package agg.gui.cons; import java.awt.Container; import java.awt.Dimension; import javax.swing.JScrollPane; import javax.swing.JSplitPane; import agg.cons.AtomConstraint; import agg.editor.impl.EdGraGra; import; import; import agg.gui.parser.event.ParserGUIEvent; import agg.gui.parser.event.ParserGUIListener; import agg.xt_basis.GraGra; import agg.xt_basis.Rule; public class ConstraintsGUI implements ParserGUIListener { JSplitPane mainPane; /** * the top tree view */ RuleTree rtTop; /** * the bottom tree view */ RuleTree rtBottom; RuleConstraint right; EdGraGra eGra; public ConstraintsGUI() { this.rtTop = new RuleTree(null, false, false); // the Rules this.rtTop.addParserGUIListener(this); this.rtBottom = new RuleTree(null, true, false); // the Atomics this.rtBottom.addParserGUIListener(this); JSplitPane treePane = new JSplitPane(JSplitPane.VERTICAL_SPLIT); treePane.setOneTouchExpandable(true); treePane.setContinuousLayout(true); JScrollPane tmpPane = new JScrollPane(this.rtTop.getTree()); tmpPane.setSize(170, 210); tmpPane.setPreferredSize(new Dimension(170, 210)); treePane.setTopComponent(tmpPane); tmpPane = new JScrollPane(this.rtBottom.getTree()); tmpPane.setSize(170, 210); tmpPane.setPreferredSize(new Dimension(170, 210)); treePane.setBottomComponent(tmpPane); treePane.getTopComponent().setSize(185, 300); treePane.getBottomComponent().setSize(185, 300); treePane.resetToPreferredSizes(); this.right = new RuleConstraint(null); this.mainPane = new JSplitPane(); this.mainPane.setOneTouchExpandable(true); this.mainPane.setContinuousLayout(true); this.mainPane.setRightComponent(this.right.getComponent()); this.mainPane.setLeftComponent(treePane); setGrammar(null); setLayout(null); } private void setGrammar(GraGra gragra) { if (gragra != null) { this.rtTop.setGrammar(gragra); this.rtBottom.setGrammar(gragra); } } private void setLayout(EdGraGra edgragra) { this.eGra = edgragra; this.right.setLayout(edgragra); } /** * get the container which contains the gui * * @return the gui */ public Container getContainer() { return this.mainPane; } /** * set the grammar with layout * * @param edgragra * the grammar */ public void setGraGra(EdGraGra edgragra) { this.eGra = edgragra; revalidate(); } public void revalidate() { setLayout(this.eGra); setGrammar(this.eGra != null ? this.eGra.getBasisGraGra() : null); this.right.reset(); this.mainPane.repaint(); this.mainPane.validate(); } /** * this gui listens for <CODE>ParserGUIEvents</CODE>. So it must * implement the listener * * @param pguie * the event */ public void occured(ParserGUIEvent pguie) { if (pguie.getSource() == this.rtTop) { RuleModel.TreeData td = (RuleModel.TreeData) pguie.getData(); if (td.isRule()) { this.right.setRule((Rule) td.getData()); } } else if (pguie.getSource() == this.rtBottom) { RuleModel.TreeData td = (RuleModel.TreeData) pguie.getData(); if (td.isAtomic()) { AtomConstraint a = (AtomConstraint) td.getData(); if (this.eGra != null) { int index = this.eGra.getBasisGraGra().getListOfAtomics() .indexOf(a); this.right.setAtomic(a, index); } else { this.right.setAtomic(null, 0); } } } this.mainPane.repaint(); } }