package; import javax.swing.JFrame; import javax.swing.ImageIcon; import java.awt.event.WindowAdapter; import java.awt.event.WindowEvent; @SuppressWarnings("serial") public class HtmlBrowser extends JFrame { private HtmlPane html; /* The initial width and height of the frame */ // private static int FRAME_WIDTH = 500; // // private static int FRAME_HEIGHT = 650; private final static String HELPPATH = "agg/gui/help/"; public HtmlBrowser(String htmlFileName, int width, int height) { super("AGG Help"); /* get icon image of the AGG application */ url = ClassLoader.getSystemClassLoader() .getResource("agg/lib/icons/AGG_ICON64.gif"); if (url != null) { final ImageIcon icon = new ImageIcon(url); if (icon.getImage() != null) { setIconImage(icon.getImage()); } } else { System.out.println("AGG_ICON64.gif not found!"); } addWindowListener(new WindowAdapter() { public void windowClosing(WindowEvent evt) { setVisible(false); dispose(); } }); url = ClassLoader.getSystemResource(HELPPATH + htmlFileName); // System.out.println("URL: "+url); if (url != null) { this.html = new HtmlPane(url); if (!this.html.isEmpty()) { getContentPane().add(this.html); this.pack(); setSize(width, height); setLocation(50, 50); } } } public HtmlBrowser(String htmlFileName) { super("AGG Help"); /* get icon image of the AGG application */ url = ClassLoader.getSystemClassLoader() .getResource("agg/lib/icons/AGG_ICON64.gif"); if (url != null) { final ImageIcon icon = new ImageIcon(url); if (icon.getImage() != null) { setIconImage(icon.getImage()); } } else { System.out.println("AGG_ICON64.gif not found!"); } addWindowListener(new WindowAdapter() { public void windowClosing(WindowEvent evt) { setVisible(false); dispose(); } }); url = ClassLoader.getSystemResource(HELPPATH + htmlFileName); // System.out.println("URL: "+url); if (url != null) { this.html = new HtmlPane(url); if (!this.html.isEmpty()) { getContentPane().add(this.html); this.pack(); setLocation(50, 50); } } else { System.out.println(HELPPATH + htmlFileName+" not found!"); } } public void setPage(String url) throws { this.html.setPage(url); setVisible(true); } public String toString() { return this.html.toString(); } }