package; import com.rebelkeithy.ftl.Clock; import com.rebelkeithy.ftl.crew.Crew; import com.rebelkeithy.ftl.event.GetSystemPowerEvent; import com.rebelkeithy.ftl.event.SystemRepairEvent; import; import com.rebelkeithy.ftl.ship.Room; import com.rebelkeithy.ftl.ship.Ship; import com.rebelkeithy.ftl.view.SystemRenderer; import com.rebelkeithy.ftl.view.TextureRegistry; public abstract class AbstractShipSystem { private Ship ship; private String name; private Properties properties; private int maxPower; protected int currPower; private int damage; private double repairAmount; private int[] cost; private Room room; private boolean alwaysPowered; private int ionDamage; private double ionTimer; private Station station; public AbstractShipSystem(Ship ship, String name, int maxPower) { this.ship = ship; = name; = new Properties(); this.maxPower = maxPower; currPower = 0; if(ship != null) ship.EVENT_BUS.register(this); } public String getDisplayName() { return getName(); } public String getDescription() { return ""; } public String getUpgradeDescription(int level) { return ""; } public void setCost(int[] costs) { this.cost = costs; } public int getMaxUpgradeLevel() { return cost.length; } public int getUpgradeCost(int i) { if(i < cost.length) return cost[i]; else return -1; } public int getNextUpgradeCost() { return cost[getMaxPower()]; } public Properties getProperties() { return properties; } public void setRoom(Room room) { = room; } public void update(double dt) { if(ionTimer > 0) { ionTimer -= dt; if(ionTimer <= 0) { ionTimer = 0; ionDamage = 0; } } } public Ship getShip() { return ship; } public boolean canMann() { return station != null; } public void mann(Crew crew) { station.manning = crew; } public Crew getManning() { if(station != null) return station.manning; return null; } public boolean isManned() { return station != null && station.manning != null; } public void unmann() { station.manning = null; } protected void setAlwaysPowered(boolean value) { alwaysPowered = value; } /** * @param sets the power used by the systems to the power specified. If the specified power * is greater than the maximum power, it is set to the maximum * @return Returns the amount of power not used */ public int setPower(int power) { if(alwaysPowered) return power; if(power > (maxPower - damage)) { currPower = (maxPower - damage); return power - currPower; } currPower = power; return 0; } public void addPower(int amount) { if(alwaysPowered) return; if(currPower + amount > (maxPower - damage)) { amount = (maxPower - damage) - currPower; } if(currPower + amount < 0) { amount = -currPower; } amount = ((ReactorSystem)ship.getSystem("reactor")).takePower(amount); currPower += amount; } public int getPower() { int power = currPower - damage; if(alwaysPowered) power = maxPower - damage; GetSystemPowerEvent event = new GetSystemPowerEvent(ship, name, power);; return event.power; } public boolean alwaysPowered() { return alwaysPowered; } public int getMaxPower() { return maxPower; } public void upgrade() { maxPower++; } public int getDamage() { return damage; } public void damage(int amount) { this.damage += amount; if(damage > maxPower) damage = maxPower; if(ionDamage > maxPower - damage) ionDamage = maxPower - damage; if(currPower > (maxPower - damage)) currPower = maxPower - damage; Clock.log(getShip().getName() + " " + this.getClass().getSimpleName() + " damaged, damage " + damage); } public void repair(double dt, Crew crew) { if(damage == 0) return; SystemRepairEvent event = new SystemRepairEvent(this, crew, crew.repairSpeed()); // Could be used getShip(); double repair = crew.repairSpeed(); if(!event.cancel) { repairAmount += repair * dt; if(repairAmount > 1) { repairAmount = 0; damage--; } } } public double getRepairAmount() { return repairAmount; } public Room getRoom() { return room; } public String getName() { return name; } public void examine() { System.out.println("Name: " + name); System.out.println("Power: " + getPower() + "/" + getMaxPower()); System.out.println("Damage: " + damage); } public SystemRenderer getSystemRenderer() { return new SystemRenderer(this, 0); } public boolean isPowered() { return getPower() > 0; } public void addStation(int stationX, int stationY, int dir) { station = new Station(); station.x = stationX; station.y = stationY; station.dir = dir; } public int getStationX() { return station.x; } public int getStationY() { return station.y; } public int getStationDir() { return station.dir; } public void loadTextures() { TextureRegistry.registerSprite("room_system_icon_" + getName(), "icons/s_" + getName() + "_overlay"); TextureRegistry.registerSprite("system_" + getName(), "icons/s_" + getName() + "_green1"); TextureRegistry.registerSprite("system_" + getName() + "_over", "icons/s_" + getName() + "_green2"); TextureRegistry.registerSprite("system_" + getName() + "_off", "icons/s_" + getName() + "_grey1"); TextureRegistry.registerSprite("system_" + getName() + "_off_over", "icons/s_" + getName() + "_grey2"); TextureRegistry.registerSprite("system_" + getName() + "_glow", "icons/s_" + getName()); } }