package com.esotericsoftware.kryonet; import com.esotericsoftware.minlog.Log; /** Marker interface to denote that a message is used by the Ninja framework and is generally invisible to the developer. Eg, these * messages are only logged at the {@link Log#LEVEL_TRACE} level. * @author Nathan Sweet <> */ public interface FrameworkMessage { static final FrameworkMessage.KeepAlive keepAlive = new KeepAlive(); /** Internal message to give the client the server assigned connection ID. */ static public class RegisterTCP implements FrameworkMessage { public int connectionID; } /** Internal message to give the server the client's UDP port. */ static public class RegisterUDP implements FrameworkMessage { public int connectionID; } /** Internal message to keep connections alive. */ static public class KeepAlive implements FrameworkMessage { } /** Internal message to discover running servers. */ static public class DiscoverHost implements FrameworkMessage { } /** Internal message to determine round trip time. */ static public class Ping implements FrameworkMessage { public int id; public boolean isReply; } }