import; import; import; import; import; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.List; import java.util.Vector; import agg.attribute.impl.ValueMember; import agg.attribute.impl.ValueTuple; import agg.util.XMLHelper; import agg.xt_basis.Arc; import agg.xt_basis.GraGra; import agg.xt_basis.Graph; import agg.xt_basis.Node; public class AGG2ColorGraph { private static XMLHelper h; private static GraGra gragra; private static String fileName; private String colorFileName; private int indx; private static String outputFileName; public AGG2ColorGraph(final String arg, final String arg1, final String arg2) { if (arg != null && arg.endsWith(".ggx")) { fileName = arg; } if (arg1 != null) { this.indx = 0; try { Integer I = Integer.valueOf(arg1); this.indx = I.intValue(); } catch (NumberFormatException ex) {} } if (arg2 != null && arg2.endsWith(".res")) { this.colorFileName = arg2; } if (fileName != null) { System.out.println("File name: " + fileName); /* load gragra */ gragra = load(fileName); } if (gragra != null) { if (this.colorFileName == null) { outputFileName = fileName.concat("-NodeEdge.col"); saveAGGNodeEdge2ColorGraph(gragra, outputFileName); System.out.println("Output file: " + outputFileName); // outputFileName = filename.concat(".col"); // saveAGG2ColorGraph(gragra, outputFileName); // System.out.println("Output file: " + outputFileName); // outputFileName = filename.concat(".aggcol"); // saveAGGColor(gragra, outputFileName); // System.out.println("AGG color Output file: " + outputFileName); } else { System.out.println("Import result from: " + this.colorFileName); final Graph graph = gragra.getGraph(this.indx); importColorGraph2AGG(gragra, graph);; } } else System.out.println("Grammar: " + fileName + " FAILED!"); } public static void main(String[] args) { String vers = System.getProperty("java.version"); if (vers.compareTo("1.5") < 0) { System.out.println("WARNING : Swing must be run with the " + "1.5 version of the JVM."); } if (args.length == 1) { new AGG2ColorGraph(args[0], String.valueOf(0), null); } else if (args.length == 2) { try { Integer.valueOf(args[1]); new AGG2ColorGraph(args[0], args[1], null); } catch (NumberFormatException ex) { new AGG2ColorGraph(args[0], null, args[1]); } } else if (args.length == 3) { new AGG2ColorGraph(args[0], args[1], args[2]); } else { warning(); return; } } static void warning() { System.out .println("Usage unaliased: java -oss3m -Xmx1000m agg.xt_basis.AGG2ColorGraph grammar.ggx [graph_index]"); System.out .println("Usage unaliased: java -oss3m -Xmx1000m agg.xt_basis.AGG2ColorGraph grammar.ggx [graph_index] color_graph.res"); System.out.println("Usage aliased:"); System.out.println("agg2color grammar.ggx [graph_index]"); System.out.println("Output file: grammar.col"); System.out.println("Import result:"); System.out.println("agg2color grammar.ggx [graph_index] color_graph.res"); } public GraGra load(String fName) { if (fName.endsWith(".ggx")) { h = new XMLHelper(); if (h.read_from_xml(fName)) { // create a gragra GraGra gra = new GraGra(false); h.getTopObject(gra); gra.setFileName(fName); return gra; } return null; } return null; } /** * Save all nodes and edges in GraphColor format. * @param gra * @param outFileName must end with ".col" */ public void saveAGG2ColorGraph(GraGra gra, String outFileName) { if (outputFileName.endsWith(".col")) { final List<Arc> edges = new Vector<Arc>(); edges.addAll(gragra.getGraph(this.indx).getArcsSet()); final List<Node> nodes = new Vector<Node>(); nodes.addAll(gragra.getGraph(this.indx).getNodesSet()); final File f = new File(outputFileName); ByteArrayOutputStream baOut = null; FileOutputStream fos = null; try { fos = new FileOutputStream(f); // write comment baOut = new ByteArrayOutputStream(); String comment = "c AGG (.ggx) to Color Graph (.col)\n"; // put in out stream and file baOut.write(comment.getBytes()); fos.write(baOut.toByteArray()); baOut.flush(); // write problem baOut = new ByteArrayOutputStream(); String problem = "p edge "; problem = problem.concat(String.valueOf(nodes.size())); problem = problem.concat(" "); problem = problem.concat(String.valueOf(edges.size())); problem = problem.concat("\n"); // put in out stream and file baOut.write(problem.getBytes()); fos.write(baOut.toByteArray()); baOut.flush(); for (int i=0; i<edges.size(); i++) { final Arc a = edges.get(i); int src = nodes.indexOf(a.getSource())+1; int tar = nodes.indexOf(a.getTarget())+1; String str = "e "; str = str.concat(String.valueOf(src)).concat(" "); str = str.concat(String.valueOf(tar).concat("\n")); // write edge line baOut = new ByteArrayOutputStream(); baOut.write(str.getBytes()); fos.write(baOut.toByteArray()); baOut.flush(); } } catch (IOException e) {} } } /** * Search the host graph of the grammar for subgraph with Node<--Edge-->Node structure, * where each edge starts at node Edge and ends at node Node. * Save this subgraph in GraphColor format. * @param gra * @param outFileName must end with ".col" */ public void saveAGGNodeEdge2ColorGraph(GraGra gra, String outFileName) { if (outputFileName.endsWith(".col")) { final List<Node> edges = new Vector<Node>(); final List<Node> nodes = new Vector<Node>(); nodes.addAll(gragra.getGraph(this.indx).getNodesSet()); for (int i=0; i<nodes.size(); i++) { final Node n = nodes.get(i); if (n.getType().getName().equals("Node")) { } else if (n.getType().getName().equals("Edge")) { edges.add(n); nodes.remove(i); i--; } else { nodes.remove(i); i--; } } final File f = new File(outputFileName); ByteArrayOutputStream baOut = null; FileOutputStream fos = null; try { fos = new FileOutputStream(f); // write comment baOut = new ByteArrayOutputStream(); String comment = "c AGG to Color Graph (.col)\n"; // put in out stream and file baOut.write(comment.getBytes()); fos.write(baOut.toByteArray()); baOut.flush(); // write problem baOut = new ByteArrayOutputStream(); String problem = "p edge "; problem = problem.concat(String.valueOf(nodes.size())); problem = problem.concat(" "); problem = problem.concat(String.valueOf(edges.size())); problem = problem.concat("\n"); // put in out stream and file baOut.write(problem.getBytes()); fos.write(baOut.toByteArray()); baOut.flush(); for (int i=0; i<edges.size(); i++) { final Node en = edges.get(i); Iterator<Arc> outs = en.getOutgoingArcs(); if (outs.hasNext()) { final Arc a =; int index = nodes.indexOf(a.getTarget())+1; while (outs.hasNext()) { final Arc aj =; int indxj = nodes.indexOf(aj.getTarget())+1; String str = "e "; str = str.concat(String.valueOf(index)).concat(" "); str = str.concat(String.valueOf(indxj).concat("\n")); // write edge line baOut = new ByteArrayOutputStream(); baOut.write(str.getBytes()); fos.write(baOut.toByteArray()); baOut.flush(); } } } } catch (IOException e) {} } } /** * Save color result which is computed by AGG grammar. * @param gra * @param outFileName must end with ".aggcol" */ public void saveAGGColor(GraGra gra, String outFileName) { if (outputFileName.endsWith(".aggcol")) { final List<Node> edges = new Vector<Node>(); final List<Node> nodes = new Vector<Node>(); nodes.addAll(gragra.getGraph(this.indx).getNodesSet()); for (int i=0; i<nodes.size(); i++) { final Node n = nodes.get(i); if (n.getType().getName().equals("Node")) { } else if (n.getType().getName().equals("Edge")) { edges.add(n); nodes.remove(i); i--; } else { nodes.remove(i); i--; } } final File f = new File(outputFileName); ByteArrayOutputStream baOut = null; FileOutputStream fos = null; try { fos = new FileOutputStream(f); // write comment baOut = new ByteArrayOutputStream(); String comment = "c AGG Color\n"; // put in out stream and file baOut.write(comment.getBytes()); fos.write(baOut.toByteArray()); baOut.flush(); // write problem baOut = new ByteArrayOutputStream(); String problem = "p edge "; problem = problem.concat(String.valueOf(nodes.size())); problem = problem.concat(" "); problem = problem.concat(String.valueOf(edges.size())); problem = problem.concat("\n"); // put in out stream and file baOut.write(problem.getBytes()); fos.write(baOut.toByteArray()); baOut.flush(); for (int i=0; i<nodes.size(); i++) { final Node n = nodes.get(i); ValueTuple val = (ValueTuple)n.getAttribute(); String color = ((ValueMember)val.getMemberAt("color")).getExprAsText(); color = color.concat(" "); // write color baOut = new ByteArrayOutputStream(); baOut.write(color.getBytes()); fos.write(baOut.toByteArray()); baOut.flush(); } } catch (IOException e) {} } } /** * Import a ColorGraph which is specified by String colorFileName * into the by index specified Graph of the specified GraGra. * @param gra * @param graph * @param colorFileName is the full file name and must end with ".res" */ private boolean importColorGraph2AGG(final GraGra gra, final Graph graph) { if (this.colorFileName.endsWith(".res")) { // final List<Node> edges = new Vector<Node>(); final List<Node> nodes = new Vector<Node>(); nodes.addAll(graph.getNodesSet()); for (int i=0; i<nodes.size(); i++) { final Node n = nodes.get(i); if (n.getType().getName().equals("Node")) { } else if (n.getType().getName().equals("Edge")) { // edges.add(n); nodes.remove(i); i--; } else { nodes.remove(i); i--; } } final File f = new File(this.colorFileName); FileInputStream fos = null; byte b[] = new byte[1024]; int count = 0; try { fos = new FileInputStream(f); while (count != -1) { count =; if (count != -1) { String s = new String(b); int lineEnd = s.indexOf("\n"); while (lineEnd != -1) { String str = s.substring(0, lineEnd); s = s.substring(lineEnd+1, s.length()-1); lineEnd = s.indexOf("\n"); if (lineEnd == -1) { while (str.charAt(0) == ' ') { str = str.substring(1, str.length()); } String[] str_e = str.split(" "); for (int i=0; i<str_e.length; i++) { String color = str_e[i].trim(); Node node = nodes.get(i); if (node.getAttribute() != null) { ValueTuple val = (ValueTuple) node.getAttribute(); ValueMember mem = val.getValueMemberAt("color"); if (mem == null) mem = val.getValueMemberAt("Color"); if (mem != null) mem.setExprAsText(color); } } } } } } return true; } catch (IOException e) {} } return false; } }