package; import java.awt.Container; import java.awt.Dimension; import java.awt.Point; import java.awt.event.ActionEvent; import java.awt.event.ActionListener; import java.awt.event.MouseListener; import java.util.Hashtable; import java.util.Vector; import javax.swing.JCheckBoxMenuItem; import javax.swing.JFrame; import javax.swing.JMenu; import javax.swing.JMenuItem; import javax.swing.JOptionPane; //import javax.swing.JScrollPane; import javax.swing.JSplitPane; import agg.editor.impl.EdGraGra; import agg.gui.options.ParserGUIOption; import agg.gui.parser.event.GUIOptionEvent; import agg.gui.parser.event.GUIOptionListener; import agg.gui.parser.event.ParserGUIEvent; import agg.gui.parser.event.ParserGUIListener; import agg.gui.parser.event.StatusMessageEvent; import agg.gui.parser.event.StatusMessageListener; import agg.gui.parser.event.CPAEventData; import agg.parser.CriticalPairEvent; import agg.parser.LayeredExcludePairContainer; import agg.parser.LayeredDependencyPairContainer; import agg.parser.CriticalPair; import agg.parser.CriticalPairData; import agg.parser.ExcludePairContainer; import agg.parser.DependencyPairContainer; import agg.parser.InvalidAlgorithmException; import agg.parser.PairContainer; import agg.xt_basis.GraGra; import agg.xt_basis.Graph; import agg.xt_basis.GraphObject; import agg.xt_basis.OrdinaryMorphism; import agg.xt_basis.Rule; import agg.util.Pair; /** * Holds the whole GUI for the critical pair analysis * * @version $Id:,v 1.13 2006/12/13 13:33:05 enrico * Exp $ * @author $Author: olga $ */ public class CriticalPairAnalysisGUI implements ParserGUIListener, ActionListener, GUIOptionListener { /** * The text for critical pairs */ public static final String CRITICALPAIRS = "Critical Pairs"; /** * The text for dependency pairs */ public static final String CINFLICTSPAIRS = "Minimal Conflicts"; /** * The text for dependency pairs */ public static final String DEPENDENCYPAIRS = "Minimal Dependencies"; /** * the text for the parser */ public static final String PARSER = "Parser"; /** * the load text */ public static final String LOAD = "Load Pairs"; /** * the save text */ public static final String SAVE = "Save Pairs"; /** * the exclude text */ public static final String EXCLUDE = "Exclude"; /** * the before text */ public static final String BEFORE = "Before"; /** * the pane for rules and critical pairs */ JSplitPane mainPane; /** * this pane holds the two tree views */ JSplitPane treePane; /** * this pane holds the the graphs */ JSplitPane graphPane; /** * the grammar which belongs to the current critical pairs */ GraGra grammar; GraphDesktop gDesktop; Rule links, rechts; /** * the tables of conflicts and dependencies which show progress of critical pairs */ CriticalPairPanel pairPanel, pairPanel2; boolean isPanel2 = false; Thread threadCP; boolean threadCPisAlive; Vector<StatusMessageListener> listener; EdGraGra layout; PairContainer beo, beo2; ParserGUIOption option; IntNumberDialog fromToDialog; /** * the default constructor with the option to configure with * * @param option * the option to configure the GUI */ public CriticalPairAnalysisGUI(JFrame applFrame, ParserGUIOption option) { this(applFrame, null, null, option); } /** * the main constructor * * @param gragra * the grammar the critical pairs belong to * @param layout * the layout for the graph * @param option * the option for the GUI */ public CriticalPairAnalysisGUI(JFrame applFrame, GraGra gragra, EdGraGra layout, ParserGUIOption option) { setGrammar(gragra); this.gDesktop = new GraphDesktop(applFrame, layout, option); this.gDesktop.addParserGUIListener(this); setLayout(layout); this.option = option; if (option != null) option.addOptionListener(this); this.listener = new Vector<StatusMessageListener>(); if (option != null) this.gDesktop.setOverlappingGraphWindowSize(option .getCriticalPairWindowSize()); else this.gDesktop.setOverlappingGraphWindowSize(new Dimension(250, 200)); this.graphPane = new JSplitPane(JSplitPane.VERTICAL_SPLIT); this.graphPane.setOneTouchExpandable(false); // true); this.graphPane.setTopComponent(null); // gBrowser.getComponent()); this.graphPane.setBottomComponent(this.gDesktop.getComponent()); this.graphPane.setDividerLocation(0); this.mainPane = new JSplitPane(); this.mainPane.setOneTouchExpandable(false); this.mainPane.setLeftComponent(null); this.mainPane.setRightComponent(this.graphPane); this.mainPane.setDividerLocation(0); this.mainPane.revalidate(); fromToDialog = new IntNumberDialog(null); //applFrame); } public void addMouseListener(MouseListener ml) { this.treePane.addMouseListener(ml); this.gDesktop.getComponent().addMouseListener(ml); if (this.pairPanel != null) this.pairPanel.getMainContainer().addMouseListener(ml); if (this.pairPanel2 != null) this.pairPanel.getMainContainer().addMouseListener(ml); } private void setGrammar(GraGra gragra) { this.grammar = gragra; } /** * sets the critical pairs which will be displayed * * @param pairs * the pairs to display */ public void setCriticalPairs(PairContainer pairs) { if (pairs == null || pairs.getGrammar().getListOfRules().isEmpty()) { return; } if (pairs.getKindOfConflict() == CriticalPair.TRIGGER_DEPENDENCY || pairs.getKindOfConflict() == CriticalPair.TRIGGER_SWITCH_DEPENDENCY) { setCriticalPairs2(pairs); return; } this.beo = pairs; if (this.pairPanel == null) { String cpTableName = "Minimal Conflicts"; if (this.beo instanceof LayeredExcludePairContainer) { this.pairPanel = new CriticalPairPanel( this.beo.getRules(), this.beo.getRules2(), (LayeredExcludePairContainer) this.beo); } else { this.pairPanel = new CriticalPairPanel( this.beo.getRules(), this.beo.getRules2(), (ExcludePairContainer) this.beo); } this.gDesktop.addCriticalPairTable(this.pairPanel, cpTableName); this.mainPane.revalidate(); this.mainPane.repaint(); this.pairPanel.addParserGUIListener(this); ((ExcludePairContainer) this.beo).addPairEventListener(this.pairPanel); } else { if (this.beo instanceof LayeredExcludePairContainer) { this.pairPanel.setPairContainer((LayeredExcludePairContainer) this.beo); } else { this.pairPanel.setPairContainer((ExcludePairContainer)this. beo); } this.gDesktop.removeAllGraphFrames(); this.gDesktop.removeRuleFrames(); this.mainPane.revalidate(); this.mainPane.repaint(); ((ExcludePairContainer)this. beo).addPairEventListener(this.pairPanel); } fireStatusMessageEvent(new StatusMessageEvent(this, "")); } private void setCriticalPairs2(PairContainer pairs) { if ((pairs == null) || (pairs.getGrammar().getListOfRules().isEmpty())) { return; } this.beo2 = pairs; if (this.pairPanel2 == null) { String cpTableName = "Minimal Dependencies"; if (this.beo2 instanceof LayeredDependencyPairContainer) { this.pairPanel2 = new CriticalPairPanel( this.beo2.getRules(), this.beo2.getRules2(), (LayeredDependencyPairContainer) this.beo2); } else if (this.beo2 instanceof DependencyPairContainer) { this.pairPanel2 = new CriticalPairPanel( this.beo2.getRules(), this.beo2.getRules2(), (DependencyPairContainer) this.beo2); } this.gDesktop.addCriticalPairTable(this.pairPanel2, cpTableName); this.mainPane.revalidate(); this.mainPane.repaint(); this.pairPanel2.addParserGUIListener(this); ((ExcludePairContainer)this. beo2).addPairEventListener(this.pairPanel2); } else { if (this.beo2 instanceof LayeredDependencyPairContainer) { this.pairPanel2 .setPairContainer((LayeredDependencyPairContainer) this.beo2); } else if (this.beo instanceof DependencyPairContainer) { this.pairPanel2.setPairContainer((DependencyPairContainer) this.beo2); } this.gDesktop.removeAllGraphFrames(); this.gDesktop.removeRuleFrames(); this.mainPane.revalidate(); this.mainPane.repaint(); ((ExcludePairContainer) this.beo2).addPairEventListener(this.pairPanel2); } fireStatusMessageEvent(new StatusMessageEvent(this, "")); } /** * gets the critical pairs * * @return the critical pairs which are displayed */ public PairContainer getCriticalPairs() { return this.beo; } public PairContainer getCriticalPairs2() { return this.beo2; } public PairContainer getCriticalPairs(int kindOfConflict) { if (kindOfConflict == CriticalPair.CONFLICT) return this.beo; else if (kindOfConflict == CriticalPair.TRIGGER_DEPENDENCY) return this.beo2; else if (kindOfConflict == CriticalPair.TRIGGER_SWITCH_DEPENDENCY) return this.beo2; else return null; } private void setLayout(EdGraGra edgragra) { this.layout = edgragra; this.gDesktop.setLayout(this.layout); } public boolean isEmpty() { return (this.beo == null || this.beo.isEmpty()) && (this.beo2 == null || this.beo2.isEmpty()); } /** * get the container which contains the gui * * @return the gui */ public Container getContainer() { return this.mainPane; } public CriticalPairPanel getCriticalPairPanel() { return this.pairPanel; } public CriticalPairPanel getCriticalPairPanel2() { return this.pairPanel2; } public CriticalPairPanel getCriticalPairPanel(int kind) { if (kind == CriticalPair.CONFLICT) return this.pairPanel; else if (kind == CriticalPair.TRIGGER_DEPENDENCY) return this.pairPanel2; else if (kind == CriticalPair.TRIGGER_SWITCH_DEPENDENCY) return this.pairPanel2; else return null; } public void reinitGraphDesktop() { if (this.beo != null) ((ExcludePairContainer) this.beo).removePairEventListener(this.pairPanel); if (this.beo2 != null) ((ExcludePairContainer) this.beo2).removePairEventListener(this.pairPanel2); this.gDesktop.reinitComponents(); this.pairPanel = null; this.beo = null; this.pairPanel2 = null; this.beo2 = null; this.gDesktop.getDesktop().repaint(); this.showGACsWarn = true; } public GraphDesktop getGraphDesktop() { return this.gDesktop; } public void update() { this.gDesktop.refresh(); this.mainPane.revalidate(); this.mainPane.repaint(); } /** * set the grammar with layout * * @param edgragra * the grammar * @return error string if setting has failed */ public String setGraGra(EdGraGra edgragra) {// boolean changed = false; if (edgragra == null) { reinitGraphDesktop(); this.grammar = null; this.layout = null; this.links = null; this.rechts = null; } else { if (this.grammar == null || edgragra.getBasisGraGra() != this.grammar) { reinitGraphDesktop(); setGrammar(edgragra.getBasisGraGra()); if (this.pairPanel != null) { ((ExcludePairContainer) this.beo) .removePairEventListener(this.pairPanel); this.gDesktop.removePairPanelFrame(this.pairPanel); this.pairPanel = null; this.beo = null; } if (this.pairPanel2 != null) { ((ExcludePairContainer) this.beo2) .removePairEventListener(this.pairPanel2); this.gDesktop.removePairPanelFrame(this.pairPanel2); this.pairPanel2 = null; this.beo2 = null; } } setLayout(edgragra); this.links = null; this.rechts = null; this.gDesktop.removeAllGraphFrames(); this.gDesktop.removeRuleFrames(); } return ""; } /** * get the grammar with layout */ public EdGraGra getGraGra() { return this.layout; } /** * Sets the GUI options for display settings. * * @param option * The GUI options for display settings. */ public void setGUIOption(ParserGUIOption opt) { this.option = opt; this.gDesktop.setGUIOption(opt); this.option.addOptionListener(this); } /** * creates a menu of this gui * * @return put this menu in a menu bar */ public JMenu createMenu() { JMenu m = new JMenu("Parse"); m.add(new JCheckBoxMenuItem(CRITICALPAIRS, false)); m.add(new JMenuItem(PARSER)); m.addSeparator(); JMenuItem load = new JMenuItem(LOAD); JMenuItem save = new JMenuItem(SAVE); load.setEnabled(false); save.setEnabled(false); m.add(load); m.add(save); m.addSeparator(); JMenu beforeExcludeList = new JMenu("Mode"); m.add(beforeExcludeList); JCheckBoxMenuItem exclude = new JCheckBoxMenuItem(EXCLUDE, true); exclude.addActionListener(this); JCheckBoxMenuItem before = new JCheckBoxMenuItem(BEFORE, false); before.addActionListener(this); beforeExcludeList.add(exclude); beforeExcludeList.add(before); return m; } // Implementing ParserGUIListeners void getRulesByEvent(final ParserGUIEvent pguie) { if (pguie.getSource() == this.pairPanel) { this.gDesktop.setIconOfCPAGraph(true); this.gDesktop.setIconOfRules(true); if (pguie.getData() instanceof Pair) { if ((((Pair<?,?>) pguie.getData()).first instanceof Rule) && (((Pair<?,?>) pguie.getData()).second instanceof Rule)) { this.isPanel2 = false; this.links = (Rule) ((Pair<?,?>) pguie.getData()).first; this.rechts = (Rule) ((Pair<?,?>) pguie.getData()).second; } } else if (pguie.getData() instanceof CriticalPairData) { this.isPanel2 = false; this.links = ((CriticalPairData) pguie.getData()).getRule1(); this.rechts = ((CriticalPairData) pguie.getData()).getRule2(); } } else if (pguie.getSource() == this.pairPanel2) { this.gDesktop.setIconOfCPAGraph(true); this.gDesktop.setIconOfRules(true); if (pguie.getData() instanceof Pair) { if ((((Pair<?,?>) pguie.getData()).first instanceof Rule) && (((Pair<?,?>) pguie.getData()).second instanceof Rule)) { this.isPanel2 = true; this.links = (Rule) ((Pair<?,?>) pguie.getData()).first; this.rechts = (Rule) ((Pair<?,?>) pguie.getData()).second; } } else if (pguie.getData() instanceof CriticalPairData) { this.isPanel2 = true; this.links = ((CriticalPairData) pguie.getData()).getRule1(); this.rechts = ((CriticalPairData) pguie.getData()).getRule2(); } } if (this.links != null && this.rechts != null) { this.gDesktop.addRule1(this.links, 300, 150); this.gDesktop.addRule2(this.rechts, 300, 150); } } Vector<Pair<Pair<OrdinaryMorphism, OrdinaryMorphism>, Pair<OrdinaryMorphism, OrdinaryMorphism>>> getOverlappingsByEvent(final ParserGUIEvent pguie) { Vector<Pair<Pair<OrdinaryMorphism, OrdinaryMorphism>, Pair<OrdinaryMorphism, OrdinaryMorphism>>> overlappings = null; Hashtable<Graph, Vector<Hashtable<GraphObject, GraphObject>>> overlappingsForGraph = null; try { if (!CriticalPairAnalysisGUI.this.isPanel2) { // conflicts if (pguie.getData() instanceof Pair) { if (CriticalPairAnalysisGUI.this.beo.useHostGraphEnabled()) { overlappingsForGraph = ((ExcludePairContainer) CriticalPairAnalysisGUI.this.beo) .getCriticalForGraph( CriticalPairAnalysisGUI.this.links, CriticalPairAnalysisGUI.this.rechts); if (overlappingsForGraph != null && !overlappingsForGraph.isEmpty()) overlappings = ((ExcludePairContainer) CriticalPairAnalysisGUI.this.beo) .getCriticalPair(CriticalPairAnalysisGUI.this.links, CriticalPairAnalysisGUI.this.rechts, CriticalPair.EXCLUDE, true); CriticalPairAnalysisGUI.this.gDesktop.refresh(); } else { if (pguie.getMsg() == CriticalPairEvent.CONTINUE_COMPUTE) overlappings = ((ExcludePairContainer) CriticalPairAnalysisGUI.this.beo) .continueComputeCriticalPair( CriticalPairAnalysisGUI.this.links, CriticalPairAnalysisGUI.this.rechts, CriticalPair.EXCLUDE, true); else overlappings = ((ExcludePairContainer) CriticalPairAnalysisGUI.this.beo) .getCriticalPair( CriticalPairAnalysisGUI.this.links, CriticalPairAnalysisGUI.this.rechts, CriticalPair.EXCLUDE, true); } } else if (pguie.getData() instanceof CriticalPairData) { overlappings = (Vector<Pair<Pair<OrdinaryMorphism, OrdinaryMorphism>, Pair<OrdinaryMorphism, OrdinaryMorphism>>> ) ((CriticalPairData)pguie.getData()).getCriticalsOfKind(-1); } } else { // dependencies if (pguie.getData() instanceof Pair) { overlappings = ((ExcludePairContainer) CriticalPairAnalysisGUI.this.beo2).getCriticalPair(CriticalPairAnalysisGUI.this.links, CriticalPairAnalysisGUI.this.rechts, CriticalPair.EXCLUDE, true); } else if (pguie.getData() instanceof CriticalPairData) { overlappings = (Vector<Pair<Pair<OrdinaryMorphism, OrdinaryMorphism>, Pair<OrdinaryMorphism, OrdinaryMorphism>>> ) ((CriticalPairData)pguie.getData()).getCriticalsOfKind(-1); } } } catch (InvalidAlgorithmException iae) {} return overlappings; } /** * this gui listens for <CODE>ParserGUIEvents</CODE>. So it must * implement the listener * * @param pguie * the event */ public void occured(final ParserGUIEvent pguie) { if ( (pguie.getData() instanceof CPAEventData) || ((this.getCriticalPairs()) != null && ((ExcludePairContainer) this.getCriticalPairs()).isAlive()) || ((this.getCriticalPairs2()) != null && ((ExcludePairContainer) this.getCriticalPairs2()).isAlive()) || (pguie.getData() instanceof CriticalPairEvent && ((CriticalPairEvent)pguie.getData()).getKey() == CriticalPairEvent.REMOVE_RELATION_ENTRY) ) return; if (pguie.getData() == null) { this.gDesktop.removeAllGraphFrames(); this.gDesktop.removeRuleFrames(); this.mainPane.revalidate(); this.mainPane.repaint(); return; } if (pguie.getSource() == this.gDesktop) return; if ((this.threadCP == null) || !this.threadCPisAlive) { this.mainPane.revalidate(); this.mainPane.repaint(); getRulesByEvent(pguie); this.mainPane.revalidate(); this.mainPane.repaint(); if (this.links != null && this.rechts != null) { StatusMessageEvent sme = new StatusMessageEvent(this, "", "Overlapping graphs of rules [ " + this.links.getName() + " , " + this.rechts.getName() + " ]"); fireStatusMessageEvent(sme); this.gDesktop.removeAllGraphFrames(); this.mainPane.revalidate(); this.mainPane.repaint(); if (!this.isPanel2) ((ExcludePairContainer) this.beo).setStop(false); else ((ExcludePairContainer) this.beo2).setStop(false); // run thread when a button pressed this.threadCP = runCPairThread(pguie); this.threadCP.setPriority(4); this.threadCP.start(); } } } Thread runCPairThread(final ParserGUIEvent pguie) { // run thread when a button pressed final Thread th = new Thread() { public void run() { CriticalPairAnalysisGUI.this.threadCPisAlive = true; fireStatusMessageEvent(new StatusMessageEvent(this, "", "Thread - Computing overlapping graphs of rules [ " + CriticalPairAnalysisGUI.this.links.getName() + " , " + CriticalPairAnalysisGUI.this.rechts.getName() + " ] - is running ...")); Vector<Pair<Pair<OrdinaryMorphism, OrdinaryMorphism>, Pair<OrdinaryMorphism, OrdinaryMorphism>>> overlappings = getOverlappingsByEvent(pguie); if (overlappings != null && overlappings.size() > 0) { int x0 = 0; int xn = overlappings.size()-1; if (overlappings.size() >= 50) { // here dialog (from-to) fromToDialog.showGUI(xn); if (fromToDialog.isCanceled()) { x0 = 0; xn = -1; } else { Point fromTo = fromToDialog.getFromTo(); x0 = fromTo.x; if (x0 > 0) x0--; xn = fromTo.y; xn--; } } if (!CriticalPairAnalysisGUI.this.isPanel2) { if (CriticalPairAnalysisGUI.this.beo instanceof DependencyPairContainer || CriticalPairAnalysisGUI.this.beo instanceof ExcludePairContainer) { for (int x = x0; x <=xn; x++) { Pair<Pair<OrdinaryMorphism, OrdinaryMorphism>, Pair<OrdinaryMorphism, OrdinaryMorphism>> p = overlappings.elementAt(x); Pair<OrdinaryMorphism, OrdinaryMorphism> p1 = p.first; Graph graph = p1.first.getTarget(); CriticalPairAnalysisGUI.this.gDesktop.addOverlapping(graph, p); CriticalPairAnalysisGUI.this.gDesktop.addGraph(graph); } } } else if (CriticalPairAnalysisGUI.this.beo2 instanceof DependencyPairContainer) { for (int x = x0; x <=xn; x++) { Pair<Pair<OrdinaryMorphism, OrdinaryMorphism>, Pair<OrdinaryMorphism, OrdinaryMorphism>> p = overlappings.elementAt(x); Pair<OrdinaryMorphism, OrdinaryMorphism> p1 = p.first; Graph graph = p1.first.getTarget(); CriticalPairAnalysisGUI.this.gDesktop.addOverlapping(graph, p); CriticalPairAnalysisGUI.this.gDesktop.addGraph(graph); } } showWarningWhenGACsUsed(CriticalPairAnalysisGUI.this.links, CriticalPairAnalysisGUI.this.rechts); } else { if (!CriticalPairAnalysisGUI.this.isPanel2) { // no any conflict boolean hostGraphCheck = CriticalPairAnalysisGUI.this.beo.useHostGraphEnabled(); ExcludePairContainer.Entry entry = ((ExcludePairContainer) CriticalPairAnalysisGUI.this.beo) .getEntry( CriticalPairAnalysisGUI.this.links, CriticalPairAnalysisGUI.this.rechts, true); if (entry.getState() == ExcludePairContainer.Entry.COMPUTED) { if(hostGraphCheck) CriticalPairAnalysisGUI.this.gDesktop.notCriticFrame( CriticalPairAnalysisGUI.this.links, CriticalPairAnalysisGUI.this.rechts, "on the current host graph"); else { CriticalPairAnalysisGUI.this.gDesktop.notCriticFrame( CriticalPairAnalysisGUI.this.links, CriticalPairAnalysisGUI.this.rechts); } showWarningWhenGACsUsed(CriticalPairAnalysisGUI.this.links, CriticalPairAnalysisGUI.this.rechts); } } else { // no any dependency ExcludePairContainer.Entry entry = ((ExcludePairContainer) CriticalPairAnalysisGUI.this.beo2) .getEntry( CriticalPairAnalysisGUI.this.links, CriticalPairAnalysisGUI.this.rechts, true); int state = entry.getState(); if (state == ExcludePairContainer.Entry.COMPUTED || state == ExcludePairContainer.Entry.COMPUTED2 || state == ExcludePairContainer.Entry.COMPUTED12) { if (entry.getStatus() == ExcludePairContainer.Entry.NOT_COMPUTABLE) { JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null, "This rule pair could not be computed " +"\nbecause reverting of the rule " +"<"+CriticalPairAnalysisGUI.this.links.getName()+">" +" failed."); } else { CriticalPairAnalysisGUI.this.gDesktop.notCriticFrame( CriticalPairAnalysisGUI.this.links, CriticalPairAnalysisGUI.this.rechts); showWarningWhenGACsUsed(CriticalPairAnalysisGUI.this.links, CriticalPairAnalysisGUI.this.rechts); } } } } fireStatusMessageEvent(new StatusMessageEvent(this, "", "Thread - Computing overlapping graphs of rules [ " + CriticalPairAnalysisGUI.this.links.getName() + " , " + CriticalPairAnalysisGUI.this.rechts.getName() + " ] - finished")); CriticalPairAnalysisGUI.this.threadCPisAlive = false; } }; return th; } boolean showGACsWarn = true; void showWarningWhenGACsUsed(final Rule r1, final Rule r2) { String what = ""; if (r1.hasEnabledACs(false)) what = "The first rule: < ".concat(r1.getName()).concat(" > "); else if (r2.hasEnabledACs(false)) what = "The second rule: < ".concat(r2.getName()).concat(" > "); if (!what.isEmpty() && this.showGACsWarn) { Object[] options = { "OK", "Do not warn again" }; int answer = JOptionPane.showOptionDialog(null, "The result of this critical pair may be incomplete! \n" +what+"\nmakes use of General Application Conditions.\n" +"Unfortunately, critical pair analysis does not take GACs in account" +"\n(not jet implemented).\n", "CPA", JOptionPane.DEFAULT_OPTION, JOptionPane.WARNING_MESSAGE, null, options, options[1]); this.showGACsWarn = (answer == 0); // JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null, // "The result of this critical pair may be incomplete! \n" // +what+"\nmakes use of General Application Conditions.\n" // +"Unfortunately, critical pair analysis does not take GACs in account" // +"\n(not jet implemented).\n", // "CPA", // JOptionPane.WARNING_MESSAGE); } } public boolean isGenerating() { if ((this.beo != null) && ((ExcludePairContainer) this.beo).isAlive()) return true; else if ((this.beo2 != null) && ((ExcludePairContainer) this.beo2).isAlive()) return true; else return false; } public boolean pairsComputed() { if ((this.beo != null) && ((ExcludePairContainer) this.beo).isComputed()) return true; else if ((this.beo2 != null) && ((ExcludePairContainer) this.beo2).isComputed()) return true; else return false; } public boolean isOnePairThreadAlive() { if ((this.threadCP != null) && this.threadCPisAlive) return true; return false; } public PairContainer getActivePairContainer() { CriticalPairPanel p = this.gDesktop.getActivePairPanel(); if (p != null) return p.getPairContainer(); return null; } public void stopOnePairThread() { if ((this.threadCP != null) && this.threadCPisAlive) { if (this.beo != null) ((ExcludePairContainer) this.beo).setStop(true); if (this.beo2 != null) ((ExcludePairContainer) this.beo2).setStop(true); this.threadCPisAlive = false; } } /** * register your <CODE>StatusMessageListener</CODE> to receive messages * * @param sml * the listener which listen to my messages */ public void addStatusMessageListener(StatusMessageListener sml) { this.listener.addElement(sml); } void fireStatusMessageEvent(StatusMessageEvent sme) { for (int i = 0; i < this.listener.size(); i++) this.listener.elementAt(i).newMessage(sme); } // Implementing of ActionListeners /** * this GUI listens for <CODE>ActionEvents</CODE> which are created from * Buttons and other GUI typical stuff * * @param e * the event */ public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) {} /** * this GUI listens if the option has changed * * @param e * the event with the new option */ public void optionHasChanged(GUIOptionEvent e) { if (e.getChangedOption().equals(GUIOptionEvent.CRITICALPAIRWINDOWSIZE)) { this.gDesktop.setOverlappingGraphWindowSize(this.option .getCriticalPairWindowSize()); } else if (e.getChangedOption().equals(GUIOptionEvent.PARSERDISPLAY)) { } else if (e.getChangedOption().equals( GUIOptionEvent.NUMBEROFCRITICALPAIR)) { } } } /* * $Log:,v $ * Revision 1.14 2010/12/21 16:34:02 olga * improved - CPA for rules with GACs not implemented * * Revision 1.13 2010/12/20 20:07:14 olga * improved - show CPA Graph * * Revision 1.12 2010/11/13 21:36:25 olga * bug fixed * * Revision 1.11 2010/11/06 18:31:54 olga * extended and improved * * Revision 1.10 2010/08/23 07:32:57 olga * tuning * * Revision 1.9 2010/04/15 10:02:25 olga * null pointer fixed * * Revision 1.8 2010/04/12 14:44:03 olga * tuning * * Revision 1.7 2010/03/08 15:41:21 olga * code optimizing * * Revision 1.6 2010/01/31 16:44:47 olga * extend CPA by checking with multi rules of rule schemes * * Revision 1.5 2010/01/27 19:37:45 olga * tests * * Revision 1.4 2009/04/27 07:37:17 olga * Copy and Paste TypeGraph- bug fixed * CPA - dangling edge conflict when first produce second delete - extended * * Revision 1.3 2009/03/19 10:07:50 olga * code tuning * * Revision 1.2 2009/03/12 10:57:49 olga * some changes in CPA of managing names of the attribute variables. * * Revision 1.1 2008/10/29 09:04:12 olga * new sub packages of the package agg.gui: typeeditor, editor, trafo, cpa, options, treeview, popupmenu, saveload * * Revision 1.23 2008/04/07 09:36:56 olga * Code tuning: refactoring + profiling * Extension: CPA - two new options added * * Revision 1.22 2008/02/25 08:44:49 olga * Extending of CPA: new class CriticalRulePairAtGraph to get critical * matches of two rules at a concret graph. * * Revision 1.21 2008/02/18 09:37:10 olga * - an extention of rule dependency check is implemented; * - some bugs fixed; * - editing of graphs improved * * Revision 1.20 2007/11/14 08:53:43 olga * code tuning * * Revision 1.19 2007/11/12 09:39:34 olga * CPA GUI bug fixed * * Revision 1.18 2007/11/12 08:48:56 olga * Code tuning * * Revision 1.17 2007/11/08 12:57:00 olga * working on CPA inconsistency for rules with pacs and inheritance * bugs are possible * * Revision 1.16 2007/11/05 09:18:22 olga * code tuning * * Revision 1.15 2007/11/01 09:58:18 olga * Code refactoring: generic types- done * * Revision 1.14 2007/09/10 13:05:45 olga * In this update: * - package xerces2.5.0 is not used anymore; * - class com.objectspace.jgl.Pair is replaced by the agg own generic class agg.util.Pair; * - bugs fixed in: usage of PACs in rules; match completion; * usage of static method calls in attr. conditions * - graph editing: added some new features * Revision 1.13 2006/12/13 13:33:05 * enrico reimplemented code * * Revision 1.12 2006/03/06 09:15:36 olga Type sorting inconsistency of unnamed * typs eliminated * * Revision 1.11 2006/03/01 09:55:47 olga - new CPA algorithm, new CPA GUI * * Revision 1.10 2006/01/16 09:39:47 olga GUI tuning * * Revision 1.9 2005/12/21 14:48:46 olga GUI tuning * * Revision 1.8 2005/10/24 09:04:49 olga GUI tuning * * Revision 1.7 2005/10/12 10:00:56 olga CPA GUI tuning * * Revision 1.6 2005/10/10 09:13:30 olga tests * * Revision 1.5 2005/10/10 08:05:16 olga Critical Pair GUI and CPA graph * * Revision 1.4 2005/09/26 16:41:20 olga CPA graph, CPs - visualization * * Revision 1.3 2005/09/26 08:35:15 olga CPA graph frames; bugs * * Revision 1.2 2005/09/19 09:12:14 olga CPA GUI tuning * * Revision 1.1 2005/08/25 11:56:55 enrico *** empty log message *** * * Revision 1.3 2005/07/11 09:30:20 olga This is test version AGG V1.2.8alfa . * What is new: - saving rule option <disabled> - setting trigger rule for layer - * display attr. conditions in gragra tree view - CPA algorithm <dependencies> - * creating and display CPA graph with conflicts and/or dependencies based on * (.cpx) file * * Revision 1.2 2005/06/20 13:37:04 olga Up to now the version 1.2.8 will be * prepared. * * Revision 1.1 2005/05/30 12:58:03 olga Version with Eclipse * * Revision 1.28 2005/05/23 09:54:30 olga CPA improved: Stop of generation * process or rule pair. * * Revision 1.27 2005/01/28 14:02:32 olga -Fehlerbehandlung beim Typgraph check * -Erweiterung CP GUI / CP Menu -Fehlerbehandlung mit identification option * -Fehlerbehandlung bei Rule PAC * * Revision 1.26 2005/01/03 13:14:43 olga Errors handling * * Revision 1.25 2004/09/23 08:26:43 olga Fehler bei CPs weg, Debug output in * file * * Revision 1.24 2004/09/13 10:21:14 olga Einige Erweiterungen und * Fehlerbeseitigung bei CPs und Graph Grammar Transformation * * Revision 1.23 2004/06/21 08:35:33 olga immer noch CPs * * Revision 1.22 2004/06/14 12:34:19 olga CP Analyse and Transformation * * Revision 1.21 2004/06/09 11:32:54 olga Attribute-Eingebe/Bedingungen : NAC * kann jetzt eigene Variablen und Bedingungen haben. CP Berechnung korregiert. * * Revision 1.20 2004/04/19 11:39:30 olga Graphname als String ohne Blanks * * Revision 1.19 2003/06/26 11:44:33 olga Events-behandlung * * Revision 1.18 2003/06/12 07:27:29 olga Testausgabe auskommentiert * * Revision 1.17 2003/03/17 15:35:38 olga GUI anpassung * * Revision 1.16 2003/03/05 18:24:10 komm sorted/optimized import statements * * Revision 1.15 2003/03/03 17:46:59 olga GUI * * Revision 1.14 2003/02/24 11:20:27 komm appereance changed * * Revision 1.13 2003/02/13 17:08:08 olga GUI Anpassung * * Revision 1.12 2003/02/10 13:37:42 komm selected rules from panel will now * displayed in GUI * * Revision 1.11 2003/02/05 15:53:29 olga GUI * * Revision 1.10 2003/02/03 17:49:11 olga GUI * * Revision 1.9 2003/01/22 16:19:30 olga CP-Tabelle verbessert * * Revision 1.8 2003/01/20 17:33:51 olga CP Tabelle test * * Revision 1.7 2003/01/20 17:04:10 olga Critic Pair Table Anpassung * * Revision 1.6 2003/01/20 12:10:55 olga CriticalPairPanel anpassung * * Revision 1.5 2003/01/20 10:47:00 komm CriticalPairPanel integrated * * Revision 1.4 2003/01/15 16:30:20 olga Critical pairs table eingebaut (test) * * Revision 1.3 2003/01/13 14:28:30 komm no change * * Revision 1.2 2002/12/09 17:53:26 olga GUI - Verbesserung * * Revision 2002/07/11 12:17:19 olga Imported sources * * Revision 1.7 2001/07/04 10:40:05 olga Kleine GUI Aenderungen * * Revision 1.6 2001/06/26 17:24:48 olga Unwesentliche Aenderung. * * Revision 1.5 2001/06/18 13:39:31 olga Nur Text zu der Option "Complete" * geaendert. * * Revision 1.4 2001/05/14 11:52:56 olga Parser GUI Optimierung * * Revision 1.3 2001/04/11 14:56:59 olga Arbeit an der GUI. * * Revision 1.2 2001/03/08 11:02:41 olga Parser Anbindung gemacht. Stand nach * AGG GUI Reimplementierung. Stand nach der AGG GUI Reimplementierung.Das ist * Stand nach der AGG GUI Reimplementierung und Parser Anbindung. * * Revision 2001/01/02 12:28:56 shultzke Alle Optionen angebunden * * Revision 2000/12/10 14:55:47 shultzke um Layer erweitert * * Revision 2000/11/01 12:19:21 shultzke erste Regelanwendung im parser * CVs: ---------------------------------------------------------------------- * * Revision 2000/09/25 13:51:54 shultzke Report.trace veraendert * * Revision 2000/08/10 12:22:12 shultzke Ausserdem wird nicht mehr eine * neues GUIObject erzeugt, wenn zur ParserGUI umgeschaltet wird. Einige Klassen * wurden umbenannt. Alle Events sind in ein eigenes Eventpackage geflogen. * * Revision 2000/08/07 10:38:55 shultzke Option erweitert * * Revision 2000/07/19 14:00:01 shultzke *** empty log message *** * * Revision 2000/07/16 18:52:25 shultzke *** empty log message *** * * Revision 2000/07/10 15:08:11 shultzke additional representtion * hinzugefuegt * * Revision 2000/07/09 17:12:36 shultzke grob die GUI eingebunden * * Revision 2000/07/05 22:23:15 shultzke weiter Implementierung die GUI * einzubinden * * Revision 2000/07/05 12:03:22 shultzke erste Version der ParserGUI * * Revision 1.2 2000/06/26 15:51:33 shultzke keine Ahnung * */