package agg.xt_basis; import java.util.BitSet; import java.util.Enumeration; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.List; import java.util.Vector; import agg.attribute.AttrException; import agg.attribute.AttrVariableTuple; import agg.attribute.impl.VarMember; import agg.attribute.AttrConditionTuple; import agg.cons.Formula; import agg.util.Pair; import agg.xt_basis.agt.RuleScheme; import agg.xt_basis.csp.CompletionPropertyBits; /** * @version $Id:,v 1.59 2010/12/01 20:26:41 olga Exp $ * @author $Author: olga $ */ public abstract class GraTra { protected String name; protected GraGra grammar; protected Graph hostgraph; protected Rule currentRule; protected Vector<Rule> currentRuleSet = new Vector<Rule>(); protected Match currentMatch; protected boolean colimitBasedPushout; protected boolean updateTypeObjectsMapAfterStep = true; protected MorphCompletionStrategy strategy; final protected Vector<GraTraEventListener> graTraListeners = new Vector<GraTraEventListener>(); protected boolean stopping = false; protected boolean stoppingRule = false; protected boolean pauseRule = false; protected boolean waitAfterStep = false; protected boolean consistentGraph = true; protected boolean writeLogFile = false; protected GraTraOptions options; protected String errorMsg = ""; protected boolean wait; public void dispose() { this.graTraListeners.clear(); if (this.grammar != null) { this.grammar.destroyAllMatches(); } this.currentRuleSet.clear(); this.grammar = null; this.hostgraph = null; this.currentRule = null; this.currentMatch = null; } public void setName(String n) { if (n != null) { = n; } } public String getName() { if ( == null) { return ("unnamed"); } return (; } public boolean setGraGra(GraGra gg) { if (gg == null) { this.grammar = null; this.hostgraph = null; return false; } this.grammar = gg; setRuleSet(); this.hostgraph = this.grammar.getGraph(); this.strategy = this.grammar.getMorphismCompletionStrategy(); getGraTraOptions(); return true; } private void resetTargetOfRuleMatches() { for (int i = 0; i < this.currentRuleSet.size(); i++) { final Rule r = this.currentRuleSet.get(i); final Match m = r.getMatch(); if (m != null) { if (m.getTarget() != this.hostgraph) { m.resetTarget(this.hostgraph); m.setTypeObjectsMapChanged(true); } else return; } } } public GraGra getGraGra() { return (this.grammar); } public Rule getCurrentRule(){ return this.currentRule;} public Match getCurrentMatch(){ return this.currentMatch;} public boolean setHostGraph(Graph g) { if (this.hostgraph == null) { this.hostgraph = g; this.hostgraph.updateTypeObjectsMap(); resetExistingMatchesOfRules(g); resetTargetOfRuleMatches(); return (true); } this.hostgraph = g; this.hostgraph.updateTypeObjectsMap(); resetExistingMatchesOfRules(g); resetTargetOfRuleMatches(); return (false); } public Graph getHostGraph() { return (this.hostgraph); } private void resetExistingMatchesOfRules(Graph g) { for (int i = 0; i < this.grammar.getListOfRules().size(); i++) { Rule r = this.grammar.getListOfRules().get(i); r.setMatch(this.grammar.getMatch(r, g)); } } public GraTraOptions getGraTraOptions() { if (this.options == null) this.options = new GraTraOptions(); if (this.strategy != null) { this.options.addOption(CompletionStrategySelector.getName(this.strategy)); BitSet activebits = this.strategy.getProperties(); for (int i = 0; i < CompletionPropertyBits.BITNAME.length; i++) { if (activebits.get(i)) { String bitName = CompletionPropertyBits.BITNAME[i]; this.options.addOption(bitName); } } if (!this.strategy.isRandomisedDomain()) this.options.addOption(GraTraOptions.DETERMINED_CSP_DOMAIN); } return this.options; } public void setGraTraOptions(GraTraOptions newOptions) { this.options = newOptions; this.options.updateMorphismCompletionStrategy(); setCompletionStrategy(this.options.getCompletionStrategy()); } public void setGraTraOptions(Vector<String> newOptions) { GraTraOptions nOptions = new GraTraOptions(); for (int i = 0; i < newOptions.size(); i++) { String opt = newOptions.elementAt(i); nOptions.addOption(opt); } this.options = nOptions; this.options.updateMorphismCompletionStrategy(); setCompletionStrategy(this.options.getCompletionStrategy()); } public void setCompletionStrategy(MorphCompletionStrategy strat) { this.strategy = strat; } public MorphCompletionStrategy getCompletionStrategy() { return this.strategy; } public Enumeration<Match> getMatches(Rule r) { Iterator<Rule> rules = this.grammar.getListOfRules().iterator(); boolean indicator = false; while (rules.hasNext()) { if (r == { indicator = true; break; } } if (indicator == false) { return (null); } return ((this.grammar).getMatches(r)); } public Match createMatch(Rule r) { Iterator<Rule> rules = this.grammar.getListOfRules().iterator(); boolean indicator = false; while (rules.hasNext()) { if (r == { indicator = true; break; } } if (indicator == false) { return (null); } return (this.grammar.createMatch(r)); } public void destroyMatch(Match m) { fireGraTra(new GraTraEvent(this, GraTraEvent.DESTROY_MATCH, m)); this.grammar.destroyMatch(m); return; } /** * The match m has to be valid. Returns a co-morphism. */ public Morphism apply(Match m) { synchronized (m) { this.errorMsg = ""; Morphism co_match = null; this.consistentGraph = true; if (this.options == null) this.options = getGraTraOptions(); if (this.options.hasOption(GraTraOptions.CONSISTENCY_CHECK_AFTER_GRAPH_TRAFO)) { try { // fireGraTra(new GraTraEvent(this, GraTraEvent.MATCH_VALID, m)); co_match = StaticStep.execute(m); // co_match = StaticStep.executeColimBased(m); } catch (TypeException e) { this.errorMsg = e.getMessage(); fireGraTra(new GraTraEvent(this, GraTraEvent.CANNOT_TRANSFORM, m, this.errorMsg)); // destroyMatch(m); return null; } } else if (!this.options.hasOption(GraTraOptions.CONSISTENT_ONLY)) { try { // break after inconsistent step // fireGraTra(new GraTraEvent(this, GraTraEvent.MATCH_VALID, m)); co_match = StaticStep.execute(m); // co_match = StaticStep.executeColimBased(m); if ((co_match != null) && !checkGraphConsistency(m.getRule(), m.getTarget())) { this.consistentGraph = false; } } catch (TypeException e) { this.errorMsg = e.getMessage(); fireGraTra(new GraTraEvent(this, GraTraEvent.CANNOT_TRANSFORM, m, this.errorMsg)); // destroyMatch(m); return null; } } else { // GraTraOptions.CONSISTENT_ONLY boolean validStep = false; // consistentGraph = false; // try to make consistent step try { co_match = this.makeTestStep(m); validStep = true; this.consistentGraph = this.checkGraphConsistencyForComatch(m, (OrdinaryMorphism) co_match); // do dispose, because co_match was a test comatch only! co_match.dispose(); co_match = null; } catch (TypeException ex) { this.errorMsg = ex.getLocalizedMessage(); } // try to find next completion while ((!validStep || !this.consistentGraph) && m.nextCompletion()) { if (m.isValid()) { // try to make consistent step try { co_match = this.makeTestStep(m); validStep = true; this.consistentGraph = this.checkGraphConsistencyForComatch(m, (OrdinaryMorphism) co_match); // do dispose, because co_match was a test co-match only! co_match.dispose(); co_match = null; if (this.consistentGraph) { break; } } catch (TypeException ex) { this.errorMsg = ex.getLocalizedMessage(); } } } if (!validStep) { fireGraTra(new GraTraEvent(this, GraTraEvent.CANNOT_TRANSFORM, m, this.errorMsg)); return null; } else if (this.consistentGraph) { fireGraTra(new GraTraEvent(this, GraTraEvent.MATCH_VALID, m)); // now make the current step try { co_match = StaticStep.execute(m); // co_match = StaticStep.executeColimBased(m); } catch (TypeException e) { this.errorMsg = e.getMessage(); fireGraTra(new GraTraEvent(this, GraTraEvent.CANNOT_TRANSFORM, m, this.errorMsg)); // destroyMatch(m); return null; } } else { this.errorMsg = "Graph inconsistency after transformation."; } } if (co_match != null) { // hostgraph = co.getImage(); fireGraTra(new GraTraEvent(this, GraTraEvent.STEP_COMPLETED, m)); //, co)); // destroyMatch(m); } if (!this.consistentGraph) { fireGraTra(new GraTraEvent(this, GraTraEvent.INCONSISTENT, m)); // destroyMatch(m); } return co_match; } } public boolean step(final Match m) { return ((m != null) && (apply(m) != null))? true: false; } public boolean apply(Rule r) { synchronized (r) { // this // System.gc(); // long time0 = System.currentTimeMillis(); this.stoppingRule = false; boolean result = false; boolean valid = false; this.currentMatch = r.getMatch(); if (this.currentMatch == null) { this.currentMatch = this.grammar.createMatch(r); this.currentMatch.setCompletionStrategy( (MorphCompletionStrategy) this.strategy.clone(), true); // strategy.showProperties(); } else if (this.updateTypeObjectsMapAfterStep) { this.currentMatch.setTypeObjectsMapChanged(true); } boolean parallelApply = true; boolean is_applied = false; // int matchCompletions = 0; // time0 = System.currentTimeMillis(); while (parallelApply) { if (!isInputParameterSet(r.getLeft(), true, this.currentMatch)) { fireGraTra( new GraTraEvent(this, GraTraEvent.INPUT_PARAMETER_NOT_SET, this.currentMatch)); } if(this.stopping || this.stoppingRule) { // this.destroyMatch(currentMatch); this.currentMatch.clear(); return false; } if(this.pauseRule) return false; valid = false; while (!valid) { if (this.currentMatch.nextCompletion()) { if (this.currentMatch.isValid()) { valid = true; // matchCompletions++; if (r.isParallelApplyEnabled() && this.currentMatch.typeObjectsMapChanged) { this.currentMatch.typeObjectsMapChanged = false; this.updateTypeObjectsMapAfterStep = false; // das hat Auswirkung auf den naechsten Aufruf // von nextCompletion(): // die Graphaenderungen nach dem Step werden // NICHT BEACHTET!!! } } else { this.errorMsg = this.currentMatch.getErrorMsg(); this.currentMatch.clear(); } } else { this.errorMsg = this.currentMatch.getErrorMsg(); break; } } if (valid) { fireGraTra(new GraTraEvent(this, GraTraEvent.MATCH_VALID, this.currentMatch)); if (!isInputParameterSet(r.getRight(), false, this.currentMatch)) { fireGraTra(new GraTraEvent(this, GraTraEvent.INPUT_PARAMETER_NOT_SET, this.currentMatch)); } // if(stopping || stoppingRule) { // if (currentMatch != null) { // currentMatch.clear(); // } // return false; // } // // if(pauseRule) // return false; try { // check attr context: variables only boolean checkVarsOnly = true; this.currentMatch.getAttrContext().getVariables() .getAttrManager().checkIfReadyToTransform( this.currentMatch.getAttrContext(), checkVarsOnly); } catch (AttrException ex) { fireGraTra(new GraTraEvent(this, GraTraEvent.NOT_READY_TO_TRANSFORM, r.getName())); // destroyMatch(currentMatch); return false; } Morphism coMatch = apply(this.currentMatch); if (coMatch != null) { this.errorMsg = ""; is_applied = true; this.currentMatch.clear(); // destroyMatch(this.currentMatch); coMatch = null; result = true; } else { valid = false; fireGraTra(new GraTraEvent(this, GraTraEvent.NO_COMPLETION, this.currentMatch, this.errorMsg)); this.currentMatch.clear(); // destroyMatch(currentMatch); result = false; } } else { fireGraTra(new GraTraEvent(this, GraTraEvent.NO_COMPLETION, this.currentMatch, this.currentMatch.getErrorMsg())); this.currentMatch.clear(); // destroyMatch(currentMatch); result = false; } // if (r.isParallelApplyEnabled()) { if (!valid) { parallelApply = false; this.currentMatch.typeObjectsMapChanged = true; this.updateTypeObjectsMapAfterStep = true; } if (is_applied) result = true; } else { parallelApply = false; break; } // } return result; } } public void enableWriteLogFile(boolean b) { this.writeLogFile = b; } public abstract boolean apply(); public abstract Pair<Morphism, Morphism> derivation(Match m); public abstract void transform(List<Rule> ruleSet); public abstract void transform(); public abstract boolean transformationDone(); public boolean isGraphConsistent() { return this.consistentGraph; } public void stop() { this.stopping = true; this.pauseRule = false; } public void unsetStop() { this.stopping = false; this.stoppingRule = false; this.pauseRule = false; } public void stopRule() { this.stoppingRule = true; this.pauseRule = false; } public void pauseRule(boolean pause) { this.pauseRule = pause; } /** * @deprecated * replaced by <code>pauseRule(boolean pause)</code> */ public void pauseRule() { this.pauseRule = true; } public boolean isPaused() { return this.pauseRule; } public String getErrorMsg() { return this.errorMsg; } public void doUpdateTypeObjectsMapAfterStep(boolean b) { this.updateTypeObjectsMapAfterStep = b; } public synchronized void removeGraTraListener(GraTraEventListener l) { if (this.graTraListeners.contains(l)) { this.graTraListeners.removeElement(l); } } public synchronized void addGraTraListener(GraTraEventListener l) { if (!this.graTraListeners.contains(l)) { this.graTraListeners.addElement(l); } } public synchronized boolean containsGraTraListener(GraTraEventListener l) { if (this.graTraListeners.contains(l)) { return true; } return false; } protected void fireGraTra(GraTraEvent e) { int count = this.graTraListeners.size(); for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) { this.graTraListeners.elementAt(i).graTraEventOccurred(e); } } protected void setRuleSet() { if (this.grammar != null) { this.currentRuleSet.addAll(this.grammar.getListOfRules()); // Iterator<Rule> rules = grammar.getListOfRules().iterator(); // while ((rules.hasNext())) { // Rule r =; // currentRuleSet.addElement(r); // } } } protected boolean isInputParameterSet( final Graph g, boolean left, final Match match) { if (match == null || match.getAttrContext().getVariables().getNumberOfEntries() == 0) return true; // boolean set = true; final AttrConditionTuple act = match.getAttrContext().getConditions(); final AttrVariableTuple avt = match.getAttrContext().getVariables(); for (int i = 0; i < avt.getNumberOfEntries(); i++) { VarMember v = avt.getVarMemberAt(i); if (v.isInputParameter() && !v.isSet()) { if (g.isUsingVariable(v)) { // fireGraTra(new // GraTraEvent(this,GraTraEvent.PARAMETER_NOT_SET,match)); return false; } if (left) { if (v.getMark() == VarMember.RHS) { } else if (v.getMark() == VarMember.LHS) { return false; } else { return (!match.getRule().nacIsUsingVariable(v, act) && !match.getRule().pacIsUsingVariable(v, act)); } } } } return true; } protected boolean checkGraphConsistency(Rule r, Graph g) { // check graph consistancy after applying rule if (this.grammar.isLayered()) { List<Formula> constraints = this.grammar.getConstraintsForLayer(-1); // first check global constraints if (this.grammar.checkGraphConsistency(g, constraints)) { constraints = this.grammar.getConstraintsForLayer(r.getLayer()); // now for the layer only if (this.grammar.checkGraphConsistency(g, constraints)) return true; return false; } return false; } else if (this.grammar.trafoByPriority()) { Vector<Formula> constraints = this.grammar.getConstraintsForPriority(-1); // first check global constraints if (this.grammar.checkGraphConsistency(g, constraints)) { constraints = this.grammar .getConstraintsForPriority(r.getPriority()); // now for the priority only if (this.grammar.checkGraphConsistency(g, constraints)) return true; return false; } return false; } else if (this.grammar.checkGraphConsistency(g)) return true; else return false; } /* * occurred */ protected OrdinaryMorphism makeTestStep(Match m) throws TypeException { // make test step to check graph constraints BaseFactory bf = BaseFactory.theFactory(); OrdinaryMorphism copy = m.getImage().isomorphicCopy(); if (copy == null) { throw new TypeException("Undefined error occurred during construction of test step."); } copy.getImage().setCompleteGraph(true); OrdinaryMorphism com = m.compose(copy); Match m2 = bf.makeMatch(m.getRule(), com); if (m2 != null) { m2.adaptAttrContextValues(m.getAttrContext()); try { OrdinaryMorphism co_match = (OrdinaryMorphism) StaticStep.execute(m2); // OrdinaryMorphism co_match = (OrdinaryMorphism) StaticStep.executeColimBased(m2); return co_match; } catch (TypeException ex) { System.out.println(ex.getLocalizedMessage()); m2.dispose(); com.dispose(); copy.dispose(); throw (ex); } } com.dispose(); copy.dispose(); throw new TypeException("Undefined error occurred during construction of test step."); } protected boolean checkGraphConsistencyForComatch(final Match m, final OrdinaryMorphism co_match) { if (co_match != null) { boolean result = false; if (this.grammar.isLayered()) { List<Formula> constraints = this.grammar.getConstraintsForLayer(-1); // first check global constraints if (this.grammar.checkGraphConsistency(co_match.getImage(), constraints)) { constraints =this. grammar.getConstraintsForLayer(m.getRule().getLayer()); // now for the layer only if (this.grammar.checkGraphConsistency(co_match.getImage(), constraints)) result = true; else result = false; } else { result = false; } co_match.dispose(); return result; } else if (this.grammar.trafoByPriority()) { Vector<Formula> constraints = this.grammar.getConstraintsForPriority(-1); // first check global constraints if (this.grammar.checkGraphConsistency(co_match.getImage(), constraints)) { constraints = this.grammar.getConstraintsForPriority(m.getRule().getPriority()); // now for the priority only if (this.grammar.checkGraphConsistency(co_match.getImage(), constraints)) result = true; else result = false; } else { result = false; } co_match.dispose(); return result; } else if (this.grammar.checkGraphConsistency(co_match.getImage())) { result = true; } else { result = false; } co_match.dispose(); return result; } return false; } protected boolean checkGraphConsistency(Match m) { // make test step to check graph constraints BaseFactory bf = BaseFactory.theFactory(); OrdinaryMorphism copy = m.getImage().isomorphicCopy(); if (copy == null) return false; copy.getImage().setCompleteGraph(true); OrdinaryMorphism com = m.compose(copy); Match m2 = bf.makeMatch(m.getRule(), com); if (m2 != null) { m2.adaptAttrContextValues(m.getAttrContext()); try { OrdinaryMorphism co_match = (OrdinaryMorphism) StaticStep.execute(m2); // OrdinaryMorphism co_match = (OrdinaryMorphism) StaticStep.executeColimBased(m2); if (co_match != null) { boolean result = false; if (this.grammar.isLayered()) { List<Formula> constraints = this.grammar.getConstraintsForLayer(-1); // first check global constraints if (this.grammar.checkGraphConsistency(co_match.getImage(), constraints)) { constraints = this.grammar.getConstraintsForLayer(m .getRule().getLayer()); // now for the layer only if (this.grammar.checkGraphConsistency(co_match .getImage(), constraints)) result = true; else result = false; } else result = false; co_match.dispose(); m2.dispose(); com.dispose(); copy.dispose(); return result; } else if (this.grammar.trafoByPriority()) { Vector<Formula> constraints = this.grammar .getConstraintsForPriority(-1); // first check global constraints if (this.grammar.checkGraphConsistency(co_match.getImage(), constraints)) { constraints = this.grammar.getConstraintsForPriority(m .getRule().getPriority()); // now for the priority only if (this.grammar.checkGraphConsistency(co_match .getImage(), constraints)) result = true; else result = false; } else result = false; co_match.dispose(); m2.dispose(); com.dispose(); copy.dispose(); return result; } else if (this.grammar.checkGraphConsistency(co_match .getImage())) { result = true; } else result = false; co_match.dispose(); m2.dispose(); com.dispose(); copy.dispose(); return result; } m2.dispose(); com.dispose(); copy.dispose(); return false; } catch (TypeException e) { System.out.println(e.getLocalizedMessage()); m2.dispose(); com.dispose(); copy.dispose(); return false; } } com.dispose(); copy.dispose(); return false; } protected boolean checkGraphConsistency() { if (this.grammar == null) return true; List<Formula> constraints = null; if (this.grammar.isLayered()) constraints = this.grammar.getConstraintsForLayer(-1); else if (this.grammar.trafoByPriority()) constraints = this.grammar.getConstraintsForPriority(-1); else constraints = this.grammar.getGlobalConstraints(); if (this.grammar.checkGraphConsistency(this.grammar.getGraph(), constraints)) { return true; } String msgstr = " Constraint:"+this.grammar.getConsistencyErrorMsg()+"- failed."; fireGraTra(new GraTraEvent(this,GraTraEvent.INCONSISTENT, msgstr)); return false; } protected boolean checkGraphConsistencyForLayer(int layer) { if (this.grammar == null) return true; List<Formula> constraints = this.grammar.getConstraintsForLayer(layer); if (this.grammar.checkGraphConsistency(this.grammar.getGraph(), constraints)) return true; String msgstr = " Layer: "+layer+" Constraint:"+this.grammar.getConsistencyErrorMsg()+"- failed."; fireGraTra(new GraTraEvent(this, GraTraEvent.INCONSISTENT, msgstr)); return false; } protected boolean checkGraphConsistencyForPriority(int priority) { if (this.grammar == null) return true; List<Formula> constraints = this.grammar.getConstraintsForPriority(priority); if (this.grammar.checkGraphConsistency(this.grammar.getGraph(), constraints)) return true; String msgstr = " Priority: "+priority+" Constraint:"+this.grammar.getConsistencyErrorMsg()+"- failed."; fireGraTra(new GraTraEvent(this,GraTraEvent.INCONSISTENT, msgstr)); return false; } //=================================================== /** * Try to apply the specified RuleScheme by creating an amalgamated rule * and amalgamated match. Such an amalgamated match is a union of all valid matches * of each multi rule based on the valid match of the kernel rule of the scheme. * * NOTE: This work still in progress. */ public boolean apply(final RuleScheme rs) { synchronized (this) { // long time0 = System.currentTimeMillis(); this.stoppingRule = false; boolean result = false; this.currentMatch = rs.getMatch(); if (this.currentMatch == null) { if (!rs.isInputParameterSet(true)) fireGraTra(new GraTraEvent(this, GraTraEvent.INPUT_PARAMETER_NOT_SET, rs)); this.currentMatch = rs.getMatch(this.hostgraph, this.strategy); } if (this.currentMatch == null) { fireGraTra(new GraTraEvent(this, GraTraEvent.MATCH_FAILED, "Amalgamated match failed.\n"+rs.getErrorMsg())); return false; } fireGraTra(new GraTraEvent(this, GraTraEvent.MATCH_VALID, this.currentMatch)); if(this.stopping || this.stoppingRule) { rs.disposeAmalgamatedRule(); return false; } if(this.pauseRule) return false; try { // check attr context: variables only boolean checkVarsOnly = true; this.currentMatch.getAttrContext().getVariables() .getAttrManager().checkIfReadyToTransform( this.currentMatch.getAttrContext(), checkVarsOnly); } catch (AttrException ex) { fireGraTra(new GraTraEvent(this, GraTraEvent.NOT_READY_TO_TRANSFORM, rs.getName())); rs.disposeAmalgamatedRule(); return false; } Morphism coMatch = apply(this.currentMatch); if (coMatch != null) { this.errorMsg = ""; rs.disposeAmalgamatedRule(); coMatch = null; result = true; } else { fireGraTra(new GraTraEvent(this, GraTraEvent.MATCH_FAILED, this.errorMsg)); rs.disposeAmalgamatedRule(); result = false; } return result; } } protected boolean isInputParameterSet( final RuleScheme rs, boolean left) { return rs.isInputParameterSet(left); } }