package agg.gui.popupmenu; import java.util.List; import java.awt.Component; import java.awt.Cursor; import java.awt.event.ActionEvent; import java.awt.event.ActionListener; import java.awt.Point; import javax.swing.JFrame; import javax.swing.JMenuItem; import javax.swing.JPopupMenu; import javax.swing.JMenu; import javax.swing.JOptionPane; import javax.swing.JCheckBoxMenuItem; import agg.editor.impl.EdArc; import agg.editor.impl.EdAtomic; import agg.editor.impl.EdGraphObject; import agg.editor.impl.EdNode; import agg.editor.impl.EdRule; import agg.gui.AGGAppl; import agg.gui.editor.EditorConstants; import agg.gui.editor.GraGraEditor; import agg.gui.editor.GraphEditor; import agg.gui.editor.GraphPanel; import agg.gui.editor.RuleEditor; import agg.gui.treeview.dialog.TypeCardinalityDialog; import agg.gui.treeview.nodedata.GraGraTextualComment; import agg.xt_basis.TypeSet; import agg.xt_basis.Arc; import agg.xt_basis.Graph; import agg.xt_basis.Node; import agg.layout.evolutionary.EvolutionaryGraphLayout; /** * @author $Author: olga $ * @version $Id:,v 1.26 2010/10/16 22:44:43 olga Exp $ * */ @SuppressWarnings("serial") public class EditPopupMenu extends JPopupMenu { public EditPopupMenu() { super("Operations"); // setLabel("Operations"); setBorderPainted(true); this.deleteMenu = createDeleteMenu(); this.useDeleteMenu = false; this.mi = add(new JMenuItem(" Operations")); // miOperations = this.mi; // this.mi.setEnabled(false); addSeparator(); this.mi = add(new JMenuItem("Attributes ...")); // this.mi.setMnemonic('A'); this.mi.addActionListener(new ActionListener() { public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) { if (!canDo()) return; EditPopupMenu.this.mapping = false; // gp.getCanvas().saveScrollBarValue(); if (EditPopupMenu.this.ruleEditor == null) EditPopupMenu.this.editor.setAttrEditorOnTopForGraphObject(EditPopupMenu.this.ego); else EditPopupMenu.this.editor.setAttrEditorOnBottomForGraphObject(EditPopupMenu.this.ego); EditPopupMenu.this.ego.setWeakselected(true); } }); this.miObjName = new JMenuItem("Object Name"); add(this.miObjName); this.miObjName.addActionListener(new ActionListener() { public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) { if (!canDo()) return; EditPopupMenu.this.mapping = false; setObjectName(EditPopupMenu.this.ego); } }); addSeparator(); this.mi = add(new JMenuItem("Copy")); // this.mi.setMnemonic('C'); this.mi.addActionListener(new ActionListener() { public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) { if (!canDo()) return; EditPopupMenu.this.mapping = false;;;, true);;, EditPopupMenu.this.yPos);; //; if (EditPopupMenu.this.ego.isNode()) { EditPopupMenu.this.editor.copyProc(); //; // if (EditPopupMenu.this.editor != null) // EditPopupMenu.this.editor // .setMsg("To place a copy click on the background of the panel."); } else { // EditPopupMenu.this.editor.copyProc();; if (EditPopupMenu.this.editor != null) EditPopupMenu.this.editor .setMsg("To place a copy of an edge click on a source and a target node of the same panel."); } AGGAppl.getInstance().setCursor(new Cursor(Cursor.CROSSHAIR_CURSOR)); } }); this.mi = add(new JMenuItem("Select")); // this.mi.setMnemonic('S'); this.mi.addActionListener(new ActionListener() { public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) { if ( == null || == null || EditPopupMenu.this.ego == null) return; EditPopupMenu.this.mapping = false; ego =, EditPopupMenu.this.yPos); if (ego.isNode()) {, (EdNode) ego);, EditPopupMenu.this.yPos); } else, (EdArc) ego); if (editor != null && editor.getEditMode() != EditorConstants.SELECT) { editor.forwardModeCommand(EditorConstants.getModeOfID(EditorConstants.SELECT)); editor.setEditMode(EditorConstants.SELECT); editor.resetSelectEditMode(); } // gp.updateGraphics(); } }); this.mi = add(new JMenuItem("Select All")); // this.mi.setMnemonic('l'); this.mi.addActionListener(new ActionListener() { public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) { if ( == null || == null) return; EditPopupMenu.this.mapping = false;; if (editor != null && editor.getEditMode() != EditorConstants.SELECT) { editor.resetSelectEditMode(); } } }); addSeparator(); this.miDelete = createDeleteItem(); this.deleteMenu = createDeleteMenu(); add(this.miDelete); if (this.useDeleteMenu) add(this.deleteMenu); addSeparator(); this.miStraighten = add(new JMenuItem("Straighten")); // this.mi.setMnemonic('g'); this.miStraighten.addActionListener(new ActionListener() { public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) { if (!canDo()) return; EditPopupMenu.this.mapping = false; //;; //; //;; } }); this.miVisibility = add(new JMenuItem("Hide Objects of Type")); this.miVisibility.addActionListener(new ActionListener() { public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) { if (!canDo()) return; EditPopupMenu.this.mapping = false; if (((JMenuItem)e.getSource()).getText().indexOf("Hide") == 0) {, false); } else if (((JMenuItem)e.getSource()).getText().indexOf("Show") == 0) {, true); }; } }); this.layout = new JMenu("Graph Layout"); // layout.setMnemonic('y'); add(this.layout); this.miFrozen = (JCheckBoxMenuItem) this.layout.add(new JCheckBoxMenuItem( "Static Position")); this.miFrozen.addActionListener(new ActionListener() { public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) { if (!canDo()) return; if (EditPopupMenu.this.ego instanceof EdNode) { if (EditPopupMenu.this.ego.getBasisObject().getContext().isTypeGraph()) { if (EditPopupMenu.this.layouter != null && EditPopupMenu.this.editor != null) { EditPopupMenu.this.editor.getGraGra().createLayoutPattern( "Freezing", "node", EditPopupMenu.this.ego.getBasisObject().getType(), ((JCheckBoxMenuItem) e.getSource()) .isSelected()); } } else { if (((JCheckBoxMenuItem) e.getSource()).isSelected()) ((EdNode) EditPopupMenu.this.ego).getLNode().setFrozen(true); else ((EdNode) EditPopupMenu.this.ego).getLNode().setFrozen(false); } } } }); addSeparator(); this.addIdentic = new JMenu("Add Identic To"); add(this.addIdentic); this.mi = this.addIdentic.add(new JMenuItem("Rule RHS")); miAddIdenticToRule = this.mi; this.mi.addActionListener(new ActionListener() { public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) { if (!canDo()) return; if (EditPopupMenu.this.ruleEditor != null) { if ( == EditPopupMenu.this.ruleEditor.getLeftPanel()) { EdGraphObject img = null; if (EditPopupMenu.this.ego.isNode()) { img = EditPopupMenu.this.ruleEditor.getRule().addIdentic(EditPopupMenu.this.ego); if (img != null) { EditPopupMenu.this.ruleEditor.getRule().updateRule(); EditPopupMenu.this.ruleEditor.updateGraphics(); } } else { Node src = (Node) EditPopupMenu.this.ruleEditor.getRule() .getBasisRule().getImage( ((Arc) EditPopupMenu.this.ego.getBasisObject()) .getSource()); Node tar = (Node) EditPopupMenu.this.ruleEditor.getRule() .getBasisRule().getImage( ((Arc) EditPopupMenu.this.ego.getBasisObject()) .getTarget()); Object[] options = { "Yes", "No" }; if (src == null && tar != null) { int answer = JOptionPane .showOptionDialog( null, "Cannot create an identic edge!" + System .getProperty("line.separator") + "The source node is not defined." + System .getProperty("line.separator") + "Should it be created now?", "Identic Edge", JOptionPane.DEFAULT_OPTION, JOptionPane.QUESTION_MESSAGE, null, options, options[0]); if (answer == JOptionPane.YES_OPTION) { img = EditPopupMenu.this.ruleEditor.getRule().addIdentic( ((EdArc) EditPopupMenu.this.ego).getSource()); if (img != null) img = EditPopupMenu.this.ruleEditor.getRule().addIdentic( EditPopupMenu.this.ego); if (img != null) { EditPopupMenu.this.ruleEditor.getRule().updateRule(); EditPopupMenu.this.ruleEditor.updateGraphics(); } } } else if (src != null && tar == null) { int answer = JOptionPane .showOptionDialog( null, "Cannot create an identic edge!" + System .getProperty("line.separator") + "The target node is not defined." + System .getProperty("line.separator") + "Should it be created now?", "Identic Edge", JOptionPane.DEFAULT_OPTION, JOptionPane.QUESTION_MESSAGE, null, options, options[0]); if (answer == JOptionPane.YES_OPTION) { img = EditPopupMenu.this.ruleEditor.getRule().addIdentic( ((EdArc) EditPopupMenu.this.ego).getTarget()); if (img != null) img = EditPopupMenu.this.ruleEditor.getRule().addIdentic( EditPopupMenu.this.ego); if (img != null) { EditPopupMenu.this.ruleEditor.getRule().updateRule(); EditPopupMenu.this.ruleEditor.updateGraphics(); } } } else if (src == null && tar == null) { int answer = JOptionPane .showOptionDialog( null, "Cannot create an identic edge!" + System .getProperty("line.separator") + "The source and target nodes are not defined." + System .getProperty("line.separator") + "Should they be created now?", "Identic Edge", JOptionPane.DEFAULT_OPTION, JOptionPane.QUESTION_MESSAGE, null, options, options[0]); if (answer == JOptionPane.YES_OPTION) { img = EditPopupMenu.this.ruleEditor.getRule().addIdentic( ((EdArc) EditPopupMenu.this.ego).getSource()); if (((EdArc) EditPopupMenu.this.ego).getSource() != ((EdArc) EditPopupMenu.this.ego) .getTarget() && img != null) img = EditPopupMenu.this.ruleEditor.getRule().addIdentic( ((EdArc) EditPopupMenu.this.ego).getTarget()); if (img != null) img = EditPopupMenu.this.ruleEditor.getRule().addIdentic( EditPopupMenu.this.ego); if (img != null) { EditPopupMenu.this.ruleEditor.getRule().updateRule(); EditPopupMenu.this.ruleEditor.updateGraphics(); } } } else { img = EditPopupMenu.this.ruleEditor.getRule().addIdentic(EditPopupMenu.this.ego); EditPopupMenu.this.ruleEditor.getRule().updateRule(); EditPopupMenu.this.ruleEditor.updateGraphics(); } } } } } }); this.mi = this.addIdentic.add(new JMenuItem("NAC")); this.miAddIdenticToNAC = this.mi; this.mi.addActionListener(new ActionListener() { public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) { if (!canDo()) return; if (EditPopupMenu.this.ruleEditor != null) { if ( == EditPopupMenu.this.ruleEditor.getLeftPanel()) { if (EditPopupMenu.this.ruleEditor.getNAC() == null) { JOptionPane .showMessageDialog( null, "Cannot create an identic object!" + System .getProperty("line.separator") + "Please create and open an empty NAC graph first.", "Identic Node/Edge", JOptionPane.WARNING_MESSAGE); return; } EdGraphObject img = null; if (EditPopupMenu.this.ego.isNode()) { img = EditPopupMenu.this.ruleEditor.getRule().addIdenticToNAC(EditPopupMenu.this.ego, EditPopupMenu.this.ruleEditor.getNAC()); if (img != null) { EditPopupMenu.this.ruleEditor.getRule().updateNAC( EditPopupMenu.this.ruleEditor.getNAC()); EditPopupMenu.this.ruleEditor.updateGraphics(); } } else { Node src = (Node) EditPopupMenu.this.ruleEditor.getNAC().getMorphism() .getImage( ((Arc) EditPopupMenu.this.ego.getBasisObject()) .getSource()); Node tar = (Node) EditPopupMenu.this.ruleEditor.getNAC().getMorphism() .getImage( ((Arc) EditPopupMenu.this.ego.getBasisObject()) .getTarget()); Object[] options = { "Yes", "No" }; if (src == null && tar != null) { int answer = JOptionPane .showOptionDialog( null, "Cannot create an identic edge!" + System .getProperty("line.separator") + "The source node is not defined." + System .getProperty("line.separator") + "Should it be created now?", "Identic Edge", JOptionPane.DEFAULT_OPTION, JOptionPane.QUESTION_MESSAGE, null, options, options[0]); if (answer == JOptionPane.YES_OPTION) { img = EditPopupMenu.this.ruleEditor.getRule().addIdenticToNAC( ((EdArc) EditPopupMenu.this.ego).getSource(), EditPopupMenu.this.ruleEditor.getNAC()); if (img != null) img = EditPopupMenu.this.ruleEditor.getRule() .addIdenticToNAC(EditPopupMenu.this.ego, EditPopupMenu.this.ruleEditor.getNAC()); if (img != null) { EditPopupMenu.this.ruleEditor.getRule().updateNAC( EditPopupMenu.this.ruleEditor.getNAC()); EditPopupMenu.this.ruleEditor.updateGraphics(); } } } else if (src != null && tar == null) { int answer = JOptionPane .showOptionDialog( null, "Cannot create an identic edge!" + System .getProperty("line.separator") + "The target node is not defined." + System .getProperty("line.separator") + "Should it be created now?", "Identic Edge", JOptionPane.DEFAULT_OPTION, JOptionPane.QUESTION_MESSAGE, null, options, options[0]); if (answer == JOptionPane.YES_OPTION) { img = EditPopupMenu.this.ruleEditor.getRule().addIdenticToNAC( ((EdArc) EditPopupMenu.this.ego).getTarget(), EditPopupMenu.this.ruleEditor.getNAC()); if (img != null) img = EditPopupMenu.this.ruleEditor.getRule() .addIdenticToNAC(EditPopupMenu.this.ego, EditPopupMenu.this.ruleEditor.getNAC()); if (img != null) { EditPopupMenu.this.ruleEditor.getRule().updateNAC( EditPopupMenu.this.ruleEditor.getNAC()); EditPopupMenu.this.ruleEditor.updateGraphics(); } } } else if (src == null && tar == null) { int answer = JOptionPane .showOptionDialog( null, "Cannot create an identic edge!" + System .getProperty("line.separator") + "The source and target nodes are not defined." + System .getProperty("line.separator") + "Should they be created now?", "Identic Edge", JOptionPane.DEFAULT_OPTION, JOptionPane.QUESTION_MESSAGE, null, options, options[0]); if (answer == JOptionPane.YES_OPTION) { img = EditPopupMenu.this.ruleEditor.getRule().addIdenticToNAC( ((EdArc) EditPopupMenu.this.ego).getSource(), EditPopupMenu.this.ruleEditor.getNAC()); if (((EdArc) EditPopupMenu.this.ego).getSource() != ((EdArc) EditPopupMenu.this.ego) .getTarget() && img != null) img = EditPopupMenu.this.ruleEditor.getRule() .addIdenticToNAC( ((EdArc) EditPopupMenu.this.ego) .getTarget(), EditPopupMenu.this.ruleEditor.getNAC()); if (img != null) img = EditPopupMenu.this.ruleEditor.getRule() .addIdenticToNAC(EditPopupMenu.this.ego, EditPopupMenu.this.ruleEditor.getNAC()); if (img != null) { EditPopupMenu.this.ruleEditor.getRule().updateNAC( EditPopupMenu.this.ruleEditor.getNAC()); EditPopupMenu.this.ruleEditor.updateGraphics(); } } } else { img = EditPopupMenu.this.ruleEditor.getRule().addIdenticToNAC(EditPopupMenu.this.ego, EditPopupMenu.this.ruleEditor.getNAC()); if (img != null) { EditPopupMenu.this.ruleEditor.getRule().updateNAC( EditPopupMenu.this.ruleEditor.getNAC()); EditPopupMenu.this.ruleEditor.updateGraphics(); } } } } } } }); this.mi = this.addIdentic.add(new JMenuItem("PAC")); this.miAddIdenticToPAC = this.mi; this.mi.addActionListener(new ActionListener() { public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) { if (!canDo()) return; if (EditPopupMenu.this.ruleEditor != null) { if ( == EditPopupMenu.this.ruleEditor.getLeftPanel()) { if (EditPopupMenu.this.ruleEditor.getPAC() == null) { JOptionPane .showMessageDialog( null, "Cannot create an identic object!" + System .getProperty("line.separator") + "Please create and open an empty PAC graph first.", "Identic Node/Edge", JOptionPane.WARNING_MESSAGE); return; } EdGraphObject img = null; if (EditPopupMenu.this.ego.isNode()) { img = EditPopupMenu.this.ruleEditor.getRule().addIdenticToPAC(EditPopupMenu.this.ego, EditPopupMenu.this.ruleEditor.getPAC()); if (img != null) { EditPopupMenu.this.ruleEditor.getRule().updatePAC( EditPopupMenu.this.ruleEditor.getPAC()); EditPopupMenu.this.ruleEditor.updateGraphics(); } } else { Node src = (Node) EditPopupMenu.this.ruleEditor.getPAC().getMorphism() .getImage( ((Arc) EditPopupMenu.this.ego.getBasisObject()) .getSource()); Node tar = (Node) EditPopupMenu.this.ruleEditor.getPAC().getMorphism() .getImage( ((Arc) EditPopupMenu.this.ego.getBasisObject()) .getTarget()); Object[] options = { "Yes", "No" }; if (src == null && tar != null) { int answer = JOptionPane .showOptionDialog( null, "Cannot create an identic edge!" + System .getProperty("line.separator") + "The source node is not defined." + System .getProperty("line.separator") + "Should it be created now?", "Identic Edge", JOptionPane.DEFAULT_OPTION, JOptionPane.QUESTION_MESSAGE, null, options, options[0]); if (answer == JOptionPane.YES_OPTION) { img = EditPopupMenu.this.ruleEditor.getRule().addIdenticToPAC( ((EdArc) EditPopupMenu.this.ego).getSource(), EditPopupMenu.this.ruleEditor.getPAC()); if (img != null) img = EditPopupMenu.this.ruleEditor.getRule() .addIdenticToPAC(EditPopupMenu.this.ego, EditPopupMenu.this.ruleEditor.getPAC()); if (img != null) { EditPopupMenu.this.ruleEditor.getRule().updatePAC( EditPopupMenu.this.ruleEditor.getPAC()); EditPopupMenu.this.ruleEditor.updateGraphics(); } } } else if (src != null && tar == null) { int answer = JOptionPane .showOptionDialog( null, "Cannot create an identic edge!" + System .getProperty("line.separator") + "The target node is not defined." + System .getProperty("line.separator") + "Should it be created now?", "Identic Edge", JOptionPane.DEFAULT_OPTION, JOptionPane.QUESTION_MESSAGE, null, options, options[0]); if (answer == JOptionPane.YES_OPTION) { img = EditPopupMenu.this.ruleEditor.getRule().addIdenticToPAC( ((EdArc) EditPopupMenu.this.ego).getTarget(), EditPopupMenu.this.ruleEditor.getPAC()); if (img != null) img = EditPopupMenu.this.ruleEditor.getRule() .addIdenticToPAC(EditPopupMenu.this.ego, EditPopupMenu.this.ruleEditor.getPAC()); if (img != null) { EditPopupMenu.this.ruleEditor.getRule().updatePAC( EditPopupMenu.this.ruleEditor.getPAC()); EditPopupMenu.this.ruleEditor.updateGraphics(); } } } else if (src == null && tar == null) { int answer = JOptionPane .showOptionDialog( null, "Cannot create an identic edge!" + System .getProperty("line.separator") + "The source and target nodes are not defined." + System .getProperty("line.separator") + "Should they be created now?", "Identic Edge", JOptionPane.DEFAULT_OPTION, JOptionPane.QUESTION_MESSAGE, null, options, options[0]); if (answer == JOptionPane.YES_OPTION) { img = EditPopupMenu.this.ruleEditor.getRule().addIdenticToPAC( ((EdArc) EditPopupMenu.this.ego).getSource(), EditPopupMenu.this.ruleEditor.getPAC()); if (((EdArc) EditPopupMenu.this.ego).getSource() != ((EdArc) EditPopupMenu.this.ego) .getTarget() && img != null) img = EditPopupMenu.this.ruleEditor.getRule() .addIdenticToPAC( ((EdArc) EditPopupMenu.this.ego) .getTarget(), EditPopupMenu.this.ruleEditor.getPAC()); if (img != null) img = EditPopupMenu.this.ruleEditor.getRule() .addIdenticToPAC(EditPopupMenu.this.ego, EditPopupMenu.this.ruleEditor.getPAC()); if (img != null) { EditPopupMenu.this.ruleEditor.getRule().updatePAC( EditPopupMenu.this.ruleEditor.getPAC()); EditPopupMenu.this.ruleEditor.updateGraphics(); } } } else { img = EditPopupMenu.this.ruleEditor.getRule().addIdenticToPAC(EditPopupMenu.this.ego, EditPopupMenu.this.ruleEditor.getPAC()); if (img != null) { EditPopupMenu.this.ruleEditor.getRule().updatePAC( EditPopupMenu.this.ruleEditor.getPAC()); EditPopupMenu.this.ruleEditor.updateGraphics(); } } } } } } }); this.mi = this.addIdentic.add(new JMenuItem("General AC")); this.miAddIdenticToGAC = this.mi; this.mi.addActionListener(new ActionListener() { public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) { if (!canDo()) return; if (EditPopupMenu.this.ruleEditor != null) { if ( == EditPopupMenu.this.ruleEditor.getLeftPanel()) { if (EditPopupMenu.this.ruleEditor.getNestedAC() == null) { JOptionPane .showMessageDialog( null, "Cannot create an identic object!" + System .getProperty("line.separator") + "Please create and open an empty General AC graph first.", "Identic Node/Edge", JOptionPane.WARNING_MESSAGE); return; } EdGraphObject img = null; if (EditPopupMenu.this.ego.isNode()) { img = EditPopupMenu.this.ruleEditor.getRule().addIdenticToNestedAC(EditPopupMenu.this.ego, EditPopupMenu.this.ruleEditor.getNestedAC()); if (img != null) { EditPopupMenu.this.ruleEditor.getRule().updateNestedAC( EditPopupMenu.this.ruleEditor.getNestedAC()); EditPopupMenu.this.ruleEditor.updateGraphics(); } } else { Node src = (Node) EditPopupMenu.this.ruleEditor.getNestedAC().getMorphism() .getImage( ((Arc) EditPopupMenu.this.ego.getBasisObject()) .getSource()); Node tar = (Node) EditPopupMenu.this.ruleEditor.getNestedAC().getMorphism() .getImage( ((Arc) EditPopupMenu.this.ego.getBasisObject()) .getTarget()); Object[] options = { "Yes", "No" }; if (src == null && tar != null) { int answer = JOptionPane .showOptionDialog( null, "Cannot create an identic edge!" + System .getProperty("line.separator") + "The source node is not defined." + System .getProperty("line.separator") + "Should it be created now?", "Identic Edge", JOptionPane.DEFAULT_OPTION, JOptionPane.QUESTION_MESSAGE, null, options, options[0]); if (answer == JOptionPane.YES_OPTION) { img = EditPopupMenu.this.ruleEditor.getRule().addIdenticToNestedAC( ((EdArc) EditPopupMenu.this.ego).getSource(), EditPopupMenu.this.ruleEditor.getNestedAC()); if (img != null) img = EditPopupMenu.this.ruleEditor.getRule() .addIdenticToNestedAC(EditPopupMenu.this.ego, EditPopupMenu.this.ruleEditor.getNestedAC()); if (img != null) { EditPopupMenu.this.ruleEditor.getRule().updateNestedAC( EditPopupMenu.this.ruleEditor.getNestedAC()); EditPopupMenu.this.ruleEditor.updateGraphics(); } } } else if (src != null && tar == null) { int answer = JOptionPane .showOptionDialog( null, "Cannot create an identic edge!" + System .getProperty("line.separator") + "The target node is not defined." + System .getProperty("line.separator") + "Should it be created now?", "Identic Edge", JOptionPane.DEFAULT_OPTION, JOptionPane.QUESTION_MESSAGE, null, options, options[0]); if (answer == JOptionPane.YES_OPTION) { img = EditPopupMenu.this.ruleEditor.getRule().addIdenticToNestedAC( ((EdArc) EditPopupMenu.this.ego).getTarget(), EditPopupMenu.this.ruleEditor.getNestedAC()); if (img != null) img = EditPopupMenu.this.ruleEditor.getRule() .addIdenticToNestedAC(EditPopupMenu.this.ego, EditPopupMenu.this.ruleEditor.getNestedAC()); if (img != null) { EditPopupMenu.this.ruleEditor.getRule().updateNestedAC( EditPopupMenu.this.ruleEditor.getNestedAC()); EditPopupMenu.this.ruleEditor.updateGraphics(); } } } else if (src == null && tar == null) { int answer = JOptionPane .showOptionDialog( null, "Cannot create an identic edge!" + System .getProperty("line.separator") + "The source and target nodes are not defined." + System .getProperty("line.separator") + "Should they be created now?", "Identic Edge", JOptionPane.DEFAULT_OPTION, JOptionPane.QUESTION_MESSAGE, null, options, options[0]); if (answer == JOptionPane.YES_OPTION) { img = EditPopupMenu.this.ruleEditor.getRule().addIdenticToNestedAC( ((EdArc) EditPopupMenu.this.ego).getSource(), EditPopupMenu.this.ruleEditor.getNestedAC()); if (((EdArc) EditPopupMenu.this.ego).getSource() != ((EdArc) EditPopupMenu.this.ego) .getTarget() && img != null) img = EditPopupMenu.this.ruleEditor.getRule() .addIdenticToNestedAC( ((EdArc) EditPopupMenu.this.ego) .getTarget(), EditPopupMenu.this.ruleEditor.getNestedAC()); if (img != null) img = EditPopupMenu.this.ruleEditor.getRule() .addIdenticToNestedAC(EditPopupMenu.this.ego, EditPopupMenu.this.ruleEditor.getNestedAC()); if (img != null) { EditPopupMenu.this.ruleEditor.getRule().updateNestedAC( EditPopupMenu.this.ruleEditor.getNestedAC()); EditPopupMenu.this.ruleEditor.updateGraphics(); } } } else { img = EditPopupMenu.this.ruleEditor.getRule().addIdenticToNestedAC(EditPopupMenu.this.ego, EditPopupMenu.this.ruleEditor.getNestedAC()); if (img != null) { EditPopupMenu.this.ruleEditor.getRule().updateNestedAC( EditPopupMenu.this.ruleEditor.getNestedAC()); EditPopupMenu.this.ruleEditor.updateGraphics(); } } } } } } }); this.mi = add(new JMenuItem("Map")); this.miMap = this.mi; this.mi.addActionListener(new ActionListener() { public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) { if ( == null || == null || == EditorConstants.VIEW) return; EditPopupMenu.this.mapping = true; setLastEditModeBeforMapping(; if (EditPopupMenu.this.editor != null) { EditPopupMenu.this.editor.getGraphEditor().setEditMode(EditorConstants.MAP); EditPopupMenu.this.editor.getRuleEditor().setEditMode(EditorConstants.MAP); EditPopupMenu.this.editor.getRuleEditor().setObjMapping(true); EditPopupMenu.this.editor .setMsg("Click on a target object you want to map or click on the background to break the mapping."); } else if (EditPopupMenu.this.ruleEditor != null) { EditPopupMenu.this.ruleEditor.setEditMode(EditorConstants.MAP); EditPopupMenu.this.ruleEditor.setObjMapping(true); EditPopupMenu.this.ruleEditor .setMsg("Click on a target object you want to map or click on the background to break the mapping"); } EditPopupMenu.this.ego.setWeakselected(true);; } }); this.mi = add(new JMenuItem("Unmap")); this.miUnmap = this.mi; this.mi.addActionListener(new ActionListener() { public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) { if ( == null || == null || == EditorConstants.VIEW) return; EditPopupMenu.this.mapping = false; unmapGraphObject(false); } }); addSeparator(); this.mi = add(new JMenuItem("Multiplicity")); this.miMultiplicity = this.mi; this.mi.addActionListener(new ActionListener() { public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) { setMultiplicityOfType(); if (EditPopupMenu.this.graphEditor != null) { EditPopupMenu.this.graphEditor.getGraph().update(); EditPopupMenu.this.graphEditor.getGraphPanel().updateGraphics(); } } }); this.mi = add(new JMenuItem("Set Parent")); this.miSetParent = this.mi; this.mi.addActionListener(new ActionListener() { public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) { if ( == null || == EditorConstants.VIEW) return; if (EditPopupMenu.this.ego instanceof EdNode) { Node bNode = EditPopupMenu.this.ego.getNode().getBasisNode(); Graph bGraph = bNode.getContext(); if (bGraph.isTypeGraph()) { if (EditPopupMenu.this.editor != null) { EditPopupMenu.this.editor.getGraphEditor().setEditMode( EditorConstants.SET_PARENT); EditPopupMenu.this.ego.setWeakselected(true);, (EdNode)EditPopupMenu.this.ego); EditPopupMenu.this.editor.setMsg("Click on a node to add inheritance relation."); } } } } }); this.mi = add(new JMenuItem("Unset Parent")); this.miUnsetParent = this.mi; this.mi.addActionListener(new ActionListener() { public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) { if ( == null || == EditorConstants.VIEW || ! return; if (EditPopupMenu.this.ego instanceof EdNode) { Node bNode = EditPopupMenu.this.ego.getNode().getBasisNode(); Graph bGraph = bNode.getContext(); if (bGraph.isTypeGraph()) { if (EditPopupMenu.this.editor != null) { if (EditPopupMenu.this.graphEditor.getGraph().getBasisGraph() .getTypeSet().getLevelOfTypeGraphCheck() != TypeSet.DISABLED) { if (EditPopupMenu.this.graphEditor.getGraph().getTypeSet() .isTypeUsed(EditPopupMenu.this.ego.getType())) { JOptionPane .showMessageDialog( EditPopupMenu.this.applFrame, "Cannot unset inheritance relation." + "\nPlease disable the type graph first.", "Unset Parent", JOptionPane.ERROR_MESSAGE); return; } } if (bNode.getType().getParents().size() == 1) { EditPopupMenu.this.graphEditor.getGraph().addChangedParentToUndo( EditPopupMenu.this.ego);; EditPopupMenu.this.ego); EditPopupMenu.this.graphEditor.getGraph().undoManagerEndEdit(); EditPopupMenu.this.graphEditor.getGraph().updateGraph(); EditPopupMenu.this.graphEditor.getGraphPanel().updateGraphics(); } else { EditPopupMenu.this.editor.getGraphEditor().setEditMode( EditorConstants.UNSET_PARENT); EditPopupMenu.this.editor.setMsg("Click on a parent node to remove inheritance relation."); } } } } } }); this.miAbstract = (JCheckBoxMenuItem) add(new JCheckBoxMenuItem("Abstract")); this.miAbstract.setSelected(false); this.miAbstract.addActionListener(new ActionListener() { public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) { if ( == null || == EditorConstants.VIEW) return; if (EditPopupMenu.this.ego instanceof EdNode) {;; if (((JCheckBoxMenuItem) e.getSource()).isSelected()) EditPopupMenu.this.ego.getBasisObject().getType().setAbstract(true); else EditPopupMenu.this.ego.getBasisObject().getType().setAbstract(false); if (EditPopupMenu.this.editor != null) { EditPopupMenu.this.editor.updateGraphics(); } else;; } } }); addSeparator(); this.mi = add(new JMenuItem("Textual Comments")); this.miComment = this.mi; this.mi.setActionCommand("commentType"); this.mi.addActionListener(new ActionListener() { public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) { if ( == null || == EditorConstants.VIEW) return; if ( { String oldcomment = EditPopupMenu.this.ego.getType() .getBasisType().getTextualComment();; Point p = EditPopupMenu.this.applFrame.getLocation(); GraGraTextualComment comments = new GraGraTextualComment( EditPopupMenu.this.applFrame, p.x + EditPopupMenu.this.location.x, p.y + EditPopupMenu.this.location.y, EditPopupMenu.this.ego.getType().getBasisType()); comments.setModal(true); comments.setVisible(true); String newcomment = EditPopupMenu.this.ego.getType() .getBasisType().getTextualComment(); if (oldcomment.equals(newcomment)); else;; } } }); // addSeparator(); // statistic = createGraphStatisticMenu(); // add(statistic); pack(); setBorderPainted(true); setDefaultLightWeightPopupEnabled(false); } public void showMe(Component comp, int x, int y) { if (this.editor != null && this.editor.getRuleEditor().getRule() == null) setUnmapEnabled(false); else if ( != null && setUnmapEnabled(false); if (this.useDeleteMenu) { int indx = this.getComponentIndex(this.deleteMenu); if (indx == -1) { indx = this.getComponentIndex(this.miDelete); if (indx != -1) add(this.deleteMenu, indx + 1); } } else { int indx = this.getComponentIndex(this.deleteMenu); if (indx != -1) remove(indx); } show(comp, x, y); } boolean canDo() { if (( == null) || ( == EditorConstants.VIEW) || ( == null) || (this.ego == null)) return false; return true; } void doUpdateAfterDelete() { if ( {; if (this.editor != null) { this.editor.getRuleEditor().getRule().update(); this.editor.getRuleEditor().getLeftPanel().updateGraphics(); this.editor.getRuleEditor().getRightPanel().updateGraphics(); this.editor.getRuleEditor().getLeftCondPanel().updateGraphics(); this.editor.getGraphEditor().getGraph().update(); this.editor.getGraphEditor().getGraphPanel().updateGraphics(); } else if (this.ruleEditor != null) { this.ruleEditor.getRule().update(); this.ruleEditor.getLeftPanel().updateGraphics(); this.ruleEditor.getRightPanel().updateGraphics(); this.ruleEditor.getLeftCondPanel().updateGraphics(); if (this.graphEditor != null) { this.graphEditor.getGraph().update(); this.graphEditor.getGraphPanel().updateGraphics(); } } else if (this.graphEditor != null) { this.graphEditor.getGraph().update(); this.graphEditor.getGraphPanel().updateGraphics(); } } else {;; } } void showMessageDialog(List<String> failed, boolean node) { if (failed == null) return; if (!failed.isEmpty()) { String str = "Cannot delete objects of this type from \n"; for (int i = 0; i < failed.size(); i++) { String s = "\t" + failed.get(i) + "\n"; str = str + s; } JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(this.applFrame, str); } } private JMenuItem createDeleteItem() { JMenuItem m = add(new JMenuItem("Delete")); // m.setMnemonic('D'); m.addActionListener(new ActionListener() { public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) { if (!canDo()) return; EditPopupMenu.this.mapping = false; if (!EditPopupMenu.this.ego.getMorphismMark().equals("")) {; unmapGraphObject(true); }; doUpdateAfterDelete(); EditPopupMenu.this.ego = null; } }); return m; } private JMenu createDeleteMenu() { JMenu m = new JMenu("Delete Objects of Type"); JMenuItem jmi = m.add(new JMenuItem("Delete All Objects")); jmi.addActionListener(new ActionListener() { public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) { // System.out.println("Delete All Objects"); if (!canDo()) return; EditPopupMenu.this.mapping = false; int ok = 0; // String failStr =; // if (failStr != null) { // String str = "The kernel rule: "+failStr+" \n" // +"contains objects of type : <" // +EditPopupMenu.this.ego.getTypeName() // +"> to delete.\n" // +"Currently, AGG does not support Undo/Redo in this case.\n\n" // +"Do you want to delete objects of this type anyway?"; // ok = JOptionPane.showConfirmDialog(EditPopupMenu.this.applFrame, str, // "Delete Objects of Type", JOptionPane.WARNING_MESSAGE); // } // boolean addToUndo = (failStr == null); boolean addToUndo = true; if (ok == 0) { List<String> failed = .deleteGraphObjectsOfType(EditPopupMenu.this.ego, false, addToUndo); showMessageDialog(failed, EditPopupMenu.this.ego.isNode()); doUpdateAfterDelete();;; if (EditPopupMenu.this.editor != null) EditPopupMenu.this.editor.getRuleEditor().updateGraphics(); // System.out.println("undo stored:: "+EditPopupMenu.storeVec.size()); } } }); jmi = m.add(new JMenuItem("Delete Objects of Host Graph")); jmi.addActionListener(new ActionListener() { public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) { if (!canDo()) return; EditPopupMenu.this.mapping = false; if (! .deleteGraphObjectsOfTypeFromHostGraph( EditPopupMenu.this.ego, true)) JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(EditPopupMenu.this.applFrame, "Cannot delete objects of this type from host graph."); doUpdateAfterDelete();;; } }); /* * jmi = m.add(new JMenuItem("Delete Objects of Rules")); * jmi.addActionListener(new ActionListener() {public void * actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) { //System.out.println("Delete Objects * Of Rules"); if(!canDo()) return; mapping = false; * * Vector failed = * gp.getGraph().getGraGra().getBasisGraGra().destroyGraphObjectsOfTypeFromRules(ego.getType().getBasisType()); * showMessageDialog(failed); * * doAfterDelete(); gp.getGraph().getGraGra().updateRules(); if (editor != * null) editor.getRuleEditor().updateGraphics(); }}); jmi = m.add(new * JMenuItem("Delete Objects of Graph Constraints")); * jmi.addActionListener(new ActionListener() {public void * actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) { //System.out.println("Delete Objects * Of Graph Constraints"); if(!canDo()) return; mapping = false; * * Vector failed = * gp.getGraph().getGraGra().getBasisGraGra().destroyGraphObjectsOfTypeFromGraphConstraints(ego.getType().getBasisType()); * showMessageDialog(failed); * * doAfterDelete(); gp.getGraph().getGraGra().updateConstraints(); if * (editor != null) editor.getRuleEditor().updateGraphics(); }}); */ return m; } public void setEditor(GraGraEditor ed) { this.editor = ed; this.ruleEditor = this.editor.getRuleEditor(); this.graphEditor = this.editor.getGraphEditor(); } public void setEditor(RuleEditor re) { this.ruleEditor = re; this.graphEditor = null; } public void setEditor(GraphEditor ge) { this.graphEditor = ge; this.ruleEditor = null; } public void setGraphLayouter(EvolutionaryGraphLayout l) { this.layouter = l; } public EdGraphObject getPickedObj() { return this.ego; } public boolean isMapping() { return this.mapping; } public void setParentFrame(JFrame pf) { this.applFrame = pf; } public void setMapEnabled(boolean b) { this.miMap.setEnabled(b); } public void setUnmapEnabled(boolean b) { this.miUnmap.setEnabled(b); } public boolean invoked(GraphPanel p, int x, int y) { = p; if ( != null) { if ( != null && {;; } if (! { this.ego =, y); if (this.ego == null) { this.ego =, y,; } if (this.ego != null && this.ego.isVisible()) { // if (gp.getGraph().isTargetObjOfGraphEmbedding(ego)) { // return false; // } this.location = new Point(x, y); if (this.ego.isArc()) { Arc bArc = this.ego.getArc().getBasisArc(); if (bArc.isInheritance()) { return false; } } this.layout.setEnabled(false); this.miComment.setEnabled(false); if (this.ruleEditor != null) { if (this.ruleEditor.getRule().getLeft() == this.miAddIdenticToRule.setEnabled(true); else this.miAddIdenticToRule.setEnabled(false); if (this.ruleEditor.getNAC() != null) { this.miAddIdenticToNAC.setEnabled(true); this.miAddIdenticToPAC.setEnabled(false); this.miAddIdenticToGAC.setEnabled(false); } else if (this.ruleEditor.getPAC() != null) { this.miAddIdenticToNAC.setEnabled(false); this.miAddIdenticToPAC.setEnabled(true); this.miAddIdenticToGAC.setEnabled(false); } else if (this.ruleEditor.getNestedAC() != null) { this.miAddIdenticToNAC.setEnabled(false); this.miAddIdenticToPAC.setEnabled(false); this.miAddIdenticToGAC.setEnabled(true); } else { this.miAddIdenticToNAC.setEnabled(false); this.miAddIdenticToPAC.setEnabled(false); this.miAddIdenticToGAC.setEnabled(false); } } if (!this.ego.getContext().isTypeGraph()) { this.miVisibility.setEnabled(false); // if (this.ego instanceof EdNode) this.miObjName.setEnabled(true); // else // this.miObjName.setEnabled(false); } else { this.miVisibility.setEnabled(true); this.miObjName.setEnabled(false); if (this.ego.isNode()) { if (this.ego.getType().getBasisType().isObjectOfTypeGraphNodeVisible()) { this.miVisibility.setText("Hide Objects of Type"); } else { this.miVisibility.setText("Show Objects of Type"); } } else { if (this.ego.getType().getBasisType().isObjectOfTypeGraphArcVisible( ((EdArc)this.ego).getSource().getType().getBasisType(), ((EdArc)this.ego).getTarget().getType().getBasisType())) { this.miVisibility.setText("Hide Objects of Type"); } else { this.miVisibility.setText("Show Objects of Type"); } } } if (this.ego.isNode()) { this.miStraighten.setEnabled(false); if (this.ego.isElementOfTypeGraph()) { this.miComment.setEnabled(true); this.useDeleteMenu = true; this.addIdentic.setEnabled(false); this.miUnmap.setEnabled(false); this.miMultiplicity.setEnabled(true); this.miAbstract.setEnabled(true); if (this.ego.getBasisObject().getType().isAbstract()) this.miAbstract.setSelected(true); else this.miAbstract.setSelected(false); this.miSetParent.setEnabled(true); if (!this.ego.getNode().getBasisNode().getType() .getParents().isEmpty()) this.miUnsetParent.setEnabled(true); else this.miUnsetParent.setEnabled(false); this.layout.setEnabled(true); if (this.layouter != null) { if (this.layouter.getLayoutPatternForType(this.ego .getBasisObject().getType(), "Freezing") != null) { this.miFrozen.setSelected(true); } else { this.miFrozen.setSelected(false); } } } else { if (this.graphEditor != null && this.graphEditor.getGraphPanel() == this.layout.setEnabled(true); this.miFrozen.setSelected(((EdNode) this.ego).getLNode().isFrozen()); this.useDeleteMenu = false; this.addIdentic.setEnabled(false); this.miMultiplicity.setEnabled(false); this.miAbstract.setEnabled(false); this.miAbstract.setSelected(false); this.miSetParent.setEnabled(false); this.miUnsetParent.setEnabled(false); } if (this.ruleEditor != null && == this.ruleEditor.getLeftPanel()) this.addIdentic.setEnabled(true); } else { this.miStraighten.setEnabled(true); this.miSetParent.setEnabled(false); this.miUnsetParent.setEnabled(false); this.miAbstract.setEnabled(false); this.miAbstract.setSelected(false); if (this.ego.isElementOfTypeGraph()) { this.miComment.setEnabled(true); this.useDeleteMenu = true; this.addIdentic.setEnabled(false); this.miUnmap.setEnabled(false); this.miMultiplicity.setEnabled(true); } else { this.useDeleteMenu = false; this.addIdentic.setEnabled(false); this.miMultiplicity.setEnabled(false); } if (this.ruleEditor != null && == this.ruleEditor.getLeftPanel()) this.addIdentic.setEnabled(true); } if (!this.ego.isSelected()) { this.xPos = x; this.yPos = y; requestFocusInWindow(); return true; } return false; } return false; } } return false; } void setLastEditModeBeforMapping(GraphPanel gp) { if (gp.getEditMode() == EditorConstants.DRAW || gp.getEditMode() == EditorConstants.ARC || gp.getEditMode() == EditorConstants.SELECT || gp.getEditMode() == EditorConstants.MOVE || gp.getEditMode() == EditorConstants.ATTRIBUTES || gp.getEditMode() == EditorConstants.MAP || gp.getEditMode() == EditorConstants.UNMAP || gp.getEditMode() == EditorConstants.SET_PARENT || gp.getEditMode() == EditorConstants.UNSET_PARENT || gp.getEditMode() == EditorConstants.INTERACT_RULE || gp.getEditMode() == EditorConstants.INTERACT_NAC || gp.getEditMode() == EditorConstants.INTERACT_PAC || gp.getEditMode() == EditorConstants.INTERACT_AC || gp.getEditMode() == EditorConstants.INTERACT_MATCH) { gp.setLastEditMode(gp.getEditMode()); gp.setLastEditCursor(gp.getEditCursor()); } } /* Draws graphic of the graphobject go in the panel p */ /* private void drawGraphic(EdGraphObject go, GraphPanel p) { if (go.isNode()) p.getGraph().drawNode(p.getCanvas().getGraphics(), (EdNode) go); else p.getGraph().drawArc(p.getCanvas().getGraphics(), (EdArc) go); } */ void setMultiplicityOfType() { if (this.ego != null) {; if (!this.ego.isNode()) { this.multiplicity = new TypeCardinalityDialog(null, this.ego.getType() .getBasisType(), ((EdArc) this.ego).getSource().getType() .getBasisType(), ((EdArc) this.ego).getTarget().getType() .getBasisType()); } else { this.multiplicity = new TypeCardinalityDialog(null, this.ego.getType() .getBasisType()); } this.multiplicity.showGUI(); if (this.editor != null) { if (!this.multiplicity.isChanged()) {; } else if (this.ego.isNode()) { String errors = .checkNodeTypeMultiplicity((EdNode) this.ego); if (errors != null) { errors = errors.replaceAll(",", ",\n"); JOptionPane.showMessageDialog( null, "<html><body>" +"Please check the graph(s): \n" +errors+".\n" +"\nMultiplicity constraint of the node type:\n" +"\""+this.ego.getType().getBasisType().getName()+"\" \n" +"is not satisfied.", "Checking Node Type Multiplicity", JOptionPane.WARNING_MESSAGE ); } } else { String errors = .checkEdgeTypeMultiplicity((EdArc) this.ego); if (errors != null) { errors = errors.replaceAll(",", ",\n"); JOptionPane.showMessageDialog( null, "<html><body>" +"Please check the graph(s): \n" +errors+".\n" +"\nMultiplicity constraint of the edge type:\n" +"\""+this.ego.getType().getBasisType().getName()+"\" \n" +"is not satisfied.", "Checking Edge Type Multiplicity", JOptionPane.WARNING_MESSAGE ); } } };; } } protected void unmapGraphObject(boolean wantDeleteGraphObject) { boolean unmapdone = false; if (this.editor != null && this.editor.getRuleEditor().getRule() != null) { EdRule rule = this.editor.getRuleEditor().getRule(); boolean isLeftRuleObj = this.ego.getContext() == rule.getLeft(); if (this.editor.getActivePanel() == this.editor.getRuleEditor().getLeftPanel()) { unmapdone = this.leftPanelUnmap(this.editor.getRuleEditor(), rule, wantDeleteGraphObject); if (unmapdone && isLeftRuleObj && rule.getMatch() != null) { this.editor.getGraphEditor().updateGraphics(); } } else if (this.editor.getActivePanel() == this.editor.getRuleEditor().getRightPanel()) { unmapdone = this.rightPanelUnmap(this.editor.getRuleEditor(), rule, wantDeleteGraphObject); } else if (this.editor.getActivePanel() == this.editor.getRuleEditor().getLeftCondPanel()) { unmapdone = this.leftCondPanelUnmap(this.editor.getRuleEditor(), rule); } else if (this.editor.getActivePanel() == this.editor.getGraphEditor().getGraphPanel() && rule.getMatch() != null) { if (this.editor.getRuleEditor().removeMatchMapping(this.ego, false)) unmapdone = true; if (unmapdone) { this.editor.getRuleEditor().getLeftPanel().updateGraphics(); this.editor.getGraphEditor().getGraphPanel().updateGraphics(); } } } else if (this.ruleEditor != null && this.ruleEditor.getRule() != null) { EdRule rule = this.ruleEditor.getRule(); if ( == this.ruleEditor.getLeftPanel()) { unmapdone = this.leftPanelUnmap(this.ruleEditor, rule, wantDeleteGraphObject); if (unmapdone) { if (this.graphEditor != null) this.graphEditor.getGraphPanel().updateGraphics(); } } else if ( == this.ruleEditor.getRightPanel()) { unmapdone = this.rightPanelUnmap(this.editor.getRuleEditor(), rule, wantDeleteGraphObject); } else if ( == this.ruleEditor.getLeftCondPanel()) { unmapdone = this.leftCondPanelUnmap(this.editor.getRuleEditor(), rule); } } else if (this.graphEditor != null && == this.graphEditor.getGraphPanel()) { if (this.ruleEditor != null) { this.ruleEditor.getRule().removeMapping(this.ego, this.ruleEditor.getRule().getMatch()); if (this.ruleEditor.getLeftPanel().getGraph() == this.ruleEditor.getRule().getLeft()) this.ruleEditor.getLeftPanel().updateGraphics(); this.graphEditor.getGraphPanel().updateGraphics(); } } } private boolean leftPanelUnmap(final RuleEditor rEditor, final EdRule rule, boolean wantDelete) { boolean unmapdone = false; boolean isLeftRuleObj = this.ego.getContext() == rule.getLeft(); if (wantDelete) { if (isLeftRuleObj) { if (!(rule instanceof EdAtomic)) { if (rEditor.removeNacMapping(this.ego) || rEditor.removePacMapping(this.ego) || rEditor.removeNestedACMapping(this.ego)) unmapdone = true; } if (rEditor.removeRuleMapping(this.ego, true)) unmapdone = true; } else if (rEditor.getNestedAC() != null) { if (rEditor.getNestedAC().getParent() == null) { if (rEditor.removeNestedACMapping(this.ego, true)) unmapdone = true; } else { if (rEditor.getNestedAC().getParent() .removeNestedACMapping(this.ego, rEditor.getNestedAC())); unmapdone = true; if (rEditor.removeNestedACMapping(this.ego, rEditor.getNestedAC().getParent(), rEditor.getNestedAC().getParent().getNestedACs())) unmapdone = true; } } if (unmapdone) { rule.update(); if (rEditor.getNestedAC() != null) { rEditor.updateNestedAC(rEditor.getNestedAC()); } rEditor.updateGraphics(); } } else { if (isLeftRuleObj) { if (!(rule instanceof EdAtomic)) { if (rEditor.removeNacMapping(this.ego, true) || rEditor.removePacMapping(this.ego, true) || rEditor.removeNestedACMapping(this.ego, true)) { unmapdone = true; } } if (rEditor.removeRuleMapping(this.ego, true)) unmapdone = true; } else if (rEditor.getNestedAC() != null) { if (rEditor.getNestedAC().getParent() == null) { if (rEditor.removeNestedACMapping(this.ego, true)) unmapdone = true; } else { if (rEditor.getNestedAC().getParent() .removeNestedACMapping(this.ego, rEditor.getNestedAC())); unmapdone = true; if (rEditor.removeNestedACMapping(this.ego, true)) unmapdone = true; } } if (unmapdone) { if (rEditor.getNestedAC() == null) { rule.update(); rEditor.updateGraphics(); } else { rEditor.updateNestedAC(rEditor.getNestedAC()); rEditor.updateGraphics(); } } } if (rule.getMatch() != null && isLeftRuleObj) { if (rEditor.removeMatchMapping(this.ego, true)) { unmapdone = true; } if (wantDelete) { rule.getMatch().getCompletionStrategy().removeFromObjectVarMap(this.ego.getBasisObject()); } } return unmapdone; } private boolean rightPanelUnmap(final RuleEditor rEditor, final EdRule rule, boolean wantDelete) { boolean unmapdone = false; boolean isLeftRuleObj = this.ego.getContext() == rule.getLeft(); if (!wantDelete) { if (isLeftRuleObj) { if (!(rule instanceof EdAtomic)) { if (rEditor.removeNacMapping(this.ego)) unmapdone = true; if (rEditor.removePacMapping(this.ego)) unmapdone = true; if (rEditor.removeNestedACMapping(this.ego)) unmapdone = true; } if (rEditor.removeRuleMapping(this.ego, true)) unmapdone = true; } else if (this.ego.getContext() == rule.getRight()) { if (rEditor.removeRuleMapping(this.ego, false)) unmapdone = true; } } if (unmapdone) { if (rEditor.getNestedAC() == null) { rule.update(); } else { rule.updateRule(); rEditor.updateNestedAC(rEditor.getNestedAC()); } rEditor.updateGraphics(); } return unmapdone; } private boolean leftCondPanelUnmap(final RuleEditor rEditor, final EdRule rule) { boolean unmapdone = false; if (rEditor.removeNacMapping(this.ego, false)) unmapdone = true; else if (rEditor.removePacMapping(this.ego, false)) unmapdone = true; else if (rEditor.removeNestedACMapping(this.ego, false)) unmapdone = true; if (unmapdone) { if (rEditor.getNestedAC() == null) { rule.update(); } else { rule.updateRule(); rEditor.updateNestedAC(rEditor.getNestedAC()); } rEditor.getLeftPanel().updateGraphics(); rEditor.getLeftCondPanel().updateGraphics(); } return unmapdone; } /* private JMenu createGraphStatisticMenu() { JMenu statistMenu = new JMenu("Graph Statistic"); mi = statistMenu.add(new JMenuItem("Nodes Of Type")); mi.addActionListener(new ActionListener() { public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) { String text = "Graph: "+ego.getContext().getName()+" contains "; int nb = ego.getContext().getNodes(ego.getType()).size(); String tname = ego.getTypeName(); System.out.println(text+nb+" nodes of type: "+tname); } }); mi = statistMenu.add(new JMenuItem("Outgoing Edges")); mi.addActionListener(new ActionListener() { public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) { String text = "Node ( HC:"+ego.hashCode()+" ) "; int nb = ((EdNode)ego).getOutArcsCount(); String tname = ego.getTypeName(); text = text + "of type: "+tname+" has "; System.out.println(text+nb+" outgoing edges"); } }); mi = statistMenu.add(new JMenuItem("Incoming Edges")); mi.addActionListener(new ActionListener() { public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) { String text = "Node ( HC:"+ego.hashCode()+" ) "; int nb = ((EdNode)ego).getInArcsCount(); String tname = ego.getTypeName(); text = text + "of type: "+tname+" has "; System.out.println(text+nb+" incoming edges"); } }); return statistMenu; } */ public void activateObjectNameMenuItem(boolean b) { if (b && this.getComponent(3) != this.miObjName) { this.insert(this.miObjName, 3); } else { this.remove(this.miObjName); } } protected void setObjectName(final EdGraphObject go) { go.setWeakselected(true);; String objname = JOptionPane.showInputDialog(this.applFrame, " Please set the object name: ", go.getBasisObject().getObjectName()); if (objname != null) { go.getBasisObject().setObjectName(objname); //; } go.setWeakselected(false);; } JFrame applFrame; private JMenuItem mi; final private JMenuItem //miOperations, miDelete, miMap, miUnmap, miStraighten, miVisibility, miAddIdenticToRule, miAddIdenticToNAC, miAddIdenticToPAC, miAddIdenticToGAC, miMultiplicity, miSetParent, miUnsetParent, miComment, miObjName; private JMenu deleteMenu, addIdentic, // statistic, layout; private JCheckBoxMenuItem miAbstract, miFrozen; boolean mapping = false; GraGraEditor editor; RuleEditor ruleEditor; GraphEditor graphEditor; GraphPanel gp; EdGraphObject ego; int xPos, yPos; private TypeCardinalityDialog multiplicity; private boolean useDeleteMenu = false; EvolutionaryGraphLayout layouter; Point location; } // $Log:,v $ // Revision 1.26 2010/10/16 22:44:43 olga // improved undo for RuleScheme graph objects // // Revision 1.25 2010/09/30 22:20:42 olga // improved // // Revision 1.24 2010/09/30 14:35:18 olga // improved // // Revision 1.23 2010/09/30 14:10:04 olga // delete objects of especial type - improved // // Revision 1.22 2010/09/27 23:12:03 olga // tuning // // Revision 1.21 2010/09/27 22:45:25 olga // improved // // Revision 1.20 2010/09/27 16:20:54 olga // improved // // Revision 1.19 2010/08/25 08:23:30 olga // tuning // // Revision 1.18 2010/08/18 16:57:41 olga // extended // // Revision 1.17 2010/06/09 11:04:43 olga // extended due to new NestedApplCond // // Revision 1.16 2010/04/14 13:23:28 olga // select and move in non-editable graphs where create and delete objects not allowed // // Revision 1.15 2010/03/15 10:39:44 olga // rename refactoring // // Revision 1.14 2010/03/10 14:46:35 olga // make identical rule - bug fixed // // Revision 1.13 2010/03/08 15:43:28 olga // code optimizing // // Revision 1.12 2010/02/22 15:03:02 olga // code optimizing // // Revision 1.11 2009/11/09 10:41:57 olga // tuning // // Revision 1.10 2009/07/16 17:21:03 olga // GUI bugs fixed // // Revision 1.9 2009/07/02 15:42:26 olga // new menu item: Object Name // // Revision 1.8 2009/06/02 12:39:27 olga // Min Multiplicity check - bug fixed // // Revision 1.7 2009/05/28 13:18:28 olga // Amalgamated graph transformation - development stage // // Revision 1.6 2009/05/12 10:36:55 olga // CPA: bug fixed // Applicability of Rule Seq. : bug fixed // // Revision 1.5 2009/04/14 09:18:36 olga // Edge Type Multiplicity check - bug fixed // // Revision 1.4 2009/04/02 14:39:33 olga // code tuning // // Revision 1.3 2009/01/19 12:34:02 olga // AGG tuning // // Revision 1.2 2008/11/06 08:45:37 olga // Graph layout is extended by Zest Graph Layout ( eclipse zest plugin) // // Revision 1.1 2008/10/29 09:04:13 olga // new sub packages of the package agg.gui: typeeditor, editor, trafo, cpa, options, treeview, popupmenu, saveload // // Revision 1.34 2008/10/01 10:24:55 olga // AGG GUI: mouse usability extended - simulation of the middle button by left and right button pressed simultaneously // // Revision 1.33 2008/09/04 07:49:23 olga // GUI extension: hide nodes, edges // // Revision 1.32 2008/07/21 10:03:27 olga // Code tuning // // Revision 1.31 2008/07/14 07:35:46 olga // Applicability of RS - new option added, more tuning // Node animation - new animation parameter added, // Undo edit manager - possibility to disable it when graph transformation // because it costs much more time and memory // // Revision 1.30 2008/07/02 17:14:35 olga // Code tuning // // Revision 1.29 2008/04/07 09:36:51 olga // Code tuning: refactoring + profiling // Extension: CPA - two new options added // // Revision 1.28 2008/02/25 08:44:48 olga // Extending of CPA: new class CriticalRulePairAtGraph to get critical // matches of two rules at a concret graph. // // Revision 1.27 2007/12/17 08:33:30 olga // Editing inheritance relations - bug fixed; // CPA: dependency of rules - bug fixed // // Revision 1.26 2007/12/05 08:57:01 olga // Delete a conclusion of an Atomic graph constraint : bug fixed // Graph visualization update after the marking "Abstract" of a type node in the type graph : bug fixed // CPA : some bug fixed; code tuning // // Revision 1.25 2007/12/03 08:35:11 olga // - Some bugs fixed in visualization of morphism mappings after deleting and creating // nodes, edges // - implemented: matching with non-injective NAC and Match morphism // // Revision 1.24 2007/11/01 09:58:12 olga // Code refactoring: generic types- done // // Revision 1.23 2007/09/24 09:42:34 olga // AGG transformation engine tuning // // Revision 1.22 2007/09/10 13:05:20 olga // In this update: // - package xerces2.5.0 is not used anymore; // - class com.objectspace.jgl.Pair is replaced by the agg own generic class agg.util.Pair; // - bugs fixed in: usage of PACs in rules; match completion; // usage of static method calls in attr. conditions // - graph editing: added some new features // // Revision 1.21 2007/07/02 08:27:27 olga // Help docu update, // Source tuning // // Revision 1.20 2007/06/13 08:32:48 olga // Update: V161 // // Revision 1.19 2007/04/30 13:23:36 olga // Update morphism mapping after adding an identic node/edge to RHS, NAC - bug // fixed. // // Revision 1.18 2007/04/19 07:52:36 olga // Tuning of: Undo/Redo, Graph layouter, loading grammars // // Revision 1.17 2007/04/11 10:03:31 olga // Undo, Redo tuning, // Simple Parser- bug fixed // // Revision 1.16 2007/03/28 14:06:33 olga // Common undo manager now // // Revision 1.15 2007/03/28 10:00:37 olga // - extensive changes of Node/Edge Type Editor, // - first Undo implementation for graphs and Node/edge Type editing and // transformation, // - new / reimplemented options for layered transformation, for graph layouter // - enable / disable for NACs, attr conditions, formula // - GUI tuning // // Revision 1.14 2007/01/11 10:21:05 olga // Optimized Version 1.5.1beta , free for tests // // Revision 1.13 2006/12/18 08:33:48 olga // Code optimization // // Revision 1.12 2006/12/13 13:32:54 enrico // reimplemented code // // Revision 1.11 2006/11/02 16:05:19 olga // Errors fixed // // Revision 1.10 2006/11/01 11:17:29 olga // Optimized agg sources of CSP algorithm, match usability, // graph isomorphic copy, // node/edge type multiplicity check for injective rule and match // // Revision 1.9 2006/08/16 11:41:16 olga // edit mode tuning // graph layout by node type pattern FreezingAge extended // // Revision 1.8 2006/08/14 08:26:24 olga // AGG help update // Rule editor tuning // // Revision 1.7 2006/08/02 09:00:56 olga // Preliminary version 1.5.0 with // - multiple node type inheritance, // - new implemented evolutionary graph layouter for // graph transformation sequences // // Revision 1.6 2006/04/03 08:57:50 olga // New: Import Type Graph // and some bugs fixed // // Revision 1.5 2006/03/06 09:15:36 olga // Type sorting inconsistency of unnamed typs eliminated // // Revision 1.4 2006/03/01 09:55:47 olga // - new CPA algorithm, new CPA GUI // // Revision 1.3 2005/11/07 09:38:07 olga // Null pointer during retype attr. member fixed. // // Revision 1.2 2005/09/01 08:22:14 olga // Adaptation inheritance version to AGG standard: // - remove type graph nodes/arcs, // - GUI conformance. // // Revision 1.1 2005/08/25 11:56:53 enrico // *** empty log message *** // // Revision 2005/07/04 11:41:37 enrico // basic support for inheritance // // Revision 1.2 2005/06/20 13:37:03 olga // Up to now the version 1.2.8 will be prepared. // // Revision 1.1 2005/05/30 12:58:02 olga // Version with Eclipse // // Revision 1.9 2004/12/20 14:53:48 olga // Changes because of matching optimisation. // // Revision 1.8 2004/03/01 15:47:55 olga // Tests // // Revision 1.7 2003/12/18 16:26:41 olga // GUI // // Revision 1.6 2003/03/05 18:24:17 komm // sorted/optimized import statements // // Revision 1.5 2002/12/12 09:25:31 olga // Graphtransformation-Rollback wenn TypeGraph Fehler vorkommen. // // Revision 1.4 2002/12/02 09:59:49 komm // each source/target combination has now its own multiplicity constraints // // Revision 1.3 2002/11/28 14:05:18 olga // Das ArcTypeMultiplicityGUI ist jetzt an dem Kanten-Popupmenu im TypeGraphen. // // Revision 1.2 2002/11/11 10:45:03 komm // no change // // Revision 2002/07/11 12:17:10 olga // Imported sources // // Revision 1.17 2001/05/14 11:59:19 olga // Das Zusammenspiel zwischen AGG GUI und Parser/CP GUIs optimiert. // Neue Transformationsart implementiert: // // Revision 1.16 2001/04/11 14:56:48 olga // Arbeit an der GUI. // // Revision 1.15 2001/03/08 11:00:01 olga // Das ist Stand nach der AGG GUI Reimplementierung // und Parser Anbindung. // // Revision 1.14 2000/12/21 09:48:58 olga // In dieser Version wurden XML und GUI Reimplementierung zusammen gefuehrt. // // Revision 2000/11/09 13:28:28 olga // Umstellung von Graphtransformation in TransformInterpret, TransformDebug auf // die Methoden aus agg.xt_basis.GraTra. TransformInterpret noch fehlerhaft. // // Revision 2000/11/06 09:32:46 olga // Erste Version fuer neue GUI (Branch reimpl) // // Revision 1.13 1999/12/22 12:36:52 shultzke // The user cannot edit the context of graphs. Only in rules it is possible. //