions * - graph editing: added some new features * Revision 1.17 2007/06/13 08:33:09 olga Update: * V161 * * Revision 1.16 2007/05/07 07:59:30 olga CSP: extentions of CSP variables * concept * * Revision 1.15 2007/04/19 18:02:02 olga Gluing nodes bug fixed * * Revision 1.14 2007/04/19 14:50:04 olga Loading grammar - tuning * * Revision 1.13 2007/03/28 10:00:32 olga - extensive changes of Node/Edge Type * Editor, - first Undo implementation for graphs and Node/edge Type editing and * transformation, - new / reimplemented options for layered transformation, for * graph layouter - enable / disable for NACs, attr conditions, formula - GUI * tuning * * Revision 1.12 2006/12/18 08:33:48 olga Code optimization * * Revision 1.11 2006/12/13 13:32:58 enrico reimplemented code * * Revision 1.10 2006/11/02 10:41:26 enrico interface extension for AGG * * Revision 1.9 2006/08/02 09:00:57 olga Preliminary version 1.5.0 with - * multiple node type inheritance, - new implemented evolutionary graph layouter * for graph transformation sequences * * Revision 1.8 2006/05/29 07:59:42 olga GUI, undo delete - tuning. * * Revision 1.7 2006/04/03 08:57:50 olga New: Import Type Graph and some bugs * fixed * * Revision 1.6 2006/03/01 09:55:47 olga - new CPA algorithm, new CPA GUI * * Revision 1.5 2006/01/16 09:36:43 olga Extended attr. setting * * Revision 1.4 2005/12/21 14:50:09 olga tests * * Revision 1.3 2005/11/07 09:38:07 olga Null pointer during retype attr. member * fixed. * * Revision 1.2 2005/09/19 09:12:15 olga CPA GUI tuning * * Revision 1.1 2005/08/25 11:56:57 enrico *** empty log message *** * * Revision 1.3 2005/07/11 09:30:20 olga This is test version AGG V1.2.8alfa . * What is new: - saving rule option <disabled> - setting trigger rule for layer - * display attr. conditions in gragra tree view - CPA algorithm <dependencies> - * creating and display CPA graph with conflicts and/or dependencies based on * (.cpx) file * * Revision 1.2 2005/06/20 13:37:03 olga Up to now the version 1.2.8 will be * prepared. * * Revision 1.1 2005/05/30 12:58:03 olga Version with Eclipse * * Revision 1.34 2005/03/03 13:48:42 olga - Match with NACs and attr. conditions * with mixed variables - error corrected - save/load class packages written by * user - PACs : creating T-equivalents - improved - save/load matches of the * rules (only one match of a rule) - more friendly graph/rule editor GUI - more * syntactical checks in attr. editor * * Revision 1.33 2005/01/28 14:02:32 olga -Fehlerbehandlung beim Typgraph check * -Erweiterung CP GUI / CP Menu -Fehlerbehandlung mit identification option * -Fehlerbehandlung bei Rule PAC * * Revision 1.32 2005/01/05 08:56:13 olga Source tuning * * Revision 1.31 2004/12/20 14:53:47 olga Changes because of matching * optimisation. * * Revision 1.30 2004/09/23 08:26:43 olga Fehler bei CPs weg, Debug output in * file * * Revision 1.29 2004/09/13 10:21:14 olga Einige Erweiterungen und * Fehlerbeseitigung bei CPs und Graph Grammar Transformation * * Revision 1.28 2004/07/16 13:02:02 olga TypeGraph OK * * Revision 1.27 2004/07/15 11:13:10 olga CPs letzter Schliff * * Revision 1.26 2004/06/09 11:32:54 olga Attribute-Eingebe/Bedingungen : NAC * kann jetzt eigene Variablen und Bedingungen haben. CP Berechnung korregiert. * * Revision 1.25 2004/05/06 17:23:26 olga graph matching OK * * Revision 1.24 2004/04/28 12:46:38 olga test CSP * * Revision 1.23 2004/03/01 15:47:55 olga Tests * * Revision 1.22 2004/01/07 09:37:15 olga test * * Revision 1.21 2003/12/18 16:25:49 olga Tests. * * Revision 1.20 2003/10/16 08:20:41 olga XML Ausgabe angepasst * * Revision 1.19 2003/09/25 09:36:17 olga XreadObject, XwriteObject : Ausgabe * von String Typ umgestellt * * Revision 1.18 2003/07/17 17:20:16 olga Primitive Datentypen * * Revision 1.17 2003/07/16 14:49:19 olga Korrektur an den primitiven Datentypen * * Revision 1.16 2003/07/10 17:41:55 olga Parameter * * Revision 1.15 2003/07/10 14:03:26 olga Fehler bei XML Ausgabe fuer * char/Character eingebaut * * Revision 1.14 2003/03/05 18:24:22 komm sorted/optimized import statements * * Revision 1.13 2003/01/15 16:29:06 olga apply angepasst * * Revision 1.12 2003/01/15 11:35:44 olga Neue VerboseControl Konstante * :logJexParser zum Testen * * Revision 1.11 2002/12/20 11:25:06 olga Tests * * Revision 1.10 2002/12/19 14:24:28 olga XML Ausgabe korregiert * * Revision 1.9 2002/12/18 16:28:51 olga Einlesen von komplexen Ausdruecken in * der rechten Regelseite DONE * * Revision 1.8 2002/12/18 14:14:54 olga Fehler beim Einlesen von leeren Strings * bei Attributen im Arbeitsgraphen korregiert * * Revision 1.7 2002/11/25 14:56:27 olga Der Fehler unter Windows 2000 im * AttributEditor ist endlich behoben. Es laeuft aber mit Java1.3.0 laeuft * endgueltig nicht. Also nicht Java1.3.0 benutzen! * * Revision 1.6 2002/11/11 09:41:16 olga Nur Testausgaben * * Revision 1.5 2002/10/31 14:51:14 olga Verbesserung der Fehlerbehandlung beim * laden. * * Revision 1.4 2002/10/30 18:24:35 olga Attribute * * Revision 1.3 2002/10/30 18:06:43 olga Aenderung an der XML Ausgabe von * Values. * * Revision 1.2 2002/09/23 12:23:57 komm added type graph in xt_basis, editor * and GUI * * Revision 2002/07/11 12:17:02 olga Imported sources * * Revision 1.22 2001/05/14 12:10:43 olga Aenderungen wegen GenGEd: Match * Variable auf Variable - als Ergebnis nach Termersaetzung erscheint die * Variable in Klemmern: (x). Nur im Fall mit nur eine Variable werden die * Klammern weggelassen. Andere Aenderungen: Tests. * * Revision 1.21 2001/03/22 15:48:41 olga NULL Abfrage eingebaut. * * Revision 1.20 2001/03/15 18:19:20 olga *** empty log message *** * * Revision 1.19 2001/03/15 17:52:51 olga *** empty log message *** * * Revision 1.18 2001/03/15 17:18:58 olga *** empty log message *** * * Revision 1.17 2001/03/14 17:30:19 olga Test * * Revision 1.16 2001/02/21 15:49:15 olga Neue Methoden fuer den Parser. * * Revision 1.15 2001/02/15 16:00:03 olga Einige Aenderungen wegen XML * * Revision 1.14 2000/12/21 09:48:48 olga In dieser Version wurden XML und GUI * Reimplementierung zusammen gefuehrt. * * Revision 1.13 2000/12/07 14:23:35 matzmich XML-Kram Man beachte: xerces * (/home/tfs/gragra/AGG/LIB/Xerces/xerces.jar) wird jetzt im CLASSPATH * benoetigt. * * Revision 2000/12/04 13:25:52 olga Erste Stufe der GUI * Reimplementierung abgeschlossen: - optimiert - Print eingebaut * ( -, optimiert - Event * eingebaut - GraTra umgestellt * * ======= Revision 2000/12/04 13:25:52 olga Erste Stufe der GUI * Reimplementierung abgeschlossen: - optimiert - Print eingebaut * ( -, optimiert - Event * eingebaut - GraTra umgestellt * * ======= Revision 1.12 2000/06/05 14:07:54 shultzke Debugausgaben * fuer V1.0.0b geloescht * * Revision 1.11 2000/05/24 10:02:32 olga Nur Testausgaben eingebaut bei der * Suche nach dem Fehler in DISAGG : Match Konstante auf Konstante * * Revision 1.10 2000/05/17 11:57:01 olga Testversion an Gabi mit diversen * Aenderungen. Fehler sind moeglich!! * * Revision 1.9 2000/04/05 12:09:26 shultzke serialVersionUID aus V1.0.0 * generiert * * Revision 1.8 2000/03/15 08:18:25 olga Die Aenderungen betraffen nur * serialVersionUID in einigen Files, um alte Beispiele zu laden. Noch zu * klaeren od wir die alte Beispiele am Leben erhalten wollen. * * Revision 1.7 2000/03/14 10:57:34 shultzke Transformieren von Variablen auf * Variablen sollte jetzt funktionieren * * Revision 1.6 2000/03/03 11:40:53 shultzke Einige Zeilen Code aus einenader * gezogen, damit ich besser debuggen kann * * Revision 1.5 1999/10/11 09:31:58 olga *** empty log message *** * * Revision 1.4 1999/09/23 13:12:31 shultzke Exception ist transient, damit sie * nicht abgespeichert wird. */