package agg.parser; import java.awt.Color; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Enumeration; import java.util.Hashtable; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.List; import java.util.Vector; import agg.xt_basis.BaseFactory; import agg.xt_basis.GraGra; import agg.xt_basis.Graph; import agg.xt_basis.GraphObject; import agg.xt_basis.Node; import agg.xt_basis.Arc; import agg.xt_basis.TypeException; import agg.xt_basis.OrdinaryMorphism; import agg.xt_basis.BadMappingException; import agg.xt_basis.Rule; import agg.xt_basis.Type; import agg.editor.impl.EdGraph; import agg.editor.impl.EdType; import agg.parser.ExcludePairContainer.Entry; import agg.util.XMLHelper; import agg.util.XMLObject; import agg.util.Pair; public class ConflictsDependenciesContainer implements XMLObject { protected ExcludePairContainer epc; protected DependencyPairContainer dpc; protected LayeredExcludePairContainer lepc; protected LayeredDependencyPairContainer ldpc; protected boolean layered; protected PriorityExcludePairContainer pepc; protected PriorityDependencyPairContainer pdpc; protected boolean priority; protected GraGra pairsGrammar; protected Graph cpaBasisGraph; protected EdGraph cpaGraph; protected int count; protected final List<Pair<String,String>> cpaOptions = new Vector<Pair<String,String>>(); public ConflictsDependenciesContainer() { this.cpaBasisGraph = null; this.cpaGraph = null; } public ConflictsDependenciesContainer( final PairContainer conflict, final PairContainer dependency) { this.layered = false; this.priority = false; this.count = 0; if (dependency instanceof LayeredDependencyPairContainer) { this.ldpc = (LayeredDependencyPairContainer) dependency; this.count++; this.layered = true; this.pairsGrammar = this.ldpc.getGrammar(); } else if (dependency instanceof PriorityDependencyPairContainer) { this.pdpc = (PriorityDependencyPairContainer) dependency; this.count++; this.priority = true; this.pairsGrammar = this.pdpc.getGrammar(); } else if (dependency instanceof DependencyPairContainer) { this.dpc = (DependencyPairContainer) dependency; this.count++; this.pairsGrammar = this.dpc.getGrammar(); } this.layered = false; this.priority = false; if (conflict instanceof LayeredExcludePairContainer) { this.lepc = (LayeredExcludePairContainer) conflict; this.count++; this.layered = true; this.pairsGrammar = this.lepc.getGrammar(); } else if (conflict instanceof PriorityExcludePairContainer) { this.pepc = (PriorityExcludePairContainer) conflict; this.count++; this.priority = true; this.pairsGrammar = this.pepc.getGrammar(); } else if (conflict instanceof ExcludePairContainer) { this.epc = (ExcludePairContainer) conflict; this.count++; this.pairsGrammar = this.epc.getGrammar(); } } public ConflictsDependenciesContainer( final PairContainer conflict, final PairContainer dependency, final Graph conflictDependencyGraph) { this(conflict, dependency); this.cpaBasisGraph = conflictDependencyGraph; } public ConflictsDependenciesContainer( final PairContainer conflict, final PairContainer dependency, final EdGraph conflictDependencyGraph) { this(conflict, dependency); this.cpaGraph = conflictDependencyGraph; if (this.cpaGraph != null) this.cpaBasisGraph = conflictDependencyGraph.getBasisGraph(); } public ExcludePairContainer getExcludePairContainer() { return this.epc; } public DependencyPairContainer getDependencyPairContainer() { return this.dpc; } public LayeredExcludePairContainer getLayeredExcludePairContainer() { return this.lepc; } public LayeredDependencyPairContainer getLayeredDependencyPairContainer() { return this.ldpc; } public PriorityExcludePairContainer getPriorityExcludePairContainer() { return this.pepc; } public PriorityDependencyPairContainer getPriorityDependencyPairContainer() { return this.pdpc; } public EdGraph getCPAGraph() { return this.cpaGraph; } public Graph getCPABasisGraph() { return this.cpaBasisGraph; } public boolean isPriority() { return this.priority; } public boolean isLayered() { return this.layered; } public GraGra getGrammar() { return this.pairsGrammar; } public int getContainerCount() { return this.count; } public List<Pair<String,String>> getLoadedCPAOptions() { return this.cpaOptions; } /** * Writes the contents of this object to a file in a xml format. * * @param h * A helper object for storing. */ public void XwriteObject(XMLHelper h) { if (this.epc != null || this.dpc != null) writeCriticalPairs(h, this.epc, this.dpc, false); else if (this.lepc != null || this.ldpc != null) writeCriticalPairs(h, this.lepc, this.ldpc, true); else if (this.pepc != null || this.pdpc != null) writeCriticalPairs(h, this.pepc, this.pdpc, true); else System.out .println("ConflictsDependenciesContainer.XwriteObject FAILED"); } protected void writeCPAoptions(XMLHelper h, ExcludePairContainer pc ) { h.openSubTag("cpaOptions"); boolean val = pc.complete; h.addAttr(CriticalPairOption.COMPLETE, Boolean.valueOf(val).toString()); val = pc.consistent; h.addAttr(CriticalPairOption.CONSISTENT, Boolean.valueOf(val).toString()); val = pc.strongAttrCheck; h.addAttr(CriticalPairOption.STRONG_ATTR_CHECK, Boolean.valueOf(val).toString()); val = pc.reduceSameMatch; h.addAttr(CriticalPairOption.IGNORE_SAME_MATCH, Boolean.valueOf(val).toString()); val = pc.ignoreIdenticalRules; h.addAttr(CriticalPairOption.IGNORE_SAME_RULE, Boolean.valueOf(val).toString()); val = pc.reduce; h.addAttr(CriticalPairOption.ESSENTIAL, Boolean.valueOf(val).toString()); val = pc.directStrctCnfl; h.addAttr(CriticalPairOption.DIRECTLY_STRICT_CONFLUENT, Boolean.valueOf(val).toString()); val = pc.directStrctCnflUpToIso; h.addAttr(CriticalPairOption.DIRECTLY_STRICT_CONFLUENT_UPTOISO, Boolean.valueOf(val).toString()); val = pc.namedObjectOnly; h.addAttr(CriticalPairOption.NAMED_OBJECT, Boolean.valueOf(val).toString()); h.addAttr(CriticalPairOption.MAX_BOUND_CRITIC_CAUSE, Integer.valueOf(pc.maxBoundOfCriticCause).toString()); h.close(); } protected List<Pair<String,String>> readCPAoptions(XMLHelper h) { final List<Pair<String,String>> list = new Vector<Pair<String,String>>(); if (h.readSubTag("cpaOptions")) { // System.out.println("cpaOptions"); Pair<String,String> p = new Pair<String,String> ( CriticalPairOption.COMPLETE, h.readAttr(CriticalPairOption.COMPLETE)); // System.out.println(p.first+" , "+p.second); list.add(p); p = new Pair<String,String> ( CriticalPairOption.CONSISTENT, h.readAttr(CriticalPairOption.CONSISTENT)); // System.out.println(p.first+" , "+p.second); list.add(p); p = new Pair<String,String> ( CriticalPairOption.ESSENTIAL, h.readAttr(CriticalPairOption.ESSENTIAL)); // System.out.println(p.first+" , "+p.second); list.add(p); p = new Pair<String,String> ( CriticalPairOption.IGNORE_SAME_MATCH, h.readAttr(CriticalPairOption.IGNORE_SAME_MATCH)); // System.out.println(p.first+" , "+p.second); list.add(p); p = new Pair<String,String> ( CriticalPairOption.IGNORE_SAME_RULE, h.readAttr(CriticalPairOption.IGNORE_SAME_RULE)); // System.out.println(p.first+" , "+p.second); list.add(p); p = new Pair<String,String> ( CriticalPairOption.STRONG_ATTR_CHECK, h.readAttr(CriticalPairOption.STRONG_ATTR_CHECK)); // System.out.println(p.first+" , "+p.second); list.add(p); p = new Pair<String,String> ( CriticalPairOption.DIRECTLY_STRICT_CONFLUENT, h.readAttr(CriticalPairOption.DIRECTLY_STRICT_CONFLUENT)); // System.out.println(p.first+" , "+p.second); list.add(p); p = new Pair<String,String> ( CriticalPairOption.DIRECTLY_STRICT_CONFLUENT_UPTOISO, h.readAttr(CriticalPairOption.DIRECTLY_STRICT_CONFLUENT_UPTOISO)); // System.out.println(p.first+" , "+p.second); list.add(p); p = new Pair<String,String> ( CriticalPairOption.NAMED_OBJECT, h.readAttr(CriticalPairOption.NAMED_OBJECT)); // System.out.println(p.first+" , "+p.second); list.add(p); p = new Pair<String,String> ( CriticalPairOption.MAX_BOUND_CRITIC_CAUSE, h.readAttr(CriticalPairOption.MAX_BOUND_CRITIC_CAUSE)); // System.out.println(p.first+" , "+p.second); list.add(p); h.close(); } return list; } protected boolean writeLayoutGrammar(XMLHelper h) { return true; } protected void readLayoutGrammar(XMLHelper h) {} protected boolean writeGrammar(XMLHelper h) { if (this.pairsGrammar != null) { h.addObject("GraGra", this.pairsGrammar, true); return true; } return false; } protected void readGrammar(final XMLHelper h) { this.pairsGrammar = BaseFactory.theFactory().createGraGra(); // loads the data in the predefined object h.getObject("", this.pairsGrammar, true); this.pairsGrammar.prepareRuleInfo(); if (this.pairsGrammar.isLayered()) { this.layered = true; } else if (this.pairsGrammar.trafoByPriority()){ this.priority = true; } } protected void writeRuleSet(XMLHelper h, final String tagname, final List<Rule> ruleSet) { h.openSubTag(tagname); h.addAttr("size", String.valueOf(ruleSet.size())); for (int i=0; i<ruleSet.size(); i++) { String ruleIDstr = h.getO2I(ruleSet.get(i)); if (!ruleIDstr.equals("")) { h.addAttr("i".concat(String.valueOf(i)), ruleIDstr); } } h.close(); } protected boolean readRuleSet(XMLHelper h, final String tagname, final List<Rule> ruleSet) { if (h.readSubTag(tagname)) { String sizeStr = h.readAttr("size"); try { int size = Integer.valueOf(sizeStr).intValue(); for (int i=0; i<size; i++) { String ruleID = h.readAttr("i".concat(String.valueOf(i))); Object obj = h.getI2O(ruleID); if (obj instanceof Rule) { ruleSet.add((Rule) obj); } else { h.close(); return false; } } h.close(); return true; } catch (java.util.IllegalFormatException ex) { } h.close(); } return false; } protected void writeCriticalPairs(XMLHelper h, PairContainer pc1, PairContainer pc2, boolean layer) { // System.out.println("criticalPairsWriteXML ... "); h.openNewElem("CriticalPairs", this); if (!writeGrammar(h)) { System.out.println("ConflictsDependenciesContainer.XwriteObject(XMLHelper h) :: "+ "Cannot write critical pairs! Grammar is null."); return; } Hashtable<Rule, Hashtable<Rule, Pair<Boolean, Vector<Pair<Pair<OrdinaryMorphism, OrdinaryMorphism>, Pair<OrdinaryMorphism, OrdinaryMorphism>>>>>> excludeContainer = null; Hashtable<Rule, Hashtable<Rule, Pair<Boolean, Vector<Pair<Pair<OrdinaryMorphism, OrdinaryMorphism>, Pair<OrdinaryMorphism, OrdinaryMorphism>>>>>> conflictFreeContainer = null; Entry entry = null; boolean optionsWritten = false; if (pc1 != null) { writeCPAoptions(h, (ExcludePairContainer) pc1); optionsWritten = true; excludeContainer = ((ExcludePairContainer) pc1).getExcludeContainer(); // write conflict container h.openSubTag("conflictContainer"); h.addAttr("kind", "exclude"); writeRuleSet(h, "RuleSet", pc1.getRules()); // columns of the table writeRuleSet(h, "RuleSet2", pc1.getRules2()); // rows of the table for (Enumeration<Rule> keys = excludeContainer.keys(); keys .hasMoreElements();) { Rule r1 = keys.nextElement(); h.openSubTag("Rule"); h.addObject("R1", r1, false); Hashtable<Rule, Pair<Boolean, Vector<Pair<Pair<OrdinaryMorphism, OrdinaryMorphism>, Pair<OrdinaryMorphism, OrdinaryMorphism>>>>> secondPart = excludeContainer.get(r1); for (Enumeration<Rule> k2 = secondPart.keys(); k2.hasMoreElements();) { Rule r2 = k2.nextElement(); entry = ((ExcludePairContainer) pc1).getEntry(r1, r2); h.openSubTag("Rule"); h.addObject("R2", r2, false); Pair<Boolean, Vector<Pair<Pair<OrdinaryMorphism, OrdinaryMorphism>, Pair<OrdinaryMorphism, OrdinaryMorphism>>>> p = secondPart.get(r2); Boolean b = p.first; h.addAttr("bool", b.toString()); // h.addAttr("duIndx", String.valueOf(entry.duIndx)); // h.addAttr("pfIndx", String.valueOf(entry.pfIndx)); // h.addAttr("caIndx", String.valueOf(entry.caIndx)); h.addAttr("duIndx", entry.duIndxStr); h.addAttr("pfIndx", entry.pfIndxStr); h.addAttr("caIndx", entry.caIndxStr); if (b.booleanValue()) { Vector<Pair<Pair<OrdinaryMorphism, OrdinaryMorphism>, Pair<OrdinaryMorphism, OrdinaryMorphism>>> v = p.second; for (int i = 0; i < v.size(); i++) { Pair<Pair<OrdinaryMorphism, OrdinaryMorphism>, Pair<OrdinaryMorphism, OrdinaryMorphism>> p2i = v.elementAt(i); Pair<OrdinaryMorphism, OrdinaryMorphism> p2 = p2i.first; h.openSubTag("Overlapping_Pair"); OrdinaryMorphism first = p2.first; Graph overlapping = first.getImage(); // add overlapping graph h.addObject("", overlapping, true); for (Iterator<Node> e = overlapping.getNodesSet().iterator(); e .hasNext();) { GraphObject o =; if (o.isCritical()) { h.openSubTag("Critical"); h.addObject("object", o, false); h.close(); } } for (Iterator<Arc> e = overlapping.getArcsSet().iterator(); e .hasNext();) { GraphObject o =; if (o.isCritical()) { h.openSubTag("Critical"); h.addObject("object", o, false); h.close(); } } writeOverlapMorphisms(h, r1, r2, p2i); h.close(); } } h.close(); } h.close(); } h.close(); // now write conflict free container conflictFreeContainer = ((ExcludePairContainer) pc1) .getConflictFreeContainer(); if (conflictFreeContainer != null) { h.openSubTag("conflictFreeContainer"); for (Enumeration<Rule> keys = excludeContainer.keys(); keys .hasMoreElements();) { Rule r1 = keys.nextElement(); h.openSubTag("Rule"); h.addObject("R1", r1, false); Hashtable<Rule, Pair<Boolean, Vector<Pair<Pair<OrdinaryMorphism, OrdinaryMorphism>, Pair<OrdinaryMorphism, OrdinaryMorphism>>>>> secondPart = conflictFreeContainer .get(r1); for (Enumeration<Rule> k2 = secondPart.keys(); k2 .hasMoreElements();) { Rule r2 = k2.nextElement(); entry = ((ExcludePairContainer) pc1).getEntry(r1, r2); h.openSubTag("Rule"); h.addObject("R2", r2, false); Boolean b = secondPart.get(r2).first; h.addAttr("bool", b.toString()); if (entry.getStatus() == ExcludePairContainer.Entry.NOT_COMPUTABLE) h.addAttr("status", "not_computable"); h.close(); } h.close(); } h.close(); } } excludeContainer = null; String kind = "trigger_dependency"; if (pc2 != null) { if (!optionsWritten) { writeCPAoptions(h, (ExcludePairContainer) pc2); optionsWritten = true; } excludeContainer = ((ExcludePairContainer) pc2) .getExcludeContainer(); if (((DependencyPairContainer) pc2).switchDependency) kind = "trigger_switch_dependency"; // System.out.println(excludeContainer); // write dependency container h.openSubTag("dependencyContainer"); h.addAttr("kind", kind); writeRuleSet(h, "RuleSet", pc2.getRules()); // columns of the table writeRuleSet(h, "RuleSet2", pc2.getRules2()); // rows of the table for (Enumeration<Rule> keys = excludeContainer.keys(); keys .hasMoreElements();) { Rule r1 = keys.nextElement(); h.openSubTag("Rule"); h.addObject("R1", r1, false); Hashtable<Rule, Pair<Boolean, Vector<Pair<Pair<OrdinaryMorphism, OrdinaryMorphism>, Pair<OrdinaryMorphism, OrdinaryMorphism>>>>> secondPart = excludeContainer.get(r1); for (Enumeration<Rule> k2 = secondPart.keys(); k2.hasMoreElements();) { Rule r2 = k2.nextElement(); entry = ((ExcludePairContainer) pc2).getEntry(r1, r2); h.openSubTag("Rule"); h.addObject("R2", r2, false); Pair<Boolean, Vector<Pair<Pair<OrdinaryMorphism, OrdinaryMorphism>, Pair<OrdinaryMorphism, OrdinaryMorphism>>>> p = secondPart.get(r2); Boolean b = p.first; h.addAttr("bool", b.toString()); // h.addAttr("duIndx", String.valueOf(entry.duIndx)); // h.addAttr("pfIndx", String.valueOf(entry.pfIndx)); // h.addAttr("caIndx", String.valueOf(entry.caIndx)); h.addAttr("duIndx", entry.duIndxStr); h.addAttr("pfIndx", entry.pfIndxStr); h.addAttr("caIndx", entry.caIndxStr); if (b.booleanValue()) { Vector<Pair<Pair<OrdinaryMorphism, OrdinaryMorphism>, Pair<OrdinaryMorphism, OrdinaryMorphism>>> v = p.second; for (int i = 0; i < v.size(); i++) { Pair<Pair<OrdinaryMorphism, OrdinaryMorphism>, Pair<OrdinaryMorphism, OrdinaryMorphism>> p2i = v.elementAt(i); Pair<OrdinaryMorphism, OrdinaryMorphism> p2 = p2i.first; h.openSubTag("Overlapping_Pair"); OrdinaryMorphism first = p2.first; Graph overlapping = first.getImage(); // add overlapping graph h.addObject("", overlapping, true); for (Iterator<Node> e = overlapping.getNodesSet().iterator(); e .hasNext();) { GraphObject o =; if (o.isCritical()) { h.openSubTag("Critical"); h.addObject("object", o, false); h.close(); } } for (Iterator<Arc> e = overlapping.getArcsSet().iterator(); e.hasNext();) { GraphObject o =; if (o.isCritical()) { h.openSubTag("Critical"); h.addObject("object", o, false); h.close(); } } writeOverlapMorphisms(h, r1, r2, p2i); h.close(); } } h.close(); } h.close(); } h.close(); // now write dependency free container conflictFreeContainer = ((ExcludePairContainer) pc2) .getConflictFreeContainer(); if (conflictFreeContainer != null) { h.openSubTag("dependencyFreeContainer"); for (Enumeration<Rule> keys = excludeContainer.keys(); keys .hasMoreElements();) { Rule r1 = keys.nextElement(); h.openSubTag("Rule"); h.addObject("R1", r1, false); Hashtable<Rule, Pair<Boolean, Vector<Pair<Pair<OrdinaryMorphism, OrdinaryMorphism>, Pair<OrdinaryMorphism, OrdinaryMorphism>>>>> secondPart = conflictFreeContainer .get(r1); for (Enumeration<Rule> k2 = secondPart.keys(); k2 .hasMoreElements();) { Rule r2 = k2.nextElement(); entry = ((ExcludePairContainer) pc2).getEntry(r1, r2); h.openSubTag("Rule"); h.addObject("R2", r2, false); Boolean b = secondPart.get(r2).first; h.addAttr("bool", b.toString()); if (entry.getStatus() == ExcludePairContainer.Entry.NOT_COMPUTABLE) h.addAttr("status", "not_computable"); h.close(); } h.close(); } h.close(); } } writeCPAGraph(h); h.close(); writeLayoutGrammar(h); } protected void writeCPAGraph(XMLHelper h) { if (this.cpaBasisGraph != null) { h.openSubTag("ConflictDependencyGraph"); h.openSubTag("Types"); h.addEnumeration("", this.cpaBasisGraph.getTypeSet().getTypes(), true); h.close(); h.addObject("", this.cpaBasisGraph, true); h.close(); } if (this.cpaGraph != null) { //this.cpaGraph.XwriteObject(h); h.addObject("Graph", this.cpaGraph, false); } } /** * Reads the contents of a xml file to restore this object. * * @param h * A helper object for loading. */ @SuppressWarnings("unused") public void XreadObject(XMLHelper h) { // System.out.println("ConflictsDependencies.XreadObject ..."); this.count = 0; this.cpaOptions.clear(); if (h.isTag("CriticalPairs", this)) { Rule r1 = null; Rule r2 = null; int conflictKind = CriticalPair.CONFLICT; this.layered = false; this.priority = false; boolean b = false; boolean depsRead = false; Vector<String> tagnames = new Vector<String>(1); Vector<Pair<Pair<OrdinaryMorphism, OrdinaryMorphism>, Pair<OrdinaryMorphism, OrdinaryMorphism>>> allOverlappings = null; // read GraGra which was saved with CPs : // this.pairsGrammar readGrammar(h); this.cpaOptions.addAll(readCPAoptions(h)); List<Rule> tmpList = null; List<Rule> tmpList2 = null; tagnames.add("conflictContainer"); tagnames.add("conflictsContainer"); tagnames.add("excludeContainer"); if (h.readSubTag(tagnames)) { String kind = h.readAttr("kind"); conflictKind = CriticalPair.CONFLICT; if (this.layered) this.lepc = (LayeredExcludePairContainer) ParserFactory .createEmptyCriticalPairs(this.pairsGrammar, CriticalPairOption.EXCLUDEONLY, true); else if (this.priority) this.pepc = (PriorityExcludePairContainer) ParserFactory .createEmptyCriticalPairs(this.pairsGrammar, CriticalPairOption.EXCLUDEONLY, false); else this.epc = (ExcludePairContainer) ParserFactory .createEmptyCriticalPairs(this.pairsGrammar, CriticalPairOption.EXCLUDEONLY, false); this.count++; } else { tagnames.clear(); tagnames.add("dependenciesContainer"); tagnames.add("dependencyContainer"); if (h.readSubTag(tagnames)) { conflictKind = CriticalPair.TRIGGER_DEPENDENCY; boolean switchDependency = false; if (h.readAttr("kind").equals("trigger_switch_dependency")) { switchDependency = true; conflictKind = CriticalPair.TRIGGER_SWITCH_DEPENDENCY; } if (this.layered) { this.ldpc = (LayeredDependencyPairContainer) ParserFactory .createEmptyCriticalPairs(this.pairsGrammar, conflictKind, true); this.ldpc.switchDependency = switchDependency; } else if (this.priority) { this.pdpc = (PriorityDependencyPairContainer) ParserFactory .createEmptyCriticalPairs(this.pairsGrammar, conflictKind, false); this.pdpc.switchDependency = switchDependency; } else { this.dpc = (DependencyPairContainer) ParserFactory .createEmptyCriticalPairs(this.pairsGrammar, conflictKind, false); this.dpc.enableSwitchDependency(switchDependency); } this.count++; } } if (conflictKind == CriticalPair.CONFLICT || conflictKind == CriticalPair.TRIGGER_DEPENDENCY || conflictKind == CriticalPair.TRIGGER_SWITCH_DEPENDENCY) { // read rule sets tmpList = new Vector<Rule>(); tmpList2 = new Vector<Rule>(); if (!readRuleSet(h, "RuleSet", tmpList)) tmpList = null; if (!readRuleSet(h, "RuleSet2", tmpList2)) tmpList2 = null; Enumeration<?> r1s = h.getEnumeration("", null, true, "Rule"); if (!r1s.hasMoreElements()) r1s = h.getEnumeration("", null, true, "Regel"); while (r1s.hasMoreElements()) { h.peekElement(r1s.nextElement()); // da ein referenziertes object geholt werden soll. // muss nur angegeben werden wie der Membername heisst. r1 = (Rule) h.getObject("R1", null, false); if (r1 == null) continue; Enumeration<?> r2s = h.getEnumeration("", null, true, "Rule"); if (!r2s.hasMoreElements()) r2s = h.getEnumeration("", null, true, "Regel"); while (r2s.hasMoreElements()) { h.peekElement(r2s.nextElement()); r2 = (Rule) h.getObject("R2", null, false); String bool = h.readAttr("bool"); String duIndxStr = h.readAttr("duIndx"); String pfIndxStr = h.readAttr("pfIndx"); String caIndxStr = h.readAttr("caIndx"); b = false; allOverlappings = null; if (bool.equals("true")) { b = true; allOverlappings = new Vector<Pair<Pair<OrdinaryMorphism, OrdinaryMorphism>, Pair<OrdinaryMorphism, OrdinaryMorphism>>>(); Enumeration<?> overlappings = h.getEnumeration("", null, true, "Overlapping_Pair"); while (overlappings.hasMoreElements()) { h.peekElement(overlappings.nextElement()); // use the type set of the loaded grammar! Graph g = (Graph) h.getObject("", BaseFactory.theFactory().createGraph( this.pairsGrammar.getTypeSet()), true); while (h.readSubTag("Critical")) { GraphObject o = (GraphObject) h.getObject( "object", null, false); if (o != null) o.setCritical(true); h.close(); } if (conflictKind == CriticalPair.CONFLICT) { /* * OrdinaryMorphism first = * BaseFactory.theFactory().createMorphism(r1.getLeft(), * g); first.readMorphism(h); * OrdinaryMorphism second = * BaseFactory.theFactory().createMorphism(r2.getLeft(), * g); second.readMorphism(h); * allOverlappings.addElement(new * Pair(first, second)); */ Pair<Pair<OrdinaryMorphism, OrdinaryMorphism>, Pair<OrdinaryMorphism, OrdinaryMorphism>> p = readOverlappingMorphisms(h, r1, r2, g, conflictKind); allOverlappings.addElement(p); } else if (conflictKind == CriticalPair.TRIGGER_DEPENDENCY || conflictKind == CriticalPair.TRIGGER_SWITCH_DEPENDENCY) { /* * OrdinaryMorphism first = * BaseFactory.theFactory().createMorphism(r1.getRight(), * g); first.readMorphism(h); * //System.out.println("ConflictDependCont.Xread:: * "+first.getSize()); OrdinaryMorphism * second = * BaseFactory.theFactory().createMorphism(r2.getLeft(), * g); second.readMorphism(h); * allOverlappings.addElement(new * Pair(first, second)); */ Pair<Pair<OrdinaryMorphism, OrdinaryMorphism>, Pair<OrdinaryMorphism, OrdinaryMorphism>> p = readOverlappingMorphisms(h, r1, r2, g, conflictKind); allOverlappings.addElement(p); } h.close(); } } if (conflictKind == CriticalPair.CONFLICT) { Entry entry = null; if (this.layered) { this.lepc.addQuadruple(this.lepc.getExcludeContainer(), r1, r2, b, allOverlappings); entry = this.lepc.getEntry(r1, r2, true); } else if (this.priority) { this.pepc.addQuadruple(this.pepc.getExcludeContainer(), r1, r2, b, allOverlappings); entry = this.pepc.getEntry(r1, r2, true); } else { this.epc.addQuadruple(this.epc.getExcludeContainer(), r1, r2, b, allOverlappings); entry = this.epc.getEntry(r1, r2, true); } if (entry != null) { if (duIndxStr.indexOf(':')>=0) entry.setIndexOfDelUseProgress(duIndxStr); else entry.setIndexOfDelUseProgress(duIndxStr.concat(":")); if (pfIndxStr.indexOf(':')>=0) entry.setIndexOfProdForbidProgress(pfIndxStr); else entry.setIndexOfProdForbidProgress(pfIndxStr.concat(":")); if (caIndxStr.indexOf(':')>=0) entry.setIndexOfChangeAttrProgress(caIndxStr); else entry.setIndexOfChangeAttrProgress(caIndxStr.concat(":")); } } else if (conflictKind == CriticalPair.TRIGGER_DEPENDENCY || conflictKind == CriticalPair.TRIGGER_SWITCH_DEPENDENCY) { Entry entry = null; if (this.layered) { this.ldpc.addQuadruple(this.ldpc.getExcludeContainer(), r1, r2, b, allOverlappings); entry = this.ldpc.getEntry(r1, r2, true); } else if (this.priority) { this.pdpc.addQuadruple(this.pdpc.getExcludeContainer(), r1, r2, b, allOverlappings); entry = this.pdpc.getEntry(r1, r2, true); } else { this.dpc.addQuadruple(this.dpc.getExcludeContainer(), r1, r2, b, allOverlappings); entry = this.dpc.getEntry(r1, r2, true); } if (entry != null) { if (duIndxStr.indexOf(':')>=0) entry.setIndexOfDelUseProgress(duIndxStr); else entry.setIndexOfDelUseProgress(duIndxStr.concat(":")); if (pfIndxStr.indexOf(':')>=0) entry.setIndexOfProdForbidProgress(pfIndxStr); else entry.setIndexOfProdForbidProgress(pfIndxStr.concat(":")); if (caIndxStr.indexOf(':')>=0) entry.setIndexOfChangeAttrProgress(caIndxStr); else entry.setIndexOfChangeAttrProgress(caIndxStr.concat(":")); } } h.close(); } h.close(); } h.close(); } tagnames.clear(); tagnames.add("conflictFreeContainer"); tagnames.add("dependencyFreeContainer"); if (h.readSubTag(tagnames)) { Enumeration<?> r1s = h.getEnumeration("", null, true, "Rule"); if (!r1s.hasMoreElements()) r1s = h.getEnumeration("", null, true, "Regel"); while (r1s.hasMoreElements()) { h.peekElement(r1s.nextElement()); // da ein referenziertes object geholt werden soll. // muss nur angegeben werden wie der Membername heisst. r1 = (Rule) h.getObject("R1", null, false); Enumeration<?> r2s = h.getEnumeration("", null, true, "Rule"); if (!r2s.hasMoreElements()) r2s = h.getEnumeration("", null, true, "Regel"); while (r2s.hasMoreElements()) { h.peekElement(r2s.nextElement()); r2 = (Rule) h.getObject("R2", null, false); String bool = h.readAttr("bool"); String status = h.readAttr("status"); b = false; if (bool.equals("true")) b = true; if (conflictKind == CriticalPair.CONFLICT) { if (this.layered) this.lepc.addQuadruple(this.lepc .getConflictFreeContainer(), r1, r2, b, null); else if (this.priority) this.pepc.addQuadruple(this.pepc .getConflictFreeContainer(), r1, r2, b, null); else this.epc.addQuadruple( this.epc.getConflictFreeContainer(), r1, r2, b, null); } else if (conflictKind == CriticalPair.TRIGGER_DEPENDENCY || conflictKind == CriticalPair.TRIGGER_SWITCH_DEPENDENCY) { ExcludePairContainer.Entry entry = null; if (this.layered) { this.ldpc.addQuadruple(this.ldpc .getConflictFreeContainer(), r1, r2, b, null); entry = this.ldpc.getEntry(r1, r2, true); } else if (this.priority) { this.pdpc.addQuadruple(this.pdpc .getConflictFreeContainer(), r1, r2, b, null); entry = this.pdpc.getEntry(r1, r2, true); } else { this.dpc.addQuadruple( this.dpc.getConflictFreeContainer(), r1, r2, b, null); entry = this.dpc.getEntry(r1, r2, true); } if (entry != null) { if (status.equals(String.valueOf("not_computable"))) entry.setStatus(ExcludePairContainer.Entry.NOT_COMPUTABLE); } } if (!r1.isEnabled() || !r2.isEnabled()) { if (conflictKind == CriticalPair.CONFLICT) { if (this.layered) this.lepc.getEntry(r1, r2).state = ExcludePairContainer.Entry.DISABLED; else if (this.priority) this.pepc.getEntry(r1, r2).state = ExcludePairContainer.Entry.DISABLED; else this.epc.getEntry(r1, r2).state = ExcludePairContainer.Entry.DISABLED; } else if (conflictKind == CriticalPair.TRIGGER_DEPENDENCY || conflictKind == CriticalPair.TRIGGER_SWITCH_DEPENDENCY) { if (this.layered) this.ldpc.getEntry(r1, r2).state = ExcludePairContainer.Entry.DISABLED; else if (this.priority) this.pdpc.getEntry(r1, r2).state = ExcludePairContainer.Entry.DISABLED; else this.dpc.getEntry(r1, r2).state = ExcludePairContainer.Entry.DISABLED; } } else { if (r1.getLayer() != r2.getLayer()) { if (this.layered) { if (conflictKind == CriticalPair.CONFLICT) this.lepc.getEntry(r1, r2).state = ExcludePairContainer.Entry.NOT_RELATED; else if (conflictKind == CriticalPair.TRIGGER_DEPENDENCY || conflictKind == CriticalPair.TRIGGER_SWITCH_DEPENDENCY) this.ldpc.getEntry(r1, r2).state = ExcludePairContainer.Entry.NOT_RELATED; } } if (r1.getPriority() != r2.getPriority()) { if (this.priority) { if (conflictKind == CriticalPair.CONFLICT) this.pepc.getEntry(r1, r2).state = ExcludePairContainer.Entry.NOT_RELATED; else if (conflictKind == CriticalPair.TRIGGER_DEPENDENCY || conflictKind == CriticalPair.TRIGGER_SWITCH_DEPENDENCY) this.pdpc.getEntry(r1, r2).state = ExcludePairContainer.Entry.NOT_RELATED; } } } h.close(); } h.close(); } h.close(); } tagnames.clear(); tagnames.add("dependencyContainer"); tagnames.add("dependenciesContainer"); if (h.readSubTag(tagnames)) { if (!depsRead) { conflictKind = CriticalPair.TRIGGER_DEPENDENCY; boolean switchDependency = false; if (h.readAttr("kind").equals("trigger_switch_dependency")) { switchDependency = true; conflictKind = CriticalPair.TRIGGER_SWITCH_DEPENDENCY; } if (this.layered) this.ldpc = (LayeredDependencyPairContainer) ParserFactory .createEmptyCriticalPairs(this.pairsGrammar, conflictKind, true); else if (this.priority) this.pdpc = (PriorityDependencyPairContainer) ParserFactory .createEmptyCriticalPairs(this.pairsGrammar, conflictKind, false); else this.dpc = (DependencyPairContainer) ParserFactory .createEmptyCriticalPairs(this.pairsGrammar, conflictKind, false); this.count++; // read rule sets tmpList = new Vector<Rule>(); tmpList2 = new Vector<Rule>(); if (!readRuleSet(h, "RuleSet", tmpList)) tmpList = null; if (!readRuleSet(h, "RuleSet2", tmpList2)) tmpList2 = null; Enumeration<?> r1s = h.getEnumeration("", null, true, "Rule"); if (!r1s.hasMoreElements()) r1s = h.getEnumeration("", null, true, "Regel"); while (r1s.hasMoreElements()) { h.peekElement(r1s.nextElement()); // da ein referenziertes object geholt werden soll. // muss nur angegeben werden wie der Membername heisst. r1 = (Rule) h.getObject("R1", null, false); Enumeration<?> r2s = h.getEnumeration("", null, true, "Rule"); if (!r2s.hasMoreElements()) r2s = h.getEnumeration("", null, true, "Regel"); while (r2s.hasMoreElements()) { h.peekElement(r2s.nextElement()); r2 = (Rule) h.getObject("R2", null, false); String bool = h.readAttr("bool"); b = false; allOverlappings = null; if (bool.equals("true")) { b = true; allOverlappings = new Vector<Pair<Pair<OrdinaryMorphism, OrdinaryMorphism>, Pair<OrdinaryMorphism, OrdinaryMorphism>>>(); Enumeration<?> overlappings = h.getEnumeration("", null, true, "Overlapping_Pair"); while (overlappings.hasMoreElements()) { h.peekElement(overlappings.nextElement()); Graph g = (Graph) h.getObject("", new Graph(this.pairsGrammar.getTypeSet()), true); while (h.readSubTag("Critical")) { GraphObject o = (GraphObject) h .getObject("object", null, false); if (o != null) o.setCritical(true); h.close(); } /* * OrdinaryMorphism first = * BaseFactory.theFactory().createMorphism(r1.getRight(), * g); first.readMorphism(h); * //System.out.println("ConflictDependCont.Xread:: * "+first.getSize()); OrdinaryMorphism * second = * BaseFactory.theFactory().createMorphism(r2.getLeft(), * g); second.readMorphism(h); * allOverlappings.addElement(new * Pair(first, second)); */ Pair<Pair<OrdinaryMorphism, OrdinaryMorphism>, Pair<OrdinaryMorphism, OrdinaryMorphism>> p = readOverlappingMorphisms( h, r1, r2, g, conflictKind); allOverlappings.addElement(p); h.close(); } } if (this.layered) this.ldpc.addQuadruple(this.ldpc.getExcludeContainer(), r1, r2, b, allOverlappings); else if (this.priority) this.pdpc.addQuadruple(this.pdpc.getExcludeContainer(), r1, r2, b, allOverlappings); else this.dpc.addQuadruple(this.dpc.getExcludeContainer(), r1, r2, b, allOverlappings); h.close(); } h.close(); } } h.close(); tagnames.clear(); tagnames.add("conflictFreeContainer"); tagnames.add("dependencyFreeContainer"); if (h.readSubTag(tagnames)) { if (!depsRead) { Enumeration<?> r1s1 = h.getEnumeration("", null, true, "Rule"); if (!r1s1.hasMoreElements()) r1s1 = h.getEnumeration("", null, true, "Regel"); while (r1s1.hasMoreElements()) { h.peekElement(r1s1.nextElement()); // da ein referenziertes object geholt werden soll. // muss nur angegeben werden wie der Membername // heisst. r1 = (Rule) h.getObject("R1", null, false); Enumeration<?> r2s = h.getEnumeration("", null, true, "Rule"); if (!r2s.hasMoreElements()) r2s = h.getEnumeration("", null, true, "Regel"); while (r2s.hasMoreElements()) { h.peekElement(r2s.nextElement()); r2 = (Rule) h.getObject("R2", null, false); String bool = h.readAttr("bool"); String status = h.readAttr("status"); b = false; if (bool.equals("true")) b = true; ExcludePairContainer.Entry entry = null; if (this.layered) { this.ldpc.addQuadruple(this.ldpc .getConflictFreeContainer(), r1, r2, b, null); entry = this.ldpc.getEntry(r1, r2, true); } else if (this.priority) { this.pdpc.addQuadruple(this.pdpc .getConflictFreeContainer(), r1, r2, b, null); entry = this.pdpc.getEntry(r1, r2, true); } else { this.dpc.addQuadruple(this.dpc .getConflictFreeContainer(), r1, r2, b, null); entry = this.dpc.getEntry(r1, r2, true); } if (entry != null) { if (status.equals("not_computable")) entry.setStatus(ExcludePairContainer.Entry.NOT_COMPUTABLE); } if (!r1.isEnabled() || !r2.isEnabled()) { if (this.layered) this.ldpc.getEntry(r1, r2).state = ExcludePairContainer.Entry.DISABLED; else if (this.priority) this.pdpc.getEntry(r1, r2).state = ExcludePairContainer.Entry.DISABLED; else this.dpc.getEntry(r1, r2).state = ExcludePairContainer.Entry.DISABLED; } else { if (r1.getLayer() != r2.getLayer()) { if (this.layered) this.ldpc.getEntry(r1, r2).state = ExcludePairContainer.Entry.NOT_RELATED; } if (r1.getPriority() != r2.getPriority()) { if (this.priority) this.pdpc.getEntry(r1, r2).state = ExcludePairContainer.Entry.NOT_RELATED; } } h.close(); } h.close(); } } h.close(); } } // read CPA rule graph readCPAGraph(h); // reset rule sets (rules and rules2) of container if (this.layered) { if (this.lepc != null) this.lepc.resetRules(tmpList, tmpList2); if (this.ldpc != null) this.ldpc.resetRules(tmpList, tmpList2); } else if (this.priority) { if (this.pepc != null) this.pepc.resetRules(tmpList, tmpList2); if (this.pdpc != null) this.pdpc.resetRules(tmpList, tmpList2); } else { if (this.epc != null) this.epc.resetRules(tmpList, tmpList2); if (this.dpc != null) this.dpc.resetRules(tmpList, tmpList2); } this.pairsGrammar.isReadyToTransform(true); readLayoutGrammar(h); } } protected void readCPAGraph(XMLHelper h) { this.cpaBasisGraph = new Graph(); if (h.readSubTag("ConflictDependencyGraph")) { if (h.readSubTag("Types")) { Enumeration<?> en = h.getEnumeration("", null, true, "NodeType"); while (en.hasMoreElements()) { h.peekElement(en.nextElement()); Type t = this.cpaBasisGraph.getTypeSet().createNodeType(false); h.loadObject(t); h.close(); if (t.getAdditionalRepr().equals("")) t.setAdditionalRepr("[NODE]"); } en = h.getEnumeration("", null, true, "EdgeType"); while (en.hasMoreElements()) { h.peekElement(en.nextElement()); Type t = this.cpaBasisGraph.getTypeSet().createArcType(false); h.loadObject(t); h.close(); if (t.getAdditionalRepr().equals("")) t.setAdditionalRepr("[EDGE]"); } h.close(); } h.getObject("", this.cpaBasisGraph, true); // improve old CPA Graph name String gn = this.cpaBasisGraph.getName(); if (gn.contains("ofRules")) { this.cpaBasisGraph.setName("CPA_RuleGraph:Conflicts_(red)-Dependencies_(blue)"); } this.cpaGraph = new EdGraph(this.cpaBasisGraph); this.cpaGraph.setCPAgraph(true); h.enrichObject(this.cpaGraph); h.close(); Vector<EdType> cpaEdgeTypes = this.cpaGraph.getTypeSet().getArcTypes(); for (int i = 0; i < cpaEdgeTypes.size(); i++) { EdType t = cpaEdgeTypes.get(i); if (t.getBasisType().getName().equals("c")) t.setColor(Color.RED); else if (t.getBasisType().getName().equals("d")) t.setColor(Color.BLUE); t.setAdditionalReprOfBasisType(); } } } protected void writeOverlapMorphisms(XMLHelper h, Rule r1, Rule r2, Pair<Pair<OrdinaryMorphism, OrdinaryMorphism>, Pair<OrdinaryMorphism, OrdinaryMorphism>> overlapping) { Pair<OrdinaryMorphism, OrdinaryMorphism> p1 = overlapping.first; OrdinaryMorphism first = p1.first; // write first (left) overlap morphism h.openSubTag("Morphism"); h.addAttr("name", first.getName()); if (first.getTarget().getName().indexOf("deliver-delete-dependency")>=0 && first.getSource() == r2.getLeft()) { h.addAttr("source", "LHS_R2"); } else if (first.getTarget().getName().indexOf("forbid-produce-dependency")>=0 && first.getSource() == r2.getRight()) { h.addAttr("source", "RHS_R2"); } else if ((first.getTarget().getName().indexOf("change-change-dependency")>=0 || first.getTarget().getName().indexOf("deliver-change-dependency")>=0) && first.getSource() == r2.getLeft()) { h.addAttr("source", "LHS_R2"); } else if (first.getTarget().getName().indexOf("-switch-")>=0) { // old code if (first.getSource() == r2.getLeft()) h.addAttr("source", "LHS_R2"); else if (first.getSource() == r2.getRight()) h.addAttr("source", "RHS_R2"); } else if (first.getTarget().getName().indexOf("produceEdge-deleteNode-")>=0) { if (first.getSource() == r2.getLeft()) h.addAttr("source", "LHS_R2_1"); } else { if (first.getSource() == r1.getLeft()) h.addAttr("source", "LHS"); else if (first.getSource() == r1.getRight()) h.addAttr("source", "RHS"); } Enumeration<GraphObject> e = first.getDomain(); while (e.hasMoreElements()) { GraphObject s = e.nextElement(); h.openSubTag("Mapping"); h.addObject("orig", s, false); h.addObject("image", first.getImage(s), false); h.close(); } h.close(); // write second (right) overlap morphism OrdinaryMorphism second = p1.second; Pair<OrdinaryMorphism, OrdinaryMorphism> p2 = overlapping.second; if (p2 == null) { h.openSubTag("Morphism"); h.addAttr("name", second.getName()); if (second.getSource() == r2.getLeft()) h.addAttr("source", "LHS"); else if (second.getSource() == r1.getRight()) h.addAttr("source", "RHS_R1"); else if (second.getSource() == r1.getLeft()) h.addAttr("source", "LHS_R1_2"); e = second.getDomain(); while (e.hasMoreElements()) { GraphObject s = e.nextElement(); h.openSubTag("Mapping"); h.addObject("orig", s, false); h.addObject("image", second.getImage(s), false); h.close(); } h.close(); } else { // handle PACs if (p2.second != null && p2.first.getTarget() == p2.second.getSource()) { OrdinaryMorphism embedPAC2 = p2.first.compose(p2.second); h.openSubTag("Morphism"); h.addAttr("name", second.getName()); if (second.getSource() == r2.getLeft()) { h.addAttr("source", "PAC+LHS"); } else if (second.getSource() == r1.getRight()) { h.addAttr("source", "PAC+RHS_R1"); } OrdinaryMorphism pac = getPAC(r2, embedPAC2.getSource()); List<GraphObject> pacgos = new ArrayList<GraphObject> (); // write nodes of r2.LHS Iterator<Node> en = second.getTarget().getNodesSet().iterator(); while (en.hasNext()) { GraphObject go =; if (!second.getInverseImage(go).hasMoreElements()) { if (embedPAC2.getInverseImage(go).hasMoreElements()) { GraphObject o = embedPAC2.getInverseImage(go).nextElement(); pacgos.add(o); } } else { GraphObject s = second.getInverseImage(go).nextElement(); h.openSubTag("Mapping"); h.addObject("orig", s, false); h.addObject("image", go, false); h.close(); } } // write arcs of r2.LHS Iterator<Arc> ea = second.getTarget().getArcsSet().iterator(); while (ea.hasNext()) { GraphObject go =; if (!second.getInverseImage(go).hasMoreElements()) { if (embedPAC2.getInverseImage(go).hasMoreElements()) { GraphObject o = embedPAC2.getInverseImage(go).nextElement(); pacgos.add(o); } } else { GraphObject s = second.getInverseImage(go).nextElement(); h.openSubTag("Mapping"); h.addObject("orig", s, false); h.addObject("image", go, false); h.close(); } } for (GraphObject s : pacgos) { GraphObject t = embedPAC2.getImage(s); if (t != null) { // GraphObject s belongs to a PAC // GraphObject t belongs to the overlapgraph h.openSubTag("Mapping"); h.addAttr("pacname", pac.getName()); h.addObject("orig", s, false); h.addObject("image", t, false); h.close(); } } h.close(); } else { // here handle NAC OrdinaryMorphism morphL2iso = p2.first; OrdinaryMorphism morphNACiso = p2.second; h.openSubTag("Morphism"); h.addAttr("name", second.getName()); if (morphL2iso.getSource() == r1.getRight() || morphL2iso.getSource() == r2.getRight()) h.addAttr("source", "NAC+RHS"); else h.addAttr("source", "NAC+LHS"); // is N2 = NAC+L2 e = second.getDomain(); while (e.hasMoreElements()) { GraphObject src = e.nextElement(); GraphObject t = second.getImage(src); GraphObject s = null; if (morphL2iso.getInverseImage(src).hasMoreElements()) s = morphL2iso.getInverseImage(src) .nextElement(); else if (morphNACiso.getInverseImage(src).hasMoreElements()) s = morphNACiso.getInverseImage(src) .nextElement(); if (s != null) { h.openSubTag("Mapping"); h.addObject("orig", s, false); h.addObject("image", t, false); h.close(); } } h.close(); } } } private OrdinaryMorphism getPAC( final Rule r, final Graph pacGraph) { final List<OrdinaryMorphism> pacs = r.getPACsList(); for (int l=0; l<pacs.size(); l++) { final OrdinaryMorphism pac = pacs.get(l); if (pac.getTarget() == pacGraph) return pac; } return null; } protected Pair<OrdinaryMorphism, OrdinaryMorphism> readOldOverlappingMorphisms(XMLHelper h, Rule r1, Rule r2, String firstName, Graph overlapGraph, int kind) { OrdinaryMorphism first = null; OrdinaryMorphism second = null; if (kind == CriticalPair.CONFLICT) { first = BaseFactory.theFactory().createMorphism( r1.getLeft(), overlapGraph); second = BaseFactory.theFactory().createMorphism( r2.getLeft(), overlapGraph); } else if (kind == CriticalPair.TRIGGER_DEPENDENCY || kind == CriticalPair.TRIGGER_SWITCH_DEPENDENCY) { if (overlapGraph.getName().indexOf("-switch-")>=0) { first = BaseFactory.theFactory().createMorphism( r2.getLeft(), overlapGraph); second = BaseFactory.theFactory().createMorphism( r1.getRight(), overlapGraph); } else { first = BaseFactory.theFactory().createMorphism( r1.getRight(), overlapGraph); second = BaseFactory.theFactory().createMorphism( r2.getLeft(), overlapGraph); } } if (first != null) { first.setName(firstName.replaceAll(" ", "")); while (h.readSubTag("Mapping")) { GraphObject o = (GraphObject) h.getObject("orig", null, false); GraphObject i = (GraphObject) h.getObject("image", null, false); if (o != null && i != null) { try { first.addMapping(o, i); } catch (BadMappingException ex) {} } h.close(); } } h.close(); if (h.readSubTag("Morphism")) { if (second != null) { String name = h.readAttr("name"); second.setName(name.replaceAll(" ", "")); while (h.readSubTag("Mapping")) { GraphObject o = (GraphObject) h.getObject("orig", null, false); GraphObject i = (GraphObject) h.getObject("image", null, false); if (o != null && i != null) { try { second.addMapping(o, i); } catch (BadMappingException ex) {} } h.close(); } } h.close(); } return new Pair<OrdinaryMorphism, OrdinaryMorphism>(first, second); } protected Pair<Pair<OrdinaryMorphism, OrdinaryMorphism>, Pair<OrdinaryMorphism, OrdinaryMorphism>> readOverlappingMorphisms(XMLHelper h, Rule r1, Rule r2, Graph overlapGraph, int kind) { // System.out.println("ConflictsDependenciesContainer.readOverlappingMorphisms..."); // read first overlap morphism OrdinaryMorphism first = null; OrdinaryMorphism second = null; Pair<Pair<OrdinaryMorphism, OrdinaryMorphism>, Pair<OrdinaryMorphism, OrdinaryMorphism>> result = null; Pair<OrdinaryMorphism, OrdinaryMorphism> p = null, p1 = null, p2 = null; // read first overlap morphism if (h.readSubTag("Morphism")) { String name = h.readAttr("name"); String source = h.readAttr("source"); if (source.equals("")) { p = readOldOverlappingMorphisms(h, r1, r2, name, overlapGraph, kind); return new Pair<Pair<OrdinaryMorphism, OrdinaryMorphism>, Pair<OrdinaryMorphism, OrdinaryMorphism>>(p, null); } if (source.equals("LHS")) first = BaseFactory.theFactory().createMorphism(r1.getLeft(), overlapGraph); else if (source.equals("RHS")) first = BaseFactory.theFactory().createMorphism(r1.getRight(), overlapGraph); else if (source.equals("LHS_R2")) first = BaseFactory.theFactory().createMorphism(r2.getLeft(), overlapGraph); else if (source.equals("RHS_R2")) first = BaseFactory.theFactory().createMorphism(r2.getRight(), overlapGraph); else if (source.equals("LHS_R2_1")) first = BaseFactory.theFactory().createMorphism(r2.getLeft(), overlapGraph); if (first != null) { first.setName(name.replaceAll(" ", "")); while (h.readSubTag("Mapping")) { GraphObject o = (GraphObject) h.getObject("orig", null, false); GraphObject i = (GraphObject) h.getObject("image", null, false); if (o != null && i != null) { try { first.addMapping(o, i); } catch (BadMappingException ex) { System.out.println("ConflictDependencyContainer.readOverlappingMorphisms:: (second) "+ex.getLocalizedMessage()); } } h.close(); } } h.close(); } // read second overlap morphism if (h.readSubTag("Morphism")) { OrdinaryMorphism morphL2iso = null; OrdinaryMorphism morphNACiso = null; OrdinaryMorphism morphL2PACiso = null; OrdinaryMorphism embedPac = null; OrdinaryMorphism pac = null; final Hashtable<GraphObject, GraphObject> orig2copy = new Hashtable<GraphObject, GraphObject>(); String name = h.readAttr("name"); String source = h.readAttr("source"); if (source.equals("LHS")) { second = BaseFactory.theFactory().createMorphism(r2.getLeft(), overlapGraph); } else if (source.equals("RHS_R1")) { second = BaseFactory.theFactory().createMorphism(r1.getRight(), overlapGraph); } else if (source.equals("LHS_R1_2")) { second = BaseFactory.theFactory().createMorphism(r1.getLeft(), overlapGraph); } else if (source.equals("NAC+LHS")) { OrdinaryMorphism nac = null; if (overlapGraph.getName().indexOf("forbid-switch-")>=0 || overlapGraph.getName().indexOf("forbid-produce-dependency")>=0) { final List<OrdinaryMorphism> nacs = r1.getNACsList(); for (int i=0; i<nacs.size(); i++) { OrdinaryMorphism n = nacs.get(i); if (overlapGraph.getHelpInfoAboutNAC().indexOf(n.getName()) != -1) { nac = n; break; } } Pair<OrdinaryMorphism, OrdinaryMorphism> NAC_RHS = BaseFactory.theFactory().extendRightGraphByNAC(r1, nac); if (NAC_RHS != null) { morphL2iso = NAC_RHS.first; morphNACiso = NAC_RHS.second; } } else { final List<OrdinaryMorphism> nacs = r2.getNACsList(); for (int i=0; i<nacs.size(); i++) { OrdinaryMorphism n = nacs.get(i); if (overlapGraph.getHelpInfoAboutNAC().indexOf(n.getName()) != -1) { nac = n; break; } } Pair<OrdinaryMorphism, OrdinaryMorphism> NAC_LHS = BaseFactory.theFactory().extendLeftGraphByNAC(r2, nac); if (NAC_LHS != null) { morphL2iso = NAC_LHS.first; morphNACiso = NAC_LHS.second; } } if (morphL2iso != null) { Graph N2 = morphL2iso.getTarget(); second = BaseFactory.theFactory().createMorphism(N2, overlapGraph); } } else if (source.equals("NAC+RHS")) { OrdinaryMorphism nac = null; if (overlapGraph.getName().indexOf("forbid-switch-")>=0 || overlapGraph.getName().indexOf("forbid-produce-dependency")>=0) { for (Enumeration<OrdinaryMorphism> e = r1.getNACs(); e.hasMoreElements();) { OrdinaryMorphism n = e.nextElement(); if (overlapGraph.getHelpInfoAboutNAC().indexOf(n.getName()) != -1) { nac = n; break; } } Pair<OrdinaryMorphism, OrdinaryMorphism> NAC_RHS = BaseFactory.theFactory().extendRightGraphByNAC(r1, nac); if (NAC_RHS != null) { morphL2iso = NAC_RHS.first; morphNACiso = NAC_RHS.second; } } else { for (Enumeration<OrdinaryMorphism> e = r2.getNACs(); e.hasMoreElements();) { OrdinaryMorphism n = e.nextElement(); if (overlapGraph.getHelpInfoAboutNAC().indexOf(n.getName()) != -1) { nac = n; break; } } Pair<OrdinaryMorphism, OrdinaryMorphism> NAC_LHS = BaseFactory.theFactory().extendLeftGraphByNAC(r2, nac); if (NAC_LHS != null) { morphL2iso = NAC_LHS.first; morphNACiso = NAC_LHS.second; } } if (morphL2iso != null) { Graph N2 = morphL2iso.getTarget(); second = BaseFactory.theFactory().createMorphism(N2, overlapGraph); } } else if (source.equals("PAC+LHS")) { final List<OrdinaryMorphism> pacs = r2.getPACsList(); for (int i=0; i<pacs.size(); i++) { OrdinaryMorphism pa = pacs.get(i); if (overlapGraph.getHelpInfoAboutPAC().equals(pa.getName())) { pac = pa; break; } } if (pac != null) { morphL2iso = r2.getLeft().isoCopy(); morphL2PACiso = BaseFactory.theFactory().createMorphism( morphL2iso.getTarget(), overlapGraph); embedPac = BaseFactory.theFactory().createMorphism( pac.getTarget(), morphL2PACiso.getSource()); } second = BaseFactory.theFactory().createMorphism(r2.getLeft(), overlapGraph); } else if (source.equals("PAC+RHS_R1")) { morphL2iso = r1.getRight().isomorphicCopy(); if (morphL2iso != null) { morphL2PACiso = BaseFactory.theFactory().createMorphism( morphL2iso.getTarget(), overlapGraph); } // NOTE: r1.getRight() == morphL2iso.getSource() second = BaseFactory.theFactory().createMorphism(r1.getRight(),overlapGraph); } if (second != null) { second.setName(name.replaceAll(" ", "")); while (h.readSubTag("Mapping")) { String pacname = h.readAttr("pacname"); GraphObject o = (GraphObject) h.getObject("orig", null, false); GraphObject i = (GraphObject) h.getObject("image", null, false); if (o != null && i != null) { if (source.equals("LHS") || source.equals("RHS_R1") || source.equals("LHS_R1_2")) { second.addMapping(o, i); } else if (source.equals("NAC+LHS")) { GraphObject s = null; if (morphL2iso != null) s = morphL2iso.getImage(o); if (s == null && morphNACiso != null) s = morphNACiso.getImage(o); if (s != null) { try { second.addMapping(s, i); } catch (BadMappingException ex) { System.out.println("ConflictDependencyContainer.readOverlappingMorphisms:: (second) "+ex.getLocalizedMessage()); } } } else if (source.equals("NAC+RHS")) { GraphObject s = null; if (morphL2iso != null) s = morphL2iso.getImage(o); if (s == null && morphNACiso != null) s = morphNACiso.getImage(o); if (s != null) { try { second.addMapping(s, i); } catch (BadMappingException ex) { System.out.println("ConflictDependencyContainer.readOverlappingMorphisms:: (second) "+ex.getLocalizedMessage()); } } } else if (source.equals("PAC+LHS")) { if (pacname == null || pacname.length() == 0) { try { second.addMapping(o, i); } catch (BadMappingException ex) { System.out.println("ConflictDependencyContainer.readOverlappingMorphisms:: (second) "+ex.getLocalizedMessage()); } if (o.isNode() && morphL2iso != null) orig2copy.put(o, morphL2iso.getImage(o)); } else { if (o.isNode() && morphL2iso != null) { try { Node n = morphL2iso.getTarget() .copyNode((Node) o); try { if (morphL2PACiso != null) { morphL2PACiso.addMapping(n, i); orig2copy.put(o, n); embedPac.addMapping(o, n); } } catch (BadMappingException bme) {} } catch (TypeException te) {} } else { try { Node src = (Node) orig2copy .get(((Arc) o).getSource()); Node tar = (Node) orig2copy .get(((Arc) o).getTarget()); if (src != null && tar != null && morphL2iso != null) { Arc a = morphL2iso.getTarget() .copyArc((Arc) o, src, tar); try { if (morphL2PACiso != null) { morphL2PACiso.addMapping(a, i); embedPac.addMapping(o, a); } } catch (BadMappingException bme) {} } } catch (TypeException te) {} } } } else if (source.equals("PAC+RHS_R1")) { if (pacname == null || pacname.length() == 0) { try { second.addMapping(o, i); } catch (BadMappingException ex) { System.out.println("ConflictDependencyContainer.readOverlappingMorphisms:: (second) "+ex.getLocalizedMessage()); } } } } h.close(); } if (source.equals("NAC+LHS") || source.equals("NAC+RHS")) { p2 = new Pair<OrdinaryMorphism, OrdinaryMorphism>( morphL2iso, morphNACiso); } else if (source.equals("PAC+LHS")) { embedPac.completeDiagram2(pac, morphL2iso); p2 = new Pair<OrdinaryMorphism, OrdinaryMorphism>( embedPac, morphL2PACiso); } else if (source.equals("PAC+RHS_R1")) { p2 = new Pair<OrdinaryMorphism, OrdinaryMorphism>( morphL2iso, morphL2PACiso); } } h.close(); } if (first != null && second != null) { p1 = new Pair<OrdinaryMorphism, OrdinaryMorphism>(first, second); result = new Pair<Pair<OrdinaryMorphism, OrdinaryMorphism>, Pair<OrdinaryMorphism, OrdinaryMorphism>>(p1, p2); } return result; } /* private OrdinaryMorphism extendLeftGraph(OrdinaryMorphism isoLeft, OrdinaryMorphism nac) { if (isoLeft == null || nac == null) return null; Graph extLeft = isoLeft.getTarget(); OrdinaryMorphism isoNAC = BaseFactory.theFactory().createMorphism( nac.getTarget(), extLeft); Hashtable<Node, Node> tmp = new Hashtable<Node, Node>(5); Iterator<?> e = nac.getTarget().getNodesSet().iterator(); while (e.hasNext()) { GraphObject o = (GraphObject); if (!nac.getInverseImage(o).hasMoreElements()) { try { Node n = extLeft.copyNode((Node) o); tmp.put((Node) o, n); isoNAC.addMapping(o, n); } catch (TypeException ex) { } } else { GraphObject oi = isoLeft.getImage(nac .getInverseImage(o).nextElement()); // if (oi != null) { if(o.getType().isParentOf(oi.getType())) isoNAC.addMapping(o, isoLeft.getImage(nac .getInverseImage(o).nextElement())); else if(o.getType().isChildOf(oi.getType())) { // System.out.println(o.getType().getName()+" != "+oi.getType().getName()); isoNAC.addChild2ParentMapping(o, isoLeft.getImage(nac .getInverseImage(o).nextElement())); } // } } } e = nac.getTarget().getArcsSet().iterator(); while (e.hasNext()) { GraphObject o = (GraphObject); if (!nac.getInverseImage(o).hasMoreElements()) { Node src = tmp.get(((Arc) o).getSource()); if (src == null) { src = (Node) isoLeft.getImage(nac.getInverseImage( ((Arc) o).getSource()).nextElement()); } Node tar = tmp.get(((Arc) o).getTarget()); if (tar == null) { tar = (Node) isoLeft.getImage(nac.getInverseImage( ((Arc) o).getTarget()).nextElement()); } if (src != null && tar != null) { try { Arc a = extLeft.copyArc((Arc) o, src, tar); isoNAC.addMapping(o, a); } catch (TypeException ex) {} } } else { GraphObject oi = isoLeft.getImage(nac .getInverseImage(o).nextElement()); if (oi != null) { isoNAC.addMapping(o, isoLeft.getImage(nac .getInverseImage(o).nextElement())); } } } return isoNAC; } private OrdinaryMorphism extendRightGraph(OrdinaryMorphism isoRight, OrdinaryMorphism nac) { if (isoRight == null || nac == null) return null; Graph extRight = isoRight.getTarget(); OrdinaryMorphism isoNAC = BaseFactory.theFactory().createMorphism( nac.getTarget(), extRight); Hashtable<Node, Node> tmp = new Hashtable<Node, Node>(5); Iterator<?> e = nac.getTarget().getNodesSet().iterator(); while (e.hasNext()) { GraphObject o = (GraphObject); if (!nac.getInverseImage(o).hasMoreElements()) { try { Node n = extRight.copyNode((Node) o); tmp.put((Node) o, n); isoNAC.addMapping(o, n); } catch (TypeException ex) {} } else { GraphObject oi = isoRight.getImage(nac .getInverseImage(o).nextElement()); // if (oi != null) { if(o.getType().isParentOf(oi.getType())) isoNAC.addMapping(o, isoRight.getImage(nac .getInverseImage(o).nextElement())); else if(o.getType().isChildOf(oi.getType())) { // System.out.println(o.getType().getName()+" != "+oi.getType().getName()); isoNAC.addChild2ParentMapping(o, isoRight.getImage(nac .getInverseImage(o).nextElement())); } // } } } e = nac.getTarget().getArcsSet().iterator(); while (e.hasNext()) { GraphObject o = (GraphObject); if (!nac.getInverseImage(o).hasMoreElements()) { Node src = tmp.get(((Arc) o).getSource()); if (src == null) { src = (Node) isoRight.getImage(nac.getInverseImage( ((Arc) o).getSource()).nextElement()); } Node tar = tmp.get(((Arc) o).getTarget()); if (tar == null) { tar = (Node) isoRight.getImage(nac.getInverseImage( ((Arc) o).getTarget()).nextElement()); } if (src != null && tar != null) { try { Arc a = extRight.copyArc((Arc) o, src, tar); isoNAC.addMapping(o, a); } catch (TypeException ex) {} } } else { GraphObject oi = isoRight.getImage(nac .getInverseImage(o).nextElement()); if (oi != null) { isoNAC.addMapping(o, isoRight.getImage(nac .getInverseImage(o).nextElement())); } } } return isoNAC; } */ }