package com.marshalchen.common.uimodule.tileView.tileview.geom; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.List; public class PositionManager { private double left; private double top; private double right; private double bottom; private double offsetWidth; private double offsetHeight; private int pixelWidth; private int pixelHeight; private boolean definedBounds; private void calculateOffsets() { offsetWidth = right - left; offsetHeight = bottom - top; } public void setSize( int w, int h ) { pixelWidth = w; pixelHeight = h; if(!definedBounds){ right = pixelWidth; bottom = pixelHeight; calculateOffsets(); } } public void setBounds( double l, double t, double r, double b ) { definedBounds = true; left = l; top = t; right = r; bottom = b; calculateOffsets(); } public void unsetBounds() { definedBounds = false; left = 0; top = 0; right = pixelWidth; bottom = pixelHeight; calculateOffsets(); } public Point translate( double x, double y, double scale ) { Point point = translate( x, y ); point.x = (int) ( (0.5 + point.x ) * scale ); point.y = (int) ( (0.5 + point.y ) * scale ); return point; } // get back the point coordinates *not* scaled (for markers, callouts, etc, that handle scale internally) public Point translate( double x, double y ) { Point point = new Point(); double factorX = ( x - left ) / offsetWidth; point.x = (int) ( 0.5 + ( pixelWidth * factorX ) ); double factorY = ( y - top ) / offsetHeight; point.y = (int) ( 0.5 + ( pixelHeight * factorY ) ); return point; } public ArrayList<Point> translate( List<double[]> positions ){ ArrayList<Point> points = new ArrayList<Point>(); for( double[] position : positions ) { Point point = translate( position[0], position[1] ); points.add( point ); } return points; } public boolean contains( double x, double y ) { double minX = Math.min( left, right ); double maxX = Math.max( left, right ); double minY = Math.min( top, bottom ); double maxY = Math.max( top, bottom ); return y >= minY && y <= maxY && x >= minX && x <= maxX; } } /* public double getLeft() { return left; } public void setLeft( double left ) { this.left = left; } public double getTop() { return top; } public void setTop( double top ) { = top; } public double getRight() { return right; } public void setRight( double right ) { this.right = right; } public double getBottom() { return bottom; } public void setBottom( double bottom ) { this.bottom = bottom; } public int getWidth() { return pixelWidth; } public void setWidth( int width ) { pixelWidth = width; } public int getHeight() { return pixelHeight; } public void setHeight( int height ) { pixelHeight = height; } */ /* package com.qozix.geom; import java.util.ArrayList; import; public class Geolocator { private Coordinate topLeft = new Coordinate(); private Coordinate bottomRight = new Coordinate(); private int pixelWidth = 0; private int pixelHeight = 0; public void setCoordinates( Coordinate tl, Coordinate br ) { topLeft = tl; bottomRight = br; } public void setCoordinates( double left, double top, double right, double bottom ){ topLeft = new Coordinate( left, top ); bottomRight = new Coordinate( right, bottom ); } public void setSize( int w, int h ) { pixelWidth = w; pixelHeight = h; } public Point translate( Coordinate c ) { Point p = new Point(); double longitudanalDelta = bottomRight.longitude - topLeft.longitude; double longitudanalDifference = c.longitude - topLeft.longitude; double longitudanalFactor = longitudanalDifference / longitudanalDelta; p.x = (int) ( longitudanalFactor * pixelWidth ); double latitudanalDelta = bottomRight.latitude - topLeft.latitude; double latitudanalDifference = c.latitude - topLeft.latitude; double latitudanalFactor = latitudanalDifference / latitudanalDelta; p.y = (int) ( latitudanalFactor * pixelHeight ); return p; } public Coordinate translate( Point p ) { Coordinate c = new Coordinate(); double relativeX = p.x / (double) pixelWidth; double deltaX = bottomRight.longitude - topLeft.longitude; c.longitude = topLeft.longitude + deltaX * relativeX; double relativeY = p.y / (double) pixelHeight; double deltaY = bottomRight.latitude - topLeft.latitude; c.latitude = topLeft.latitude + deltaY * relativeY; return c; } public int[] coordinatesToPixels( double lat, double lng ) { int[] positions = new int[2]; double longitudanalDelta = bottomRight.longitude - topLeft.longitude; double longitudanalDifference = lng - topLeft.longitude; double longitudanalFactor = longitudanalDifference / longitudanalDelta; positions[0] = (int) ( longitudanalFactor * pixelWidth ); double latitudanalDelta = bottomRight.latitude - topLeft.latitude; double latitudanalDifference = lat - topLeft.latitude; double latitudanalFactor = latitudanalDifference / latitudanalDelta; positions[1] = (int) ( latitudanalFactor * pixelHeight ); return positions; } public ArrayList<Point> getPointsFromCoordinates( ArrayList<Coordinate> coordinates ) { ArrayList<Point> points = new ArrayList<Point>(); for ( Coordinate coordinate : coordinates ) { Point point = translate( coordinate ); points.add( point ); } return points; } public ArrayList<Coordinate> getCoordinatesFromPoints( ArrayList<Point> points ) { ArrayList<Coordinate> coordinates = new ArrayList<Coordinate>(); for ( Point point : points ) { Coordinate coordinate = translate( point ); coordinates.add( coordinate ); } return coordinates; } public boolean contains( Coordinate coordinate ) { double minLat = Math.min( topLeft.latitude, bottomRight.latitude ); double maxLat = Math.max( topLeft.latitude, bottomRight.latitude ); double minLng = Math.min( topLeft.longitude, bottomRight.longitude ); double maxLng = Math.max( topLeft.longitude, bottomRight.longitude ); return coordinate.latitude >= minLat && coordinate.latitude <= maxLat && coordinate.longitude >= minLng && coordinate.longitude <= maxLng; } } */