package agg.attribute.parser.javaExpr; import java.awt.Frame; import java.awt.TextField; import java.awt.event.ActionEvent; import java.awt.event.ActionListener; import java.awt.Color; import; import; import; import; import; import agg.attribute.handler.AttrHandlerException; import agg.attribute.handler.SymbolTable; /** * @version $Id:,v 1.18 2010/09/23 08:15:01 olga Exp $ * @author $Author: olga $ */ public class Jex implements ActionListener { static final long serialVersionUID = 1L; static public final int PARSE_ERROR = 0; static public final int IS_CONSTANT = 1; static public final int IS_VARIABLE = 2; static public final int IS_COMPLEX = 3; protected TextField typeTF; static protected JexParser parser; protected PrintStream out, err; protected ByteArrayOutputStream redirect; protected PrintStream redirectOut; protected boolean isOutput = false; // true; protected Object variableExpression; public Jex() { } /* Testing environment */ public static void main(String args[]) { Jex me = new Jex(); SimpleNode.setClassResolver(new ClassResolver()); Frame frame = new Frame("Jex-Test"); me.typeTF = new TextField("", 30); me.typeTF.setBackground(Color.WHITE); me.typeTF.addActionListener(me); frame.add(me.typeTF); frame.pack(); frame.setVisible(true); } public void fullTest(String line) { try { test_interpret(line, null, null); } catch (AttrHandlerException ex1) { System.out.println(ex1.getMessage()); ex1.printStackTrace(); } } public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) { String line = this.typeTF.getText(); if (line.compareTo("q") == 0) { System.exit(0); } fullTest(line); } protected int getExprProperty() { synchronized (JexParser.jjtree) { SimpleNode node = (SimpleNode) JexParser.jjtree.rootNode(); int result = IS_COMPLEX; if (node.isConstantExpr()) { result = IS_CONSTANT; } else if (node.jjtGetNumChildren() == 1) { node = (SimpleNode) node.jjtGetChild(0); if (node.identifier.equals("PrimaryExpression") && node.jjtGetNumChildren() == 1) { node = (SimpleNode) node.jjtGetChild(0); if (node.identifier.equals("Id")) { result = IS_VARIABLE; } } } return result; } } protected void newStdOutStream() { FileOutputStream fdOut = new FileOutputStream(FileDescriptor.out); System.setOut(new PrintStream(new BufferedOutputStream(fdOut, 128), true)); } protected void newStdErrStream() { FileOutputStream fdErr = new FileOutputStream(FileDescriptor.err); System.setErr(new PrintStream(new BufferedOutputStream(fdErr, 128), true)); } protected void antiRedirect() { newStdOutStream(); newStdErrStream(); } /** * Swaps StdOut and StdErr to ByteStream and vice versa * * @see #redirectToString * @see #restoreOutputStream */ protected void swapPrintStream() { PrintStream swapOut = System.out; PrintStream swapErr = System.err; System.setOut(this.out); System.setErr(this.err); this.out = swapOut; this.err = swapErr; } protected void redirectToString() { this.out = System.out; this.err = System.err; this.redirect = new ByteArrayOutputStream(); this.redirectOut = new PrintStream(this.redirect); System.setOut(this.redirectOut); System.setErr(this.redirectOut); } protected void restoreOutputStream() { if (this.redirect != null && this.redirectOut != null) { System.setOut(this.out); System.setErr(this.err); if (this.isOutput) { System.out.println(this.redirect.toString()); } this.redirect = null; this.redirectOut = null; } } static public String addMessage(Exception ex) { String msg = ex.getMessage(); if (msg == null || msg.equals("null")) { return ""; } return "\n (" + msg + ")"; } /* Services for JexHandler */ public void parseOutputOn() { this.isOutput = true; } public void parseOutputOff() { this.isOutput = false; } public int parse(String text) throws AttrHandlerException { // swapPrintStream(); // AttrSession.logPrintln(VerboseControl.logTrace, "Jex:\n->parse"); // AttrSession.logPrintln(VerboseControl.logTrace, "Jex: text " + text); // // only Jex parser tracing // AttrSession.logPrintln(VerboseControl.logJexParser, "Jex:\n->parse"); // AttrSession // .logPrintln(VerboseControl.logJexParser, "Jex: text " + text); // swapPrintStream(); // redirectToString(); try { return parse_(text); } catch (Exception ex1) { if (this.redirect != null) throw new AttrHandlerException(this.redirect.toString() + addMessage(ex1)); throw new AttrHandlerException(addMessage(ex1)); } finally { // restoreOutputStream(); // AttrSession.logPrintln(VerboseControl.logTrace, "Jex:\n<-parse"); // only Jex parser tracing // AttrSession.logPrintln(VerboseControl.logJexParser, "Jex:\n<-parse"); } } protected String getPropertyText(int code) { synchronized (this) { if (code == IS_CONSTANT) return "Constant expression"; if (code == IS_VARIABLE) return "Variable"; if (code == IS_COMPLEX) return "Complex expression"; return "Parse error"; } } protected int parse_(String text) throws ParseError { // swapPrintStream(); // AttrSession.logPrintln(VerboseControl.logTrace, "Jex:\n->\tparse_"); // AttrSession.logPrintln(VerboseControl.logTrace, "Jex: text " + text); // // only Jex parser tracing // AttrSession.logPrintln(VerboseControl.logJexParser, "Jex:\n->\tparse_"); // AttrSession // .logPrintln(VerboseControl.logJexParser, "Jex: text " + text); // swapPrintStream(); int result = PARSE_ERROR; String line = text + " "; byte bytes[] = line.getBytes(); stream = new bytes); synchronized (JexParser.jjtree) { // if (parser == null) { // parser = new JexParser(stream); // } else { JexParser.ReInit(stream); JexParser.jjtree.reset(); // System.out.println("parse text: "+text+" stack: "+SimpleNode.stack.size()+" top: "" :::: "+SimpleNode.stack.hashCode()); = -1; SimpleNode.stack.clear(); // System.out.println("parse text: "+text+" stack: "+SimpleNode.stack.size()+" top: "" :::: "+SimpleNode.stack.hashCode()); } try { // AttrSession.logPrintln(VerboseControl.logJexParser, "Parsing [" // + text + "] ..."); JexParser.CompilationUnit(); JexParser.jjtree.rootNode().dump(" "); result = getExprProperty(); // AttrSession.logPrintln(VerboseControl.logJexParser, // " Expression property: " + getPropertyText(result)); // // swapPrintStream(); // AttrSession.logPrintln(VerboseControl.logTrace, "Jex:\n<-\tparse_"); // AttrSession.logPrintln(VerboseControl.logJexParser, // "Jex:\n<-\tparse_"); // swapPrintStream(); return result; } catch (ParseError ex1) { throw ex1; } } } public void check(Node ast, Class<?> type, SymbolTable symtab) throws AttrHandlerException { // AttrSession.logPrintln(VerboseControl.logJexParser, "Jex.check: " // + ast + " " + type); // redirectToString(); try { SimpleNode.setSymbolTable(symtab); try { // AttrSession.logPrintln(VerboseControl.logJexParser, // "Type-Checking ..."); ast.checkContext(); this.variableExpression = ast; } catch (ASTIdNotDeclaredException ex1) { // AttrSession // .logPrintln(VerboseControl.logJexParser, "Variable \"" // + ex1.getMessage() + "\" is not declared"); throw ex1; } catch (ASTWrongTypeException ex2) { // AttrSession.logPrintln(VerboseControl.logJexParser, // "Wrong type.\n"); // if (ex2.getExpected() != null) { // AttrSession.logPrintln(VerboseControl.logJexParser, // "Required signature: " + ex2.getExpected()); // } // AttrSession.logPrintln(VerboseControl.logJexParser, // "Encountered: " + ex2.getFound()); throw ex2; } catch (ASTMemberException ex3) { // AttrSession.logPrintln(VerboseControl.logJexParser, // "Exception:\n" + ex3.getMessage()); throw ex3; } catch (Exception ex) { // AttrSession.logPrintln(VerboseControl.logJexParser, // "Exception:\n" + ex.getMessage()); throw new RuntimeException(ex.getMessage()); } if (type != null && type != Void.TYPE) { Class<?> resultType = ((SimpleNode) ast).getNodeClass(); boolean assignable = isAssignable(type, resultType); if (assignable) { // AttrSession.logPrintln(VerboseControl.logJexParser, // "Types are assignable"); } else { // AttrSession.logPrintln(VerboseControl.logJexParser, // "Wrong expression type."); // AttrSession.logPrintln(VerboseControl.logJexParser, // "Required: " + type.getName()); // AttrSession.logPrintln(VerboseControl.logJexParser, // "Found: " + resultType.getName()); // unerklaerliches Ereignis. new ASTWrongTypeException(); } } } catch (Exception ex1) { if (this.redirect != null) throw new AttrHandlerException(this.redirect.toString()); throw new AttrHandlerException(ex1.getMessage()); } finally { // restoreOutputStream(); } } public void check(String text, Class<?> type, SymbolTable symtab) throws AttrHandlerException { // redirectToString(); try { check_(text, type, symtab); } catch (Exception ex1) { if (this.redirect != null) { // System.out.println("Jex.check:: 1) AttrHandlerException: // "+ex1.getMessage() ); throw new AttrHandlerException(this.redirect.toString()); } // System.out.println("Jex.check:: 2) AttrHandlerException: // "+ex1.getMessage() ); throw new AttrHandlerException(ex1.getMessage()); } finally { // restoreOutputStream(); } } public void check_(String text, Class<?> type, SymbolTable symtab) throws ParseError { parse_(text); SimpleNode.setSymbolTable(symtab); synchronized (JexParser.jjtree) { try { // AttrSession.logPrintln(VerboseControl.logJexParser, // "Type-Checking ..."); JexParser.jjtree.rootNode().checkContext(); JexParser.jjtree.rootNode().dump(" "); } catch (ASTIdNotDeclaredException ex1) { // AttrSession.logPrintln(VerboseControl.logJexParser, "Variable \"" // + ex1.getMessage() + "\" is not declared"); throw new ASTIdNotDeclaredException("Variable \"" + ex1.getMessage() + "\" is not declared"); } catch (ASTWrongTypeException ex2) { // AttrSession // .logPrintln(VerboseControl.logJexParser, "Wrong type.\n"); // if (ex2.getExpected() != null) { // AttrSession.logPrintln(VerboseControl.logJexParser, // "Required signature: " + ex2.getExpected()); // } // AttrSession.logPrintln(VerboseControl.logJexParser, "Encountered: " // + ex2.getFound()); throw new ASTWrongTypeException( "Wrong expression type. Required signature: " + ex2.getExpected() + " Encountered: " + ex2.getFound()); } catch (ASTMemberException ex3) { // AttrSession.logPrintln(VerboseControl.logJexParser, "Exception:\n" // + ex3.getMessage()); throw new ASTMemberException("Member Exception: " + ex3.getMessage()); } catch (Exception ex) { // AttrSession.logPrintln(VerboseControl.logJexParser, "Exception:\n" // + ex.getMessage()); throw new RuntimeException("Exception: " + ex.getMessage()); } if (type != null && type != Void.TYPE) { Class<?> resultType = ((SimpleNode) JexParser.jjtree.rootNode()) .getNodeClass(); if (!isAssignable(type, resultType)) { // AttrSession.logPrintln(VerboseControl.logJexParser, // "Wrong expression type.\n Required: " + type.getName() // + "\n Found: " + resultType.getName()); throw new ASTWrongTypeException( "Wrong expression type. Required: " + type.getName() + " Found: " + resultType.getName()); } } } } protected static Object refObj = new Object(); protected boolean isAssignable(Class<?> to, Class<?> from) { // System.out.println("agg.parser.javaExpr.Jex.isAssignable // "+from.getName()+" to "+to.getName()); if (to.isPrimitive() || from.isPrimitive()) { // System.out.println("check: to.isPrimitive() || // from.isPrimitive()"); if (to == Byte.TYPE || to == Short.TYPE || to == Integer.TYPE || to == Long.TYPE) { if (from == Byte.TYPE || from == Short.TYPE || from == Integer.TYPE || from == Long.TYPE) { return true; } return false; } else if (to == Float.TYPE || to == Double.TYPE) { if (from == Float.TYPE || from == Double.TYPE) { return true; } return false; } else return (to == from); } return to.isAssignableFrom(from) || from.isInstance(refObj); } protected Object test_interpret(String text, Class<?> type, SymbolTable symtab) throws AttrHandlerException { Object result; // redirectToString();// try { result = interpret_(text, type, symtab); } catch (ParseError ex1) { if (this.redirect != null) throw new AttrHandlerException(this.redirect.toString() + addMessage(ex1)); throw new AttrHandlerException(addMessage(ex1)); } finally { // restoreOutputStream();// } return result; } /* ******************************************************************************* */ /** * Interprets an expression. */ public Object interpret(Node ast, Class<?> type, SymbolTable symtab) throws AttrHandlerException { // AttrSession.logPrintln(VerboseControl.logTrace, // "Jex: \n->interpret(ast)"); // AttrSession.logPrintln(VerboseControl.logJexParser, // "Jex: \n->interpret(ast)"); try { Object result = null; check(ast, type, symtab); // redirectToString(); try { // AttrSession.logPrintln(VerboseControl.logJexParser, // "Evaluating ..." + ast); ast.interpret(); result = ast.getRootResult(); /* If here, success */ return result; } catch (ASTIdNotDeclaredException ex1) { // AttrSession // .logPrintln(VerboseControl.logJexParser, "Variable \"" // + ex1.getMessage() + "\" is not declared"); throw ex1; } catch (ASTMissingValueException ex2) { if (ast.getString().indexOf("==null") != -1) { result = new Boolean(true); // ast.getRootResult(); return result; } // AttrSession.logPrintln(VerboseControl.logJexParser, // "Missing value for variable \"" + ex2.getMessage() // + "\"."); throw ex2; } catch (ASTMemberException ex3) { // AttrSession.logPrintln(VerboseControl.logJexParser, // "ASTMemberException " + ex3.getMessage()); throw ex3; } catch (Exception ex) { // AttrSession.logPrintln(VerboseControl.logJexParser, // "Exception:\n" + ex.getMessage()); throw new AttrHandlerException("AttrHandlerException : " + ex.getMessage()); // throw new RuntimeException(ex.getMessage()); } } catch (Exception ex1) { // swapPrintStream(); // AttrSession.logPrintln(VerboseControl.logTrace, // "Jex.interpret : AttrHandlerException geworfen"); // AttrSession.logPrintln(VerboseControl.logJexParser, // "Jex.interpret: AttrHandlerException geworfen"); // swapPrintStream(); // if (this.redirect != null) // throw new AttrHandlerException(this.redirect.toString()); throw new AttrHandlerException("AttrHandlerException : " + ex1.getMessage()); } finally { // restoreOutputStream(); // AttrSession.logPrintln(VerboseControl.logTrace, // "Jex: \n<-interpret(ast)"); // AttrSession.logPrintln(VerboseControl.logJexParser, // "Jex: \n<-interpret(ast)"); } } /** * Interprets an expression. * * @deprecated Strings are NOT sufficent to represent expressions */ public Object interpret(String text, Class<?> type, SymbolTable symtab) throws AttrHandlerException { // AttrSession.logPrintln(VerboseControl.logTrace, "Jex: \n->interpret()"); // AttrSession.logPrintln(VerboseControl.logJexParser, // "Jex: \n->interpret()"); // redirectToString(); try { return interpret_(text, type, symtab); } catch (Exception ex1) { // swapPrintStream(); // AttrSession.logPrintln(VerboseControl.logTrace, // "Jex: AttrHandlerException geworfen"); // AttrSession.logPrintln(VerboseControl.logJexParser, // "Jex: AttrHandlerException geworfen"); // swapPrintStream(); if (this.redirect != null) throw new AttrHandlerException(this.redirect.toString()); throw new AttrHandlerException(ex1.getMessage()); } finally { // restoreOutputStream(); // AttrSession.logPrintln(VerboseControl.logTrace, // "Jex: \n<-interpret()"); // AttrSession.logPrintln(VerboseControl.logJexParser, // "Jex: \n<-interpret()"); } } public Object interpret_(String text, Class<?> type, SymbolTable symtab) throws ParseError { // swapPrintStream(); // AttrSession.logPrintln(VerboseControl.logTrace,"Jex:\n->interpret_"); // AttrSession.logPrintln(VerboseControl.logJexParser, // "Jex:\n->interpret_"); synchronized (JexParser.jjtree) { if (JexParser.jjtree.rootNode() != null) JexParser.jjtree.rootNode().dump(""); // swapPrintStream(); check_(text, type, symtab); try { // AttrSession.logPrintln(VerboseControl.logJexParser, // "Evaluating ..."); JexParser.jjtree.rootNode().interpret(); Object result = JexParser.jjtree.rootNode().getRootResult(); // String resultString = result == null ? "null" : result.toString(); // AttrSession.logPrintln(VerboseControl.logJexParser, "Result = " // + resultString); // swapPrintStream(); JexParser.jjtree.rootNode().dump(""); // AttrSession.logPrintln(VerboseControl.logJexParser, "Result = " // + resultString); // swapPrintStream(); /* If here, success */ return result; } catch (ASTIdNotDeclaredException ex1) { // AttrSession.logPrintln(VerboseControl.logJexParser, "Variable \"" // + ex1.getMessage() + "\" is not declared"); throw ex1; } catch (ASTMissingValueException ex2) { // AttrSession.logPrintln(VerboseControl.logJexParser, // "Missing value for variable \"" + ex2.getMessage() + "\"."); /* * ContextView cv = (ContextView) symtab; VarMember vm = * ((VarTuple)cv.getVariables()).getVarMemberAt("x"); * System.out.println(vm.getExprAsText()); * * if(parser.jjtree.rootNode().isVariable()){ swapPrintStream(); * System.out.println("eine Variable"); * parser.jjtree.rootNode().dump("->"); * parser.jjtree.rootNode().rewrite(); * System.out.println(parser.jjtree.rootNode().getClass()); * getAST().dump("ast: "); swapPrintStream(); return null; }else */ throw ex2; } catch (ASTMemberException ex3) { // AttrSession.logPrintln(VerboseControl.logJexParser, // "ASTMemberException " + ex3.getMessage()); throw ex3; } catch (Exception ex) { // AttrSession.logPrintln(VerboseControl.logJexParser, "Exception:\n" // + ex.getMessage()); throw new RuntimeException(ex.getMessage()); } finally { // swapPrintStream(); // AttrSession.logPrintln(VerboseControl.logTrace, // "Jex:\n<-interpret_"); // AttrSession.logPrintln(VerboseControl.logJexParser, // "Jex:\n<-interpret_"); // swapPrintStream(); } } } /** Rewrites all variables */ public void rewrite(Node ast, Class<?> type, SymbolTable symtab) throws AttrHandlerException { // redirectToString(); try { check(ast, type, symtab); } catch (AttrHandlerException ahe) { // AttrSession.logPrintln(VerboseControl.logJexParser, // "Type-checking causes an error. Rewriting failed. " // + ahe.getMessage()); // restoreOutputStream(); throw ahe; } finally { // restoreOutputStream(); } ast.rewrite(); if (ast.getError().length() != 0) throw new AttrHandlerException(ast.getError()); } /** returns root node of the abstract syntax tree */ public Node getAST() { return JexParser.jjtree.rootNode(); } public Object getVariableExpression() { return this.variableExpression; } } /* * $Log:,v $ * Revision 1.18 2010/09/23 08:15:01 olga * tuning * * Revision 1.17 2010/07/29 10:09:20 olga * Array stack changed to Vector stack * * Revision 1.16 2010/04/28 15:16:13 olga * tuning * * Revision 1.15 2010/03/31 21:10:49 olga * tuning * * Revision 1.14 2010/03/18 18:17:01 olga * synchronized - added * * Revision 1.13 2010/03/08 15:38:21 olga * code optimizing * * Revision 1.12 2009/11/26 10:57:29 olga * tests * * Revision 1.11 2007/11/05 09:18:23 olga * code tuning * * Revision 1.10 2007/11/01 09:58:17 olga * Code refactoring: generic types- done * * Revision 1.9 2007/09/10 13:05:48 olga * In this update: * - package xerces2.5.0 is not used anymore; * - class com.objectspace.jgl.Pair is replaced by the agg own generic class agg.util.Pair; * - bugs fixed in: usage of PACs in rules; match completion; * usage of static method calls in attr. conditions * - graph editing: added some new features * Revision 1.8 2007/03/28 10:01:14 olga - extensive changes * of Node/Edge Type Editor, - first Undo implementation for graphs and * Node/edge Type editing and transformation, - new / reimplemented options for * layered transformation, for graph layouter - enable / disable for NACs, attr * conditions, formula - GUI tuning * * Revision 1.7 2006/12/13 13:32:58 enrico reimplemented code * * Revision 1.6 2006/08/09 07:42:18 olga API docu * * Revision 1.5 2006/08/02 09:00:57 olga Preliminary version 1.5.0 with - * multiple node type inheritance, - new implemented evolutionary graph layouter * for graph transformation sequences * * Revision 1.4 2006/04/03 08:57:50 olga New: Import Type Graph and some bugs * fixed * * Revision 1.3 2006/03/01 09:55:47 olga - new CPA algorithm, new CPA GUI * * Revision 1.2 2006/01/16 09:37:01 olga Extended attr. setting * * Revision 1.1 2005/08/25 11:56:52 enrico *** empty log message *** * * Revision 1.2 2005/06/20 13:37:04 olga Up to now the version 1.2.8 will be * prepared. * * Revision 1.1 2005/05/30 12:58:01 olga Version with Eclipse * * Revision 1.9 2005/03/21 09:22:57 olga ... * * Revision 1.8 2005/03/03 13:48:42 olga - Match with NACs and attr. conditions * with mixed variables - error corrected - save/load class packages written by * user - PACs : creating T-equivalents - improved - save/load matches of the * rules (only one match of a rule) - more friendly graph/rule editor GUI - more * syntactical checks in attr. editor * * Revision 1.7 2004/12/20 14:53:47 olga Changes because of matching * optimisation. * * Revision 1.6 2003/03/05 18:24:14 komm sorted/optimized import statements * * Revision 1.5 2003/02/20 17:38:25 olga Tests * * Revision 1.4 2003/01/15 11:36:00 olga Neue VerboseControl Konstante * :logJexParser zum Testen * * Revision 1.3 2002/12/20 11:25:47 olga Tests * * Revision 1.2 2002/11/25 14:56:36 olga Der Fehler unter Windows 2000 im * AttributEditor ist endlich behoben. Es laeuft aber mit Java1.3.0 laeuft * endgueltig nicht. Also nicht Java1.3.0 benutzen! * * Revision 2002/07/11 12:17:04 olga Imported sources * * Revision 1.11 2000/06/05 14:08:10 shultzke Debugausgaben fuer V1.0.0b * geloescht * * Revision 1.10 2000/05/24 10:03:10 olga Nur Testausgaben eingebaut bei der * Suche nach dem Fehler in DISAGG : Match Konstante auf Konstante * * Revision 1.9 2000/05/17 11:33:38 shultzke diverse Aenderungen. Version von * Olga wird erwartet * * Revision 1.8 2000/04/05 12:10:51 shultzke serialVersionUID aus V1.0.0 * generiert * * Revision 1.7 2000/03/14 10:59:40 shultzke Transformieren von Variablen auf * Variablen sollte jetzt funktionieren Ueber das Design der Copy-Methode des * abstrakten Syntaxbaumes sollte unbedingt diskutiert werden. * * Revision 1.6 2000/03/03 11:32:45 shultzke Alphaversion von Variablen auf * Variablen matchen */