import; import java.util.Enumeration; import java.util.Hashtable; import java.util.Vector; import agg.parser.ConflictsDependenciesBasisGraph; import agg.parser.ConflictsDependenciesContainer; import agg.parser.CriticalPair; import agg.parser.CriticalPairData; import agg.parser.CriticalPairEvent; import agg.parser.CriticalPairOption; import agg.parser.DependencyPairContainer; import agg.parser.ExcludePairContainer; import agg.parser.PairContainer; import agg.parser.ParserEvent; import agg.parser.ParserEventListener; import agg.parser.ParserFactory; import agg.parser.ParserMessageEvent; import agg.util.Pair; import agg.util.XMLHelper; import agg.xt_basis.BaseFactory; import agg.xt_basis.GraGra; import agg.xt_basis.Graph; import agg.xt_basis.GraphObject; import agg.xt_basis.OrdinaryMorphism; import agg.xt_basis.Rule; /** * This class computes conflicts and dependencies of rule pairs. * * @author $Author: olga $ * @version $ID */ public class ComputeCriticalPairsTest implements ParserEventListener { /** Creates a new instance of the AGG critical pair analysis */ public ComputeCriticalPairsTest() { this.cpOption = new CriticalPairOption(); this.cpOption.setCriticalPairAlgorithm(CriticalPairOption.EXCLUDEONLY); this.cpOption.enableLayered(false); } public static void main(String[] args) { ComputeCriticalPairsTest ccp = new ComputeCriticalPairsTest();; } public void run(String[] args) { if (args.length == 0) { helpText(); return; } this.fname = ""; this.outfname = ""; this.pairsNumberToWrite = -1; // create an empty GraGra this.gragra = BaseFactory.theFactory().createGraGra(); implementInputParameter(args); // load a .ggx respectively .cpx file if (!loadGGXfile() && !loadCPXfile()) { System.out.println("Input file name failed."); return ; } // check whether the grammar is ready to transform resp. compute CPA String s0 = ""; Pair<Object, String> pair = this.gragra.isReadyToTransform(true); if (pair != null){ Object test = pair.first; if (test != null) { s0 = pair.second + "\nComputing CPA stopped."; System.out.println("Loaded grammar isn't ready for usage!\n" + s0); return; } } setOutputFileName(); // now compute CPA if (this.computeConflict) { computeRuleConflicts(); } if (this.computeDependency) { computeRuleDependencies(); } if (!this.saved) {; } // an exmpl. of how to check // the rules are in conflict at the host graph computeRuleConflictsAtHostGraph(this.gragra.getGraph()); } private void implementInputParameter(String[] args) { // check input parameters if (args.length == 1) { this.fname = args[0]; this.computeConflict = true; this.computeDependency = true; } else { for (int i = 0; i < args.length; i++) { if (args[i].equals("C") || args[i].equals("-C")) { // parallel rule conflicts this.cpOption .setCriticalPairAlgorithm(CriticalPairOption.EXCLUDEONLY); this.computeDependency = false; } else if (args[i].equals("D") || args[i].equals("-D")) { // sequential rule dependencies this.cpOption .setCriticalPairAlgorithm(CriticalPairOption.TRIGGER_DEPEND); this.computeConflict = false; } else if (args[i].equals("e") || args[i].equals("-e")) { // essential conflicts resp. dependencies this.cpOption.enableReduce(true); } else if (args[i].equals("nc") || args[i].equals("-nc")) { // not complete conflicts resp. dependencies this.cpOption.enableComplete(false); } else if (args[i].equals("ncc") || args[i].equals("-ncc")) { // no check of graph consistency this.cpOption.enableConsistent(false); } else if (args[i].indexOf("-w") == 0 || args[i].indexOf("w") == 0) { // write rule pairs to output file String nn = args[i].substring(1); if (args[i].indexOf("-w") == 0) nn = args[i].substring(2); try { this.pairsNumberToWrite = (new Integer(nn)).intValue(); } catch (NumberFormatException ex) { this.pairsNumberToWrite = 10; } } else if (args[i].equals("o") || args[i].equals("-o")) { // output file if ((i + 1) < args.length) { i++; this.outfname = args[i]; if ((i + 1) >= args.length) { break; } } } else this.fname = args[i]; } } } private boolean loadGGXfile() { if (this.fname.indexOf(".ggx") != -1) { System.out.println("File to load: " + this.fname); try { this.gragra.load(this.fname); } catch (Exception ex) { System.out.println("Loading file failed."); return false; } //System.out.println(this.gragra.getGraTraOptions()); this.cpOption.enableLayered(this.gragra.isLayered()); this.cpOption.enablePriority(this.gragra.trafoByPriority()); return true; } return false; } private boolean loadCPXfile() { if (this.fname.indexOf(".cpx") != -1) { System.out.println("File to load: " + this.fname); ConflictsDependenciesContainer cdc = new ConflictsDependenciesContainer(); Object o = null; XMLHelper h = new XMLHelper(); if (h.read_from_xml(this.fname)) o = h.getTopObject(cdc); if (o == null) { System.out.println("Loading file failed."); return false; } cdc = (ConflictsDependenciesContainer) o; if (cdc.getExcludePairContainer() != null) { this.excludePairContainer = cdc.getExcludePairContainer(); this.dependPairContainer = cdc.getDependencyPairContainer(); this.cpOption.enableLayered(false); this.gragra = this.excludePairContainer.getGrammar(); } else if (cdc.getDependencyPairContainer() != null) { this.excludePairContainer = cdc.getExcludePairContainer(); this.dependPairContainer = cdc.getDependencyPairContainer(); this.cpOption.enableLayered(false); this.gragra = this.dependPairContainer.getGrammar(); } else if (cdc.getLayeredExcludePairContainer() != null) { this.excludePairContainer = cdc.getLayeredExcludePairContainer(); this.dependPairContainer = cdc.getLayeredDependencyPairContainer(); this.cpOption.enableLayered(true); this.gragra = this.excludePairContainer.getGrammar(); } else if (cdc.getLayeredDependencyPairContainer() != null) { this.excludePairContainer = cdc.getLayeredExcludePairContainer(); this.dependPairContainer = cdc.getLayeredDependencyPairContainer(); this.cpOption.enableLayered(true); this.gragra = this.dependPairContainer.getGrammar(); } // System.out.println(this.gragra.getGraTraOptions()); return true; } return false; } private void computeRuleConflicts() { this.cpOption.setCriticalPairAlgorithm(CriticalPairOption.EXCLUDEONLY); // create empty rule container, if needed if (this.excludePairContainer == null) { this.excludePairContainer = ParserFactory.createEmptyCriticalPairs( this.gragra, CriticalPairOption.EXCLUDEONLY, this.cpOption.layeredEnabled()); } // set options of CPA // (see more for options // in AGG GUI / Help / Menu Guide / Preferences > Options/ Critical Pairs ((ExcludePairContainer) this.excludePairContainer) .enableComplete(this.cpOption.completeEnabled()); ((ExcludePairContainer) this.excludePairContainer).enableReduce(this.cpOption .reduceEnabled()); ((ExcludePairContainer) this.excludePairContainer) .enableConsistent(this.cpOption.consistentEnabled()); ((ExcludePairContainer) this.excludePairContainer) .enableStrongAttrCheck(this.cpOption.strongAttrCheckEnabled()); ((ExcludePairContainer) this.excludePairContainer) .enableEqualVariableNameOfAttrMapping( this.cpOption.equalVariableNameOfAttrMappingEnabled()); ((ExcludePairContainer) this.excludePairContainer) .enableIgnoreIdenticalRules(this.cpOption .ignoreIdenticalRulesEnabled()); ((ExcludePairContainer) this.excludePairContainer) .enableReduceSameMatch(this.cpOption.reduceSameMatchEnabled()); ((ExcludePairContainer) this.excludePairContainer) .enableDirectlyStrictConfluent(this.cpOption.directlyStrictConflEnabled()); ((ExcludePairContainer) this.excludePairContainer) .enableNamedObjectOnly(this.cpOption.namedObjectEnabled()); // do not forget to add PairEventListener // to be able to react to CriticalPairEvent // (see this.parserEventOccured(ParserEvent e) ) this.excludePairContainer.addPairEventListener(this); computeRuleConflictsAtHostGraph(this.gragra.getGraph()); computeRuleConflictsStepByStep(); // or to let this for the ParserFactory // System.out.println("Generating conflicts of rules ... "); // ParserFactory.generateCriticalPairs(this.excludePairContainer); } private void computeRuleConflictsStepByStep() { // now we can generate rule conflicts step by step Enumeration<Rule> rulelist1 = this.gragra.getRules(); while (rulelist1.hasMoreElements()) { Rule r1 = rulelist1.nextElement(); if (r1.isEnabled()) { Enumeration<Rule> rulelist2 = this.gragra.getRules(); while (rulelist2.hasMoreElements()) { Rule r2 = rulelist2.nextElement(); if (r2.isEnabled()) { try { // Sorry, result type of a critical rule pair is very complex! Vector<Pair<Pair<OrdinaryMorphism, OrdinaryMorphism>, Pair<OrdinaryMorphism, OrdinaryMorphism>>> resultlist = this.excludePairContainer.getCriticalPair(r1, r2, CriticalPair.EXCLUDE, true); if (resultlist != null) { System.out.println("Rule pair with conflict: ( "+r1.getName()+" , "+r2.getName()+" )"); // now you can use the CriticalPairData class to view conflicts in more readable form CriticalPairData cpdata = new CriticalPairData(r1, r2, resultlist); // see CriticalPairData methods for more infos // this is the old form of the inspection of critical pairs for (int i=0; i<resultlist.size(); i++) { Pair<Pair<OrdinaryMorphism, OrdinaryMorphism>, Pair<OrdinaryMorphism, OrdinaryMorphism>> pair = resultlist.get(i); whatIsWhatOfConflictResult(r1, r2, pair); } } else { System.out.println("Rule pair without conflict: ( "+r1.getName()+" , "+r2.getName()+" )"); } } catch (Exception ex) { System.out.println("ExcludePairContainer Exception : "+ex.getLocalizedMessage()); } } } } } } private void computeRuleConflictsAtHostGraph(final Graph g) { if (this.excludePairContainer != null) { ((ExcludePairContainer) this.excludePairContainer).enableUseHostGraph(true, g); Enumeration<Rule> rulelist1 = this.gragra.getRules(); while (rulelist1.hasMoreElements()) { Rule r1 = rulelist1.nextElement(); Enumeration<Rule> rulelist2 = this.gragra.getRules(); while (rulelist2.hasMoreElements()) { Rule r2 = rulelist2.nextElement(); Vector<Pair<Hashtable<GraphObject, GraphObject>, Hashtable<GraphObject, GraphObject>>> result = ((ExcludePairContainer) this.excludePairContainer).getCriticalPairAtGraph(r1, r2); if (result != null && !result.isEmpty()) { for (int i=0; i<result.size(); i++) { Pair<Hashtable<GraphObject, GraphObject>, Hashtable<GraphObject, GraphObject>> pair = result.get(i); System.out.println((i+1)+". conflict match of "+r1.getName()+" , "+r2.getName()+" at graph: "+g.getName()); // get the match of the rule r1 at the graph g Hashtable<GraphObject, GraphObject> matchR1 = pair.first; Enumeration<GraphObject> keys1 = matchR1.keys(); while (keys1.hasMoreElements()) { // get element of the LHS of the rule r1 GraphObject goLHS1 = keys1.nextElement(); // get element of the graph g GraphObject go = matchR1.get(goLHS1); // is this GraphObject critical? if (go.isCritical()) { System.out.println("critical graph object: "+go); } } // get the match of the rule r2 at the graph g Hashtable<GraphObject, GraphObject> matchR2 = pair.second; Enumeration<GraphObject> keys2 = matchR2.keys(); while (keys2.hasMoreElements()) { // get element of the LHS of the rule r2 GraphObject goLHS2 = keys2.nextElement(); // get element of the graph g GraphObject go = matchR2.get(goLHS2); } } } } } } } private void computeRuleDependencies() { // this.cpOption.setCriticalPairAlgorithm(CriticalPairOption.TRIGGER_DEPEND); // another possibility this.cpOption.setCriticalPairAlgorithm(CriticalPairOption.TRIGGER_SWITCH_DEPEND); // create empty rule container, if needed if (this.dependPairContainer == null) { this.dependPairContainer = ParserFactory.createEmptyCriticalPairs( this.gragra, this.cpOption.getCriticalPairAlgorithm(), this.cpOption .layeredEnabled()); } // set options of CPA ((DependencyPairContainer) this.dependPairContainer) .enableSwitchDependency(this.cpOption.switchDependencyEnabled()); ((DependencyPairContainer) this.dependPairContainer) .enableComplete(this.cpOption.completeEnabled()); ((DependencyPairContainer) this.dependPairContainer) .enableReduce(this.cpOption.reduceEnabled()); ((DependencyPairContainer) this.dependPairContainer) .enableConsistent(this.cpOption.consistentEnabled()); ((DependencyPairContainer) this.dependPairContainer) .enableStrongAttrCheck(this.cpOption.strongAttrCheckEnabled()); ((DependencyPairContainer) this.dependPairContainer) .enableEqualVariableNameOfAttrMapping( this.cpOption.equalVariableNameOfAttrMappingEnabled()); ((DependencyPairContainer) this.dependPairContainer) .enableIgnoreIdenticalRules(this.cpOption .ignoreIdenticalRulesEnabled()); ((DependencyPairContainer) this.dependPairContainer) .enableReduceSameMatch(this.cpOption.reduceSameMatchEnabled()); ((DependencyPairContainer) this.dependPairContainer) .enableDirectlyStrictConfluent(this.cpOption.directlyStrictConflEnabled()); ((DependencyPairContainer) this.dependPairContainer) .enableNamedObjectOnly(this.cpOption.namedObjectEnabled()); // do not forget to add PairEventListener this.dependPairContainer.addPairEventListener(this); computeRuleDependenciesStepByStep(); // or to let this for the ParserFactory // System.out.println("Generating dependencies of rules ... "); // ParserFactory.generateCriticalPairs(this.dependPairContainer); } private void computeRuleDependenciesStepByStep() { // now we can generate rule dependency step by step Enumeration<Rule> rulelist1 = this.gragra.getRules(); while (rulelist1.hasMoreElements()) { Rule r1 = rulelist1.nextElement(); if (r1.isEnabled()) { Enumeration<Rule> rulelist2 = this.gragra.getRules(); while (rulelist2.hasMoreElements()) { Rule r2 = rulelist2.nextElement(); if (r2.isEnabled()) { try { // Sorry, result type of a critical rule pair is very complex! Vector<Pair<Pair<OrdinaryMorphism, OrdinaryMorphism>, Pair<OrdinaryMorphism, OrdinaryMorphism>>> resultlist = this.dependPairContainer.getCriticalPair(r1, r2, CriticalPair.EXCLUDE, true); if (resultlist != null) { System.out.println("Rule pair with dependency: ( "+r1.getName()+" , "+r2.getName()+" )"); // now you can use the CriticalPairData class to view conflicts in more readable form CriticalPairData cpdata = new CriticalPairData(r1, r2, resultlist); // see CriticalPairData methods for more infos // this is the old form of the inspection of critical pairs for (int i=0; i<resultlist.size(); i++) { Pair<Pair<OrdinaryMorphism, OrdinaryMorphism>, Pair<OrdinaryMorphism, OrdinaryMorphism>> pair = resultlist.get(i); whatIsWhatOfDependencyResult(r1, r2, pair); } } else { System.out.println("Rule pair without dependency: ( "+r1.getName()+" , "+r2.getName()+" )"); } } catch (Exception ex) { System.out.println("DependencyPairContainer Exception : "+ex.getLocalizedMessage()); } } } } } } /* Implements agg.parser.ParserEventListener */ public void parserEventOccured(ParserEvent e) { // System.out.println("Computing critical pairs - "+e.getMessage()); if (e instanceof CriticalPairEvent) { if (((CriticalPairEvent) e).getKey() == CriticalPairEvent.CRITICAL || ((CriticalPairEvent) e).getKey() == CriticalPairEvent.UNCRITICAL) { if (this.nP == this.pairsNumberToWrite) { savePair(); this.nP = 0; } else this.nP++; } } else if (e instanceof ParserMessageEvent && ((ParserMessageEvent) e).getKey() == ParserEvent.FINISHED) { this.computeConflict = false; System.out.println("Computing critical rule pairs - finished."); // now continue with dependencies, if needed if (this.computeDependency) { this.cpOption.setCriticalPairAlgorithm(CriticalPairOption.TRIGGER_DEPEND); if (this.dependPairContainer == null) this.dependPairContainer = ParserFactory .createEmptyCriticalPairs(this.gragra, this.cpOption .getCriticalPairAlgorithm(), this.cpOption .layeredEnabled()); ((ExcludePairContainer) this.dependPairContainer) .enableComplete(this.cpOption.completeEnabled()); ((ExcludePairContainer) this.dependPairContainer) .enableReduce(this.cpOption.reduceEnabled()); ((ExcludePairContainer) this.dependPairContainer) .enableConsistent(this.cpOption.consistentEnabled()); ((ExcludePairContainer) this.dependPairContainer) .enableStrongAttrCheck(this.cpOption.strongAttrCheckEnabled()); ((ExcludePairContainer) this.dependPairContainer) .enableEqualVariableNameOfAttrMapping( this.cpOption.equalVariableNameOfAttrMappingEnabled()); ((ExcludePairContainer) this.dependPairContainer) .enableIgnoreIdenticalRules(this.cpOption.ignoreIdenticalRulesEnabled()); ((ExcludePairContainer) this.dependPairContainer) .enableReduceSameMatch(this.cpOption.reduceSameMatchEnabled()); ((ExcludePairContainer) this.dependPairContainer) .enableDirectlyStrictConfluent(this.cpOption.directlyStrictConflEnabled()); ((ExcludePairContainer) this.dependPairContainer) .enableNamedObjectOnly(this.cpOption.namedObjectEnabled()); System.out.println("Generating dependencies of rules ... "); this.dependPairContainer.addPairEventListener(this); this.computeDependency = false; ParserFactory.generateCriticalPairs(this.dependPairContainer); } else { save(); } } else { System.out.println(e.getMessage()); } } private void save() { System.out.println("Generating CPA graph. Please wait ..."); Graph cpaGraph = generateCPAgraph(); System.out.println("Save critical pairs and CPA graph ... "); // save computed critical pairs ConflictsDependenciesContainer cdPC = new ConflictsDependenciesContainer( this.excludePairContainer, this.dependPairContainer, cpaGraph); XMLHelper h = new XMLHelper(); h.addTopObject(cdPC); h.save_to_xml(this.outfname); System.out .println("Computed critical pairs are saved in : " + this.outfname); System.out.println(); this.saved = true; } private void savePair() { System.out.println("\nTry to save just computed pairs (+" + this.pairsNumberToWrite + ")."); ConflictsDependenciesContainer cdPC = new ConflictsDependenciesContainer( this.excludePairContainer, this.dependPairContainer); renameLastSaving(); XMLHelper h = new XMLHelper(); h.addTopObject(cdPC); h.save_to_xml(this.outfname); System.out .println("Computed critical pairs are saved in : " + this.outfname); System.out.println(); } private void renameLastSaving() { File f = new File(this.outfname); if (f.exists()) { String lastSaving = "Last-" + this.outfname; File flast = new File(lastSaving); f.renameTo(flast); if (!flast.exists()) { System.out.println("Cannot rename " + this.outfname + " to " + lastSaving + " failed!"); } } } private void setOutputFileName() { if (this.outfname.equals("")) { String s = ""; if (this.fname.indexOf(".ggx") != -1) s = this.fname.substring(0, this.fname.indexOf(".ggx")); else if (this.fname.indexOf(".cpx") != -1) s = this.fname.substring(0, this.fname.indexOf(".cpx")); this.outfname = s + "_out.cpx"; } else if (!this.outfname.endsWith(".cpx")) { this.outfname = this.outfname + ".cpx"; } } private void helpText() { System.out .println("Usage: java -Xmx1000m agg.parser.ComputeCriticalPairs [-C | -D] [-e | -nc] [-ncc] [-wN] [-o outfile] file"); System.out.println("Where:"); String str = "\t-C\t\t- compute parallel conflicts of rules" + "\n\t-D\t\t- compute sequential dependencies of rules" +"\n\t-e\t\t- essential critical pairs only " + "\n\t-nc\t\t- not complete critical pairs " + "\n\t-ncc\t\t- critical pairs without respect \n\t\t\tto graph consistency constraints " + "\n\t-wN\t\t- write each N computed rule pairs to output file " + "\n\t\t\t(see also file with name: \"Last-\"+outfile, " + "\n\t\t\tin case when ccp was brocken)" + "\n\t-o outfile\t- output file " + "\n\tdefaults:\t- complete, consistent critical pairs, " + "\n\t\t\tthe name of output file is inputfilename_out.cpx " + "\n\tfile\t - *.ggx or *.cpx file. "; System.out.println(str); System.out .println("If the algorithm parameter (C and D) missed, both, the conflicts and the dependencies, will be computed."); System.out .println("The input file *.ggx should contain a grammar with a rule set. This grammar can be layered. "); System.out .println("The output file *_out.cpx will contain computed critical pairs."); System.out .println("The input file *.cpx can contain partly computed critical pairs of one or of both algorithms."); System.out .println("The output file *_out.cpx will be completed with new computed critical pairs."); System.out .println("The output file *_out.cpx will also contain CPA graph generated from critical rule pairs."); System.out.println(""); } private Graph generateCPAgraph() { ConflictsDependenciesBasisGraph conflictDependGraph = new ConflictsDependenciesBasisGraph( (ExcludePairContainer) this.excludePairContainer, (ExcludePairContainer) this.dependPairContainer); Graph cpaGraph = conflictDependGraph.getConflictsDependenciesGraph(); return cpaGraph; } private void whatIsWhatOfConflictResult( Rule r1, Rule r2, Pair<Pair<OrdinaryMorphism, OrdinaryMorphism>, Pair<OrdinaryMorphism, OrdinaryMorphism>> pair) { // first pair is a conflict pair Pair<OrdinaryMorphism, OrdinaryMorphism> p1 = pair.first; // first OrdinaryMorphism is the critical overlapping of rule r1 OrdinaryMorphism om1 = p1.first; // second OrdinaryMorphism is the critical overlapping of rule r2 OrdinaryMorphism om2 = p1.second; // target graph of om1 == target graph of om2 == the overlapping graph Graph overlapGraph = om1.getTarget(); // second pair is a help pair, which can be null, too Pair<OrdinaryMorphism, OrdinaryMorphism> p2 = pair.second; if (p2 == null) { // source graph of om2 should be always LHS of r2 // source graph of om1 is LHS of r1 if (om1.getSource() == r1.getLeft()) { if (om2.getSource() == r2.getLeft()) { // we have delete-use conflict // or change-use-attr conflict // show conflict graph object pairs Enumeration<GraphObject> domain1 = om1.getDomain(); while (domain1.hasMoreElements()) { GraphObject go1 = domain1.nextElement(); GraphObject go = om1.getImage(go1); if (go.isCritical()) { GraphObject go2 = om2.getInverseImage(go).nextElement(); System.out.println(overlapGraph.getName() +" :: critical object: "+go +" of go1: "+go1+" and go2: "+go2); } } } } } else { // source graph of om1 can be LHS of r1 if (om1.getSource() == r1.getLeft()) { // source of om2 is LHS2 extended by a PAC of r2 Graph lhs2extPAC = om2.getSource(); // first om of p2 is morph : LHS2 -> lhs2extPAC OrdinaryMorphism p2om1 = p2.first; // second om of p2 is morph : PAC_r2 -> lhs2extPAC OrdinaryMorphism p2om2 = p2.second; String pacName = overlapGraph.getHelpInfoAboutPAC(); OrdinaryMorphism pac_r2 = r2.getPAC(pacName); if (pac_r2 != null) { // we have delete-need conflict // or change-need attr conflict // show conflict graph object pairs Enumeration<GraphObject> domain1 = om1.getDomain(); while (domain1.hasMoreElements()) { GraphObject go1 = domain1.nextElement(); GraphObject go = om1.getImage(go1); if (go.isCritical()) { GraphObject go2 = om2.getInverseImage(go).nextElement(); Enumeration<GraphObject> test = p2om2.getInverseImage(go2); if (test.hasMoreElements()) { GraphObject go2PAC_r2 = test.nextElement(); if (pac_r2.getTarget().isElement(go2PAC_r2)) { System.out.println(overlapGraph.getName() +" :: critical object: "+go +" of go1: "+go1+" and go2PAC_r2: "+go2PAC_r2); } else { System.out.println("Something gone wrong with PAC: "+pacName); } } } } } else { String nacName = overlapGraph.getHelpInfoAboutNAC(); OrdinaryMorphism nac_r2 = r2.getNAC(nacName); if (nac_r2 != null) { // or we have change-forbid attr conflict // show conflict graph object pairs Enumeration<GraphObject> domain1 = om1.getDomain(); while (domain1.hasMoreElements()) { GraphObject go1 = domain1.nextElement(); GraphObject go = om1.getImage(go1); if (go.isCritical()) { GraphObject go2 = om2.getInverseImage(go).nextElement(); Enumeration<GraphObject> test = p2om2.getInverseImage(go2); if (test.hasMoreElements()) { GraphObject go2NAC_r2 = test.nextElement(); if (nac_r2.getTarget().isElement(go2NAC_r2)) { System.out.println(overlapGraph.getName() +" :: critical object: "+go +" of go1: "+go1+" and go2NAC_r2: "+go2NAC_r2); } else { System.out.println("Something gone wrong with NAC: "+nacName); } } } } } } } else // source graph of om1 can be RHS of r1 if (om1.getSource() == r1.getRight()) { // source of om2 is LHS2 extended by a NAC of r2 Graph lhs2extNAC = om2.getSource(); // first om of p2 is morph : LHS2 -> lhs2extNAC OrdinaryMorphism p2om1 = p2.first; // second om of p2 is morph : NAC_r2 -> lhs2extNAC OrdinaryMorphism p2om2 = p2.second; String nacName = overlapGraph.getHelpInfoAboutNAC(); OrdinaryMorphism nac_r2 = r2.getNAC(nacName); if (nac_r2 != null) { // we have produce-forbid conflict // show conflict graph object pairs Enumeration<GraphObject> domain1 = om1.getDomain(); while (domain1.hasMoreElements()) { GraphObject go1 = domain1.nextElement(); GraphObject go = om1.getImage(go1); if (go.isCritical()) { GraphObject go2 = om2.getInverseImage(go).nextElement(); Enumeration<GraphObject> test = p2om2.getInverseImage(go2); if (test.hasMoreElements()) { GraphObject go2NAC_r2 = test.nextElement(); if (nac_r2.getTarget().isElement(go2NAC_r2)) { System.out.println(overlapGraph.getName() +" :: critical object: "+go +" of go1: "+go1+" and go2NAC_r2: "+go2NAC_r2); } else { System.out.println("Something gone wrong with NAC: "+nacName); } } } } } } } } private void whatIsWhatOfDependencyResult( Rule r1, Rule r2, Pair<Pair<OrdinaryMorphism, OrdinaryMorphism>, Pair<OrdinaryMorphism, OrdinaryMorphism>> pair) { // first pair is a dependency pair Pair<OrdinaryMorphism, OrdinaryMorphism> p1 = pair.first; // first OrdinaryMorphism is the critical overlapping of rule r1 OrdinaryMorphism om1 = p1.first; // second OrdinaryMorphism is the critical overlapping of rule r2 OrdinaryMorphism om2 = p1.second; // target graph of om1 == target graph of om2 == the overlapping graph Graph overlapGraph = om1.getTarget(); // second pair is a help pair, which can be null, too Pair<OrdinaryMorphism, OrdinaryMorphism> p2 = pair.second; if (p2 == null) { // source graph of om2 should be always LHS of r2 // source graph of om1 is RHS of r1 if (om1.getSource() == r1.getRight()) { if (om2.getSource() == r2.getLeft()) { // we have produce-use dependency // or change-use-attr dependency // show dependency graph object pairs Enumeration<GraphObject> domain1 = om1.getDomain(); while (domain1.hasMoreElements()) { GraphObject go1 = domain1.nextElement(); GraphObject go = om1.getImage(go1); if (go.isCritical()) { GraphObject go2 = om2.getInverseImage(go).nextElement(); System.out.println(overlapGraph.getName() +" :: critical object: "+go +" of go1: "+go1+" and go2: "+go2); } } } } } else { // source graph of om1 can be RHS of r1 if (om1.getSource() == r1.getRight()) { // source of om2 is LHS2 extended by a NAC of r2 Graph lhs2extNAC = om2.getSource(); // first om of p2 is morph : LHS2 -> lhs2extNAC OrdinaryMorphism p2om1 = p2.first; // second om of p2 is morph : NAC_r2 -> lhs2extNAC OrdinaryMorphism p2om2 = p2.second; String nacName = overlapGraph.getHelpInfoAboutNAC(); OrdinaryMorphism nac_r2 = r2.getNAC(nacName); if (nac_r2 != null) { // we have delete-forbid dependency // show dependency graph object pairs Enumeration<GraphObject> domain1 = om1.getDomain(); while (domain1.hasMoreElements()) { GraphObject go1 = domain1.nextElement(); GraphObject go = om1.getImage(go1); if (go.isCritical()) { GraphObject go2 = om2.getInverseImage(go).nextElement(); Enumeration<GraphObject> test = p2om2.getInverseImage(go2); if (test.hasMoreElements()) { GraphObject go2NAC_r2 = test.nextElement(); if (nac_r2.getTarget().isElement(go2NAC_r2)) { System.out.println(overlapGraph.getName() +" :: critical object: "+go +" of go1: "+go1+" and go2NAC_r2: "+go2NAC_r2); } else { System.out.println("Something gone wrong with NAC: "+nacName); } } } } } } else // source graph of om1 can be LHS of r1 if (om1.getSource() == r1.getLeft()) { // source of om2 is LHS2 extended by a PAC of r2 Graph lhs2extPAC = om2.getSource(); // first om of p2 is morph : LHS2 -> lhs2extPAC OrdinaryMorphism p2om1 = p2.first; // second om of p2 is morph : PAC_r2 -> lhs2extPAC OrdinaryMorphism p2om2 = p2.second; String pacName = overlapGraph.getHelpInfoAboutPAC(); OrdinaryMorphism pac_r2 = r2.getPAC(pacName); if (pac_r2 != null) { // we have produce-need dependency // or change-use attr dependency // show conflict graph object pairs Enumeration<GraphObject> domain1 = om1.getDomain(); while (domain1.hasMoreElements()) { GraphObject go1 = domain1.nextElement(); GraphObject go = om1.getImage(go1); if (go.isCritical()) { GraphObject go2 = om2.getInverseImage(go).nextElement(); Enumeration<GraphObject> test = p2om2.getInverseImage(go2); if (test.hasMoreElements()) { GraphObject go2PAC_r2 = test.nextElement(); if (pac_r2.getTarget().isElement(go2PAC_r2)) { System.out.println(overlapGraph.getName() +" :: critical object: "+go +" of go1: "+go1+" and go2PAC_r2: "+go2PAC_r2); } else { System.out.println("Something gone wrong with PAC: "+pacName); } } } } } else { String nacName = overlapGraph.getHelpInfoAboutPAC(); OrdinaryMorphism nac_r2 = r2.getNAC(nacName); if (nac_r2 != null) { // or we have change-forbid attr dependency // show dependency graph object pairs Enumeration<GraphObject> domain1 = om1.getDomain(); while (domain1.hasMoreElements()) { GraphObject go1 = domain1.nextElement(); GraphObject go = om1.getImage(go1); if (go.isCritical()) { GraphObject go2 = om2.getInverseImage(go).nextElement(); Enumeration<GraphObject> test = p2om2.getInverseImage(go2); if (test.hasMoreElements()) { GraphObject go2NAC_r2 = test.nextElement(); if (nac_r2.getTarget().isElement(go2NAC_r2)) { System.out.println(overlapGraph.getName() +" :: critical object: "+go +" of go1: "+go1+" and go2NAC_r2: "+go2NAC_r2); } else { System.out.println("Something gone wrong with NAC: "+nacName); } } } } } } } } } public String anOptionStr; public CriticalPairOption cpOption; public ConflictsDependenciesContainer cdContainer; public PairContainer excludePairContainer; public PairContainer dependPairContainer; public String fname, outfname; public boolean computeConflict = true; public boolean computeDependency = true; public GraGra gragra; int pairsNumberToWrite, nP; boolean saved; }