package com.rebelkeithy.ftl.crew; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.Map; import com.rebelkeithy.ftl.Clock; import com.rebelkeithy.ftl.FTLGame; import com.rebelkeithy.ftl.event.CrewUpdateEvent; import; import com.rebelkeithy.ftl.ship.Room; import com.rebelkeithy.ftl.ship.Tile; import; public class Crew { private String race; private String name; private String homeShip; private double health = 100; private double maxHealth = 100; private Room room; private double posX; private double posY; private double speed = 0.5; private double attack = 5; private double repair = 0.05; private long deathTimer; public int state = CrewStates.IDLE; private CrewPathfinder pathfinder; private Properties properties; public Crew(String race, String name) { = name; this.race = race; maxHealth = 100; health = 100; pathfinder = new CrewPathfinder(); properties = new Properties(); } public void setHomeShip(String ship) { homeShip = ship; } public boolean addToRoom(Room room) { if(room.getSystem() != null && room.getSystem().canMann() && !room.getSystem().isManned()) { int x = room.getSystem().getStationX(); int y = room.getSystem().getStationY(); System.out.println("adding crew at " + x + " " + y); setPosition(room, x, y); state = CrewStates.MANNING; room.getSystem().mann(this); return true; } for(int tileX = 0; tileX < room.getWidth(); tileX++) { for(int tileY = room.getHeight() - 1; tileY >= 0; tileY--) { Tile tile = room.getTile(tileX, tileY); if(!tile.getProperties().containsValue("crew")) { setPosition(room, tileX, tileY); return true; } } } return false; } public void setPosition(Room room, int x, int y) { if( != null) {;, y).getProperties().removeProperty("crew"); } = room; this.posX = room.getX() + x; this.posY = room.getY() + y;, y).getProperties().setString("crew", getName()); room.addCrew(this); } public void update(double dt) { CrewUpdateEvent event = new CrewUpdateEvent(dt, this); if(homeShip != null) { FTLGame.instance().getShip(homeShip); } if(state == CrewStates.WALKING) { pathfinder.update(dt, this); posX = pathfinder.getX(); posY = pathfinder.getY(); if(pathfinder.state == 0) { state = CrewStates.IDLE; } } else if(state == CrewStates.REPAIRING) { AbstractShipSystem system = room.getSystem(); if(system != null) {, this); if(system.getDamage() == 0) { state = CrewStates.IDLE; } } } else if(state == CrewStates.MANNING) { AbstractShipSystem system = room.getSystem(); if(system.getDamage() > 0) { system.unmann(); state = CrewStates.REPAIRING; } else if(!system.isPowered()) { system.unmann(); state = CrewStates.IDLE; } } else if(state == CrewStates.FIGHTING) { // TODO: Fight } else if(state == CrewStates.IDLE) { AbstractShipSystem system = room.getSystem(); //System.out.println(name + " " + system.isPowered()); if(system != null && system.getDamage() > 0) { state = CrewStates.REPAIRING; } else if(system != null && system.canMann() && !system.isManned() && system.isPowered()) { int stationX = system.getStationX(); int stationY = system.getStationY(); if(stationX + getRoom().getX() == getX() && stationY + getRoom().getY() == getY()) { system.mann(this); state = CrewStates.MANNING; } else { if(!room.getTile(stationX, stationY).getProperties().containsValue("crew")) move(getRoom(), stationX, stationY); } } } } public void move(Room target) { boolean removeFromTile = false; if(this.state != CrewStates.WALKING) { removeFromTile = true; } Tile targetTile = pathfinder.setPath(this, target); if(targetTile != null) { if(removeFromTile) { System.out.println("removing"); room.getTile((int)getX() - getRoom().getX(), (int)getY() - getRoom().getY()).getProperties().removeProperty("crew"); } if(state == CrewStates.MANNING) { room.getSystem().unmann(); } state = CrewStates.WALKING; } } public void move(Room target, int x, int y) { System.out.println("state " + state); boolean removeFromTile = false; if(this.state != CrewStates.WALKING) { removeFromTile = true; } Tile tile = target.getTile(x, y); if(tile.getProperties().containsValue("crew")) return; Tile targetTile = pathfinder.setPath(this, target, x, y); if(targetTile != null) { if(removeFromTile) { System.out.println("removing"); room.getTile((int)getX() - getRoom().getX(), (int)getY() - getRoom().getY()).getProperties().removeProperty("crew"); } if(state == CrewStates.MANNING) { room.getSystem().unmann(); } state = CrewStates.WALKING; } } public void damage(double amount, String source) { // TODO: post damage event health -= amount; if(health < 0) { health = 0; kill(source); } if(health > maxHealth) // possible if amount is negative, as with healing blast { health = maxHealth; } } public void heal(double amount, String source) { health += amount; if(health > maxHealth) { health = maxHealth; } if(health < 0) { kill(source); } } // Will be used to transition into the dying state for animation, then after the animation set dead = true public void kill(String source) { if(state != CrewStates.DYING) { Clock.log(name + " died by " + source + "!"); state = CrewStates.DYING; deathTimer = System.currentTimeMillis(); } } public long getTimeDead() { return System.currentTimeMillis() - deathTimer; } public void remove() { if(state == CrewStates.WALKING) { pathfinder.cancel(this); } else { room.getTile((int)getX() - getRoom().getX(), (int)getY() - getRoom().getY()).getProperties().removeProperty("crew"); } } public boolean isDead() { return state == CrewStates.DYING && getTimeDead() > 2000; } public Properties getProperties() { return properties; } public boolean isMoving() { return pathfinder.getState() != pathfinder.IDLE; } public String getName() { return name; } public double getX() { return posX; } public double getY() { return posY; } public double getSpeed() { return speed; } public void setRoom(Room room) { = room; } public Room getRoom() { return room; } public double getAttack() { return attack; } public String getCurrentShip() { return room.getShip().getName(); } public String getHomeShip() { return homeShip; } public double repairSpeed() { return repair; } public void setMaxHelth(int maxHealth) { this.maxHealth = maxHealth; } public void setAttack(double attack) { this.attack = attack; } public void setRepair(double repair) { = repair; } public void setSpeed(double speed) { this.speed = speed; } public String getRace() { return race; } public void setHealth(int health) { = health; if( > maxHealth) = maxHealth; } public double getHealth() { return health; } public double getMaxHealth() { return maxHealth; } public int getTargetX() { return pathfinder.targetX(); } public int getTargetY() { return pathfinder.targetY(); } }