package agg.util.colim; import java.util.Enumeration; /** * IntArray allows a native array of ints to be accessed. */ public class IntArray implements Container { static final int DEFAULT_SIZE = 10; static final int THRESHOLD = 2000; static final int MULTIPLIER = 2; static final int HASH_SIZE = 16; int array[]; /** * Construct myself to refer to an empty array. */ public IntArray() { this( new int[ 0 ] ); } /** * Construct myself to refer to an existing IntArray. * @param array The IntArray to copy. */ public IntArray( IntArray array ){ this( array.array ); } /** * Construct myself to be a copy of an existing IntBuffer. * @param buffer The IntBuffer to copy. */ public IntArray( IntBuffer buffer ){ this( buffer.get() ); } /** * Construct myself to refer to a native Java array. * @param array The int[] to ape. */ public IntArray( int array[] ){ this.array = array; } /** * Return a shallow copy of myself. */ public synchronized Object clone(){ return new IntArray( this ); } /** * Return a string that describes me. */ @SuppressWarnings("rawtypes") public synchronized String toString(){ StringBuffer buffer = new StringBuffer( "int[]" ); buffer.append( "(" ); boolean first = true; Enumeration iter = this.begin(); while ( iter.hasMoreElements() ){ if ( first ){ buffer.append( " " ); first = false; } else buffer.append( ", " ); buffer.append( iter.nextElement() ); } if ( first ) buffer.append( ")" ); else buffer.append( " )" ); return buffer.toString(); } /** * Return true if I'm equal to a specified object. * @param object The object to compare myself against. * @return true if I'm equal to the specified object. */ public boolean equals( Object object ){ return object instanceof IntArray && equals( (IntArray)object ) || object instanceof IntBuffer && equals( (IntBuffer)object ); } /** * Return true if I contain the same items in the same order as * another IntArray. * @param object The IntArray to compare myself against. * @return true if I'm equal to the specified object. */ public boolean equals( IntArray object ){ return equals( object.array ); } /** * Return true if I contain the same items in the same order as * another IntBuffer. * @param buffer The IntBuffer to compare myself against. */ public boolean equals( IntBuffer buffer ){ return equals( ); } /** * Return true if I contain the same items in the same order as * a native array of ints. * @param array The array to compare myself against. */ public synchronized boolean equals( int array[] ){ synchronized( array ){ if ( this.array.length != array.length ) return false; int i = 0; while ( i < array.length ){ if ( this.array[ i ] != array[ i ] ) return false; ++i; } } return true; } /** * Retrieve the underlying primitive array. */ public int[] get(){ return array; } /** * Return the number of objects that I contain. */ public int size(){ return array.length; } /** * Return the maximum number of objects that I can contain. */ public int maxSize(){ return array.length; } /** * Return an Enumeration of my components. */ @SuppressWarnings("rawtypes") public Enumeration elements(){ return new IntIterator( this, 0 ); } /** * Return an iterator positioned at my first item. */ public synchronized IntIterator begin(){ return new IntIterator( this, 0 ); } /** * Return an iterator positioned immediately after my last item. */ public synchronized IntIterator end(){ return new IntIterator( this, array.length ); } /** * Return the Integer object at the specified index. * @param index The index. */ public Object at( int index ){ return new Integer( intAt( index ) ); } /** * Return the int at the specified index. * @param index The index. */ public synchronized int intAt( int index ){ return array[ index ]; } /** * Return the index of the first object that matches a particular value, or * -1 if the object is not found. Uses .equals() to find a match * @param object The object to find. * @exception java.lang.ClassCastException if objects are not Boolean */ public int indexOf( Object object ){ return indexOf( 0, size() - 1, object ); } /** * Return an index positioned at the first object within a specified range that * matches a particular object, or -1 if the object is not found. * @param first The index of the first object to consider. * @param last The index of the last object to consider. * @param object The object to find. * @exception java.lang.IndexOutOfBoundsException If either index is invalid. * @exception java.lang.ClassCastException if objects are not Boolean */ public synchronized int indexOf( int first, int last, Object object ){ for ( int i=first; i <= last; i++ ) if ( at( i ).equals( object ) ) return i; return -1; } /** * Return the number of objects within a specified range of that match a * particular value. the range is inclusive * @param first The index of the first object to consider. * @param last The index of the last object to consider. * @exception java.lang.IndexOutOfBoundsException If either index is invalid. */ public synchronized int count( int first, int last, Object object ){ int count = 0; for ( int i=first; i <= last; i++ ) if ( at( i ).equals( object ) ) ++count; return count; } /** * Replace all elements that match a particular object with a new value and return * the number of objects that were replaced. * @param oldValue The object to be replaced. * @param newValue The value to substitute. */ public int replace( Object oldValue, Object newValue ){ return replace( 0, size() - 1, oldValue, newValue ); } /** * Replace all elements within a specified range that match a particular object * with a new value and return the number of objects that were replaced. * @param first The index of the first object to be considered. * @param last The index of the last object to be considered. * @param oldValue The object to be replaced. * @param newValue The value to substitute. * @exception java.lang.IndexOutOfBoundsException If either index is invalid. */ public synchronized int replace( int first, int last, Object oldValue, Object newValue ){ int count = 0; for ( int i=first; i <= last; i++ ) if ( at( i ).equals( oldValue ) ){ put( i, newValue ); ++count; } return count; } /** * Return true if I contain a particular object using .equals() * @param object The object in question. */ public boolean contains( Object object ){ return indexOf( object ) != -1; } /** * Set the object at a specified index. The object must be a Number * @param index The index. * @param object The object to place at the specified index. * @exception java.lang.ClassCastException if object is not a Number * @exception java.lang.IndexOutOfBoundsException if index is invalid. */ public void put( int index, Object object ){ put( index, ( (Number)object ).intValue() ); } /** * Set the value of a specified index. * @param index The index. * @param object The int to place at the specified index. * @exception java.lang.IndexOutOfBoundsException if index is invalid. */ public synchronized void put( int index, int object ){ array[ index ] = object; } /** * Return my hash code for support of hashing containers */ public synchronized int hashCode(){ return orderedHash( begin(), size() ); } final static int orderedHash( ForwardIterator iter, int length ) { int h = 0; int position = 0; int skip = 1; if ( length >= HASH_SIZE ){ skip = length / HASH_SIZE; // insure that first will always exactly reach last iter.advance( length % HASH_SIZE ); } while ( iter.hasMoreElements() ){ if ( iter.get() != null ) h ^= iter.get().hashCode() / ( ( position % HASH_SIZE ) + 1 ); ++position; iter.advance( skip ); } return h; } /** * Return true if I contain no objects. */ public boolean isEmpty(){ return size() == 0; } /** * Return my last element. */ public Object back(){ return at( size() - 1 ); } /** * Return my first element. */ public Object front(){ return at( 0 ); } /** * Return the number of objects that match a specified object. * @param object The object to count. */ public int count( Object object ){ return count( 0, size() - 1, object ); } final protected static void checkIndex( int i, int size ){ if ( i < 0 || i >= size ) throw new IndexOutOfBoundsException( "Attempt to access index " + i + "; valid range is 0.." + ( size - 1 )); } final protected static void checkRange( int lo, int hi, int size ){ checkIndex( lo, size ); checkIndex( hi, size ); } final static int getNextSize( int cursize ){ // multiply by MULTIPLIER until THRESHOLD reached; increment by THRESHOLD // from then on int newSize = cursize > THRESHOLD ? cursize + THRESHOLD : cursize * MULTIPLIER; return Math.max( 1, newSize ); } /** * Remove all of my objects. By default, this method throws an exception. * @exception RuntimeException Thrown by default. */ public void clear(){ throw new RuntimeException( "cannot execute clear() on a native array" ); } /** * Add an object to myself. By default, this method throws an exception. * @param object The object to add. * @exception RuntimeException Thrown by default. */ public Object add( Object object ){ throw new RuntimeException( "cannot execute add() on a native array" ); } }