package org.jwildfire.create.tina.browser; import java.awt.BorderLayout; import java.awt.Color; import java.awt.Dimension; import java.awt.Font; import java.awt.Point; import java.awt.event.MouseEvent; import; import java.nio.file.Files; import java.nio.file.StandardCopyOption; import java.text.SimpleDateFormat; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Date; import java.util.List; import javax.swing.JButton; import javax.swing.JFileChooser; import javax.swing.JLabel; import javax.swing.JPanel; import javax.swing.JScrollPane; import javax.swing.JTree; import javax.swing.ScrollPaneConstants; import javax.swing.SwingConstants; import javax.swing.border.LineBorder; import javax.swing.tree.DefaultMutableTreeNode; import javax.swing.tree.DefaultTreeModel; import javax.swing.tree.TreePath; import org.jwildfire.base.Prefs; import org.jwildfire.base.Tools; import org.jwildfire.create.tina.base.Flame; import; import org.jwildfire.create.tina.swing.MeshGenInternalFrame; import org.jwildfire.create.tina.swing.StandardDialogs; import org.jwildfire.create.tina.swing.TinaController; import org.jwildfire.create.tina.swing.TinaInternalFrame; import org.jwildfire.image.SimpleImage; import org.jwildfire.swing.ErrorHandler; import org.jwildfire.swing.ImagePanel; import org.jwildfire.transform.TextTransformer; import org.jwildfire.transform.TextTransformer.FontStyle; import org.jwildfire.transform.TextTransformer.HAlignment; import org.jwildfire.transform.TextTransformer.Mode; import org.jwildfire.transform.TextTransformer.VAlignment; public class FlameBrowserController { private final TinaController tinaController; private final ErrorHandler errorHandler; private final Prefs prefs; private final JPanel rootPanel; private final JTree flamesTree; private final JPanel imagesPnl; private final JButton refreshBtn; private final JButton changeFolderBtn; private final JButton toEditorBtn; private final JButton toBatchRendererBtn; private final JButton toMeshGenBtn; private final JButton deleteBtn; private final JButton renameBtn; private final JButton copyToBtn; private final JButton moveToBtn; private String currRootDrawer; private File lastCopyToDrawer = null; public FlameBrowserController(TinaController pTinaController, ErrorHandler pErrorHandler, Prefs pPrefs, JPanel pRootPanel, JTree pFlamesTree, JPanel pImagesPnl, JButton pRefreshBtn, JButton pChangeFolderBtn, JButton pToEditorBtn, JButton pToBatchRendererBtn, JButton pDeleteBtn, JButton pRenameBtn, JButton pCopyToBtn, JButton pMoveToBtn, JButton pToMeshGenBtn) { tinaController = pTinaController; errorHandler = pErrorHandler; prefs = pPrefs; rootPanel = pRootPanel; flamesTree = pFlamesTree; imagesPnl = pImagesPnl; refreshBtn = pRefreshBtn; changeFolderBtn = pChangeFolderBtn; toEditorBtn = pToEditorBtn; toBatchRendererBtn = pToBatchRendererBtn; deleteBtn = pDeleteBtn; renameBtn = pRenameBtn; copyToBtn = pCopyToBtn; moveToBtn = pMoveToBtn; toMeshGenBtn = pToMeshGenBtn; currRootDrawer = prefs.getTinaFlamePath(); enableControls(); } public void enableControls() { refreshBtn.setEnabled(currRootDrawer != null && currRootDrawer.length() > 0); FlameFlatNode flame = getSelectedFlame(); boolean hasFlame = flame != null && !flame.isRemoved(); toEditorBtn.setEnabled(hasFlame); toBatchRendererBtn.setEnabled(hasFlame); toMeshGenBtn.setEnabled(hasFlame); deleteBtn.setEnabled(hasFlame); renameBtn.setEnabled(hasFlame); copyToBtn.setEnabled(hasFlame); moveToBtn.setEnabled(hasFlame); } private FlameFlatNode getSelectedFlame() { if (selectedPnl >= 0) { FlamesTreeNode node = getSelNode(); if (node != null) { List<FlameFlatNode> flames = node.getFlames(); if (flames != null && flames.size() > selectedPnl) { return flames.get(selectedPnl); } } } return null; } private boolean refreshing = false; private void refreshFlamesTree() { refreshing = true; try { String baseDrawer = currRootDrawer; flatFlameNodes.clear(); if (baseDrawer != null && baseDrawer.length() > 0) { flatFlameNodes.scanFlames(baseDrawer); } flatFlameNodes.sortNodes(); addFlatNodesToTree(); enableControls(); } finally { refreshing = false; } } private void addFlatNodesToTree() { FlamesTreeNode root = new FlamesTreeNode("Flame library", true, null); final SimpleDateFormat monthDateFormat = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM"); final SimpleDateFormat dayDateFormat = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd"); List<Date> distinctMonths = flatFlameNodes.getDistinctMonths(); for (Date month : distinctMonths) { List<FlameFlatNode> monthNodes = flatFlameNodes.getMonthNodes(month); FlamesTreeNode monthFolder = new FlamesTreeNode(monthDateFormat.format(month) + " (" + monthNodes.size() + ")", true, monthNodes); root.add(monthFolder); List<Date> distinctDays = flatFlameNodes.getDistinctDays(month); for (Date day : distinctDays) { List<FlameFlatNode> dayNodes = flatFlameNodes.getDayNodes(day); FlamesTreeNode dayFolder = new FlamesTreeNode(dayDateFormat.format(day) + " (" + dayNodes.size() + ")", true, dayNodes); monthFolder.add(dayFolder); for (FlameFlatNode flameNode : dayNodes) { FlamesTreeNode leafNode = new FlamesTreeNode(flameNode.getCaption(), true, dayNodes); dayFolder.add(leafNode); } } } flamesTree.setModel(new DefaultTreeModel(root)); } public void init() { flamesTree.setRootVisible(false); addFlatNodesToTree(); } private final FlameFlatNodes flatFlameNodes = new FlameFlatNodes(); private FlamesTreeNode getSelNode() { FlamesTreeNode selNode = null; { TreePath selPath = flamesTree.getSelectionPath(); if (selPath != null) { selNode = (FlamesTreeNode) selPath.getLastPathComponent(); } } return selNode; } private JScrollPane imagesScrollPane; private void clearImages() { if (imagesScrollPane != null) { imagesPnl.remove(imagesScrollPane); imagesScrollPane = null; } } public void flamesTree_changed() { if (!refreshing) { enableControls(); FlamesTreeNode selNode = getSelNode(); if (selNode != null && selNode.isLeaf()) { clearImages(); showImages(selNode.getFlames()); imagesPnl.validate(); int idx = 0; DefaultMutableTreeNode node = selNode; while (true) { node = node.getPreviousSibling(); if (node == null) { break; } idx++; } selectCell(idx); } else { clearImages(); if (selNode != null) { showImages(selNode.getFlames()); } imagesPnl.validate(); } } } private List<ImagePanel> pnlList = new ArrayList<ImagePanel>(); private List<JLabel> lblList = new ArrayList<JLabel>(); private int selectedPnl = -1; private final Color deselectedCellColor = new Color(160, 160, 160); private final Color selectedCellColor = new Color(200, 0, 0); private static final int borderSize = 3; private JPanel imgRootPanel; private void showImages(List<FlameFlatNode> pFlames) { cancelRenderThreads(); final int IMG_WIDTH = 160; final int IMG_HEIGHT = 100; final int OUTER_BORDER = 20; final int INNER_BORDER = 10; final int LABEL_HEIGHT = 12; int maxPnlWidth = imagesPnl.getSize().width; int cols = calcCols(IMG_WIDTH, OUTER_BORDER, INNER_BORDER, maxPnlWidth); int rows = pFlames.size() / cols; if (rows * cols < pFlames.size()) { rows++; } int pnlWidth = 2 * OUTER_BORDER + (cols - 1) * INNER_BORDER + cols * IMG_WIDTH; int pnlHeight = 2 * OUTER_BORDER + (rows - 1) * INNER_BORDER + rows * (IMG_HEIGHT + LABEL_HEIGHT); imgRootPanel = new JPanel(); imgRootPanel.setLayout(null); imgRootPanel.setSize(pnlWidth, pnlHeight); imgRootPanel.setPreferredSize(new Dimension(pnlWidth, pnlHeight)); int flameIdx = 0; pnlList = new ArrayList<ImagePanel>(); lblList = new ArrayList<JLabel>(); selectedPnl = -1; int y = OUTER_BORDER; List<RenderJobInfo> jobInfoLst = new ArrayList<RenderJobInfo>(); for (int r = 0; r < rows; r++) { int x = OUTER_BORDER; for (int c = 0; c < cols; c++) { if (flameIdx < pFlames.size()) { // image final FlameFlatNode node = pFlames.get(flameIdx++); ImagePanel imgPanel; SimpleImage img = renderCache.getImage(node, IMG_WIDTH, IMG_HEIGHT); if (img == null) { img = new SimpleImage(IMG_WIDTH, IMG_HEIGHT); img.fillBackground(0, 0, 0); imgPanel = new ImagePanel(img, 0, 0, img.getImageWidth()); jobInfoLst.add(new RenderJobInfo(imgPanel, node, IMG_WIDTH, IMG_HEIGHT, x, y)); } else { imgPanel = new ImagePanel(img, 0, 0, img.getImageWidth()); } imgPanel.setImage(img); imgPanel.setLocation(x, y); imgPanel.setBorder(new LineBorder(deselectedCellColor, borderSize)); pnlList.add(imgPanel); final int pnlIdx = pnlList.size() - 1; imgPanel.addMouseListener(new java.awt.event.MouseAdapter() { @Override public void mouseClicked(java.awt.event.MouseEvent e) { if (e.getClickCount() > 1 || e.getButton() != MouseEvent.BUTTON1) { nodeToEditor(node); } } @Override public void mousePressed(MouseEvent e) { selectCell(pnlIdx); } }); imgRootPanel.add(imgPanel); // label with description JLabel label = new JLabel(); label.setText(node.getCaption()); label.setSize(new Dimension(IMG_WIDTH, LABEL_HEIGHT)); label.setPreferredSize(new Dimension(IMG_WIDTH, LABEL_HEIGHT)); label.setLocation(new Point(x, y + IMG_HEIGHT)); label.setFont(new Font("Dialog", Font.BOLD, 10)); label.setHorizontalAlignment(SwingConstants.CENTER); label.setVerticalAlignment(SwingConstants.CENTER); imgRootPanel.add(label); lblList.add(label); // x += IMG_WIDTH + INNER_BORDER; } else { break; } } y += IMG_HEIGHT + INNER_BORDER + LABEL_HEIGHT; } selectedPnl = pnlList.size() > 0 ? 0 : -1; selectCell(selectedPnl); imagesScrollPane = new JScrollPane(imgRootPanel); imagesScrollPane.setVerticalScrollBarPolicy(ScrollPaneConstants.VERTICAL_SCROLLBAR_AS_NEEDED); imagesScrollPane.setHorizontalScrollBarPolicy(ScrollPaneConstants.HORIZONTAL_SCROLLBAR_NEVER); imagesPnl.add(imagesScrollPane, BorderLayout.CENTER); if (jobInfoLst.size() > 0) { startRenderThread(jobInfoLst); } } protected void selectCell(int pIndex) { for (int i = 0; i < pnlList.size(); i++) { ImagePanel pnl = pnlList.get(i); boolean sel = (i == pIndex); pnl.setBorder(new LineBorder(sel ? selectedCellColor : deselectedCellColor, borderSize)); } imgRootPanel.invalidate(); imgRootPanel.validate(); selectedPnl = pIndex; enableControls(); } private void startRenderThread(List<RenderJobInfo> jobInfoLst) { CacheRendererThread renderThread = new CacheRendererThread(prefs, renderCache, jobInfoLst); new Thread(renderThread).start(); renderThreads.add(renderThread); } private void cancelRenderThreads() { final int MAX_RUNNING_THREADS = 4; for (CacheRendererThread thread : renderThreads) { thread.signalCancel(); } while (renderThreads.size() > MAX_RUNNING_THREADS) { CacheRendererThread thread = renderThreads.get(0); while (!thread.isDone()) { try { Thread.sleep(3); } catch (InterruptedException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } renderThreads.remove(thread); } } private List<CacheRendererThread> renderThreads = new ArrayList<CacheRendererThread>(); private int calcCols(int pImgWidth, int pOuterBorder, int pInnerBorder, int pMaxPnlWidth) { int cols = 0; while (true) { cols++; int width = 2 * pOuterBorder + (cols - 1) * pInnerBorder + cols * pImgWidth; if (width > pMaxPnlWidth) { cols--; if (cols < 1) { cols = 1; } break; } } return cols; } private final RenderCache renderCache = new RenderCache(); public void refreshBtn_clicked() { refreshFlamesTree(); } public void toEditorBtn_clicked() { try { FlameFlatNode node = getSelectedFlame(); if (node != null) { nodeToEditor(node); } } catch (Exception ex) { errorHandler.handleError(ex); } } public void changeFolderBtn_clicked() { JFileChooser chooser = new JFileChooser(); chooser = new JFileChooser(); chooser.setDialogTitle("Specify flame-directory to scan"); chooser.setFileSelectionMode(JFileChooser.DIRECTORIES_ONLY); if (chooser.showOpenDialog(rootPanel) == JFileChooser.APPROVE_OPTION) { currRootDrawer = chooser.getSelectedFile().getAbsolutePath(); enableControls(); refreshBtn_clicked(); } } public void copyToBtnClicked() { transferFlameToFolder(false); } public void moveToBtnClicked() { transferFlameToFolder(true); } private void transferFlameToFolder(boolean bMove) { FlameFlatNode node = getSelectedFlame(); if (node != null) { try { JFileChooser chooser = new JFileChooser(); chooser = new JFileChooser(); chooser.setDialogTitle("Specify destination-directory"); chooser.setFileSelectionMode(JFileChooser.FILES_ONLY); File srcFile = new File(node.getFilename()); File preselected = lastCopyToDrawer != null ? new File(lastCopyToDrawer, srcFile.getName()) : new File(srcFile.getName()); chooser.setSelectedFile(preselected); if (chooser.showOpenDialog(rootPanel) == JFileChooser.APPROVE_OPTION) { lastCopyToDrawer = chooser.getSelectedFile().getParentFile(); File dstFile = chooser.getSelectedFile(); if (bMove) { Files.move(srcFile.toPath(), dstFile.toPath(), StandardCopyOption.REPLACE_EXISTING); node.setRemoved(true); } else { Files.copy(srcFile.toPath(), dstFile.toPath(), StandardCopyOption.REPLACE_EXISTING); } ImagePanel pnl = pnlList.get(selectedPnl); SimpleImage img = pnl.getImage(); TextTransformer txt = new TextTransformer(); txt.setText1(bMove ? "(moved)" : "(copied)"); txt.setAntialiasing(true); txt.setColor(bMove ? Color.RED : Color.GRAY); txt.setMode(Mode.NORMAL); txt.setFontStyle(FontStyle.BOLD); txt.setFontName("Arial"); txt.setFontSize(24); txt.setHAlign(HAlignment.CENTRE); txt.setVAlign(VAlignment.CENTRE); txt.transformImage(img); pnl.invalidate(); pnl.repaint(); enableControls(); } } catch (Exception ex) { errorHandler.handleError(ex); } } } public void deleteBtn_clicked() { FlameFlatNode node = getSelectedFlame(); if (node != null) { try { if (StandardDialogs.confirm(rootPanel, "Do you really want to permanently delete this flame?")) { File file = new File(node.getFilename()); if (!file.delete()) { throw new Exception("Could not delete file"); } node.setRemoved(false); ImagePanel pnl = pnlList.get(selectedPnl); SimpleImage img = pnl.getImage(); TextTransformer txt = new TextTransformer(); txt.setText1("(deleted)"); txt.setAntialiasing(true); txt.setColor(Color.RED); txt.setMode(Mode.NORMAL); txt.setFontStyle(FontStyle.BOLD); txt.setFontName("Arial"); txt.setFontSize(24); txt.setHAlign(HAlignment.CENTRE); txt.setVAlign(VAlignment.CENTRE); txt.transformImage(img); pnl.invalidate(); pnl.repaint(); } } catch (Exception ex) { errorHandler.handleError(ex); } } } public void renameBtn_clicked() { FlameFlatNode node = getSelectedFlame(); if (node != null) { try { File file = new File(node.getFilename()); String name = file.getName().substring(0, file.getName().lastIndexOf(".")); String newName = StandardDialogs.promptForText(rootPanel, "Please enter a new name", name); if (newName != null) { File newFile = new File(file.getParentFile(), newName + "." + Tools.FILEEXT_FLAME); if (newFile.exists()) { throw new Exception("File <" + newFile.getAbsolutePath() + "> already exists"); } if (!file.renameTo(newFile)) { throw new Exception("Could not rename file"); } node.setFilename(newFile.getAbsolutePath()); JLabel lbl = lblList.get(selectedPnl); lbl.setText(node.getCaption()); } } catch (Exception ex) { errorHandler.handleError(ex); } } } private void nodeToEditor(FlameFlatNode pNode) { List<Flame> flames = new FlameReader(prefs).readFlames(pNode.getFilename()); if (flames.size() > 0) { for (Flame flame : flames) { tinaController.importFlame(flame, true); } tinaController.getDesktop().showInternalFrame(TinaInternalFrame.class); } } public void toBatchRendererBtn_clicked() { try { FlameFlatNode node = getSelectedFlame(); if (node != null) { String filename = node.getFilename(); tinaController.getBatchRendererController().addFlameToBatchRenderer(filename, true); } } catch (Exception ex) { errorHandler.handleError(ex); } } public void toMeshGenBtn_clicked() { try { FlameFlatNode node = getSelectedFlame(); if (node != null) { List<Flame> flames = new FlameReader(prefs).readFlames(node.getFilename()); if (flames.size() > 0) { tinaController.getMeshGenController().importFlame(flames.get(0)); tinaController.getDesktop().showInternalFrame(MeshGenInternalFrame.class); } } } catch (Exception ex) { errorHandler.handleError(ex); } } }