package; import java.util.Random; import; import com.rebelkeithy.ftl.Clock; import com.rebelkeithy.ftl.crew.Crew; import com.rebelkeithy.ftl.crew.Skill; import com.rebelkeithy.ftl.event.FTLChargeEvent; import com.rebelkeithy.ftl.event.HitShieldsEvent; import com.rebelkeithy.ftl.projectile.Projectile; import com.rebelkeithy.ftl.ship.Ship; public class CommandSystem extends AbstractShipSystem { public CommandSystem(Ship ship, String name, int maxPower) { super(ship, name, maxPower); setAlwaysPowered(true); } public void eventHitShields(HitShieldsEvent event) { if(dodgeProjectile(event.projectile)) { event.cancel = true; } } public String getDisplayName() { return "Piloting"; } public String getDescription() { return "Allows the ship to make FTL jumps and dodge/nwhen piloted. Upgrading adds auto-pilot that allows/nsome evasion even without a pilot"; } public String getUpgradeDescription(int level) { switch(level) { case 0: return "Needs pilot to function"; case 1: return "Auto: 50 percent evasion"; case 2: return "Auto: 80 percent evasion"; } return ""; } public boolean dodgeProjectile(Projectile projectile) { Random rand = new Random(System.currentTimeMillis()); if(rand.nextInt(100) < getDodge()) { Clock.log(getShip().getName() + " dodged! (" + getDodge() + "%)");; Crew crew = getManning(); if(crew != null) { Skill.getSkill("piloting").addXP(crew, 1); } crew = getShip().getSystem("engines").getManning(); if(crew != null) { Skill.getSkill("engines").addXP(crew, 1); } return true; } return false; } public double getDodge() { double dodge = 0; if(getManning() != null && getPower() > 0) { dodge = ((EngineSystem)getShip().getSystem("engines")).getDodge(); Crew crew = getManning(); double skill = Skill.getSkill("piloting").getCurrentLevel(crew); if(getShip().getSystem("engines").getPower() > 0) { if(skill >= 2) dodge += (5 + dodge)*0.15; else if(skill >= 1) dodge += (5 + dodge)*0.1; else dodge += 5; } } return dodge; } @Subscribe public void ftlChargeEvent(FTLChargeEvent event) { if((getPower() == 1 && isManned()) || getPower() > 1) return; else event.cancel = true; } }