package; import java.text.MessageFormat; import java.util.Date; import javax.mail.MessagingException; import javax.mail.internet.AddressException; import org.quartz.JobExecutionContext; import org.quartz.JobExecutionException; import org.quartz.JobListener; import com.webobjects.eocontrol.EOEditingContext; import com.webobjects.eocontrol.EOEnterpriseObject; import com.webobjects.eocontrol.EOGlobalID; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import er.extensions.localization.ERXLocalizer; import er.javamail.ERMailDeliveryPlainText; import er.quartzscheduler.util.ERQSSchedulerServiceFrameworkPrincipal; /** * The job listener is called automatically before a job is executed and after it has been executed.<p> * When a job is candidate to be executed, the job listener posts a notification JOB_WILL_RUN through the NSNotificationCenter. * If you want to be notified, subscribe to the JOB_WILL_RUN notification name and read the notification userInfo to know which job * will be executed.<p> * When a job has been executed, the job listener posts a notification JOB_RAN through the NSNotificationCenter. * Again, if you want to be notified, subscribe to the JOB_WILL_RUN notification name and read the notification userInfo to know which job. * If the job fails, we can also get the exception from the userInfo with the key EXCEPTION_KEY.<p> * Depending on the nature of the job description, you have to check the following keys when you access to the userInfo: * <ul> * <li> ERQSJob.ENTERPRISE_OBJECT_KEY if the isEnterpriseObject() method of the job description returns true * <li> ERQSJob.NOT_PERSISTENT_OBJECT_KEY if the job description is not an enterprise object * </ul> * * When the job has been executed, the listener logs information and can send an email. The content of the log and * the email are identical. * * @see #jobToBeExecuted * @see #jobWasExecuted * @see #sendMail * @see #logResult */ public class ERQSJobListener extends ERQSAbstractListener implements JobListener { public static String JOB_WILL_RUN = "jobWillRun"; public static String JOB_RAN = "jobRan"; public static String EXCEPTION_KEY = "exceptionKey"; public static final String DEFAULT_MAIL_SUBJECT_TEMPLATE = "Job info: {0} is done."; public static final String DEFAULT_MAIL_ERROR_MESSAGE_TEMPLATE = "Error message: {0}. It took {1}"; public static final String DEFAULT_MAIL_SHORT_MESSAGE_TEMPLATE = "It took {0}."; public static final String DEFAULT_MAIL_MESSAGE_WITH_MORE_INFOS_TEMPLATE = "More informations: {0}. It took {1}."; public ERQSJobListener(final ERQSSchedulerServiceFrameworkPrincipal schedulerFPInstance) { super(schedulerFPInstance); } /** * This method is due to JobListener interface. * Get the name of the JobListener. */ public String getName() { return this.getClass().getName(); } /** * This method is due to JobListener interface.<p> * Called by the Scheduler when a JobDetail was about to be executed (an associated Trigger has occured), * but a TriggerListener vetoed it's execution.<br> * The method is empty. */ public void jobExecutionVetoed(final JobExecutionContext jobexecutioncontext) { } /** * This method is due to JobListener interface.<p> * Called by the Scheduler when a JobDetail is about to be executed (an associated Trigger has occurred).<p> * Posts the notification JOB_WILL_RUN and a userInfo with a global ID if the key is ERQSJob.ENTERPRISE_OBJECT_KEY * or directly the ERQSJobDescription object with the key ERQSJob.NOT_PERSISTENT_OBJECT_KEY */ public void jobToBeExecuted(final JobExecutionContext jobexecutioncontext) { EOGlobalID id = null; ERQSJobDescription aJobDescription = null; try { NSDictionary<String, Object> userInfo = null; id = (EOGlobalID) jobexecutioncontext.getMergedJobDataMap().get(ERQSJob.ENTERPRISE_OBJECT_KEY); if (id != null) userInfo = new NSDictionary<>(id, ERQSJob.ENTERPRISE_OBJECT_KEY); else { aJobDescription = (ERQSJobDescription) jobexecutioncontext.getMergedJobDataMap().get(ERQSJob.NOT_PERSISTENT_OBJECT_KEY); if (aJobDescription != null) userInfo = new NSDictionary<>(aJobDescription, ERQSJob.NOT_PERSISTENT_OBJECT_KEY); } if (userInfo != null && userInfo.size() > 0) NSNotificationCenter.defaultCenter().postNotification(JOB_WILL_RUN, null, userInfo); if(log.isInfoEnabled()) {"************** Job '" + jobexecutioncontext.getJobDetail().getKey().getGroup() + "." + jobexecutioncontext.getJobDetail().getKey().getName() + "' is starting. FireTime: " + jobexecutioncontext.getFireTime() + " /previousFireTime: " + jobexecutioncontext.getPreviousFireTime() + " /nextFireTime: " + jobexecutioncontext.getNextFireTime() + " **************"); } } catch (Exception e) { log.error("method: jobToBeExecuted: an error occured: EOGlobalID: " + id + " /jobDescription: " + aJobDescription, e); } } /** * This method is due to JobListener interface. * Called by the Scheduler after a JobDetail has been executed <p> * It retrieve the ERQSJobDescription object from the datamap and updates the object.<br> * It also send an email if <code>er.quartzscheduler.ERQSJobListener.sendingmail=true</code><p> * @see #recipients(JobExecutionContext, boolean) */ public void jobWasExecuted(final JobExecutionContext jobexecutioncontext, final JobExecutionException jobexecutionexception) { NSMutableDictionary<String, Object> userInfo = new NSMutableDictionary<>(); String errorMsg = null; if (log.isDebugEnabled()) log.debug("method: jobWasExecuted: job: " + jobexecutioncontext.getJobDetail() + " /exception: " + jobexecutionexception); if (jobexecutionexception != null) { errorMsg = jobexecutionexception.getMessage(); userInfo.setObjectForKey(jobexecutionexception, EXCEPTION_KEY); log.error("method: jobWasExecuted: jobexecutionexception: ", jobexecutionexception); } // Even if there is an exception, we continue to put the jobDescription object in the userInfo if (jobexecutioncontext.getMergedJobDataMap() != null) { ERQSJobDescription aJobDescription = null; aJobDescription = (ERQSJobDescription) jobexecutioncontext.getMergedJobDataMap().get(ERQSJob.NOT_PERSISTENT_OBJECT_KEY); if (aJobDescription != null) { userInfo.setObjectForKey(aJobDescription, ERQSJob.NOT_PERSISTENT_OBJECT_KEY); updateJobDescription(jobexecutioncontext, aJobDescription); } if (aJobDescription == null) { EOGlobalID id = (EOGlobalID) jobexecutioncontext.getMergedJobDataMap().get(ERQSJob.ENTERPRISE_OBJECT_KEY); // We save in database if there is no exception. if (id != null && jobexecutionexception == null) { userInfo.setObjectForKey(id, ERQSJob.ENTERPRISE_OBJECT_KEY); EOEditingContext ec = editingContext(); ec.lock(); try { // aJobDescription eo is refreshed because it can have been modified by the job. // The job can use a different EOF stack so this ec doesn't know that it has changed. // If we don't refresh it, we could get a updateValuesInRowDescribedByQualifier exception. // Trust me, we can get this exception easily. ec.setFetchTimestamp(System.currentTimeMillis()); aJobDescription = (ERQSJobDescription) ec.faultForGlobalID(id, ec); ec.refreshObject((EOEnterpriseObject) aJobDescription); if (log.isDebugEnabled()) log.debug("method: jobWasExecuted: aJobDescription: " + aJobDescription); if (aJobDescription != null && aJobDescription.isEnterpriseObject()) { updateJobDescription(jobexecutioncontext, aJobDescription); ec.saveChanges(); } } catch (NSValidation.ValidationException eValidation) { errorMsg = eValidation.getMessage(); userInfo.setObjectForKey(eValidation, EXCEPTION_KEY); log.error("method: jobWasExecuted: validationException: ", eValidation); } catch (Exception e) { errorMsg = e.getMessage(); userInfo.setObjectForKey(e, EXCEPTION_KEY); log.error("method: jobWasExecuted: exception when saving job description: ", e); } finally { ec.unlock(); } } } logResult(jobexecutioncontext, errorMsg); // We read the value each time because this value can be changed dynamically in development. boolean isSendingMail = ERXProperties.booleanForKeyWithDefault("er.quartzscheduler.ERQSJobListener.sendingmail", false); if (isSendingMail) sendMail(getMailSubject(jobexecutioncontext), getMailContent(jobexecutioncontext, errorMsg), recipients(jobexecutioncontext, jobexecutionexception == null)); } if (userInfo != null && userInfo.size() > 0) NSNotificationCenter.defaultCenter().postNotification(JOB_RAN, null, userInfo.immutableClone()); } /** * Return a list of recipients depending on the good or bad execution of the job. * If the job ran successfully, the recipients are: * <ul> * <li>the recipients returned by the method recipients() of ERQSJobDescription * <li>the email set by the property <code></code> if any * </ul> * If the job didn't run successfully, the recipients are: * <ul> * <li>the recipients returned by the method recipients() of ERQSJobDescription * <li>the email set by the property <code></code> if any * </ul> * @see ERQSJobDescription#recipients(boolean) * * @param jobexecutioncontext * @param jobRanSuccessfully * @return a list of recipients */ protected NSArray<String> recipients(final JobExecutionContext jobexecutioncontext, final boolean jobRanSuccessfully) { ERQSJobDescription aJobDescription = getJobDescription(jobexecutioncontext, editingContext()); NSArray<String> recipients = aJobDescription != null ? aJobDescription.recipients(jobRanSuccessfully) : null; String toEmail; if (jobRanSuccessfully) toEmail = ERXProperties.stringForKeyWithDefault("",""); else toEmail = ERXProperties.stringForKeyWithDefault("",""); if (toEmail.length() > 0) { if (recipients == null) recipients = new NSArray<>(toEmail); else recipients = recipients.mutableClone().arrayByAddingObject(toEmail); } return recipients; } /** * Update the first, last and next execution date attributes of jobDescription * * @param jobexecutioncontext * @param jobDescription */ protected void updateJobDescription(final JobExecutionContext jobexecutioncontext, final ERQSJobDescription jobDescription) { if (jobDescription.firstExecutionDate() == null && jobexecutioncontext.getFireTime() != null) jobDescription.setFirstExecutionDate(dateToNSTimestamp(jobexecutioncontext.getFireTime())); jobDescription.setLastExecutionDate(dateToNSTimestamp(jobexecutioncontext.getFireTime())); // The next fire time can be null, mainly if it's a simple trigger when launched manually for example. if (jobexecutioncontext.getNextFireTime() != null) jobDescription.setNextExecutionDate(dateToNSTimestamp(jobexecutioncontext.getNextFireTime())); } /** * If log info is enabled, logResult logs informations about the job execution like the job duration. It can * also logs specific information if the job called the method setResult(message) before ending its duty.<p> * But if something wrong happened, the log displays the message <code>errorMsg</code>. * * @param jobexecutioncontext * @param errorMsg */ protected void logResult(final JobExecutionContext jobexecutioncontext, final String errorMsg) { if(log.isInfoEnabled()) { String jobFullName = jobexecutioncontext.getJobDetail().getKey().getGroup() + "." + jobexecutioncontext.getJobDetail().getKey().getName(); String msg = (String) jobexecutioncontext.getResult(); String duration = formattedDuration(jobexecutioncontext.getJobRunTime()); if ((msg != null) && (msg.length() != 0))"************** More informations about the job: '" + jobFullName + "' /Message: "+ msg + " **************"); if (errorMsg != null)"************** Execution error about the job: '" + jobFullName + "' /Error message: "+ errorMsg + " **************"); else"************** Job '" + jobFullName + "' is done and it took: " + duration + " **************"); } } /** * Return the mail subject.<p> * An interesting improvement will be to use a localized template. Currently, the default message is:<br> * <i>Job info: JobGroup.MyBeautifullJob is done.</i> * * @param jobexecutioncontext (used to build the job full name) * @return subject */ protected String getMailSubject(final JobExecutionContext jobexecutioncontext) { String subjectTemplate = (String) localizer().valueForKey("COScheduler.MailSubject"); if (log.isDebugEnabled()) log.debug("method: getMailSubject: subjectTemplate: " + subjectTemplate); if (subjectTemplate == null) { log.warn("method: getMailSubject: subjectTemplate is null but shouldn't be!!! / localizer: " + localizer()); subjectTemplate = DEFAULT_MAIL_SUBJECT_TEMPLATE; } String jobFullName = jobexecutioncontext.getJobDetail().getKey().getGroup() + "." + jobexecutioncontext.getJobDetail().getKey().getName(); return MessageFormat.format(subjectTemplate, jobFullName); } /** * Return the mail content.<p> * An interesting improvement will be to use a localized template. Currently, the default content is:<br> * <i>More informations:blabla. It took 90s.</i> if the job returns additional informations or just * <i>It took 90s.</i> * * @param jobexecutioncontext (used to get the job duration) * @param errorMsg * @return subject */ protected String getMailContent(final JobExecutionContext jobexecutioncontext, final String errorMsg) { String duration = formattedDuration(jobexecutioncontext.getJobRunTime()); if (errorMsg != null) { String mailErrorTemplate = (String) localizer().valueForKey("COScheduler.DefaultMailErrorMessage"); if (log.isDebugEnabled()) log.debug("method: getMailContent: mailErrorTemplate: " + mailErrorTemplate); if (mailErrorTemplate == null) { log.warn("method: getMailContent: mailErrorTemplate is null but shouldn't be!!! / localizer: " + localizer()); mailErrorTemplate = DEFAULT_MAIL_ERROR_MESSAGE_TEMPLATE; } return MessageFormat.format(mailErrorTemplate, errorMsg, duration); } String message = (String) jobexecutioncontext.getResult(); if (ERXStringUtilities.stringIsNullOrEmpty(message)) { String mailTemplate = (String) localizer().valueForKey("COScheduler.DefaultMailShortMessage"); if (log.isDebugEnabled()) log.debug("method: getMailContent: DefaultMailShortMessage: mailTemplate: " + mailTemplate); if (mailTemplate == null) { log.warn("method: getMailContent: DefaultMailShortMessage is null but shouldn't be!!! / localizer: " + localizer()); mailTemplate = DEFAULT_MAIL_SHORT_MESSAGE_TEMPLATE; } message = MessageFormat.format(mailTemplate, duration); } else { String mailTemplate = (String) localizer().valueForKey("COScheduler.DefaultMailMessageWithMoreInfos"); if (log.isDebugEnabled()) log.debug("method: getMailContent: DefaultMailMessageWithMoreInfos: mailTemplate: " + mailTemplate); if (mailTemplate == null) { log.warn("method: getMailContent: DefaultMailMessageWithMoreInfos is null but shouldn't be!!! / localizer: " + localizer()); mailTemplate = DEFAULT_MAIL_MESSAGE_WITH_MORE_INFOS_TEMPLATE; } message = MessageFormat.format(mailTemplate, message, duration); } return message; } /** * Sends an plain text email to: * <ul> * <li> the recipients passed as parameters. * <li> the email stored in the properties file ( * </ul> * * The author is read from properties file (<p> * * @throws IllegalStateException if from email is empty and the is no recipient at all. * @param subject * @param textContent * @param recipients */ protected void sendMail(final String subject, final String textContent, final NSArray<String> recipients) { try { String fromEmail = ERXProperties.stringForKeyWithDefault("er.quartzscheduler.ERQSJobListener.from",""); if (fromEmail.length() == 0 || recipients == null || recipients.size() == 0) throw new IllegalStateException("method: sendMail: fromEmail or toEmail are empty: fromEmail: " + fromEmail + " /recipients: " + recipients); ERMailDeliveryPlainText plainText = new ERMailDeliveryPlainText(); plainText.newMail(); plainText.setFromAddress(fromEmail); plainText.setToAddresses(recipients); plainText.setSubject(subject); plainText.setTextContent(textContent); plainText.sendMail(false); } catch (AddressException e) { log.error("Method: sendMail: ", e); } catch (MessagingException e) { log.error("Method: sendMail: ", e); } } /** * Return a string used by the logger and the mail sending method.<p> * If the duration is less than 180s, the duration is expressed in seconds otherwise there is a conversion in mn. * * @param duration * @return the formatted duration */ protected String formattedDuration(final long duration) { long durationInMinute = 0; long durationInSecond = (duration)/1000; //in seconds if (durationInSecond > 180) { durationInMinute = durationInSecond / 60; durationInSecond = durationInSecond % 60; } return durationInMinute == 0 ? durationInSecond + "s" : (durationInMinute + "mn " + durationInSecond+"s"); } /** * Utility method. * * @param date * @return the date in NSTimestamp format */ protected NSTimestamp dateToNSTimestamp(final Date date) { if (date !=null ) return new NSTimestamp(date); return null; } protected ERXLocalizer localizer() { String language = ERXProperties.stringForKey("er.quartzscheduler.ERQSJobListener.defaultLanguage"); if (log.isDebugEnabled()) log.debug("method: localizer: language: " + language); ERXLocalizer localizer; if (ERXStringUtilities.stringIsNullOrEmpty(language)) localizer = ERXLocalizer.defaultLocalizer(); else localizer = ERXLocalizer.localizerForLanguage(language); if (log.isDebugEnabled()) log.debug("method: localizer: localizer: " + localizer + " /localizer.language: " + localizer.language()); return localizer; } }