package agg.editor.impl; import java.util.List; import java.util.Vector; import java.util.Hashtable; import java.awt.Point; import javax.swing.undo.*; import agg.util.Pair; import agg.xt_basis.Node; import agg.xt_basis.Type; import agg.xt_basis.TypeSet; import agg.xt_basis.TypeGraph; //import agg.xt_basis.TypeError; import agg.xt_basis.TypeException; import agg.attribute.impl.ValueTuple; import agg.attribute.impl.ValueMember; public class NodeReprData implements StateEditable { protected int typeHashCode; protected TypeReprData typeRepresentation; protected Vector<String> parents; // names of direct parents only protected Vector<String> children; // names of its own children only protected boolean elemOfTG; protected Hashtable<String, Pair<String,String>> attributes; protected Point location; protected String nodeHC; protected int nodeHashCode; protected int key = this.hashCode(); protected boolean frozen, frozenAsDefault; public void storeState(Hashtable<Object, Object> state) { state.put(Integer.valueOf(this.key), this); } public void restoreState(Hashtable<?, ?> state) { NodeReprData data = (NodeReprData) state.get(Integer.valueOf(this.key)); state.remove(Integer.valueOf(this.key)); if (data != null) { this.typeHashCode = data.typeHashCode; this.typeRepresentation = data.typeRepresentation; this.parents = data.parents; this.children = data.children; this.elemOfTG = data.elemOfTG; this.attributes = data.attributes; this.location = data.location; this.nodeHC = data.nodeHC; this.frozen = data.frozen; this.frozenAsDefault = data.frozenAsDefault; } } protected NodeReprData(EdNode n) { if (n.getBasisNode() == null) { return; } this.key = this.hashCode(); this.nodeHashCode = n.hashCode(); this.typeHashCode = n.getType().hashCode(); this.elemOfTG = n.isElementOfTypeGraph(); this.parents = new Vector<String>(5, 5); this.children = new Vector<String>(5, 5); if (n.isElementOfTypeGraph()) this.typeRepresentation = new TypeReprData(n); else this.typeRepresentation = new TypeReprData(n.getType()); this.nodeHC = n.getContextUsage(); if (n.getContextUsage().indexOf(String.valueOf(n.hashCode())) == -1) this.nodeHC = String.valueOf(n.hashCode()) + ":" + n.getContextUsage(); // System.out.println("NodeReprData:: nodeHC = "+nodeHC); this.attributes = new Hashtable<String, Pair<String,String>>(); if (n.getBasisObject().getAttribute() != null) { ValueTuple vt = (ValueTuple) n.getBasisObject().getAttribute(); for (int i = 0; i < vt.getNumberOfEntries(); i++) { ValueMember vm = vt.getValueMemberAt(i); if(vm.getName() != null) { Pair<String,String> valPair = new Pair<String,String>(vm.getDeclaration().getTypeName(), "NULL"); if (vm.getExpr() != null) { valPair.second = vm.getExprAsText(); } // System.out.println("stored:: "+valPair.first+" , "+valPair.second); this.attributes.put(vm.getName(), valPair); } } } this.location = new Point(n.getX(), n.getY()); if (n.isElementOfTypeGraph()) { Type btype = n.getType().getBasisType(); for (int i = 0; i < btype.getParents().size(); i++) { this.parents.add(btype.getParents().get(i).getName()); } for (int i = 0; i < btype.getChildren().size(); i++) { this.children.add(btype.getChildren().get(i).getName()); } // System.out.println("parents: "+ parents); // System.out.println("children: "+children); } this.frozen = n.getLNode().isFrozen(); this.frozenAsDefault = n.getLNode().isFrozenByDefault(); } protected TypeReprData getNodeTypeReprData() { return this.typeRepresentation; } protected Vector<String> getParentName() { return this.parents; } protected Vector<String> getChildName() { return this.children; } protected void restoreNodeFromNodeRepr(EdNode n) { if (this.elemOfTG != n.isElementOfTypeGraph()) { return; } this.typeRepresentation.restoreTypeFromTypeRepr(n.getType()); n.setContextUsage(this.nodeHC); if (n.isElementOfTypeGraph()) { restoreParentsAndChildren(n); restoreMultiplicity(n, this.typeRepresentation); } if (!this.attributes.isEmpty()) { if (n.getBasisObject().getAttribute() != null) { Hashtable<String, Pair<String,String>> attrs = new Hashtable<String, Pair<String,String>>(); attrs.putAll(this.attributes); restoreAttributes(attrs, n); } } n.setX(this.location.x); n.setY(this.location.y); n.getLNode().setFrozen(this.frozen); n.getLNode().setFrozenByDefault(this.frozenAsDefault); } private EdType findNodeType(EdGraph g, int typeHC) { Vector<EdType> nodeTypes = g.getTypeSet().getNodeTypes(); for (int i = 0; i < nodeTypes.size(); i++) { EdType t = nodeTypes.get(i); if (t.hashCode() == typeHC) return t; if (t.getContextUsage().indexOf( String.valueOf(this.typeRepresentation .getTypeHashCode())) >= 0) { return t; } } return null; } private void restoreParentsAndChildren(EdNode n) { // System.out.println("NodeReprData.restoreParentsAndChildren:: n: // "+n.isElementOfTypeGraph()+" // "+n.getBasisNode().getContext().isTypeGraph()); if (n.getBasisNode().getContext().isTypeGraph()) { // n.isElementOfTypeGraph()){ TypeGraph tg = (TypeGraph) n.getBasisNode().getContext(); Type myType = n.getBasisNode().getType(); // restore inheritance, first parents // System.out.println("NodeReprData.restoreParentsAndChildren:: // parents: "+parents); if (this.parents.isEmpty()) { int lastTypeGraphCheck = tg.getTypeSet() .getLevelOfTypeGraphCheck(); tg.getTypeSet().setLevelOfTypeGraphCheck(TypeSet.DISABLED); Vector<Type> pars = myType.getParents(); for (int i = 0; i < pars.size(); i++) { Type parType = pars.get(i); // boolean res = tg.getTypeSet().removeInheritanceRelation(myType, parType); } tg.getTypeSet().setLevelOfTypeGraphCheck(lastTypeGraphCheck); } else { // first remove current parent Vector<Type> pars = myType.getParents(); for (int i = 0; i < pars.size(); i++) { Type parType = pars.get(i); if (!this.parents.contains(parType.getName())) { // boolean res = tg.getTypeSet().removeInheritanceRelation(myType, parType); } } // now reset parent for (int i = 0; i < this.parents.size(); i++) { String pn = this.parents.get(i); Type t = tg.getTypeSet().getTypeByName(pn); if (t == myType) continue; List<Node> vec = tg.getNodes(t); if (vec != null) { for (int j = 0; j < vec.size(); j++) { Node parNode = vec.get(j); if (parNode.getType().getName().equals(pn)) { // TypeError error = tg.getTypeSet().addInheritanceRelation(myType, parNode.getType()); // System.out.println("add parent : "+pn); break; } } } } } // now children // System.out.println("NodeReprData.restoreParentsAndChildren:: // children: "+children); for (int i = 0; i < this.children.size(); i++) { String cn = this.children.get(i); Type t = tg.getTypeSet().getTypeByName(cn); if (t == myType) continue; List<Node> vec = tg.getNodes(t); if (vec != null) { for (int j = 0; j < vec.size(); j++) { Node childNode = vec.get(j); if (childNode.getType().getName().equals(cn)) { // TypeError error = tg.getTypeSet().addInheritanceRelation( childNode.getType(), myType); } } } } } } private void restoreMultiplicity(EdNode n, TypeReprData typedata) { n.getBasisNode().getType() .setSourceMin(typedata.srcMinMultiplicity); n.getBasisNode().getType() .setSourceMax(typedata.srcMaxMultiplicity); } private EdType findNodeType(EdGraph g, EdType tmpType) { EdType t = tmpType; Vector<EdType> nodeTypes = g.getTypeSet().getNodeTypes(); for (int i = 0; i < nodeTypes.size(); i++) { EdType ti = nodeTypes.get(i); if (ti == t) return t; if (ti.getContextUsage().indexOf( String.valueOf(this.typeRepresentation .getTypeHashCode())) >= 0) { return ti; } } return null; } protected EdNode createNodeFromNodeRepr(EdGraph g) { EdType type = findNodeType(g, this.typeRepresentation.getTypeHashCode()); if (type == null) { type = this.typeRepresentation.createTypeFromTypeRepr(); type = findNodeType(g, type); } if (type == null) { return null; } if (this.elemOfTG != g.getBasisGraph().isTypeGraph()) { return null; } EdNode n = null; try { Node basis = g.getBasisGraph().createNode(type.getBasisType()); n = g.addNode(basis, type); n.addContextUsage(this.nodeHC); if (n.isElementOfTypeGraph()) { restoreParentsAndChildren(n); restoreMultiplicity(n, this.typeRepresentation); } refreshAttributes(n); n.setX(this.location.x); n.setY(this.location.y); n.getLNode().setFrozen(this.frozen); n.getLNode().setFrozenByDefault(this.frozenAsDefault); } catch (TypeException ex) {} return n; } private void refreshAttributes(EdNode n) { if (!this.attributes.isEmpty()) { if (n.getBasisObject().getAttribute() == null) n.getBasisObject().createAttributeInstance(); Hashtable<String, Pair<String,String>> attrs = new Hashtable<String, Pair<String,String>>(); attrs.putAll(this.attributes); restoreAttributes(attrs, n); } } private void restoreAttributes(Hashtable<String, Pair<String,String>> attrs, EdNode n) { ValueTuple vt = (ValueTuple) n.getBasisObject().getAttribute(); for (int i = 0; i < vt.getNumberOfEntries(); i++) { ValueMember vm = vt.getValueMemberAt(i); Pair<String,String> valPair = attrs.get(vm.getName()); if (valPair != null && !valPair.isEmpty()) { // System.out.println("restored:: "+valPair.first+" , "+valPair.second); // String tname = valPair.first; String expr = valPair.second; if (!n.isElementOfTypeGraph()) { if (expr != null) { if (vm.getExpr() == null) { if (!expr.equals("NULL")) { vm.setExprAsText(expr); // System.out.println("NodeReprData.restoreAttributes:: "+ vm.getName()+" = "+(String)expr); vm.checkValidity(); } } else if (expr.equals("NULL")) { vm.setExpr(null); } else { if (!vm.getExprAsText().equals(expr)) { vm.setExprAsText(expr); vm.checkValidity(); } } } } attrs.remove(vm.getName()); } } } // public void showData() { // System.out.println(; // } }