package agg.gui.treeview.dialog; import java.awt.BorderLayout; import java.awt.Color; import java.awt.Component; //import java.awt.Container; import java.awt.Dimension; //import java.awt.GridBagConstraints; //import java.awt.GridBagLayout; import java.awt.GridLayout; //import java.awt.Insets; import java.awt.event.ActionEvent; import java.awt.event.ActionListener; import java.awt.event.WindowAdapter; import java.awt.event.WindowEvent; import java.awt.event.MouseListener; import java.awt.event.MouseEvent; import java.util.Enumeration; import java.util.Hashtable; import java.util.Vector; import javax.swing.JButton; import javax.swing.JCheckBox; import javax.swing.JDialog; import javax.swing.JFrame; import javax.swing.JPanel; import javax.swing.JScrollPane; import javax.swing.JTable; import javax.swing.border.TitledBorder; import javax.swing.table.DefaultTableModel; import javax.swing.ListSelectionModel; import javax.swing.table.TableCellRenderer; import javax.swing.table.TableColumn; import javax.swing.table.DefaultTableCellRenderer; import; import agg.cons.Formula; /** * This class provides a window for a user dialog. This dialog is necessary to * enter the grammar layers for graph constraints. */ @SuppressWarnings("serial") public class ConstraintPriorityDialog extends JDialog implements ActionListener { private JPanel contentPane; private JPanel constraintPanel; private JPanel buttonPanel; private JScrollPane scrollPane; private JTable constraintTable; private JButton closeButton; private JButton cancelButton; private JButton helpButton; private boolean isCancelled; private Vector<Formula> constraints; private Vector<String> priorities; // private EdGraGra gragra; private HtmlBrowser helpBrowser; /** This class models a hashtable for a table. */ public class HashTableModel extends DefaultTableModel { Hashtable<Object, Vector<Object>> table; /** * Creates a new model with hashtable and the title for the columns of * the table. */ public HashTableModel(Vector<Formula> constraints, Vector<String> priorities) { super(); priorities.add(0, "Constraint / Rule Priority"); for (int i = 0; i < priorities.size(); i++) { addColumn(priorities.get(i)); } this.table = new Hashtable<Object, Vector<Object>>(constraints.size()); for (int i = 0; i < constraints.size(); i++) { Formula f = constraints.get(i); Vector<Integer> value = f.getPriority(); Vector<Object> tmpVector = new Vector<Object>(); for (int k = 1; k < priorities.size(); k++) { String l = priorities.get(k); boolean found = false; for (int j = 0; j < value.size(); j++) { Integer v = value.get(j); if (v.intValue() == (Integer.valueOf(l)).intValue()) { tmpVector.addElement(l); found = true; break; } } if (!found) tmpVector.addElement(""); } this.table.put(f, tmpVector); tmpVector.add(0, f); // System.out.println("add row: "+tmpVector); addRow(tmpVector); } } /** * This method decides if a cell of a table is editable or not. * * @param rowIndex * The index of the row of the cell. * @param columnIndex * The index of the column of the cell. * @return The priority can only entered in the second column. So for * any other column <CODE>false</CODE> is returned. */ public boolean isCellEditable(int rowIndex, int columnIndex) { return (columnIndex == 1); } /** * Returns the value of a cell. * * @param row * The index of the row of the cell. * @param column * The index of the column of the cell. * @return The object of the underlaying model of this table. */ public Object getValueAt(int row, int column) { Object result = super.getValueAt(row, column); if (result instanceof Formula) { result = ((Formula) result).getName(); } else { Object key = super.getValueAt(row, 0); if (key instanceof Formula) { Vector<Object> v = this.table.get(key); if (column - 1 < v.size()) result = v.get(column - 1); else result = ""; // System.out.println("getValueAt: "+column+" "+result); } } return result; } /** * Sets a new value to a cell. * * @param aValue * The new value of a cell. * @param row * The index of the row of the cell. * @param column * The index of the column of the cell. */ public void setValueAt(Object aValue, int row, int column) { Object key = super.getValueAt(row, 0); // System.out.println(((Formula)key).getName()+" setValueAt... // "+aValue+" at: "+column); try { super.setValueAt(aValue, row, column); Vector<Object> v = this.table.get(key); // System.out.println("v: "+v); if (v != null) { v.remove(column - 1); v.add(column - 1, aValue); this.table.put(key, v); // System.out.println(v); } } catch (NumberFormatException nfe) { } } public Hashtable<Object, Vector<Object>> getTable() { return this.table; } public Formula getConstraint(String name) { for (Enumeration<?> e = this.table.keys(); e.hasMoreElements();) { Formula key = (Formula) e.nextElement(); if (key.getName().equals(name)) return key; } return null; } public int getRow(Formula constraint) { for (int i = 0; i < getRowCount(); i++) { String rname = (String) getValueAt(i, 0); Formula f = getConstraint(rname); if ((f != null) && f.equals(constraint)) return i; } return -1; } } public class PriorityCellRenderer extends DefaultTableCellRenderer implements TableCellRenderer, MouseListener { Vector<JCheckBox> checks; int clmn; Color selColor = Color.WHITE; public final JTable jtable; public PriorityCellRenderer(int indx, int size, JTable aTable, Color selColor) { super(); addMouseListener(this); this.jtable = aTable; this.jtable.addMouseListener(this); this.checks = new Vector<JCheckBox>(size); this.clmn = indx; // this.selColor = selColor; initPriorities(indx, size); } private void initPriorities(int indx, int size) { for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) { JCheckBox cb = new JCheckBox("", false); cb.setBackground(Color.WHITE); this.checks.addElement(cb); Object value = ((DefaultTableModel) this.jtable.getModel()) .getValueAt(i, indx); // System.out.println(value); if ((value instanceof String) && !((String) value).equals("")) { cb.setSelected(true); } } } public Component getTableCellRendererComponent(JTable aTable, Object value, boolean isSelected, boolean hasFocus, int row, int column) { // System.out.println("getTableCellRendererComponent...: "+row+" // "+col+" "+value); JCheckBox jcb = this.checks.get(row); return jcb; } public void mouseClicked(MouseEvent e) { // System.out.println("LayerCellRenderer.mouseClicked: // "+e.getSource()); for (int i = 0; i < this.checks.size(); i++) { JCheckBox cb = this.checks.get(i); // System.out.println(i+" "+j+" selected: // "+this.jtable.isCellSelected(i, j)); if (this.jtable.isCellSelected(i, this.clmn)) { cb.setSelected(!cb.isSelected()); if (cb.isSelected()) { cb.setBackground(this.selColor); ((DefaultTableModel) this.jtable.getModel()).setValueAt( this.jtable.getColumnName(this.clmn), i, this.clmn); } else { cb.setBackground(Color.WHITE); ((DefaultTableModel) this.jtable.getModel()).setValueAt("", i, this.clmn); } // Object newValue = ((DefaultTableModel) this.jtable.getModel()) // .getValueAt(i, this.clmn); // System.out.println(" newValue: "+newValue); } } } public void mouseEntered(MouseEvent e) { } public void mouseExited(MouseEvent e) { } public void mousePressed(MouseEvent e) { } public void mouseReleased(MouseEvent e) { } public Vector<JCheckBox> getChecks() { return this.checks; } } /** * Creates a new instanceof this class. * * @param parent * the parent frame of this GUI * @param constraints * the constraints of a grammar * @param prioritiesAsString * the priorities of a grammar */ public ConstraintPriorityDialog(JFrame parent, Vector<Formula> constraints, Vector<String> prioritiesAsString) { super(parent, true); // System.out.println("GraGraConstraintLayerGUI parent: "+parent); setTitle("Select Rule Priority"); addWindowListener(new WindowAdapter() { public void windowClosing(WindowEvent evt) { exitForm(evt); } }); this.constraints = constraints; this.priorities = new Vector<String>(prioritiesAsString.size()); for (int i = prioritiesAsString.size() - 1; i >= 0; i--) { this.priorities.add(prioritiesAsString.get(i)); } if (parent != null) setLocationRelativeTo(parent); else setLocation(300, 100); initComponents(); } /** * This method is called from within the constructor to initialize the * dialog. */ private void initComponents() { this.contentPane = new JPanel(new BorderLayout()); this.contentPane.setBackground(Color.lightGray); this.constraintPanel = new JPanel(new BorderLayout()); this.constraintPanel.setBackground(; this.constraintPanel.setBorder(new TitledBorder( "Select Rule Priority for Graph Constraint")); this.constraintTable = new JTable( new HashTableModel(this.constraints, this.priorities)); this.constraintTable.setRowSelectionAllowed(true); this.constraintTable.setColumnSelectionAllowed(true); Color selColor = this.constraintTable.getSelectionBackground(); this.constraintTable.setSelectionBackground(Color.WHITE); for (int i = 1; i < this.constraintTable.getColumnCount(); i++) { TableColumn column = this.constraintTable.getColumn(this.constraintTable .getColumnName(i)); column.setMaxWidth(30); PriorityCellRenderer lcr = new PriorityCellRenderer(i, this.constraintTable.getRowCount(), this.constraintTable, selColor); column.setCellRenderer(lcr); } // this.constraintTable.getSelectionModel().setSelectionMode(2); this.constraintTable.getSelectionModel().setSelectionMode( ListSelectionModel.MULTIPLE_INTERVAL_SELECTION); // System.out.println(this.constraintTable.getSelectionModel().getSelectionMode()); int hght = getHeight(this.constraintTable.getRowCount(), this.constraintTable .getRowHeight()) + 10; // System.out.println("this.constraintTable Height: "+hght); this.constraintTable.doLayout(); this.scrollPane = new JScrollPane(this.constraintTable); this.scrollPane.setPreferredSize(new Dimension(300, hght)); this.constraintPanel.add(this.scrollPane); this.buttonPanel = new JPanel(new GridLayout(0, 3, 5, 5)); this.closeButton = new JButton(); this.closeButton.setActionCommand("close"); this.closeButton.setText("Close"); this.closeButton.setToolTipText("Accept entries and close dialog."); this.closeButton.addActionListener(this); this.cancelButton = new JButton(); this.isCancelled = false; this.cancelButton.setActionCommand("cancel"); this.cancelButton.setText("Cancel"); this.closeButton.setToolTipText("Reject entries and close dialog."); this.cancelButton.addActionListener(this); this.helpButton = new JButton(); // this.helpButton.setEnabled(false); this.helpButton.setActionCommand("help"); this.helpButton.setText("Help"); this.helpButton.addActionListener(this); this.buttonPanel.add(this.closeButton); this.buttonPanel.add(this.cancelButton); this.buttonPanel.add(this.helpButton); this.contentPane.add(this.constraintPanel, BorderLayout.CENTER); this.contentPane.add(this.buttonPanel, BorderLayout.SOUTH); this.contentPane.revalidate(); setContentPane(this.contentPane); setDefaultCloseOperation(DO_NOTHING_ON_CLOSE); validate(); pack(); } /** Exit the Application */ void exitForm(WindowEvent evt) { if (this.helpBrowser != null) { this.helpBrowser.setVisible(false); this.helpBrowser.dispose(); } setVisible(false); dispose(); } public void showGUI() { setVisible(true); } private void acceptValues() { Hashtable<Object, Vector<Object>> tab = ((HashTableModel) this.constraintTable.getModel()) .getTable(); for (Enumeration<?> e = tab.keys(); e.hasMoreElements();) { Object key = e.nextElement(); // System.out.println(key); Vector<?> l = tab.get(key); // System.out.println("l: "+l); Vector<Integer> v = new Vector<Integer>(l.size()); for (int i = 0; i < l.size(); i++) { String s = (String) l.get(i); if (!s.equals("")) v.add(Integer.valueOf(s)); } // System.out.println("v: "+v); ((Formula) key).setPriority(v); } } /** * This handels the clicks on the different buttons. * * @param e * The event from the buttons. */ public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) { Object source = e.getSource(); if (source == this.closeButton) { acceptValues(); setVisible(false); if (this.helpBrowser != null) { this.helpBrowser.setVisible(false); this.helpBrowser.dispose(); } dispose(); } else if (source == this.cancelButton) { this.isCancelled = true; setVisible(false); if (this.helpBrowser != null) { this.helpBrowser.setVisible(false); this.helpBrowser.dispose(); } dispose(); } else if (source == this.helpButton) { if (this.helpBrowser != null) { this.helpBrowser.dispose(); this.helpBrowser = null; } if (this.helpBrowser == null) { this.helpBrowser = new HtmlBrowser("ConstraintForPriorityHelp.html"); this.helpBrowser.setSize(500, 350); this.helpBrowser.setLocation(50, 50); this.helpBrowser.setVisible(true); } } } // public void setGraGra(EdGraGra gra) { // gragra = gra; // } public boolean isCancelled() { return this.isCancelled; } private int getHeight(int rowCount, int rowHeight) { int h = (rowCount + 1) * rowHeight; if (rowCount > 10) h = (10 + 2) * rowHeight; return h; } /* constrainBuild() method private void constrainBuild(Container container, Component component, int grid_x, int grid_y, int grid_width, int grid_height, int fill, int anchor, double weight_x, double weight_y, int top, int left, int bottom, int right) { GridBagConstraints c = new GridBagConstraints(); c.gridx = grid_x; c.gridy = grid_y; c.gridwidth = grid_width; c.gridheight = grid_height; c.fill = fill; c.anchor = anchor; c.weightx = weight_x; c.weighty = weight_y; c.insets = new Insets(top, left, bottom, right); ((GridBagLayout) container.getLayout()).setConstraints(component, c); container.add(component); } */ }