package com.gammastream.validity; import java.util.Enumeration; import com.webobjects.appserver.xml.WOXMLCoder; import com.webobjects.appserver.xml.WOXMLCoding; import com.webobjects.appserver.xml.WOXMLDecoder; import com.webobjects.eoaccess.EOAttribute; import com.webobjects.eoaccess.EOEntity; import com.webobjects.eoaccess.EORelationship; import com.webobjects.eocontrol.EOClassDescription; import com.webobjects.eocontrol.EOEditingContext; import com.webobjects.eocontrol.EOEnterpriseObject; import; import; import; /** * GSVEntity is the data structure associated with a paritcular table or EOEntity in an EOModel. * * @author GammaStream Technologies, Inc. */ public final class GSVEntity implements WOXMLCoding { //persistant entity attributes private GSVModel _model; private String _name; private NSMutableArray _attributes; /** * Creates a new GSVEntity. * * @param model The GSVModel this GSVEntity belongs to. * @param entityname The name of the GSVEntity. * @exception java.lang.IllegalArgumentException EOEntity does not exsit in EOModel */ public GSVEntity(GSVModel model, String entityname) throws IllegalArgumentException{ if(this.validateEntityForName(model,entityname)){ _model = model; _name = entityname; _attributes = new NSMutableArray(); }else{ throw new IllegalArgumentException("EOEntity named '"+ entityname +"' does not exist in EOModel for path: "+model.eomodelPath()); } } /** * Private */ private boolean validateEntityForName(GSVModel model, String name){ return ( model.eomodelGroup().modelNamed(model.eomodelName()).entityNamed(name)!=null ); } /** * Returns the GSVModel the GSVEntity belongs to. * * @return GSVModel the GSVEntity belongs to. * @see #setModel */ public GSVModel model(){ return _model; } /** * Sets the GSVModel the GSVEntity belongs to. * * @param newModel GSVModel for the GSVEntity * @see #model */ public void setModel(GSVModel newModel){ _model = newModel; } /** * Returns the name of the GSVEntity. * * @return Returns the name of the GSVEntity. */ public String name(){ return _name; } /** * Returns the attributes for this entity. * * @return Returns the GSVEntity attributes. * @see #addAttribute * @see #removeAttribute */ public NSMutableArray attributes(){ return _attributes; } /** * Adds the attribute to this entity. * * @param newAtt The attribute to add. * @see #attributes * @see #removeAttribute */ public void addAttribute(GSVAttribute newAtt){ _attributes.addObject(newAtt); } /** * Removes the attribute from this entity. * * @param oldAtt The attribute to remove. * @see #attributes * @see #addAttribute */ public void removeAttribute(GSVAttribute oldAtt){ _attributes.removeObject(oldAtt); } /** * Returns the attribute with the provided name. * * @param name The name of the attribute you wish to fetch. * @return Returns the attribute witht he provided name or null if one was not found. */ public GSVAttribute attributeNamed(String name){ GSVAttribute currentAttribute = null; for(int i=0;i<_attributes.count();i++){ currentAttribute = (GSVAttribute)_attributes.objectAtIndex(i); if( return currentAttribute; } return null; } /******************************** WOXMLCoding Impl ********************************/ /** * WOXMLCoding Impl * * @param coder WOXMLCoder * * @see #GSVEntity */ public void encodeWithWOXMLCoder(WOXMLCoder coder) { coder.encodeObjectForKey(_model, "Model"); coder.encodeObjectForKey(_name, "Name"); coder.encodeObjectForKey(_attributes.immutableClone(), "Attributes"); } /** * WOXMLCoding Impl * * @param decoder WOXMLDecoder * * @see #encodeWithWOXMLCoder */ public GSVEntity(WOXMLDecoder decoder) { _model = (GSVModel)decoder.decodeObjectForKey("Model"); _name = (String)decoder.decodeObjectForKey("Name"); _attributes = new NSMutableArray((NSArray)decoder.decodeObjectForKey("Attributes")); } /** * WOXMLCoding Impl */ public Class classForCoder() { try{ return Class.forName("com.gammastream.validity.GSVEntity"); }catch(ClassNotFoundException e){ return null; } } public void init(GSVModel model, EOEntity eoentity) { NSArray myattributes = attributes().immutableClone(); for ( Enumeration e = myattributes.objectEnumerator(); e.hasMoreElements();) { GSVAttribute attribute = (GSVAttribute)e.nextElement(); //NSLog.debug.appendln("checking attribute""."; EOAttribute a = eoentity.attributeNamed(; EORelationship p = eoentity.relationshipNamed(; if (a == null) { NSLog.out.appendln("attribute " + " does not exist in entity " + name() + " (anymore?), deleted from Valididy model"); removeAttribute(attribute); } else if (p != null) { NSLog.out.appendln("attribute " + " in entity " + name() + " is (now?) an relationship which cannot have a validation rule, deleted from Valididy model"); removeAttribute(attribute); } else { EOEditingContext ec = new EOEditingContext(); ec.lock(); try { if (attribute == null) { NSLog.debug.appendln("attribute == null"); } else if ( == null) { NSLog.debug.appendln(" == null, attribute = "+attribute); } else { //NSLog.debug.appendln("checking eo="", attributename="; EOClassDescription eoclassdescription = EOClassDescription.classDescriptionForEntityName(; EOEnterpriseObject eoenterpriseobject = eoclassdescription.createInstanceWithEditingContext(null, null); eoenterpriseobject.valueForKeyPath(; } } catch ( e1) { //NSLog.debug.appendln(e1); NSLog.out.appendln("attribute " + " does not exist in entity " + name() + " anymore, deleted from Valididy model"); removeAttribute(attribute); } catch (Exception e1) { } finally { ec.unlock(); ec.dispose(); } } } } }