package agg.gui.editor; import java.awt.BorderLayout; import java.awt.Color; import java.awt.Cursor; import java.awt.Dimension; //import java.awt.Graphics; import javax.swing.JPanel; import javax.swing.JScrollBar; import javax.swing.JScrollPane; import javax.swing.ScrollPaneConstants; //import agg.gui.GraphEditor; //import agg.gui.RuleEditor; import agg.editor.impl.EdArc; import agg.editor.impl.EdGraph; import agg.editor.impl.EdGraphObject; import agg.editor.impl.EdNode; import agg.xt_basis.Arc; import agg.xt_basis.Node; /** * * @author $Author: olga $ * @version $Id:,v 1.7 2010/09/23 08:19:07 olga Exp $ */ @SuppressWarnings("serial") public class GraphPanel extends JPanel { private Object itsParent; // RuleEditor or GraphEditor protected GraphCanvas canvas; protected EdGraph eGraph; protected JScrollPane jsp; protected Cursor lastEditCursor = new Cursor(Cursor.DEFAULT_CURSOR); private boolean mappedObjDeleted = false; private boolean attrEditorOn = false; private String name = ""; /** * Create a panel for drawing. The panel contains a view port, vertical and * horizontal scroll bars. */ public GraphPanel(Object parent) { this(); this.itsParent = parent; } /** * Create a panel for drawing. The panel contains a view port, vertical and * horizontal scroll bars. */ public GraphPanel() { super(new BorderLayout(), true); // DoubleBuffered this.setBackground(Color.WHITE); this.setForeground(Color.WHITE); this.canvas = new GraphCanvas(); try { this.jsp = new JScrollPane(this.canvas, ScrollPaneConstants.VERTICAL_SCROLLBAR_AS_NEEDED, ScrollPaneConstants.HORIZONTAL_SCROLLBAR_AS_NEEDED); this.jsp.setBackground(Color.white); this.jsp.setForeground(Color.white); this.jsp.getHorizontalScrollBar().setUnitIncrement(30); this.jsp.getVerticalScrollBar().setUnitIncrement(30); this.jsp.getHorizontalScrollBar().setBlockIncrement(50); this.jsp.getVerticalScrollBar().setBlockIncrement(50); this.jsp.getHorizontalScrollBar().getModel().setValueIsAdjusting(true); this.jsp.getVerticalScrollBar().getModel().setValueIsAdjusting(true); add(this.jsp, BorderLayout.CENTER); this.canvas.setViewport(this); } catch (IllegalArgumentException ex) { } } public Object getParentEditor() { return this.itsParent; } public void setName(String n) { = n; } public String getName() { return; } public void setBackground(Color c) { super.setBackground(c); if (this.jsp != null) this.jsp.setBackground(c); if (this.canvas != null) { this.canvas.setBackground(c); } } public JScrollPane getScrollPane() { return this.jsp; } /** Gets my minimum dimension */ public Dimension getMinimumSize() { return new Dimension(0, 0); } /** Gets my preferred dimension */ public Dimension getPreferredSize() { return new Dimension(250, 200); } public JScrollBar getHorizontalScrollBar() { return this.jsp.getHorizontalScrollBar(); } public JScrollBar getVerticalScrollBar() { return this.jsp.getVerticalScrollBar(); } public void setViewportView(GraphCanvas view) { this.jsp.setViewportView(view); } public void updateGraphics() { this.canvas.repaint(); } public void updateGraphics(boolean graphDimensionCheck) { if (this.eGraph != null) { if (graphDimensionCheck) { Dimension maxDim = getGraphDimension(); if ((maxDim.width != 0) || (maxDim.height != 0)) { this.canvas.setSize(maxDim); } } this.canvas.repaint(); } } public void adjustGraphPanelSize() { Dimension maxDim = getGraphDimension(); if ((maxDim.width != 0) || (maxDim.height != 0)) this.canvas.setSize(maxDim); } public void updateGraphicsAfterDelete() { if (this.eGraph != null) { Dimension maxDim = getGraphDimension(); if ((maxDim.width != 0) || (maxDim.height != 0)) { this.canvas.setSize(maxDim); } this.canvas.repaint(); } } private Dimension getGraphDimension() { Dimension maxDim = new Dimension(0, 0); if (this.eGraph != null) { maxDim.setSize(this.canvas.getGraphDimension()); this.canvas.setRealWidth(maxDim.width); this.canvas.setRealHeight(maxDim.height); return maxDim; } return maxDim; } public void resizeAfterTransform(boolean val) { this.canvas.resizeAfterTransform(val); } public EdGraph getGraph() { return this.eGraph; } public void setGraph(final EdGraph eg, boolean adjustCanvasSize) { this.eGraph = eg; this.canvas.setGraph(this.eGraph); if (this.eGraph != null) { if (adjustCanvasSize) { Dimension maxDim = this.canvas.getGraphDimension(); this.canvas.setSize(new Dimension(maxDim.width, maxDim.height)); this.canvas.setRealWidth(maxDim.width); this.canvas.setRealHeight(maxDim.height); } else { this.canvas.repaint(); } } else { this.canvas.setSize(new Dimension(getWidth() - this.jsp.getVerticalScrollBar().getWidth() - 3, getHeight() - this.jsp.getHorizontalScrollBar().getHeight() - 3)); this.canvas.setRealWidth(this.canvas.getWidth()); this.canvas.setRealHeight(this.canvas.getHeight()); } this.jsp.getHorizontalScrollBar().setValue(0); this.jsp.getVerticalScrollBar().setValue(0); } public void setGraph(final EdGraph eg) { this.setGraph(eg, true); } public GraphCanvas getCanvas() { return this.canvas; } public int getEditMode() { return this.canvas.getEditMode(); } public void setEditMode(int m) { this.canvas.setEditMode(m); } private Cursor editCursor = new Cursor(Cursor.DEFAULT_CURSOR); public void setEditCursor(Cursor cur) { this.editCursor = cur; } public Cursor getEditCursor() { return this.editCursor; } private int lastEditMode = EditorConstants.DRAW; public void setLastEditMode(int m) { this.lastEditMode = m; } public int getLastEditMode() { if (this.lastEditMode == EditorConstants.ARC) return EditorConstants.DRAW; return this.lastEditMode; } public void setLastEditCursor(Cursor cur) { this.lastEditCursor = cur; } public Cursor getLastEditCursor() { return this.lastEditCursor; } public void setVisible(boolean vis) { this.canvas.setVisible(vis); } public void setMappedObjDeleted(boolean b) { this.mappedObjDeleted = b; } public boolean isMappedObjDeleted() { return this.mappedObjDeleted; } public void setAttrEditorActivated(boolean b) { this.attrEditorOn = b; } public boolean isAttrEditorActivated() { return this.attrEditorOn; } /** * Deletes an arc layout for the used object specified by the Arc bArc. The * used object will be deleted, too. * Undo-Redo is not supported. */ public void delArc(Arc bArc) { this.canvas.delArc(bArc); } /** * Deletes a node layout for the used object specified by the Node bNode. * The used object will be deleted, too. * Undo-Redo is not supported. */ public void delNode(Node bNode) { this.canvas.delNode(bNode); } /** * Deletes a node layout specified by the EdNode eNode. The used object will * be deleted, too. * Undo-Redo is not supported. */ public void delSelectedNode(EdNode eNode) { this.canvas.delSelectedNode(eNode); } /** * Deletes an arc layout specified by the EdArc eArc. The used object will * be deleted too. * Undo-Redo is not supported. */ public void delSelectedArc(EdArc eArc) { this.canvas.delSelectedArc(eArc); } /** Deletes all selected nodes * Undo-Redo is not supported. */ public void deleteSelectedNodes() { this.canvas.deleteSelectedNodes(); } /** Deletes all selected arcs * Undo-Redo is not supported. */ public void deleteSelectedArcs() { this.canvas.deleteSelectedArcs(); } /** Deletes all selected objects (nodes and arcs) * Undo-Redo is supported. */ // called from EditSelPopupMenu, RuleEditor, GraphEditor public void deleteSelected() { this.canvas.deleteSelected(); } /** Deletes an object on the position specified by the int x, int y * Undo-Redo is not supported. */ public boolean deleteObj(int x, int y) { return this.canvas.deleteObj(x, y); } /** Deletes an layout object specified by the EdGraphObject ego * Undo-Redo is supported. */ // called from EditPopupMenu public void deleteObj(EdGraphObject ego) { this.canvas.deleteObj(ego); } boolean hasSelection() { return (this.eGraph != null && this.eGraph.hasSelection())? true: false; } /** * Undo-Redo is not supported. */ public void deselect(EdGraphObject ego) { this.canvas.deselect(ego); updateGraphics(); } /** * Undo-Redo is not supported. */ public EdGraphObject select(int x, int y) { return, y); } /** * Undo-Redo is not supported. */ public void selectAll() { this.canvas.selectAll(); updateGraphics(); } /** * Undo-Redo is not supported. */ public void deselectAll() { if (this.canvas.deselectAll()) updateGraphics(); } /** * Undo-Redo is not supported. */ public void selectNodesOfSelectedNodeType() { if (this.canvas.selectNodesOfSelectedNodeType()) updateGraphics(); } /** * Undo-Redo is not supported. */ public void selectArcsOfSelectedArcType() { if (this.canvas.selectArcsOfSelectedArcType()) updateGraphics(); } /** * Undo-Redo is not supported. */ public void straightenSelectedArcs() { if (this.canvas.straigthSelectedArcs()) updateGraphics(); } }