package com.marshalchen.common.uimodule.weekview; import android.content.Context; import android.content.res.TypedArray; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import android.text.Layout; import android.text.StaticLayout; import android.text.TextPaint; import android.text.TextUtils; import android.util.AttributeSet; import android.util.TypedValue; import android.view.GestureDetector; import android.view.HapticFeedbackConstants; import android.view.MotionEvent; import android.view.SoundEffectConstants; import android.view.View; import android.widget.OverScroller; import android.widget.Scroller; import com.marshalchen.common.uimodule.R; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Calendar; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.Comparator; import java.util.List; public class WeekView extends View { public static final int LENGTH_SHORT = 1; public static final int LENGTH_LONG = 2; private final Context mContext; private Calendar mToday; private Calendar mStartDate; private Paint mTimeTextPaint; private float mTimeTextWidth; private float mTimeTextHeight; private Paint mHeaderTextPaint; private float mHeaderTextHeight; private GestureDetectorCompat mGestureDetector; private OverScroller mScroller; private PointF mCurrentOrigin = new PointF(0f, 0f); private Direction mCurrentScrollDirection = Direction.NONE; private Paint mHeaderBackgroundPaint; private float mWidthPerDay; private Paint mDayBackgroundPaint; private Paint mHourSeparatorPaint; private float mHeaderMarginBottom; private Paint mTodayBackgroundPaint; private Paint mTodayHeaderTextPaint; private Paint mEventBackgroundPaint; private float mHeaderColumnWidth; private List<EventRect> mEventRects; private TextPaint mEventTextPaint; private Paint mHeaderColumnBackgroundPaint; private Scroller mStickyScroller; private int mFetchedMonths[] = new int[3]; private boolean mRefreshEvents = false; private float mDistanceY = 0; private float mDistanceX = 0; private Direction mCurrentFlingDirection = Direction.NONE; // Attributes and their default values. private int mHourHeight = 50; private int mColumnGap = 10; private int mFirstDayOfWeek = Calendar.MONDAY; private int mTextSize = 12; private int mHeaderColumnPadding = 10; private int mHeaderColumnTextColor = Color.BLACK; private int mNumberOfVisibleDays = 3; private int mHeaderRowPadding = 10; private int mHeaderRowBackgroundColor = Color.WHITE; private int mDayBackgroundColor = Color.rgb(245, 245, 245); private int mHourSeparatorColor = Color.rgb(230, 230, 230); private int mTodayBackgroundColor = Color.rgb(239, 247, 254); private int mHourSeparatorHeight = 2; private int mTodayHeaderTextColor = Color.rgb(39, 137, 228); private int mEventTextSize = 12; private int mEventTextColor = Color.BLACK; private int mEventPadding = 8; private int mHeaderColumnBackgroundColor = Color.WHITE; private int mDefaultEventColor; private boolean mIsFirstDraw = true; private int mDayNameLength = LENGTH_LONG; // Listeners. private EventClickListener mEventClickListener; private EventLongPressListener mEventLongPressListener; private MonthChangeListener mMonthChangeListener; private final GestureDetector.SimpleOnGestureListener mGestureListener = new GestureDetector.SimpleOnGestureListener() { @Override public boolean onDown(MotionEvent e) { mScroller.forceFinished(true); mStickyScroller.forceFinished(true); return true; } @Override public boolean onScroll(MotionEvent e1, MotionEvent e2, float distanceX, float distanceY) { if (mCurrentScrollDirection == Direction.NONE) { if (Math.abs(distanceX) > Math.abs(distanceY)){ mCurrentScrollDirection = Direction.HORIZONTAL; mCurrentFlingDirection = Direction.HORIZONTAL; } else { mCurrentFlingDirection = Direction.VERTICAL; mCurrentScrollDirection = Direction.VERTICAL; } } mDistanceX = distanceX; mDistanceY = distanceY; invalidate(); return true; } @Override public boolean onFling(MotionEvent e1, MotionEvent e2, float velocityX, float velocityY) { mScroller.forceFinished(true); mStickyScroller.forceFinished(true); if (mCurrentFlingDirection == Direction.HORIZONTAL){ mScroller.fling((int) mCurrentOrigin.x, 0, (int) velocityX, 0, Integer.MIN_VALUE, Integer.MAX_VALUE, 0, 0); } else if (mCurrentFlingDirection == Direction.VERTICAL){ mScroller.fling(0, (int) mCurrentOrigin.y, 0, (int) velocityY, 0, 0, (int) -(mHourHeight * 24 + mHeaderTextHeight + mHeaderRowPadding * 2 - getHeight()), 0); } ViewCompat.postInvalidateOnAnimation(WeekView.this); return true; } @Override public boolean onSingleTapConfirmed(MotionEvent e) { if (mEventRects != null && mEventClickListener != null) { List<EventRect> reversedEventRects = mEventRects; Collections.reverse(reversedEventRects); for (EventRect event : reversedEventRects) { if (event.rectF != null && e.getX() > event.rectF.left && e.getX() < event.rectF.right && e.getY() > && e.getY() < event.rectF.bottom) { mEventClickListener.onEventClick(event.event, event.rectF); playSoundEffect(SoundEffectConstants.CLICK); break; } } } return super.onSingleTapConfirmed(e); } @Override public void onLongPress(MotionEvent e) { super.onLongPress(e); if (mEventLongPressListener != null && mEventRects != null) { List<EventRect> reversedEventRects = mEventRects; Collections.reverse(reversedEventRects); for (EventRect event : reversedEventRects) { if (event.rectF != null && e.getX() > event.rectF.left && e.getX() < event.rectF.right && e.getY() > && e.getY() < event.rectF.bottom) { mEventLongPressListener.onEventLongPress(event.event, event.rectF); performHapticFeedback(HapticFeedbackConstants.LONG_PRESS); break; } } } } }; private enum Direction { NONE, HORIZONTAL, VERTICAL } public WeekView(Context context) { this(context, null); } public WeekView(Context context, AttributeSet attrs) { this(context, attrs, 0); } public WeekView(Context context, AttributeSet attrs, int defStyleAttr) { super(context, attrs, defStyleAttr); // Hold references. mContext = context; // Get the attribute values (if any). TypedArray a = context.getTheme().obtainStyledAttributes(attrs, R.styleable.WeekView, 0, 0); try { mFirstDayOfWeek = a.getInteger(R.styleable.WeekView_firstDayOfWeek, mFirstDayOfWeek); mHourHeight = a.getDimensionPixelSize(R.styleable.WeekView_hourHeight, mHourHeight); mTextSize = a.getDimensionPixelSize(R.styleable.WeekView_textSize, (int) TypedValue.applyDimension(TypedValue.COMPLEX_UNIT_SP, mTextSize, context.getResources().getDisplayMetrics())); mHeaderColumnPadding = a.getDimensionPixelSize(R.styleable.WeekView_headerColumnPadding, mHeaderColumnPadding); mColumnGap = a.getDimensionPixelSize(R.styleable.WeekView_columnGap, mColumnGap); mHeaderColumnTextColor = a.getColor(R.styleable.WeekView_headerColumnTextColor, mHeaderColumnTextColor); mNumberOfVisibleDays = a.getInteger(R.styleable.WeekView_noOfVisibleDays, mNumberOfVisibleDays); mHeaderRowPadding = a.getDimensionPixelSize(R.styleable.WeekView_headerRowPadding, mHeaderRowPadding); mHeaderRowBackgroundColor = a.getColor(R.styleable.WeekView_headerRowBackgroundColor, mHeaderRowBackgroundColor); mDayBackgroundColor = a.getColor(R.styleable.WeekView_dayBackgroundColor, mDayBackgroundColor); mHourSeparatorColor = a.getColor(R.styleable.WeekView_hourSeparatorColor, mHourSeparatorColor); mTodayBackgroundColor = a.getColor(R.styleable.WeekView_todayBackgroundColor, mTodayBackgroundColor); mHourSeparatorHeight = a.getDimensionPixelSize(R.styleable.WeekView_hourSeparatorHeight, mHourSeparatorHeight); mTodayHeaderTextColor = a.getColor(R.styleable.WeekView_todayHeaderTextColor, mTodayHeaderTextColor); mEventTextSize = a.getDimensionPixelSize(R.styleable.WeekView_eventTextSize, (int) TypedValue.applyDimension(TypedValue.COMPLEX_UNIT_SP, mEventTextSize, context.getResources().getDisplayMetrics())); mEventTextColor = a.getColor(R.styleable.WeekView_eventTextColor, mEventTextColor); mEventPadding = a.getDimensionPixelSize(R.styleable.WeekView_hourSeparatorHeight, mEventPadding); mHeaderColumnBackgroundColor = a.getColor(R.styleable.WeekView_headerColumnBackground, mHeaderColumnBackgroundColor); mDayNameLength = a.getInteger(R.styleable.WeekView_dayNameLength, mDayNameLength); } finally { a.recycle(); } init(); } private void init() { // Get the date today. mToday = Calendar.getInstance(); mToday.set(Calendar.HOUR_OF_DAY, 0); mToday.set(Calendar.MINUTE, 0); mToday.set(Calendar.SECOND, 0); // Scrolling initialization. mGestureDetector = new GestureDetectorCompat(mContext, mGestureListener); mScroller = new OverScroller(mContext); mStickyScroller = new Scroller(mContext); // Measure settings for time column. mTimeTextPaint = new Paint(Paint.ANTI_ALIAS_FLAG); mTimeTextPaint.setTextAlign(Paint.Align.RIGHT); mTimeTextPaint.setTextSize(mTextSize); mTimeTextPaint.setColor(mHeaderColumnTextColor); Rect rect = new Rect(); mTimeTextPaint.getTextBounds("00 PM", 0, "00 PM".length(), rect); mTimeTextWidth = mTimeTextPaint.measureText("00 PM"); mTimeTextHeight = rect.height(); mHeaderMarginBottom = mTimeTextHeight / 2; // Measure settings for header row. mHeaderTextPaint = new Paint(Paint.ANTI_ALIAS_FLAG); mHeaderTextPaint.setColor(mHeaderColumnTextColor); mHeaderTextPaint.setTextAlign(Paint.Align.CENTER); mHeaderTextPaint.setTextSize(mTextSize); mHeaderTextPaint.getTextBounds("00 PM", 0, "00 PM".length(), rect); mHeaderTextHeight = rect.height(); mHeaderTextPaint.setTypeface(Typeface.DEFAULT_BOLD); // Prepare header background paint. mHeaderBackgroundPaint = new Paint(); mHeaderBackgroundPaint.setColor(mHeaderRowBackgroundColor); // Prepare day background color paint. mDayBackgroundPaint = new Paint(); mDayBackgroundPaint.setColor(mDayBackgroundColor); // Prepare hour separator color paint. mHourSeparatorPaint = new Paint(); mHourSeparatorPaint.setStyle(Paint.Style.STROKE); mHourSeparatorPaint.setStrokeWidth(mHourSeparatorHeight); mHourSeparatorPaint.setColor(mHourSeparatorColor); // Prepare today background color paint. mTodayBackgroundPaint = new Paint(); mTodayBackgroundPaint.setColor(mTodayBackgroundColor); // Prepare today header text color paint. mTodayHeaderTextPaint = new Paint(Paint.ANTI_ALIAS_FLAG); mTodayHeaderTextPaint.setTextAlign(Paint.Align.CENTER); mTodayHeaderTextPaint.setTextSize(mTextSize); mTodayHeaderTextPaint.setTypeface(Typeface.DEFAULT_BOLD); mTodayHeaderTextPaint.setColor(mTodayHeaderTextColor); // Prepare event background color. mEventBackgroundPaint = new Paint(); mEventBackgroundPaint.setColor(Color.rgb(174, 208, 238)); // Prepare header column background color. mHeaderColumnBackgroundPaint = new Paint(); mHeaderColumnBackgroundPaint.setColor(mHeaderColumnBackgroundColor); // Prepare event text size and color. mEventTextPaint = new TextPaint(Paint.ANTI_ALIAS_FLAG | Paint.LINEAR_TEXT_FLAG); mEventTextPaint.setStyle(Paint.Style.FILL); mEventTextPaint.setColor(mEventTextColor); mEventTextPaint.setTextSize(mEventTextSize); mStartDate = (Calendar) mToday.clone(); // Set default event color. mDefaultEventColor = Color.parseColor("#9fc6e7"); } @Override protected void onDraw(Canvas canvas) { super.onDraw(canvas); // Draw the header row. drawHeaderRowAndEvents(canvas); // Draw the time column and all the axes/separators. drawTimeColumnAndAxes(canvas); // Hide everything in the first cell (top left corner). canvas.drawRect(0, 0, mTimeTextWidth + mHeaderColumnPadding * 2, mHeaderTextHeight + mHeaderRowPadding * 2, mHeaderBackgroundPaint); // Hide anything that is in the bottom margin of the header row. canvas.drawRect(mHeaderColumnWidth, mHeaderTextHeight + mHeaderRowPadding * 2, getWidth(), mHeaderRowPadding * 2 + mHeaderTextHeight + mHeaderMarginBottom + mTimeTextHeight/2 - mHourSeparatorHeight / 2, mHeaderColumnBackgroundPaint); } private void drawTimeColumnAndAxes(Canvas canvas) { // Do not let the view go above/below the limit due to scrolling. Set the max and min limit of the scroll. if (mCurrentScrollDirection == Direction.VERTICAL) { if (mCurrentOrigin.y - mDistanceY > 0) mCurrentOrigin.y = 0; else if (mCurrentOrigin.y - mDistanceY < -(mHourHeight * 24 + mHeaderTextHeight + mHeaderRowPadding * 2 - getHeight())) mCurrentOrigin.y = -(mHourHeight * 24 + mHeaderTextHeight + mHeaderRowPadding * 2 - getHeight()); else mCurrentOrigin.y -= mDistanceY; } // Draw the background color for the header column. canvas.drawRect(0, mHeaderTextHeight + mHeaderRowPadding * 2, mHeaderColumnWidth, getHeight(), mHeaderColumnBackgroundPaint); for (int i = 0; i < 24; i++) { float top = mHeaderTextHeight + mHeaderRowPadding * 2 + mCurrentOrigin.y + mHourHeight * i + mHeaderMarginBottom; // Draw the text if its y position is not outside of the visible area. The pivot point of the text is the point at the bottom-right corner. if (top < getHeight()) canvas.drawText(getTimeString(i), mTimeTextWidth + mHeaderColumnPadding, top + mTimeTextHeight, mTimeTextPaint); } } private void drawHeaderRowAndEvents(Canvas canvas) { // Calculate the available width for each day. mHeaderColumnWidth = mTimeTextWidth + mHeaderColumnPadding *2; mWidthPerDay = getWidth() - mHeaderColumnWidth - mColumnGap * (mNumberOfVisibleDays - 1); mWidthPerDay = mWidthPerDay/mNumberOfVisibleDays; // If the week view is being drawn for the first time, then consider the first day of week. if (mIsFirstDraw && mNumberOfVisibleDays >= 7) { if (mToday.get(Calendar.DAY_OF_WEEK) != mFirstDayOfWeek) { int difference = 7 + (mToday.get(Calendar.DAY_OF_WEEK) - mFirstDayOfWeek); mCurrentOrigin.x += (mWidthPerDay + mColumnGap) * difference; } mIsFirstDraw = false; } // Consider scroll offset. if (mCurrentScrollDirection == Direction.HORIZONTAL) mCurrentOrigin.x -= mDistanceX; int leftDaysWithGaps = (int) -(Math.ceil(mCurrentOrigin.x / (mWidthPerDay + mColumnGap))); float startFromPixel = mCurrentOrigin.x + (mWidthPerDay+mColumnGap) * leftDaysWithGaps + mHeaderColumnWidth; float startPixel = startFromPixel; // Prepare to iterate for each day. Calendar day = (Calendar) mToday.clone(); day.add(Calendar.HOUR, 6); // Prepare to iterate for each hour to draw the hour lines. int lineCount = (int) ((getHeight() - mHeaderTextHeight - mHeaderRowPadding * 2 - mHeaderMarginBottom) / mHourHeight) + 1; lineCount = (lineCount) * (mNumberOfVisibleDays+1); float[] hourLines = new float[lineCount * 4]; // Clear the cache for events rectangles. if (mEventRects != null) { for (EventRect eventRect: mEventRects) { eventRect.rectF = null; } } // Iterate through each day. for (int dayNumber = leftDaysWithGaps + 1; dayNumber <= leftDaysWithGaps + mNumberOfVisibleDays + 1; dayNumber++) { // Check if the day is today. day = (Calendar) mToday.clone(); day.add(Calendar.DATE, dayNumber - 1); boolean sameDay = isSameDay(day, mToday); // Get more events if necessary. We want to store the events 3 months beforehand. Get // events only when it is the first iteration of the loop. if (mEventRects == null || mRefreshEvents || (dayNumber == leftDaysWithGaps + 1 && mFetchedMonths[1] != day.get(Calendar.MONTH)+1 && day.get(Calendar.DAY_OF_MONTH) == 15)) { getMoreEvents(day); mRefreshEvents = false; } // Draw background color for each day. float start = (startPixel < mHeaderColumnWidth ? mHeaderColumnWidth : startPixel); if (mWidthPerDay + startPixel - start> 0) canvas.drawRect(start, mHeaderTextHeight + mHeaderRowPadding * 2 + mTimeTextHeight/2 + mHeaderMarginBottom, startPixel + mWidthPerDay, getHeight(), sameDay ? mTodayBackgroundPaint : mDayBackgroundPaint); // Prepare the separator lines for hours. int i = 0; for (int hourNumber = 0; hourNumber < 24; hourNumber++) { float top = mHeaderTextHeight + mHeaderRowPadding * 2 + mCurrentOrigin.y + mHourHeight * hourNumber + mTimeTextHeight/2 + mHeaderMarginBottom; if (top > mHeaderTextHeight + mHeaderRowPadding * 2 + mTimeTextHeight/2 + mHeaderMarginBottom - mHourSeparatorHeight && top < getHeight() && startPixel + mWidthPerDay - start > 0){ hourLines[i * 4] = start; hourLines[i * 4 + 1] = top; hourLines[i * 4 + 2] = startPixel + mWidthPerDay; hourLines[i * 4 + 3] = top; i++; } } // Draw the lines for hours. canvas.drawLines(hourLines, mHourSeparatorPaint); // Draw the events. drawEvents(day, startPixel, canvas); // In the next iteration, start from the next day. startPixel += mWidthPerDay + mColumnGap; } // Draw the header background. canvas.drawRect(0, 0, getWidth(), mHeaderTextHeight + mHeaderRowPadding * 2, mHeaderBackgroundPaint); // Draw the header row texts. startPixel = startFromPixel; for (int dayNumber=leftDaysWithGaps+1; dayNumber <= leftDaysWithGaps + mNumberOfVisibleDays + 1; dayNumber++) { // Check if the day is today. day = (Calendar) mToday.clone(); day.add(Calendar.DATE, dayNumber - 1); boolean sameDay = isSameDay(day, mToday); // Draw the day labels. String dayLabel = String.format("%s %d/%02d", getDayName(day), day.get(Calendar.MONTH) + 1, day.get(Calendar.DAY_OF_MONTH)); canvas.drawText(dayLabel, startPixel + mWidthPerDay / 2, mHeaderTextHeight + mHeaderRowPadding, sameDay ? mTodayHeaderTextPaint : mHeaderTextPaint); startPixel += mWidthPerDay + mColumnGap; } } /** * Draw all the events of a particular day. * @param date The day. * @param startFromPixel The left position of the day area. The events will never go any left from this value. * @param canvas The canvas to draw upon. */ private void drawEvents(Calendar date, float startFromPixel, Canvas canvas) { if (mEventRects != null && mEventRects.size() > 0) { for (int i = 0; i < mEventRects.size(); i++) { if (isSameDay(mEventRects.get(i).event.getStartTime(), date)) { // Calculate top. float top = mHourHeight * 24 * mEventRects.get(i).top / 1440 + mCurrentOrigin.y + mHeaderTextHeight + mHeaderRowPadding * 2 + mHeaderMarginBottom + mTimeTextHeight/2; float originalTop = top; if (top < mHeaderTextHeight + mHeaderRowPadding * 2 + mHeaderMarginBottom + mTimeTextHeight/2) top = mHeaderTextHeight + mHeaderRowPadding * 2 + mHeaderMarginBottom + mTimeTextHeight/2; // Calculate bottom. float bottom = mEventRects.get(i).bottom; bottom = mHourHeight * 24 * bottom / 1440 + mCurrentOrigin.y + mHeaderTextHeight + mHeaderRowPadding * 2 + mHeaderMarginBottom + mTimeTextHeight/2; // Calculate left and right. float left = startFromPixel + mEventRects.get(i).left * mWidthPerDay; float originalLeft = left; float right = left + mEventRects.get(i).width * mWidthPerDay; if (left < mHeaderColumnWidth) left = mHeaderColumnWidth; // Draw the event and the event name on top of it. RectF eventRectF = new RectF(left, top, right, bottom); if (bottom > mHeaderTextHeight + mHeaderRowPadding * 2 + mHeaderMarginBottom + mTimeTextHeight/2 && left < right && eventRectF.right > mHeaderColumnWidth && eventRectF.left < getWidth() && eventRectF.bottom > mHeaderTextHeight + mHeaderRowPadding * 2 + mTimeTextHeight / 2 + mHeaderMarginBottom && < getHeight() && left < right ) { mEventRects.get(i).rectF = eventRectF; mEventBackgroundPaint.setColor(mEventRects.get(i).event.getColor() == 0 ? mDefaultEventColor : mEventRects.get(i).event.getColor()); canvas.drawRect(mEventRects.get(i).rectF, mEventBackgroundPaint); drawText(mEventRects.get(i).event.getName(), mEventRects.get(i).rectF, canvas, originalTop, originalLeft); } else mEventRects.get(i).rectF = null; } } } } /** * Draw the name of the event on top of the event rectangle. * @param text The text to draw. * @param rect The rectangle on which the text is to be drawn. * @param canvas The canvas to draw upon. * @param originalTop The original top position of the rectangle. The rectangle may have some of its portion outside of the visible area. * @param originalLeft The original left position of the rectangle. The rectangle may have some of its portion outside of the visible area. */ private void drawText(String text, RectF rect, Canvas canvas, float originalTop, float originalLeft) { if (rect.right - rect.left - mEventPadding * 2 < 0) return; // Get text dimensions StaticLayout textLayout = new StaticLayout(text, mEventTextPaint, (int) (rect.right - originalLeft - mEventPadding * 2), Layout.Alignment.ALIGN_NORMAL, 1.0f, 0.0f, false); // Crop height int availableHeight = (int) (rect.bottom - originalTop - mEventPadding * 2); int lineHeight = textLayout.getHeight() / textLayout.getLineCount(); if (lineHeight < availableHeight && textLayout.getHeight() > rect.height() - mEventPadding * 2) { int lineCount = textLayout.getLineCount(); int availableLineCount = (int) Math.floor(lineCount * availableHeight / textLayout.getHeight()); float widthAvailable = (rect.right - originalLeft - mEventPadding * 2) * availableLineCount; textLayout = new StaticLayout(TextUtils.ellipsize(text, mEventTextPaint, widthAvailable, TextUtils.TruncateAt.END), mEventTextPaint, (int) (rect.right - originalLeft - mEventPadding * 2), Layout.Alignment.ALIGN_NORMAL, 1.0f, 0.0f, false); } else if (lineHeight >= availableHeight) { int width = (int) (rect.right - originalLeft - mEventPadding * 2); textLayout = new StaticLayout(TextUtils.ellipsize(text, mEventTextPaint, width, TextUtils.TruncateAt.END), mEventTextPaint, width, Layout.Alignment.ALIGN_NORMAL, 1.0f, 1.0f, false); } // Draw text; canvas.translate(originalLeft + mEventPadding, originalTop + mEventPadding); textLayout.draw(canvas); canvas.restore(); } /** * A class to hold reference to the events and their visual representation. */ private class EventRect { public WeekViewEvent event; public RectF rectF; public float left; public float width; public float top; public float bottom; public EventRect(WeekViewEvent event, RectF rectF) { this.event = event; this.rectF = rectF; } } /** * Gets more events of one/more month(s) if necessary. This method is called when the user is * scrolling the week view. The week view stores the events of three months: the visible month, * the previous month, the next month. * @param day The day where the user is currently is. */ private void getMoreEvents(Calendar day) { // Delete all events if its not current month +- 1. deleteFarMonths(day); // Get more events if the month is changed. if (mEventRects == null) mEventRects = new ArrayList<EventRect>(); if (mMonthChangeListener == null && !isInEditMode()) throw new IllegalStateException("You must provide a MonthChangeListener"); // If a refresh was requested then reset some variables. if (mRefreshEvents) { mEventRects.clear(); mFetchedMonths = new int[3]; } // Get events of previous month. int previousMonth = (day.get(Calendar.MONTH) == 0?12:day.get(Calendar.MONTH)); int nextMonth = (day.get(Calendar.MONTH)+2 == 13 ?1:day.get(Calendar.MONTH)+2); int[] lastFetchedMonth = mFetchedMonths.clone(); if (mFetchedMonths[0] < 1 || mFetchedMonths[0] != previousMonth || mRefreshEvents) { if (!containsValue(lastFetchedMonth, previousMonth) && !isInEditMode()){ List<WeekViewEvent> events = mMonthChangeListener.onMonthChange((previousMonth==12)?day.get(Calendar.YEAR)-1:day.get(Calendar.YEAR), previousMonth); sortEvents(events); for (WeekViewEvent event: events) { mEventRects.add(new EventRect(event, null)); } } mFetchedMonths[0] = previousMonth; } // Get events of this month. if (mFetchedMonths[1] < 1 || mFetchedMonths[1] != day.get(Calendar.MONTH)+1 || mRefreshEvents) { if (!containsValue(lastFetchedMonth, day.get(Calendar.MONTH)+1) && !isInEditMode()) { List<WeekViewEvent> events = mMonthChangeListener.onMonthChange(day.get(Calendar.YEAR), day.get(Calendar.MONTH) + 1); sortEvents(events); for (WeekViewEvent event : events) { mEventRects.add(new EventRect(event, null)); } } mFetchedMonths[1] = day.get(Calendar.MONTH)+1; } // Get events of next month. if (mFetchedMonths[2] < 1 || mFetchedMonths[2] != nextMonth || mRefreshEvents) { if (!containsValue(lastFetchedMonth, nextMonth) && !isInEditMode()) { List<WeekViewEvent> events = mMonthChangeListener.onMonthChange(nextMonth == 1 ? day.get(Calendar.YEAR) + 1 : day.get(Calendar.YEAR), nextMonth); sortEvents(events); for (WeekViewEvent event : events) { mEventRects.add(new EventRect(event, null)); } } mFetchedMonths[2] = nextMonth; } // Prepare to calculate positions of each events. ArrayList<EventRect> tempEvents = new ArrayList<EventRect>(mEventRects); mEventRects = new ArrayList<EventRect>(); Calendar dayCounter = (Calendar) day.clone(); dayCounter.add(Calendar.MONTH, -1); dayCounter.set(Calendar.DAY_OF_MONTH, 1); Calendar maxDay = (Calendar) day.clone(); maxDay.add(Calendar.MONTH, 1); maxDay.set(Calendar.DAY_OF_MONTH, maxDay.getActualMaximum(Calendar.DAY_OF_MONTH)); // Iterate through each day to calculate the position of the events. while (dayCounter.getTimeInMillis() <= maxDay.getTimeInMillis()) { ArrayList<EventRect> eventRects = new ArrayList<EventRect>(); for (EventRect eventRect : tempEvents) { if (isSameDay(eventRect.event.getStartTime(), dayCounter)) eventRects.add(eventRect); } computePositionOfEvents(eventRects); dayCounter.add(Calendar.DATE, 1); } } /** * Sorts the events in ascending order. * @param events The events to be sorted. */ private void sortEvents(List<WeekViewEvent> events) { Collections.sort(events, new Comparator<WeekViewEvent>() { @Override public int compare(WeekViewEvent event1, WeekViewEvent event2) { long start1 = event1.getStartTime().getTimeInMillis(); long start2 = event2.getStartTime().getTimeInMillis(); int comparator = start1 > start2 ? 1 : (start1 < start2 ? -1 : 0); if (comparator == 0) { long end1 = event1.getEndTime().getTimeInMillis(); long end2 = event2.getEndTime().getTimeInMillis(); comparator = end1 > end2 ? 1 : (end1 < end2 ? -1 : 0); } return comparator; } }); } /** * Calculates the left and right positions of each events. This comes handy specially if events * are overlapping. * @param eventRects The events along with their wrapper class. */ private void computePositionOfEvents(List<EventRect> eventRects) { // Make "collision groups" for all events that collide with others. List<List<EventRect>> collisionGroups = new ArrayList<List<EventRect>>(); for (EventRect eventRect : eventRects) { boolean isPlaced = false; outerLoop: for (List<EventRect> collisionGroup : collisionGroups) { for (EventRect groupEvent : collisionGroup) { if (isEventsCollide(groupEvent.event, eventRect.event)) { collisionGroup.add(eventRect); isPlaced = true; break outerLoop; } } } if (!isPlaced) { List<EventRect> newGroup = new ArrayList<EventRect>(); newGroup.add(eventRect); collisionGroups.add(newGroup); } } for (List<EventRect> collisionGroup : collisionGroups) { expandEventsToMaxWidth(collisionGroup); } } /** * Expands all the events to maximum possible width. The events will try to occupy maximum * space available horizontally. * @param collisionGroup The group of events which overlap with each other. */ private void expandEventsToMaxWidth(List<EventRect> collisionGroup) { // Expand the events to maximum possible width. List<List<EventRect>> columns = new ArrayList<List<EventRect>>(); columns.add(new ArrayList<EventRect>()); for (EventRect eventRect : collisionGroup) { boolean isPlaced = false; for (List<EventRect> column : columns) { if (column.size() == 0) { column.add(eventRect); isPlaced = true; } else if (!isEventsCollide(eventRect.event, column.get(column.size()-1).event)) { column.add(eventRect); isPlaced = true; break; } } if (!isPlaced) { List<EventRect> newColumn = new ArrayList<EventRect>(); newColumn.add(eventRect); columns.add(newColumn); } } // Calculate left and right position for all the events. int maxRowCount = columns.get(0).size(); for (int i = 0; i < maxRowCount; i++) { // Set the left and right values of the event. float j = 0; for (List<EventRect> column : columns) { if (column.size() >= i+1) { EventRect eventRect = column.get(i); eventRect.width = 1f / columns.size(); eventRect.left = j / columns.size(); = eventRect.event.getStartTime().get(Calendar.HOUR_OF_DAY) * 60 + eventRect.event.getStartTime().get(Calendar.MINUTE); eventRect.bottom = eventRect.event.getEndTime().get(Calendar.HOUR_OF_DAY) * 60 + eventRect.event.getEndTime().get(Calendar.MINUTE);; mEventRects.add(eventRect); } j++; } } } /** * Checks if two events overlap. * @param event1 The first event. * @param event2 The second event. * @return true if the events overlap. */ private boolean isEventsCollide(WeekViewEvent event1, WeekViewEvent event2) { long start1 = event1.getStartTime().getTimeInMillis(); long end1 = event1.getEndTime().getTimeInMillis(); long start2 = event2.getStartTime().getTimeInMillis(); long end2 = event2.getEndTime().getTimeInMillis(); return (start1 >= start2 && start1 <= end2) || (end1 >= start2 && end1 <= end2); } /** * Checks if time1 occurs after (or at the same time) time2. * @param time1 The time to check. * @param time2 The time to check against. * @return true if time1 and time2 are equal or if time1 is after time2. Otherwise false. */ private boolean isTimeAfterOrEquals(Calendar time1, Calendar time2) { return !(time1 == null || time2 == null) && time1.getTimeInMillis() >= time2.getTimeInMillis(); } /** * Deletes the events of the months that are too far away from the current month. * @param currentDay The current day. */ private void deleteFarMonths(Calendar currentDay) { if (mEventRects == null) return; Calendar nextMonth = (Calendar) currentDay.clone(); nextMonth.add(Calendar.MONTH, 1); nextMonth.set(Calendar.DAY_OF_MONTH, nextMonth.getActualMaximum(Calendar.DAY_OF_MONTH)); nextMonth.set(Calendar.HOUR_OF_DAY, 12); nextMonth.set(Calendar.MINUTE, 59); nextMonth.set(Calendar.SECOND, 59); Calendar prevMonth = (Calendar) currentDay.clone(); prevMonth.add(Calendar.MONTH, -1); prevMonth.set(Calendar.DAY_OF_MONTH, 1); prevMonth.set(Calendar.HOUR_OF_DAY, 0); prevMonth.set(Calendar.MINUTE, 0); prevMonth.set(Calendar.SECOND, 0); List<EventRect> newEvents = new ArrayList<EventRect>(); for (EventRect eventRect : mEventRects) { boolean isFarMonth = eventRect.event.getStartTime().getTimeInMillis() > nextMonth.getTimeInMillis() || eventRect.event.getEndTime().getTimeInMillis() < prevMonth.getTimeInMillis(); if (!isFarMonth) newEvents.add(eventRect); } mEventRects.clear(); mEventRects.addAll(newEvents); } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // Functions related to setting and getting the properties. // ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// public void setOnEventClickListener (EventClickListener listener) { this.mEventClickListener = listener; } public EventClickListener getEventClickListener() { return mEventClickListener; } public MonthChangeListener getMonthChangeListener() { return mMonthChangeListener; } public void setMonthChangeListener(MonthChangeListener monthChangeListener) { this.mMonthChangeListener = monthChangeListener; } public EventLongPressListener getEventLongPressListener() { return mEventLongPressListener; } public void setEventLongPressListener(EventLongPressListener eventLongPressListener) { this.mEventLongPressListener = eventLongPressListener; } /** * Get the number of visible days in a week. * @return The number of visible days in a week. */ public int getNumberOfVisibleDays() { return mNumberOfVisibleDays; } /** * Set the number of visible days in a week. * @param numberOfVisibleDays The number of visible days in a week. */ public void setNumberOfVisibleDays(int numberOfVisibleDays) { this.mNumberOfVisibleDays = numberOfVisibleDays; mCurrentOrigin.x = 0; mCurrentOrigin.y = 0; invalidate(); } public int getHourHeight() { return mHourHeight; } public void setHourHeight(int hourHeight) { mHourHeight = hourHeight; invalidate(); } public int getColumnGap() { return mColumnGap; } public void setColumnGap(int columnGap) { mColumnGap = columnGap; invalidate(); } public int getFirstDayOfWeek() { return mFirstDayOfWeek; } /** * Set the first day of the week. First day of the week is used only when the week view is first * drawn. It does not of any effect after user starts scrolling horizontally. * <p> * <b>Note:</b> This method will only work if the week view is set to display more than 6 days at * once. * </p> * @param firstDayOfWeek The supported values are {@link java.util.Calendar#SUNDAY}, * {@link java.util.Calendar#MONDAY}, {@link java.util.Calendar#TUESDAY}, * {@link java.util.Calendar#WEDNESDAY}, {@link java.util.Calendar#THURSDAY}, * {@link java.util.Calendar#FRIDAY}. */ public void setFirstDayOfWeek(int firstDayOfWeek) { mFirstDayOfWeek = firstDayOfWeek; invalidate(); } public int getTextSize() { return mTextSize; } public void setTextSize(int textSize) { mTextSize = textSize; mTodayHeaderTextPaint.setTextSize(mTextSize); mHeaderTextPaint.setTextSize(mTextSize); mTimeTextPaint.setTextSize(mTextSize); invalidate(); } public int getHeaderColumnPadding() { return mHeaderColumnPadding; } public void setHeaderColumnPadding(int headerColumnPadding) { mHeaderColumnPadding = headerColumnPadding; invalidate(); } public int getHeaderColumnTextColor() { return mHeaderColumnTextColor; } public void setHeaderColumnTextColor(int headerColumnTextColor) { mHeaderColumnTextColor = headerColumnTextColor; invalidate(); } public int getHeaderRowPadding() { return mHeaderRowPadding; } public void setHeaderRowPadding(int headerRowPadding) { mHeaderRowPadding = headerRowPadding; invalidate(); } public int getHeaderRowBackgroundColor() { return mHeaderRowBackgroundColor; } public void setHeaderRowBackgroundColor(int headerRowBackgroundColor) { mHeaderRowBackgroundColor = headerRowBackgroundColor; invalidate(); } public int getDayBackgroundColor() { return mDayBackgroundColor; } public void setDayBackgroundColor(int dayBackgroundColor) { mDayBackgroundColor = dayBackgroundColor; invalidate(); } public int getHourSeparatorColor() { return mHourSeparatorColor; } public void setHourSeparatorColor(int hourSeparatorColor) { mHourSeparatorColor = hourSeparatorColor; invalidate(); } public int getTodayBackgroundColor() { return mTodayBackgroundColor; } public void setTodayBackgroundColor(int todayBackgroundColor) { mTodayBackgroundColor = todayBackgroundColor; invalidate(); } public int getHourSeparatorHeight() { return mHourSeparatorHeight; } public void setHourSeparatorHeight(int hourSeparatorHeight) { mHourSeparatorHeight = hourSeparatorHeight; invalidate(); } public int getTodayHeaderTextColor() { return mTodayHeaderTextColor; } public void setTodayHeaderTextColor(int todayHeaderTextColor) { mTodayHeaderTextColor = todayHeaderTextColor; invalidate(); } public int getEventTextSize() { return mEventTextSize; } public void setEventTextSize(int eventTextSize) { mEventTextSize = eventTextSize; mEventTextPaint.setTextSize(mEventTextSize); invalidate(); } public int getEventTextColor() { return mEventTextColor; } public void setEventTextColor(int eventTextColor) { mEventTextColor = eventTextColor; invalidate(); } public int getEventPadding() { return mEventPadding; } public void setEventPadding(int eventPadding) { mEventPadding = eventPadding; invalidate(); } public int getHeaderColumnBackgroundColor() { return mHeaderColumnBackgroundColor; } public void setHeaderColumnBackgroundColor(int headerColumnBackgroundColor) { mHeaderColumnBackgroundColor = headerColumnBackgroundColor; invalidate(); } public int getDefaultEventColor() { return mDefaultEventColor; } public void setDefaultEventColor(int defaultEventColor) { mDefaultEventColor = defaultEventColor; invalidate(); } public int getDayNameLength() { return mDayNameLength; } /** * Set the length of the day name displayed in the header row. Example of short day names is * 'M' for 'Monday' and example of long day names is 'Mon' for 'Monday'. * @param length Supported values are {@link com.alamkanak.weekview.WeekView#LENGTH_SHORT} and * {@link com.alamkanak.weekview.WeekView#LENGTH_LONG}. */ public void setDayNameLength(int length) { if (length != LENGTH_LONG && length != LENGTH_SHORT) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("length parameter must be either LENGTH_LONG or LENGTH_SHORT"); } this.mDayNameLength = length; } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // Functions related to scrolling. // ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// @Override public boolean onTouchEvent(MotionEvent event) { if (event.getAction() == MotionEvent.ACTION_UP) { if (mCurrentScrollDirection == Direction.HORIZONTAL) { float leftDays = Math.round(mCurrentOrigin.x / (mWidthPerDay + mColumnGap)); int nearestOrigin = (int) (mCurrentOrigin.x - leftDays * (mWidthPerDay+mColumnGap)); mStickyScroller.startScroll((int) mCurrentOrigin.x, 0, - nearestOrigin, 0); ViewCompat.postInvalidateOnAnimation(WeekView.this); } mCurrentScrollDirection = Direction.NONE; } return mGestureDetector.onTouchEvent(event); } @Override public void computeScroll() { super.computeScroll(); if (mScroller.computeScrollOffset()) { if (Math.abs(mScroller.getFinalX() - mScroller.getCurrX()) < mWidthPerDay + mColumnGap && Math.abs(mScroller.getFinalX() - mScroller.getStartX()) != 0) { mScroller.forceFinished(true); float leftDays = Math.round(mCurrentOrigin.x / (mWidthPerDay + mColumnGap)); int nearestOrigin = (int) (mCurrentOrigin.x - leftDays * (mWidthPerDay+mColumnGap)); mStickyScroller.startScroll((int) mCurrentOrigin.x, 0, - nearestOrigin, 0); ViewCompat.postInvalidateOnAnimation(WeekView.this); } else { if (mCurrentFlingDirection == Direction.VERTICAL) mCurrentOrigin.y = mScroller.getCurrY(); else mCurrentOrigin.x = mScroller.getCurrX(); ViewCompat.postInvalidateOnAnimation(this); } } if (mStickyScroller.computeScrollOffset()) { mCurrentOrigin.x = mStickyScroller.getCurrX(); ViewCompat.postInvalidateOnAnimation(this); } } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // Public methods. // ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /** * Show today on the week view. */ public void goToToday() { Calendar today = Calendar.getInstance(); goToDate(today); } /** * Show a specific day on the week view. * @param date The date to show. */ public void goToDate(Calendar date) { mScroller.forceFinished(true); date.set(Calendar.HOUR_OF_DAY, 0); date.set(Calendar.MINUTE, 0); date.set(Calendar.SECOND, 0); mRefreshEvents = true; Calendar today = Calendar.getInstance(); today.set(Calendar.HOUR_OF_DAY, 0); today.set(Calendar.MINUTE, 0); today.set(Calendar.SECOND, 0); int dateDifference = (int) (date.getTimeInMillis() - today.getTimeInMillis()) / (1000 * 60 * 60 * 24); mCurrentOrigin.x = - dateDifference * (mWidthPerDay + mColumnGap); invalidate(); } /** * Refreshes the view and loads the events again. */ public void notifyDatasetChanged(){ mRefreshEvents = true; invalidate(); } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // Interfaces. // ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// public interface EventClickListener { public void onEventClick(WeekViewEvent event, RectF eventRect); } public interface MonthChangeListener { public List<WeekViewEvent> onMonthChange(int newYear, int newMonth); } public interface EventLongPressListener { public void onEventLongPress(WeekViewEvent event, RectF eventRect); } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // Helper methods. // ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /** * Checks if an integer array contains a particular value. * @param list The haystack. * @param value The needle. * @return True if the array contains the value. Otherwise returns false. */ private boolean containsValue(int[] list, int value) { for (int i = 0; i < list.length; i++){ if (list[i] == value) return true; } return false; } /** * Converts an int (0-23) to time string (e.g. 12 PM). * @param hour The time. Limit: 0-23. * @return The string representation of the time. */ private String getTimeString(int hour) { String amPm; if (hour >= 0 && hour < 12) amPm = "AM"; else amPm = "PM"; if (hour == 0) hour = 12; if (hour > 12) hour -= 12; return String.format("%02d %s", hour, amPm); } /** * Checks if two times are on the same day. * @param dayOne The first day. * @param dayTwo The second day. * @return Whether the times are on the same day. */ private boolean isSameDay(Calendar dayOne, Calendar dayTwo) { return dayOne.get(Calendar.YEAR) == dayTwo.get(Calendar.YEAR) && dayOne.get(Calendar.DAY_OF_YEAR) == dayTwo.get(Calendar.DAY_OF_YEAR); } /** * Get the day name of a given date. * @param date The date. * @return The first the characters of the day name. */ private String getDayName(Calendar date) { int dayOfWeek = date.get(Calendar.DAY_OF_WEEK); if (Calendar.MONDAY == dayOfWeek) return (mDayNameLength == LENGTH_SHORT ? "M" : "MON"); else if (Calendar.TUESDAY == dayOfWeek) return (mDayNameLength == LENGTH_SHORT ? "T" : "TUE"); else if (Calendar.WEDNESDAY == dayOfWeek) return (mDayNameLength == LENGTH_SHORT ? "W" : "WED"); else if (Calendar.THURSDAY == dayOfWeek) return (mDayNameLength == LENGTH_SHORT ? "T" : "THU"); else if (Calendar.FRIDAY == dayOfWeek) return (mDayNameLength == LENGTH_SHORT ? "F" : "FRI"); else if (Calendar.SATURDAY == dayOfWeek) return (mDayNameLength == LENGTH_SHORT ? "S" : "SAT"); else if (Calendar.SUNDAY == dayOfWeek) return (mDayNameLength == LENGTH_SHORT ? "S" : "SUN"); return ""; } }