package; import java.util.Random; import; import com.rebelkeithy.ftl.FTLGame; import com.rebelkeithy.ftl.event.GetSystemPowerEvent; import com.rebelkeithy.ftl.event.ShipDestroyedEvent; import com.rebelkeithy.ftl.ship.Resource; import com.rebelkeithy.ftl.ship.Ship; import com.rebelkeithy.ftl.ship.ShipRegistry; public class BattleEvent extends DialogEvent { public Ship enemy; public EventState state2; public BattleEvent(FTLGame game, int sector, int star) { super(game, sector, star); enemy ="The Kestrel", "Enemy"); enemy.setName("Enemy"); enemy.EVENT_BUS.register(this); EventState state1 = new EventState(0); state1.dialog = "Once you arrive, your screen lights up with warnings. A nearby pirate seems to have advanced hacking tools and they have tried to shut down our engines. Your crew manages to keep them operational and you move in to attack."; EventState stateEnd = new EventState(1); stateEnd.endingState = true; state2 = new EventState(2); state2.dialog = "With the pirate ship destroyed, your ship's system is restored to full functionality. You salvage what you can from the debris."; state1.addAction("Continue...", stateEnd, 1); state2.addAction("Continue...", stateEnd, 1); state = state1; game.addShip(enemy, sector, star); } @Override public void update(double dt) { if(!state.endingState) dt = 0; super.update(dt); enemy.update(dt); } @Override public void activate() { super.activate(); if( == 2) { // TODO: Rewards should be made more generic, make a separate rewards class for reward distribution Random rand = new Random(); int scrap = rand.nextInt(10); int fuel = rand.nextInt(3); int missiles = rand.nextInt(3); Resource.getResource("scrap").addResource(ship, scrap); Resource.getResource("fuel").addResource(ship, fuel); Resource.getResource("missiles").addResource(ship, missiles); } } public void enter(Ship ship) { super.enter(ship); ship.EVENT_BUS.register(this); } public void leave(Ship ship) { super.leave(ship); ship.EVENT_BUS.unregister(this); } @Subscribe public void getEnginePowerEvent(GetSystemPowerEvent event) { if(event.ship == ship && event.system.equals("engines")) { //ShipSystem system = ship.getSystem("engines"); // TODO: fix this, need to stop players from being adding more power that will be ignored. Should be able to lock power bars on systems //if(event.power > 1) // event.power = 1; } } @Subscribe public void shipDestroyedEvent(ShipDestroyedEvent event) { if(event.ship == enemy) { setState(state2); } } }