package; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.HashSet; public class NSNotificationCenter { private static final NSNotificationCenter _defaultCenter = new NSNotificationCenter(); private final NSMutableDictionary<String, NotificationRegistry> _namedRegistries = new NSMutableDictionary<String, NotificationRegistry>(); private final NotificationRegistry _unnamedRegistry = new NotificationRegistry(); private static void postNotification(NSNotificationCenter notificationCenter, NSNotification notification) { notificationCenter._unnamedRegistry.postNotification(notification); notificationCenter._namedRegistries.objectForKey(; } public static NSNotificationCenter defaultCenter() { return _defaultCenter; } private void _checkSelector(NSSelector<?> selector) { Class<?>[] parameterTypes = selector.parameterTypes(); boolean invalid = false; if (parameterTypes == null || parameterTypes.length != 1) { invalid = true; } else { Class<?> arg = parameterTypes[0]; if (!_NSReflectionUtilities.classIsAssignableFrom(arg, NSNotification.class)) { invalid = true; } } if (invalid) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("NSNotificationCenter addObserver() requires a selector taking a single NSNotification argument"); } } public synchronized void addObserver(NSSelectable observer, NSSelector<?> selector, String name, Object object) { if (observer == null || selector == null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("NSNotificationCenter addObserver() requires non null observer and selector parameters"); } _checkSelector(selector); NotificationRegistry registry; NotificationObserver _observer = new NotificationObserver(observer, selector); if (name == null) { registry = _unnamedRegistry; } else if ((registry = _namedRegistries.objectForKey(name)) == null) { registry = new NotificationRegistry(); _namedRegistries.setObjectForKey(registry, name); } registry.addObserver(_observer, object); } public void postNotification(NSNotification notification) { if (notification == null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Notification cannot be null"); } NSNotificationCenter.postNotification(this, notification); } public void postNotification(String notificationName, Object notificationObject) { postNotification(new NSNotification(notificationName, notificationObject, null)); } public void postNotification(String notificationName, Object notificationObject, NSDictionary<String, Object> userInfo) { postNotification(new NSNotification(notificationName, notificationObject, userInfo)); } public void removeObserver(Object observer) { removeObserver(observer, null, null); } public synchronized void removeObserver(Object observer, String name, Object object) { if (observer == null && name == null && object == null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Can't remove entry with null observer, null name, and null object from NSNotificationCenter"); } if (name == null) { for (String key : _namedRegistries.keySet()) { _namedRegistries.objectForKey(key).removeObserver(observer, object); } _unnamedRegistry.removeObserver(observer, object); } else { _namedRegistries.objectForKey(name).removeObserver(observer, object); } } @Override public String toString() { return super.toString(); } private static class NotificationRegistry { private NSMutableDictionary<Integer, NSMutableArray<NotificationObserver>> _objectObservers = new NSMutableDictionary<Integer, NSMutableArray<NotificationObserver>>(); private boolean _observerRemoval = false; private NSArray<NotificationObserver> _postingObservers; public void addObserver(NotificationObserver observer, Object _object) { Object object = _object; if (object == null) { object = NSKeyValueCoding.NullValue; } NSMutableArray<NotificationObserver> observers = _objectObservers.objectForKey(object.hashCode()); if (observers == null) { observers = new NSMutableArray<NotificationObserver>(); _objectObservers.setObjectForKey(observers, object.hashCode()); } if (observers == _postingObservers) { _postingObservers = observers.immutableClone(); } observers.add(observer); } public void removeObserver(Object observer, Object object) { NSMutableArray<Integer> removedKeys = new NSMutableArray<Integer>(); Collection<Integer> keys; if (object == null) { keys = _objectObservers.keySet(); } else { keys = new HashSet<Integer>(object.hashCode()); } for(Integer key : keys) { NSArray<NotificationObserver> observers = _objectObservers.objectForKey(key); if (observers != null) { int index = observers.count(); while(index-- > 0) { if (observers.objectAtIndex(index).observer() == observer) { _observerRemoval = true; if (observers == _postingObservers) { _postingObservers = observers.immutableClone(); } observers.remove(index); } } } if (observers == null || observers.count() == 0) { removedKeys.add(key); } } for (Integer key : removedKeys) { _objectObservers.removeObjectForKey(key); } } public void postNotification(NSNotification notification) { Object object = notification.object(); Collection<Object> keys = new HashSet<Object>(); keys.add(NSKeyValueCoding.NullValue.hashCode()); if (object != null) { keys.add(object.hashCode()); } for (Object key : keys) { _postingObservers = _objectObservers.objectForKey(key); if (_postingObservers == null) { continue; } NSArray<NotificationObserver> observers = _postingObservers; _observerRemoval = false; int index = observers.count(); while (index-- > 0) { NotificationObserver observer = _postingObservers.get(index); if (!_observerRemoval || observers.indexOfIdenticalObject(observer) != NSArray.NotFound) { observer.postNotification(notification); } } } _postingObservers = null; } } private static class NotificationObserver { private final NSSelectable _observer; private final NSSelector<?> _selector; public NotificationObserver(NSSelectable observer, NSSelector<?> selector) { _observer = observer; _selector = selector; } public NSSelectable observer() { return _observer; } public void postNotification(NSNotification notification) { NSSelector._safeInvokeSelector(_selector, _observer, notification); } } }