package com.rebelkeithy.ftl.view; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Random; import com.badlogic.gdx.Gdx; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import com.rebelkeithy.ftl.FTLGame; import com.rebelkeithy.ftl.crew.Crew; import com.rebelkeithy.ftl.crew.CrewRegistry; import com.rebelkeithy.ftl.crew.CrewStates; import com.rebelkeithy.ftl.crew.Race; import com.rebelkeithy.ftl.crew.Skill; import com.rebelkeithy.ftl.ship.Direction; public class CrewRenderer { private static Map<String, CrewRenderer>renderers = new HashMap<String, CrewRenderer>(); public static void registerCrewRenderer(Crew crew, CrewRenderer renderer) { renderers.put(crew.getName(), renderer); } public static CrewRenderer getCrewRenderer(Crew crew) { return renderers.get(crew.getName()); } private Texture texture; private Texture textureGlow; private Texture healthBarBg; private Texture healthLowBarBg; private Texture healthBar; private int timer; private int spriteState; private int oldDirection; private double crewOldX; private double crewOldY; public CrewRenderer(Crew crew) { Race race = CrewRegistry.getRace(crew.getRace()); this.texture = TextureRegistry.getTexture(race.texture); this.textureGlow = TextureRegistry.getTexture(race.glowTexture); healthBarBg = TextureRegistry.registerSprite("healthBarBg", "people/health_box"); healthLowBarBg = TextureRegistry.registerSprite("healthLowBarBg", "people/health_box_red"); healthBar = TextureRegistry.getTexture("healthBar"); lowHealth = TextureRegistry.registerSprite("lowHealth", "warnings/health_low"); crewBox = TextureRegistry.getTexture("crewBox"); crewBoxHover = TextureRegistry.getTexture("crewBoxHover"); crewBoxSelected = TextureRegistry.getTexture("crewBoxSelected"); if(crewBox == null) { Pixmap crewBoxMap = new Pixmap(86, 27, Format.RGBA8888); crewBoxMap.setColor(50/256f, 50/256f, 50/256f, 0.5f); crewBoxMap.fill(); crewBoxMap.setColor(100/256f, 100/256f, 100/256f, 1); crewBoxMap.drawRectangle(0, 0, 86, 27); crewBoxMap.drawRectangle(1, 1, 84, 25); crewBox = new Texture(crewBoxMap); crewBoxMap.dispose(); TextureRegistry.registerSprite("crewBox", crewBox); } if(crewBoxSelected == null) { Pixmap crewBoxMap = new Pixmap(86, 27, Format.RGBA8888); crewBoxMap.setColor(120/256f, 120/256f, 120/256f, 0.5f); crewBoxMap.fill(); crewBoxMap.setColor(235/256f, 235/256f, 235/256f, 1); crewBoxMap.drawRectangle(0, 0, 86, 27); crewBoxMap.drawRectangle(1, 1, 84, 25); crewBoxSelected = new Texture(crewBoxMap); crewBoxMap.dispose(); TextureRegistry.registerSprite("crewBoxSelected", crewBoxSelected); } if(crewBoxHover == null) { int height = 26 + 24*(Skill.getSkills().size()-1); //height = 26 + 24*5; Blending old = Pixmap.getBlending(); Pixmap.setBlending(Blending.None); Pixmap crewBoxMap = new Pixmap(169, height, Format.RGBA8888); crewBoxMap.setColor(120/256f, 120/256f, 120/256f, 0.5f); crewBoxMap.fillRectangle(0, 0, 91, 27); crewBoxMap.fillRectangle(89, 0, 80, height); crewBoxMap.setColor(235/256f, 235/256f, 235/256f, 1); crewBoxMap.drawRectangle(0, 0, 91, 27); crewBoxMap.drawRectangle(1, 1, 89, 25); crewBoxMap.drawRectangle(89, 0, 80, height); crewBoxMap.drawRectangle(90, 1, 78, height-2); for(int i = 0; i < Skill.getSkills().size(); i++) { crewBoxMap.drawRectangle(123, 9 + i * 24, 40, 8); } crewBoxMap.setColor(120/256f, 120/256f, 120/256f, 0.5f); crewBoxMap.drawRectangle(89, 2, 2, 23); Pixmap.setBlending(old); crewBoxHover = new Texture(crewBoxMap); crewBoxMap.dispose(); TextureRegistry.registerSprite("crewBoxHover", crewBoxHover); } if(healthBar == null) { Pixmap healthMap = new Pixmap(3, 3, Format.RGBA8888); healthMap.setColor(1, 1, 1, 1); healthMap.fill(); healthBar = new Texture(healthMap); healthMap.dispose(); TextureRegistry.registerSprite("healthBar", healthBar); } skillIcons = new HashMap<String, Texture>(); List<String> skillNames = Skill.getSkills(); for(String skill : skillNames) { Texture skillTexture = TextureRegistry.registerSprite(skill.toLowerCase() + "SkillIcon", Skill.getSkill(skill).getIcon()); skillIcons.put(skill, skillTexture); } } public void render(SpriteBatch batch, Crew crew, int shipOffsetX, int shipOffsetY) { timer++; double crewY = crew.getY(); double crewX = crew.getX(); int direction = oldDirection; if(crewY > crewOldY) { direction = Direction.UP; } else if(crewY < crewOldY) { direction = Direction.DOWN; } else if(crewX > crewOldX) { direction = Direction.RIGHT; } else if(crewX < crewOldX) { direction = Direction.LEFT; } oldDirection = direction; crewOldX = crewX; crewOldY = crewY; int u = 0; int v = 0; float alpha = 1; Race race = CrewRegistry.getRace(crew.getRace()); if(crew.state == CrewStates.WALKING) { if(direction == Direction.UP) { if(spriteState >= race.animations.get("walking_up").length) spriteState = 0; int frame = race.animations.get("walking_up")[spriteState]; v = (frame / (texture.getWidth()/35)) * 35; u = (frame % (texture.getWidth()/35)) * 35; } if(direction == Direction.LEFT) { if(spriteState >= race.animations.get("walking_left").length) spriteState = 0; int frame = race.animations.get("walking_left")[spriteState]; v = (frame / (texture.getWidth()/35)) * 35; u = (frame % (texture.getWidth()/35)) * 35; } if(direction == Direction.RIGHT) { if(spriteState >= race.animations.get("walking_right").length) spriteState = 0; int frame = race.animations.get("walking_right")[spriteState]; v = (frame / (texture.getWidth()/35)) * 35; u = (frame % (texture.getWidth()/35)) * 35; } if(timer%20 == 0) { if(crew.isMoving()) { spriteState++; } else { spriteState = 0; } } } if(crew.state == CrewStates.MANNING) { u = 35*4; v = 35*8; int stationDir = crew.getRoom().getSystem().getStationDir(); if(stationDir == Direction.UP) { if(spriteState >= race.animations.get("manning_up").length) spriteState = 0; int frame = race.animations.get("manning_up")[spriteState]; v = (frame / (texture.getWidth()/35)) * 35; u = (frame % (texture.getWidth()/35)) * 35; } if(stationDir == Direction.LEFT) { if(spriteState >= race.animations.get("manning_left").length) spriteState = 0; int frame = race.animations.get("manning_left")[spriteState]; v = (frame / (texture.getWidth()/35)) * 35; u = (frame % (texture.getWidth()/35)) * 35; } if(stationDir == Direction.RIGHT) { if(spriteState >= race.animations.get("manning_right").length) spriteState = 0; int frame = race.animations.get("manning_right")[spriteState]; v = (frame / (texture.getWidth()/35)) * 35; u = (frame % (texture.getWidth()/35)) * 35; } if(stationDir == Direction.DOWN) { if(spriteState >= race.animations.get("manning_down").length) spriteState = 0; int frame = race.animations.get("manning_down")[spriteState]; v = (frame / (texture.getWidth()/35)) * 35; u = (frame % (texture.getWidth()/35)) * 35; } if(timer%10 == 0) { Random rand = new Random(System.nanoTime()); int oldstate = spriteState; while(oldstate == spriteState) { spriteState = rand.nextInt(4); } } } if(crew.state == CrewStates.DYING) { u = 3*35; v = 12*35; spriteState = (int)(crew.getTimeDead()/200); if(spriteState >= race.animations.get("death").length) spriteState = race.animations.get("death").length - 1; int frame = race.animations.get("death")[spriteState]; v = (frame / (texture.getWidth()/35)) * 35; u = (frame % (texture.getWidth()/35)) * 35; if(spriteState == race.animations.get("death").length - 1) { alpha = 1 - (crew.getTimeDead() - (200 * race.animations.get("death").length))/(200 * race.animations.get("death").length); System.out.println(alpha); if(alpha > 1) alpha = 1; if(alpha < 0) alpha = 0; spriteState = 4; } } if(crew.state == CrewStates.IDLE) { /* DANCING! if(timer%15 == 0) { Random rand = new Random(System.nanoTime()); int oldstate = spriteState; while(oldstate == spriteState) { spriteState = rand.nextInt(4); } } */ spriteState = 0; } //u += spriteState*35; //TODO: wont work in battle because of extra 150 shift left int mouseX = Gdx.input.getX() - shipOffsetX; int mouseY = ( - Gdx.input.getY()) - shipOffsetY; boolean hover = false; if(FTLGame.instance().getPlayer() != null && FTLGame.instance().getPlayer().getName().equals(crew.getHomeShip())) { if(mouseX > crew.getX()*35 && mouseX < crew.getX()*35 + 35 && mouseY > crew.getY()*35 && mouseY < crew.getY()*35 + 35) { hover = true; } } if(hover == true) { FTLView.instance().setTooltipText(crew.getName() + "\nHealth: " + (int)crew.getHealth() + "/" + (int)crew.getMaxHealth(), shipOffsetX + (int)(crew.getX()*35), shipOffsetY + (int)(crew.getY()*35), 35, 35); } float health = (float) (crew.getHealth()/crew.getMaxHealth()); boolean lowHealthTimer = (System.currentTimeMillis()/500)%2 == 0 && !hover && health < 0.25; // Draw health bar if(FTLView.inputHandler.selected == crew || hover || health < 0.25 && crew.state != CrewStates.DYING) { if(lowHealthTimer) batch.draw(healthLowBarBg, shipOffsetX + (float)crew.getX()*35 - 1, shipOffsetY + (float)crew.getY()*35 + 25); else batch.draw(healthBarBg, shipOffsetX + (float)crew.getX()*35 - 1, shipOffsetY + (float)crew.getY()*35 + 25); batch.setColor(0, 1, 0, 1); batch.draw(healthBar, shipOffsetX + (float)crew.getX()*35 + 4, shipOffsetY + (float)crew.getY()*35 + 29, health*25, 3); batch.setColor(1, 1, 1, 1); } // Draw crew glow if(FTLView.inputHandler.selected == crew || hover) { TextureRegion regionGlow = new TextureRegion(textureGlow, u, v, 35, 35); batch.setColor(0, 0.8f, 0, 0.5f); batch.draw(regionGlow, shipOffsetX + (float)crew.getX()*35, shipOffsetY + (float)crew.getY()*35); batch.setColor(1, 1, 1, 1); } else// if(crew.state != CrewStates.DYING) { TextureRegion regionGlow = new TextureRegion(textureGlow, u, v, 35, 35); batch.setColor(1, 1, 0/156f, 1); batch.draw(regionGlow, shipOffsetX + (float)crew.getX()*35, shipOffsetY + (float)crew.getY()*35); batch.setColor(1, 1, 1, 1); } TextureRegion region = new TextureRegion(texture, u, v, 35, 35); batch.setColor(1, 1, 1, alpha); if(FTLView.inputHandler.selected == crew || hover) batch.setColor(120/256f, 1, 120/256f, alpha); batch.draw(region, shipOffsetX + (float)crew.getX()*35, shipOffsetY + (float)crew.getY()*35); batch.setColor(1, 1, 1, 1); } private Texture crewBox; private Texture crewBoxHover; private Texture crewBoxSelected; private Texture lowHealth; private Map<String, Texture> skillIcons; boolean hover; public void renderUI(SpriteBatch batch, Crew crew, int crewNum) { int offsetY = -crewNum * 30; int mouseX = Gdx.input.getX(); int mouseY = - Gdx.input.getY(); float health = (float) (crew.getHealth()/crew.getMaxHealth()); if(hover) hover = mouseX >= 10 + crewBox.getWidth() && mouseX < 10 + crewBoxHover.getWidth() && mouseY > 538+offsetY - (crewBoxHover.getHeight() - crewBox.getHeight()) && mouseY < 538+offsetY+crewBox.getHeight(); if(!hover) hover = mouseX > 10 && mouseX < 10 + crewBox.getWidth() && mouseY > 538+offsetY && mouseY < 538+offsetY+crewBox.getHeight(); boolean lowHealthTimer = (System.currentTimeMillis()/500)%2 == 0 && !hover && health < 0.25; if(hover) { if(FTLView.inputHandler.selected == crew) batch.setColor(140/256f, 1, 140/256f, 1); batch.draw(crewBoxHover, 10, 538 + offsetY - (crewBoxHover.getHeight() - crewBox.getHeight())); int i = 0; batch.setColor(1, 1, 1, 1); for(String skillName : Skill.getSkills()) { Texture skillTexture = skillIcons.get(skillName); batch.draw(skillTexture, 103, 538 + offsetY - (i * 24 - 1)); if(mouseX >= 10 + crewBox.getWidth() && mouseX < 10 + crewBoxHover.getWidth() && mouseY > 538 + offsetY - (i * 24 - 1) && mouseY < 538 + offsetY - (i * 24 - 1) + 24) { FTLView.instance().setTooltipText(Skill.getSkill(skillName).getTooltip(crew), 10 + crewBox.getWidth(), 538 + offsetY - (i * 24 - 1), crewBoxHover.getWidth() - crewBox.getWidth(), 24); } i++; } } else if(FTLView.inputHandler.selected == crew) { batch.setColor(140/256f, 1, 140/256f, 1); batch.draw(crewBoxSelected, 10, 538 + offsetY); batch.setColor(1, 1, 1, 1); } else { if(lowHealthTimer) { batch.setColor(1, 0.4f, 0.4f, 1); batch.draw(crewBoxSelected, 10, 538 + offsetY); batch.setColor(1, 1, 1, 1); } else { batch.draw(crewBox, 10, 538 + offsetY); } } TextureRegion regionGlow = new TextureRegion(textureGlow, 0, 0, 35, 35); batch.setColor(1, 1, 0/156f, 1); batch.draw(regionGlow, 10, 532 + offsetY); batch.setColor(1, 1, 1, 1); TextureRegion crewRegion = new TextureRegion(texture, 0, 0 , 35, 35); batch.draw(crewRegion, 10, 532 + offsetY); batch.setColor(getHealthColor(health)); batch.draw(healthBar, 43, 542 + offsetY, health*49, 4); batch.setColor(1, 1, 1, 1); if(lowHealthTimer) { batch.draw(lowHealth, 94, 534 + offsetY); } String name = crew.getName(); Fonts.font8.setColor(200/256f, 200/256f, 200/256f, 1); Fonts.font8.draw(batch, name, 43, 559 + offsetY); } public void click(int mouseX, int mouseY, int button, Crew crew, int i) { int offsetY = -i * 30; if(button == 0 && mouseX > 10 && mouseX < 10 + crewBox.getWidth() && mouseY > 538+offsetY && mouseY < 538+offsetY+crewBox.getHeight()) { FTLView.inputHandler.selected = crew; } } // healthRatio should be a number between 0 and 1 private Color getHealthColor(float healthRatio) { if(healthRatio > 0.99) { return new Color(0, 1, 0, 1); } else if(healthRatio >= 0.5) { return new Color(1, 1, 0, 1); } else { return new Color(1, healthRatio*2, 0, 1); } } }