package agg.gui.editor; import java.awt.BasicStroke; import java.awt.Rectangle; import java.awt.BorderLayout; import java.awt.Color; import java.awt.Dimension; import java.awt.Font; import java.awt.FontMetrics; import java.awt.Frame; import java.awt.Graphics; import java.awt.Graphics2D; import java.awt.geom.Line2D; import java.awt.RenderingHints; import java.awt.Point; import java.awt.Toolkit; import java.awt.Window; import java.awt.event.MouseEvent; import java.util.List; import java.util.Vector; import javax.swing.ImageIcon; import javax.swing.JOptionPane; import javax.swing.JPanel; import javax.swing.JScrollBar; import agg.xt_basis.TypeError; import agg.xt_basis.TypeException; import agg.xt_basis.Type; import agg.xt_basis.Node; import agg.xt_basis.Arc; import agg.xt_basis.TypeGraph; import agg.xt_basis.TypeSet; import agg.xt_basis.UndirectedGraph; import agg.xt_basis.UndirectedTypeGraph; import agg.attribute.impl.ValueTuple; import agg.editor.impl.EdArc; import agg.editor.impl.EdGraGra; import agg.editor.impl.EdGraph; import agg.editor.impl.EdGraphObject; import agg.editor.impl.EdNode; import agg.editor.impl.EdRule; import agg.editor.impl.EdRuleScheme; import agg.editor.impl.EdType; import agg.editor.impl.EditUndoManager; import agg.editor.impl.Loop; /** * * @author $Author: olga $ * @version $Id:,v 1.39 2010/11/13 02:25:42 olga Exp $ */ @SuppressWarnings("serial") public class GraphCanvas extends JPanel { public static final int MAX_XWIDTH = 700; public static final int MAX_YHEIGHT = 600; private static final int DEPEND_ON_LAST_OBJECT = 0; // private static final int DEPEND_ON_MOVED_SCROLLBAR = 1; // private static final int DEPEND_ON_MOVED_OBJECT = 2; // private final GraphCanvasMouseAdapter mouseAdapter; // private final GraphCanvasMouseMotionAdapter mouseMotionAdapter; public GraphCanvas() { super(new BorderLayout(), true); this.canvas = this; this.showAnchor = true; // ToolTipManager.sharedInstance().setReshowDelay(0); // ToolTipManager.sharedInstance().setInitialDelay(0); //mouseAdapter = new GraphCanvasMouseAdapter(this); //mouseMotionAdapter = new GraphCanvasMouseMotionAdapter(this); this.setOpaque(false); this.setBackground(Color.WHITE); this.setForeground(Color.WHITE); setFont(new Font(this.fontName, this.fontStyle, this.fontSize)); this.vsbValue = 0; this.hsbValue = 0; this.scrollbarValueSaved = false; if (ClassLoader.getSystemResource("agg/lib/icons/sad.png") != null) { this.errorImage = new ImageIcon(ClassLoader.getSystemClassLoader() .getResource("agg/lib/icons/sad.png")); } else this.errorImage = new ImageIcon(); if (ClassLoader.getSystemResource("agg/lib/icons/good.png") != null) { this.okImage = new ImageIcon(ClassLoader.getSystemClassLoader() .getResource("agg/lib/icons/good.png")); } else this.okImage = new ImageIcon(); if (ClassLoader.getSystemResource("agg/lib/icons/smile.png") != null) { this.smileImage = new ImageIcon(ClassLoader .getSystemResource("agg/lib/icons/smile.png")); } else this.smileImage = new ImageIcon(); if (ClassLoader.getSystemResource("agg/lib/icons/scroll.png") != null) { this.scrollImage = new ImageIcon(ClassLoader .getSystemResource("agg/lib/icons/scroll.png")); } else this.scrollImage = new ImageIcon(); } public boolean isOpaque() { return false; } /** Gets my preferred dimension */ public Dimension getPreferredSize() { return new Dimension(this.realWidth, this.realHeight); } public void setViewport(GraphPanel vp) { this.viewport = vp; this.hsb = this.viewport.getHorizontalScrollBar(); this.vsb = this.viewport.getVerticalScrollBar(); } public GraphPanel getViewport() { return this.viewport; } public void setRealWidth(int w) { this.realWidth = w; } public void setRealHeight(int h) { this.realHeight = h; } public void setGraph(EdGraph eg) { this.eGraph = eg; if (this.eGraph == null || this.eGraph.getBasisGraph().isEmpty()) { return; } this.eGraph.applyScale(this.scale); this.setName(this.eGraph.getName()); } public void setChanged(boolean b) { this.changed = b; } public void setVisible(boolean vis) { this.visible = vis; } // public void setDirected(boolean direct) { directed = direct; } public void setFontStyle(int fstyle) { this.fontStyle = fstyle; setFont(new Font(this.fontName, this.fontStyle, this.fontSize)); } public int getFontStyle() { return this.fontStyle; } public void setFontSize(int fsize) { this.fontSize = fsize; if (this.fontSize == 0) // "tiny" has size 6 setFont(new Font(this.fontName, this.fontStyle, 6)); // 8 else setFont(new Font(this.fontName, this.fontStyle, this.fontSize)); } public int getFontSize() { return this.fontSize; } public void setScale(double s) { this.scale = s; if (this.scale == 0.5) { setFont(new Font(this.fontName, this.fontStyle, (int) (this.fontSize * 0.7))); } else if (this.scale == 0.2) { setFont(new Font(this.fontName, this.fontStyle, (int) (this.fontSize * 0.3))); } else if (this.scale == 2.0) { setFont(new Font(this.fontName, this.fontStyle, (int) (this.fontSize * 1.5))); } else { setFont(new Font(this.fontName, this.fontStyle, (int) (this.fontSize * this.scale))); } if (this.eGraph != null) { this.eGraph.applyScale(this.scale); } } public double getScale() { return this.scale; } public void setAttributeVisible(boolean vis) { this.attrVisible = vis; } public void resizeAfterTransform(boolean val) { this.needResizeAfterStep = val; } public int getEditMode() { return this.mode; } public void setEditMode(int mode) { if (this.pickedObj != null && this.pickedObj.isWeakselected()) { this.pickedObj.setWeakselected(false); this.repaint(); } switch (mode) { case EditorConstants.VIEW: this.mode = mode; break; case EditorConstants.DRAW: this.mode = mode; break; case EditorConstants.ARC: this.mode = mode; break; case EditorConstants.COPY: this.mode = mode; break; case EditorConstants.COPY_ARC: this.mode = mode; break; case EditorConstants.PASTE: this.mode = mode; break; case EditorConstants.MOVE: this.mode = mode; break; case EditorConstants.SELECT: this.mode = mode; break; case EditorConstants.ATTRIBUTES: this.mode = mode; break; case EditorConstants.STRAIGHT: this.mode = mode; break; case EditorConstants.DELETE: this.mode = mode; break; case EditorConstants.TYPECHANGE: case EditorConstants.ATTRS: this.mode = mode; break; case EditorConstants.MAP: case EditorConstants.UNMAP: case EditorConstants.REMOVE_MAP: case EditorConstants.MAPSEL: this.mode = mode; break; case EditorConstants.SET_PARENT: this.lastMode = this.mode; this.mode = mode; this.setToolTipText("Click on a node to add inheritance relation."); break; case EditorConstants.UNSET_PARENT: this.lastMode = this.mode; this.mode = mode; this.setToolTipText("Click on a parent node to remove inheritance relation."); break; case EditorConstants.UNMAPSEL: case EditorConstants.REMOVE_MAPSEL: this.mode = mode; break; // case EditorConstants.INTERACT_RULE: // case EditorConstants.INTERACT_NAC: // case EditorConstants.INTERACT_PAC: // case EditorConstants.INTERACT_AC: case EditorConstants.INTERACT_MATCH: this.mode = mode; break; case EditorConstants.REMOVE_RULE: case EditorConstants.REMOVE_NAC: case EditorConstants.REMOVE_PAC: case EditorConstants.REMOVE_AC: case EditorConstants.REMOVE_MATCH: this.mode = mode; break; case EditorConstants.IDENTIC_RULE: case EditorConstants.IDENTIC_NAC: case EditorConstants.IDENTIC_PAC: case EditorConstants.IDENTIC_AC: this.mode = mode; break; case EditorConstants.INTERFACE_MODE: break; case EditorConstants.INTERFACE_SELECT: break; case EditorConstants.INTERFACE_CLOSE: break; case EditorConstants.HELP: this.mode = mode; break; default: throw new IllegalArgumentException("Unexpected mode"); } } protected void propagateMoveEditMode() { GraGraEditor ggEd = this.getGraGraEditor(); if (ggEd != null) ggEd.resetMoveEditMode(); } public int getLastEditMode() { return this.lastMode; } public void setMsg(final String m) { this.msg = m; } public String getMsg() { return this.msg; } public boolean hasChanged() { return this.changed; } // public void setSize(Dimension dim) { // super.setSize(dim); // Thread.dumpStack(); // } protected void paintComponent(Graphics grs) { if (grs == null) { return; } synchronized(this) { if ((this.eGraph == null) || this.eGraph.isEmpty()) { this.realWidth = 0; this.realHeight = 0; grs.setColor(Color.WHITE); grs.fillRect(0, 0, getWidth(), getHeight()); } else { grs.setFont(getFont()); Graphics2D graphics2D = (Graphics2D) grs; /* get real graph dimension and clear graphics */ Dimension graphDim = getGraphDimension(); this.realWidth = graphDim.width; this.realHeight = graphDim.height; graphics2D.setColor(getBackground()); graphics2D.fillRect(0, 0, getWidth(), getHeight()); /* reset graph panel size if needed */ if (this.needResizeAfterMove) { this.needResizeAfterMove = false; } else if (this.needResizeAfterStep) { /* after transformation step */ EdNode lastNode = null; if (this.eGraph.getNodes().size() != 0) { lastNode = this.eGraph.getNodes().lastElement(); int newHeight = getHeight(); while (lastNode.getY() > newHeight) { newHeight = newHeight + this.viewport.getHeight()/2; } // if (newHeight > getHeight()) { } } else { this.realWidth = this.viewport.getWidth() - this.vsb.getWidth() - 3; this.realHeight = this.viewport.getHeight() - this.hsb.getHeight() - 3; } resetValueOfScrollbar(DEPEND_ON_LAST_OBJECT); this.needResizeAfterStep = false; } /* update and draw visible graph objects */ if (this.eGraph.isCPAgraph()) { this.eGraph.forceVisibilityUpdate(); } else { this.eGraph.updateVisibility(); } this.eGraph.drawGraphics(graphics2D, this.eGraph.getVisibleNodes(), this.eGraph.getVisibleArcs(), true, this.attrVisible); // when possible drawSelectBox(graphics2D, Color.GREEN); } } } private void drawSelectBox (Graphics2D grs, Color c) { if (this.selBoxOpen) { grs.setColor(c); grs.drawLine(selBox.x, selBox.y, selBox.x+selBox.width, selBox.y); grs.drawLine(selBox.x, selBox.y, selBox.x, selBox.y+selBox.height); grs.setColor(Color.BLACK); } } public void openAttrEditorForGraphObject(MouseEvent e) { GraGraEditor ggEditor = getGraGraEditor(); if (ggEditor != null) { this.pickedObj = getPickedObject(e.getX(), e.getY(), getGraphics().getFontMetrics()); if (this.pickedObj != null) { if (e.getClickCount() == 2 && this.mode == EditorConstants.SELECT) { ggEditor.deselectAllProc();; } if (this.viewport.getParentEditor() instanceof GraphEditor) ggEditor.setAttrEditorOnTopForGraphObject(this.pickedObj); else if (this.viewport.getParentEditor() instanceof RuleEditor) ggEditor.setAttrEditorOnBottomForGraphObject(this.pickedObj); } else { ggEditor.resetEditor(); } } } public boolean isDragged() { return this.dragged; } public boolean isLeftAndRightPressed() { return this.leftPressed //this.selBoxOpen && this.rightPressed; } public void unsetLeftAndRightPressed() { // this.selBoxOpen = false; this.leftPressed = false; this.rightPressed = false; } public boolean isLeftPressed() { // return this.selBoxOpen; return this.leftPressed; } public void setLeftPressed(boolean b) { // this.selBoxOpen = b; this.leftPressed = b; } public boolean isRightPressed() { return this.rightPressed; } public void setRightPressed(boolean b) { this.rightPressed = b; } public boolean isMagicArc() { return this.isMagicArc; } public void setMagicArc(boolean b) { this.isMagicArc = b; } public boolean isScrolling() { return this.scrolling; } public void setScrolling(boolean b) { this.scrolling = b; } public boolean isScrollingByDragging() { return this.scrollingByDragging; } public void setScrollingByDragging(boolean b) { this.scrollingByDragging = b; } public boolean canCreateNode() { return this.canCreateNode; } public boolean canCreateNodeOfType(final Type t, final Type arcType, final Type srcNodeType) { if (t == null) { this.canCreateNode = false; return false; } if (t.isAbstract()) { if (this.eGraph.getTypeSet().getBasisTypeSet().getClan(t).size() == 1) { if (//!this.eGraph.isTypeGraph() this.eGraph == this.eGraph.getGraGra().getGraph()) { String mesg = "Node type  <i>" + this.eGraph.getGraGra().getSelectedNodeType() .getName() + "</i>  is abstract <br>" + "and hasn't any descendants. <br>" + "To create a node of an abstract type isn't allowed."; cannotCreateErrorMessage(" Create Node ", " a node",mesg); this.canCreateNode = false; return false; } } else if (//!this.eGraph.isTypeGraph() this.eGraph == this.eGraph.getGraGra().getGraph()) { if (this.eGraph.getTypeSet().getBasisTypeSet() .getLevelOfTypeGraphCheck() > 0) { String mesg = "Node type  <i>" + this.eGraph.getGraGra().getSelectedNodeType() .getName() + "</i>  is abstract.<br>" + "To create a node of an abstract type inside of the host graph isn't allowed."; cannotCreateErrorMessage(" Create Node ", " a node", mesg); this.canCreateNode = false; return false; } } } else if (this.eGraph == this.eGraph.getGraGra().getGraph() && arcType == null) { TypeError error = this.eGraph.getTypeSet().getBasisTypeSet().canCreateNode( this.eGraph.getBasisGraph(), t, this.eGraph.getGraGra().getLevelOfTypeGraphCheck()); if (error != null) { String mesg = error.getMessage(); cannotCreateErrorMessage(" Create Node ", " a node", mesg); this.canCreateNode = false; return false; } } else if (this.eGraph == this.eGraph.getGraGra().getGraph() && arcType != null && srcNodeType != null) { List<String> arcTypes = this.eGraph.getTypeSet().getBasisTypeSet().nodeTypeRequiresArcType( t, arcType, srcNodeType, this.eGraph.getGraGra().getLevelOfTypeGraphCheck()); if (arcTypes != null && arcTypes.size() > 0) { String mesg = "Current node type " + "\""+t.getName()+ "\" \n" + "requires edge(s) of type: \n" + arcTypes.toString(); cannotCreateErrorMessage(" Create Node ", " a node", mesg); this.canCreateNode = false; return false; } } this.canCreateNode = true; return true; } /* * Undo-Redo is supported. */ public EdNode addNode(int x, int y) { if (this.eGraph == null || !this.eGraph.isEditable()) return null; if (this.eGraph.getBasisGraph().isTypeGraph() && ((TypeGraph)this.eGraph.getBasisGraph()) .getTypeNode(this.eGraph.getTypeSet().getSelectedNodeType().getBasisType()) != null) { return null; } // TypeError error = this.eGraph.getTypeSet().getSelectedNodeType().getBasisType() // .checkIfNodeCreatable(this.eGraph.getBasisGraph(), // this.eGraph.getTypeSet().getBasisTypeSet().getLevelOfTypeGraphCheck()); // if (error != null) { // JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null, error.getMessage(), // "Type Graph Error", JOptionPane.ERROR_MESSAGE); // return null; // } try { int X = (int) (x / this.scale); int Y = (int) (y / this.scale); EdNode en = this.eGraph.addNode(X, Y, this.visible); en.applyScale(this.scale); // test: update xy position attr if (en.getBasisNode().xyAttr && en.getBasisNode().getContext().isCompleteGraph()) { ((ValueTuple)en.getBasisNode().getAttribute()).getValueMemberAt("thisX") .setExprAsObject(en.getX()); ((ValueTuple)en.getBasisNode().getAttribute()).getValueMemberAt("thisY") .setExprAsObject(en.getY()); } en.getLNode().setFrozenByDefault(true); this.eGraph.addCreatedToUndo(en); this.eGraph.undoManagerEndEdit(); en.drawGraphic(getGraphics()); this.changed = true; if (this.eGraph.getGraGra() != null) { this.eGraph.getGraGra().setChanged(true); } this.addToGraphEmbedding(en); return en; } catch (TypeException e) { JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null, e.getMessage(), "Create Node Error", JOptionPane.ERROR_MESSAGE); } return null; } /* * Undo-Redo is supported. */ private EdNode addNode(EdType nodeType, int x, int y) { if (this.eGraph == null || !this.eGraph.isEditable()) return null; // TypeError error = nodeType.getBasisType().checkIfNodeCreatable( // this.eGraph.getBasisGraph(), // this.eGraph.getTypeSet().getBasisTypeSet().getLevelOfTypeGraphCheck()); // if (error != null) { // JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null, error.getMessage(), // "Type Graph Error", JOptionPane.ERROR_MESSAGE); // return null; // } try { int X = (int) (x / this.scale); int Y = (int) (y / this.scale); EdNode en = null; en = this.eGraph.addNode(X, Y, nodeType, true); en.applyScale(this.scale); // test: update xy position attr if (en.getBasisNode().xyAttr && en.getBasisNode().getContext().isCompleteGraph()) { ((ValueTuple)en.getBasisNode().getAttribute()).getValueMemberAt("thisX") .setExprAsObject(en.getX()); ((ValueTuple)en.getBasisNode().getAttribute()).getValueMemberAt("thisY") .setExprAsObject(en.getY()); } en.getLNode().setFrozenByDefault(true); this.eGraph.addCreatedToUndo(en); this.eGraph.undoManagerEndEdit(); this.changed = true; if (this.eGraph.getGraGra() != null) { this.eGraph.getGraGra().setChanged(true); } this.addToGraphEmbedding(en); return en; } catch (TypeException e) { JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null, e.getMessage(), "Create Node Error", JOptionPane.ERROR_MESSAGE); } return null; } private void addToGraphEmbedding(final EdGraphObject sourceObject) { if (this.eGraph.isSourceGraphOfGraphEmbedding()) { final EdRule kernelRule = this.eGraph.getGraGra().getRule(this.eGraph.getBasisGraph()); if (kernelRule != null) { final EdRuleScheme rs = this.eGraph.getGraGra().getRuleScheme(kernelRule.getBasisRule()); if (rs != null) { rs.propagateAddGraphObjectToMultiRule(sourceObject); } } } } private void removeFromGraphEmbedding(final EdGraphObject sourceObject) { if (this.eGraph.isSourceGraphOfGraphEmbedding()) { final EdRule kernelRule = this.eGraph.getGraGra().getRule(this.eGraph.getBasisGraph()); if (kernelRule != null) { final EdRuleScheme rs = this.eGraph.getGraGra().getRuleScheme(kernelRule.getBasisRule()); if (rs != null) { rs.propagateRemoveGraphObjectToMultiRule(sourceObject); } } } } /** * Undo/Redo is supported. */ public EdArc addArc(EdGraphObject s, EdGraphObject t, Point anch) throws TypeException { if (this.eGraph == null || !this.eGraph.isEditable()) return null; boolean directed = !(this.eGraph.getBasisGraph() instanceof UndirectedGraph || this.eGraph.getBasisGraph() instanceof UndirectedTypeGraph); boolean doAddArc = (!this.eGraph.isTypeGraph() || addSimilarParentArc(this.eGraph.getTypeSet().getSelectedArcType().getBasisType(), s.getType().getBasisType(), t.getType().getBasisType())) ? true : false; if (doAddArc) { try { EdArc ea = null; if (anch != null) { anch.x = (int) (anch.x / this.scale); anch.y = (int) (anch.y / this.scale); } ea = this.eGraph.addArc(s, t, anch, directed); ea.applyScale(this.scale); if (anch != null) { ea.getLArc().setFrozenByDefault(true); } this.eGraph.addCreatedToUndo(ea); this.eGraph.undoManagerEndEdit(); this.changed = true; if (this.eGraph.getGraGra() != null) { this.eGraph.getGraGra().setChanged(true); } this.addToGraphEmbedding(ea); return ea; } catch (TypeException e) { // possible errors: type failed, no parallel edges // see Graph.checkConnectValid(Type, Node, Node) if (!this.eGraph.isTypeGraph()) JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null, e.getMessage(), "Create Edge Error", JOptionPane.ERROR_MESSAGE); throw e; } } else throw new TypeException(new TypeError(TypeError.TYPE_ALREADY_DEFINED, "The similar type edge is already defined for a child node types.")); } private boolean addSimilarParentArc(final Type t, final Type source, final Type target) { Arc a = ((TypeGraph)this.eGraph.getBasisGraph()).getTypeGraphChildArc(t, source, target); if (a != null) { Object[] options = { "Continue", "Cancel" }; int answer = JOptionPane.showOptionDialog(null, "The similar type edge: <"+t.getName()+"> is already defined between parent node types.\n" +"Do you want continue to create this type edge?", "Similar Parent and Child Type Graph Edge ", JOptionPane.DEFAULT_OPTION, JOptionPane.WARNING_MESSAGE, null, options, options[1]); return (answer == 0); } return true; } /** Deletes an object on the position specified by the int x, int y * Undo-Redo is not supported. */ public boolean deleteObj(int x, int y) { if (this.eGraph == null || !this.eGraph.isEditable()) return false; // hier noch testen wegen undo!!! try { if (this.eGraph.deleteObj(x, y)) { return true; } return false; } catch (TypeException e) { cannotDeleteErrorMessage("Type Graph", " this object",e.getMessage()); return false; } } /** Deletes an layout object specified by the EdGraphObject ego * Undo-Redo is supported. */ public void deleteObj(EdGraphObject go) { if (this.eGraph == null || !this.eGraph.isEditable()) return; if (this.eGraph.getBasisGraph().isTypeGraph()) { deleteTypeGraphObject(go, new Vector<EdGraphObject>(), true); } else if (this.eGraph.isTargetObjOfGraphEmbedding(go)) { // warning this.msg if (this.getGraGraEditor() != null) { JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(this.getGraGraEditor().applFrame, "Cannot delete this graph object. It should be deleted from the kernel rule.", "Delete Rule Object", JOptionPane.ERROR_MESSAGE); } else { JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null, "Cannot delete this graph object. It should be deleted from the kernel rule.", "Delete Rule Object", JOptionPane.ERROR_MESSAGE); } } else if (go.isNode()) { this.deleteNodeObject((EdNode) go); this.unsetPicked(); this.src = null; } else if (go.isArc()) { this.deleteArcObject((EdArc) go, false, false); this.unsetPicked(); this.src = null; } } /* * Undo-Redo is supported. */ private void deleteNodeObject(EdNode go) { if (this.eGraph.isTargetObjOfGraphEmbedding(go)) { return; } try { TypeError typeError = null; // handle incoming arcs Vector<EdArc> vIn = this.eGraph.getIncomingArcs(go); for (int i = 0; i < vIn.size(); i++) { EdArc a = vIn.get(i); if (this.getViewport().getParentEditor() instanceof GraphEditor) { typeError = this.eGraph.getTypeSet().getBasisTypeSet().checkIfRemovable(a.getBasisArc(), false, true); if (typeError != null) { cannotDeleteErrorMessage("Graph", " an arc", typeError.getMessage()); return; } } this.eGraph.addDeletedToUndo(a); } // handle outgoing arcs Vector<EdArc> vOut = this.eGraph.getOutgoingArcs(go); for (int i = 0; i < vOut.size(); i++) { EdArc a = vOut.get(i); if (this.getViewport().getParentEditor() instanceof GraphEditor) { typeError = this.eGraph.getTypeSet().getBasisTypeSet().checkIfRemovable(a.getBasisArc(), true, false); if (typeError != null) { cannotDeleteErrorMessage("Graph", " an arc", typeError.getMessage()); return; } } if (!vIn.contains(a)) this.eGraph.addDeletedToUndo(a); } this.eGraph.addDeletedToUndo(go); this.removeFromGraphEmbedding(go); this.eGraph.deleteObj(go, false); this.eGraph.undoManagerEndEdit(); updateUndoButton(); this.changed = true; if (this.eGraph.getGraGra() != null) { this.eGraph.getGraGra().setChanged(true); } } catch (TypeException e) { cannotDeleteErrorMessage("Graph", " the object",e.getMessage()); } } /* * Undo-Redo is supported. */ private void deleteArcObject(final EdArc go, boolean deleteSrc, boolean deleteTar) { if (this.eGraph.isTargetObjOfGraphEmbedding(go)) { return; } boolean forceRemoveArc = false; if (this.getViewport().getParentEditor() instanceof GraphEditor) { TypeError typeError = this.eGraph.getTypeSet().getBasisTypeSet().checkIfRemovable( go.getBasisArc(), deleteSrc, deleteTar); if (typeError != null) { cannotDeleteErrorMessage("Graph", " an arc", typeError.getMessage()); return; } forceRemoveArc = true; } try { this.eGraph.addDeletedToUndo(go); this.removeFromGraphEmbedding(go); this.eGraph.delSelectedArc(go, (deleteSrc && deleteTar) || forceRemoveArc); this.eGraph.undoManagerEndEdit(); updateUndoButton(); this.changed = true; if (this.eGraph.getGraGra() != null) { this.eGraph.getGraGra().setChanged(true); } } catch (TypeException e) { cannotDeleteErrorMessage("Type Graph", " an arc",e.getMessage()); } } public void updateUndoButton() { if (this.viewport.getParentEditor() instanceof GraphEditor) { if (((GraphEditor) this.viewport.getParentEditor()).getGraGraEditor() != null) { ((GraphEditor) this.viewport.getParentEditor()).getGraGraEditor() .updateUndoButton(); } } else if (this.viewport.getParentEditor() instanceof RuleEditor) { if (((RuleEditor) this.viewport.getParentEditor()).getGraGraEditor() != null) { ((RuleEditor) this.viewport.getParentEditor()).getGraGraEditor() .updateUndoButton(); } } } /** * Deletes an arc layout for the used object specified by the Arc bArc. The * used object will be deleted, too. * Undo-Redo is not supported. */ public void delArc(Arc bArc) { if (this.eGraph == null || !this.eGraph.isEditable()) return; try { // this.removeFromGraphEmbedding(sourceObject); this.eGraph.delArc(bArc); this.changed = true; if (this.eGraph.getGraGra() != null) { this.eGraph.getGraGra().setChanged(true); } } catch (TypeException e) { cannotDeleteErrorMessage("Type Graph", " an edge",e.getMessage()); } } /** * Deletes a node layout for the used object specified by the Node bNode. * The used object will be deleted, too. * Undo-Redo is not supported. */ public void delNode(Node bNode) { if (this.eGraph == null || !this.eGraph.isEditable()) return; try { this.eGraph.delNode(bNode); this.changed = true; if (this.eGraph.getGraGra() != null) { this.eGraph.getGraGra().setChanged(true); } } catch (TypeException e) { cannotDeleteErrorMessage("Type Graph", " a node",e.getMessage()); } } /** * Deletes a node layout specified by the EdNode eNode. The used object will * be deleted, too. * Undo-Redo is not supported. */ public void delSelectedNode(EdNode eNode) { if (this.eGraph == null || !this.eGraph.isEditable()) return; try { this.eGraph.delSelectedNode(eNode); this.changed = true; if (this.eGraph.getGraGra() != null) { this.eGraph.getGraGra().setChanged(true); } } catch (TypeException e) { cannotDeleteErrorMessage("Type Graph", " a node",e.getMessage()); } } /** * Deletes an arc layout specified by the EdArc eArc. The used object will * be deleted, too. */ public void delSelectedArc(EdArc eArc) { if (this.eGraph == null || !this.eGraph.isEditable()) return; try { this.eGraph.delSelectedArc(eArc); this.changed = true; if (this.eGraph.getGraGra() != null) { this.eGraph.getGraGra().setChanged(true); } } catch (TypeException e) { cannotDeleteErrorMessage("Type Graph", " an edge",e.getMessage()); } } /** Deletes all selected nodes */ public void deleteSelectedNodes() { if (this.eGraph == null || !this.eGraph.isEditable()) return; if (this.eGraph.getBasisGraph().isTypeGraph()) { deleteTypeGraphObject((List<?>) this.eGraph.getSelectedObjs().clone()); } else { try { this.eGraph.deleteSelectedNodes(); this.changed = true; if (this.eGraph.getGraGra() != null) { this.eGraph.getGraGra().setChanged(true); } } catch (TypeException e) { cannotDeleteErrorMessage("Type Graph", " a node",e.getMessage()); } } } /** Deletes all selected arcs */ public void deleteSelectedArcs() { if (this.eGraph == null || !this.eGraph.isEditable()) return; if (this.eGraph.getBasisGraph().isTypeGraph()) { deleteTypeGraphObject((List<?>) this.eGraph.getSelectedObjs().clone()); } else { try { this.eGraph.deleteSelectedArcs(); this.changed = true; if (this.eGraph.getGraGra() != null) { this.eGraph.getGraGra().setChanged(true); } } catch (TypeException e) { cannotDeleteErrorMessage("Type Graph", " an edge",e.getMessage()); } } } /** Deletes all selected objects (nodes and arcs) */ public void deleteSelected() { if (this.eGraph == null || !this.eGraph.isEditable()) return; if (this.eGraph.getBasisGraph().isTypeGraph()) { deleteTypeGraphObject((List<?>) this.eGraph.getSelectedObjs().clone()); } else { List<?> list = (List<?>) this.eGraph.getSelectedArcs().clone(); for (int i=0; i<list.size(); i++) { final EdArc obj = (EdArc) list.get(i); this.deleteArcObject(obj, obj.getSource().isSelected(), obj.getTarget().isSelected()); } list = (List<?>) this.eGraph.getSelectedNodes().clone(); for (int i=0; i<list.size(); i++) { final EdNode obj = (EdNode) list.get(i); this.deleteNodeObject(obj); } } } private void deleteTypeGraphObject(final List<?> gos) { final Vector<EdGraphObject> deletedObjs = new Vector<EdGraphObject>(); final boolean showWarning = true; for (int i = 0; i < gos.size(); i++) { EdGraphObject go = (EdGraphObject) gos.get(i); if (go.isNode()) continue; // first delete edges deleteTypeGraphObject(go, deletedObjs, !showWarning); } for (int i = 0; i < gos.size(); i++) { EdGraphObject go = (EdGraphObject) gos.get(i); if (go.isNode()) { // now delete nodes deleteTypeGraphObject(go, deletedObjs, !showWarning); } else continue; } } private void deleteTypeGraphObject( final EdGraphObject go, final List<EdGraphObject> deletedObjs, boolean showWarning) { if (deletedObjs.contains(go)) { // is already deleted return; } boolean canDelete = false; boolean used = true; String objstr = ""; // check, if type graph node/edge was used if (go.isNode()) { objstr = "node"; if (!this.eGraph.getTypeSet().isTypeGraphNodeUsed(go.getType()) && !this.eGraph.getTypeSet().isChildTypeGraphNodeUsed(go.getType())) { used = false; } } else if (go.isArc()) { objstr = "edge"; if (!this.eGraph.getTypeSet().isTypeGraphArcUsed( go.getType(), ((EdArc) go).getSource().getType(), ((EdArc) go).getTarget().getType())) { used = false; } } if (used) { if (this.eGraph.getTypeSet().getBasisTypeSet() .getLevelOfTypeGraphCheck() != agg.xt_basis.TypeSet.DISABLED) { JOptionPane .showMessageDialog( null, "<html><body>Cannot delete type " + objstr + ".<br> " + "There are objects of the type " + objstr + "  <i>" + go.getType().getName() + "</i><br>" + "Please disable the type graph before delete this type " + objstr, // + ".</body></html>", " Delete type ", JOptionPane.ERROR_MESSAGE); return; } else if (showWarning) { Object[] options = { "Delete", "Cancel" }; int answer = JOptionPane.showOptionDialog(null, "<html><body>Are you sure you want to delete the type " + objstr + "  <i>" + go.getType().getName() + "</i> ?<br> " + "There are objects of it.", //</body></html>", " Delete type ", JOptionPane.DEFAULT_OPTION, JOptionPane.WARNING_MESSAGE, null, options, options[0]); if (answer == JOptionPane.YES_OPTION) { canDelete = true; } } else canDelete = true; } else canDelete = true; if (canDelete) { Vector<EdGraphObject> objs = new Vector<EdGraphObject>(); objs.add(go); deletedObjs.add(go); if (go.isNode()) { // // inheritance : TEST! // Vector<EdNode> parents = this.eGraph.getParentsOf((EdNode) go); // if(parents.size() > 0) // this.eGraph.addChangedParentToUndo(go); // Vector<EdNode> childrens = this.eGraph.getChildrenOf((EdNode) go); // for(int j=0; j<childrens.size(); j++){ // EdNode ch = (EdNode) childrens.get(j); // this.eGraph.addChangedParentToUndo(ch); // } Vector<EdArc> vIn = this.eGraph.getIncomingArcs((EdNode) go); for (int i = 0; i < vIn.size(); i++) { EdArc a = vIn.get(i); if (!deletedObjs.contains(a)) { objs.add(a); deletedObjs.add(a); } } Vector<EdArc> vOut = this.eGraph.getOutgoingArcs((EdNode) go); for (int i = 0; i < vOut.size(); i++) { EdArc a = vOut.get(i); if (!deletedObjs.contains(a)) { objs.add(a); deletedObjs.add(a); } } } this.eGraph.addDeletedToUndo(objs); // boolean canRemoveTypeGraphObject = false; // if (go.isNode()) // canRemoveTypeGraphObject = this.eGraph.getTypeSet().getBasisTypeSet().canRemoveTypeGraphNode((Node)go.getBasisObject()); // else // canRemoveTypeGraphObject = this.eGraph.getTypeSet().getBasisTypeSet().canRemoveTypeGraphArc((Arc)go.getBasisObject()); // if (canRemoveTypeGraphObject) { try { // this.eGraph.deleteObj(go); this.eGraph.forceDeleteObj(go); this.eGraph.undoManagerEndEdit(); updateUndoButton(); this.eGraph.refreshInheritanceArcs(); this.changed = true; if (this.eGraph.getGraGra() != null) { this.eGraph.getGraGra().setChanged(true); } } catch (TypeException e) { cannotDeleteErrorMessage("Type Graph", " this object",e.getMessage()); if (this.eGraph.getUndoManager() != null) { this.eGraph.getUndoManager().undo(); this.eGraph.getUndoManager().redo(); } } } // } } public EdGraph getGraph() { return this.eGraph; } private EdGraGra getGraGra() { if (this.viewport.getParentEditor() instanceof GraphEditor) return ((GraphEditor) this.viewport.getParentEditor()).getGraGra(); else if (this.viewport.getParentEditor() instanceof RuleEditor) return ((RuleEditor) this.viewport.getParentEditor()).getGraGra(); else return null; } private GraGraEditor getGraGraEditor() { if (this.viewport.getParentEditor() instanceof GraphEditor) return ((GraphEditor) this.viewport.getParentEditor()).getGraGraEditor(); else if (this.viewport.getParentEditor() instanceof RuleEditor) return ((RuleEditor) this.viewport.getParentEditor()).getGraGraEditor(); else return null; } public boolean isGraphEditor() { return (this.viewport.getParentEditor() instanceof GraphEditor); } public boolean isRuleEditor() { return (this.viewport.getParentEditor() instanceof RuleEditor); } public void performDeleteInheritanceRel(EdNode srcNode) { if ((srcNode != null) && (this.eGraph.getTypeSet().getBasisTypeSet().getLevelOfTypeGraphCheck() <= TypeSet.DISABLED || !this.eGraph.getTypeSet().isTypeUsed(srcNode.getType())) ) { Vector<EdNode> parents = this.eGraph.getParentsOf(srcNode); if (!parents.isEmpty()) { EdNode tarNode = parents.get(0); boolean canRemoveIR = !this.eGraph.getTypeSet().hasTypeUser(srcNode.getType()); if (!canRemoveIR) { Vector<EdArc> usedArcTypes = this.eGraph.getTypeSet(). getTypeArcOfInheritedArcsInUse(srcNode.getType().getBasisType(), tarNode.getType().getBasisType()); if (!usedArcTypes.isEmpty()) { Vector<String> names = new Vector<String>(usedArcTypes.size()); for (int i = 0; i < usedArcTypes.size(); i++) { names.add(usedArcTypes.get(i).getType().getName()); } Object[] options = { "YES", "CANCEL" }; int answer = JOptionPane .showOptionDialog( null, "<html><body>Please note:<br>" + "After removing this inheritance relation there is at least <br>" + "one node object of a child node with an edge <br>" + "of no more existent inheritance. <br>" + "Edge type name: " + names + " .<br><br>" + "Do you want to delete appropriate edges inside of all graphs?", //+ "</body></html>", " Remove Inheritance Relation ", JOptionPane.DEFAULT_OPTION, JOptionPane.QUESTION_MESSAGE, null, options, options[0]); if (answer == JOptionPane.YES_OPTION) { // destroy all appropriate edges EdGraGra gragra = getGraGra(); if (gragra != null) { for (int i = 0; i < usedArcTypes.size(); i++) { EdGraphObject tgo = usedArcTypes.get(i); gragra.deleteGraphObjectsOfType(tgo, false, true); } } } else return; canRemoveIR = true; } else canRemoveIR = true; } if (canRemoveIR) { this.eGraph.addChangedParentToUndo(srcNode); if (this.eGraph.deleteInheritanceRelation(srcNode, tarNode)) { this.eGraph.undoManagerEndEdit(); this.eGraph.update(); this.canvas.repaint(); this.changed = true; if (this.eGraph.getGraGra() != null) { this.eGraph.getGraGra().setChanged(true); } } else { this.eGraph.undoManagerLastEditDie(); errSound(); JOptionPane .showMessageDialog( null, "<html><body>This inheritance relation could not be removed.", //</body></html>", " Remove Inheritance Relation ", JOptionPane.ERROR_MESSAGE); } } } else { // in case when a parent node type exists // but any inheritance arc does not exist // inside of the (EdGraph) type graph, // do remove this inheritance relation. Type ptype = srcNode.getType().getBasisType().getParent(); if (ptype != null) { this.eGraph.getTypeSet().getBasisTypeSet().removeInheritanceRelation(srcNode.getType().getBasisType(), ptype); } } } } public void performDeleteInheritanceRel(EdNode srcNode, EdNode tarNode) { if ((srcNode != null) && (this.eGraph.getTypeSet().getBasisTypeSet().getLevelOfTypeGraphCheck() <= TypeSet.DISABLED || !this.eGraph.getTypeSet().isTypeUsed(srcNode.getType())) ) { boolean canRemoveIR = !this.eGraph.getTypeSet().hasTypeUser(srcNode.getType()); if (!canRemoveIR) { Vector<EdArc> usedArcTypes = this.eGraph.getTypeSet(). getTypeArcOfInheritedArcsInUse(srcNode.getType().getBasisType(), tarNode.getType().getBasisType()); if (!usedArcTypes.isEmpty()) { Vector<String> names = new Vector<String>(usedArcTypes.size()); for (int i = 0; i < usedArcTypes.size(); i++) names.add(usedArcTypes.get(i).getType().getName()); Object[] options = { "YES", "CANCEL" }; int answer = JOptionPane .showOptionDialog( null, "<html><body>Please note:<br>" + "After removing this inheritance relation there are at least <br>" + "one node object of a child node with an edge <br>" + "of no more existent inheritance. <br>" + "Edge type name: " + names + " .<br><br>" + "Do you want to delete appropriate edges inside of all graphs?", //+ "</body></html>", " Remove Inheritance Relation ", JOptionPane.DEFAULT_OPTION, JOptionPane.QUESTION_MESSAGE, null, options, options[0]); if (answer == JOptionPane.YES_OPTION) { // destroy all appropriate edges EdGraGra gragra = getGraGra(); if (gragra != null) { for (int i = 0; i < usedArcTypes.size(); i++) { EdArc tgo = usedArcTypes.get(i); gragra.deleteGraphObjectsOfType(tgo, false, true); } } } else return; canRemoveIR = true; } else canRemoveIR = true; } if (canRemoveIR) { this.eGraph.addChangedParentToUndo(srcNode); if (this.eGraph.deleteInheritanceRelation(srcNode, tarNode)) { this.eGraph.undoManagerEndEdit(); this.eGraph.update(); this.canvas.repaint(); this.changed = true; if (this.eGraph.getGraGra() != null) { this.eGraph.getGraGra().setChanged(true); } } else { this.eGraph.undoManagerLastEditDie(); errSound(); JOptionPane .showMessageDialog( null, "<html><body>This inheritance relation could not be removed.", //</body></html>", " Remove Inheritance Relation ", JOptionPane.ERROR_MESSAGE); } } } } public boolean makeSelectionAt(int X, int Y) { EdGraphObject go = select(X, Y); if (go != null) { // this.eGraph.addSelectedToUndo(go); // this.eGraph.undoManagerEndEdit(); if (go.isNode()) this.eGraph.drawNode(getGraphics(), (EdNode) go); else this.eGraph.drawArc(getGraphics(), (EdArc) go); // this.updateUndoButton(); return true; } return false; } public void makeSelectionAt(EdGraphObject go) { if (go != null) {; // this.eGraph.addSelectedToUndo(go); // this.eGraph.undoManagerEndEdit(); if (go.isNode()) this.eGraph.drawNode(getGraphics(), (EdNode) go); else this.eGraph.drawArc(getGraphics(), (EdArc) go); // this.updateUndoButton(); } } public EdGraphObject select(int x, int y) { if (this.eGraph == null // || !this.eGraph.isEditable() ) return null; int X = (int) (x / this.scale); int Y = (int) (y / this.scale); EdGraphObject go =, Y); // if (go != null) { // this.eGraph.addSelectedToUndo(go); // this.eGraph.undoManagerEndEdit(); // } return go; } /* * Undo-Redo is supported. */ public void copySelected(int x, int y) { if (this.eGraph == null || !this.eGraph.isEditable()) return; EdType selNT = this.eGraph.getTypeSet().getSelectedNodeType(); EdType selAT = this.eGraph.getTypeSet().getSelectedArcType(); int X = (int) ((x+10) / this.scale); int Y = (int) ((y+10) / this.scale); Vector<EdGraphObject> res = this.eGraph.copySelected(X, Y); if (res != null && !res.isEmpty()) { Vector<EdGraphObject> vec = new Vector<EdGraphObject>(res); this.eGraph.addCreatedToUndo(vec); this.eGraph.undoManagerEndEdit(); this.updateUndoButton(); this.changed = true; if (this.eGraph.getGraGra() != null) { this.eGraph.getGraGra().setChanged(true); } } if (selNT != null) this.eGraph.getTypeSet().setSelectedNodeType(selNT); if (selAT != null) this.eGraph.getTypeSet().setSelectedArcType(selAT); } /* * Undo-Redo is supported. */ public void copySelected(final EdGraph targetGraph, int x, int y) { if (this.eGraph == null || !this.eGraph.isEditable() || targetGraph == null) return; EdType selNT = this.eGraph.getTypeSet().getSelectedNodeType(); EdType selAT = this.eGraph.getTypeSet().getSelectedArcType(); int X = (int) ((x+10) / this.scale); int Y = (int) ((y+10) / this.scale); targetGraph.setGraphToCopy(this.eGraph.getSelectedAsGraph()); Vector<EdGraphObject> res = targetGraph.copySelected(X, Y); if (res != null && !res.isEmpty()) { Vector<EdGraphObject> vec = new Vector<EdGraphObject>(res); targetGraph.addCreatedToUndo(vec); targetGraph.undoManagerEndEdit(); this.updateUndoButton(); this.changed = true; if (this.eGraph.getGraGra() != null) { this.eGraph.getGraGra().setChanged(true); } } if (selNT != null) this.eGraph.getTypeSet().setSelectedNodeType(selNT); if (selAT != null) this.eGraph.getTypeSet().setSelectedArcType(selAT); } public void pasteCopy() { if (!this.eGraph.isEditable()) { return; } this.canvas.setMsg(""); this.getGraph().eraseSelected(this.getGraphics(), true); this.copySelected(x0, y0); if (this.getGraph().getMsg().length() != 0) { this.setMsg("Copy / Paste : " + this.canvas.getGraph().getMsg()); } this.getGraph().drawSelected(this.canvas.getGraphics()); this.getGraph().deselectAll(); Dimension dim = this.getGraph().getGraphDimension(); if ((dim.width != 0) && (dim.height != 0)) { if (dim.width < this.getWidth()) dim.width = this.getWidth(); if (dim.height < this.getHeight()) dim.height = this.getHeight(); this.setSize(dim); } this.repaint(); this.unsetPicked(); this.setChanged(true); // AGGAppl.getInstance().getGraGraEditor().setEditMode(EditorConstants.SELECT); // AGGAppl.getInstance().getGraGraEditor().forwardModeCommand(EditorConstants.getModeOfID(EditorConstants.SELECT)); } public void selectAll() { if (this.eGraph == null // || mode == EditorConstants.VIEW // || !this.eGraph.isEditable() ) return; this.eGraph.selectAll(); // this.eGraph.addSelectedToUndo(); // this.eGraph.undoManagerEndEdit(); // updateUndoButton(); } public void deselect(EdGraphObject ego) { if (this.eGraph == null) return; // this.eGraph.addDeselectedToUndo(); this.eGraph.deselect(ego); // this.eGraph.undoManagerEndEdit(); // updateUndoButton(); } public boolean deselectAll() { if (this.eGraph == null // || mode == EditorConstants.VIEW ) return false; boolean hadSelection = false; if (this.eGraph.hasSelection()) { hadSelection = true; // this.eGraph.addDeselectedToUndo(); this.eGraph.deselectAll(); // this.eGraph.undoManagerEndEdit(); // updateUndoButton(); } if (hadSelection // || this.eGraph.unsetCriticalGraphObjects() ) return true; return false; } public boolean selectNodesOfSelectedNodeType() { if (this.eGraph == null // || mode == EditorConstants.VIEW // || !this.eGraph.isEditable() ) return false; boolean hasSelection = false; if (this.eGraph.hasSelection()) { hasSelection = true; // this.eGraph.addDeselectedToUndo(); this.eGraph.deselectAll(); // this.eGraph.undoManagerEndEdit(); } this.eGraph.selectObjectsOfSelectedNodeType(); if (this.eGraph.hasSelection()) { hasSelection = true; // this.eGraph.addSelectedToUndo(); // this.eGraph.undoManagerEndEdit(); } // updateUndoButton(); if (hasSelection) return true; return false; } public boolean selectArcsOfSelectedArcType() { if (this.eGraph == null // || mode == EditorConstants.VIEW // || !this.eGraph.isEditable() ) return false; boolean hasSelection = false; if (this.eGraph.hasSelection()) { hasSelection = true; // this.eGraph.addDeselectedToUndo(); this.eGraph.deselectAll(); // this.eGraph.undoManagerEndEdit(); } this.eGraph.selectObjectsOfSelectedArcType(); if (this.eGraph.hasSelection()) { hasSelection = true; // this.eGraph.addSelectedToUndo(); // this.eGraph.undoManagerEndEdit(); } // updateUndoButton(); if (hasSelection) return true; return false; } public boolean straigthSelectedArcs() { if (this.eGraph == null // || mode == EditorConstants.VIEW ) return false; if (this.eGraph.hasSelection()) { // Vector<EdGraphObject> vec = new Vector<EdGraphObject>(); // vec.addAll(this.eGraph.getSelectedArcs()); if (this.eGraph.straightSelectedArcs()) { // this.eGraph.undoManagerEndEdit(); // this.eGraph.undoManagerEndEdit(); // updateUndoButton(); this.changed = true; return true; } // else { // this.eGraph.undoManagerLastEditDie(); // } } return false; } public void deselectAllWeakselected() { if (this.eGraph != null) this.eGraph.deselectAllWeakselected(); } public void setAnchorPoint(final Point p) { this.anchor = p; } public Point getAnchorPoint() { return this.anchor; } public void setPickedPoint(int startx, int starty) { this.x0 = startx; this.y0 = starty; } public Point getPickedPoint() { return new Point(this.x0, this.y0); } public void setPickedObject(final EdGraphObject go) { this.pickedObj = go; } public EdGraphObject getPickedObject() { return this.pickedObj; } public void setSourceObject(final EdGraphObject go) { this.src = go; } public EdGraphObject getSourceObject() { return this.src; } public void setTargetObject(final EdGraphObject go) { this.tar = go; } public EdGraphObject getTargetObject() { return this.tar; } public EdGraphObject getPickedObject(int X, int Y, FontMetrics Fm) { this.pickedObj = null; this.pickedNode = null; this.pickedArc = null; this.pickedTextOfArc = null; this.pickedNode = this.eGraph.getPickedNode(X, Y); if (this.pickedNode != null) { this.pickedObj = this.pickedNode; return this.pickedNode; } this.pickedTextOfArc = this.eGraph.getPickedTextOfArc(X, Y, Fm); if (this.pickedTextOfArc != null) { this.pickedObj = this.pickedTextOfArc; return this.pickedTextOfArc; } this.pickedArc = this.eGraph.getPickedArc(X, Y); if (this.pickedArc != null) { this.pickedObj = this.pickedArc; return this.pickedArc; } // this.pickedTextOfArc = this.eGraph.getPickedTextOfArc(X, Y, Fm); // if (this.pickedTextOfArc != null) { // this.pickedObj = this.pickedTextOfArc; // return this.pickedTextOfArc; // } return null; } public EdNode getPickedNode(int X, int Y) { // if (this.eGraph == null) { // return null; // } return this.eGraph.getPickedNode(X, Y); } public EdArc getPickedArc(int X, int Y) { return this.eGraph.getPickedArc(X, Y); } public void draggingOfObject(MouseEvent e) { this.dx = 0; this.dy = 0; int x = e.getX(); int y = e.getY(); if (e.getX() <= 0) { x = 5; } if (e.getY() <= 0) { y = 5; } if (!this.startDragging) { this.startDragging = true; if (!this.pickedObj.isSelected()) { this.eGraph.addMovedToUndo(this.pickedObj); } else { this.eGraph.addMovedToUndo(this.eGraph.getSelectedObjs()); } } this.dx = x - this.x0; this.dy = y - this.y0; if ((Math.abs(this.dx) > 0) || (Math.abs(this.dy) > 0)) { this.dragged = true; this.x0 = x; this.y0 = y; if (!this.pickedObj.isSelected() || this.pickedObj.isArc()) { movePicked(x, y, this.dx, this.dy); // update(getGraphics()); } else if (this.pickedObj.isSelected() && !this.pickedObj.isArc()) { moveSelected(this.dx, this.dy); ((EdNode)this.pickedObj).drawShadowGraphic(this.getGraphics()); // update(getGraphics()); } } else { this.dx = 0; this.dy = 0; } } public void endDraggingOfObject() { if (this.pickedObj != null && this.pickedObj.isNode()) { this.eGraph.undoManagerEndEdit(); this.updateUndoButton(); // if (this.isGraphEditor()) // nodeToFront(this.pickedObj); } else if (this.pickedTextOfArc != null) { this.eGraph.undoManagerEndEdit(); this.updateUndoButton(); } else if (this.pickedArc != null) { this.eGraph.undoManagerEndEdit(); this.updateUndoButton(); } updateAfterDraggingOfObject(); if (this.eGraph.getGraGra() != null) { this.eGraph.getGraGra().setChanged(true); } this.startDragging = false; this.dragged = false; this.x0 = 0; this.y0 = 0; } private void updateAfterDraggingOfObject() { Dimension graphDim = getGraphDimension(); if ((graphDim.width != this.getWidth()) || (graphDim.height != this.getHeight())) { this.setSize(graphDim); } if (this.viewport.getParentEditor() instanceof RuleEditor && ((RuleEditor) this.viewport.getParentEditor()) .isSynchronMoveOfMappedObjectsEnabled()) { if (this.viewport == ((RuleEditor) this.viewport .getParentEditor()).getRightPanel()) { ((RuleEditor) this.viewport.getParentEditor()) .getLeftPanel().updateGraphics(true); ((RuleEditor) this.viewport.getParentEditor()) .getNACPanel().updateGraphics(true); } else if (this.viewport == ((RuleEditor) this.viewport .getParentEditor()).getLeftPanel()) { ((RuleEditor) this.viewport.getParentEditor()) .getRightPanel().updateGraphics(true); ((RuleEditor) this.viewport.getParentEditor()) .getNACPanel().updateGraphics(true); } else if (this.viewport == ((RuleEditor) this.viewport .getParentEditor()).getNACPanel()) { ((RuleEditor) this.viewport.getParentEditor()) .getRightPanel().updateGraphics(true); ((RuleEditor) this.viewport.getParentEditor()) .getLeftPanel().updateGraphics(true); } } } public EdGraphObject getDraggedObject() { if (this.dragged) return this.pickedObj; return null; } public Dimension getDraggedDimension() { if (this.dragged) return new Dimension(this.dx, this.dy); return new Dimension(0, 0); } public void unsetPicked() { this.pickedObj = null; this.pickedNode = null; this.pickedArc = null; this.pickedTextOfArc = null; } /** * @deprecated * */ public void resetScrollBars() { if (this.eGraph == null) return; if (this.scrollbarValueSaved) { this.hsb.setValue(this.hsbValue); this.vsb.setValue(this.vsbValue); this.scrollbarValueSaved = false; this.hsbValue = 0; this.vsbValue = 0; } } public void nodeToFront(int X, int Y) { this.pickedNode = this.eGraph.getPickedNode(X, Y); if (this.pickedNode != null) { this.eGraph.nodeToFront(this.pickedNode); } } public void nodeToFront(EdGraphObject go) { if (go != null && go.isNode()) { this.eGraph.nodeToFront((EdNode) go); } } public Dimension getGraphDimension() { if (this.eGraph != null) return this.eGraph.getGraphDimension(); return new Dimension(0,0); } private void movePicked(int pX, int pY, int dX, int dY) { if (this.pickedNode != null) { if ((this.pickedNode.getX()+dX)>=0 && (this.pickedNode.getY()+dY)>=0) { this.eGraph.moveNode(this.pickedNode, dX, dY); this.pickedNode.getLNode().setFrozenByDefault(true); this.pickedNode.drawShadowGraphic(this.getGraphics()); // set xyattr if (this.pickedNode.getBasisNode().xyAttr && this.pickedNode.getBasisNode().getContext().isCompleteGraph()) { ((ValueTuple)this.pickedNode.getBasisNode().getAttribute()).getValueMemberAt("thisX") .setExprAsObject(this.pickedNode.getX()); ((ValueTuple)this.pickedNode.getBasisNode().getAttribute()).getValueMemberAt("thisY") .setExprAsObject(this.pickedNode.getY()); } } } else if (this.pickedTextOfArc != null) { this.eGraph.moveTextOfArc(this.pickedTextOfArc, dX, dY); this.pickedTextOfArc.drawTextShadowGraphic(this.getGraphics(), pX, pY); } else if (this.pickedArc != null) { // Anchor of an edge this.eGraph.moveArc(this.pickedArc, dX, dY); this.pickedArc.drawShadowGraphic(this.getGraphics()); } } public void setEdgeAnchorVisible(boolean b) { this.showAnchor = b; } public boolean isEdgeAnchorVisible() { return this.showAnchor; } public void setMagicEdgeSupportEnabled(boolean b) { this.magicArcEnabled = b; } public boolean isMagicEdgeSupportEnabled() { return this.magicArcEnabled; } public void startMagicArc(int X, int Y) { if (this.src != null) this.magicArcStart = new Point(this.src.getX(), this.src.getY()); } public void setMagicArcStart(final Point p) { this.magicArcStart = p; } public void drawMagicArc(EdNode from, int x, int y) { if (this.magicArcStart != null) { Graphics2D g = (Graphics2D) getGraphics(); g.setRenderingHint(RenderingHints.KEY_ANTIALIASING, RenderingHints.VALUE_ANTIALIAS_ON); g.setPaint(Color.GREEN); g.setStroke(new BasicStroke(2.0f)); g.draw(new Line2D.Double(x, y, x, y)); if (!checkSourceOfMagicArc((EdNode) this.src, this.src.getX(), this.src.getY())) drawErrorImage(this.src.getX(), this.src.getY()); EdNode to = getPickedNode(x, y); if (to != null) { if (checkTargetOfMagicArc(from, to)) { drawOKImage(1, x, y); this.arcError = false; } else { drawErrorImage(x, y); this.arcError = true; } } else { if (checkTargetOfMagicArc(this.src.getType(), this.eGraph.getTypeSet() .getSelectedNodeType())) { drawOKImage(1, x, y); this.arcError = false; } else { EdType arcType = this.eGraph.getTypeSet().getSelectedArcType(); if (arcType != null) { Vector<Type> v = arcType.getBasisType() .getTargetsOfArc(this.src.getType().getBasisType()); if (!this.eGraph.isTypeGraph() && v.size() == 1) { drawOKImage(0, x, y); this.arcError = false; } else { drawErrorImage(x, y); this.arcError = true; } } } } } } public void drawErrorImage(int x, int y) { ((Graphics2D) getGraphics()).drawImage(this.errorImage.getImage(), // this.magicArcStart.x, this.magicArcStart.y, this.src.getX(), this.src.getY(), null); } public void drawOKImage(int kind, int x, int y) { if (kind == 0) { ((Graphics2D) getGraphics()).drawImage(this.okImage.getImage(), // this.magicArcStart.x, this.magicArcStart.y, this.src.getX(), this.src.getY(), null); } else if (kind == 1) { ((Graphics2D) getGraphics()).drawImage(this.smileImage.getImage(), // this.magicArcStart.x, this.magicArcStart.y, this.src.getX(), this.src.getY(), null); } } public boolean checkSourceOfMagicArc(EdNode from, int x, int y) { if (this.eGraph.getTypeSet().getTypeGraph() != null) { int tgl = this.eGraph.getTypeSet().getBasisTypeSet() .getLevelOfTypeGraphCheck(); if (tgl > 0) { EdType arcType = this.eGraph.getTypeSet().getSelectedArcType(); boolean error = false; if (arcType != null) { if (!this.eGraph.isTypeGraph()) error = !arcType.getBasisType() .hasTypeGraphArc(from.getType().getBasisType()); if (error) return false; } else return false; } } if (this.eGraph.getTypeSet().getSelectedArcType() == null) { return false; } return true; } public boolean checkTargetOfArc(EdNode from, EdNode to) { return checkTargetOfMagicArc(from, to); } private boolean checkTargetOfMagicArc(EdNode from, EdNode to) { if (this.eGraph.getTypeSet().getTypeGraph() != null) { int tgl = this.eGraph.getTypeSet().getBasisTypeSet() .getLevelOfTypeGraphCheck(); if (tgl > 0) { EdType arcType = this.eGraph.getTypeSet().getSelectedArcType(); boolean error = false; if (arcType != null) { if (this.eGraph.isTypeGraph()) error = (this.eGraph.getTypeSet().getBasisTypeSet() .getTypeGraphArc(arcType.getBasisType(), from.getType().getBasisType(), to.getType().getBasisType()) != null); else error = !arcType.getBasisType() .isEdgeCreatable(from.getType().getBasisType(), to .getType().getBasisType(), tgl); if (error) return false; } else return false; } } if (this.eGraph.getTypeSet().getSelectedArcType() == null) { return false; } return true; } private boolean checkTargetOfMagicArc(EdType from, EdType to) { if (this.eGraph.getTypeSet().getTypeGraph() != null) { int tgl = this.eGraph.getTypeSet().getBasisTypeSet() .getLevelOfTypeGraphCheck(); boolean error = false; EdType arcType = this.eGraph.getTypeSet().getSelectedArcType(); if (tgl > 0) { if (!this.eGraph.isTypeGraph()) { error = !arcType.getBasisType() .isEdgeCreatable(from.getBasisType(), to .getBasisType(), tgl); } else { error = (this.eGraph.getTypeSet().getBasisTypeSet() .getTypeGraphNode(to.getBasisType()) != null); if (!error) error = (this.eGraph.getTypeSet().getBasisTypeSet() .getTypeGraphArc(arcType.getBasisType(), from.getBasisType(), to.getBasisType()) != null); } if (error) return false; } else if (this.eGraph.isTypeGraph()) { error = (this.eGraph.getTypeSet().getBasisTypeSet() .getTypeGraphNode(to.getBasisType()) != null); if (!error) error = (this.eGraph.getTypeSet().getBasisTypeSet() .getTypeGraphArc(arcType.getBasisType(), from.getBasisType(), to.getBasisType()) != null); if (error) return false; } } if (this.eGraph.getTypeSet().getSelectedArcType() == null) { return false; } return true; } @SuppressWarnings("unused") private void makeArcWithTargetAt(int X, int Y) { if (this.mode == EditorConstants.ARC) { return; } boolean tarWasNull = false; this.tar = getPickedNode(X, Y); if (this.tar == null) { tarWasNull = true; EdType arcType = this.eGraph.getTypeSet().getSelectedArcType(); if (arcType != null) { Vector<Type> v = arcType.getBasisType() .getTargetsOfArc(this.src.getType().getBasisType()); if (checkTargetOfMagicArc(this.src.getType(), this.eGraph.getTypeSet() .getSelectedNodeType())) { EdType nodeType = this.eGraph.getTypeSet() .getSelectedNodeType(); if (v.size() == 1) nodeType = this.eGraph.getTypeSet().getNodeType(v.firstElement()); if (this.canCreateNodeOfType(nodeType.getBasisType(), arcType.getBasisType(), this.src.getType().getBasisType())) { this.tar = addNode(nodeType, X, Y); } } else { if (!this.eGraph.isTypeGraph()) { if (v.size() == 1) { EdType nodeType = this.eGraph.getTypeSet().getNodeType( v.firstElement()); if (this.canCreateNodeOfType(nodeType.getBasisType(), arcType.getBasisType(), this.src.getType().getBasisType())) { this.tar = addNode(nodeType, X, Y); } } else if (v.size() == 0) { if (this.eGraph.getTypeSet().getBasisTypeSet() .getLevelOfTypeGraphCheck() > 0) { if (this.eGraph.getTypeSet().getTypeGraph().getArcs( this.eGraph.getTypeSet() .getSelectedArcType()) .isEmpty()) cannotCreateErrorMessage( " Create edge "," an edge", "Edge type  <i>" + this.eGraph .getTypeSet() .getSelectedArcType() .getBasisType().getName() + "</i>  isn't defined in the type graph."); } } } } } } if (this.tar != null) { if (this.eGraph.getTypeSet().getSelectedArcType() != null) { try { EdArc ea = addArc(this.src, this.tar, this.anchor); if (ea != null) { this.eGraph.drawArc(getGraphics(), ea); } else if (tarWasNull) { ((EditUndoManager) this.eGraph.getUndoManager()).undo(); } } catch (TypeException ex) {} } ((EdNode) this.src).applyScale(this.scale); ((EdNode) this.src).getLNode().setFrozenByDefault(true); ((EdNode) this.src).drawGraphic(getGraphics()); ((EdNode) this.tar).applyScale(this.scale); ((EdNode) this.tar).getLNode().setFrozenByDefault(true); ((EdNode) this.tar).drawGraphic(getGraphics()); } this.mode = EditorConstants.DRAW; } public void makeArcByMagicArc(int X, int Y) { boolean tarWasNull = false; this.tar = getPickedNode(X, Y); if (this.tar == null) { tarWasNull = true; EdType arcType = this.eGraph.getTypeSet().getSelectedArcType(); if (arcType == null) { cannotCreateErrorMessage(" Create edge "," an edge", "There isn't any edge type selected."); } else if (this.src != null) { Vector<Type> v = arcType.getBasisType() .getTargetsOfArc(this.src.getType().getBasisType()); if (checkTargetOfMagicArc(this.src.getType(), this.eGraph.getTypeSet() .getSelectedNodeType())) { if (v.size() == 1) { EdType nodeType = this.eGraph.getTypeSet().getNodeType( v.firstElement()); if (this.canCreateNodeOfType(nodeType.getBasisType(), arcType.getBasisType(), this.src.getType().getBasisType())) { this.tar = addNode(nodeType, X, Y); if (this.tar != null) { ((EdNode) this.tar).applyScale(this.scale); ((EdNode) this.tar).getLNode().setFrozenByDefault(true); ((EdNode) this.tar).drawGraphic(getGraphics()); } } } else { EdType nodeType = this.eGraph.getTypeSet() .getSelectedNodeType(); if (this.canCreateNodeOfType(nodeType.getBasisType(), arcType.getBasisType(), this.src.getType().getBasisType())) { this.tar = addNode(nodeType, X, Y); if (this.tar != null) { ((EdNode) this.tar).applyScale(this.scale); ((EdNode) this.tar).getLNode().setFrozenByDefault(true); ((EdNode) this.tar).drawGraphic(getGraphics()); } } } } else { if (!this.eGraph.isTypeGraph()) { if (v.size() == 1) { EdType nodeType = this.eGraph.getTypeSet().getNodeType( v.firstElement()); if (this.canCreateNodeOfType(nodeType.getBasisType(), arcType.getBasisType(), this.src.getType().getBasisType())) { this.tar = addNode(nodeType, X, Y); if (this.tar != null) { ((EdNode) this.tar).applyScale(this.scale); ((EdNode) this.tar).getLNode().setFrozenByDefault( true); ((EdNode) this.tar) .drawGraphic(getGraphics()); } } } else if (v.size() == 0) { if (this.eGraph.getTypeSet().getBasisTypeSet() .getLevelOfTypeGraphCheck() > 0) { if (this.eGraph.getTypeSet().getTypeGraph().getArcs( this.eGraph.getTypeSet() .getSelectedArcType()) .isEmpty()) cannotCreateErrorMessage( " Create edge "," an edge", "Edge type  <i>" + this.eGraph .getTypeSet() .getSelectedArcType() .getBasisType().getName() + "</i>  isn't defined in the type graph."); } } } } } } if (this.tar != null) { if (this.eGraph.getTypeSet().getSelectedArcType() == null) { cannotCreateErrorMessage(" Create edge "," an edge", "There isn't any edge type selected."); } else if (!this.arcError) { try { EdArc ea = addArc(this.src, this.tar, this.anchor); if (ea != null) { this.eGraph.drawArc(getGraphics(), ea); this.mode = EditorConstants.DRAW; } else if (tarWasNull) { ((EditUndoManager) this.eGraph.getUndoManager()).undo(); } } catch (TypeException ex) {} } } if (this.tar == null) this.canvas.propagateMoveEditMode(); removeMagicArc(); update(getGraphics()); // this.mode = EditorConstants.DRAW; } public void removeMagicArc() { this.src = null; this.tar = null; this.anchor = null; this.magicArcStart = null; this.isMagicArc = false; } /* private JFrame getApplFrame() { if (this.viewport.getParentEditor() instanceof GraphEditor) return ((GraphEditor)this.viewport.getParentEditor()).getApplFrame(); else if (this.viewport.getParentEditor() instanceof RuleEditor) return ((RuleEditor)this.viewport.getParentEditor()).getApplFrame(); else return null; } */ public void startSelectBox(int X, int Y) { selBox.setLocation(X, Y); this.selBoxOpen = true; } public boolean isSelectBoxOpen() { return this.selBoxOpen; } public int getSelectBoxSize() { return selBox.width; } public boolean resizeSelectBox(int X, int Y) { if (this.selBoxOpen && (X-selBox.x) > 0 && (Y-selBox.y) > 0 ) { selBox.setSize(X - selBox.x, Y - selBox.y); drawSelectBox((Graphics2D)this.getGraphics(), Color.GREEN); return true; } return false; } public void selectObjectsInsideOfSelectBoxAndClose() { selectObjectsInside(selBox); closeSelectBox(); } private void closeSelectBox() { drawSelectBox((Graphics2D)this.getGraphics(), Color.WHITE); selBox.setLocation(0, 0); selBox.setSize(0, 0); this.selBoxOpen = false; } public boolean startScrolling(int X, int Y) { if (this.hsb.isShowing() || this.vsb.isShowing()) { ((Graphics2D) getGraphics()).drawImage(this.scrollImage.getImage(), X, Y, null); return true; } return false; } public void endScrolling() { this.scrolling = false; this.scrollingByDragging = false; update(getGraphics()); } public void scrollGraph(int X0, int Y0, int X, int Y) { int dX = X - X0; int dY = Y - Y0; if (dX > 0) { if (this.hsb.getValue() < (this.hsb.getMaximum() - this.hsb.getVisibleAmount())) this.hsb.setValue(this.hsb.getValue() + dX); } else if (dX < 0) { if (this.hsb.getValue() > 0) this.hsb.setValue(this.hsb.getValue() + dX); } if (dY > 0) { if (this.vsb.getValue() < (this.vsb.getMaximum() - this.vsb.getVisibleAmount())) this.vsb.setValue(this.vsb.getValue() + dY); } else if (dY < 0) { if (this.vsb.getValue() > 0) this.vsb.setValue(this.vsb.getValue() + dY); } } private void selectObjectsInside(Rectangle rect) { Vector<EdGraphObject> selSet = new Vector<EdGraphObject>(); int k = -1; boolean deselectDone = false; for (int i = 0; i < this.eGraph.getNodes().size(); i++) { EdNode n = this.eGraph.getNodes().get(i); if (rect.contains(n.getX(), n.getY())) { if (!deselectDone) { this.eGraph.deselectAll(); deselectDone = true; }; selSet.add(n); k = i + 1; break; } } if (k == -1) return; for (int i = k; i < this.eGraph.getNodes().size(); i++) { EdNode n = this.eGraph.getNodes().get(i); if (rect.contains(n.getX(), n.getY())) {; selSet.add(n); } } for (int i = 0; i < this.eGraph.getArcs().size(); i++) { EdArc ea = this.eGraph.getArcs().elementAt(i); if (selSet.contains(ea.getSource()) && selSet.contains(ea.getTarget())) {; selSet.add(ea); } } if (selSet.isEmpty()) { setForeground(Color.WHITE); ((Graphics2D) getGraphics()).draw(selBox); setForeground(Color.BLACK); } // else { // for (int i=selSet.size()-1; i>=0; i--) // selSet.get(i).drawGraphic(this.getGraphics()); // } this.closeSelectBox(); } private void moveSelected(int DX, int DY) { for (int i = 0; i < this.eGraph.getSelectedNodes().size(); i++) { EdNode en = this.eGraph.getSelectedNodes().elementAt(i); this.eGraph.moveNodeAndNotSelectedInOutArcs(en, DX, DY); // set xyattr if (this.pickedNode.getBasisNode().xyAttr && this.pickedNode.getBasisNode().getContext().isCompleteGraph()) { ((ValueTuple)en.getBasisNode().getAttribute()).getValueMemberAt("thisX") .setExprAsObject(en.getX()); ((ValueTuple)en.getBasisNode().getAttribute()).getValueMemberAt("thisY") .setExprAsObject(en.getY()); } } for (int i = 0; i < this.eGraph.getArcs().size(); i++) { EdArc ea = this.eGraph.getArcs().elementAt(i); if (ea.isLine() && ea.hasAnchor()) { if (ea.isSelected()) { if (ea.getSource().isSelected() && ea.getTarget().isSelected()) ea.setAnchor(new Point(ea.getAnchor().x + DX, ea.getAnchor().y + DY)); else ea.setAnchor(new Point(ea.getAnchor().x + DX/2, ea.getAnchor().y + DY/2)); } } else if (!ea.isLine() && (ea == this.pickedArc) && !ea.getSource().isSelected()) { // edge-loop selected & edge-loop picked & source not selected Loop loop = ea.toLoop(); loop.move(((EdNode) ea.getSource()).toRectangle(), ea .getAnchorID(), DX, DY); ea.setAnchor(Loop.UPPER_LEFT, new Point(loop.x, loop.y)); ea.setWidth(loop.w); ea.setHeight(loop.h); } } } /* reset value of scroll bar */ private void resetValueOfScrollbar(int dependOn) { if (this.eGraph == null) return; if ((dependOn == DEPEND_ON_LAST_OBJECT) && (this.eGraph.getNodes().size() != 0)) { EdGraphObject go = this.eGraph.getNodes().lastElement(); if (go.getX() >= (this.hsb.getValue() + this.hsb.getVisibleAmount())) { this.hsbValue = go.getX() + go.getWidth() - this.hsb.getVisibleAmount(); this.hsb.setValue(this.hsbValue); this.hsbValue = 0; } if (go.getY() >= (this.vsb.getValue() + this.vsb.getVisibleAmount())) { this.vsbValue = go.getY() + go.getHeight() - this.vsb.getVisibleAmount(); this.vsb.setValue(this.vsbValue); this.vsbValue = 0; } } } private void cannotDeleteErrorMessage(String title, String what, String mesg) { String str = "<html><body>Cannot delete "+what+".<br>"+ mesg; // + "</body></html>"; JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null, str, title, JOptionPane.ERROR_MESSAGE); } public void cannotCreateErrorMessage(String title, String what, String mesg) { String str = "<html><body>Cannot create "+what+".<br>"+ mesg; // + "</body></html>"; JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null, str, title, JOptionPane.ERROR_MESSAGE); } private Toolkit tk; private void errSound() { Frame f = new Frame("Test"); f.pack(); = ((Window) f).getToolkit();; } /****************************************************************/ protected GraphCanvas canvas; private boolean leftPressed, rightPressed; private EdGraph eGraph; private boolean visible = true; private int mode = EditorConstants.DRAW; private int lastMode = EditorConstants.DRAW; private String fontName = EditorConstants.FONT_NAME; private int fontStyle = EditorConstants.FONT_STYLE; private int fontSize = EditorConstants.FONT_SIZE; private double scale = 1.0; private JScrollBar hsb, vsb; private int hsbValue; private int vsbValue; private boolean scrollbarValueSaved; private GraphPanel viewport; // private JFrame applFrame; private int realWidth = 100; private int realHeight = 100; private boolean needResizeAfterMove = false; private boolean needResizeAfterStep = false; private boolean attrVisible = true; private EdNode pickedNode; private EdArc pickedArc; private EdArc pickedTextOfArc; private EdGraphObject pickedObj; private EdGraphObject src; private EdGraphObject tar; private Point anchor; private int x0 = 0, y0 = 0, dx = 0, dy = 0; private final static Rectangle selBox = new Rectangle(0, 0, 0, 0); private boolean selBoxOpen, changed, dragged, startDragging; boolean canCreateNode; private String msg; private Point magicArcStart; private boolean isMagicArc, showAnchor; private boolean magicArcEnabled = true; private boolean arcError; private boolean scrolling, scrollingByDragging; final private ImageIcon errorImage, okImage, smileImage, scrollImage; }