package com.rebelkeithy.ftl.view; import com.badlogic.gdx.Gdx; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import com.rebelkeithy.ftl.crew.Crew; import com.rebelkeithy.ftl.ship.Direction; import com.rebelkeithy.ftl.ship.Door; import com.rebelkeithy.ftl.ship.Room; public class RoomRenderer { private Texture lowOxygen = TextureRegistry.registerSprite("lowOxygenFloor", "effects/low_o2_stripes_2x2"); private Texture crewDestination = TextureRegistry.registerSprite("crewTarget", "people/green_destination"); private Texture black; private Texture white; public RoomRenderer() { black = TextureRegistry.getTexture("black"); white = TextureRegistry.getTexture("white"); } public void render(SpriteBatch batch, Room room, int shipOffsetX, int shipOffsetY) { float oxygen = 1; if(room.getProperties().containsValue("oxygen")) oxygen = (float) (room.getProperties().getDouble("oxygen")/100f); Texture texture = getRoomTexture(room.getWidth(), room.getHeight()); batch.setColor(1, oxygen*0.23f + 0.77f, oxygen*0.23f + 0.77f, 1); batch.draw(texture, shipOffsetX + room.getX()*35, shipOffsetY + room.getY()*35); batch.setColor(1, 1, 1, 1); // Draw red stripes of oxygen is too low if(oxygen < 0.1) { batch.setColor(1, 1, 1, 0.5f); TextureRegion oxyregion = new TextureRegion(lowOxygen, 0, 0, room.getWidth()*35 - 4, room.getHeight()*35 - 4); batch.draw(oxyregion, shipOffsetX + room.getX()*35 + 2, shipOffsetY + room.getY()*35 + 2); batch.setColor(1, 1, 1, 1); } // TODO: this should be changed to accommodate multiple stations/systems in a room if(room.getTexture() != null) { Texture roomFloor = TextureRegistry.getTexture(room.getTexture()); if(roomFloor == null) roomFloor = TextureRegistry.registerSprite(room.getTexture(), "ship/interior/" + room.getTexture()); Sprite sprite = new Sprite(roomFloor); sprite.setPosition(shipOffsetX + room.getX()*35, shipOffsetY + room.getY()*35); sprite.setAlpha(0.75f); sprite.draw(batch); //batch.draw(roomFloor, room.getX()*35, room.getY()*35); } // Render system icon if(room.getSystem() != null) { String system = room.getSystem().getName(); Texture systemTexture = TextureRegistry.getTexture("room_system_icon_" + system); batch.setColor(125/256f, 125/256f, 125/256f, 1); batch.draw(systemTexture, shipOffsetX + room.getX()*35 + texture.getWidth()/2 - systemTexture.getWidth()/2, shipOffsetY + room.getY()*35 + (int)Math.ceil(texture.getHeight()/2) - systemTexture.getHeight()/2); batch.setColor(1, 1, 1, 1); } // Draw green crew destination image for(int tileX = 0; tileX < room.getWidth(); tileX++) { for(int tileY = 0; tileY < room.getHeight(); tileY++) { if(room.getTile(tileX, tileY).getProperties().containsValue("crew")) { Crew crew = room.getCrew(room.getTile(tileX, tileY).getProperties().getString("crew")); if(crew == null || crew.getX() - room.getX() != tileX || crew.getY() - room.getY() != tileY) { batch.draw(crewDestination, shipOffsetX + (room.getX() + tileX) * 35, shipOffsetY + (room.getY() + tileY)*35); } } } } // Draw highlight if crew is selected and mouse is over if(FTLView.inputHandler.selected instanceof Crew) { int mouseX = Gdx.input.getX() - shipOffsetX; int mouseY = ( - shipOffsetY; if(mouseX > room.getX()*35 && mouseX < room.getX()*35 + room.getWidth()*35 && mouseY > room.getY()*35 && mouseY < room.getY()*35 + room.getHeight()*35) { Texture highlight = this.getRoomHighlight(room.getWidth(), room.getHeight()); batch.draw(highlight, shipOffsetX + room.getX()*35, shipOffsetY + room.getY()*35); } } batch.draw(new TextureRegion(black, room.getWidth()*35, 2), shipOffsetX + room.getX()*35, shipOffsetY + room.getY()*35); batch.draw(new TextureRegion(black, room.getWidth()*35, 2), shipOffsetX + room.getX()*35, shipOffsetY + room.getY()*35 + room.getHeight()*35 - 2); batch.draw(new TextureRegion(black, 2, room.getHeight()*35), shipOffsetX + room.getX()*35, shipOffsetY + room.getY()*35); batch.draw(new TextureRegion(black, 2, room.getHeight()*35), shipOffsetX + room.getX()*35 + room.getWidth()*35 - 2, shipOffsetY + room.getY()*35); for(Door door : room.getDoors()) { batch.setColor(Color.RED); batch.setColor(230/256f, 225/256f, 219/256f, 1); if(door.direction == Direction.LEFT) { batch.draw(white, shipOffsetX + (float)door.getX()*35, shipOffsetY + (float)door.getY()*35 + 8, 2, 18); } if(door.direction == Direction.RIGHT) { batch.draw(white, shipOffsetX + (float)door.getX()*35 - 2, shipOffsetY + (float)door.getY()*35 + 8, 2, 18); } if(door.direction == Direction.UP) { batch.draw(white, shipOffsetX + (float)door.getX()*35 + 8, shipOffsetY + (float)door.getY()*35 - 2, 18, 2); } if(door.direction == Direction.DOWN) { batch.draw(white, shipOffsetX + (float)door.getX()*35 + 8, shipOffsetY + (float)door.getY()*35, 18, 2); } } batch.setColor(Color.WHITE); } public Texture getRoomTexture(int width, int height) { Texture texture = TextureRegistry.getTexture("Room" + width + "x" + height); if(texture == null) { Pixmap roomMap = new Pixmap(width*35, height*35, Format.RGBA8888); roomMap.setColor(230/256f, 225/256f, 219/256f, 1); roomMap.fill(); roomMap.setColor(0, 0, 0, 1); //roomMap.drawRectangle(0, 0, roomMap.getWidth(), roomMap.getHeight()); //roomMap.drawRectangle(1, 1, roomMap.getWidth()-2, roomMap.getHeight()-2); roomMap.setColor(182/256f, 173/256f, 166/256f, 1); for(int i = 1; i < width; i++) { roomMap.drawLine(i*34, 2, i*34, roomMap.getHeight()-3); } for(int i = 1; i < height; i++) { roomMap.drawLine(2, i*34, roomMap.getWidth()-3, i*34); } texture = new Texture(roomMap); roomMap.dispose(); TextureRegistry.registerSprite("Room" + width + "x" + height, texture); } return texture; } public Texture getRoomHighlight(int width, int height) { Texture texture = TextureRegistry.getTexture("RoomHighlight" + width + "x" + height); if(texture == null) { Pixmap roomMap = new Pixmap(width*35, height*35, Format.RGBA8888); roomMap.setColor(1, 1, 0, 1); roomMap.drawRectangle(2, 2, roomMap.getWidth()-4, roomMap.getHeight()-4); roomMap.drawRectangle(3, 3, roomMap.getWidth()-6, roomMap.getHeight()-6); roomMap.drawRectangle(4, 4, roomMap.getWidth()-8, roomMap.getHeight()-8); roomMap.setColor(1, 188/256f, 0, 1); roomMap.drawRectangle(5, 5, roomMap.getWidth()-10, roomMap.getHeight()-10); texture = new Texture(roomMap); roomMap.dispose(); TextureRegistry.registerSprite("RoomHighlight" + width + "x" + height, texture); } return texture; } }