package agg.gui.editor; import java.awt.BorderLayout; import java.awt.Color; import java.awt.Cursor; import java.awt.Dimension; import java.awt.event.KeyEvent; import java.awt.event.ActionEvent; import java.awt.event.ActionListener; import java.awt.event.MouseEvent; import java.awt.Insets; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.List; import java.util.Vector; import java.util.Enumeration; import java.util.Hashtable; import javax.swing.JFrame; import javax.swing.JLabel; import javax.swing.JOptionPane; import javax.swing.JPanel; import javax.swing.JSplitPane; import javax.swing.JButton; import javax.swing.ImageIcon; import javax.swing.border.TitledBorder; import agg.attribute.gui.AttrTopEditor; import agg.editor.impl.EdArc; import agg.editor.impl.EdAtomic; import agg.editor.impl.EdGraGra; import agg.editor.impl.EdGraph; import agg.editor.impl.EdGraphObject; import agg.editor.impl.EdNAC; import agg.editor.impl.EdNestedApplCond; import agg.editor.impl.EdNode; import agg.editor.impl.EdPAC; //import agg.editor.impl.EdNode; import agg.editor.impl.EdRule; import agg.editor.impl.EdRuleScheme; import agg.editor.impl.Loop; import agg.gui.editor.RuleEditorMouseAdapter; import agg.gui.editor.RuleEditorMouseMotionAdapter; import agg.gui.popupmenu.EditPopupMenu; import agg.gui.popupmenu.EditSelPopupMenu; import agg.gui.popupmenu.ModePopupMenu; import agg.gui.saveload.GraphicsExportJPEG; import agg.xt_basis.OrdinaryMorphism; import agg.xt_basis.GraphObject; import agg.xt_basis.Node; import agg.xt_basis.Arc; import agg.xt_basis.agt.AmalgamatedRule; import agg.xt_basis.agt.KernelRule; import agg.xt_basis.agt.MultiRule; import agg.xt_basis.agt.RuleScheme; /** * The class RuleEditor specifies a rule editor for editing a rule of the class * EdRule. * * @author $Author: olga $ */ @SuppressWarnings("serial") public class RuleEditor extends JPanel { private final RuleEditorMouseAdapter mouseAdapter; private final RuleEditorMouseMotionAdapter mouseMotionAdapter; /** * Creates a rule editor. The main editor is specified by the GraGraEditor * anEditor or NULL */ public RuleEditor(GraGraEditor anEditor) { super(new BorderLayout()); this.mainPanel = this; this.mouseAdapter = new RuleEditorMouseAdapter(this); this.mouseMotionAdapter = new RuleEditorMouseMotionAdapter(this); this.leftPanel = new GraphPanel(this); final JPanel lPanel = new JPanel(new BorderLayout()); lPanel.setPreferredSize(new Dimension(250, 150)); lPanel.add(this.leftPanel, BorderLayout.CENTER); this.rightPanel = new GraphPanel(this); final JPanel rPanel = new JPanel(new BorderLayout()); rPanel.setPreferredSize(new Dimension(250, 150)); rPanel.add(this.rightPanel, BorderLayout.CENTER); this.ruleSplitPane = new JSplitPane(JSplitPane.HORIZONTAL_SPLIT, lPanel, rPanel); this.ruleSplitPane.setBackground(Color.WHITE); this.ruleSplitPane.setDividerSize(10); this.ruleSplitPane.setContinuousLayout(true); this.ruleSplitPane.setOneTouchExpandable(true); this.ruleDividerLocation = 250; this.ruleSplitPane.setDividerLocation(this.ruleDividerLocation); final JPanel panelRule = new JPanel(new BorderLayout()); panelRule.setPreferredSize(new Dimension(500, 150)); this.title = new JLabel(" "); // title.setIcon(ruleExportJPEG.getIcon()); this.exportJPEGButton = createExportJPEGButton(); final JPanel rtitlePanel = new JPanel(new BorderLayout()); rtitlePanel.add(this.title, BorderLayout.WEST); if (this.exportJPEGButton != null) rtitlePanel.add(this.exportJPEGButton, BorderLayout.EAST); panelRule.add(rtitlePanel, BorderLayout.NORTH); panelRule.add(this.ruleSplitPane, BorderLayout.CENTER); this.leftCondPanel = new GraphPanel(this); this.titleAC = new JLabel(" "); this.leftCondPanel.add(this.titleAC, BorderLayout.NORTH); this.splitPane = new JSplitPane(JSplitPane.HORIZONTAL_SPLIT, null, panelRule); this.splitPane.setContinuousLayout(true); this.splitPane.setOneTouchExpandable(true); this.splitPane.setDividerSize(0); this.acDividerLocation = 150; this.dividerLocationSet = new Hashtable<Object, Integer>(0); add(this.splitPane, BorderLayout.CENTER); this.gragraEditor = anEditor; if (this.gragraEditor != null) { this.applFrame = anEditor.getParentFrame(); if (this.gragraEditor.getGraphEditor() != null) this.graphEditor = this.gragraEditor.getGraphEditor(); } else this.applFrame = null; this.leftPanel.getCanvas().addMouseListener(this.mouseAdapter); this.rightPanel.getCanvas().addMouseListener(this.mouseAdapter); this.leftCondPanel.getCanvas().addMouseListener(this.mouseAdapter); this.leftPanel.getCanvas().addMouseMotionListener(this.mouseMotionAdapter); this.rightPanel.getCanvas().addMouseMotionListener(this.mouseMotionAdapter); this.leftCondPanel.getCanvas().addMouseMotionListener(this.mouseMotionAdapter); } public JFrame getApplFrame() { return this.applFrame; } public void setCursorOfApplFrame(Cursor cursor) { if (this.applFrame != null) this.applFrame.setCursor(cursor); } private JButton createExportJPEGButton() { url = ClassLoader.getSystemClassLoader() .getResource("agg/lib/icons/print.gif"); if (url != null) { ImageIcon image = new ImageIcon(url); // System.out.println(image); JButton b = new JButton(image); b.setToolTipText("Export Rule JPEG"); b.setMargin(new Insets(-5, 0, -5, 0)); b.addActionListener(new ActionListener() { public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) { if (RuleEditor.this.exportJPEG != null) if (! { JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(RuleEditor.this.applFrame, "Cannot export to JPEG." +"\nThere are problems with the Class " +"\n com.sun.image.codec.jpeg.JPEGImageEncoder " +"\nand the currently used JAVA 1.6 version.", "Expost failed", JOptionPane.ERROR_MESSAGE); } } }); b.setEnabled(false); return b; } return null; } public void setMoveCursorWhenLoop(EdGraphObject ego) { if (this.applFrame == null || ego == null || !ego.isArc() || ((EdArc) ego).isLine()) return; EdArc ea = (EdArc) ego; if (ea.getAnchorID() == Loop.CENTER) this.applFrame.setCursor(new Cursor(Cursor.MOVE_CURSOR)); else if (ea.getAnchorID() == Loop.UPPER_LEFT) this.applFrame.setCursor(new Cursor(Cursor.NW_RESIZE_CURSOR)); else if (ea.getAnchorID() == Loop.UPPER_RIGHT) this.applFrame.setCursor(new Cursor(Cursor.NE_RESIZE_CURSOR)); else if (ea.getAnchorID() == Loop.BOTTOM_RIGHT) this.applFrame.setCursor(new Cursor(Cursor.SE_RESIZE_CURSOR)); else if (ea.getAnchorID() == Loop.BOTTOM_LEFT) this.applFrame.setCursor(new Cursor(Cursor.SW_RESIZE_CURSOR)); } public boolean setRuleMapping(EdGraphObject leftgo, EdGraphObject rightgo) { if (leftgo == null || rightgo == null) return false; if (this.eRule.getBasisRule() instanceof MultiRule) { if ( ((MultiRule) this.eRule.getBasisRule()) .isTargetOfEmbeddingLeft(leftgo.getBasisObject()) || ((MultiRule) this.eRule.getBasisRule()) .isTargetOfEmbeddingRight(rightgo.getBasisObject()) ) { if (!this.eRule.getBasisRule().getInverseImage(rightgo.getBasisObject()).hasMoreElements()) { JOptionPane.showMessageDialog( this.applFrame, "Mapping failed!" +"\nNew objects of kernel rule cannot be mapped from a multi rule.", "Mapping Error", JOptionPane.ERROR_MESSAGE); return false; } else { // evntl. error msg // JOptionPane.showMessageDialog( // this.applFrame, // "Mapping failed!" // +"\nObjects of kernel rule cannot be mapped from a multi rule.", // "Mapping Error", // JOptionPane.ERROR_MESSAGE); // return false; } } } this.eRule.addCreatedMappingToUndo(leftgo, rightgo); this.eRule.interactRule(leftgo, rightgo); this.eRule.propagateAddRuleMappingToMultiRule(leftgo, rightgo); this.leftPanel.updateGraphics(); this.rightPanel.updateGraphics(); if (this.eRule.isBadMapping()) { this.eRule.undoManagerLastEditDie(); this.msg = this.eRule.getMsg(); if (leftgo.isArc()) { javax.swing.JOptionPane .showMessageDialog( this.applFrame, this.msg, "Mapping Error", javax.swing.JOptionPane.ERROR_MESSAGE); } return false; } this.eRule.undoManagerEndEdit(); if (this.gragraEditor != null) this.gragraEditor.updateUndoButton(); // if (this.applFrame != null) // this.applFrame.setCursor(this.rightPanel.getEditCursor()); return true; } public boolean removeRuleMapping(EdGraphObject go, boolean ruleLHS) { if (go == null) return false; if (ruleLHS && go.getContext() == this.eRule.getLeft()) { if (this.eRule.getBasisRule() instanceof MultiRule) { if (!go.getMorphismMark().isEmpty() && ((MultiRule) this.eRule.getBasisRule()) .isTargetOfEmbeddingLeft(go.getBasisObject())) { JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(this.applFrame, "Cannot remove this mapping. It should be removed from the kernel rule.", "Remove Rule Object Mapping", JOptionPane.ERROR_MESSAGE); return false; } } EdGraphObject rgo = null; if (this.eRule instanceof EdAtomic) { rgo = this.eRule.getRight().findGraphObject( ((EdAtomic) this.eRule).getBasisAtomic().getImage( go.getBasisObject())); } else { this.eRule.propagateRemoveRuleMappingToMultiRule(go); rgo = this.eRule.getRight().findGraphObject( this.eRule.getBasisRule().getImage(go.getBasisObject())); } if (rgo != null) { this.eRule.addDeletedMappingToUndo(go, rgo); this.eRule.removeRuleMapping(go); this.eRule.undoManagerEndEdit(); if (this.gragraEditor != null) { this.gragraEditor.updateUndoButton(); this.gragraEditor.getGraGra().setChanged(true); } return true; } return false; } // ruleRHS if (go.getContext() == this.eRule.getRight()) { if (this.eRule.getBasisRule() instanceof MultiRule) { if (!go.getMorphismMark().isEmpty() && ((MultiRule) this.eRule.getBasisRule()) .isTargetOfEmbeddingRight(go.getBasisObject())) { JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(this.applFrame, "Cannot remove this mapping. It should be removed from the kernel rule.", "Remove Graph Object Mapping", JOptionPane.ERROR_MESSAGE); return false; } } Vector<EdGraphObject> vec = this.eRule.getOriginal(go); boolean result = false; for (int i = 0; i < vec.size(); i++) { EdGraphObject lgo = vec.get(i); result = removeRuleMapping(lgo, true) || result; } if (result && this.gragraEditor != null) this.gragraEditor.getGraGra().setChanged(true); return result; } return false; } public void setMappingRule(final EdGraphObject lobj, final EdGraphObject robj) { if (lobj != null && robj != null) { if (this.isEditPopupMenuShown() && this.getEditPopupMenu().isMapping()) { this.setObjMapping(true); } if (this.setRuleMapping(lobj, robj)) { this.getLeftPanel().updateGraphics(); this.getRightPanel().updateGraphics(); } } if (lobj != null) this.getLeftPanel().updateGraphics(); // wegen weak selected this.setObjMapping(false); if (this.isEditPopupMenuShown() && this.getEditPopupMenu().isMapping() && !this.isObjMapping()) this.resetEditModeAfterMapping(); } public void setMappingRule(final List<EdGraphObject> lobjs, final EdGraphObject robj) { if (lobjs != null && robj != null) { if (this.isEditSelPopupMenuShown() && this.getEditSelPopupMenu().isMapping()) { this.setObjMapping(true); } boolean done = !lobjs.isEmpty(); for (EdGraphObject lobj: lobjs) { if (this.setRuleMapping(lobj, robj)) { done = true; } } if (done) { this.getLeftPanel().updateGraphics(); this.getRightPanel().updateGraphics(); } this.setObjMapping(false); } if (this.isEditPopupMenuShown() && this.getEditPopupMenu().isMapping() && !this.isObjMapping()) this.resetEditModeAfterMapping(); } public void setMappingApplCond(final EdGraphObject lobj, final EdGraphObject cobj) { if (lobj != null && cobj != null) { if (this.isEditPopupMenuShown() && this.getEditPopupMenu().isMapping()) this.setObjMapping(true); if (this.getNAC() != null && this.setNACMapping(lobj, cobj)) { this.getLeftPanel().updateGraphics(); this.getLeftCondPanel().updateGraphics(); } else if (this.getPAC() != null && this.setPACMapping(lobj, cobj)) { this.getLeftPanel().updateGraphics(); this.getLeftCondPanel().updateGraphics(); } else if (this.getNestedAC() != null && this.setNestedACMapping(lobj, cobj)) { this.getLeftPanel().updateGraphics(); this.getLeftCondPanel().updateGraphics(); } } if (lobj != null) this.getLeftPanel().updateGraphics(); // wegen weak selected this.setObjMapping(false); if (this.isEditPopupMenuShown() && this.getEditPopupMenu().isMapping() && !this.isObjMapping()) this.resetEditModeAfterMapping(); } public void setMappingApplCond(final List<EdGraphObject> lobjs, final EdGraphObject cobj) { if (lobjs != null && cobj != null) { if (this.isEditSelPopupMenuShown() && this.getEditSelPopupMenu().isMapping()) this.setObjMapping(true); boolean done = !lobjs.isEmpty(); for (EdGraphObject lobj : lobjs) { if (this.getNAC() != null && this.setNACMapping(lobj, cobj)) { done = true; } else if (this.getPAC() != null && this.setPACMapping(lobj, cobj)) { done = true; } else if (this.getNestedAC() != null && this.setNestedACMapping(lobj, cobj)) { done = true; } } if (done) { this.getLeftPanel().updateGraphics(); this.getLeftCondPanel().updateGraphics(); } } this.setObjMapping(false); if (this.isEditPopupMenuShown() && this.getEditPopupMenu().isMapping() && !this.isObjMapping()) this.resetEditModeAfterMapping(); } public void setMappingGraph(final EdGraphObject lobj, final EdGraphObject gobj) { if (lobj != null && gobj != null) { if (this.isEditPopupMenuShown() && this.getEditPopupMenu().isMapping()) this.setObjMapping(true); if (this.setMatchMapping(lobj, gobj)) { this.getLeftPanel().updateGraphics(); this.getGraphEditor().getGraphPanel().updateGraphics(); } } if (lobj != null) this.getLeftPanel().updateGraphics(); // wegen weak selected this.setObjMapping(false); if (this.isEditPopupMenuShown() && this.getEditPopupMenu().isMapping() && !this.isObjMapping()) this.resetEditModeAfterMapping(); } public void setMappingGraph(final List<EdGraphObject> lobjs, final EdGraphObject gobj) { if (lobjs != null && gobj != null) { if (this.isEditSelPopupMenuShown() && this.getEditSelPopupMenu().isMapping()) this.setObjMapping(true); boolean done = !lobjs.isEmpty(); for (EdGraphObject lobj: lobjs) { if (this.setMatchMapping(lobj, gobj)) done = true; } if (done) { this.getLeftPanel().updateGraphics(); this.getGraphEditor().getGraphPanel().updateGraphics(); } } this.setObjMapping(false); if (this.isEditPopupMenuShown() && this.getEditPopupMenu().isMapping() && !this.isObjMapping()) this.resetEditModeAfterMapping(); } public void removeMappingLeft(final EdGraphObject obj) { if (obj == null) return; boolean unmapdone = false; Vector<EdGraphObject> l = new Vector<EdGraphObject>(1); EdGraphObject lgo = null; if (obj.isSelected()) l.addAll(this.getRule().getLeft().getSelectedObjs()); else l.add(obj); for (int i = 0; i < l.size(); i++) { lgo = l.elementAt(i); if (this.removeRuleMapping(lgo, true) || (this.getNAC() != null && this.removeNacMapping(lgo, true)) || (this.getPAC() != null && this.removePacMapping(lgo, true)) || (this.getNestedAC() != null && this.removeNestedACMapping(obj, true))) unmapdone = true; if (this.getRule().getMatch() != null && this.removeMatchMapping(lgo, true)) unmapdone = true; } if (unmapdone) { this.leftPanel.updateGraphics(); this.rightPanel.updateGraphics(); if (this.getNAC() != null) this.leftCondPanel.updateGraphics(); else if (this.getPAC() != null) this.leftCondPanel.updateGraphics(); else if (this.getNestedAC() != null) this.leftCondPanel.updateGraphics(); if (this.getRule().getMatch() != null && this.getGraphEditor() != null) this.getGraphEditor().getGraphPanel().updateGraphics(); } } public void removeMappingRight(final EdGraphObject obj) { if (obj == null) return; Vector<EdGraphObject> vec = null; boolean unmapdone = false; EdGraphObject imageObj = null; Vector<EdGraphObject> l = new Vector<EdGraphObject>(1); if (obj.isSelected()) l.addAll(this.getRule().getRight().getSelectedObjs()); else l.add(obj); for (int i = 0; i < l.size(); i++) { imageObj = l.elementAt(i); vec = this.getRule().getOriginal(imageObj); for (int j = 0; j < vec.size(); j++) { EdGraphObject go = vec.get(j); if (this.removeRuleMapping(go, true)) unmapdone = true; } } if (unmapdone) { this.leftPanel.updateGraphics(); this.rightPanel.updateGraphics(); } } public void removeMappingApplCond(final EdGraphObject obj) { if (obj == null) return; // this.leftCondObj = this.editor.setLeftCondGraphObject(this.editor.getNACPanel().getGraph().getPicked(x, y)); boolean unmapdone = false; Vector<EdGraphObject> vec = null; EdGraphObject imageObj = null; EdGraphObject go = null; Vector<EdGraphObject> l = new Vector<EdGraphObject>(1); if (this.getNAC() != null) { if (obj.isSelected()) l.addAll(this.getNAC().getSelectedObjs()); else l.add(obj); for (int i = 0; i < l.size(); i++) { imageObj = l.elementAt(i); vec = this.getNAC().getOriginal(imageObj); for (int j = 0; j < vec.size(); j++) { go = vec.get(j); if (this.removeNacMapping(go, true)) unmapdone = true; } } } else if (this.getPAC() != null) { if (obj.isSelected()) l.addAll(this.getPAC().getSelectedObjs()); else l.add(obj); for (int i = 0; i < l.size(); i++) { imageObj = l.elementAt(i); vec = this.getPAC().getOriginal(imageObj); for (int j = 0; j < vec.size(); j++) { go = vec.get(j); if (this.removePacMapping(go, true)) unmapdone = true; } } } else if (this.getNestedAC() != null) { if (obj.isSelected()) l.addAll(this.getNestedAC().getSelectedObjs()); else l.add(obj); for (int i = 0; i < l.size(); i++) { imageObj = l.elementAt(i); vec = this.getNestedAC().getOriginal(imageObj); for (int j = 0; j < vec.size(); j++) { go = vec.get(j); if (this.removeNestedACMapping(go, true)) unmapdone = true; } } } if (unmapdone) { this.leftPanel.updateGraphics(); this.leftCondPanel.updateGraphics(); } } public void removeMappingGraph(final EdGraphObject obj) { if (this.getGraphEditor() != null && obj != null) { boolean unmapdone = false; Enumeration<GraphObject> inverse = null; EdGraphObject lgo = null; if (obj.isSelected()) { EdGraphObject imageObj = null; for (int i = 0; i < this.getGraphEditor().getGraph() .getSelectedObjs().size(); i++) { imageObj = this.getGraphEditor().getGraph().getSelectedObjs().get(i); inverse = this.getRule().getMatch() .getInverseImage(imageObj.getBasisObject()); while (inverse.hasMoreElements()) { lgo = this.getRule().getLeft().findGraphObject(inverse.nextElement()); if (this.removeMatchMapping(lgo, true)) unmapdone = true; } } } else if (this.getRule().getMatch() != null) { inverse = this.getRule().getMatch().getInverseImage(obj.getBasisObject()); while (inverse.hasMoreElements()) { lgo = this.getRule().getLeft().findGraphObject(inverse.nextElement()); if (this.removeMatchMapping(lgo, true)) unmapdone = true; } } if (unmapdone) { this.leftPanel.updateGraphics(); this.getGraphEditor().getGraphPanel().updateGraphics(); } } } public boolean setNACMapping(EdGraphObject leftgo, EdGraphObject nacgo) { if (leftgo == null || nacgo == null) return false; this.eRule.addCreatedNACMappingToUndo(leftgo, nacgo); this.eRule.interactNAC(leftgo, nacgo, this.eNAC.getMorphism()); if (!this.eRule.getBasisRule() .compareConstantAttributeValue(leftgo.getBasisObject(), nacgo.getBasisObject())) { JOptionPane.showMessageDialog( this.applFrame, "NAC attribute value failed!" +"\nThe value of an attribute member of a NAC " + "\nhas to be equal to the correspondent " + "\nattribute value of the LHS of a rule." +"\nNAC attribute value will be unset.", "Attribute value changed", JOptionPane.ERROR_MESSAGE); } this.leftPanel.updateGraphics(); this.leftCondPanel.updateGraphics(); if (this.eRule.isBadMapping()) { this.eRule.undoManagerLastEditDie(); this.msg = this.eRule.getMsg(); if (leftgo.isArc()) { javax.swing.JOptionPane .showMessageDialog( this.applFrame, this.msg, "Mapping Error", javax.swing.JOptionPane.ERROR_MESSAGE); } return false; } this.eRule.undoManagerEndEdit(); if (this.gragraEditor != null) { this.gragraEditor.updateUndoButton(); this.gragraEditor.getGraGra().setChanged(true); } return true; } /** * Removes morphism mapping of the given object. * The given object must to belong to the LHS of a rule when left is true, * otherwise it is an object of the current NAC. * * @return true if remove was successful, otherwise - false */ public boolean removeNacMapping(final EdGraphObject go, boolean left) { if (go == null || this.eNAC == null) return false; if (left) { EdGraphObject ngo = this.eNAC.findGraphObject(this.eNAC.getMorphism() .getImage(go.getBasisObject())); if (ngo != null) { this.eRule.addDeletedNACMappingToUndo(go, ngo); this.eRule.removeNACMapping(go, this.eNAC.getMorphism()); this.eRule.undoManagerEndEdit(); if (this.gragraEditor != null) { this.gragraEditor.updateUndoButton(); this.gragraEditor.getGraGra().setChanged(true); } return true; } return false; } boolean res = false; Vector<EdGraphObject> vec = this.eNAC.getOriginal(go); for (int i = 0; i < vec.size(); i++) { EdGraphObject lgo = vec.get(i); res = removeNacMapping(lgo, true) || res; } return res; } /** * Removes morphism mapping from the given object of the LHS of a rule * to the image objects of all its NACs. * * @return true if remove was successful, otherwise - false */ public boolean removeNacMapping(final EdGraphObject left) { if (left == null) return false; boolean result = false; for (int i = 0; i < this.eRule.getNACs().size(); i++) { EdNAC nac = this.eRule.getNACs().get(i); EdGraphObject ngo = nac.findGraphObject(nac.getMorphism().getImage( left.getBasisObject())); if (ngo != null) { this.eRule.addDeletedNACMappingToUndo(left, ngo); this.eRule.removeNACMapping(left, nac.getMorphism()); this.eRule.undoManagerEndEdit(); result = true; } } if (result && this.gragraEditor != null) { this.gragraEditor.updateUndoButton(); this.gragraEditor.getGraGra().setChanged(true); } return result; } public boolean setPACMapping(EdGraphObject leftgo, EdGraphObject pacgo) { if (leftgo == null || pacgo == null) return false; this.eRule.addCreatedACMappingToUndo(leftgo, pacgo); this.eRule.interactPAC(leftgo, pacgo, this.ePAC.getMorphism()); if (!this.eRule.getBasisRule() .compareConstantAttributeValue(leftgo.getBasisObject(), pacgo.getBasisObject())) { JOptionPane.showMessageDialog( this.applFrame, "PAC attribute value failed!" +"\nThe value of each attribute of a PAC " + "\nhas to be equal to the correspondent " + "\nattribute value of the LHS of a rule." +"\nThe PAC attribute value will be unset.", "Attribute value changed", JOptionPane.ERROR_MESSAGE); } this.leftPanel.updateGraphics(); this.leftCondPanel.updateGraphics(); if (this.eRule.isBadMapping()) { this.eRule.undoManagerLastEditDie(); this.msg = this.eRule.getMsg(); if (leftgo.isArc()) { javax.swing.JOptionPane .showMessageDialog( this.applFrame, this.msg, "Mapping Error", javax.swing.JOptionPane.ERROR_MESSAGE); } return false; } this.eRule.undoManagerEndEdit(); if (this.gragraEditor != null) { this.gragraEditor.updateUndoButton(); this.gragraEditor.getGraGra().setChanged(true); } return true; } /** * Removes morphism mapping of the given object. * The given object must to belong to the LHS of a rule when left is true, * otherwise it is an object of the current PAC. * * @return true if remove was successful, otherwise - false */ public boolean removePacMapping(final EdGraphObject go, boolean left) { if (go == null || this.ePAC == null) return false; if (left) { EdGraphObject pgo = this.ePAC.findGraphObject(this.ePAC.getMorphism() .getImage(go.getBasisObject())); if (pgo != null) { this.eRule.addDeletedPACMappingToUndo(go, pgo); this.eRule.removePACMapping(go, this.ePAC.getMorphism()); this.eRule.undoManagerEndEdit(); if (this.gragraEditor != null) { this.gragraEditor.updateUndoButton(); this.gragraEditor.getGraGra().setChanged(true); } return true; } return false; } boolean res = false; Vector<EdGraphObject> vec = this.ePAC.getOriginal(go); for (int i = 0; i < vec.size(); i++) { EdGraphObject lgo = vec.get(i); res = removePacMapping(lgo, true) || res; } return res; } /** * Removes morphism mapping from the given object of the LHS of a rule * to the image objects of all its PACs. * * @return true if remove was successful, otherwise - false */ public boolean removePacMapping(final EdGraphObject goLHS) { if (goLHS == null) return false; boolean result = false; for (int i = 0; i < this.eRule.getPACs().size(); i++) { EdPAC pac = this.eRule.getPACs().get(i); EdGraphObject pgo = pac.findGraphObject(pac.getMorphism().getImage( goLHS.getBasisObject())); if (pgo != null) { this.eRule.addDeletedPACMappingToUndo(goLHS, pgo); this.eRule.removePACMapping(goLHS, pac.getMorphism()); this.eRule.undoManagerEndEdit(); result = true; } } if (result && this.gragraEditor != null) { this.gragraEditor.updateUndoButton(); this.gragraEditor.getGraGra().setChanged(true); } return result; } public boolean setNestedACMapping(EdGraphObject leftgo, EdGraphObject acgo) { if (leftgo == null || acgo == null) return false; this.eRule.addCreatedACMappingToUndo(leftgo, acgo); this.eRule.interactNestedAC(leftgo, acgo, this.eGAC.getNestedMorphism()); this.eRule.updateNestedAC(this.eGAC); this.leftPanel.updateGraphics(); this.leftCondPanel.updateGraphics(); if (this.eRule.isBadMapping()) { this.eRule.undoManagerLastEditDie(); this.msg = this.eRule.getMsg(); if (leftgo.isArc()) { javax.swing.JOptionPane .showMessageDialog( this.applFrame, this.msg, "Mapping Error", javax.swing.JOptionPane.ERROR_MESSAGE); } return false; } this.eRule.undoManagerEndEdit(); if (this.gragraEditor != null) { this.gragraEditor.updateUndoButton(); this.gragraEditor.getGraGra().setChanged(true); } return true; } /** * Removes morphism mapping of the given object. * The given object must to belong to the LHS of a rule when left is true, * otherwise it is an object of the current AC. * * @return true if remove was successful, otherwise - false */ public boolean removeNestedACMapping(final EdGraphObject go, boolean left) { if (go == null || this.eGAC == null) return false; if (left) { EdGraphObject pgo = this.eGAC.findGraphObject(this.eGAC.getMorphism() .getImage(go.getBasisObject())); if (pgo != null) { if (this.eGAC.getParent() == null) { // rule case this.eRule.addDeletedACMappingToUndo(go, pgo); this.eRule.removeNestedACMapping(go, this.eGAC.getNestedMorphism()); this.eRule.undoManagerEndEdit(); } else { // nested appl cond case this.eGAC.getParent().addDeletedMappingToUndo(go, pgo); this.eGAC.getParent().removeNestedACMapping(go, this.eGAC); this.eGAC.undoManagerEndEdit(); } if (this.gragraEditor != null) { this.gragraEditor.updateUndoButton(); this.gragraEditor.getGraGra().setChanged(true); } return true; } return false; } boolean res = false; Vector<EdGraphObject> vec = this.eGAC.getOriginal(go); for (int i = 0; i < vec.size(); i++) { EdGraphObject lgo = vec.get(i); res = res || removeNestedACMapping(lgo, true) || res; } if (res) this.eGAC.updateNestedACs(); return res; } /** * Removes morphism mapping from the given object of the LHS of a rule * to the image objects of all its nested ACs. */ public boolean removeNestedACMapping(final EdGraphObject left) { if (left == null) return false; boolean result = false; for (int i = 0; i < this.eRule.getNestedACs().size(); i++) { EdNestedApplCond ac = (EdNestedApplCond) this.eRule.getNestedACs().get(i); EdGraphObject go = ac.findGraphObject(ac.getMorphism().getImage( left.getBasisObject())); if (go != null) { this.eRule.addDeletedACMappingToUndo(left, go); this.eRule.removeNestedACMapping(left, ac.getNestedMorphism()); this.eRule.undoManagerEndEdit(); result = true; } } if (result && this.gragraEditor != null) { this.gragraEditor.updateUndoButton(); this.gragraEditor.getGraGra().setChanged(true); } return result; } /** * Removes morphism mapping of the given object. * The given object must to belong to the LHS of a rule. * The image objects can be objects of the ACs of the given list. * * @return true if remove was successful, otherwise - false */ public boolean removeNestedACMapping( final EdGraphObject left, final EdNestedApplCond cond, final List<EdNestedApplCond> list) { if (left == null) return false; boolean result = false; for (int i = 0; i < list.size(); i++) { EdNestedApplCond ac = list.get(i); EdGraphObject go = ac.findGraphObject(ac.getMorphism().getImage( left.getBasisObject())); if (go != null) { ac.addDeletedMappingToUndo(left, go); cond.removeNestedACMapping(left, ac); ac.undoManagerEndEdit(); result = true; } } if (result && this.gragraEditor != null) { this.gragraEditor.updateUndoButton(); this.gragraEditor.getGraGra().setChanged(true); } return result; } public boolean setMatchMapping(EdGraphObject leftgo, EdGraphObject graphgo) { // System.out.println("RuleEditor.setMatchMapping"); if (leftgo == null || graphgo == null) return false; if (this.eRule.getBasisRule().getMatch() == null) this.eRule.getGraGra().getBasisGraGra() .createMatch(this.eRule.getBasisRule()); this.eRule.getBasisRule().getMatch().setCompletionStrategy( this.eRule.getGraGra().getBasisGraGra() .getMorphismCompletionStrategy()); this.eRule.addCreatedMatchMappingToUndo(leftgo, graphgo); this.eRule.interactMatch(leftgo, graphgo); if (this.eRule.isBadMapping()) { this.eRule.undoManagerLastEditDie(); this.msg = this.eRule.getMsg(); javax.swing.JOptionPane .showMessageDialog( this.applFrame, this.msg, "Mapping Error", javax.swing.JOptionPane.ERROR_MESSAGE); return false; } this.eRule.undoManagerEndEdit(); if (this.gragraEditor != null) this.gragraEditor.updateUndoButton(); if (this.graphEditor != null) this.graphEditor.getGraph().update(); return true; } public boolean removeMatchMapping(EdGraphObject go, boolean left) { if (go == null || this.eRule.getMatch() == null) return false; if (left && this.graphEditor != null) { EdGraphObject ggo = this.graphEditor.getGraph().findGraphObject( this.eRule.getMatch().getImage(go.getBasisObject())); if (ggo != null) { this.eRule.addDeletedMatchMappingToUndo(go, ggo); this.eRule.removeMatchMapping(go); this.eRule.undoManagerEndEdit(); if (this.gragraEditor != null) this.gragraEditor.updateUndoButton(); this.graphEditor.getGraph().update(); return true; } return false; } boolean res = false; Enumeration<GraphObject> inverse = this.eRule.getMatch().getInverseImage( go.getBasisObject()); while (inverse.hasMoreElements()) { GraphObject o = inverse.nextElement(); EdGraphObject lgo = this.eRule.getLeft().findGraphObject(o); res = removeMatchMapping(lgo, true) || res; } return res; } /** **** End of the implementing interface MouseMotionListener ****** */ /** * Enables or disables synchronized moving of mapped nodes and edges of the * current rule. */ public void enableSynchronMoveOfMappedObjects(boolean b) { this.synchrMoveOfMapObjs = b; } public boolean isSynchronMoveOfMappedObjectsEnabled() { return this.synchrMoveOfMapObjs; } public boolean isLeftDragging(){ return this.draggingL; } public void setLeftDragging(boolean b){ this.draggingL = b; } public boolean isRightDragging(){ return this.draggingR; } public void setRightDragging(boolean b){ this.draggingR = b; } public boolean isLeftCondDragging(){ return this.draggingC; } public void setLeftCondDragging(boolean b){ this.draggingC = b; } public Vector<EdGraphObject> getImages(EdGraph imageGraph, OrdinaryMorphism morph, Vector<EdGraphObject> objs) { Vector<EdGraphObject> res = new Vector<EdGraphObject>(5); for (int i = 0; i < objs.size(); i++) { EdGraphObject go = objs.get(i); GraphObject img = morph.getImage(go.getBasisObject()); if (img != null) { EdGraphObject obj = imageGraph.findGraphObject(img); if (obj == null) continue; if (img instanceof Node) { res.add(obj); Iterator<Arc> e = ((Node) img).getIncomingArcsSet().iterator(); while (e.hasNext()) { Arc a =; if (morph.getInverseImage(a).hasMoreElements()) { EdArc ea = imageGraph.findArc(a); if (ea != null && res.contains(ea.getSource()) && !res.contains(ea)) res.add(ea); } } e = ((Node) img).getOutgoingArcsSet().iterator(); while (e.hasNext()) { Arc a =; if (morph.getInverseImage(a).hasMoreElements()) { EdArc ea = imageGraph.findArc(a); if (ea != null && res.contains(ea.getTarget()) && !res.contains(ea)) res.add(ea); } } } else if (!res.contains(obj)) { // System.out.println(obj); res.add(obj); } } } return res; } public Vector<EdGraphObject> getInverseImages(EdGraph imageGraph, OrdinaryMorphism morph, Vector<EdGraphObject> objs) { Vector<EdGraphObject> res = new Vector<EdGraphObject>(5); for (int i = 0; i < objs.size(); i++) { EdGraphObject go = objs.get(i); Enumeration<GraphObject> en = morph.getInverseImage(go.getBasisObject()); while (en.hasMoreElements()) { GraphObject img = en.nextElement(); if (img != null) { EdGraphObject obj = imageGraph.findGraphObject(img); if (obj == null) continue; if (img instanceof Node) { res.add(obj); Iterator<Arc> e = ((Node) img).getIncomingArcsSet().iterator(); while (e.hasNext()) { Arc a =; if (morph.getImage(a) != null) { EdArc ea = imageGraph.findArc(a); if (ea != null && res.contains(ea.getSource()) && !res.contains(ea)) res.add(ea); } } e = ((Node) img).getOutgoingArcsSet().iterator(); while (e.hasNext()) { Arc a =; if (morph.getImage(a) != null) { EdArc ea = imageGraph.findArc(a); if (ea != null && res.contains(ea.getTarget()) && !res.contains(ea)) res.add(ea); } } } else if (!res.contains(obj)) { // System.out.println(obj); res.add(obj); } } } } return res; } /* * ********************************** KeyListener methods * ********************************** */ public void keyPressed(KeyEvent e) { if (this.leftPanel.getEditMode() == EditorConstants.VIEW) return; Object source = e.getSource(); int keyCode = e.getKeyCode(); // System.out.println(">>>RuleEditor keyPressed "+keyCode); if (source == this.leftPanel.getCanvas()) { // || source == this.rightPanel.getCanvas() // || source == leftCondPanel.getCanvas()) { switch (keyCode) { case KeyEvent.VK_DELETE: System.out.println("KeyEvent.VK_DELETE"); removeProc(); break; default: break; } } } public void keyReleased(KeyEvent e) { if (this.leftPanel.getEditMode() == EditorConstants.VIEW) return; Object source = e.getSource(); int keyCode = e.getKeyCode(); if (source == this.leftPanel.getCanvas()) { switch (keyCode) { case KeyEvent.VK_DELETE: // 127: if (this.leftPanel.getEditMode() == EditorConstants.REMOVE_RULE) { this.leftPanel.setEditMode(EditorConstants.INTERACT_RULE); this.leftPanel.setEditCursor(new Cursor(Cursor.HAND_CURSOR)); if (this.applFrame != null) this.applFrame.setCursor(new Cursor(Cursor.HAND_CURSOR)); } else if (this.leftPanel.getEditMode() == EditorConstants.REMOVE_NAC) { this.leftPanel.setEditMode(EditorConstants.INTERACT_NAC); this.leftPanel.setEditCursor(new Cursor(Cursor.HAND_CURSOR)); if (this.applFrame != null) this.applFrame.setCursor(new Cursor(Cursor.HAND_CURSOR)); } else if (this.leftPanel.getEditMode() == EditorConstants.REMOVE_PAC) { this.leftPanel.setEditMode(EditorConstants.INTERACT_PAC); this.leftPanel.setEditCursor(new Cursor(Cursor.HAND_CURSOR)); if (this.applFrame != null) this.applFrame.setCursor(new Cursor(Cursor.HAND_CURSOR)); } else if (this.leftPanel.getEditMode() == EditorConstants.REMOVE_AC) { this.leftPanel.setEditMode(EditorConstants.INTERACT_AC); this.leftPanel.setEditCursor(new Cursor(Cursor.HAND_CURSOR)); if (this.applFrame != null) this.applFrame.setCursor(new Cursor(Cursor.HAND_CURSOR)); } else if (this.leftPanel.getEditMode() == EditorConstants.REMOVE_MATCH) { this.leftPanel.setEditMode(EditorConstants.INTERACT_MATCH); this.leftPanel.setEditCursor(new Cursor(Cursor.HAND_CURSOR)); if (this.applFrame != null) this.applFrame.setCursor(new Cursor(Cursor.HAND_CURSOR)); // this.graphEditor.setEditCursor(new // Cursor(Cursor.HAND_CURSOR)); } else if (this.leftPanel.getEditMode() == EditorConstants.REMOVE_MAP) { this.leftPanel.setEditMode(EditorConstants.MAP); this.leftPanel.setEditCursor(new Cursor(Cursor.HAND_CURSOR)); if (this.applFrame != null) this.applFrame.setCursor(new Cursor(Cursor.HAND_CURSOR)); } else if (this.leftPanel.getEditMode() == EditorConstants.REMOVE_MAPSEL) { this.leftPanel.setEditMode(EditorConstants.MAPSEL); this.leftPanel.setEditCursor(new Cursor(Cursor.HAND_CURSOR)); if (this.applFrame != null) this.applFrame.setCursor(new Cursor(Cursor.HAND_CURSOR)); } break; default: break; } } } public void keyTyped(KeyEvent e) { } /* End of KeyListener methods */ /** Gets my minimum dimension */ public Dimension getMinimumSize() { return new Dimension(100, 100); } /** Gets my preferred dimension */ public Dimension getPreferredSize() { return new Dimension(500, 200); } public String getTitle() { return this.title.getText(); } /** Sets my title */ public void setTitle(String str) { this.title.setText(" " + str); } /** * Sets my title. The String str1 specifies the first part of title (may be * graph name or empty), the String str2 specifies the second part of title * (may be gragra name or empty) */ public void setRuleTitle(String str1, String str2) { if (!str1.equals("") && !str2.equals("")) { this.ruleName = str1; this.gragraName = str2; this.title.setText(this.titleKind + this.ruleName + " of " + this.gragraName); } else if (!str1.equals("") && str2.equals("")) { this.ruleName = str1; this.title.setText(this.titleKind + this.ruleName); } else if (str1.equals("") && !str2.equals("")) { this.gragraName = str2; this.title.setText(this.titleKind + this.gragraName); } else this.title.setText(this.titleKind); } /** * Sets my title. The String str1 specifies the first part of title (may be * conclusion name or empty), the String str2 specifies the second part of * title (may be atomic name or empty) */ public void setAtomicTitle(String str1, String str2) { if (!str1.equals("") && !str2.equals("")) { this.conclusionName = str1; this.atomicName = str2; this.title.setText(this.titleKind + this.atomicName + " -> " + this.conclusionName); } else if (!str1.equals("") && str2.equals("")) { this.conclusionName = str1; this.title.setText(this.titleKind + this.conclusionName); } else if (str1.equals("") && !str2.equals("")) { this.atomicName = str2; this.title.setText(this.titleKind + this.atomicName); } else this.title.setText(this.titleKind); } /** Sets the title of my NAC */ public void setNACTitle(String str) { this.titleAC.setText(this.titleKindAC + str); } /** Sets the title of my PAC */ public void setPACTitle(String str) { this.titleAC.setText(this.titleKindAC + str); } public void setLeftApplCondTitle(String str) { this.titleAC.setText(this.titleKindAC + str); } /** Returns my parent editor */ public GraGraEditor getGraGraEditor() { return this.gragraEditor; } public GraphEditor getGraphEditor() { return this.graphEditor; } /** Returns my left panel */ public GraphPanel getLeftPanel() { return this.leftPanel; } /** Returns my right panel */ public GraphPanel getRightPanel() { return this.rightPanel; } public boolean isEditPopupMenuShown() { return this.isEditPopupMenu; } public EditPopupMenu getEditPopupMenu() { return this.editPopupMenu; } public boolean isEditSelPopupMenuShown() { return this.isEditSelPopupMenu; } public EditSelPopupMenu getEditSelPopupMenu() { return this.editSelPopupMenu; } public void allowToShowPopupMenu(boolean b) { this.doNotShowPopupMenu = !b; } public boolean isPopupMenuAllowed() { return !this.doNotShowPopupMenu; } public GraphPanel getLeftCondPanel() { return this.leftCondPanel; } /** Returns my NAC panel */ public GraphPanel getNACPanel() { return this.leftCondPanel; } /** Returns my PAC panel */ public GraphPanel getPACPanel() { return this.leftCondPanel; } /** Returns my active panel */ public GraphPanel getActivePanel() { return this.activePanel; } public GraphPanel getPanelOf(EdGraph g) { if (this.leftPanel.getGraph() == g) return this.leftPanel; if (this.rightPanel.getGraph() == g) return this.rightPanel; if (this.leftCondPanel.getGraph() == g) return this.leftCondPanel; return null; } /** Returns my mode */ public int getEditMode() { return this.leftPanel.getEditMode(); } /** Returns the gragra of my rule */ public EdGraGra getGraGra() { return this.eGra; } /** Returns my rule */ public EdRule getRule() { return this.eRule; } /** Returns an atomic constraint of the gragra */ public EdAtomic getAtomic() { if (this.eRule != null && this.eRule instanceof EdAtomic) return (EdAtomic) this.eRule; return null; } /** Returns a NAC of my rule */ public EdNAC getNAC() { return this.eNAC; } /** Returns a PAC of my rule */ public EdPAC getPAC() { return this.ePAC; } /** Returns a nested AC of my rule */ public EdNestedApplCond getNestedAC() { return this.eGAC; } /** Returns my current message */ public String getMsg() { return this.msg; } public void setMsg(String s) { this.msg = s; } /** Tests myself if a rule is in editor */ public boolean hasRule() { if (this.eRule != null) return true; return false; } public EdGraphObject setLeftGraphObject(EdGraphObject go) { this.leftObj = go; return this.leftObj; } public EdGraphObject setRightGraphObject(EdGraphObject go) { this.rightObj = go; return this.rightObj; } public EdGraphObject setLeftCondGraphObject(EdGraphObject go) { this.leftCondObj = go; return this.leftCondObj; } public EdGraphObject setHostGraphObject(EdGraphObject go) { this.graphObj = go; return this.graphObj; } public boolean isObjMapping() { return this.mapping; } public void setObjMapping(boolean b) { this.mapping = b; } /** Sets a graph editor */ public void setGraphEditor(GraphEditor gEditor) { this.graphEditor = gEditor; } /** Sets my rule specified by the EdRule er */ public void setRule(EdRule er) { if (this.eRule != null) { this.ruleDividerLocation = this.ruleSplitPane.getDividerLocation(); this.dividerLocationSet.put(this.eRule, Integer.valueOf(this.ruleSplitPane .getDividerLocation())); } this.eRule = er; this.titleKind = " "; if (this.eRule == null) { this.ruleDividerLocation = this.ruleSplitPane.getDividerLocation(); setTitle(" "); setBorder(this.leftPanel.canvas, " LHS "); setBorder(this.rightPanel.canvas, " RHS "); this.leftPanel.setGraph(null); this.rightPanel.setGraph(null); setNAC(null); setPAC(null); setNestedAC(null); this.eGra = null; if (this.exportJPEGButton != null) this.exportJPEGButton.setEnabled(false); return; } this.eGra = this.eRule.getGraGra(); if (this.eRule.getBasisRule() instanceof RuleScheme) { this.eRule = ((EdRuleScheme) this.eRule).getKernelRule(); } makeRuleTitle(); setBorder(this.leftPanel.canvas, " LHS "); setBorder(this.rightPanel.canvas, " RHS "); this.eRule.updateRule(); this.leftPanel.setGraph(this.eRule.getLeft(), true); this.rightPanel.setGraph(this.eRule.getRight(), true); this.showRightPanel(); if (this.attrEditor != null) { this.attrEditor.setContext(this.eRule.getBasisRule().getAttrContext()); } if (this.dividerLocationSet.get(this.eRule) != null) { this.ruleSplitPane.setDividerLocation((this.dividerLocationSet.get(this.eRule)) .intValue()); } else { this.ruleSplitPane.setDividerLocation(this.ruleDividerLocation); } if (this.exportJPEGButton != null && this.exportJPEG != null) { this.exportJPEGButton.setEnabled(true); } } private void setBorder(JPanel p, String txt) { p.setBorder(new TitledBorder( null, txt, TitledBorder.DEFAULT_JUSTIFICATION, TitledBorder.DEFAULT_POSITION, null, new Color(204,204,204))); //; } public void adjustLeftRightBorderTitle() { setBorder(this.leftPanel.canvas, " LHS "); setBorder(this.rightPanel.canvas, " RHS "); } /** Resets my rule*/ public void resetRule() { if (this.eRule != null) { this.showRightPanel(); setNAC(null); setPAC(null); setNestedAC(null); if (this.eRule.getBasisRule() instanceof RuleScheme) { this.eRule = ((EdRuleScheme) this.eRule).getKernelRule(); } makeRuleTitle(); setBorder(this.leftPanel.canvas, " LHS "); setBorder(this.rightPanel.canvas, " RHS "); this.eRule.updateRule(); this.leftPanel.setGraph(this.eRule.getLeft(), true); this.rightPanel.setGraph(this.eRule.getRight(), true); if (this.attrEditor != null) { this.attrEditor.setContext(this.eRule.getBasisRule().getAttrContext()); } if (this.dividerLocationSet.get(this.eRule) != null) { this.ruleSplitPane.setDividerLocation( (this.dividerLocationSet.get(this.eRule)).intValue()); } else { this.ruleDividerLocation = this.ruleSplitPane.getDividerLocation(); this.ruleSplitPane.setDividerLocation(this.ruleDividerLocation); } if (this.exportJPEGButton != null && this.exportJPEG != null) { this.exportJPEGButton.setEnabled(true); } } } private void makeRuleTitle() { String titleStr = ""; if (this.eRule.getBasisRule() instanceof RuleScheme) { titleStr = ((RuleScheme)this.eRule.getBasisRule()).getName(); } else if (this.eRule.getBasisRule() instanceof KernelRule) { titleStr = this.eRule.getBasisRule().getName() +" of "+ ((KernelRule)this.eRule.getBasisRule()).getRuleScheme().getName(); } else if (this.eRule.getBasisRule() instanceof MultiRule) { titleStr = this.eRule.getBasisRule().getName() +" of "+ ((MultiRule)this.eRule.getBasisRule()).getRuleScheme().getName(); } else if (this.eRule.getBasisRule() instanceof AmalgamatedRule && ((AmalgamatedRule)this.eRule.getBasisRule()).getRuleScheme() != null) { titleStr = this.eRule.getBasisRule().getName() +" of "+ ((AmalgamatedRule)this.eRule.getBasisRule()).getRuleScheme().getName(); } else { titleStr = this.eRule.getBasisRule().getName(); } if (this.eGra != null) { setRuleTitle(titleStr, this.eGra.getName()); } else { setRuleTitle(titleStr, ""); } } // public int getRuleDividerLocation() { // return this.ruleDividerLocation; // } // public int getNACDividerLocation() { // return nacDividerLocation; // } // // public int getPACDividerLocation() { // return pacDividerLocation; // } public void setDividerLocation(int indx, int i) { if (indx == 0) { this.splitPane.setDividerLocation(i); } else if (indx == 1) { this.ruleSplitPane.setDividerLocation(i); } } /** Sets atomic constraint */ public void setAtomic(EdAtomic a) { if (this.eRule != null) { this.ruleDividerLocation = this.ruleSplitPane.getDividerLocation(); this.dividerLocationSet.put(this.eRule, Integer.valueOf(this.ruleSplitPane .getDividerLocation())); } this.eRule = a; this.titleKind = " "; if (this.eRule == null) { this.ruleDividerLocation = this.ruleSplitPane.getDividerLocation(); setTitle(" "); this.leftPanel.setGraph(null); this.rightPanel.setGraph(null); setNAC(null); if (this.exportJPEGButton != null) this.exportJPEGButton.setEnabled(false); return; } // else { // this.titleKind = "[ A ( P, C ) ] "; // } setNAC(null); this.eGra = this.eRule.getGraGra(); String s = a.getBasisAtomic().getAtomicName(); setAtomicTitle(this.eRule.getMorphism().getName(), s); setBorder(this.leftPanel.canvas, " P "); setBorder(this.rightPanel.canvas, " C "); this.leftPanel.setGraph(this.eRule.getLeft()); this.rightPanel.setGraph(this.eRule.getRight()); if (this.attrEditor != null) { this.attrEditor.setContext(a.getBasisAtomic().getAttrContext()); } if (this.dividerLocationSet.get(this.eRule) != null) this.ruleSplitPane.setDividerLocation(this.dividerLocationSet.get(this.eRule) .intValue()); else this.ruleSplitPane.setDividerLocation(this.ruleDividerLocation); if (this.exportJPEGButton != null && this.exportJPEG != null) this.exportJPEGButton.setEnabled(true); } /** Sets my NAC specified by the EdNAC enac */ public void setNAC(EdNAC enac) { this.showRightPanel(); if (this.eNAC != null) { this.acDividerLocation = this.splitPane.getDividerLocation(); this.dividerLocationSet.put(this.eNAC, Integer.valueOf(this.acDividerLocation)); } else if (this.ePAC != null) { this.dividerLocationSet.put(this.ePAC, Integer.valueOf(this.splitPane.getDividerLocation())); } else if (this.eGAC != null) { this.dividerLocationSet.put(this.eGAC, Integer.valueOf(this.splitPane.getDividerLocation())); } this.eNAC = enac; this.titleKindAC = " "; if (this.eNAC == null) { this.leftCondPanel.setGraph(null); setNACTitle(""); hideLeftApplCond(); return; } this.ePAC = null; this.eGAC = null; setBorder(this.leftPanel.canvas, " LHS "); setBorder(this.rightPanel.canvas, " RHS "); setBorder(this.leftCondPanel.canvas, " NAC "); setNACTitle(this.eNAC.getBasisGraph().getName()); this.eRule.updateRule(); this.eRule.updateNAC(this.eNAC); this.leftCondPanel.setGraph(this.eNAC, true); setDividerLocationOfLeftApplCond(this.eNAC); } /** Sets my PAC specified by the EdPAC epac */ public void setPAC(EdPAC epac) { this.showRightPanel(); if (this.ePAC != null) { this.acDividerLocation = this.splitPane.getDividerLocation(); this.dividerLocationSet.put(this.ePAC, Integer.valueOf(this.acDividerLocation)); } else if (this.eNAC != null) { this.dividerLocationSet.put(this.eNAC, Integer.valueOf(this.splitPane.getDividerLocation())); } else if (this.eGAC != null) { this.dividerLocationSet.put(this.eGAC, Integer.valueOf(this.splitPane.getDividerLocation())); } this.ePAC = epac; this.titleKindAC = " "; if (this.ePAC == null) { this.leftCondPanel.setGraph(null); this.leftCondPanel.updateGraphics(); setPACTitle(""); hideLeftApplCond(); return; } this.eNAC = null; this.eGAC = null; setBorder(this.leftPanel.canvas, " LHS "); setBorder(this.rightPanel.canvas, " RHS "); setBorder(this.leftCondPanel.canvas, " PAC "); setPACTitle(this.ePAC.getBasisGraph().getName()); this.eRule.updateRule(); this.eRule.updatePAC(this.ePAC); this.leftCondPanel.setGraph(this.ePAC, true); setDividerLocationOfLeftApplCond(this.ePAC); } private void setDividerLocationOfLeftApplCond(EdGraph ac) { if (this.splitPane.getLeftComponent() == null) { this.splitPane.setDividerSize(10); this.splitPane.setLeftComponent(this.leftCondPanel); } if (this.dividerLocationSet.get(ac) != null) { this.acDividerLocation = this.dividerLocationSet.get(ac).intValue(); if (this.acDividerLocation < 10) this.acDividerLocation = 300; this.splitPane.setDividerLocation(this.acDividerLocation); } else { this.acDividerLocation = 300; this.splitPane.setDividerLocation(this.acDividerLocation); this.dividerLocationSet.put(ac, Integer.valueOf(this.acDividerLocation)); } } /** Sets my nested AC specified by the EdNestedApplCond ac */ public void setNestedAC(EdNestedApplCond ac) { if (this.eGAC != null) { this.acDividerLocation = this.splitPane.getDividerLocation(); this.dividerLocationSet.put(this.eGAC, Integer.valueOf(this.acDividerLocation)); } else if (this.eNAC != null) { this.dividerLocationSet.put(this.eNAC, Integer.valueOf(this.splitPane.getDividerLocation())); } else if (this.ePAC != null) { this.dividerLocationSet.put(this.ePAC, Integer.valueOf(this.splitPane.getDividerLocation())); } this.eGAC = ac; this.titleKindAC = " "; if (this.eGAC == null) { this.leftCondPanel.setGraph(null); this.leftCondPanel.updateGraphics(); setLeftApplCondTitle(""); hideLeftApplCond(); return; } this.eNAC = null; this.ePAC = null; setBorder(this.leftCondPanel.canvas, " GAC "); this.updateNestedAC(this.eGAC); if (this.eGAC.getParent() == null) { setBorder(this.leftPanel.canvas, " LHS "); this.title.setText(" <- LHS of "+this.eRule.getName()); this.eRule.updateRule(); this.leftPanel.setGraph(this.eRule.getLeft()); } else { EdNestedApplCond parAC = this.eGAC.getParent(); setBorder(this.leftPanel.canvas, " GAC "); this.title.setText(" <- "+parAC.getName()); this.eRule.updateNestedAC(parAC); this.leftPanel.setGraph(parAC); } setLeftApplCondTitle(this.eGAC.getBasisGraph().getName()); this.eRule.updateNestedAC(this.eGAC); this.leftCondPanel.setGraph(this.eGAC, true); setDividerLocationOfLeftApplCond(this.eGAC); if (this.eGAC.getParent() != null) this.hideRightPanel(); } public void hideLeftApplCond() { this.splitPane.setLeftComponent(null); } @SuppressWarnings("unused") private void hideLeftPanel() { this.ruleSplitPane.setLeftComponent(null); } protected void hideRightPanel() { // this.ruleSplitPane.setDividerLocation(this.ruleSplitPane.getWidth()); this.ruleSplitPane.setRightComponent(null); } @SuppressWarnings("unused") private void showLeftPanel() { if (this.ruleSplitPane.getLeftComponent() == null) { if (this.dividerLocationSet.get(this.eRule) != null) this.ruleDividerLocation = this.dividerLocationSet.get(this.eRule).intValue(); this.ruleSplitPane.setLeftComponent(this.leftPanel); this.ruleSplitPane.setDividerLocation(this.ruleDividerLocation); } } protected void showRightPanel() { if (this.ruleSplitPane.getRightComponent() == null && this.eRule != null) { if (this.dividerLocationSet.get(this.eRule) != null) this.ruleDividerLocation = this.dividerLocationSet.get(this.eRule).intValue(); else this.ruleDividerLocation = 250; this.ruleSplitPane.setRightComponent(this.rightPanel); this.ruleSplitPane.setDividerLocation(this.ruleDividerLocation); } } protected boolean isLeftPanelVisible() { return this.ruleSplitPane.getLeftComponent() != null; } protected boolean isRightPanelVisible() { return this.ruleSplitPane.getRightComponent() != null; } public void setRuleDividerLocation(int l) { this.ruleSplitPane.setDividerLocation(l); } /** Tests myself if there is only one selected graph object */ public boolean hasOneSelection() { if (this.eRule == null) return false; if (this.leftPanel.getGraph().hasSelection() && !this.rightPanel.getGraph().hasSelection() && (this.leftCondPanel.getGraph() == null || !this.leftCondPanel .getGraph().hasSelection())) return true; else if (this.rightPanel.getGraph().hasSelection() && !this.leftPanel.getGraph().hasSelection() && (this.leftCondPanel.getGraph() == null || !this.leftCondPanel .getGraph().hasSelection())) return true; else if (this.leftCondPanel.getGraph() != null && this.leftCondPanel.getGraph().hasSelection() && !this.leftPanel.getGraph().hasSelection() && !this.rightPanel.getGraph().hasSelection()) return true; else return false; } /** Tests myself if some graph object are selected */ public boolean hasSelection() { return (this.leftPanel.hasSelection() || this.rightPanel.hasSelection() || (this.leftCondPanel.hasSelection()))? true: false; } /** Tests myself if some graph object are selected */ public boolean hasSelection(GraphPanel gPanel) { return gPanel.hasSelection(); } public void updateNestedAC(final EdNestedApplCond ac) { if (ac != null) { if (ac.getParent() == null) { this.eRule.updateRule(); this.eRule.updateNestedAC(ac); } else { this.eRule.updateNestedAC(ac.getParent()); this.eRule.updateNestedAC(ac); } } } /** Updates graphics of my left, right, nac graph panels */ public void updateGraphics() { synchronized(this) { this.leftPanel.updateGraphics(); this.rightPanel.updateGraphics(); this.leftCondPanel.updateGraphics(); } } /** Updates graphics of my left, right, nac graph panels */ public void updateGraphics(boolean graphDimensionCheck) { synchronized(this) { this.leftPanel.updateGraphics(graphDimensionCheck); this.rightPanel.updateGraphics(graphDimensionCheck); this.leftCondPanel.updateGraphics(graphDimensionCheck); } } /** Clears my graph panels. Sets my rule at null. */ public void clear() { setRule(null); updateGraphics(); } /** Clears my NAC graph panel.*/ public void clearNAC() { setNAC(null); this.leftCondPanel.updateGraphics(); updateGraphics(); } /** Clears my PAC graph panel.*/ public void clearPAC() { setPAC(null); this.leftCondPanel.updateGraphics(); updateGraphics(); } /** Clears my (Nested) Application Condition graph panel.*/ public void clearNestedAC() { setNestedAC(null); this.leftCondPanel.updateGraphics(); updateGraphics(); } /** Sets my attribute editor */ public void setAttrEditor(AttrTopEditor attrEditor) { this.attrEditor = attrEditor; } /** Sets my mode popupmenu */ public void setModePopupMenu(ModePopupMenu pm) { this.modePopupMenu = pm; } /** Setes my edit popupmenu */ public void setEditPopupMenu(EditPopupMenu pm) { this.editPopupMenu = pm; } /** Sets my select popupmenu */ public void setEditSelPopupMenu(EditSelPopupMenu pm) { this.editSelPopupMenu = pm; } /* Draws graphic of the graphobject go in the panel p */ /* private void drawGraphic(EdGraphObject go, GraphPanel p, boolean map, boolean erase) { if (map) { Vector<EdGraphObject> v = p.getGraph().getChangedGraphObjects(); // System.out.println("ChangedGraphObjects: "+v.size()); for (int i = 0; i < v.size(); i++) { EdGraphObject o = v.elementAt(i); if (erase) eraseGraphic(o, p); drawGraphic(o, p); } } else if (go != null) drawGraphic(go, p); } */ /* Draws graphic of the graphobject go in the panel p */ /* private void drawGraphic(EdGraphObject go, GraphPanel p) { if (go.isNode()) { p.getGraph().drawNode(p.getCanvas().getGraphics(), (EdNode) go); Vector<EdArc> v = p.getGraph().getIncomingArcs((EdNode) go); for (int i = 0; i < v.size(); i++) { v.elementAt(i).drawText(p.getCanvas().getGraphics(), p.getCanvas().getScale()); } v = p.getGraph().getOutgoingArcs((EdNode) go); for (int i = 0; i < v.size(); i++) { v.elementAt(i).drawText(p.getCanvas().getGraphics(), p.getCanvas().getScale()); } } else { ((EdArc) go).drawText(p.getCanvas().getGraphics(), p.getCanvas() .getScale()); } } */ /* Erases graphic of the graphobject go in the panel p */ /* private void eraseGraphic(EdGraphObject go, GraphPanel p) { if (go.isNode()) { ((EdNode) go).eraseGraphic(p.getCanvas().getGraphics()); Vector<EdArc> v = p.getGraph().getIncomingArcs((EdNode) go); for (int i = 0; i < v.size(); i++) { v.elementAt(i).eraseText(p.getCanvas().getGraphics()); } v = p.getGraph().getOutgoingArcs((EdNode) go); for (int i = 0; i < v.size(); i++) { v.elementAt(i).eraseText(p.getCanvas().getGraphics()); } } else ((EdArc) go).eraseText(p.getCanvas().getGraphics()); } */ /* * ************************************* Mode menu procedures * ************************************* */ /** Sets my current mode. */ public void setEditMode(int mode) { handleMouseListenerFromGraphEditor(mode); if (mode != EditorConstants.INTERACT_MATCH) resetEditModeAfterInteractMatch(); switch (mode) { case EditorConstants.DRAW: drawModeProc(); break; case EditorConstants.SELECT: selectModeProc(); break; case EditorConstants.MOVE: moveModeProc(); break; case EditorConstants.ATTRIBUTES: attributesModeProc(); break; // case EditorConstants.INTERACT_RULE: // ruleDefModeProc(); // break; // case EditorConstants.INTERACT_NAC: // nacDefModeProc(); // break; // case EditorConstants.INTERACT_PAC: // pacDefModeProc(); // break; // case EditorConstants.INTERACT_AC: // acDefModeProc(); // break; case EditorConstants.INTERACT_MATCH: matchDefModeProc(); break; case EditorConstants.COPY: copyModeProc(); break; case EditorConstants.PASTE: pasteModeProc(); break; case EditorConstants.MAP: mapModeProc(); break; case EditorConstants.UNMAP: unmapModeProc(); break; case EditorConstants.MAPSEL: mapselModeProc(); break; case EditorConstants.UNMAPSEL: unmapselModeProc(); break; case EditorConstants.VIEW: viewModeProc(); break; default: break; } } /** Returns my current mode */ public int getMode() { return this.leftPanel.getEditMode(); } /** Return my previous mode */ public int getPreviousMode() { return this.leftPanel.getLastEditMode(); } /** Sets cursor specified by the Cursor cur */ public void setEditCursor(Cursor cur) { this.leftPanel.setEditCursor(cur); this.rightPanel.setEditCursor(cur); this.leftCondPanel.setEditCursor(cur); } /* * public void setInteractMatchMode(GraphEditor gEditor) { // wird in * GraGraTransform benutzt graphEditor = gEditor; * setEditMode(EditorConstants.INTERACT_MATCH); //matchDefModeProc(); } */ public void resetAfterInteractMatch() { // wird in GraGraTransform benutzt setEditMode(this.leftPanel.getLastEditMode()); } public void setAttributeVisible(boolean vis){ this.leftPanel.getCanvas().setAttributeVisible(vis); this.rightPanel.getCanvas().setAttributeVisible(vis); this.leftCondPanel.getCanvas().setAttributeVisible(vis); this.updateGraphics(); } public void unsetDragging() { this.draggingL = false; this.draggingR = false; this.draggingC = false; } private void resetEditModeAfterInteractMatch() { if (this.eRule == null || this.leftPanel.getEditMode() != EditorConstants.INTERACT_MATCH) return; // this.leftPanel.getCanvas().removeKeyListener(this); // System.out.println(">>> this.leftPanel removeKeyListener"); if (this.graphEditor != null) { if (this.leftPanel.getLastEditMode() == EditorConstants.VIEW) this.graphEditor.setEditMode(this.leftPanel.getLastEditMode()); else this.graphEditor.setEditMode(this.leftPanel.getLastEditMode()); } } private void drawModeProc() { setPanelEditMode(EditorConstants.DRAW); this.leftPanel.setLastEditMode(EditorConstants.MOVE); setEditCursor(new Cursor(Cursor.DEFAULT_CURSOR)); if (this.applFrame != null) this.applFrame.setCursor(new Cursor(Cursor.DEFAULT_CURSOR)); this.msg = "Click on the background to get a node / on a source node and a target node to get an edge."; } private void selectModeProc() { setPanelEditMode(EditorConstants.SELECT); this.leftPanel.setLastEditMode(EditorConstants.MOVE); setEditCursor(new Cursor(Cursor.HAND_CURSOR)); if (this.applFrame != null) this.applFrame.setCursor(new Cursor(Cursor.HAND_CURSOR)); this.msg = "Click on an object to select it."; } private void moveModeProc() { setPanelEditMode(EditorConstants.MOVE); this.leftPanel.setLastEditMode(EditorConstants.MOVE); setEditCursor(new Cursor(Cursor.MOVE_CURSOR)); if (this.applFrame != null) this.applFrame.setCursor(new Cursor(Cursor.MOVE_CURSOR)); this.msg = "Press and drag the button when the cursor points to an object."; } private void attributesModeProc() { setPanelEditMode(EditorConstants.ATTRIBUTES); setEditCursor(new Cursor(Cursor.DEFAULT_CURSOR)); if (this.applFrame != null) this.applFrame.setCursor(new Cursor(Cursor.DEFAULT_CURSOR)); this.msg = "Click on an object to activate the attribute editor."; } @SuppressWarnings("unused") private void ruleDefModeProc() { setPanelEditMode(EditorConstants.INTERACT_RULE); setEditCursor(new Cursor(Cursor.HAND_CURSOR)); if (this.applFrame != null) this.applFrame.setCursor(new Cursor(Cursor.HAND_CURSOR)); this.msg = "Click on a source object and a target object to get a mapping pair."; // this.leftPanel.getCanvas().addKeyListener(this); } @SuppressWarnings("unused") private void nacDefModeProc() { setPanelEditMode(EditorConstants.INTERACT_NAC); setEditCursor(new Cursor(Cursor.HAND_CURSOR)); if (this.applFrame != null) this.applFrame.setCursor(new Cursor(Cursor.HAND_CURSOR)); this.msg = "Click on a source object and a target object to get a mapping pair."; // this.leftPanel.getCanvas().addKeyListener(this); } @SuppressWarnings("unused") private void pacDefModeProc() { setPanelEditMode(EditorConstants.INTERACT_PAC); setEditCursor(new Cursor(Cursor.HAND_CURSOR)); if (this.applFrame != null) this.applFrame.setCursor(new Cursor(Cursor.HAND_CURSOR)); this.msg = "Click on a source object and a target object to get a mapping pair."; // this.leftPanel.getCanvas().addKeyListener(this); } @SuppressWarnings("unused") private void acDefModeProc() { setPanelEditMode(EditorConstants.INTERACT_AC); setEditCursor(new Cursor(Cursor.HAND_CURSOR)); if (this.applFrame != null) this.applFrame.setCursor(new Cursor(Cursor.HAND_CURSOR)); this.msg = "Click on a source object and a target object to get a mapping pair."; // this.leftPanel.getCanvas().addKeyListener(this); } private void matchDefModeProc() { if (this.eRule == null || this.graphEditor == null) return; setLastEditModeBeforMatch(this.leftPanel); setPanelEditMode(EditorConstants.INTERACT_MATCH); setEditCursor(new Cursor(Cursor.HAND_CURSOR)); if (this.applFrame != null) this.applFrame.setCursor(new Cursor(Cursor.HAND_CURSOR)); // this.leftPanel.getCanvas().addKeyListener(this); this.graphEditor.setEditMode(EditorConstants.INTERACT_MATCH); this.graphEditor.setEditCursor(new Cursor(Cursor.HAND_CURSOR)); this.leftObj = null; this.graphObj = null; this.msg = "Click on a source object and a target object to get a mapping pair."; } private void mapModeProc() { setLastEditModeBeforMapping(this.leftPanel); setPanelEditMode(EditorConstants.MAP); setEditCursor(new Cursor(Cursor.HAND_CURSOR)); if (this.applFrame != null) this.applFrame.setCursor(new Cursor(Cursor.HAND_CURSOR)); this.msg = "Click on a source object and a target object to get a mapping."; // this.leftPanel.getCanvas().addKeyListener(this); } private void unmapModeProc() { setLastEditModeBeforMapping(this.leftPanel); setPanelEditMode(EditorConstants.UNMAP); setEditCursor(new Cursor(Cursor.HAND_CURSOR)); if (this.applFrame != null) this.applFrame.setCursor(new Cursor(Cursor.HAND_CURSOR)); this.msg = "Click on the source of the mapping to destroy it."; } private void mapselModeProc() { if (this.leftPanel.getEditMode() == EditorConstants.MAPSEL) return; setLastEditModeBeforMapping(this.leftPanel); setPanelEditMode(EditorConstants.MAPSEL); setEditCursor(new Cursor(Cursor.HAND_CURSOR)); if (this.applFrame != null) this.applFrame.setCursor(new Cursor(Cursor.HAND_CURSOR)); this.msg = "Click on a source object and a target object to get a mapping."; // this.leftPanel.getCanvas().addKeyListener(this); } private void unmapselModeProc() { if (this.leftPanel.getEditMode() == EditorConstants.UNMAPSEL) return; setLastEditModeBeforMapping(this.leftPanel); setPanelEditMode(EditorConstants.UNMAPSEL); setEditCursor(new Cursor(Cursor.HAND_CURSOR)); if (this.applFrame != null) this.applFrame.setCursor(new Cursor(Cursor.HAND_CURSOR)); this.msg = "Click on the source object of the mapping to destroy it."; } private void copyModeProc() { if (this.eRule == null) return; saveLastEditMode(); setPanelEditMode(EditorConstants.COPY); if (this.applFrame != null) this.applFrame.setCursor(new Cursor(Cursor.CROSSHAIR_CURSOR)); this.msg = "To place a copy click on the background of the panel."; } private void pasteModeProc() { if (this.eRule == null) return; setPanelEditMode(EditorConstants.PASTE); if (this.applFrame != null) this.applFrame.setCursor(new Cursor(Cursor.CROSSHAIR_CURSOR)); this.msg = "To place a copy click on the background of the panel."; } private void saveLastEditMode() { this.leftPanel.setLastEditMode(this.leftPanel.getEditMode()); this.leftPanel.setLastEditCursor(this.leftPanel.getEditCursor()); this.rightPanel.setLastEditMode(this.rightPanel.getEditMode()); this.rightPanel.setLastEditCursor(this.rightPanel.getEditCursor()); if (this.leftCondPanel.getGraph() != null) { this.leftCondPanel.setLastEditMode(this.leftCondPanel.getEditMode()); this.leftCondPanel.setLastEditCursor(this.leftCondPanel.getEditCursor()); } } private void viewModeProc() { this.leftPanel.setEditMode(EditorConstants.VIEW); this.rightPanel.setEditMode(EditorConstants.VIEW); this.leftCondPanel.setEditMode(EditorConstants.VIEW); } /* * ******************************************* Edit menu procedures * ******************************************* */ /** Deletes selected nodes and edges */ public boolean deleteProc() { if ((this.leftPanel.getEditMode() == EditorConstants.VIEW) || (this.rightPanel.getEditMode() == EditorConstants.VIEW)) return false; if (this.eRule == null) return false; boolean result = false; if (hasSelection(this.leftPanel)) { // this.leftPanel.getGraph().eraseSelected(this.leftPanel.getCanvas().getGraphics(),this.leftPanel.getCanvas().getScale(), // false); if (this.getAtomic() != null) unmapSelectedGraphObjects(this.leftPanel, "P", true); else if (this.getRule() != null) unmapSelectedGraphObjects(this.leftPanel, "LHS", true); this.leftPanel.deleteSelected(); result = true; } if (hasSelection(this.rightPanel)) { // this.rightPanel.getGraph().eraseSelected(this.rightPanel.getCanvas().getGraphics(),this.rightPanel.getCanvas().getScale(), // false); if (this.getAtomic() != null) unmapSelectedGraphObjects(this.rightPanel, "C", true); else if (this.getRule() != null) unmapSelectedGraphObjects(this.rightPanel, "RHS", true); this.rightPanel.deleteSelected(); result = true; } if (hasSelection(this.leftCondPanel)) { // nacPanel.getGraph().eraseSelected(nacPanel.getCanvas().getGraphics(),nacPanel.getCanvas().getScale(), // false); if (getNAC() != null) unmapSelectedGraphObjects(this.leftCondPanel, "NAC", true); else if (getPAC() != null) unmapSelectedGraphObjects(this.leftCondPanel, "PAC", true); else if (getNestedAC() != null) unmapSelectedGraphObjects(this.leftCondPanel, "AC", true); this.leftCondPanel.deleteSelected(); result = true; } if (result) { this.eRule.update(); this.leftPanel.updateGraphicsAfterDelete(); this.rightPanel.updateGraphicsAfterDelete(); this.leftCondPanel.updateGraphicsAfterDelete(); if (this.graphEditor != null) this.graphEditor.getGraphPanel().updateGraphicsAfterDelete(); } return result; } protected void unmapSelectedGraphObjects(GraphPanel gp, String kind, boolean wantDeleteGraphObject) { Vector<EdGraphObject> selObjs = gp.getGraph().getSelectedObjs(); if (kind.equals("LHS")) { for (int i = 0; i < selObjs.size(); i++) { EdGraphObject origObj = selObjs.elementAt(i); boolean isRuleObj = this.getRule().getLeft() == origObj.getContext(); if (!wantDeleteGraphObject) { if (getNAC() != null) this.removeNacMapping(origObj, true); else if (getPAC() != null) this.removePacMapping(origObj, true); else if (this.getNestedAC() != null) this.removeNestedACMapping(origObj, true); if (getRule().getMatch() != null && isRuleObj) this.removeMatchMapping(origObj, true); this.removeRuleMapping(origObj, true); } else if (isRuleObj) { // want to delete origObj, so remove all relevant mappings this.removeNacMapping(origObj); this.removePacMapping(origObj); this.removeNestedACMapping(origObj); this.removeMatchMapping(origObj, true); this.removeRuleMapping(origObj, true); } } } else if (kind.equals("RHS")) { for (int i = 0; i < selObjs.size(); i++) { EdGraphObject imageObj = selObjs.elementAt(i); this.removeRuleMapping(imageObj, false); } } else if (kind.equals("NAC")) { for (int i = 0; i < selObjs.size(); i++) { EdGraphObject imageObj = selObjs.elementAt(i); this.removeNacMapping(imageObj, false); } } else if (kind.equals("PAC")) { for (int i = 0; i < selObjs.size(); i++) { EdGraphObject imageObj = selObjs.elementAt(i); this.removePacMapping(imageObj, false); } } else if (kind.equals("AC")) { for (int i = 0; i < selObjs.size(); i++) { EdGraphObject imageObj = selObjs.elementAt(i); this.removeNestedACMapping(imageObj, false); } } else if (kind.equals("P")) { for (int i = 0; i < selObjs.size(); i++) { this.removeRuleMapping(selObjs.elementAt(i), true); } } else if (kind.equals("C")) { for (int i = 0; i < selObjs.size(); i++) { this.removeRuleMapping(selObjs.elementAt(i), false); } } if (this.gragraEditor != null) this.gragraEditor.updateUndoButton(); } /** Copies selected nodes and edges */ public void copyProc() { if (this.eRule == null) return; if (!hasSelection()) { this.msg = "Cannot copy. There isn't any object selected"; return; } saveLastEditMode(); this.msg = ""; setEditMode(EditorConstants.COPY); } /** Selects all nodes and edges */ public void selectAllProc() { if (this.eRule == null) return; this.leftPanel.selectAll(); this.rightPanel.selectAll(); if (this.leftCondPanel.getGraph() != null) this.leftCondPanel.selectAll(); } /** Selects nodes of selected node type */ public void selectNodeTypeProc() { if (this.eRule == null) return; this.leftPanel.selectNodesOfSelectedNodeType(); this.rightPanel.selectNodesOfSelectedNodeType(); if (this.leftCondPanel.getGraph() != null) this.leftCondPanel.selectNodesOfSelectedNodeType(); } /** Selects edges of selected edge type */ public void selectArcTypeProc() { if (this.eRule == null) return; this.leftPanel.selectArcsOfSelectedArcType(); this.rightPanel.selectArcsOfSelectedArcType(); if (this.leftCondPanel.getGraph() != null) this.leftCondPanel.selectArcsOfSelectedArcType(); } /** Deselects all nodes and edges */ public void deselectAllProc() { if (this.eRule == null) return; this.leftPanel.deselectAll(); this.rightPanel.deselectAll(); if (this.leftCondPanel.getGraph() != null) this.leftCondPanel.deselectAll(); } public void setStraightenArcs(boolean b) { if (this.eRule == null) return; this.leftPanel.getGraph().setStraightenArcs(b); this.rightPanel.getGraph().setStraightenArcs(b); if (this.leftCondPanel.getGraph() != null) { this.leftCondPanel.getGraph().setStraightenArcs(b); } } /** Straigths all selected arcs */ public void straightenArcsProc() { if (this.eRule == null) return; this.leftPanel.straightenSelectedArcs(); this.rightPanel.straightenSelectedArcs(); if (this.leftCondPanel.getGraph() != null) this.leftCondPanel.straightenSelectedArcs(); } /** Create an identical rule */ public void doIdenticRule() { this.msg = ""; if ((this.eRule == null) || (this.leftPanel.getEditMode() == EditorConstants.VIEW) || (this.rightPanel.getEditMode() == EditorConstants.VIEW)) return; if (this.eRule.getBasisRule() instanceof MultiRule && !((MultiRule)this.eRule.getBasisRule()) .getRuleScheme().getKernelRule().getSource().isEmpty()) { this.msg = "It is not possible to make identical multi rule\n because of non-empty kernel rule."; JOptionPane.showMessageDialog( this.applFrame, this.msg, "Failed", JOptionPane.ERROR_MESSAGE); return; } // remove rule morphism mappings removeMapppingBeforeIdenticRule(this.eRule.getLeft().getNodes(), this.eRule.getLeft().getArcs()); // remove RHS graph objects removeObjectsOfGraph(false, this.eRule.getRight(), this.eRule.getRight().getNodes(), this.eRule.getRight().getArcs()); // copy LHS graph objects to RHS and add morphism mappings this.eRule.identicRule(); this.msg = this.eRule.getMsg(); if (this.msg.equals("")) { if (this.gragraEditor != null) this.gragraEditor.updateUndoButton(); this.leftPanel.updateGraphics(); this.rightPanel.updateGraphics(true); } } private void removeMapppingBeforeIdenticRule(final List<EdNode> nodesList, final List<EdArc> arcsList) { Iterator<EdArc> arcs = arcsList.iterator(); while (arcs.hasNext()) { EdGraphObject obj =; removeRuleMapping(obj, true); } Iterator<EdNode> nodes = nodesList.iterator(); while (nodes.hasNext()) { EdGraphObject obj =; removeRuleMapping(obj, true); } } private void removeObjectsOfGraph(boolean left, final EdGraph g, final List<EdNode> nodesList, final List<EdArc> arcsList) { final GraphCanvas canvas = left? this.leftPanel.getCanvas(): this.rightPanel.getCanvas(); Iterator<EdArc> arcs = arcsList.iterator(); while (arcs.hasNext()) { EdGraphObject obj =; canvas.deleteObj(obj); arcs = arcsList.iterator(); } Iterator<EdNode> nodes = nodesList.iterator(); while (nodes.hasNext()) { EdGraphObject obj =; canvas.deleteObj(obj); nodes = nodesList.iterator(); } } /** Create an identical NAC */ public void doIdenticNAC() { if ((this.eRule == null) || (this.eNAC == null) || (this.leftPanel.getEditMode() == EditorConstants.VIEW) || (this.rightPanel.getEditMode() == EditorConstants.VIEW)) return; // Empty NAC Morphism is created from EdRule.createNAC(...) if (!this.eNAC.getBasisGraph().isEmpty()) { Vector<?> elems = this.eRule.getLeft().getArcs(); for (int i = 0; i < elems.size(); i++) { removeNacMapping((EdGraphObject) elems.get(i), true); } elems = this.eRule.getLeft().getNodes(); for (int i = 0; i < elems.size(); i++) { removeNacMapping((EdGraphObject) elems.get(i), true); } Vector<EdGraphObject> vec = new Vector<EdGraphObject>(); vec.addAll(this.eNAC.getNodes()); vec.addAll(this.eNAC.getArcs()); this.eNAC.addDeletedToUndo(vec); } this.eRule.identicNAC(this.eNAC); this.msg = this.eRule.getMsg(); if (this.msg.equals("")) { if (this.gragraEditor != null) this.gragraEditor.updateUndoButton(); this.leftPanel.updateGraphics(); this.leftCondPanel.updateGraphics(true); } } /** Create an identical PAC */ public void doIdenticPAC() { if ((this.eRule == null) || (this.ePAC == null) || (this.leftPanel.getEditMode() == EditorConstants.VIEW) || (this.rightPanel.getEditMode() == EditorConstants.VIEW)) return; // Empty PAC Morphism is created from EdRule.createPAC(...) if (!this.ePAC.getBasisGraph().isEmpty()) { Vector<?> elems = this.eRule.getLeft().getArcs(); for (int i = 0; i < elems.size(); i++) { removePacMapping((EdGraphObject) elems.get(i), true); } elems = this.eRule.getLeft().getNodes(); for (int i = 0; i < elems.size(); i++) { removePacMapping((EdGraphObject) elems.get(i), true); } Vector<EdGraphObject> vec = new Vector<EdGraphObject>(); vec.addAll(this.ePAC.getNodes()); vec.addAll(this.ePAC.getArcs()); this.ePAC.addDeletedToUndo(vec); } this.eRule.identicPAC(this.ePAC); this.msg = this.eRule.getMsg(); if (this.msg.equals("")) { if (this.gragraEditor != null) this.gragraEditor.updateUndoButton(); this.leftPanel.updateGraphics(); this.leftCondPanel.updateGraphics(true); } } public void doIdenticGAC() { if ((this.eRule == null) || (this.eGAC == null) || (this.leftPanel.getEditMode() == EditorConstants.VIEW) || (this.rightPanel.getEditMode() == EditorConstants.VIEW)) return; if (!this.eGAC.getBasisGraph().isEmpty()) { EdGraph srcGraph = this.eGAC.getSource()==null? this.eRule.getLeft(): this.eGAC.getSource(); Vector<?> elems = srcGraph.getArcs(); for (int i = 0; i < elems.size(); i++) { removeNestedACMapping((EdGraphObject) elems.get(i), true); } elems = srcGraph.getNodes(); for (int i = 0; i < elems.size(); i++) { removeNestedACMapping((EdGraphObject) elems.get(i), true); } Vector<EdGraphObject> vec = new Vector<EdGraphObject>(); vec.addAll(this.eGAC.getNodes()); vec.addAll(this.eGAC.getArcs()); this.eGAC.addDeletedToUndo(vec); } this.eRule.identicNestedAC(this.eGAC); this.msg = this.eRule.getMsg(); if (this.msg.equals("")) { if (this.gragraEditor != null) this.gragraEditor.updateUndoButton(); this.leftPanel.updateGraphics(); this.leftCondPanel.updateGraphics(true); } } /** Create a GAC from the rule RHS*/ public void doGACDuetoRHS() { if ((this.eRule == null) || (this.eGAC == null) || (this.leftPanel.getEditMode() == EditorConstants.VIEW) || (this.rightPanel.getEditMode() == EditorConstants.VIEW)) return; if (!this.eGAC.getBasisGraph().isEmpty()) { EdGraph srcGraph = this.eGAC.getSource()==null? this.eRule.getLeft(): this.eGAC.getSource(); Vector<?> elems = srcGraph.getArcs(); for (int i = 0; i < elems.size(); i++) { removeNestedACMapping((EdGraphObject) elems.get(i), true); } elems = srcGraph.getNodes(); for (int i = 0; i < elems.size(); i++) { removeNestedACMapping((EdGraphObject) elems.get(i), true); } Vector<EdGraphObject> vec = new Vector<EdGraphObject>(); vec.addAll(this.eGAC.getNodes()); vec.addAll(this.eGAC.getArcs()); this.eGAC.addDeletedToUndo(vec); } this.eRule.makeGACDuetoRHS(this.eGAC); this.msg = this.eRule.getMsg(); if (this.msg.equals("")) { if (this.gragraEditor != null) this.gragraEditor.updateUndoButton(); this.leftPanel.updateGraphics(); this.leftCondPanel.updateGraphics(true); } } /** Create a NAC from the rule RHS*/ public void doNACDuetoRHS() { if ((this.eRule == null) || (this.eNAC == null) || (this.leftPanel.getEditMode() == EditorConstants.VIEW) || (this.rightPanel.getEditMode() == EditorConstants.VIEW)) return; if (!this.eNAC.getBasisGraph().isEmpty()) { Vector<?> elems = this.eRule.getLeft().getArcs(); for (int i = 0; i < elems.size(); i++) { removeNacMapping((EdGraphObject) elems.get(i), true); } elems = this.eRule.getLeft().getNodes(); for (int i = 0; i < elems.size(); i++) { removeNacMapping((EdGraphObject) elems.get(i), true); } Vector<EdGraphObject> vec = new Vector<EdGraphObject>(); vec.addAll(this.eNAC.getNodes()); vec.addAll(this.eNAC.getArcs()); this.eNAC.addDeletedToUndo(vec); } this.eRule.makeNACDuetoRHS(this.eNAC); this.msg = this.eRule.getMsg(); if (this.msg.equals("")) { if (this.gragraEditor != null) this.gragraEditor.updateUndoButton(); this.leftPanel.updateGraphics(); this.leftCondPanel.updateGraphics(true); } } public void setGraphToCopy(EdGraph g) { if (this.eRule != null) { this.eRule.getLeft().setGraphToCopy(g); this.eRule.getRight().setGraphToCopy(g); if (this.leftCondPanel.getGraph() != null) this.leftCondPanel.getGraph().setGraphToCopy(g); } } public EdGraph getSelectedAsGraph() { if (this.eRule == null) return null; EdGraph g = this.eRule.getLeft().getSelectedAsGraph(); if (g != null) { this.sourceOfCopy = this.eRule.getLeft(); return g; } g = this.eRule.getRight().getSelectedAsGraph(); if (g != null) { this.sourceOfCopy = this.eRule.getRight(); return g; } if (this.leftCondPanel.getGraph() != null) { g = this.leftCondPanel.getGraph().getSelectedAsGraph(); if (g != null) { this.sourceOfCopy = this.leftCondPanel.getGraph(); return g; } return null; } return null; } public EdGraph getSourceOfCopy() { return this.sourceOfCopy; } public void setSourceOfCopy(EdGraph g) { this.sourceOfCopy = g; } /* privates */ private void setLastEditModeBeforMatch(GraphPanel gp) { if (gp.getEditMode() == EditorConstants.DRAW || gp.getEditMode() == EditorConstants.ARC || gp.getEditMode() == EditorConstants.SELECT || gp.getEditMode() == EditorConstants.MOVE || gp.getEditMode() == EditorConstants.ATTRIBUTES || gp.getEditMode() == EditorConstants.INTERACT_RULE || gp.getEditMode() == EditorConstants.INTERACT_NAC || gp.getEditMode() == EditorConstants.INTERACT_PAC || gp.getEditMode() == EditorConstants.INTERACT_AC || gp.getEditMode() == EditorConstants.VIEW) gp.setLastEditMode(gp.getEditMode()); } private void handleMouseListenerFromGraphEditor(int mode) { switch (mode) { case EditorConstants.DRAW: case EditorConstants.ARC: case EditorConstants.SELECT: case EditorConstants.MOVE: case EditorConstants.ATTRIBUTES: // case EditorConstants.INTERACT_RULE: // case EditorConstants.INTERACT_NAC: // case EditorConstants.INTERACT_PAC: // case EditorConstants.INTERACT_AC: if (this.mouseListenerFromGraphEditorAdded) { if (this.graphEditor != null) { this.graphEditor.getGraphPanel().getCanvas().removeMouseListener( this.mouseAdapter); this.mouseListenerFromGraphEditorAdded = false; } } break; case EditorConstants.INTERACT_MATCH: case EditorConstants.MAP: case EditorConstants.UNMAP: case EditorConstants.MAPSEL: case EditorConstants.UNMAPSEL: if (!this.mouseListenerFromGraphEditorAdded) { if (this.graphEditor != null) { this.graphEditor.getGraphPanel().getCanvas().addMouseListener( this.mouseAdapter); this.mouseListenerFromGraphEditorAdded = true; } } break; default: break; } } private void removeProc() { // if (this.leftPanel.getEditMode() == EditorConstants.INTERACT_RULE) // removeRuleMappingProc(); // else if (this.leftPanel.getEditMode() == EditorConstants.INTERACT_NAC) // removeNACMappingProc(); // else if (this.leftPanel.getEditMode() == EditorConstants.INTERACT_PAC) // removePACMappingProc(); // else if (this.leftPanel.getEditMode() == EditorConstants.INTERACT_AC) // removeNestedACMappingProc(); // else if (this.leftPanel.getEditMode() == EditorConstants.INTERACT_MATCH) // removeMatchMappingProc(); // else if (this.leftPanel.getEditMode() == EditorConstants.MAP) removeMappingProc(); else if (this.leftPanel.getEditMode() == EditorConstants.MAPSEL) removeMappingSelProc(); } @SuppressWarnings("unused") private void removeRuleMappingProc() { this.leftPanel.setEditMode(EditorConstants.REMOVE_RULE); this.leftPanel.setEditCursor(new Cursor(Cursor.CROSSHAIR_CURSOR)); if (this.applFrame != null) this.applFrame.setCursor(new Cursor(Cursor.CROSSHAIR_CURSOR)); } @SuppressWarnings("unused") private void removeNACMappingProc() { this.leftPanel.setEditMode(EditorConstants.REMOVE_NAC); this.leftPanel.setEditCursor(new Cursor(Cursor.CROSSHAIR_CURSOR)); if (this.applFrame != null) this.applFrame.setCursor(new Cursor(Cursor.CROSSHAIR_CURSOR)); } @SuppressWarnings("unused") private void removePACMappingProc() { this.leftPanel.setEditMode(EditorConstants.REMOVE_PAC); this.leftPanel.setEditCursor(new Cursor(Cursor.CROSSHAIR_CURSOR)); if (this.applFrame != null) this.applFrame.setCursor(new Cursor(Cursor.CROSSHAIR_CURSOR)); } @SuppressWarnings("unused") private void removeNestedACMappingProc() { this.leftPanel.setEditMode(EditorConstants.REMOVE_AC); this.leftPanel.setEditCursor(new Cursor(Cursor.CROSSHAIR_CURSOR)); if (this.applFrame != null) this.applFrame.setCursor(new Cursor(Cursor.CROSSHAIR_CURSOR)); } @SuppressWarnings("unused") private void removeMatchMappingProc() { this.leftPanel.setEditMode(EditorConstants.REMOVE_MATCH); this.leftPanel.setEditCursor(new Cursor(Cursor.CROSSHAIR_CURSOR)); if (this.applFrame != null) this.applFrame.setCursor(new Cursor(Cursor.CROSSHAIR_CURSOR)); } private void removeMappingProc() { this.leftPanel.setEditMode(EditorConstants.REMOVE_MAP); this.leftPanel.setEditCursor(new Cursor(Cursor.CROSSHAIR_CURSOR)); if (this.applFrame != null) this.applFrame.setCursor(new Cursor(Cursor.CROSSHAIR_CURSOR)); } private void removeMappingSelProc() { this.leftPanel.setEditMode(EditorConstants.REMOVE_MAPSEL); this.leftPanel.setEditCursor(new Cursor(Cursor.CROSSHAIR_CURSOR)); if (this.applFrame != null) this.applFrame.setCursor(new Cursor(Cursor.CROSSHAIR_CURSOR)); } public void resetEditModeAfterMapping() { // only after popupmenu item Map this.mapping = false; this.isEditPopupMenu = false; this.isEditSelPopupMenu = false; setEditMode(this.leftPanel.getLastEditMode()); if (this.graphEditor != null) this.graphEditor.setEditMode(this.leftPanel.getLastEditMode()); if (this.gragraEditor != null) this.gragraEditor.setMsg(getMsg()); } public void setExportJPEG(GraphicsExportJPEG jpg) { this.exportJPEG = jpg; } private void setLastEditModeBeforMapping(GraphPanel gp) { // only befor Map, Uunmap, Map Selected, Unmap Selected from // ObjectPopupMenu if (gp.getEditMode() == EditorConstants.DRAW || gp.getEditMode() == EditorConstants.ARC || gp.getEditMode() == EditorConstants.SELECT || gp.getEditMode() == EditorConstants.MOVE || gp.getEditMode() == EditorConstants.ATTRIBUTES || gp.getEditMode() == EditorConstants.INTERACT_RULE || gp.getEditMode() == EditorConstants.INTERACT_NAC || gp.getEditMode() == EditorConstants.INTERACT_PAC || gp.getEditMode() == EditorConstants.INTERACT_AC || gp.getEditMode() == EditorConstants.INTERACT_MATCH || gp.getEditMode() == EditorConstants.MAP || gp.getEditMode() == EditorConstants.UNMAP) gp.setLastEditMode(gp.getEditMode()); } /* private void removeKeyListenerAfterMapping(GraphPanel gp) { if (gp.getEditMode() == EditorConstants.INTERACT_RULE || gp.getEditMode() == EditorConstants.INTERACT_NAC || gp.getEditMode() == EditorConstants.INTERACT_PAC || gp.getEditMode() == EditorConstants.INTERACT_MATCH || gp.getEditMode() == EditorConstants.MAP || gp.getEditMode() == EditorConstants.MAPSEL) ; // gp.getCanvas().removeKeyListener(this); } private void addKeyListenerBeforMapping(GraphPanel gp) { if (gp.getEditMode() == EditorConstants.INTERACT_RULE || gp.getEditMode() == EditorConstants.INTERACT_NAC || gp.getEditMode() == EditorConstants.INTERACT_PAC || gp.getEditMode() == EditorConstants.INTERACT_MATCH || gp.getEditMode() == EditorConstants.MAP || gp.getEditMode() == EditorConstants.MAPSEL) ; // gp.getCanvas().addKeyListener(this); } */ public GraphPanel setActivePanel(Object src) { if (src instanceof GraphCanvas) this.activePanel = ((GraphCanvas) src).getViewport(); else this.activePanel = null; return this.activePanel; } public void showPopupMenu(MouseEvent e) { if (this.activePanel != null && (e.getX() > 0 && e.getY() > 0)) { if (this.editPopupMenu != null) { this.editPopupMenu.setEditor(this); this.editPopupMenu.setParentFrame(this.applFrame); } if (this.editSelPopupMenu != null) { this.editSelPopupMenu.setEditor(this); this.editSelPopupMenu.setParentFrame(this.applFrame); } this.isEditPopupMenu = false; this.isEditSelPopupMenu = false; if (this.activePanel == this.leftPanel) { if (this.modePopupMenu != null && this.modePopupMenu.invoked(this, this.activePanel, e.getX(), e.getY())) {, e.getX(), e.getY()); } else if (this.editPopupMenu != null && this.editPopupMenu.invoked(this.activePanel, e.getX(), e.getY())) { this.isEditPopupMenu = true; this.editPopupMenu.setMapEnabled(true); this.editPopupMenu.setUnmapEnabled(true);, e.getX(), e.getY()); } else if (this.editSelPopupMenu != null && this.editSelPopupMenu.invoked(this.activePanel, e.getX(), e.getY())) { this.isEditSelPopupMenu = true; this.editSelPopupMenu.setMapEnabled(true); this.editSelPopupMenu.setUnmapEnabled(true);, e.getX(), e.getY()); } } else { if (this.modePopupMenu != null && this.modePopupMenu.invoked(this, this.activePanel, e.getX(), e.getY())), e.getX(), e.getY()); else if (this.editPopupMenu != null && this.editPopupMenu.invoked(this.activePanel, e.getX(), e.getY())) { this.isEditPopupMenu = true; this.editPopupMenu.setMapEnabled(false); this.editPopupMenu.setUnmapEnabled(true);, e.getX(), e.getY()); } else if (this.editSelPopupMenu != null && this.editSelPopupMenu.invoked(this.activePanel, e.getX(), e.getY())) { this.isEditSelPopupMenu = true; this.editSelPopupMenu.setMapEnabled(false); this.editSelPopupMenu.setUnmapEnabled(true);, e.getX(), e.getY()); } } } } public void deselectAllWeakselected() { if (this.leftPanel.eGraph != null) this.leftPanel.eGraph.deselectAllWeakselected(); if (this.rightPanel.eGraph != null) this.rightPanel.eGraph.deselectAllWeakselected(); if (this.leftCondPanel.eGraph != null) this.leftCondPanel.eGraph.deselectAllWeakselected(); } private void setPanelEditMode(int mode) { this.leftPanel.setEditMode(mode); this.rightPanel.setEditMode(mode); this.leftCondPanel.setEditMode(mode); } protected final JFrame applFrame; private final GraGraEditor gragraEditor; private GraphEditor graphEditor; private AttrTopEditor attrEditor; private final JLabel title; private String titleKind = " "; private final JLabel titleAC; private String titleKindAC = " "; private String ruleName; private String gragraName; private String conclusionName; private String atomicName; private final JSplitPane splitPane; private final JSplitPane ruleSplitPane; private int ruleDividerLocation, acDividerLocation; // pacDividerLocation, nacDividerLocation; private final Hashtable<Object, Integer> dividerLocationSet; private final GraphPanel leftPanel; private final GraphPanel rightPanel; private final GraphPanel leftCondPanel; private GraphPanel activePanel; // private String lastText; private String msg = ""; private EdGraGra eGra; private EdRule eRule; private EdNAC eNAC; private EdPAC ePAC; private EdNestedApplCond eGAC; private EdGraph sourceOfCopy; // private boolean isPopupTrigger = false; private ModePopupMenu modePopupMenu; private EditPopupMenu editPopupMenu; private EditSelPopupMenu editSelPopupMenu; private boolean isEditPopupMenu = false; private boolean isEditSelPopupMenu = false; private boolean doNotShowPopupMenu; private EdGraphObject leftObj; private EdGraphObject rightObj; private EdGraphObject leftCondObj; private EdGraphObject graphObj; // private int lastEditMode = 0; // private Cursor lastEditModeCursor; private boolean synchrMoveOfMapObjs = false; private boolean draggingL = false, draggingR = false, draggingC = false; private boolean mapping = false; private boolean mouseListenerFromGraphEditorAdded = false; GraphicsExportJPEG exportJPEG; private final JButton exportJPEGButton; final JPanel mainPanel; }