package er.jquery.widgets; import com.webobjects.appserver.WOContext; import com.webobjects.appserver.WOResponse; /** * @see FileUploader * * @author mendis * * A style-able file uploader */ public class FileUploaderContainer extends FileUploader { public FileUploaderContainer(WOContext context) { super(context); } /* * Bindings/API */ public static interface Bindings extends FileUploader.Bindings { public static final String elementName = "elementName"; } // accessors private String _elementName() { return (String) valueForBinding(Bindings.elementName); } public String elementName() { return _elementName() != null ? _elementName() : "div"; } // R&R @Override public void appendToResponse(WOResponse response, WOContext context) { // open tag with id response.appendContentString("<" + elementName()); response._appendTagAttributeAndValue("id", id(), false); response.appendContentCharacter('>'); super.appendToResponse(response, context); // append javascript and close tag response.appendContentString("<noscript><p>Please enable JavaScript to use file uploader.</p></noscript></div>\n"); response.appendContentString("<script type=\"text/javascript\">" + script() + "</script>"); } }