package agg.util.colim; import java.util.Enumeration; /** * A IntBuffer is a sequence that is very similar to a regular * IntArray, except that it can expand to accommodate new elements. * <p> * The implementation store elements in a contiguous linear memory space * so that index-based access is very quick. When an IntBuffer's originally * allocated memory space is exceeded, its elements are copied into a new * memory space that is large enough to accommodate everything. * <p> * If an insertion causes reallocation, all iterators and references are * invalidated; otherwise, only the iterators and references after the * insertion point are invalidated. * <p> * A remove invalidates all of the iterators and references after the point * of the remove. */ public class IntBuffer implements Container { static final int HASH_SIZE = 16; final static int defaultValue = 0; int storage[]; // My storage. int length; // The number of objects I currently contain. /** * Construct myself to be an empty IntBuffer. */ public IntBuffer(){ clear(); } /** * Construct myself to contain a specified number of null elements. * @param size The number of elements to contain. * @exception java.lang.IllegalArgumentException If size is negative. */ public IntBuffer( int size ){ if ( size < 0 ) throw new IllegalArgumentException( "Attempt to create an IntBuffer with a negative size" ); length = size; storage = new int[ length ]; } /** * Construct myself to contain a specified number of elements set to * a particular object. * @param size The number of elements to contain. * @param object The initial value of each element. * @exception java.lang.IllegalArgumentException If size is negative. */ public IntBuffer( int size, int object ){ this( size ); for ( int i = 0; i < length; i++ ) storage[ i ] = object; } /** * Construct myself to use a specified array as my initial storage. * @param array t is used as initial storage. */ public IntBuffer( int array[] ){ this( array, true ); } IntBuffer( int array[], boolean copyBuffer ){ synchronized( array ){ length = array.length; if ( copyBuffer ){ storage = new int[ length ]; System.arraycopy( array, 0, storage, 0, length ); } else storage = array; } } /** * Construct myself to be a copy of an existing IntBuffer. * @param array The IntBuffer to copy. */ public IntBuffer( IntBuffer array ){ this( ); } /** * Return a shallow copy of myself. */ public synchronized Object clone(){ return new IntBuffer( this ); } /** * Return true if I'm equal to another object. * @param object The object to compare myself against. */ public boolean equals( Object object ){ return object instanceof IntBuffer && equals( (IntBuffer)object ) || object instanceof IntArray && equals( (IntArray)object ); } /** * Return true if I contain the same items in the same order as * another IntBuffer. * @param buffer The IntBuffer to compare myself against. */ public boolean equals( IntBuffer buffer ){ return equals( new IntArray( ) ); } /** * Return true if I contain the same items in the same order as * a IntArray. * @param array The IntArray to compare myself against. */ public synchronized boolean equals( IntArray array ){ return array.equals( storage ); } /** * Return true if I contain the same items in the same order as * a native array of ints. * @param array The array to compare myself against. */ public boolean equals( int array[] ){ return equals( new IntArray( array ) ); } /** * Return a string that describes me. */ @SuppressWarnings("rawtypes") public synchronized String toString() { StringBuffer buffer = new StringBuffer( "IntBuffer" ); buffer.append( "(" ); boolean first = true; java.util.Enumeration iter = this.begin(); while ( iter.hasMoreElements() ){ if ( first ){ buffer.append( " " ); first = false; } else buffer.append( ", " ); buffer.append( iter.nextElement() ); } if ( first ) buffer.append( ")" ); else buffer.append( " )" ); return buffer.toString(); } /** * Become a shallow copy of an existing IntBuffer. * @param buffer The IntBuffer that I shall become a shallow copy of. */ public synchronized void copy( IntBuffer buffer ){ if ( this == buffer ) return; synchronized( buffer ){ if ( buffer.length > storage.length ){ storage = buffer.get(); } else{ System.arraycopy(, 0, storage, 0, buffer.length ); for ( int i = buffer.length; i < length; ++i ) storage[ i ] = defaultValue; // To avoid suprises later } length = buffer.length; } } /** * Copy my elements into the specified array. * The number of items that are copied is equal to the smaller of my * length and the size of the specified array. * @param array The array that I shall copy my elements into. */ public synchronized void copyTo( int[] array ){ synchronized( array ){ System.arraycopy( storage, 0, array, 0, Math.min( length, array.length ) ); } } /** * Retrieve the underlying primitive array. */ public synchronized int[] get(){ int data[] = new int[ length ]; copyTo( data ); return data; } /** * Return my hash code for support of hashing containers */ public synchronized int hashCode(){ return orderedHash( begin(), length ); } /** * Return true if I contain no objects. */ public boolean isEmpty(){ return size() == 0; } /** * Return my last element. */ public Object back(){ return at( size() - 1 ); } /** * Return my first element. */ public Object front(){ return at( 0 ); } /** * Return the number of entries that I contain. */ public int size(){ return length; } /** * Return the number of elements that I contain without allocating more * internal storage. */ public int capacity(){ return storage.length; } /** * Return the maximum number of entries that I can contain. */ public int maxSize(){ return Integer.MAX_VALUE; } /** * Return the element at the specified index. * @param index The index. * @exception java.lang.IndexOutOfBoundsException If the index is invalid. */ public Object at( int index ){ return new Integer( intAt( index ) ); } /** * Return the int at the specified index. * @param index The index. * @exception java.lang.IndexOutOfBoundsException If the index is invalid. */ public synchronized int intAt( int index ){ IntArray.checkIndex( index, length ); return storage[ index ]; } /** * Set the element at the specified index to a particular object. * @param index The index. * @param object The object. * @exception java.lang.IndexOutOfBoundsException If the index is invalid. */ public synchronized void put( int index, Object object ){ put( index, asInt( object ) ); } /** * Set the int at the specified index to a particular value. * @param index The index. * @param object The value. * @exception java.lang.IndexOutOfBoundsException If the index is invalid. */ public synchronized void put( int index, int object ){ IntArray.checkIndex( index, length ); storage[ index ] = object; } /** * Remove all of my elements. */ public synchronized void clear(){ storage = new int[ IntArray.DEFAULT_SIZE ]; length = 0; } /** * Remove the element at a particular index. * @param index The index of the element to remove. * @return The object removed. * @exception java.lang.IndexOutOfBoundsException If the index is invalid. */ public synchronized Object remove( int index ){ IntArray.checkIndex( index, length ); Object retval = new Integer( storage[ index ] ); System.arraycopy( storage, index + 1, storage, index, length - index - 1 ); storage[ --length ] = defaultValue; return retval; } /** * Remove the elements within a range of indices. * @param first The index of the first element to remove. * @param last The index of the last element to remove. * @return The number of elements removed. * @exception java.lang.IndexOutOfBoundsException If either index is invalid. */ public synchronized int remove( int first, int last ){ if ( last < first ) return 0; IntArray.checkRange( first, last, length ); int amount = last - first + 1; System.arraycopy( storage, last + 1, storage, first, length - last - 1 ); for ( int i = length - amount; i < length; i++ ) storage[ i ] = defaultValue; length -= amount; return amount; } /** * Remove and return my last element. * @exception com.objectspace.jgl.RuntimeException If the IntBuffer is empty. */ public synchronized Object popBack(){ if ( length == 0 ) throw new RuntimeException( "IntBuffer is empty" ); Object r = new Integer( storage[ --length ] ); storage[ length ] = defaultValue; return r; } /** * Add an object after my last element. Returns null. * This function is a synonym for pushBack(). * @param object The object to add. */ public synchronized Object add( Object object ){ add( asInt( object ) ); return null; } /** * Add a int after my last element. Returns null. * This function is a synonym for pushBack(). * @param object The object to add. */ public synchronized void add( int object ){ if ( length == storage.length ) { int[] tmp = getNextStorage( 1 ); copyTo( tmp ); storage = tmp; } storage[ length++ ] = object; } /** * Add an object after my last element. * @param object to add. */ public void pushBack( Object object ){ add( asInt( object ) ); } /** * Add a int after my last element. * @param object to add. */ public void pushBack( int object ){ add( object ); } /** * Insert an object at a particular position and return an iterator * positioned at the new element. * @param pos An iterator positioned at the element that the object will be inserted immediately before. * @param object The object to insert. */ public IntIterator insert( IntIterator pos, Object object ){ return insert( pos, asInt( object ) ); } /** * Insert a value at a particular position and return an iterator * positioned at the new element. * @param pos An iterator positioned at the element that the object will be inserted immediately before. * @param object The object to insert. */ public IntIterator insert( IntIterator pos, int object ){ insert( pos.index, object ); return new IntIterator( this, pos.index ); } /** * Insert an object at a particular index. * @param index The index of the element that the object will be inserted immediately before. * @param object The object to insert. * @exception java.lang.IndexOutOfBoundsException If the index is invalid. */ public void insert( int index, Object object ){ insert( index, asInt( object ) ); } /** * Insert a value at a particular index. * @param index The index of the element that the object will be inserted immediately before. * @param object The value to insert. * @exception java.lang.IndexOutOfBoundsException If the index is invalid. */ public synchronized void insert( int index, int object ){ IntArray.checkIndex( index, length + 1 ); if ( length != storage.length ) { if ( index != length ) System.arraycopy( storage, index, storage, index + 1, length - index ); } else{ int[] tmp = getNextStorage( 1 ); System.arraycopy( storage, 0, tmp, 0, index ); System.arraycopy( storage, index, tmp, index + 1, length - index ); storage = tmp; } storage[ index ] = object; ++length; } /** * Insert multiple objects at a particular position. * @param pos An iterator positioned at the element before which the * elements will be inserted. * @param n The number of objects to insert. * @param object The object to insert. */ public void insert( IntIterator pos, int n, Object object ){ insert( pos, n, asInt( object ) ); } /** * Insert multiple values at a particular position. * @param pos An iterator positioned at the element before which the * elements will be inserted. * @param n The number of values to insert. * @param object The value to insert. */ public void insert( IntIterator pos, int n, int object ){ insert( pos.index, n, object ); } /** * Insert multiple objects at a particular index. * @param index The index of the element immediately before the values will * be inserted. * @param object The object to insert. * @exception java.lang.IndexOutOfBoundsException If the index is invalid. * @exception java.lang.IllegalArgumentException If the number of values * is negative. */ public void insert( int index, int n, Object object ){ insert( index, n, asInt( object ) ); } /** * Insert multiple objects at a particular index. * @param index The index of the element immediately before the values will * be inserted. * @param object The value to insert. * @exception java.lang.IndexOutOfBoundsException If the index is invalid. * @exception java.lang.IllegalArgumentException If the number of values * is negative. */ public synchronized void insert( int index, int n, int object ){ if ( n < 0 ) throw new IllegalArgumentException( "Attempt to insert a negative number of objects." ); if ( n == 0 ) return; IntArray.checkIndex( index, length + 1 ); if ( storage.length - length >= n ){ System.arraycopy( storage, index, storage, index + n, length - index ); } else{ int[] tmp = getNextStorage( n ); System.arraycopy( storage, 0, tmp, 0, index ); System.arraycopy( storage, index, tmp, index + n, length - index ); storage = tmp; } for ( int i = index; i < index + n; i++ ) storage[ i ] = object; length += n; } /** * Insert a sequence of objects at a particular location. * @param pos The location of the element that the objects will be inserted immediately before. * @param first An iterator positioned at the first element to insert. * @param last An iterator positioned immediately after the last element to insert. */ public void insert( IntIterator pos, ForwardIterator first, ForwardIterator last ){ insert( pos.index, first, last ); } /** * Insert a sequence of objects at a particular index. * @param index The index of the element that the objects will be inserted immediately before. * @param first An iterator positioned at the first element to insert. * @param last An iterator positioned immediately after the last element to insert. */ public synchronized void insert( int index, ForwardIterator first, ForwardIterator last ){ int n = first.distance( last ); if ( n == 0 ) return; ForwardIterator firstx = (ForwardIterator)first.clone(); if ( storage.length - length >= n ){ System.arraycopy( storage, index, storage, index + n, length - index ); } else{ int[] tmp = getNextStorage( n ); System.arraycopy( storage, 0, tmp, 0, index ); System.arraycopy( storage, index, tmp, index + n, length - index ); storage = tmp; } length += n; for ( int i = index; i < index + n; i++ ) put( i, firstx.nextElement() ); } /** * Swap my contents with another IntBuffer. * @param array The IntBuffer that I will swap my contents with. */ public synchronized void swap( IntBuffer array ){ synchronized( array ){ int oldLength = length; int oldStorage[] = storage; length = array.length; storage =; array.length = oldLength; = oldStorage; } } /** * Return an Enumeration of my components. */ @SuppressWarnings("rawtypes") public Enumeration elements(){ return new IntIterator( this, 0 ); } /** * Return an iterator positioned at my first item. */ public synchronized IntIterator begin(){ return new IntIterator( this, 0 ); } /** * Return an iterator positioned immediately after my last item. */ public synchronized IntIterator end(){ return new IntIterator( this, length ); } /** * If my storage space is currently larger than my total number of elements, * reallocate the elements into a storage space that is exactly the right size. */ public synchronized void trimToSize(){ if ( length < storage.length ) storage = get(); } /** * Pre-allocate enough space to hold a specified number of elements. * This operation does not change the value returned by size(). * @param n The amount of space to pre-allocate. * @exception java.lang.IllegalArgumentException If the specified size is negative. */ public synchronized void ensureCapacity( int n ){ if ( n < 0 ) throw new IllegalArgumentException( "Attempt to reserve a negative size." ); if ( storage.length < n ){ int[] tmp = new int[ n ]; if ( length > 0 ) System.arraycopy( storage, 0, tmp, 0, length ); storage = tmp; } } /** * Remove and return my first element. * @exception RuntimeException If the IntBuffer is empty. */ public synchronized Object popFront(){ if ( length == 0 ) throw new RuntimeException( "IntBuffer is empty" ); Object result = new Integer( storage[ 0 ] ); remove( 0 ); return result; } /** * Insert an object in front of my first element. * @param object The object to insert. */ public void pushFront( Object object ){ insert( 0, object ); } /** * Insert a value in front of my first element. * @param object The object to insert. */ public void pushFront( int object ){ insert( 0, object ); } /** * Remove all elements that match a particular object and return the number of * objects that were removed. * @param object The object to remove. */ public int remove( Object object ){ return remove( object, length ); } /** * Remove at most a given number of elements that match a particular * object and return the number of * objects that were removed. * @param object The object to remove. * @param count The maximum number of objects to remove. */ public synchronized int remove( Object object, int count ){ int tmp = asInt( object ); int removed = 0; while ( count > 0 ){ int i = indexOf( tmp ); if ( i < 0 ) break; --count; ++removed; remove( i ); } return removed; } /** * Replace all elements that match a particular object with a new value and return * the number of objects that were replaced. * @param oldValue The object to be replaced. * @param newValue The value to substitute. */ public int replace( Object oldValue, Object newValue ){ return replace( asInt( oldValue ), asInt( newValue ) ); } /** * Replace all ints that match a particular object with a new value and return * the number of objects that were replaced. * @param oldValue The int to be replaced. * @param newValue The value to substitute. */ public int replace( int oldValue, int newValue ){ return replace( 0, length - 1, oldValue, newValue ); } /** * Replace all elements within a range of indices that match a particular object * with a new value and return the number of objects that were replaced. * @param first The index of the first object to be considered. * @param last The index just past the last object to be considered. * @param oldValue The object to be replaced. * @param newValue The value to substitute. * @exception java.lang.IndexOutOfBoundsException If either index is invalid. */ public int replace( int first, int last, Object oldValue, Object newValue ){ return replace( first, last, asInt( oldValue ), asInt( newValue ) ); } /** * Replace all values within a range of indices that match a particular int * with a new value and return the number of objects that were replaced. * @param first The index of the first element to be considered. * @param last The index just past the last element to be considered. * @param oldValue The int to be replaced. * @param newValue The value to substitute. * @exception java.lang.IndexOutOfBoundsException If either index is invalid. */ public synchronized int replace( int first, int last, int oldValue, int newValue ){ IntArray.checkRange( first, last, length ); int n = 0; while ( first < last ){ if ( storage[ first ] == oldValue ){ storage[ first ] = newValue; ++n; } ++first; } return n; } /** * Return the number of objects that match a particular value. * @param object The object to count. */ public int count( Object object ){ return count( asInt( object ) ); } /** * Return the number of objects that equal a particular value. * @param object The int to count. */ public int count( int object ){ return count( 0, length - 1, object ); } /** * Return the number of objects within a particular range of indices * that match a particular value. * @param first The index of the first object to consider. * @param last The index of the last object to consider. * @exception java.lang.IndexOutOfBoundsException If either index is * invalid. */ public int count( int first, int last, Object object ){ return count( first, last, asInt( object ) ); } /** * Return the number of objects within a particular range of indices * that match a particular int. * @param first The index of the first object to consider. * @param last The index of the last object to consider. * @exception java.lang.IndexOutOfBoundsException If either index is * invalid. */ public synchronized int count( int first, int last, int object ){ IntArray.checkRange( first, last, length ); int n = 0; while ( first < last ) { if ( storage[ first ] == object ) ++n; ++first; } return n; } /** * Return the index of the first object that matches a particular value, or * -1 if the object is not found. Uses .equals() to find a match * @param object The object to find. * @exception java.lang.ClassCastException if objects are not Boolean */ public int indexOf( Object object ){ return indexOf( asInt( object ) ); } /** * Return the index of the first int that matches a particular value, * or -1 if the value is not found. * @param object The int to find. */ public int indexOf( int object ){ return indexOf( 0, length - 1, object ); } /** * Return the index of the first object within a range of indices that * match a particular object, or -1 if the object is not found. * @param first The index of the first object to consider. * @param last The index of the last object to consider. * @param object The object to find. * @exception java.lang.IndexOutOfBoundsException If either index is * invalid. */ public int indexOf( int first, int last, Object object ){ return indexOf( first, last, asInt( object ) ); } /** * Return the index of the first int within a range of indices that * match a particular value, or -1 if the int is not found. * @param first The index of the first value to consider. * @param last The index of the last value to consider. * @param object The value to find. * @exception java.lang.IndexOutOfBoundsException If either index is * invalid. */ public synchronized int indexOf( int first, int last, int object ){ if ( last < first ) return -1; IntArray.checkRange( first, last, length ); for ( ; first < last; ++first ) if ( storage[ first ] == object ) return first; return -1; } /** * Sets the size of the IntBuffer. if the size shrinks, the extra elements (at * the end of the array) are lost; if the size increases, the new elements * are set to null. * @param newSize The new size of the IntBuffer. */ public synchronized void setSize( int newSize ){ if ( newSize < 0 ) throw new IllegalArgumentException( "Attempt to become a negative size." ); if ( length > newSize ) remove( newSize, length - 1 ); else if ( length < newSize ) insert( length, newSize - length, defaultValue ); } /** * Return true if I contain a particular object using .equals() * @param object The object in question. */ public boolean contains( Object object ){ return contains( asInt( object ) ); } /** * Return true if I contain a particular int. */ public boolean contains( int object ){ return indexOf( object ) != -1; } /** * Ensure that there is enough space for at least n new objects. */ private int[] getNextStorage( int n ){ int newSize = Math.max( IntArray.getNextSize( length ), length + n ); int[] tmp = new int[ newSize ]; return tmp; } static int asInt( Object object ){ return ( (Number)object ).intValue(); } final static int orderedHash( ForwardIterator iter, int length ) { int h = 0; int position = 0; int skip = 1; if ( length >= HASH_SIZE ){ skip = length / HASH_SIZE; // insure that first will always exactly reach last iter.advance( length % HASH_SIZE ); } while ( iter.hasMoreElements() ){ if ( iter.get() != null ) h ^= iter.get().hashCode() / ( ( position % HASH_SIZE ) + 1 ); ++position; iter.advance( skip ); } return h; } public static InputIterator find( InputIterator first, InputIterator last, Object object ){ InputIterator firstx = (InputIterator)first.clone(); while ( !firstx.equals( last ) && !( firstx.get().equals( object ) ) ) firstx.advance(); return firstx; } }