package agg.parser; import java.util.Enumeration; import java.util.Hashtable; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.List; import java.util.Vector; import agg.xt_basis.BadMappingException; import agg.xt_basis.BaseFactory; import agg.xt_basis.CompletionStrategySelector; import agg.xt_basis.Completion_InjCSP; import agg.xt_basis.GraGra; import agg.xt_basis.Graph; import agg.xt_basis.GraphObject; import agg.xt_basis.MorphCompletionStrategy; import agg.xt_basis.OrdinaryMorphism; import agg.xt_basis.Rule; import agg.xt_basis.Node; import agg.xt_basis.Arc; import agg.xt_basis.TestStep; import agg.xt_basis.TypeException; import agg.xt_basis.Match; import agg.attribute.impl.ContextView; import agg.attribute.impl.ValueMember; import agg.util.XMLHelper; import agg.util.Pair; // ****************************************************************************+ /** * This Container contains only conflict free and exclude relations. * * @author $Author: olga $ * @version $Id:,v 1.92 2010/12/21 16:33:19 olga Exp $ */ public class ExcludePairContainer implements PairContainer, Runnable { public class Entry { public static final int NOT_SET = 0; // status|state public static final int SCHEDULED_FOR_COMPUTING = 1; // state public static final int COMPUTING_IS_RUNNING = 2; // state public static final int COMPUTED = 3; // state public static final int COMPUTED2 = 31; // state public static final int COMPUTED12 = 32; // state public static final int NOT_RELATED = 4; // state public static final int DISABLED = 5; // state public static final int NON_RELEVANT = 6; // status public static final int NOT_COMPUTABLE = 7; // status public static final int NOT_COMPLETE_COMPUTABLE = 8; // status boolean isCritical = false; boolean isRelationVisible = true; boolean isRuleVisible = true; int state = NOT_SET; int status = NOT_SET; int duIndx=-1, pfIndx=-1, caIndx=-1; String duIndxStr="-1:", pfIndxStr="-1:-1:", caIndxStr="-1:"; Vector<Pair<Pair<OrdinaryMorphism, OrdinaryMorphism>, Pair<OrdinaryMorphism, OrdinaryMorphism>>> overlapping; public boolean isCritical() { return this.isCritical; } public void setState(int s) { if (s == 1 || s == 2 || s == 3 || s == 31 || s == 32) this.state = s; else this.state = 0; } public int getState() { return this.state; } public void setStatus(int s) { this.status = s; } public int getStatus() { return this.status; } public Vector<?> getOverlapping() { return this.overlapping; } public void setOverlapping(Vector<Pair<Pair<OrdinaryMorphism, OrdinaryMorphism>, Pair<OrdinaryMorphism, OrdinaryMorphism>>> v) { this.overlapping.addAll(v); } public boolean isRuleVisible() { return this.isRuleVisible; } public boolean isRelationVisible() { return this.isRelationVisible; } public void setProgressIndx(final ExcludePair p) { this.duIndxStr = p.duIndxStr; this.pfIndxStr = p.pfIndxStr; this.caIndxStr = p.caIndxStr; try { this.duIndx = Integer.valueOf(this.duIndxStr.split(":")[0]).intValue(); this.pfIndx = Integer.valueOf(this.pfIndxStr.split(":")[0]).intValue(); this.caIndx = Integer.valueOf(this.caIndxStr.split(":")[0]).intValue(); } catch (NumberFormatException ex) {} } public void unsetProgressIndx() { this.duIndx=-1; this.pfIndx=-1; this.caIndx=-1; this.duIndxStr="-1:"; this.pfIndxStr="-1:-1:"; this.caIndxStr="-1:"; } public void setIndexOfDelUseProgress(String indxStr) { try { this.duIndx = Integer.valueOf(indxStr.split(":")[0]).intValue(); this.duIndxStr = indxStr; } catch (NumberFormatException ex) { this.duIndxStr = "-1:"; this.duIndx = -1; } catch (ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException ex1) { this.duIndxStr = "-1:"; this.duIndx = -1; } } public void setIndexOfProdForbidProgress(String indxStr) { this.pfIndxStr = indxStr; try { this.pfIndx = Integer.valueOf(this.pfIndxStr.split(":")[0]).intValue(); this.pfIndxStr = indxStr; } catch (NumberFormatException ex) { this.pfIndxStr = "-1:-1"; this.pfIndx = -1; } catch (ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException ex1) { this.pfIndxStr = "-1:-1"; this.pfIndx = -1; } } public void setIndexOfChangeAttrProgress(String indxStr) { try { this.caIndx = Integer.valueOf(this.caIndxStr.split(":")[0]).intValue(); this.caIndxStr = indxStr; } catch (NumberFormatException ex) { this.caIndxStr = "-1:"; this.caIndx = -1; } catch (ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException ex1) { this.caIndxStr = "-1:"; this.caIndx = -1; } } public boolean isProgressIndexSet() { return (this.duIndx!=-1) || (this.pfIndx!=-1) || (this.caIndx!=-1); } public void clear() { this.isCritical = false; if (this.overlapping != null) this.overlapping.clear(); this.overlapping = null; this.state = Entry.NOT_SET; this.status = Entry.NOT_SET; this.duIndx=-1; this.pfIndx=-1; this.caIndx=-1; this.duIndxStr="-1:"; this.pfIndxStr="-1:-1:"; this.caIndxStr="-1:"; } } /*** Class Entry END ****/ /** * This container stores the conflict relations. */ protected Hashtable<Rule, Hashtable<Rule, Pair<Boolean, Vector<Pair<Pair<OrdinaryMorphism, OrdinaryMorphism>, Pair<OrdinaryMorphism, OrdinaryMorphism>>>>>> excludeContainer = null; /** * true, if each calculation should be done in an extra Thread. This makes * only sense on computer with a lot of CPUs (at least 2). */ protected boolean calculateParallel = false; /** * This container stores the conflict free relations. */ protected Hashtable<Rule, Hashtable<Rule, Pair<Boolean, Vector<Pair<Pair<OrdinaryMorphism, OrdinaryMorphism>, Pair<OrdinaryMorphism, OrdinaryMorphism>>>>>> conflictFreeContainer = null; /** * Contains for each Pair one Entry. The structure is a hash table of * hash tables of Entry. */ public Hashtable<Rule, Hashtable<Rule, Entry>> commonContainer = new Hashtable<Rule, Hashtable<Rule, Entry>>(); protected int conflictKind = CriticalPair.CONFLICT; /** * The graph grammar */ protected GraGra grammar; /** * <code>rules</code> is the horizontal list and <code>rules2</code> is the vertical list. * If <code>rules</code> is equal to <code>rules2</code>, we have symmetrical rule matrix. */ protected List<Rule> rules, rules2; protected boolean asymmetrical; /** * true if all the relations are computed. */ protected boolean isComputed; /** * true if one pair relations are computed. */ protected boolean isComputedLocal; final protected Vector<ParserEventListener> listener = new Vector<ParserEventListener>( 2); /** true if global generating process will be stopped */ protected boolean stop; /** * true if global generating process is running. */ protected boolean isAlive; protected ExcludePair excludePair; protected boolean notCompleteComputable; protected boolean complete, reduce, reduceSameMatch, withNACs, withPACs, consistent, directStrctCnfl, directStrctCnflUpToIso, strongAttrCheck; protected boolean namedObjectOnly; protected int maxBoundOfCriticCause = 0; // <=0 unbound protected boolean equalVariableNameOfAttrMapping; protected boolean useHostGraph; // in excludeContainerForTestGraph: keys are overlapgraphs // in values are graph object mappings: // keys are graph objects of an overlapgraph, // values - objects of the test graph final protected Hashtable<Graph, Vector<Hashtable<GraphObject, GraphObject>>> excludeContainerForTestGraph = new Hashtable<Graph, Vector<Hashtable<GraphObject, GraphObject>>>(); protected Graph testGraph; protected MorphCompletionStrategy strategy; protected boolean isEmpty = true; protected boolean ignoreIdenticalRules = false; protected Hashtable<ValueMember, Pair<String, String>> storeMap; long freeM, usedM; /** * Creates a new container for critical pairs. * * @param gragra * The graph grammar. */ public ExcludePairContainer(GraGra gragra) { initAllContainer(); this.isComputed = false; this.stop = false; this.isAlive = false; this.complete = true; this.withNACs = true; this.consistent = true; this.setGrammar(gragra); } /** * Returns currently active ExcludePair of the pair container. */ public ExcludePair getActiveExcludePair() { return this.excludePair; } /** * Starts the filling of all containers parallel. */ public void run() { // System.out.println(" ..."); Runtime.getRuntime().gc(); long time0 = System.currentTimeMillis(); // System.out.println("CPA: Start time: "+time0+"s"); // long maxMem = Runtime.getRuntime().maxMemory()/1024; // //System.out.println("Max memory: "+maxMem+"k"); // long freem0 = Runtime.getRuntime().freeMemory(); // System.out.println("Free memory: "+freem0+"k"); this.freeM = 0; this.stop = false; this.isAlive = true; if (this.useHostGraph) { firePairEvent(new ParserMessageEvent(this, //ParserEvent.FINISHED, "Thread - Checking Host Graph - started.")); } firePairEvent(new ParserMessageEvent(this, "Thread - Critical pairs - runs ...")); // compute CPs fillContainers(); if (this.stop) { System.out.println("Critical pairs - Used time: "+ (System.currentTimeMillis() - time0) + "ms"); System.out.println("Critical pairs - Used memory: "+usedM/1024+"k"); firePairEvent(new ParserMessageEvent(this, "Thread - Critical pairs - was stopped.")); this.stop = false; } else { System.out.println("Critical pairs - Used time: "+ (System.currentTimeMillis() - time0) + "ms"); System.out.println("Critical pairs - Used memory: "+this.usedM/1024+"k"); firePairEvent(new ParserMessageEvent(this, ParserEvent.FINISHED, "Thread - Critical pairs - finished.")); if(this.useHostGraph) { firePairEvent(new ParserMessageEvent(this, ParserEvent.FINISHED, "Thread - Checking Host Graph - finished.")); } } this.isAlive = false; } /* private void updateExcludeContainerAfterCheckHostGraph() { Enumeration<Rule> keys1 = this.excludeContainer.keys(); while (keys1.hasMoreElements()) { Rule r1 = keys1.nextElement(); Enumeration<Rule> keys2 = this.excludeContainer.get(r1).keys(); while (keys2.hasMoreElements()) { Rule r2 = keys2.nextElement(); getCriticalForGraph(r1, r2); } } } */ /** * Stops the process of computing critical pairs. */ public void stop() { this.stop = true; if (this.excludePair != null) { this.isComputed = false; this.excludePair.stop = true; } } /** * If the parameter is <code>true</code> initiates the stop of the process * of computing critical pairs. */ public void setStop(boolean b) { // System.out.println("ExcludePairContainer.setStop:: "+b); this.stop = b; if (this.stop) stop(); } /** * Returns <code>true</code> if the process of computing critical pairs * was stopped (not finished). */ public boolean wasStopped() { return this.stop; } public void enableIgnoreIdenticalRules(boolean b) { this.ignoreIdenticalRules = b; } // ****************************************************************************+ /** * computes the critical part of two rules. This can be a * <code>Vector</code> of overlaping graphs. * * @param r1 * The first part of a critical pair * @param r2 * The second part of a critical pair * @param kind * The kind of critical pair * @throws InvalidAlgorithmException * Thrown if a illegal algorithm is chosen. * @return The critical object. */ // public Object getCritical(Rule r1, Rule r2, int kind) // throws InvalidAlgorithmException { // // /* // * diese Methode darf nicht synchronized sein, da Anfragen an // * verschiedenen kinds sehr wohl parallel laufen duerfen. Des weiteren // * sollte die private Methode das lock uebernehmen. isComputed bei // * private getCritic gucken. // */ // return getCritical(r1, r2, getContainer(kind)); // } /** * computes the critical part of two rules. This can be a * <code>Vector</code> of overlaping graphs. * * @param r1 * The first part of a critical pair * @param r2 * The second part of a critical pair * @param kind * The kind of critical pair * @throws InvalidAlgorithmException * Thrown if a illegal algorithm is chosen. * @return The critical object. */ public Vector<Pair<Pair<OrdinaryMorphism, OrdinaryMorphism>, Pair<OrdinaryMorphism, OrdinaryMorphism>>> getCriticalPair( Rule r1, Rule r2, int kind) throws InvalidAlgorithmException { /* * diese Methode darf nicht synchronized sein, da Anfragen an * verschiedenen kinds sehr wohl parallel laufen duerfen. Des weiteren * sollte die private Methode das lock uebernehmen. isComputed bei * private getCritic gucken. */ return getCriticalPair(r1, r2, getContainer(kind)); } /** * Returns <code>CriticalPairData</code> object which allows an access to the * computed critical pairs of the specified rule pair in a more readable way. * @see <code>CriticalPairData</code> * * @return critical pair data if it is already computed, otherwise null */ public CriticalPairData getCriticalPairData(Rule r1, Rule r2) { Hashtable<Rule, Pair<Boolean, Vector<Pair<Pair<OrdinaryMorphism, OrdinaryMorphism>, Pair<OrdinaryMorphism, OrdinaryMorphism>>>>> secondPart = this.excludeContainer.get(r1); if (secondPart != null) { Pair<Boolean, Vector<Pair<Pair<OrdinaryMorphism, OrdinaryMorphism>, Pair<OrdinaryMorphism, OrdinaryMorphism>>>> p = secondPart.get(r2); if (p != null) { if (p.first.booleanValue()) { return new CriticalPairData(r1, r2, p.second); } } } return null; } /** * Returns a list of <code>CriticalPairData</code> which allows an access to the * computed critical pairs of the specified kind of conflict in a more readable way. * @see <code>CriticalPairData</code> * * @return critical pair data if it is already computed, otherwise null */ public List<CriticalPairData> getCriticalPairDataOfKind(String kind) { List<CriticalPairData> list = new Vector<CriticalPairData>(); Enumeration<Rule> r1Iter = this.excludeContainer.keys(); while (r1Iter.hasMoreElements()) { Rule r1 = r1Iter.nextElement(); Hashtable<Rule, Pair<Boolean, Vector<Pair<Pair<OrdinaryMorphism, OrdinaryMorphism>, Pair<OrdinaryMorphism, OrdinaryMorphism>>>>> secondPart = this.excludeContainer.get(r1); if (secondPart != null) { Enumeration<Rule> r2Iter = secondPart.keys(); while (r2Iter.hasMoreElements()) { Rule r2 = r2Iter.nextElement(); Pair<Boolean, Vector<Pair<Pair<OrdinaryMorphism, OrdinaryMorphism>, Pair<OrdinaryMorphism, OrdinaryMorphism>>>> p = secondPart.get(r2); if (p != null && p.first.booleanValue()) { Vector<Pair<Pair<OrdinaryMorphism, OrdinaryMorphism>, Pair<OrdinaryMorphism, OrdinaryMorphism>>> kindList = new Vector<Pair<Pair<OrdinaryMorphism, OrdinaryMorphism>, Pair<OrdinaryMorphism, OrdinaryMorphism>>>(); for (int i=0; i<p.second.size(); i++) { Pair<Pair<OrdinaryMorphism, OrdinaryMorphism>, Pair<OrdinaryMorphism, OrdinaryMorphism>> cp = p.second.get(i); if (kind.indexOf(CriticalPairData.PRODUCE_DELETE_D_TXT) != -1) { if (cp.first.first.getTarget().getName().indexOf(CriticalPairData.PRODUCE_USE_D_TXT) != -1 && isProduceUseDelete(cp.first.first.getTarget(), cp.first, r2)) { kindList.add(cp); } } else if (kind.indexOf(CriticalPairData.PRODUCE_CHANGE_D_TXT) != -1) { if (cp.first.first.getTarget().getName().indexOf(CriticalPairData.PRODUCE_USE_D_TXT) != -1 && isProduceUseChange(cp.first.first.getTarget(), cp.first, r2)) { kindList.add(cp); } } else if (cp.first.first.getTarget().getName().indexOf(kind) != -1) { kindList.add(cp); } } if (kindList.size() > 0) { CriticalPairData data = new CriticalPairData(r1, r2, kindList); list.add(data); } else { kindList = null; } } } } } return list; } private boolean isProduceUseDelete( final Graph overlapGraph, final Pair<OrdinaryMorphism, OrdinaryMorphism> cpair, final Rule r2) { Enumeration<GraphObject> dom2 = cpair.second.getDomain(); while (dom2.hasMoreElements()) { GraphObject go2 = dom2.nextElement(); GraphObject go = cpair.second.getImage(go2); if (go.isCritical() && r2.getImage(go2) == null) return true; } return false; } private boolean isProduceUseChange( final Graph overlapGraph, final Pair<OrdinaryMorphism, OrdinaryMorphism> cpair, final Rule r2) { Enumeration<GraphObject> dom2 = cpair.second.getDomain(); while (dom2.hasMoreElements()) { GraphObject go2 = dom2.nextElement(); GraphObject img2 = r2.getImage(go2); if (img2 != null) { GraphObject go = cpair.second.getImage(go2); if (go.isCritical()) { if (go2.getAttribute() != null && img2.getAttribute() != null && go2.isAttrMemValDifferent(img2)) { return true; } } } } return false; } /** * @deprecated replaced by <code>getCriticalPair(Rule r1, Rule r2, int kind)</code> */ public Object getCritical(Rule r1, Rule r2, int kind) throws InvalidAlgorithmException { return getCriticalPair(r1, r2, getContainer(kind)); } /** * @deprecated replaced by <code>getCriticalPair(Rule r1, Rule r2, int kind, boolean local)</code> */ public Object getCritical(Rule r1, Rule r2, int kind, boolean local) throws InvalidAlgorithmException { if (local) return getCriticalPair(r1, r2, getContainer(kind, r1, r2)); return getCriticalPair(r1, r2, getContainer(kind)); } public Vector<Pair<Pair<OrdinaryMorphism, OrdinaryMorphism>, Pair<OrdinaryMorphism, OrdinaryMorphism>>> getCriticalPair( Rule r1, Rule r2, int kind, boolean local) throws InvalidAlgorithmException { if (local) { // Entry e = this.getEntry(r1, r2); // if (e.isProgressIndexSet()) { // return this.continueComputeCriticalPair(r1, r2, getContainer(kind, r1, r2)); // } return getCriticalPair(r1, r2, getContainer(kind, r1, r2)); } return getCriticalPair(r1, r2, getContainer(kind)); } public Vector<Pair<Pair<OrdinaryMorphism, OrdinaryMorphism>, Pair<OrdinaryMorphism, OrdinaryMorphism>>> continueComputeCriticalPair( Rule r1, Rule r2, int kind, boolean local) throws InvalidAlgorithmException { if (local) { Entry e = this.getEntry(r1, r2); if (e.isProgressIndexSet()) { return this.continueComputeCriticalPair(r1, r2, getContainer(kind, r1, r2)); } return getCriticalPair(r1, r2, getContainer(kind, r1, r2)); } return getCriticalPair(r1, r2, getContainer(kind)); } /** * Computes the critical part of two rules and checks it on the specified * Graph g. When an overlapping graph is not critical for the given Graph g * it is removed from the critical part. Returns the critical object if it * exists otherwise null. The specified rules are enabled and applicable to * the Graph g, otherwise returns null. * * @param r1 * The first part of a critical pair * @param r2 * The second part of a critical pair * @param g * The graph on which these two rules should be checked * @return The critical object * <code>Hashtable<Graph,Vector<Hashtable<GraphObject,GraphObject>>></code>, * where a Graph is an overlapping graph and is a key, a Vector<Hashtable<GraphObject,GraphObject>> * contains found critical matches and is a value. Furthermore, a * Hashtable<GraphObject,GraphObject> defines a critical match of a * key-Graph into the specified Graph g. Here a key-GraphObject * belongs to a key-Graph which is an overlapping graph, a * value-GraphObject belongs to the specified Graph g. */ public Hashtable<Graph, Vector<Hashtable<GraphObject, GraphObject>>> getCriticalForGraph( final Rule r1, final Rule r2, final Graph g) { // System.out.println("ExcludePairContainer.getCriticalForGraph... r1: " // +r1.getName()+" r2: "+r2.getName()+" g: "+g.getName() +" useHostGraph: "+useHostGraph); if (!r1.isEnabled() || !r2.isEnabled()) { this.getEntry(r1, r2).state = Entry.DISABLED; Entry entry = addEntry(r1, r2, false, null); entry.status = Entry.NON_RELEVANT; addQuadruple(this.excludeContainer, r1, r2, false, null); addQuadruple(this.conflictFreeContainer, r1, r2, false, null); firePairEvent(new CriticalPairEvent(this, r1, r2, CriticalPairEvent.UNCRITICAL, "<" + r1.getName() + "> and <" + r2.getName() + "> have not any critical pairs")); return null; } if (!r1.isApplicable(g, this.strategy) || !r2.isApplicable(g, this.strategy)) { this.getEntry(r1, r2).state = Entry.COMPUTED; Entry entry = addEntry(r1, r2, false, null); entry.status = Entry.NON_RELEVANT; addQuadruple(this.excludeContainer, r1, r2, false, null); addQuadruple(this.conflictFreeContainer, r1, r2, true, null); firePairEvent(new CriticalPairEvent(this, r1, r2, CriticalPairEvent.UNCRITICAL, "<" + r1.getName() + "> and <" + r2.getName() + "> have not any critical pairs")); return null; } try { Vector<Pair<Pair<OrdinaryMorphism, OrdinaryMorphism>, Pair<OrdinaryMorphism, OrdinaryMorphism>>> criticalObj = getCriticalPair(r1, r2, CriticalPair.EXCLUDE, true); if (criticalObj != null) { if (checkCritical(r1, r2, g)) { for (int i = 0; i < criticalObj.size(); i++) { Pair<Pair<OrdinaryMorphism, OrdinaryMorphism>, Pair<OrdinaryMorphism, OrdinaryMorphism>> pi = criticalObj.get(i); Pair<OrdinaryMorphism, OrdinaryMorphism> p1 = pi.first; // overlapping morphisms pair Pair<OrdinaryMorphism, OrdinaryMorphism> p2 = pi.second; // help pair OrdinaryMorphism m1 = p1.first; Graph overlapG = m1.getTarget(); if (this.excludeContainerForTestGraph.get(overlapG) == null) { if (p2 != null) { m1 = p2.first; overlapG = m1.getTarget(); if (this.excludeContainerForTestGraph.get(overlapG) == null) { criticalObj.remove(i); i--; } } else { criticalObj.remove(i); i--; } } } Entry entry = this.getEntry(r1, r2, true); if (criticalObj.isEmpty()) entry.status = Entry.NON_RELEVANT; } } } catch (InvalidAlgorithmException ex) {} return this.excludeContainerForTestGraph; } public Vector<Pair<Hashtable<GraphObject, GraphObject>, Hashtable<GraphObject, GraphObject>>> getCriticalPairAtGraph( final Rule r1, final Rule r2) { CriticalRulePairAtGraph test = new CriticalRulePairAtGraph(r1, r2, this.testGraph); test.setMorphismCompletionStrategy(this.strategy); Vector<Pair<Hashtable<GraphObject, GraphObject>, Hashtable<GraphObject, GraphObject>>> result = test.isCriticalAtGraph(); // select match graph objects /* if (result != null && !result.isEmpty()) { Pair<Hashtable<GraphObject, GraphObject>, Hashtable<GraphObject, GraphObject>> p = result.get(0); Hashtable<GraphObject, GraphObject> m1 = p.first; Hashtable<GraphObject, GraphObject> m2 = p.second; Enumeration<GraphObject> keys = m1.keys(); while (keys.hasMoreElements()) { GraphObject o = keys.nextElement(); GraphObject i = m1.get(o); o.selected = true; i.selected = true; } keys = m2.keys(); while (keys.hasMoreElements()) { GraphObject o = keys.nextElement(); GraphObject i = m2.get(o); o.selected = true; i.selected = true; } } */ return result; } public Hashtable<Graph, Vector<Hashtable<GraphObject, GraphObject>>> getCriticalForGraph( final Rule r1, final Rule r2) { if (this.useHostGraph && this.testGraph != null) return this.getCriticalForGraph(r1, r2, this.testGraph); return null; } /** * Returns the critical object of two rules. * * @param r1 * The first rule * @param r2 * The second rule * @param container * The container. * @return The critical object is a Vector an element as a Pair. */ protected synchronized Vector<Pair<Pair<OrdinaryMorphism, OrdinaryMorphism>, Pair<OrdinaryMorphism, OrdinaryMorphism>>> getCriticalPair( final Rule r1, final Rule r2, final Hashtable<Rule, Hashtable<Rule, Pair<Boolean, Vector<Pair<Pair<OrdinaryMorphism, OrdinaryMorphism>, Pair<OrdinaryMorphism, OrdinaryMorphism>>>>>> container) { // System.out.println("Excl.PC.getCritical(Rule r1, Rule r2, ..."); if (this.stop) return null; Hashtable<Rule, Pair<Boolean, Vector<Pair<Pair<OrdinaryMorphism, OrdinaryMorphism>, Pair<OrdinaryMorphism, OrdinaryMorphism>>>>> secondPart = container.get(r1); /* falls r1/rX schon mal berechnet wurden, gibt es secondPart */ if (secondPart != null) { Pair<Boolean, Vector<Pair<Pair<OrdinaryMorphism, OrdinaryMorphism>, Pair<OrdinaryMorphism, OrdinaryMorphism>>>> p = secondPart.get(r2); /* * wurden r1/r2 berechnet so existiert secondPart. ABER wird gerade * r1/r3 berechnet, so existiert noch kein p fuer r1/r4. p waehre in * dem fall null. */ if (p != null) { if (p.first.booleanValue()) { firePairEvent(new CriticalPairEvent(this, r1, r2, "rule pair [ " + r1.getName() + " , " + r2.getName() + " ] done")); return p.second; } firePairEvent(new CriticalPairEvent(this, r1, r2, "rule pair [ " + r1.getName() + " , " + r2.getName() + " ] done")); return null; } computeCritical(r1, r2); firePairEvent(new CriticalPairEvent(this, r1, r2, "rule pair [ " + r1.getName() + " , " + r2.getName() + " ] done")); return getCriticalPair(r1, r2, container); } computeCritical(r1, r2); firePairEvent(new CriticalPairEvent(this, r1, r2, "rule pair [ " + r1.getName() + " , " + r2.getName() + " ] done")); return getCriticalPair(r1, r2, container); } public synchronized Vector<Pair<OrdinaryMorphism, OrdinaryMorphism>> getLHSoverlappings( final Rule r1, final Rule r2, Vector<Pair<Pair<OrdinaryMorphism, OrdinaryMorphism>, Pair<OrdinaryMorphism, OrdinaryMorphism>>> criticalPairs) { Vector<Pair<OrdinaryMorphism, OrdinaryMorphism>> matches = new Vector<Pair<OrdinaryMorphism, OrdinaryMorphism>>(5); Vector<Pair<Pair<OrdinaryMorphism, OrdinaryMorphism>, Pair<OrdinaryMorphism, OrdinaryMorphism>>> cps = criticalPairs; if (cps == null || cps.isEmpty()) { cps = getCriticalPair(r1, r2, this.excludeContainer); } if (cps != null && !cps.isEmpty()) { for (int i = 0; i < cps.size(); i++) { Pair<Pair<OrdinaryMorphism, OrdinaryMorphism>, Pair<OrdinaryMorphism, OrdinaryMorphism>> pi = cps.get(i); Vector<OrdinaryMorphism> triple = getValidMatch1Match2(r1, r2, pi); if (triple != null && !triple.isEmpty()) { Pair<OrdinaryMorphism, OrdinaryMorphism> overlapPair = new Pair<OrdinaryMorphism, OrdinaryMorphism>( triple.get(0), triple.get(1)); Pair<OrdinaryMorphism, OrdinaryMorphism> isoPair = getIsomorphicOverlapping(matches, overlapPair); if (isoPair == null) { matches.add(overlapPair); } } } } return matches; } private synchronized Hashtable<String, Pair<OrdinaryMorphism, OrdinaryMorphism>> getLHSoverlappings( final Rule r1, final Rule r2, Vector<Pair<Pair<OrdinaryMorphism, OrdinaryMorphism>, Pair<OrdinaryMorphism, OrdinaryMorphism>>> criticalPairs, final Hashtable<String, OrdinaryMorphism> overlapGraphIso) { // in case of produce-forbid // the Vector overlapGraphIso will be filled with isomorphisms : // iso = overlapGraph -> overlapGraphAfterApplyReverseR1 . // Hashtable to return will contain a pair with match1 and match2, // the target of the matches is overlapGraphAfterApplyReverseR1, // the sources - LHS1 and LHS2. // The key of this table is the hashcode of a critical pair. Hashtable<String, Pair<OrdinaryMorphism, OrdinaryMorphism>> result = new Hashtable<String, Pair<OrdinaryMorphism, OrdinaryMorphism>>(5); Vector<Pair<OrdinaryMorphism, OrdinaryMorphism>> matches = new Vector<Pair<OrdinaryMorphism, OrdinaryMorphism>>(5); Vector<Pair<Pair<OrdinaryMorphism, OrdinaryMorphism>, Pair<OrdinaryMorphism, OrdinaryMorphism>>> cps = criticalPairs; if (cps == null || cps.isEmpty()) { cps = getCriticalPair(r1, r2, this.excludeContainer); } if (cps != null && !cps.isEmpty()) { for (int i = 0; i < cps.size(); i++) { Pair<Pair<OrdinaryMorphism, OrdinaryMorphism>, Pair<OrdinaryMorphism, OrdinaryMorphism>> pi = cps.get(i); Vector<OrdinaryMorphism> triple = getValidMatch1Match2(r1, r2, pi); if (triple != null && !triple.isEmpty()) { Pair<OrdinaryMorphism, OrdinaryMorphism> overlapPair = new Pair<OrdinaryMorphism, OrdinaryMorphism>( triple.get(0), triple.get(1)); Pair<OrdinaryMorphism, OrdinaryMorphism> isoPair = getIsomorphicOverlapping(matches, overlapPair); if (isoPair == null) { matches.add(overlapPair); result.put(String.valueOf(pi.hashCode()), overlapPair); if (triple.get(2) != null) { overlapGraphIso.put(String.valueOf(pi.hashCode()), triple.get(2)); } } } } } return result; } private Vector<OrdinaryMorphism> getValidMatch1Match2( final Rule r1, final Rule r2, final Pair<Pair<OrdinaryMorphism, OrdinaryMorphism>, Pair<OrdinaryMorphism, OrdinaryMorphism>> criticalPair) { // System.out.println("ExcludePairContainer.getValidMatch1Match2 ... rule1: "+r1.getName()+" rule2: "+r2.getName()); BaseFactory bf = BaseFactory.theFactory(); Vector<OrdinaryMorphism> result = new Vector<OrdinaryMorphism>(3); Pair<OrdinaryMorphism, OrdinaryMorphism> p1 = criticalPair.first; Pair<OrdinaryMorphism, OrdinaryMorphism> p2 = criticalPair.second; if (p2 == null) { // delete-use conflict match // change-use attribute conflict match result.add(p1.first); result.add(p1.second); result.add(null); return result; } OrdinaryMorphism overlapMorph1prime = p1.first; OrdinaryMorphism overlapMorph2prime = p1.second; OrdinaryMorphism L2iso = p2.first; if (overlapMorph1prime.getSource() == r1.getRight()) { // produce-forbid conflict match // make inverse rule1 Pair<Pair<Rule,Boolean>, Pair<OrdinaryMorphism, OrdinaryMorphism>> inverseR1pair = bf.reverseRule(r1); if (inverseR1pair == null) { return null; } Rule inverseR1 = inverseR1pair.first.first; OrdinaryMorphism isoLeftR1 = inverseR1pair.second.first; OrdinaryMorphism isoRightR1 = inverseR1pair.second.second; OrdinaryMorphism morph1prime = overlapMorph1prime.completeDiagram(isoRightR1); OrdinaryMorphism targetIso = morph1prime.getTarget().isomorphicCopy(); if (targetIso == null) { morph1prime.dispose(); return null; } // make match of inverse rule1 OrdinaryMorphism morph1primeTest = morph1prime .compose(targetIso); ((ContextView) morph1primeTest.getAttrContext()) .setVariableContext(true); Match m1primeTest = bf.makeMatch(inverseR1, morph1primeTest); if (m1primeTest == null) { morph1primeTest.dispose(); morph1primeTest = null; return null; } m1primeTest.setCompletionStrategy(new Completion_InjCSP()); // apply inverted r1 to extended overlapGraph OrdinaryMorphism ms = null; try { ms = (OrdinaryMorphism) TestStep.execute(m1primeTest, true, this.equalVariableNameOfAttrMapping); } catch (TypeException e) {} if (ms == null) { bf.destroyMorphism(m1primeTest); m1primeTest = null; bf.destroyMorphism(morph1primeTest); morph1primeTest = null; return null; } // make match m1 : L1 -> overlapGraph OrdinaryMorphism morph1test = isoLeftR1.compose(ms); ms.dispose(); Match m1test = bf.makeMatch(r1, morph1test); // make match of rule2 OrdinaryMorphism morph2primeTest = overlapMorph2prime .compose(targetIso); OrdinaryMorphism morph2test = L2iso.compose(morph2primeTest); Match m2test = bf.makeMatch(r2, morph2test); overlapMorph2prime.getTarget().unsetTransientAttrValues(); result.add(m1test); result.add(m2test); result.add(targetIso); return result; } // change-forbid attributes conflict match OrdinaryMorphism morph2primeTest = L2iso .compose(overlapMorph2prime); Match m2test = bf.makeMatch(r2, morph2primeTest); overlapMorph2prime.getTarget().unsetTransientAttrValues(); result.add(overlapMorph1prime); result.add(m2test); result.add(null); return result; } private Pair<OrdinaryMorphism, OrdinaryMorphism> getIsomorphicOverlapping( Vector<Pair<OrdinaryMorphism, OrdinaryMorphism>> overlapPairs, Pair<OrdinaryMorphism, OrdinaryMorphism> overlapPair) { Graph overlapGraph = overlapPair.first.getTarget(); for (int j = 0; j < overlapPairs.size() && !this.stop; j++) { Pair<OrdinaryMorphism, OrdinaryMorphism> p1 = overlapPairs .elementAt(j); Graph g = p1.first.getTarget(); Hashtable<GraphObject, GraphObject> partialMap = getMorphismMap( p1.first, overlapPair.first); Vector<OrdinaryMorphism> overlapIsos = g.getIsomorphicWith(overlapGraph, partialMap); if (overlapIsos != null) { for (int i = 0; i < overlapIsos.size(); i++) { OrdinaryMorphism overlapIso = overlapIsos.get(i); if (overlapIso != null) { if (p1.first.isIsomorphicTo(overlapPair.first, overlapIso)) { if (p1.second.isIsomorphicTo(overlapPair.second, overlapIso)) { return p1; } } } } } } return null; } private Hashtable<GraphObject, GraphObject> getMorphismMap( OrdinaryMorphism m1, OrdinaryMorphism m2) { // pre-condition: m1.source == m2.source Hashtable<GraphObject, GraphObject> map = new Hashtable<GraphObject, GraphObject>( m1.getSize()); Enumeration<GraphObject> e = m1.getDomain(); while (e.hasMoreElements()) { GraphObject o1 = e.nextElement(); GraphObject o = m1.getImage(o1); GraphObject i = m2.getImage(o1); if (o != null && i != null) map.put(o, i); } return map; } // ****************************************************************************+ /** * Returns the number of containers. * * @return The number. */ public int getNumberOfContainers() { return 2; } public Hashtable<Rule, Hashtable<Rule, Pair<Boolean, Vector<Pair<Pair<OrdinaryMorphism, OrdinaryMorphism>, Pair<OrdinaryMorphism, OrdinaryMorphism>>>>>> getExcludeContainer() { return this.excludeContainer; } public Hashtable<Rule, Hashtable<Rule, Pair<Boolean, Vector<Pair<Pair<OrdinaryMorphism, OrdinaryMorphism>, Pair<OrdinaryMorphism, OrdinaryMorphism>>>>>> getConflictContainer() { return this.excludeContainer; } public Hashtable<Rule, Hashtable<Rule, Pair<Boolean, Vector<Pair<Pair<OrdinaryMorphism, OrdinaryMorphism>, Pair<OrdinaryMorphism, OrdinaryMorphism>>>>>> getConflictFreeContainer() { return this.conflictFreeContainer; } /** * This container is a <code>Hashtable</code> with a rule as key. The * value will be a set of rules. * * @param kind * The desired algorithm: <code>CriticalPair.CONFLICT</code>, * <code>CriticalPair.CONFLICTFREE</code> * @throws InvalidAlgorithmException * Thrown if a illegal algorithm is choosen * @return The container. */ public Hashtable<Rule, Hashtable<Rule, Pair<Boolean, Vector<Pair<Pair<OrdinaryMorphism, OrdinaryMorphism>, Pair<OrdinaryMorphism, OrdinaryMorphism>>>>>> getContainer(int kind) throws InvalidAlgorithmException { // System.out.println("Excl.PC.getContainer... kind: "+kind); // System.out.println("isComputed: "+isComputed); if (!this.isComputed && !this.stop) { fillContainers(); } if (kind == CriticalPair.EXCLUDE) { return this.excludeContainer; } else if (kind == CriticalPair.CONFLICTFREE) { return this.conflictFreeContainer; } else { throw new InvalidAlgorithmException("No such algorithm", kind); } } public Hashtable<Rule, Hashtable<Rule, Pair<Boolean, Vector<Pair<Pair<OrdinaryMorphism, OrdinaryMorphism>, Pair<OrdinaryMorphism, OrdinaryMorphism>>>>>> getContainer( int kind, final List<Rule> ruleList, boolean asymmetrical) throws InvalidAlgorithmException { if (!this.isComputed) { fillContainers(ruleList, asymmetrical); } if (kind == CriticalPair.EXCLUDE) { return this.excludeContainer; } else if (kind == CriticalPair.CONFLICTFREE) { return this.conflictFreeContainer; } else { throw new InvalidAlgorithmException("No such algorithm", kind); } } public Hashtable<Rule, Hashtable<Rule, Pair<Boolean, Vector<Pair<Pair<OrdinaryMorphism, OrdinaryMorphism>, Pair<OrdinaryMorphism, OrdinaryMorphism>>>>>> getContainer( int kind, final Rule r1, final Rule r2) throws InvalidAlgorithmException { this.isComputedLocal = this.isComputed; if (!this.isComputedLocal) { if ((kind == CriticalPair.CONFLICTFREE) && (this.conflictFreeContainer != null) && this.conflictFreeContainer.containsKey(r1)) { this.isComputedLocal = true; } else if ((kind == CriticalPair.EXCLUDE || kind == CriticalPair.CONFLICT) && (this.excludeContainer != null) && this.excludeContainer.containsKey(r1)) { this.isComputedLocal = true; } } if (!this.isComputedLocal && !this.stop) { fillContainers(r1, r2); } if (kind == CriticalPair.EXCLUDE) { return this.excludeContainer; } else if (kind == CriticalPair.CONFLICTFREE) { return this.conflictFreeContainer; } else { throw new InvalidAlgorithmException("No such algorithm", kind); } } // ****************************************************************************+ /** * This method computes which rules are in a relation of a special kind. * * @param kind * The kind of critical pair * @param rule * The rule which is the first part of a critical pair * @throws InvalidAlgorithmException * Thrown if a illegal algorithm is chosen * @return The set of all the critic rules */ public Vector<Pair<Pair<OrdinaryMorphism, OrdinaryMorphism>, Pair<OrdinaryMorphism, OrdinaryMorphism>>> getCriticalSet(int kind, Rule rule) throws InvalidAlgorithmException { /* getContainer throws Exception */ return getCriticalSet(getContainer(kind), rule); } private Vector<Pair<Pair<OrdinaryMorphism, OrdinaryMorphism>, Pair<OrdinaryMorphism, OrdinaryMorphism>>> getCriticalSet( Hashtable<Rule, Hashtable<Rule, Pair<Boolean, Vector<Pair<Pair<OrdinaryMorphism, OrdinaryMorphism>, Pair<OrdinaryMorphism, OrdinaryMorphism>>>>>> container, Rule rule) { Vector<Pair<Pair<OrdinaryMorphism, OrdinaryMorphism>, Pair<OrdinaryMorphism, OrdinaryMorphism>>> resultVector = new Vector<Pair<Pair<OrdinaryMorphism, OrdinaryMorphism>, Pair<OrdinaryMorphism, OrdinaryMorphism>>>(); Vector<Vector<Pair<Pair<OrdinaryMorphism, OrdinaryMorphism>, Pair<OrdinaryMorphism, OrdinaryMorphism>>>> tmpVector = new Vector<Vector<Pair<Pair<OrdinaryMorphism, OrdinaryMorphism>, Pair<OrdinaryMorphism, OrdinaryMorphism>>>>(); Hashtable<Rule, Pair<Boolean, Vector<Pair<Pair<OrdinaryMorphism, OrdinaryMorphism>, Pair<OrdinaryMorphism, OrdinaryMorphism>>>>> value = container.get(rule); for (Enumeration<Rule> keys = value.keys(); keys.hasMoreElements();) { Rule key = keys.nextElement(); Pair<Boolean, Vector<Pair<Pair<OrdinaryMorphism, OrdinaryMorphism>, Pair<OrdinaryMorphism, OrdinaryMorphism>>>> p = value.get(key); if (p.first.booleanValue()) tmpVector.addElement(p.second); } for (int i = 0; i < tmpVector.size(); i++) { Vector<Pair<Pair<OrdinaryMorphism, OrdinaryMorphism>, Pair<OrdinaryMorphism, OrdinaryMorphism>>> element = tmpVector.elementAt(i); for (int j = 0; j < element.size(); j++) { resultVector.addElement(element.elementAt(j)); } } return resultVector; } // ****************************************************************************+ /** * Sets the graph grammar for the critical pairs. * * @param gragra * The graph grammar */ public void setGrammar(GraGra gragra) { this.grammar = gragra; if (this.grammar != null) { if (this.grammar.getMorphismCompletionStrategy() != null) { this.strategy = (MorphCompletionStrategy) this.grammar .getMorphismCompletionStrategy().clone(); } // not still possible // this.calculateParallel = this.grammar.getGraTraOptions().contains("PARALLEL"); // this.setRules(this.grammar.getRulesWithIntegratedMultiRulesOfRuleScheme()); this.setRules(this.grammar.getRulesWithIntegratedRulesOfRuleScheme()); } } /** * Returns the graph grammar of the critical pairs. * * @return The graph grammar. */ public GraGra getGrammar() { return this.grammar; } /** * Set rule list to be analyzed. * The rule matrix contains the same * rule set in horizontal and vertical direction. */ public void setRules(final List<Rule> ruleList) { if (this.storeMap == null) this.storeMap = new Hashtable<ValueMember, Pair<String, String>>(); else this.storeMap.clear(); BaseFactory.theFactory().replaceExprByVarInApplConds(ruleList, this.storeMap); this.rules = ruleList; this.rules2 = new Vector<Rule>(ruleList); } /** * Set rule lists to be analyzed. * The rule matrix contains the first list in horizontal * and the second list in vertical direction. */ public void setRules(final List<Rule> ruleList, final List<Rule> ruleList2) { if (this.storeMap == null) this.storeMap = new Hashtable<ValueMember, Pair<String, String>>(); else this.storeMap.clear(); // horizontal rules this.rules = ruleList; // vertical rules this.rules2 = ruleList2; BaseFactory.theFactory().replaceExprByVarInApplConds(this.rules, this.storeMap); if (this.rules != this.rules2) { for (int i=0; i<rules2.size(); i++) { Rule r = rules2.get(i); if (!rules.contains(r)) BaseFactory.theFactory().replaceExprByVarInApplConds(r, storeMap); } // BaseFactory.theFactory().replaceExprByVarInApplConds(this.rules2, this.storeMap); } } public void restoreExprReplacedByVarInApplConds() { BaseFactory.theFactory().restoreExprByVarInApplConds(this.rules, this.storeMap); if (this.rules != this.rules2) { for (int i=0; i<rules2.size(); i++) { Rule r = rules2.get(i); if (!rules.contains(r)) BaseFactory.theFactory().restoreExprByVarInApplConds(r, storeMap); } // BaseFactory.theFactory().restoreExprByVarInApplConds(this.rules2, this.storeMap); } } /** * Returns the rule list in horizontal direction of the rule matrix. */ public List<Rule> getRules() { return this.rules; } /** * Returns the rule list in vertical direction of the rule matrix. */ public List<Rule> getRules2() { return this.rules2; } /** * This method has an effect if the rule matrix contains the same * rule set in horizontal and vertical direction. <br> * If the parameter is <code>true</code> then only the right top triangle * of the rule matrix will be computed. */ public void setComputeAsymmetrical(boolean b) { this.asymmetrical = b; } public void setMorphCompletionStrategy(MorphCompletionStrategy strat) { this.strategy = strat; } public MorphCompletionStrategy getMorphCompletionStrategy() { return this.strategy; } // ****************************************************************************+ /** * Initials all containers. So there are at least empty objects to store the * exclude relation. */ public void initAllContainer() { this.conflictFreeContainer = new Hashtable<Rule, Hashtable<Rule, Pair<Boolean, Vector<Pair<Pair<OrdinaryMorphism, OrdinaryMorphism>, Pair<OrdinaryMorphism, OrdinaryMorphism>>>>>>(); this.excludeContainer = new Hashtable<Rule, Hashtable<Rule, Pair<Boolean, Vector<Pair<Pair<OrdinaryMorphism, OrdinaryMorphism>, Pair<OrdinaryMorphism, OrdinaryMorphism>>>>>>(); this.commonContainer = new Hashtable<Rule, Hashtable<Rule, Entry>>(); } /** * Fills all containers with the critical pairs. */ protected void fillContainers() { /* * diese Methode darf nicht synchronized sein, da sie sehr viel Zeit * beansprucht und dadurch das Objekt locked. * computeCritical(r1, r2) ist besser geeignet */ if (this.useHostGraph && this.grammar != null) { this.grammar.getApplicableRules(this.testGraph, this.strategy); } if (!this.useHostGraph) { this.isComputed = false; } if (this.rules != null && !this.rules.isEmpty() && this.rules2 != null && !this.rules2.isEmpty()) { // do nothing } else if (this.grammar != null) { this.rules = new Vector<Rule>(this.grammar.getListOfRules()); this.rules2 = new Vector<Rule>(this.grammar.getListOfRules()); } boolean asymmetric = this.asymmetrical && (this.rules.equals(this.rules2)); /* 2 Schleifen um alle Regeln mit allen Regeln zu ueberpruefen. */ // horizontal - this.rules // vertical - this.rules2 int indx=0; for (int j=0; j<this.rules2.size() && !this.stop; j++) { Rule r1 = this.rules2.get(j); if (asymmetric) { indx = j; } for (int i = indx; i < this.rules.size() && !this.stop; i++) { Rule r2 = this.rules.get(i); this.scheduleForComputing(r1, r2); } } if (!this.useHostGraph && !this.stop) { this.isComputed = true; } } protected void fillContainers(final List<Rule> ruleList, boolean asymmetric) { // System.out.println("ExclPairContainer.fillContainers(List<Rule> ruleList) .."); /* * diese Methode darf nicht synchronized sein, da sie sehr viel Zeit * beansprucht und dadurch das Objekt locked. * computeCritical(r1, r2) ist besser geeignet */ if (!this.useHostGraph) { this.isComputed = false; } Vector<Rule> ruleList2 = new Vector<Rule>(); ruleList2.addAll(ruleList); /* 2 Schleifen um alle Regeln mit allen Regeln zu ueberpruefen. */ int indx=0; for (int j=0; j<ruleList2.size() && !this.stop; j++) { Rule r1 = ruleList2.get(j); if (asymmetric) { indx = j; } for (int i = indx; i < ruleList.size() && !this.stop; i++) { Rule r2 = ruleList.get(i); this.scheduleForComputing(r1, r2); } } if (!this.useHostGraph && !this.stop) { this.isComputed = true; } } protected void scheduleForComputing(Rule r1, Rule r2) { // System.out.println("ExclPairContainer.scheduleForComputing(r1, r2): // "+this.getEntry(r1, r2).state); if (this.useHostGraph) { Entry entry = this.getEntry(r1, r2); int state = entry.state; if (state == Entry.COMPUTED || state == Entry.COMPUTED2 || state == Entry.COMPUTED12) { if (r1.isApplicable() && r2.isApplicable()) { if (computeCritical(r1, r2, this.testGraph)) firePairEvent(new CriticalPairEvent(this, r1, r2, CriticalPairEvent.CRITICAL)); else { entry.status = Entry.NON_RELEVANT; firePairEvent(new CriticalPairEvent(this, r1, r2, CriticalPairEvent.UNCRITICAL)); } } else { entry.status = Entry.NON_RELEVANT; firePairEvent(new CriticalPairEvent(this, r1, r2, CriticalPairEvent.NON_RELEVANT)); } } else { firePairEvent(new CriticalPairEvent(this, r1, r2, CriticalPairEvent.NON_RELEVANT)); } return; } if (this.ignoreIdenticalRules && r1 == r2) { addEntry(r1, r2, false, null); this.getEntry(r1, r2).state = Entry.NOT_RELATED; //Entry.COMPUTED; addQuadruple(this.excludeContainer, r1, r2, false, null); addQuadruple(this.conflictFreeContainer, r1, r2, true, null); firePairEvent(new CriticalPairEvent(this, r1, r2, "<" + r1.getName() + "> and <" + r2.getName() + "> should not be computed.")); return; } // mark pair if (this.getEntry(r1, r2).state == Entry.NOT_SET) this.getEntry(r1, r2).state = Entry.SCHEDULED_FOR_COMPUTING; if (this.calculateParallel) { // start computing in another Thread new ComputingThread(this, r1, r2); } else { // start computing directly computeCritical(r1, r2); } }// scheduleForComputing /** * Fills all containers with the critical pairs. */ protected void fillContainers(Rule r1, Rule r2) { /* * Da die Regeln 2x durchgegangen werden muessen, ist es praktischer die * Regeln in einen Vector zu stopfen, den man immer wieder zur * Verfuegung hat. */ this.isComputedLocal = false; // mark pair if (this.getEntry(r1, r2).state == Entry.NOT_SET) this.getEntry(r1, r2).state = Entry.SCHEDULED_FOR_COMPUTING; computeCritical(r1, r2); this.isComputedLocal = true; } /** * Computes if the first rule exclude the second rule. The result is added * to the container. * * @param r1 * The first rule. * @param r2 * The second rule. */ protected synchronized void computeCritical(Rule r1, Rule r2) { // mark Entry Entry e = this.getEntry(r1, r2); if (!r1.isEnabled() || !r2.isEnabled()) { // test disabled rule e.state = Entry.DISABLED; addEntry(r1, r2, false, null); addQuadruple(this.excludeContainer, r1, r2, false, null); addQuadruple(this.conflictFreeContainer, r1, r2, false, null); firePairEvent(new CriticalPairEvent(this, r1, r2, "<" + r1.getName() + "> and <" + r2.getName() + "> should not be computed.")); return; } if ((e.state == Entry.SCHEDULED_FOR_COMPUTING) || (e.state == Entry.NOT_SET)) { e.state = Entry.COMPUTING_IS_RUNNING; firePairEvent(new CriticalPairEvent(this, r1, r2, "Computing critical rule pair [ " + r1.getName() + " , " + r2.getName() + " ]")); if (!this.complete) this.excludePair = new SimpleExcludePair(); else this.excludePair = new ExcludePair(); // this.excludePair.setProgressIndx(e); setOptionsOfExcludePair(); Vector<Pair<Pair<OrdinaryMorphism, OrdinaryMorphism>, Pair<OrdinaryMorphism, OrdinaryMorphism>>> overlapping = null; try { overlapping = this.excludePair.isCritical(CriticalPair.EXCLUDE, r1, r2); e = this.getEntry(r1, r2, true); e.setProgressIndx(this.excludePair); } catch (InvalidAlgorithmException iae) { // if (iae.getKindOfInvalidAlgorithm() == CriticalPairEvent.NOT_COMPUTABLE) { // e.status = Entry.NOT_COMPUTABLE; // } } this.usedM = this.usedM + this.excludePair.usedM; this.excludePair.dispose(); this.excludePair = null; boolean critic = (overlapping != null); // new container addEntry(r1, r2, critic, overlapping); /* * Wenn overlapping Elemente enthaelt sind r1/r2 kritisch critic * wird daher true. Alle wichtigen Informationen werden eingetragen. * Enthaelt r1/r2 keine Elementen, so wird critic auf false gesetzt. * Wenn excludeContainer nach r1/r2 gefragt wird, liefert die * Antwort auch false. overlapping kann daher null sein. */ /* * Achtung, wenn r1 r2 nicht kritisch ist gibt es keine * Ueberlappungen */ addQuadruple(this.excludeContainer, r1, r2, critic, overlapping); /* * conflictfree braucht keine ueberlappungsgraphen daher ist das * letzte Argument null */ addQuadruple(this.conflictFreeContainer, r1, r2, !critic, null); if (overlapping != null) { firePairEvent(new CriticalPairEvent(this, r1, r2, CriticalPairEvent.CRITICAL, "<" + r1.getName() + "> and <" + r2.getName() + "> have critical pairs")); //TEST CriticalPairData // CriticalPairData cpd = this.getCriticalPairData(r1, r2); // System.out.println("rule1 has name: " + cpd.getRule1().getName()); // System.out.println("rule2 has name: " + cpd.getRule2().getName()); // System.out.println("morph1 has name: " + cpd.getMorph1().getName()); // System.out.println("morph2 has name: " + cpd.getMorph2().getName()); } else { firePairEvent(new CriticalPairEvent(this, r1, r2, CriticalPairEvent.UNCRITICAL, "<" + r1.getName() + "> and <" + r2.getName() + "> have not any critical pairs")); } } } protected synchronized Vector<Pair<Pair<OrdinaryMorphism, OrdinaryMorphism>, Pair<OrdinaryMorphism, OrdinaryMorphism>>> continueComputeCriticalPair( Rule r1, Rule r2, final Hashtable<Rule, Hashtable<Rule, Pair<Boolean, Vector<Pair<Pair<OrdinaryMorphism, OrdinaryMorphism>, Pair<OrdinaryMorphism, OrdinaryMorphism>>>>>> container) { // get Entry Entry e = this.getEntry(r1, r2, true); if (!e.isProgressIndexSet()) { return null; } e.state = Entry.COMPUTING_IS_RUNNING; firePairEvent(new CriticalPairEvent(this, r1, r2, "Computing critical rule pair [ " + r1.getName() + " , " + r2.getName() + " ]")); if (!this.complete) this.excludePair = new SimpleExcludePair(); else this.excludePair = new ExcludePair(); this.excludePair.setProgressIndx(e); setOptionsOfExcludePair(); Vector<Pair<Pair<OrdinaryMorphism, OrdinaryMorphism>, Pair<OrdinaryMorphism, OrdinaryMorphism>>> overlapping = null; try { overlapping = this.excludePair.isCritical(CriticalPair.EXCLUDE, r1, r2); e = this.getEntry(r1, r2, true); e.setProgressIndx(this.excludePair); } catch (InvalidAlgorithmException iae) {} this.excludePair.dispose(); this.excludePair = null; boolean critic = (overlapping != null); addEntry(r1, r2, critic, overlapping); addQuadruple(this.excludeContainer, r1, r2, critic, overlapping); addQuadruple(this.conflictFreeContainer, r1, r2, !critic, null); if (overlapping != null) { firePairEvent(new CriticalPairEvent(this, r1, r2, CriticalPairEvent.CRITICAL, "<" + r1.getName() + "> and <" + r2.getName() + "> have critical pairs")); } else { firePairEvent(new CriticalPairEvent(this, r1, r2, CriticalPairEvent.UNCRITICAL, "<" + r1.getName() + "> and <" + r2.getName() + "> have not any critical pairs")); } firePairEvent(new CriticalPairEvent(this, r1, r2, "rule pair [ " + r1.getName() + " , " + r2.getName() + " ] done")); return getCriticalPair(r1, r2, container); } @SuppressWarnings("deprecation") protected void setOptionsOfExcludePair() { this.excludePair.enableNACs(this.withNACs); this.excludePair.enablePACs(this.withPACs); this.excludePair.enableIgnoreIdenticalRules(this.ignoreIdenticalRules); this.excludePair.enableReduceSameMatch(this.reduceSameMatch); this.excludePair.enableConsistent(this.consistent, this.grammar); this.excludePair.enableStrongAttrCheck(this.strongAttrCheck); this.excludePair.enableEqualVariableNameOfAttrMapping(this.equalVariableNameOfAttrMapping); this.excludePair.enableReduce(this.reduce); this.excludePair.enableDirectlyStrictConfluent(this.directStrctCnfl); this.excludePair.enableDirectlyStrictConfluentUpToIso(this.directStrctCnflUpToIso); this.excludePair.setMorphismCompletionStrategy(this.grammar.getMorphismCompletionStrategy()); this.excludePair.enableNamedObjectOnly(this.namedObjectOnly); this.excludePair.setMaxBoundOfCriticCause(this.maxBoundOfCriticCause); } protected synchronized boolean computeCritical(Rule r1, Rule r2, Graph g) { int state = this.getEntry(r1, r2).state; if (state == Entry.COMPUTED || state == Entry.COMPUTED2 || state == Entry.COMPUTED12) { firePairEvent(new CriticalPairEvent(this, r1, r2, "Computing critical rule pair [ " + r1.getName() + " , " + r2.getName() + " ]")); if (checkCritical(r1, r2, g)) { firePairEvent(new CriticalPairEvent(this, r1, r2, "<" + r1.getName() + "> and <" + r2.getName() + "> are critical on the host graph")); return true; } firePairEvent(new CriticalPairEvent(this, r1, r2, "<" + r1.getName() + "> and <" + r2.getName() + "> are not critical on the host graph")); return false; } return false; } /** * Adds four important data to a container. * * This method is synchronized, because the underlaying container aren't * protected and this method is called asynchronly by the method * computeCritical. * * @param container * The container the data are for * @param r1 * The first rule * @param r2 * The seconf rule * @param critic * true if the first rule excludes the second rule. * @param overlapping * The set of overlapping graphs of the first and second rule. */ protected synchronized void addQuadruple( final Hashtable<Rule, Hashtable<Rule, Pair<Boolean, Vector<Pair<Pair<OrdinaryMorphism, OrdinaryMorphism>, Pair<OrdinaryMorphism, OrdinaryMorphism>>>>>> container, final Rule r1, final Rule r2, boolean critic, final Vector<Pair<Pair<OrdinaryMorphism, OrdinaryMorphism>, Pair<OrdinaryMorphism, OrdinaryMorphism>>> overlapping) { if (container.containsKey(r1)) { Hashtable<Rule, Pair<Boolean, Vector<Pair<Pair<OrdinaryMorphism, OrdinaryMorphism>, Pair<OrdinaryMorphism, OrdinaryMorphism>>>>> secondPart = container.get(r1); Pair<Boolean, Vector<Pair<Pair<OrdinaryMorphism, OrdinaryMorphism>, Pair<OrdinaryMorphism, OrdinaryMorphism>>>> p = new Pair<Boolean, Vector<Pair<Pair<OrdinaryMorphism, OrdinaryMorphism>, Pair<OrdinaryMorphism, OrdinaryMorphism>>>>( Boolean.valueOf(critic), overlapping); secondPart.put(r2, p); } else { Hashtable<Rule, Pair<Boolean, Vector<Pair<Pair<OrdinaryMorphism, OrdinaryMorphism>, Pair<OrdinaryMorphism, OrdinaryMorphism>>>>> secondPart = new Hashtable<Rule, Pair<Boolean, Vector<Pair<Pair<OrdinaryMorphism, OrdinaryMorphism>, Pair<OrdinaryMorphism, OrdinaryMorphism>>>>>(); Pair<Boolean, Vector<Pair<Pair<OrdinaryMorphism, OrdinaryMorphism>, Pair<OrdinaryMorphism, OrdinaryMorphism>>>> p = new Pair<Boolean, Vector<Pair<Pair<OrdinaryMorphism, OrdinaryMorphism>, Pair<OrdinaryMorphism, OrdinaryMorphism>>>>( Boolean.valueOf(critic), overlapping); secondPart.put(r2, p); container.put(r1, secondPart); } Entry entry = this.getEntry(r1, r2, true); if (entry == null) { entry = addEntry(r1, r2, critic, overlapping); if (critic) { if (this.excludePair != null) { if (!this.excludePair.dependencyCond1 && this.excludePair.dependencyCond2) entry.setState(Entry.COMPUTED2); else if (this.excludePair.dependencyCond1 && this.excludePair.dependencyCond2) entry.setState(Entry.COMPUTED12); } else { if (entry.state == Entry.COMPUTED && entry.overlapping != null) { entry.setState(getEntryState(overlapping)); } } } } // additionally, set status NOT_COMPLETE_COMPUTABLE if needed if (r1.hasEnabledACs(false) || r2.hasEnabledACs(false)) { this.notCompleteComputable = true; System.out.println("( "+r1.getName()+" , "+r2.getName()+" )"+" CPA for rules with GACs is not yet supported."); entry.status = Entry.NOT_COMPLETE_COMPUTABLE; } } private int getEntryState(final Vector<Pair<Pair<OrdinaryMorphism, OrdinaryMorphism>, Pair<OrdinaryMorphism, OrdinaryMorphism>>> overlapping) { int entryState = Entry.COMPUTED; boolean dependCond1 = false; boolean dependCond2 = false; for (int i=0; i<overlapping.size(); i++) { if (overlapping.get(i) != null) { String overlapGraphName = overlapping.get(i).first.first.getTarget().getName(); if(overlapGraphName.indexOf("-switch-dependency")>=0 || overlapGraphName.indexOf(CriticalPairData.PRODUCE_DELETE_D_TXT)>=0 //"deliver-delete-dependency" || overlapGraphName.indexOf(CriticalPairData.FORBID_PRODUCE_D_TXT)>=0 //"forbid-produce-dependency") || overlapGraphName.indexOf(CriticalPairData.PRODUCE_CHANGE_D_TXT)>=0 //"deliver-change-dependency" || overlapGraphName.indexOf("change-change-dependency")>=0) { dependCond2 = true; } else if(overlapGraphName.indexOf("-dependency")>=0) dependCond1 = true; } else { overlapping.remove(i); i--; } } if (!dependCond1 && dependCond2) entryState = Entry.COMPUTED2; else if (dependCond1 && dependCond2) entryState = Entry.COMPUTED12; return entryState; } // TODO: JavaDoc protected synchronized Entry addEntry(Rule r1, Rule r2, boolean critical, Vector<Pair<Pair<OrdinaryMorphism, OrdinaryMorphism>, Pair<OrdinaryMorphism, OrdinaryMorphism>>> overlapping) { Entry entry = this.getEntry(r1, r2); // mark as computed if (entry.state != Entry.DISABLED && entry.state != Entry.NOT_RELATED) entry.state = Entry.COMPUTED; // save data entry.isCritical = critical; entry.overlapping = overlapping; this.isEmpty = false; return entry; } public synchronized Entry getEntry(Rule r1, Rule r2) { // get the second level Hashtable or create a new one Hashtable<Rule, Entry> secondPart = this.commonContainer.get(r1); if (secondPart == null) { secondPart = new Hashtable<Rule, Entry>(); this.commonContainer.put(r1, secondPart); } // now get the entry for this pair or create a new one Entry entry = secondPart.get(r2); if (entry == null) { entry = new Entry(); secondPart.put(r2, entry); } return entry; } // getEntry that already existent public synchronized Entry getEntry(Rule r1, Rule r2, boolean alreadyExists) { // get the second level Hashtable or create a new one Hashtable<Rule, Entry> secondPart = this.commonContainer.get(r1); if (secondPart == null) { if (alreadyExists) return null; secondPart = new Hashtable<Rule, Entry>(); this.commonContainer.put(r1, secondPart); Entry entry = new Entry(); secondPart.put(r2, entry); } // now get the entry for this pair return secondPart.get(r2); } public synchronized Entry getEntryCopy(Rule r1, Rule r2) { Entry entry = getEntry(r1, r2, true); if (entry != null) { Entry entry1 = new Entry(); entry1.isCritical = entry.isCritical; entry1.isRelationVisible = entry.isRelationVisible; entry1.isRuleVisible = entry.isRelationVisible; entry1.state = entry.state; entry1.status = entry.status; entry1.overlapping.addAll(entry.overlapping); return entry1; } return null; } public synchronized void clearEntry(Rule r1, Rule r2) { Entry entry = this.getEntry(r1, r2, true); if (entry != null) { if (this.excludeContainer.get(r1) != null) { Pair<Boolean, Vector<Pair<Pair<OrdinaryMorphism, OrdinaryMorphism>, Pair<OrdinaryMorphism, OrdinaryMorphism>>>> p = this.excludeContainer.get(r1).get(r2); if (p.first.booleanValue()) { Vector<Pair<Pair<OrdinaryMorphism, OrdinaryMorphism>, Pair<OrdinaryMorphism, OrdinaryMorphism>>> v = p.second; for (int i = 0; i < v.size(); i++) { Pair<Pair<OrdinaryMorphism, OrdinaryMorphism>, Pair<OrdinaryMorphism, OrdinaryMorphism>> cpi = v.elementAt(i); Pair<OrdinaryMorphism, OrdinaryMorphism> cp = cpi.first; OrdinaryMorphism m1 = cp.first; OrdinaryMorphism m2 = cp.second; m1.dispose(); m2.dispose(); m1 = null; m2 = null; cp = null; v.removeElementAt(i); i--; } } this.excludeContainer.get(r1).remove(r2); } if (this.conflictFreeContainer != null && this.conflictFreeContainer.get(r1) != null) this.conflictFreeContainer.get(r1).remove(r2); if (this.commonContainer.get(r1) != null) this.commonContainer.get(r1).remove(r2); entry.clear(); } } public synchronized void setEntryRelationVisible(Rule rule1, Rule rule2, boolean vis, boolean local) { Entry entry = this.getEntry(rule1, rule2, true); if (entry != null && entry.isCritical()) { entry.isRelationVisible = vis; if (!local) { if (vis) firePairEvent(new CriticalPairEvent(this, rule1, rule2, CriticalPairEvent.SHOW_ENTRY)); else firePairEvent(new CriticalPairEvent(this, rule1, rule2, CriticalPairEvent.HIDE_ENTRY)); // System.out.println("entry.isRelationVisible: // "+entry.isRelationVisible); } } } public synchronized void setEntryRuleVisible(Rule rule1, Rule rule2, boolean vis, boolean local, boolean context) { if (rule1 != rule2) return; Entry entry = this.getEntry(rule1, rule2, true); if (entry != null) { entry.isRuleVisible = vis; if (context) { // set Rule Context to vis for (Enumeration<Rule> keys = this.excludeContainer.keys(); keys .hasMoreElements();) { Rule r1 = keys.nextElement(); if (r1 == rule1) { Hashtable<Rule, Pair<Boolean, Vector<Pair<Pair<OrdinaryMorphism, OrdinaryMorphism>, Pair<OrdinaryMorphism, OrdinaryMorphism>>>>> secondPart = this.excludeContainer.get(r1); for (Enumeration<Rule> k2 = secondPart.keys(); k2 .hasMoreElements();) { Rule r2 = k2.nextElement(); ExcludePairContainer.Entry entry1 = getEntry(r1, r2); // if(entry.isCritical()) { entry1.isRelationVisible = vis; if (vis) firePairEvent(new CriticalPairEvent(this, rule1, rule2, CriticalPairEvent.SHOW_ENTRY)); else firePairEvent(new CriticalPairEvent(this, rule1, rule2, CriticalPairEvent.HIDE_ENTRY)); } } for (Enumeration<Rule> k2 = secondPart.keys(); k2 .hasMoreElements();) { Rule r2 = k2.nextElement(); if (r2 != rule1) { ExcludePairContainer.Entry entry1 = getEntry( r2, r1); // if(entry.isCritical()) { entry1.isRelationVisible = vis; if (vis) firePairEvent(new CriticalPairEvent( this, rule1, rule2, CriticalPairEvent.SHOW_ENTRY)); else firePairEvent(new CriticalPairEvent( this, rule1, rule2, CriticalPairEvent.HIDE_ENTRY)); } } } break; } } } if (!local) { if (vis) firePairEvent(new CriticalPairEvent(this, rule1, rule2, CriticalPairEvent.SHOW_ENTRY)); else firePairEvent(new CriticalPairEvent(this, rule1, rule2, CriticalPairEvent.HIDE_ENTRY)); } } } /** * return if this pair of rules is already computed. */ public int getState(Rule r1, Rule r2) { return this.getEntry(r1, r2).state; } public boolean reduceCriticalPairs() { // System.out.println("reduceCriticalPairs... "); boolean reduced = false; for (Enumeration<Rule> keys = this.excludeContainer.keys(); keys.hasMoreElements();) { Rule r1 = keys.nextElement(); // System.out.println("ExcludePC:: reduce: "+r1.getName()); Hashtable<Rule, Pair<Boolean, Vector<Pair<Pair<OrdinaryMorphism, OrdinaryMorphism>, Pair<OrdinaryMorphism, OrdinaryMorphism>>>>> secondPart = this.excludeContainer.get(r1); for (Enumeration<Rule> k2 = secondPart.keys(); k2.hasMoreElements();) { Rule r2 = k2.nextElement(); // System.out.println("ExcludePC:: reduce: "+r2.getName()); Pair<Boolean, Vector<Pair<Pair<OrdinaryMorphism, OrdinaryMorphism>, Pair<OrdinaryMorphism, OrdinaryMorphism>>>> pair = secondPart.get(r2); Boolean b = pair.first; if (b.booleanValue()) { Vector<Pair<Pair<OrdinaryMorphism, OrdinaryMorphism>, Pair<OrdinaryMorphism, OrdinaryMorphism>>> v = pair.second; int size = v.size(); // System.out.println(size); boolean found = true; while ((size > 0) && found) { // System.out.println("while: "+size); found = false; for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) { Pair<Pair<OrdinaryMorphism, OrdinaryMorphism>, Pair<OrdinaryMorphism, OrdinaryMorphism>> p1i = v.elementAt(i); Pair<OrdinaryMorphism, OrdinaryMorphism> p1 = p1i.first; for (int j = i + 1; j < size; j++) { Pair<Pair<OrdinaryMorphism, OrdinaryMorphism>, Pair<OrdinaryMorphism, OrdinaryMorphism>> p2i = v.elementAt(j); Pair<OrdinaryMorphism, OrdinaryMorphism> p2 = p2i.first; // System.out.println("checkIfSimilar "); Pair<OrdinaryMorphism, OrdinaryMorphism> p = checkIfSimilar(p1, p2); // System.out.println("after checkIfSimilar // "+p); if (p != null) { // System.out.println(p+" "+p1+" i= "+i+" j= // "+j ); boolean first = false; if (p == p1) { first = true; i--; } j--; found = true; v.removeElement(p2i); BaseFactory.theFactory().destroyMorphism(p.first); BaseFactory.theFactory().destroyMorphism(p.second); p = null; p2i = null; reduced = true; size = v.size(); if (first) break; } } } } } } } if (reduced) firePairEvent(new ParserMessageEvent( this, "Reduction of critical pairs is done. Please select a rule pair to see results.")); else firePairEvent(new ParserMessageEvent(this, "Nothings to reduce.")); return reduced; } // only optional, if reduce is true private Pair<OrdinaryMorphism, OrdinaryMorphism> checkIfSimilar(Pair<OrdinaryMorphism, OrdinaryMorphism> p1, Pair<OrdinaryMorphism, OrdinaryMorphism> p2) { // System.out.println("ExcludePairContainer.checkIfSimilar"); Pair<OrdinaryMorphism, OrdinaryMorphism> p = null; OrdinaryMorphism first1 = null; OrdinaryMorphism second1 = null; OrdinaryMorphism first2 = null; OrdinaryMorphism second2 = null; OrdinaryMorphism morph1 = null; OrdinaryMorphism morph2 = null; Graph overlap1 = p1.first.getImage(); int n1 = 0; Iterator<?> e = overlap1.getNodesSet().iterator(); while (e.hasNext()) { GraphObject o = (GraphObject); if (p1.first.getInverseImage(o).hasMoreElements() || p1.second.getInverseImage(o).hasMoreElements()) n1++; } e = overlap1.getArcsSet().iterator(); while (e.hasNext()) { GraphObject o = (GraphObject); if (p1.first.getInverseImage(o) .hasMoreElements() || p1.second.getInverseImage(o).hasMoreElements()) n1++; } Graph overlap2 = p2.first.getImage(); int n2 = 0; e = overlap2.getNodesSet().iterator(); while (e.hasNext()) { GraphObject o = (GraphObject); if (p2.first.getInverseImage(o).hasMoreElements() || p2.second.getInverseImage(o).hasMoreElements()) n2++; } e = overlap2.getArcsSet().iterator(); while (e.hasNext()) { GraphObject o = (GraphObject); if (p2.first.getInverseImage(o).hasMoreElements() || p2.second.getInverseImage(o).hasMoreElements()) n2++; } if (n1 != n2) return null; if (overlap1.getSize() <= overlap2.getSize()) { morph1 = (BaseFactory.theFactory()).createMorphism(overlap1, overlap2); morph2 = (BaseFactory.theFactory()).createMorphism(overlap1, overlap2); first1 = p1.first; first2 = p2.first; second1 = p1.second; second2 = p2.second; if (morph1.makeDiagram(first1, first2)) { // System.out.println("1:makeDiagram: "+morph1); if (morph2.makeDiagram(second1, second2)) { // System.out.println("makeDiagram2: "+morph2); if (morph1.isPartialIsomorphicTo(morph2)) { p = p2; // System.out.println("1:pair reduced: "+p); } } } } else { morph1 = (BaseFactory.theFactory()).createMorphism(overlap2, overlap1); morph2 = (BaseFactory.theFactory()).createMorphism(overlap2, overlap1); first2 = p2.first; first1 = p1.first; second2 = p2.second; second1 = p1.second; if (morph1.makeDiagram(first2, first1)) { // System.out.println("2:makeDiagram: "+morph1); if (morph2.makeDiagram(second2, second1)) { // System.out.println("makeDiagram2: "+morph2); if (morph1.isPartialIsomorphicTo(morph2)) { p = p1; // System.out.println("2:pair reduced: "+p); } } } } return p; } public void checkConsistency() { // System.out.println("ExcludePairContainer.checkConsistency()"); boolean inconsistent = false; boolean cpExists = false; for (Enumeration<Rule> keys = this.excludeContainer.keys(); keys.hasMoreElements();) { Rule r1 = keys.nextElement(); Hashtable<Rule, Pair<Boolean, Vector<Pair<Pair<OrdinaryMorphism, OrdinaryMorphism>, Pair<OrdinaryMorphism, OrdinaryMorphism>>>>> secondPart = this.excludeContainer .get(r1); for (Enumeration<Rule> k2 = secondPart.keys(); k2.hasMoreElements();) { Rule r2 = k2.nextElement(); Pair<Boolean, Vector<Pair<Pair<OrdinaryMorphism, OrdinaryMorphism>, Pair<OrdinaryMorphism, OrdinaryMorphism>>>> pair = secondPart.get(r2); Boolean b = pair.first; if (b.booleanValue()) { // System.out.println(r1.getName()+" "+r2.getName()); cpExists = true; Vector<Pair<Pair<OrdinaryMorphism, OrdinaryMorphism>, Pair<OrdinaryMorphism, OrdinaryMorphism>>> v = pair.second; int size = v.size(); for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) { Pair<Pair<OrdinaryMorphism, OrdinaryMorphism>, Pair<OrdinaryMorphism, OrdinaryMorphism>> pi = v.elementAt(i); Pair<OrdinaryMorphism, OrdinaryMorphism> p = pi.first; Graph g = p.first.getImage(); if (!this.grammar.checkGraphConsistency(g)) { inconsistent = true; // System.out.println(r1.getName()+" // "+r2.getName()); // System.out.println("critical graph INCONSISTENT, // remove it"); v.removeElement(pi); BaseFactory.theFactory().destroyMorphism(p.first); BaseFactory.theFactory().destroyMorphism(p.second); p = null; pi = null; i--; size = v.size(); } } if (v.size() == 0) { // move (r1,r2) from exclude- to conflict free container moveEntryFromExcludeToConflictFreeContainer(r1, r2); } } } } if (inconsistent) firePairEvent(new ParserMessageEvent( this, "Consistency check of critical pairs is done. Please select a rule pair to see results.")); else if (cpExists) firePairEvent(new ParserMessageEvent(this, "All critical pairs were consistent.")); else firePairEvent(new ParserMessageEvent(this, "There are no critical pairs.")); // System.out.println("Consistency.check() END"); } protected void moveEntryFromExcludeToConflictFreeContainer(Rule r1, Rule r2) { Entry entry = this.getEntry(r1, r2, true); entry.isCritical = false; entry.overlapping = null; Hashtable<Rule, Pair<Boolean, Vector<Pair<Pair<OrdinaryMorphism, OrdinaryMorphism>, Pair<OrdinaryMorphism, OrdinaryMorphism>>>>> secondPart = this.excludeContainer.get(r1); if (secondPart != null) { Pair<Boolean, Vector<Pair<Pair<OrdinaryMorphism, OrdinaryMorphism>, Pair<OrdinaryMorphism, OrdinaryMorphism>>>> pair = secondPart.get(r2); pair.first = Boolean.valueOf(false); pair.second = null; if (this.conflictFreeContainer != null ) this.conflictFreeContainer.put(r1, secondPart); } } protected void removeEntryFromExcludeContainer(Rule r1, Rule r2) { Entry entry = this.getEntry(r1, r2, true); entry.isCritical = false; entry.overlapping = null; Hashtable<Rule, Pair<Boolean, Vector<Pair<Pair<OrdinaryMorphism, OrdinaryMorphism>, Pair<OrdinaryMorphism, OrdinaryMorphism>>>>> secondPart = this.excludeContainer.get(r1); if (secondPart != null) { Pair<Boolean, Vector<Pair<Pair<OrdinaryMorphism, OrdinaryMorphism>, Pair<OrdinaryMorphism, OrdinaryMorphism>>>> pair = secondPart.get(r2); pair.first = Boolean.valueOf(false); pair.second = null; } } protected boolean checkCritical(Rule r1, Rule r2, Graph testgraph) { // System.out.println("\nExcludePairContainer.checkCritical (" // + r1.getName()+", "+r2.getName() +") at "+testgraph.getName()); if (this.strategy == null) this.strategy = (MorphCompletionStrategy) CompletionStrategySelector.getDefault().clone(); // strategy.showProperties(); Vector<Pair<Pair<OrdinaryMorphism, OrdinaryMorphism>, Pair<OrdinaryMorphism, OrdinaryMorphism>>> criticalOverlappings = getCriticalPair(r1, r2, this.excludeContainer); if (criticalOverlappings == null) return false; boolean critical = false; final Hashtable<String, OrdinaryMorphism> overlapGraphIsos = new Hashtable<String, OrdinaryMorphism>(5); Hashtable<String, Pair<OrdinaryMorphism, OrdinaryMorphism>> criticalMatches = getLHSoverlappings(r1, r2, criticalOverlappings, overlapGraphIsos); for (int j = 0; j < criticalOverlappings.size(); j++) { Pair<Pair<OrdinaryMorphism, OrdinaryMorphism>, Pair<OrdinaryMorphism, OrdinaryMorphism>> criticalOverlap = criticalOverlappings.elementAt(j); Pair<OrdinaryMorphism, OrdinaryMorphism> p = criticalMatches.get(String.valueOf(criticalOverlap.hashCode())); if (p != null) { Graph overlapG = p.first.getImage(); Pair<OrdinaryMorphism, OrdinaryMorphism> p1 = criticalOverlap.first; Pair<OrdinaryMorphism, OrdinaryMorphism> p2 = criticalOverlap.second; Vector<Hashtable<GraphObject, GraphObject>> mvec = new Vector<Hashtable<GraphObject, GraphObject>>(); OrdinaryMorphism m = (BaseFactory.theFactory()).createMorphism( overlapG, testgraph); // test output // ((VarTuple)m.getAttrContext().getVariables()).showVariables(); OrdinaryMorphism overlapGraphIsom = overlapGraphIsos .get(String.valueOf(criticalOverlap.hashCode())); m.setCompletionStrategy(this.strategy); boolean hasCompletion = false; while (m.nextCompletionWithConstantsChecking()) { hasCompletion = true; boolean match2Critical = false; // check match of r1 if (p1.first.getSource() == r1.getLeft()) { Match m1test = isCriticalMatchValidAtGraph(r1, p1.first, m); // check match of r2 if (m1test != null) { if (p1.second.getSource() == r2.getLeft()) { Match m2test = isCriticalMatchValidAtGraph(r2, p1.second, m); if (m2test != null) { if (p1.first.getTarget().getName(). indexOf("-attr-conflict") >= 0) { if (!applyRule1Match1CheckMatch2(r1, m1test, r2, m2test)) match2Critical = true; } else match2Critical = true; } } } } else if (p1.first.getSource() == r1.getRight()) { Match m1test = isCriticalMatchValidAtGraph(r1, p.first, m); // check match of r2 if (m1test != null) { Match m2test = isCriticalMatchValidAtGraph(r2, p.second, m); if (m2test != null) { if (!applyRule1Match1CheckMatch2NACs(r1, m1test, r2, m2test)) match2Critical = true; } } } if (!match2Critical) continue; critical = true; Hashtable<GraphObject, GraphObject> objs = new Hashtable<GraphObject, GraphObject>(); Enumeration<GraphObject> e = m.getDomain(); while (e.hasMoreElements()) { GraphObject o = e.nextElement(); GraphObject img = m.getImage(o); if (overlapGraphIsom != null) { Enumeration<GraphObject> invs = overlapGraphIsom.getInverseImage(o); if (invs.hasMoreElements()) { GraphObject orig = invs.nextElement(); if (orig != null && img != null) { if (p1.first.getSource() == r1.getRight()) { boolean added = false; Enumeration<GraphObject> rhs1 = p1.first.getInverseImage(orig); if (rhs1.hasMoreElements()) { GraphObject or1 = rhs1.nextElement(); Enumeration<GraphObject> lhs1 = r1.getInverseImage(or1); if (lhs1.hasMoreElements()) { objs.put(orig, img); added = true; } } if (!added && p2 != null && p2.first != null) { OrdinaryMorphism isoL2 = p2.first; Enumeration<GraphObject> objsN2 = p1.second.getInverseImage(orig); if (objsN2.hasMoreElements()) { GraphObject objN2 = objsN2.nextElement(); Enumeration<GraphObject> lhs2 = isoL2.getInverseImage(objN2); if (lhs2.hasMoreElements()) { objs.put(orig, img); } } } } } } else { objs.put(o, img); } } else if (o != null && img != null) { objs.put(o, img); } } if (!objs.isEmpty() || m.getSource().isEmpty()) mvec.add(objs); } if (!mvec.isEmpty()) { if (p2 != null && overlapGraphIsos.get(String.valueOf( criticalOverlap.hashCode())) != null) { overlapG = overlapGraphIsos.get( String.valueOf(criticalOverlap.hashCode())) .getOriginal(); this.excludeContainerForTestGraph.put(overlapG, mvec); } else { this.excludeContainerForTestGraph.put(overlapG, mvec); } // System.out.println(r1.getName()+" & "+r2.getName() // +" CRITICAL on the specified graph! overlapG: " // +overlapG.hashCode()+" ?= "+testGraph.hashCode()+" matches: "+mvec.size()); } if (!hasCompletion) { (BaseFactory.theFactory()).destroyMorphism(m); m = null; } } } if (critical) return true; return false; } private boolean applyRule1Match1CheckMatch2( final Rule r1, final Match m1test, final Rule r2, final Match m2test) { if (!m1test.getTarget().isAttributed()) return true; // System.out.println("applyRule1Match1CheckMatch2... :: -attr-conflict"); boolean attrsOK = true; OrdinaryMorphism isoG = m1test.getTarget().isomorphicCopy(); if (isoG == null) return false; Match m1 = BaseFactory.theFactory().createMatch(r1, isoG.getTarget()); if (m1.doCompose(m1test, isoG)) { m1.setCompletionStrategy(this.strategy, true); // make test step (r1,m1) OrdinaryMorphism com1 = null; // TestStep s = new TestStep(); try { com1 = (OrdinaryMorphism) TestStep.execute(m1); } catch (TypeException ex) { m1.dispose(); m1 = null; return true; } if (com1 != null) { // check change-use-attr-conflict Enumeration<GraphObject> dom2 = m2test.getDomain(); while (dom2.hasMoreElements()) { GraphObject o = dom2.nextElement(); GraphObject img1 = m2test.getImage(o); GraphObject img2 = isoG.getImage(img1); if (!img1.compareTo(img2)) { attrsOK = false; break; } } if (attrsOK) { Match m2 = BaseFactory.theFactory().createMatch(r2, isoG.getTarget()); if (m2.doCompose(m2test, isoG)) { if (m2.areTotalIdentDanglSatisfied()) { final List<OrdinaryMorphism> nacs2 = r2.getNACsList(); for (int l=0; l<nacs2.size(); l++) { final OrdinaryMorphism nac2 = nacs2.get(l); OrdinaryMorphism nac2Star = (OrdinaryMorphism) m2.checkNAC(nac2); if (nac2Star != null) { attrsOK = false; nac2Star.dispose(); break; } } } } m2.dispose(); } com1.dispose(); } } m1.dispose(); isoG.dispose(); // System.out.println("applyRule1Match1CheckMatch2... :: -attr-conflict "+attrsOK); return attrsOK; } private boolean applyRule1Match1CheckMatch2NACs( final Rule r1, final Match m1test, final Rule r2, final Match m2test) { if (!m1test.getTarget().isAttributed()) return true; // System.out.println("applyRule1Match1CheckMatch2... :: -attr-conflict"); OrdinaryMorphism isoG = m1test.getTarget().isomorphicCopy(); if (isoG == null) return false; Match m1 = BaseFactory.theFactory().createMatch(r1, isoG.getTarget()); if (m1.doCompose(m1test, isoG)) { m1.setCompletionStrategy(this.strategy, true); // make test step (r1,m1) OrdinaryMorphism com1 = null; // TestStep s = new TestStep(); try { com1 = (OrdinaryMorphism) TestStep.execute(m1); } catch (TypeException ex) { m1.dispose(); m1 = null; return true; } if (com1 != null) { Match m2 = BaseFactory.theFactory().createMatch(r2, isoG.getTarget()); if (m2.doCompose(m2test, isoG)) { if (m2.areTotalIdentDanglSatisfied()) { final List<OrdinaryMorphism> nacs2 = r2.getNACsList(); for (int l=0; l<nacs2.size(); l++) { final OrdinaryMorphism nac2 = nacs2.get(l); OrdinaryMorphism nac2Star = (OrdinaryMorphism) m2.checkNAC(nac2); if (nac2Star != null) { // boolean critical = false; Enumeration<GraphObject> nac2StarCodom = nac2Star.getCodomain(); while (nac2StarCodom.hasMoreElements()) { GraphObject o = nac2StarCodom.nextElement(); Enumeration<GraphObject> preimgR1 = com1.getInverseImage(o); if (preimgR1.hasMoreElements()) { GraphObject preimg = preimgR1.nextElement(); if (!r1.getInverseImage(preimg).hasMoreElements()) { // critical = true; nac2Star.dispose(); com1.dispose(); m1.dispose(); m2.dispose(); isoG.dispose(); return false; } } } } } } } com1.dispose(); m2.dispose(); } } m1.dispose(); isoG.dispose(); return true; } private Match isCriticalMatchValidAtGraph( final Rule r, final OrdinaryMorphism criticalMorph, final OrdinaryMorphism testMorph) { boolean result = true; // create match Match testMatch = BaseFactory.theFactory().createMatch(r, testMorph.getTarget()); // set mapping Iterator<Node> rLHSnodes = r.getLeft().getNodesSet().iterator(); while (result && rLHSnodes.hasNext()) { Node orig =; Node img = (Node) testMorph.getImage(criticalMorph.getImage(orig)); if (img != null) { try { testMatch.addMapping(orig, img); } catch (BadMappingException ex) { result = false; } } } Iterator<Arc> rLHSarcs = r.getLeft().getArcsSet().iterator(); while (rLHSarcs.hasNext()) { Arc orig =; Arc img = (Arc) testMorph.getImage(criticalMorph.getImage(orig)); if (img != null) { try { testMatch.addMapping(orig, img); } catch (BadMappingException ex) { result = false; } } } if (result) { if (!testMatch.nextCompletion() || !testMatch.isValid()) result = false; } // if (result && (!testMatch.areTotalityIdentificationDanglingSatisfied() // || !testMatch.areNACsSatisfied() // || !testMatch.arePACsSatisfied())) { // result = false; // } if (!result) { testMatch.dispose(); testMatch = null; } return testMatch; } public Hashtable<Graph, Vector<Hashtable<GraphObject, GraphObject>>> getExcludeContainerForTestGraph() { return this.excludeContainerForTestGraph; } /** Clears the rule pair containers. */ public void clear() { Rule r1 = null; for (Enumeration<Rule> keys1 = this.excludeContainer.keys(); keys1 .hasMoreElements();) { r1 = keys1.nextElement(); // System.out.println(r1.getName()); Hashtable<Rule, Pair<Boolean, Vector<Pair<Pair<OrdinaryMorphism, OrdinaryMorphism>, Pair<OrdinaryMorphism, OrdinaryMorphism>>>>> table2 = this.excludeContainer.get(r1); for (Enumeration<Rule> keys2 = table2.keys(); keys2.hasMoreElements();) { Rule r2 = keys2.nextElement(); // System.out.println(r1.getName()+" "+r2.getName()); // firePairEvent(new CriticalPairEvent(this, r1, r2, // CriticalPairEvent.REMOVE_RELATION_ENTRY)); clearEntry(r1, r2); } } this.excludeContainerForTestGraph.clear(); this.useHostGraph = false; this.testGraph = null; this.isComputed = false; this.isComputedLocal = false; this.isEmpty = true; firePairEvent(new CriticalPairEvent(this, null, null, CriticalPairEvent.REMOVE_ENTRIES)); } protected void writeOverlapMorphisms(XMLHelper h, Rule r1, Rule r2, Pair<Pair<OrdinaryMorphism, OrdinaryMorphism>, Pair<OrdinaryMorphism, OrdinaryMorphism>> overlapping) { Pair<OrdinaryMorphism, OrdinaryMorphism> p1 = overlapping.first; OrdinaryMorphism first = p1.first; // write first (left) overlap morphism h.openSubTag("Morphism"); h.addAttr("name", first.getName()); if (first.getSource() == r1.getLeft()) h.addAttr("source", "LHS"); else if (first.getSource() == r1.getRight()) h.addAttr("source", "RHS"); Enumeration<GraphObject> e = first.getDomain(); while (e.hasMoreElements()) { GraphObject s = e.nextElement(); h.openSubTag("Mapping"); h.addObject("orig", s, false); h.addObject("image", first.getImage(s), false); h.close(); } h.close(); // write second (right) overlap morphism OrdinaryMorphism second = p1.second; Pair<OrdinaryMorphism, OrdinaryMorphism> p2 = overlapping.second; if (p2 == null) { if (second.getSource() == r2.getLeft()) { h.openSubTag("Morphism"); h.addAttr("name", second.getName()); h.addAttr("source", "LHS"); e = second.getDomain(); while (e.hasMoreElements()) { GraphObject s = e.nextElement(); h.openSubTag("Mapping"); h.addObject("orig", s, false); h.addObject("image", second.getImage(s), false); h.close(); } } } else { OrdinaryMorphism morphL2iso = p2.first; OrdinaryMorphism morphNAC2iso = p2.second; h.openSubTag("Morphism"); h.addAttr("name", second.getName()); h.addAttr("source", "NAC+LHS"); // : N2 = NAC2+LHS2 e = second.getDomain(); while (e.hasMoreElements()) { GraphObject src = e.nextElement(); GraphObject t = second.getImage(src); GraphObject s = null; if (morphL2iso.getInverseImage(src).hasMoreElements()) s = morphL2iso.getInverseImage(src) .nextElement(); else if (morphNAC2iso.getInverseImage(src).hasMoreElements()) s = morphNAC2iso.getInverseImage(src) .nextElement(); if (s != null) { h.openSubTag("Mapping"); h.addObject("orig", s, false); h.addObject("image", t, false); h.close(); } } } h.close(); } protected Pair<OrdinaryMorphism, OrdinaryMorphism> readOldOverlappingMorphisms(XMLHelper h, Rule r1, Rule r2, String firstName, Graph overlapGraph) { OrdinaryMorphism first = BaseFactory.theFactory().createMorphism( r1.getLeft(), overlapGraph); OrdinaryMorphism second = BaseFactory.theFactory().createMorphism( r2.getLeft(), overlapGraph); first.setName(firstName.replaceAll(" ", "")); while (h.readSubTag("Mapping")) { GraphObject o = (GraphObject) h.getObject("orig", null, false); GraphObject i = (GraphObject) h.getObject("image", null, false); if (o != null && i != null) { first.addMapping(o, i); } h.close(); } h.close(); if (h.readSubTag("Morphism")) { String name = h.readAttr("name"); second.setName(name.replaceAll(" ", "")); while (h.readSubTag("Mapping")) { GraphObject o = (GraphObject) h.getObject("orig", null, false); GraphObject i = (GraphObject) h.getObject("image", null, false); if (o != null && i != null) { second.addMapping(o, i); } h.close(); } h.close(); } return new Pair<OrdinaryMorphism, OrdinaryMorphism>(first, second); } protected Pair<Pair<OrdinaryMorphism, OrdinaryMorphism>, Pair<OrdinaryMorphism, OrdinaryMorphism>> readOverlappingMorphisms(XMLHelper h, Rule r1, Rule r2, Graph overlapGraph) { // read first overlap morphism Pair<Pair<OrdinaryMorphism, OrdinaryMorphism>, Pair<OrdinaryMorphism, OrdinaryMorphism>> result = null; OrdinaryMorphism first = null; OrdinaryMorphism second = null; Pair<OrdinaryMorphism, OrdinaryMorphism> p = null, p1 = null, p2 = null; if (h.readSubTag("Morphism")) { String name = h.readAttr("name"); String source = h.readAttr("source"); if (source.equals("")) { p = readOldOverlappingMorphisms(h, r1, r2, name, overlapGraph); return new Pair<Pair<OrdinaryMorphism, OrdinaryMorphism>, Pair<OrdinaryMorphism, OrdinaryMorphism>>(p, null); } if (source.equals("LHS")) first = BaseFactory.theFactory().createMorphism(r1.getLeft(), overlapGraph); else if (source.equals("RHS")) first = BaseFactory.theFactory().createMorphism(r1.getRight(), overlapGraph); if (first != null) { first.setName(name.replaceAll(" ", "")); while (h.readSubTag("Mapping")) { GraphObject o = (GraphObject) h.getObject("orig", null, false); GraphObject i = (GraphObject) h.getObject("image", null, false); if (o != null && i != null) { first.addMapping(o, i); } h.close(); } } h.close(); } // read second overlap morphism if (h.readSubTag("Morphism")) { OrdinaryMorphism morphL2iso = null; OrdinaryMorphism morphNAC2iso = null; String name = h.readAttr("name"); String source = h.readAttr("source"); if (source.equals("LHS")) second = BaseFactory.theFactory().createMorphism(r2.getLeft(), overlapGraph); else if (source.equals("NAC+LHS")) { OrdinaryMorphism nac = null; final List<OrdinaryMorphism> nacs = r2.getNACsList(); for (int l=0; l<nacs.size(); l++) { final OrdinaryMorphism n = nacs.get(l); if (overlapGraph.getHelpInfoAboutNAC().indexOf(n.getName()) != -1) { nac = n; break; } } morphL2iso = r2.getLeft().isomorphicCopy(); if (morphL2iso != null) morphNAC2iso = extendLeftGraph(morphL2iso, nac); Graph N2 = morphL2iso.getTarget(); second = BaseFactory.theFactory().createMorphism(N2, overlapGraph); } if (second != null) { second.setName(name.replaceAll(" ", "")); while (h.readSubTag("Mapping")) { GraphObject o = (GraphObject) h.getObject("orig", null, false); GraphObject i = (GraphObject) h.getObject("image", null, false); if (o != null && i != null) { if (source.equals("LHS")) second.addMapping(o, i); else if (source.equals("NAC+LHS")) { GraphObject s = null; if (morphL2iso != null) s = morphL2iso.getImage(o); if (s == null && morphNAC2iso != null) s = morphNAC2iso.getImage(o); if (s != null) second.addMapping(s, i); } } h.close(); } if (source.equals("NAC+LHS")) p2 = new Pair<OrdinaryMorphism, OrdinaryMorphism>( morphL2iso, morphNAC2iso); } h.close(); } if (first != null && second != null) { p1 = new Pair<OrdinaryMorphism, OrdinaryMorphism>(first, second); result = new Pair<Pair<OrdinaryMorphism, OrdinaryMorphism>, Pair<OrdinaryMorphism, OrdinaryMorphism>>(p1, p2); } return result; } private OrdinaryMorphism extendLeftGraph(OrdinaryMorphism isoLeft, OrdinaryMorphism nac) { if (isoLeft == null || nac == null) return null; Graph extLeft = isoLeft.getTarget(); OrdinaryMorphism isoNAC = BaseFactory.theFactory().createMorphism( nac.getTarget(), extLeft); Hashtable<Node, Node> tmp = new Hashtable<Node, Node>(5); Iterator<?> e = nac.getTarget().getNodesSet().iterator(); while (e.hasNext()) { GraphObject o = (GraphObject); if (!nac.getInverseImage(o).hasMoreElements()) { try { Node n = extLeft.copyNode((Node) o); tmp.put((Node) o, n); isoNAC.addMapping(o, n); } catch (TypeException ex) { } } else isoNAC.addMapping(o, isoLeft.getImage(nac .getInverseImage(o).nextElement())); } e = nac.getTarget().getArcsSet().iterator(); while (e.hasNext()) { GraphObject o = (GraphObject); if (!nac.getInverseImage(o).hasMoreElements()) { Node src = tmp.get(((Arc) o).getSource()); if (src == null) { src = (Node) isoLeft.getImage(nac.getInverseImage( ((Arc) o).getSource()).nextElement()); } Node tar = tmp.get(((Arc) o).getTarget()); if (tar == null) { tar = (Node) isoLeft.getImage(nac.getInverseImage( ((Arc) o).getTarget()).nextElement()); } try { Arc a = extLeft.copyArc((Arc) o, src, tar); isoNAC.addMapping(o, a); } catch (TypeException ex) { } } else isoNAC.addMapping(o, isoLeft.getImage(nac .getInverseImage(o).nextElement())); } return isoNAC; } protected void resetRules(final List<Rule> list, final List<Rule> list2) { if (list != null && !list.isEmpty()) { if (this.rules == null) this.rules = new Vector<Rule>(); else this.rules.clear(); this.rules.addAll(list); } if (list2 != null && !list2.isEmpty()) { if (this.rules2 == null) this.rules2 = new Vector<Rule>(); else this.rules2.clear(); this.rules2.addAll(list2); } } /** * Writes the contents of this object to a file in a xml format. * * @param h * A helper object for storing. */ public void XwriteObject(XMLHelper h) { h.openNewElem("CriticalPairs", this); h.addObject("GraGra", getGrammar(), true); h.openSubTag("conflictsContainer"); h.addAttr("kind", "exclude"); // Inhalt von excludeContainer schreiben (save) for (Enumeration<Rule> keys = this.excludeContainer.keys(); keys.hasMoreElements();) { Rule r1 = keys.nextElement(); h.openSubTag("Rule"); h.addObject("R1", r1, false); Hashtable<Rule, Pair<Boolean, Vector<Pair<Pair<OrdinaryMorphism, OrdinaryMorphism>, Pair<OrdinaryMorphism, OrdinaryMorphism>>>>> secondPart = this.excludeContainer.get(r1); for (Enumeration<Rule> k2 = secondPart.keys(); k2.hasMoreElements();) { Rule r2 = k2.nextElement(); h.openSubTag("Rule"); h.addObject("R2", r2, false); Pair<Boolean, Vector<Pair<Pair<OrdinaryMorphism, OrdinaryMorphism>, Pair<OrdinaryMorphism, OrdinaryMorphism>>>> p = secondPart.get(r2); Boolean b = p.first; h.addAttr("bool", b.toString()); if (b.booleanValue()) { Vector<Pair<Pair<OrdinaryMorphism, OrdinaryMorphism>, Pair<OrdinaryMorphism, OrdinaryMorphism>>> v = p.second; for (int i = 0; i < v.size(); i++) { h.openSubTag("Overlapping_Pair"); Pair<Pair<OrdinaryMorphism, OrdinaryMorphism>, Pair<OrdinaryMorphism, OrdinaryMorphism>> p2i = v.elementAt(i); Pair<OrdinaryMorphism, OrdinaryMorphism> p2 = p2i.first; OrdinaryMorphism first = p2.first; Graph overlapping = first.getImage(); h.addObject("", overlapping, true); // write overlapping graph Iterator<?> e = overlapping.getNodesSet().iterator(); while (e.hasNext()) { GraphObject o = (GraphObject); if (o.isCritical()) { h.openSubTag("Critical"); h.addObject("object", o, false); h.close(); } } e = overlapping.getArcsSet().iterator(); while (e.hasNext()) { GraphObject o = (GraphObject); if (o.isCritical()) { h.openSubTag("Critical"); h.addObject("object", o, false); h.close(); } } writeOverlapMorphisms(h, r1, r2, p2i); // first.writeMorphism(h); // ((OrdinaryMorphism) p2.second).writeMorphism(h); h.close(); } } h.close(); } h.close(); } h.close(); h.openSubTag("conflictFreeContainer"); for (Enumeration<Rule> keys = this.excludeContainer.keys(); keys.hasMoreElements();) { Rule r1 = keys.nextElement(); h.openSubTag("Rule"); h.addObject("R1", r1, false); Hashtable<Rule, Pair<Boolean, Vector<Pair<Pair<OrdinaryMorphism, OrdinaryMorphism>, Pair<OrdinaryMorphism, OrdinaryMorphism>>>>> secondPart = this.conflictFreeContainer.get(r1); for (Enumeration<Rule> k2 = secondPart.keys(); k2.hasMoreElements();) { Rule r2 = k2.nextElement(); h.openSubTag("Rule"); h.addObject("R2", r2, false); Pair<Boolean, Vector<Pair<Pair<OrdinaryMorphism, OrdinaryMorphism>, Pair<OrdinaryMorphism, OrdinaryMorphism>>>> p = secondPart.get(r2); Boolean b = p.first; h.addAttr("bool", b.toString()); h.close(); } h.close(); } h.close(); h.close(); } /** * Reads the contents of a xml file to restore this object. * * @param h * A helper object for loading. */ @SuppressWarnings("unused") public void XreadObject(XMLHelper h) { // System.out.println("ExcludePairContainer.XreadObject...."); if (h.isTag("CriticalPairs", this)) { Rule r1 = null; Rule r2 = null; boolean b = false; Vector<Pair<Pair<OrdinaryMorphism, OrdinaryMorphism>, Pair<OrdinaryMorphism, OrdinaryMorphism>>> allOverlappings = null; Vector<String> tagnames = new Vector<String>(1); Vector<String> tagnames2 = new Vector<String>(1); this.grammar = BaseFactory.theFactory().createGraGra(); // loads the data in the predefined object h.getObject("", this.grammar, true); tagnames.add("conflictContainer"); tagnames.add("conflictsContainer"); tagnames.add("excludeContainer"); tagnames2.add("dependencyContainer"); tagnames2.add("dependenciesContainer"); // boolean switchDependency = false; if (h.readSubTag(tagnames)) { String kind = h.readAttr("kind"); this.conflictKind = CriticalPair.CONFLICT; } else if (h.readSubTag(tagnames2)) { this.conflictKind = CriticalPair.TRIGGER_DEPENDENCY; if (h.readAttr("kind").equals("trigger_switch_dependency")) { // switchDependency = true; this.conflictKind = CriticalPair.TRIGGER_SWITCH_DEPENDENCY; } } if (this.conflictKind == CriticalPair.CONFLICT || this.conflictKind == CriticalPair.TRIGGER_DEPENDENCY || this.conflictKind == CriticalPair.TRIGGER_SWITCH_DEPENDENCY) { Enumeration<?> r1s = h.getEnumeration("", null, true, "Rule"); if (!r1s.hasMoreElements()) r1s = h.getEnumeration("", null, true, "Regel"); while (r1s.hasMoreElements()) { h.peekElement(r1s.nextElement()); /* * da ein referenziertes object geholt werden soll. muss nur * angegeben werden wie der Membername heisst. */ r1 = (Rule) h.getObject("R1", null, false); Enumeration<?> r2s = h.getEnumeration("", null, true, "Rule"); if (!r2s.hasMoreElements()) r2s = h.getEnumeration("", null, true, "Regel"); while (r2s.hasMoreElements()) { h.peekElement(r2s.nextElement()); r2 = (Rule) h.getObject("R2", null, false); // System.out.println(r1.getName()+" "+r2.getName()); String bool = h.readAttr("bool"); b = false; allOverlappings = null; if (bool.equals("true")) { b = true; allOverlappings = new Vector<Pair<Pair<OrdinaryMorphism, OrdinaryMorphism>, Pair<OrdinaryMorphism, OrdinaryMorphism>>>(); Enumeration<?> overlappings = h.getEnumeration("", null, true, "Overlapping_Pair"); while (overlappings.hasMoreElements()) { h.peekElement(overlappings.nextElement()); Graph g = (Graph) h.getObject("", BaseFactory.theFactory().createGraph( this.grammar.getTypeSet()), true); while (h.readSubTag("Critical")) { GraphObject o = (GraphObject) h.getObject( "object", null, false); if (o != null) o.setCritical(true); h.close(); } Pair<Pair<OrdinaryMorphism, OrdinaryMorphism>, Pair<OrdinaryMorphism, OrdinaryMorphism>> p = readOverlappingMorphisms( h, r1, r2, g); allOverlappings.addElement(p); h.close(); } } addQuadruple(this.excludeContainer, r1, r2, b, allOverlappings); h.close(); } h.close(); } h.close(); // System.out.println("excludeContainer // "+excludeContainer+"\n"); } if (h.readSubTag("conflictFreeContainer")) { Enumeration<?> r1s = h.getEnumeration("", null, true, "Rule"); if (!r1s.hasMoreElements()) r1s = h.getEnumeration("", null, true, "Regel"); while (r1s.hasMoreElements()) { h.peekElement(r1s.nextElement()); /* * da ein referenziertes object geholt werden soll. muss nur * angegeben werden wie der Membername heisst. */ r1 = (Rule) h.getObject("R1", null, false); Enumeration<?> r2s = h.getEnumeration("", null, true, "Rule"); if (!r2s.hasMoreElements()) r2s = h.getEnumeration("", null, true, "Regel"); while (r2s.hasMoreElements()) { h.peekElement(r2s.nextElement()); r2 = (Rule) h.getObject("R2", null, false); // System.out.println(r1.getName()+" "+r2.getName()); String bool = h.readAttr("bool"); b = false; if (bool.equals("true")) b = true; addQuadruple(this.conflictFreeContainer, r1, r2, b, null); if (!r1.isEnabled()) // test disabled rule this.getEntry(r1, r2).state = Entry.DISABLED; h.close(); } h.close(); } h.close(); // System.out.println("conflictFreeContainer // "+conflictFreeContainer+"\n"); } } h.close(); // isComputed = true; } /** * Provides a human readable text of the critical pairs. * * @return The text. */ public String toString() { String result = super.toString() + "\n" + getGrammar().toString() + "\n"; result += "ConflictsContainer " + this.excludeContainer + "\n\n"; result += "conflictFreeContainer " + this.conflictFreeContainer + "\n"; return result; } /** * Returns <code>true</code> if the rule pair container is empty. */ public boolean isEmpty() { return this.isEmpty; } /** * Returns <code>true</code> if all conflicts of all rule pairs * of the container are computed.<br> * Note: In case of a host graph is used to determine critical situations - * this method returns <code>false</code> only. */ public boolean isComputed() { return this.isComputed; } /** * Returns <code>true</code> if the process of computing critical pairs is running. */ public boolean isAlive() { return this.isAlive; } // -----------------------------------------------------------------------+ /** * Adds a PairEventListener. * * @param l * The listener. */ public void addPairEventListener(ParserEventListener l) { if (!this.listener.contains(l)) { this.listener.addElement(l); } } // -----------------------------------------------------------------------+ /** * Removes a PairEventListener * * @param l * The listener. */ public void removePairEventListener(ParserEventListener l) { if (this.listener.contains(l)) this.listener.removeElement(l); } // ***********************************************************************+ /** * Sends a event to all its listeners. * * @param event * The event which will be sent */ protected synchronized void firePairEvent(ParserEvent event) { for (int i = 0; i < this.listener.size(); i++) { this.listener.elementAt(i).parserEventOccured(event); } } public void enableComplete(boolean enable) { this.complete = enable; if (this.excludePair != null) { this.excludePair.enableComplete(enable); } } public void enableReduce(boolean enable) { this.reduce = enable; } public void enableReduceSameMatch(boolean enable) { this.reduceSameMatch = enable; } public void enableDirectlyStrictConfluent(boolean enable) { this.directStrctCnfl = enable; } public void enableDirectlyStrictConfluentUpToIso(boolean enable) { this.directStrctCnflUpToIso = enable; } /** * Whether NACs are enabled or not this decision is done by the NAC property * bit of the morphism completion strategy: * <code> withNACs = strategy.getProperties().get(CompletionPropertyBits.NAC); </code> * * @deprecated replaced by setMorphismCompletionStrategy(MorphCompletionStrategy strat) */ public void enableNACs(boolean enable) { this.withNACs = enable; } /** * Whether PACs are enabled or not this decision is done by the PAC property * bit of the morphism completion strategy: * <code> withPACs = strategy.getProperties().get(CompletionPropertyBits.PAC); </code> * * @deprecated replaced by setMorphismCompletionStrategy(MorphCompletionStrategy strat) */ public void enablePACs(boolean enable) { this.withPACs = enable; } public void enableConsistent(boolean enable) { this.consistent = enable; } public void enableStrongAttrCheck(boolean enable) { this.strongAttrCheck = enable; } /** * If enable is true, the critical pairs are computed with respect to named object only. */ public void enableNamedObjectOnly(boolean enable) { this.namedObjectOnly = enable; } public void enableMaxBoundOfCriticCause(int bound) { this.maxBoundOfCriticCause = bound; } public void enableEqualVariableNameOfAttrMapping(boolean enable) { this.equalVariableNameOfAttrMapping = enable; } /** * Set and use (if the first parameter is <code>true</code>) * the given host graph and strategy in the process of computing critical * situations of the rule pairs. */ public void enableUseHostGraph(boolean enable, Graph g, MorphCompletionStrategy strat) { this.useHostGraph = enable; this.excludeContainerForTestGraph.clear(); if (this.useHostGraph) { this.testGraph = g; this.strategy = (MorphCompletionStrategy) strat.clone(); } else { this.testGraph = null; } } /** * Set and use (if the first parameter is <code>true</code>) * the given host graph in the process of computing critical situations * of the rule pairs. */ public void enableUseHostGraph(boolean enable, Graph g) { this.useHostGraph = enable; this.excludeContainerForTestGraph.clear(); if (this.useHostGraph) this.testGraph = g; else this.testGraph = null; } /** * Returns <code>true</code>) * if a host graph is used in the process of computing critical situations * of the rule pairs. */ public boolean useHostGraphEnabled() { return this.useHostGraph; } public int getKindOfConflict() { return this.conflictKind; } /** * @deprecated * @see agg.parser.PairContainer#getLayer() */ public LayerFunction getLayer() { return null; } } // End of /* * $Log:,v $ * Revision 1.92 2010/12/21 16:33:19 olga * improved - CPA for rules with GACs not implemented * * Revision 1.91 2010/12/20 20:05:36 olga * improved - show CPA Graph * * Revision 1.90 2010/12/17 15:45:11 olga * tuning * * Revision 1.89 2010/12/16 17:32:14 olga * tuning * * Revision 1.88 2010/12/15 16:57:56 olga * restriction added - CPA for rules with GACs not implemented * * Revision 1.87 2010/11/16 23:33:08 olga * tuning * * Revision 1.86 2010/11/14 19:01:19 olga * tuning * * Revision 1.85 2010/11/07 20:48:10 olga * tuning * * Revision 1.84 2010/11/06 18:33:50 olga * extended and improved * * Revision 1.83 2010/11/04 11:01:31 olga * tuning * * Revision 1.82 2010/09/20 14:30:11 olga * tuning * * Revision 1.81 2010/08/12 14:53:28 olga * tuning * * Revision 1.80 2010/06/22 11:12:13 olga * tuning * * Revision 1.79 2010/06/09 10:56:06 olga * tuning * * Revision 1.78 2010/04/29 15:15:13 olga * tuning and tests * * Revision 1.77 2010/04/27 10:38:34 olga * computing tuning * * Revision 1.76 2010/04/12 21:17:33 olga * improved * * Revision 1.75 2010/04/12 16:21:10 olga * tuning * * Revision 1.74 2010/04/12 14:40:46 olga * Critical pairs table - extended * * Revision 1.73 2010/03/08 15:46:42 olga * code optimizing * * Revision 1.72 2010/03/04 14:11:14 olga * code optimizing * * Revision 1.71 2010/02/22 15:02:05 olga * code optimizing * * Revision 1.70 2010/01/31 16:47:15 olga * extend CPA by checking with multi rules of rule schemes * * Revision 1.69 2010/01/27 19:35:19 olga * tests * * Revision 1.68 2009/11/23 09:00:39 olga * tuning * * Revision 1.67 2009/05/28 13:18:23 olga * Amalgamated graph transformation - development stage * * Revision 1.66 2009/05/12 10:36:58 olga * CPA: bug fixed * Applicability of Rule Seq. : bug fixed * * Revision 1.65 2009/03/19 09:31:05 olga * CPE: attr check improved * * Revision 1.64 2009/03/12 10:57:45 olga * some changes in CPA of managing names of the attribute variables. * * Revision 1.63 2008/11/13 08:26:21 olga * some tests * * Revision 1.62 2008/09/11 09:22:26 olga * Some changes in CPA: new computing of conflicts after an option changed, * Graph layout of overlapping graphs * * Revision 1.61 2008/05/07 08:37:55 olga * Applicability of Rule Sequences with NACs * * Revision 1.60 2008/05/05 09:11:51 olga * Graph parser - bug fixed. * New AGG feature - Applicability of Rule Sequences - in working. * * Revision 1.59 2008/04/10 10:53:14 olga * Draw graphics tuning * * Revision 1.58 2008/04/07 09:36:51 olga * Code tuning: refactoring + profiling * Extension: CPA - two new options added * * Revision 1.57 2008/02/25 08:44:48 olga * Extending of CPA: new class CriticalRulePairAtGraph to get critical * matches of two rules at a concret graph. * * Revision 1.56 2008/02/18 09:37:10 olga * - an extention of rule dependency check is implemented; * - some bugs fixed; * - editing of graphs improved * * Revision 1.55 2007/12/13 13:01:22 olga * check CPs on aa host graph - bug fixed * * Revision 1.54 2007/12/10 08:42:58 olga * CPA of grammar with node type inheritance for attributed graphs - bug fixed * * Revision 1.53 2007/11/19 08:48:39 olga * Some GUI usability mistakes fixed. * Default values in node/edge of a type graph implemented. * Code tuning. * * Revision 1.52 2007/11/12 08:48:56 olga * Code tuning * * Revision 1.51 2007/11/08 12:57:00 olga * working on CPA inconsistency for rules with pacs and inheritance * bugs are possible * * Revision 1.50 2007/11/05 09:18:22 olga * code tuning * * Revision 1.49 2007/11/01 09:58:18 olga * Code refactoring: generic types- done * * Revision 1.48 2007/10/22 09:03:16 olga * First implementation of CPA for grammars with node type inheritance. * Only for internal tests. * * Revision 1.47 2007/10/10 14:30:33 olga * Enumeration typing * * Revision 1.46 2007/10/10 07:44:27 olga * CPA: bug fixed * GUI, AtomConstraint: bug fixed * * Revision 1.45 2007/10/04 07:44:27 olga * Code tuning * * Revision 1.44 2007/09/27 15:53:18 olga * CPA tuning * * Revision 1.43 2007/09/27 08:42:46 olga * CPA: new option -ignore pairs with same rules and same matches- * * Revision 1.42 2007/09/24 09:42:38 olga * AGG transformation engine tuning * * Revision 1.41 2007/09/10 13:05:42 olga * In this update: * - package xerces2.5.0 is not used anymore; * - class com.objectspace.jgl.Pair is replaced by the agg own generic class agg.util.Pair; * - bugs fixed in: usage of PACs in rules; match completion; * usage of static method calls in attr. conditions * - graph editing: added some new features * Revision 1.40 2007/06/18 08:16:00 olga * New extentions by drawing edge. * * Revision 1.39 2007/04/30 10:39:20 olga tests * * Revision 1.38 2007/03/28 10:00:53 olga - extensive changes of Node/Edge Type * Editor, - first Undo implementation for graphs and Node/edge Type editing and * transformation, - new / reimplemented options for layered transformation, for * graph layouter - enable / disable for NACs, attr conditions, formula - GUI * tuning * * Revision 1.37 2007/02/05 12:33:38 olga CPA: chengeAttribute * conflict/dependency : attributes with constants bug fixed, but the critical * pairs computation has still a gap. * * Revision 1.36 2007/01/11 10:21:14 olga Optimized Version 1.5.1beta , free for * tests * * Revision 1.35 2006/12/13 13:32:59 enrico reimplemented code * * Revision 1.34 2006/11/01 11:17:30 olga Optimized agg sources of CSP * algorithm, match usability, graph isomorphic copy, node/edge type * multiplicity check for injective rule and match * * Revision 1.33 2006/03/13 10:04:42 olga CPA tuning * * Revision 1.32 2006/03/08 15:51:55 olga CPs : converting critical overlappings * in LHS overlappings done * * Revision 1.31 2006/03/08 13:26:11 olga private to public * * Revision 1.30 2006/03/08 09:14:59 olga CPs mistake fixed * * Revision 1.29 2006/03/06 14:47:27 olga CPs ... * * Revision 1.28 2006/03/06 12:18:14 olga CPs... * * Revision 1.27 2006/03/06 10:52:38 olga CPs... * * Revision 1.26 2006/03/06 10:16:32 olga CPs * * Revision 1.25 2006/03/06 10:04:06 olga CPs ... * * Revision 1.24 2006/03/06 09:36:39 olga CPs tuning * * Revision 1.23 2006/03/02 12:03:23 olga CPA: check host graph - done * * Revision 1.22 2006/03/01 15:33:08 olga tests * * Revision 1.21 2006/03/01 15:28:11 olga tests * * Revision 1.20 2006/03/01 14:59:01 olga CPA : new method to get LHS * overlappings of critical overlappings * * Revision 1.19 2006/03/01 09:55:46 olga - new CPA algorithm, new CPA GUI * * Revision 1.18 2006/01/19 14:25:59 olga Comments off * * Revision 1.17 2006/01/16 09:44:43 olga tests * * Revision 1.16 2005/12/21 14:46:34 olga tests * * Revision 1.15 2005/11/30 12:15:12 olga Used run time * * Revision 1.14 2005/11/16 14:32:29 olga Time output improved * * Revision 1.13 2005/10/24 09:04:49 olga GUI tuning * * Revision 1.12 2005/10/19 08:58:45 olga GUI tuning * * Revision 1.11 2005/10/13 13:23:05 olga CPA * * Revision 1.10 2005/10/12 15:18:14 olga CPA GUI * * Revision 1.9 2005/10/12 12:19:01 olga CPA GUI * * Revision 1.8 2005/10/12 10:00:56 olga CPA GUI tuning * * Revision 1.7 2005/10/10 08:05:16 olga Critical Pair GUI and CPA graph * * Revision 1.6 2005/09/27 11:13:25 olga CPs ... * * Revision 1.5 2005/09/27 08:41:12 olga CPs GUI tuning. * * Revision 1.4 2005/09/26 16:41:20 olga CPA graph, CPs - visualization * * Revision 1.3 2005/09/26 08:35:15 olga CPA graph frames; bugs * * Revision 1.2 2005/09/19 09:12:14 olga CPA GUI tuning * * Revision 1.1 2005/08/25 11:56:58 enrico *** empty log message *** * * Revision 1.3 2005/07/11 09:30:20 olga This is test version AGG V1.2.8alfa . * What is new: - saving rule option <disabled> - setting trigger rule for layer - * display attr. conditions in gragra tree view - CPA algorithm <dependencies> - * creating and display CPA graph with conflicts and/or dependencies based on * (.cpx) file * * Revision 1.2 2005/06/20 13:37:03 olga Up to now the version 1.2.8 will be * prepared. * * Revision 1.1 2005/05/30 12:58:03 olga Version with Eclipse * * Revision 1.35 2005/05/23 09:54:30 olga CPA improved: Stop of generation * process or rule pair. * * Revision 1.34 2005/04/11 13:06:13 olga Errors during CPA are corrected. * * Revision 1.33 2005/03/16 12:02:10 olga * * only little changes * * Revision 1.32 2005/03/03 13:48:42 olga - Match with NACs and attr. conditions * with mixed variables - error corrected - save/load class packages written by * user - PACs : creating T-equivalents - improved - save/load matches of the * rules (only one match of a rule) - more friendly graph/rule editor GUI - more * syntactical checks in attr. editor * * Revision 1.31 2005/01/28 14:02:32 olga -Fehlerbehandlung beim Typgraph check * -Erweiterung CP GUI / CP Menu -Fehlerbehandlung mit identification option * -Fehlerbehandlung bei Rule PAC * * Revision 1.30 2004/12/20 14:53:48 olga Changes because of matching * optimisation. * * Revision 1.29 2004/09/23 08:26:43 olga Fehler bei CPs weg, Debug output in * file * * Revision 1.28 2004/09/13 10:21:14 olga Einige Erweiterungen und * Fehlerbeseitigung bei CPs und Graph Grammar Transformation * * Revision 1.27 2004/06/23 08:26:57 olga CPs sind endlich OK. * * Revision 1.26 2004/06/21 08:35:34 olga immer noch CPs * * Revision 1.25 2004/06/14 12:34:19 olga CP Analyse and Transformation * * Revision 1.24 2004/04/15 10:49:48 olga Kommentare * * Revision 1.23 2004/01/28 17:58:38 olga Errors suche * * Revision 1.22 2003/12/18 16:27:08 olga test. * * Revision 1.21 2003/06/26 11:44:40 olga Events-behandlung * * Revision 1.20 2003/05/26 15:40:14 olga Test * * Revision 1.19 2003/05/23 11:07:15 komm missing import added * * Revision 1.18 2003/05/19 08:35:37 komm new option paralell and todos removed * * Revision 1.16 2003/03/05 18:24:08 komm sorted/optimized import statements * * Revision 1.15 2003/03/03 17:46:16 olga Optimierung * * Revision 1.14 2003/02/05 15:53:36 olga GUI * * Revision 1.13 2003/02/03 17:49:31 olga Tests * * Revision 1.12 2003/01/22 16:21:04 olga Nach dem Laden von CPs bessere * Anpassung der Instanz von deieser Klasse * * Revision 1.11 2003/01/20 17:04:15 olga Critical Pair Table Anpassung * * Revision 1.10 2003/01/20 10:46:29 komm new events for new GUI * * Revision 1.9 2003/01/13 14:26:39 komm removed paneTest * * Revision 1.8 2002/12/16 09:19:25 olga Die Klasse paneTest, die hier benutzt * wird, soll hier raus und eventuell von * agg.gui.parser.CriticalPairAnalysisGUI. * * Revision 1.7 2002/12/12 09:26:00 olga Fehlerbeseitigung * * Revision 1.6 2002/12/05 13:32:05 olga Nur Textausgabe in Statusbar * verbessert. * * Revision 1.5 2002/12/04 13:58:15 komm removed multithreading, because of * unexpected errors * * Revision 1.4 2002/11/25 09:49:34 komm neu formatiert * * Revision 1.3 2002/11/11 13:51:39 komm TypeException handling * * Revision 1.2 2002/11/11 10:43:26 komm added support for multiplicity check * * Revision 2002/07/11 12:17:23 olga Imported sources * * Revision 1.12 2001/08/08 14:46:30 olga Default Layer Option Einstellung ist * RCDN_LAYER. * * Revision 1.11 2001/08/02 15:22:15 olga Error-Meldungen eingebaut in * LayerFunction und die Anzeige dieser Meldungen in GUI. * * Revision 1.10 2001/06/26 17:28:03 olga Parser test * * Revision 1.9 2001/06/18 13:37:46 olga Bei Critical Pair ein neuer Menuitem: * Debug, wo man einzelne Regelpaare testen kann. System.gc() eingefuegt. * * Revision 1.8 2001/06/13 16:49:35 olga Parser Classen Optimierung. * * Revision 1.7 2001/05/14 12:02:59 olga Zusaetzliche Parser Events Aufrufe * eingebaut, um bessere Kommunikation mit GUI Status Anzeige zu ermoeglichen. * * Revision 1.6 2001/04/11 14:59:19 olga Stop Method eingefuegt. * * Revision 1.5 2001/03/29 12:01:34 olga MorphCompletionStrategy: dangling * condition wieder ON * * Revision 1.4 2001/03/22 15:53:26 olga Zusaetzliche Events Meldungen * eingebaut. * * Revision 1.3 2001/03/08 10:42:51 olga Die Parser Version aus parser branch * wurde in Head uebernommen. * * Revision 2001/01/29 07:34:21 shultzke Unbedeutende Aenderungen * * Revision 2001/01/28 13:14:52 shultzke API fertig * * Revision 2001/01/14 14:48:20 shultzke commentare ergaenzt * * Revision 2001/01/11 11:36:07 shultzke Laden und speichern der * kritischen Paare geht, es fehlt nur noch das Laden fuer den Parser. * * Revision 2001/01/10 15:09:51 shultzke load and save fast fertig * * Revision 2001/01/03 09:45:00 shultzke TODO's bis auf laden und * speichern erledigt. Wann meldet sich endlich Michael? * * Revision 2000/12/12 13:27:43 shultzke erste Versuche kritische Paare * mit XML abzuspeichern * * Revision 2000/12/10 14:55:48 shultzke um Layer erweitert * * Revision 2000/11/06 14:02:36 shultzke der Parser laeuft, wenn auch * langsam * ---------------------------------------------------------------------- * * Revision 2000/11/02 14:50:14 shultzke der konfliktteil des parsers * wird etwas trickreich * * Revision 2000/11/01 14:55:25 shultzke conflictfree part fast fertig * * Revision 2000/11/01 12:19:21 shultzke erste Regelanwendung im parser * CVs: ---------------------------------------------------------------------- * * Revision 2000/09/19 20:56:36 shultzke *** empty log message *** * * Revision 2000/09/18 14:11:22 shultzke erstes Geruest des Parsers * erstellt. Und parallelen Ablauf der ExcludePairs synchronisiert * * Revision 2000/07/18 20:03:55 shultzke Exclude ohne Nac sollten * funktionieren * * Revision 2000/07/16 18:52:28 shultzke *** empty log message *** * * Revision 2000/07/13 14:42:31 shultzke erste schritte zum container * auffuellen * * Revision 2000/07/12 07:58:39 shultzke merged * * Revision 1.2 2000/07/10 15:09:38 shultzke additional representation * hinzugefuegt * * Revision 1.1 2000/07/09 17:12:54 shultzke grob die GUI eingebunden * */