package com.webobjects.appserver._private; import; import org.apache.axis.server.AxisServer; import org.apache.axis.utils.XMLUtils; import org.w3c.dom.Document; import com.webobjects.appserver.WOApplication; import com.webobjects.appserver.WOWSDDRegistrar; import; import; /** * Fixes a bug in WOWebService that causes the "Resources/server.wsdd" file (for configuration Axis) * to fail to be loaded if contained inside a "jar framework" rather than a regular framework. * * @author johnthuss * */ public class WOWebServicePatch { /* * Re-implemented to support loading the server.wsdd file from a jar framework as well. */ static Document getDeploymentDocument() { Document document = null; InputStream stream = WOApplication.application().resourceManager().inputStreamForResourceNamed("server.wsdd", null, null); if (stream != null) { try { document = XMLUtils.newDocument(stream); } catch (Exception e) { if (NSLog.debugLoggingAllowedForLevelAndGroups(NSLog.DebugLevelDetailed, NSLog.DebugGroupWebServices)) { NSLog.debug.appendln("Couldn't parse .wsdd file"); NSLog.debug.appendln(e); } } } if (document == null) { if (NSLog.debugLoggingAllowedForLevelAndGroups(NSLog.DebugLevelDetailed, NSLog.DebugGroupWebServices)) NSLog.debug.appendln("Couldn't " + ((stream == null) ? "find" : "parse") + " .wsdd file. Using empty default."); document = WOWSDDRegistrar._getEmptyDeployment(); } return document; } /* * Same functionality as WOWebService, except it calls our version of getDeploymentDocument(). */ public static void initServer() { if (WOWebService.engine == null) { if (WOApplication.application().resourceManager().inputStreamForResourceNamed("server.wsdd", null, null) == null) return; // nothing necessary to do - the default .wsdd will be loaded correctly by WO. try { WOWebService.provider = new WOXMLProvider(getDeploymentDocument()); WOWebService.engine = new AxisServer(WOWebService.provider); } catch (Exception ex) { NSLog.err.appendln("Error trying to deploy Axis engine " + ex); if (NSLog.debugLoggingAllowedForLevelAndGroups(NSLog.DebugLevelCritical, NSLog.DebugGroupWebServices | NSLog.DebugGroupWebObjects)) NSLog.err.appendln(ex); System.exit(1); } } } }