/* (c) Copyright 2006- 2007 Apple Computer, Inc. All rights reserved. IMPORTANT: This Apple software is supplied to you by Apple Computer, Inc. ("Apple") in consideration of your agreement to the following terms, and your use, installation, modification or redistribution of this Apple software constitutes acceptance of these terms. If you do not agree with these terms, please do not use, install, modify or redistribute this Apple software. In consideration of your agreement to abide by the following terms, and subject to these terms, Apple grants you a personal, non-exclusive license, under Apple's copyrights in this original Apple software (the "Apple Software"), to use, reproduce, modify and redistribute the Apple Software, with or without modifications, in source and/or binary forms; provided that if you redistribute the Apple Software in its entirety and without modifications, you must retain this notice and the following text and disclaimers in all such redistributions of the Apple Software. Neither the name, trademarks, service marks or logos of Apple Computer, Inc. may be used to endorse or promote products derived from the Apple Software without specific prior written permission from Apple. Except as expressly stated in this notice, no other rights or licenses, express or implied, are granted by Apple herein, including but not limited to any patent rights that may be infringed by your derivative works or by other works in which the Apple Software may be incorporated. The Apple Software is provided by Apple on an "AS IS" basis. APPLE MAKES NO WARRANTIES, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING WITHOUT LIMITATION THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF NON-INFRINGEMENT, MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE, REGARDING THE APPLE SOFTWARE OR ITS USE AND OPERATION ALONE OR IN COMBINATION WITH YOUR PRODUCTS. IN NO EVENT SHALL APPLE BE LIABLE FOR ANY SPECIAL, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE, REPRODUCTION, MODIFICATION AND/OR DISTRIBUTION OF THE APPLE SOFTWARE, HOWEVER CAUSED AND WHETHER UNDER THEORY OF CONTRACT, TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE), STRICT LIABILITY OR OTHERWISE, EVEN IF APPLE HAS BEEN ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. */ package com.webobjects.monitor._private; import java.io.File; import java.io.IOException; import java.io.UnsupportedEncodingException; import java.net.InetAddress; import java.security.MessageDigest; import java.security.NoSuchAlgorithmException; import java.text.SimpleDateFormat; import java.util.Date; import java.util.Enumeration; import java.util.concurrent.ThreadLocalRandom; import org.slf4j.Logger; import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory; import com.webobjects.appserver.WOApplication; import com.webobjects.appserver.WOHTTPConnection; import com.webobjects.appserver.WORequest; import com.webobjects.appserver.WOResponse; import com.webobjects.appserver._private.WOHostUtilities; import com.webobjects.appserver.xml.WOXMLException; import com.webobjects.appserver.xml._JavaMonitorCoder; import com.webobjects.appserver.xml._JavaMonitorDecoder; import com.webobjects.foundation.NSArray; import com.webobjects.foundation.NSData; import com.webobjects.foundation.NSDictionary; import com.webobjects.foundation.NSForwardException; import com.webobjects.foundation.NSLog; import com.webobjects.foundation.NSMutableArray; import com.webobjects.foundation.NSMutableDictionary; import com.webobjects.foundation.NSPathUtilities; import com.webobjects.foundation.NSTimestamp; import com.webobjects.foundation.NSTimestampFormatter; import com.webobjects.foundation._NSStringUtilities; import com.webobjects.foundation._NSThreadsafeMutableArray; import com.webobjects.foundation._NSThreadsafeMutableDictionary; import er.extensions.appserver.ERXRequest; import er.extensions.foundation.ERXFileUtilities; public class MSiteConfig extends MObject { private static final Logger log = LoggerFactory.getLogger(MSiteConfig.class); /* // Site String password; String woAdaptor; String SMTPhost; String emailReturnAddr; Boolean viewRefreshEnabled; Integer viewRefreshRate; Integer sequence; // Adaptor Integer retries; String scheduler; // "RANDOM" | "ROUNDROBIN" | "LOADAVERAGE" | <Custom Scheduler Name> Integer dormant; String redir; Integer sendTimeout; Integer recvTimeout; Integer cnctTimeout; Integer sendBufSize; Integer recvBufSize; Integer poolsize; Integer urlVersion; // 3 | 4 */ /********** 'values' accessors **********/ public String password() { return (String) values.valueForKey("password"); } // Special treatment - the password is stored encrypted! public void setPassword(String value) { _setPassword(value); _siteConfig.dataHasChanged(); } public String woAdaptor() { return (String) values.valueForKey("woAdaptor"); } public void setWoAdaptor(String value) { values.takeValueForKey(value, "woAdaptor"); _siteConfig.dataHasChanged(); } public String SMTPhost() { return (String) values.valueForKey("SMTPhost"); } public void setSMTPhost(String value) { values.takeValueForKey(value, "SMTPhost"); _siteConfig.dataHasChanged(); } public String emailReturnAddr() { return (String) values.valueForKey("emailReturnAddr"); } public void setEmailReturnAddr(String value) { values.takeValueForKey(value, "emailReturnAddr"); _siteConfig.dataHasChanged(); } public Boolean viewRefreshEnabled() { return (Boolean) values.valueForKey("viewRefreshEnabled"); } public void setViewRefreshEnabled(Boolean value) { values.takeValueForKey(value, "viewRefreshEnabled"); _siteConfig.dataHasChanged(); } public Integer viewRefreshRate() { return (Integer) values.valueForKey("viewRefreshRate"); } public void setViewRefreshRate(Integer value) { values.takeValueForKey(MObject.validatedInteger(value), "viewRefreshRate"); _siteConfig.dataHasChanged(); } public Integer sequence() { return (Integer) values.valueForKey("sequence"); } public void setSequence(Integer value) { values.takeValueForKey(MObject.validatedInteger(value), "sequence"); _siteConfig.dataHasChanged(); } public Integer retries() { return (Integer) values.valueForKey("retries"); } public void setRetries(Integer value) { values.takeValueForKey(MObject.validatedInteger(value), "retries"); _siteConfig.dataHasChanged(); } public String scheduler() { return (String) values.valueForKey("scheduler"); } public void setScheduler(String value) { values.takeValueForKey(value, "scheduler"); _siteConfig.dataHasChanged(); } public Integer dormant() { return (Integer) values.valueForKey("dormant"); } public void setDormant(Integer value) { values.takeValueForKey(MObject.validatedInteger(value), "dormant"); _siteConfig.dataHasChanged(); } public String redir() { return (String) values.valueForKey("redir"); } public void setRedir(String value) { values.takeValueForKey(value, "redir"); _siteConfig.dataHasChanged(); } public Integer sendTimeout() { return (Integer) values.valueForKey("sendTimeout"); } public void setSendTimeout(Integer value) { values.takeValueForKey(MObject.validatedInteger(value), "sendTimeout"); _siteConfig.dataHasChanged(); } public Integer recvTimeout() { return (Integer) values.valueForKey("recvTimeout"); } public void setRecvTimeout(Integer value) { values.takeValueForKey(MObject.validatedInteger(value), "recvTimeout"); _siteConfig.dataHasChanged(); } public Integer cnctTimeout() { return (Integer) values.valueForKey("cnctTimeout"); } public void setCnctTimeout(Integer value) { values.takeValueForKey(MObject.validatedInteger(value), "cnctTimeout"); _siteConfig.dataHasChanged(); } public Integer sendBufSize() { return (Integer) values.valueForKey("sendBufSize"); } public void setSendBufSize(Integer value) { values.takeValueForKey(MObject.validatedInteger(value), "sendBufSize"); _siteConfig.dataHasChanged(); } public Integer recvBufSize() { return (Integer) values.valueForKey("recvBufSize"); } public void setRecvBufSize(Integer value) { values.takeValueForKey(MObject.validatedInteger(value), "recvBufSize"); _siteConfig.dataHasChanged(); } public Integer poolsize() { return (Integer) values.valueForKey("poolsize"); } public void setPoolsize(Integer value) { values.takeValueForKey(MObject.validatedInteger(value), "poolsize"); _siteConfig.dataHasChanged(); } public Integer urlVersion() { return (Integer) values.valueForKey("urlVersion"); } public void setUrlVersion(Integer value) { values.takeValueForKey(MObject.validatedUrlVersion(value), "urlVersion"); _siteConfig.dataHasChanged(); } /**********/ /********** Errors **********/ public _NSThreadsafeMutableDictionary globalErrorDictionary = new _NSThreadsafeMutableDictionary(new NSMutableDictionary <Object, Object>()); public _NSThreadsafeMutableArray hostErrorArray = new _NSThreadsafeMutableArray(new NSMutableArray<Object>()); /**********/ /********** Object Graph **********/ NSMutableArray _hostArray = new NSMutableArray(); NSMutableArray _instanceArray = new NSMutableArray(); NSMutableArray _applicationArray = new NSMutableArray(); MHost _localHost; public NSMutableArray<MHost> hostArray() { return _hostArray; } public NSMutableArray<MInstance> instanceArray() { return _instanceArray; } public NSMutableArray<MApplication> applicationArray() { return _applicationArray; } public MHost localHost() { return _localHost; } /**********/ /********** Change Notifications **********/ protected boolean _hasChanges = true; public boolean hasChanges() { return _hasChanges; } public void resetChanges() { _hasChanges = false; } public void dataHasChanged() { _hasChanges = true; } /**********/ /********** Adding and Deleting **********/ InetAddress localHostAddress; String localHostName; public void _addHost(MHost newHost) { // If WOHost was passed, it'll resolve against that, otherwise, it'll resolve any local address if (WOHostUtilities.isLocalInetAddress(newHost.address(), true)) { _localHost = newHost; } _hostArray.addObject(newHost); dataHasChanged(); } public void addHost_M(MHost newHost) { backup("addHost-" + newHost.name()); _addHost(newHost); } public void addHost_W(MHost newHost) { _addHost(newHost); } public void _removeHost(MHost aHost) { _hostArray.removeObject(aHost); if (aHost == _localHost) { _localHost = null; } dataHasChanged(); } public void removeHost_M(MHost aHost) { backup("removeHost-" + aHost.name()); NSArray tempArray = new NSArray(aHost._instanceArray); for (int i=0; i<tempArray.count(); i++) { removeInstance_M( (MInstance) tempArray.objectAtIndex(i), false); } _removeHost(aHost); } public void removeHost_W(MHost aHost) { NSArray tempArray = new NSArray(aHost._instanceArray); for (int i=0; i<tempArray.count(); i++) { removeInstance_W( (MInstance) tempArray.objectAtIndex(i) ); } _removeHost(aHost); } public void _addApplication(MApplication newApplication) { _applicationArray.addObject(newApplication); dataHasChanged(); } public void addApplication_M(MApplication newApplication) { backup("addApplication-" + newApplication.name()); _addApplication(newApplication); } public void addApplication_W(MApplication newApplication) { _addApplication(newApplication); } public void _removeApplication(MApplication anApplication) { _applicationArray.removeObject(anApplication); dataHasChanged(); } public void removeApplication_M(MApplication anApplication) { backup("removeApplication-" + anApplication.name()); NSArray tempArray = new NSArray(anApplication._instanceArray); for (int i=0; i<tempArray.count(); i++) { removeInstance_M( (MInstance) tempArray.objectAtIndex(i), false); } _removeApplication(anApplication); } public void removeApplication_W(MApplication anApplication) { NSArray tempArray = new NSArray(anApplication._instanceArray); for (int i=0; i<tempArray.count(); i++) { removeInstance_W( (MInstance) tempArray.objectAtIndex(i) ); } _removeApplication(anApplication); } public void _addInstance(MInstance newInstance) { _instanceArray.addObject(newInstance); newInstance._host._addInstancePrimitive(newInstance); newInstance._application._addInstancePrimitive(newInstance); dataHasChanged(); } public NSMutableArray<MInstance> addInstances_M(MHost selectedHost, MApplication myApplication, int numberToAdd) { backup("addInstances-" + myApplication.name() + "-" + selectedHost.name() + "-" + numberToAdd); NSMutableArray newInstanceArray = new NSMutableArray(numberToAdd); for (int i = 0; i < numberToAdd; i++) { Integer aUniqueID = myApplication.nextID(); MInstance newInstance = new MInstance(selectedHost, myApplication, aUniqueID, this); addInstance_M(newInstance); newInstanceArray.addObject(newInstance); } return newInstanceArray; } public void addInstance_M(MInstance newInstance) { _addInstance(newInstance); } public void addInstance_W(MInstance newInstance) { _addInstance(newInstance); } public void _removeInstance(MInstance anInstance) { //cancel all tasks anInstance.cancelForceQuitTask(); anInstance._host._removeInstancePrimitive(anInstance); anInstance._application._removeInstancePrimitive(anInstance); _instanceArray.removeObject(anInstance); dataHasChanged(); } public void removeInstance_M(MInstance anInstance) { removeInstance_M(anInstance, true); } public void removeInstances_M(MApplication application, NSArray<MInstance> instances) { backup("removeInstances-" + application + "-" + instances.count()); for (MInstance instance : instances) { removeInstance_M(instance, false); } } private void removeInstance_M(MInstance anInstance, boolean doBackup) { if(doBackup) { backup("removeInstance-" + anInstance.displayName()); } _removeInstance(anInstance); } public void removeInstance_W(MInstance anInstance) { if ( (anInstance._host == _localHost) && anInstance.isRunning_W() ) { ProtoLocalMonitor plMonitor = (ProtoLocalMonitor) WOApplication.application().valueForKey("localMonitor"); try { plMonitor.stopInstance(anInstance); } catch (MonitorException me) { log.error("Can't remove", me); } } _removeInstance(anInstance); } /**********/ /********** Password Methods **********/ public static long myrand() { long nextLong = ThreadLocalRandom.current().nextLong(); while (nextLong == Long.MIN_VALUE) { nextLong = ThreadLocalRandom.current().nextLong(); } return Math.abs(nextLong); } public String encryptStringWithKey(String to_be_encrypted, String aKey) { String encrypted_value = ""; char xdigit[] = { '0' , '1', '2', '3', '4', '5', '6', '7', '8', '9', 'A', 'B', 'C', 'D', 'E', 'F'}; MessageDigest messageDigest; try { messageDigest = MessageDigest.getInstance("MD5"); } catch (NoSuchAlgorithmException exc) { globalErrorDictionary.takeValueForKey(("Security package does not contain appropriate algorithm"), ("Security package does not contain appropriate algorithm")); log.error("Security package does not contain appropriate algorithm"); return encrypted_value; } if (to_be_encrypted != null) { byte digest[]; byte fudge_constant[]; try { fudge_constant = ("X#@!").getBytes("UTF8"); } catch (UnsupportedEncodingException uee) { fudge_constant = ("X#@!").getBytes(); } byte fudgetoo_part[] = { (byte)xdigit[(int)(MSiteConfig.myrand() % 16)] , (byte)xdigit[(int)(MSiteConfig.myrand() % 16)] , (byte)xdigit[(int)(MSiteConfig.myrand() % 16)] , (byte)xdigit[(int)(MSiteConfig.myrand() % 16)] }; int i = 0; if (aKey != null) { try { fudgetoo_part = aKey.getBytes("UTF8"); } catch (UnsupportedEncodingException uee) { fudgetoo_part = aKey.getBytes(); } } messageDigest.update(fudge_constant); try { messageDigest.update(to_be_encrypted.getBytes("UTF8")); } catch (UnsupportedEncodingException uee) { messageDigest.update(to_be_encrypted.getBytes()); } messageDigest.update(fudgetoo_part); digest = messageDigest.digest(); encrypted_value = new String(fudgetoo_part); for (i = 0; i < digest.length; i++) { int mashed; char temp[] = new char[2]; if (digest[i] < 0) { mashed = 127 + ( -1 * digest[i]); } else { mashed = digest[i]; } temp[0] = xdigit[mashed / 16]; temp[1] = xdigit[mashed % 16]; encrypted_value = encrypted_value + (new String(temp)); } } return encrypted_value; } public boolean isPasswordRequired() { return password() != null; } // setPassword(value) is in the 'values' accessors public void _setPassword(String value) { if (value != null) { values.takeValueForKey(encryptStringWithKey(value, null), "password"); } else { resetPassword(); } } public void resetPassword() { values.takeValueForKey(null, "password"); } private String _oldPassword = null; private boolean _oldPasswordSet = false; public void _setOldPassword() { _oldPassword = password(); _oldPasswordSet = true; } public void _resetOldPassword() { _oldPassword = null; _oldPasswordSet = false; } public boolean compareStringWithPassword(String aString) { String _encryptedPassword = password(); if (aString == null && _encryptedPassword == null) { // if both are null, match return true; } else if (aString == null || _encryptedPassword == null) { // if one is null, and the other isn't, no match return false; } else { // do all the calculations // extract random portion of the encrypted password String fudgetoo_part = _encryptedPassword.substring(0, 4); // encrypt the new string using the random bit from the old string String encrypted_string = encryptStringWithKey(aString, fudgetoo_part); // compare keys and return return encrypted_string.equals(_encryptedPassword); } } // The argument is always the tested. _encryptedPassword is the "correct" one. public boolean comparePasswordWithPassword(String aString) { String _encryptedPassword = password(); if ( (_encryptedPassword == null) || (_encryptedPassword.length() == 0) ) { // if _encryptedPassword is null or blank, match return true; } else if ( (aString == null) || (aString.length() == 0) ) { // if aString is null or blank, no match (since by this time, _encryptedPassword is non-null and not blank) return false; } else if (aString.equals(_encryptedPassword)) { return true; } return false; } private NSMutableDictionary<String, NSMutableArray<String>> _passwordDictionary; public NSDictionary<String, NSMutableArray<String>> passwordDictionary() { if (_passwordDictionary == null) { _passwordDictionary = new NSMutableDictionary<String, NSMutableArray<String>>(); _passwordDictionary.setObjectForKey(new NSMutableArray<String>(""), "password"); } String aPassword = password(); if (_oldPasswordSet) { if (_oldPassword != null) { _passwordDictionary.takeValueForKey(new NSMutableArray<String>(_oldPassword), "password"); return _passwordDictionary; } return NSDictionary.emptyDictionary(); } if (aPassword != null) { _passwordDictionary.takeValueForKey(aPassword, "password"); return _passwordDictionary; } return NSDictionary.emptyDictionary(); } /**********/ /********** Constructors **********/ public static MSiteConfig getSiteConfigFromHostAndPort(String configHostName, int aPort) throws MonitorException { if (NSLog.debugLoggingAllowedForLevelAndGroups(NSLog. DebugLevelInformational, NSLog.DebugGroupDeployment)) NSLog.debug.appendln("!@#$!@#$ getSiteConfigFromHostAndPort creates a WOHTTPConnection"); NSDictionary<String, String> monitorRequest = new NSDictionary<>("SITE", "queryWotaskd"); NSData content = new NSData( (new _JavaMonitorCoder()).encodeRootObjectForKey(monitorRequest, "monitorRequest") ); WORequest aRequest = new ERXRequest(MObject._POST, MObject.directActionString, MObject._HTTP1, NSDictionary.EmptyDictionary, content, null); WOResponse aResponse = null; try { WOHTTPConnection anHTTPConnection = new WOHTTPConnection(configHostName, aPort); anHTTPConnection.setReceiveTimeout(5000); if (anHTTPConnection.sendRequest(aRequest)) { aResponse = anHTTPConnection.readResponse(); } } catch(Exception localException) { log.error("Failed to connect to Host: {} and Port: {}", configHostName, aPort); throw new MonitorException("Failed to connect to Host: " + configHostName + " and Port: " + aPort); } NSDictionary xmlDict = NSDictionary.EmptyDictionary; if (aResponse != null) { try { xmlDict = (NSDictionary) new _JavaMonitorDecoder().decodeRootObject(aResponse.content()); } catch (WOXMLException wxe) { log.error("Got non-parsable data from Host: {} + and Port: {}. Data received was: {}. It is possible that the Wotaskd on the remote host is of the wrong version", configHostName, aPort, aResponse.contentString()); throw new MonitorException("Got non-parsable data from Host: " + configHostName + " + and Port: " + aPort + ". Data received was: " +aResponse.contentString() + ". It is possible that the Wotaskd on the remote host is of the wrong version"); } } NSArray errorResponse = (NSArray) xmlDict.valueForKey("errorResponse"); if (errorResponse != null) { String errorString = ""; for (int i=0; i<errorResponse.count(); i++) errorString = errorString + (String)errorResponse.objectAtIndex(i) + "\n"; throw new MonitorException(errorString); } NSDictionary queryWotaskdResponse = (NSDictionary) xmlDict.valueForKey("queryWotaskdResponse"); if (queryWotaskdResponse != null) { return new MSiteConfig((NSDictionary) queryWotaskdResponse.valueForKey("SiteConfig")); } return new MSiteConfig(null); } public MSiteConfig(NSDictionary xmlDict) { localHostAddress = WOApplication.application().hostAddress(); localHostName = WOApplication.application().host(); _siteConfig = this; if (xmlDict == null) { values = new NSMutableDictionary(); setViewRefreshEnabled(Boolean.TRUE); setViewRefreshRate(Integer.valueOf(60)); } else { NSDictionary siteDict = (NSDictionary) xmlDict.valueForKey("site"); if (siteDict == null) { // rdar://3935864 - Seed: "Null Pointer Exception" for WO Application Instances // It seems this should not be necessary, but there is no other place for default values to get fed in. -rrk // values = new NSMutableDictionary(new NSArray( new Object[] { Boolean.TRUE, Integer.valueOf(60) }), new NSArray ( new Object[] { "viewRefreshEnabled", "viewRefreshRate" })); } else { values = new NSMutableDictionary(siteDict); } NSArray hostArray = (NSArray) xmlDict.valueForKey("hostArray"); _initHostsWithArray(hostArray); NSArray applicationArray = (NSArray) xmlDict.valueForKey("applicationArray"); _initApplicationsWithArray(applicationArray); NSArray instanceArray = (NSArray) xmlDict.valueForKey("instanceArray"); _initInstancesWithArray(instanceArray); } // setting the multiplier for assuming an application is dead _appIsDeadMultiplier = 2 * 1000; String WOAssumeAppIsDeadMultiplier = System.getProperties().getProperty("WOAssumeApplicationIsDeadMultiplier"); if (WOAssumeAppIsDeadMultiplier != null) { try { Integer tempInt = Integer.valueOf(WOAssumeAppIsDeadMultiplier); _appIsDeadMultiplier = tempInt.intValue() * 1000; } catch (NumberFormatException e) { // go with the default NSLog._conditionallyLogPrivateException(e); } } _lastConfig = generateSiteConfigXML(); } public void _initHostsWithArray(NSArray anArray) { if (anArray == null) return; for (int i=0; i<anArray.count(); i++) { MHost aHost = new MHost( (NSDictionary) anArray.objectAtIndex(i), this); _addHost(aHost); } } public void _initApplicationsWithArray(NSArray anArray) { if (anArray == null) return; for (int i=0; i<anArray.count(); i++) { MApplication anApplication = new MApplication( (NSDictionary) anArray.objectAtIndex(i), this); _addApplication(anApplication); } } public void _initInstancesWithArray(NSArray anArray) { if (anArray == null) return; for (int i=0; i<anArray.count(); i++) { MInstance anInstance = new MInstance( (NSDictionary) anArray.objectAtIndex(i), this); _addInstance(anInstance); } } /**********/ /********** File System Stuff **********/ private static String _configDirectoryPath = null; private static String _pathForSiteConfig = null; private static String _pathForAdaptorConfig = null; private static File _fileForSiteConfig = null; private static File _fileForAdaptorConfig = null; public static String configDirectoryPath() { String _fS = File.separator; if (_configDirectoryPath == null) { _configDirectoryPath = System.getProperty("WODeploymentConfigurationDirectory"); if (_configDirectoryPath != null) { NSLog.debug.appendln("WODeploymentConfigurationDirectory set to non-default: "+_configDirectoryPath); } if ((_configDirectoryPath == null) || (_configDirectoryPath.length() == 0)) { String localRoot = System.getProperty("WOLocalRootDirectory"); // should reference WO_HOME variable, someday if ((localRoot != null) && (!localRoot.equals(""))) { NSLog.debug.appendln("WOLocalRootDirectory set to non-default: "+localRoot); } if (localRoot == null) { if (System.getProperties().getProperty("os.name").toLowerCase().startsWith("win")) { log.error("WOLocalRootDirectory was not set and the os.name returned something that started " + "with 'win' or 'WIN' - guessing that path should be 'C:/Apple/Local'"); localRoot = "C:" + _fS + "Apple" + _fS + "Local"; } else { localRoot = ""; } } _configDirectoryPath = NSPathUtilities.stringByAppendingPathComponent(localRoot, _fS + "Library" + _fS + "WebObjects" + _fS + "Configuration"); } if (!_configDirectoryPath.endsWith(_fS)) { _configDirectoryPath = _configDirectoryPath + _fS; } if (NSLog.debugLoggingAllowedForLevelAndGroups(NSLog.DebugLevelDetailed, NSLog.DebugGroupDeployment)) { NSLog.debug.appendln("configDirectoryPath = " + _configDirectoryPath); } File configDir = new File(_configDirectoryPath); if (!configDir.exists()) { if (!configDir.mkdirs()) { log.error("Configuration Directory {} does not exist, and cannot be created.", _configDirectoryPath); System.exit(1); } } else { if (!configDir.isDirectory()) { log.error("Configuration Directory {} is not actually a directory.", _configDirectoryPath); System.exit(1); } if (!configDir.canRead()) { log.error("Don't have permission to read from Configuration Directory {} as this user, please change the permissions or restart {} as another user.", _configDirectoryPath, WOApplication.application().name()); System.exit(1); } if ((WOApplication.application().name().equals("wotaskd")) && (!configDir.canWrite())) { log.error("Don't have permission to write to Configuration Directory {} as this user; please change the permissions.", _configDirectoryPath); System.exit(1); } } } return _configDirectoryPath; } public static String pathForSiteConfig() { if (_pathForSiteConfig == null) { _pathForSiteConfig = MSiteConfig.configDirectoryPath().concat("SiteConfig.xml"); } return _pathForSiteConfig; } public static String pathForAdaptorConfig() { if (_pathForAdaptorConfig == null) { _pathForAdaptorConfig = MSiteConfig.configDirectoryPath().concat("WOConfig.xml"); } return _pathForAdaptorConfig; } public static File fileForSiteConfig() { if (_fileForSiteConfig == null) { _fileForSiteConfig = new File(pathForSiteConfig()); } return _fileForSiteConfig; } public static File fileForAdaptorConfig() { if (_fileForAdaptorConfig == null) { _fileForAdaptorConfig = new File(pathForAdaptorConfig()); } return _fileForAdaptorConfig; } public static MSiteConfig unarchiveSiteConfig(boolean isWotaskd) { MSiteConfig aConfig = null; // the file may not exist, but we can create it. // if (!fileForSiteConfig().exists()) { // It is awkward to do the file creation here, in this way, but this stuff needs to be factored properly. // // This may throw an exception when it tries to create the file. Go to the utility method to see // the exception being dropped. // _NSStringUtilities.writeToFile( fileForSiteConfig(), (new _JavaMonitorCoder()).encodeRootObjectForKey(NSDictionary.EmptyDictionary, "SiteConfig")); } // now, the file should exist, or we have an error. // if (fileForSiteConfig().exists()) { if (fileForSiteConfig().canRead()) { try { NSDictionary siteDict = (NSDictionary) (new _JavaMonitorDecoder().decodeRootObject(pathForSiteConfig())); aConfig = new MSiteConfig(siteDict); if (NSLog.debugLoggingAllowedForLevelAndGroups(NSLog.DebugLevelDetailed, NSLog.DebugGroupDeployment)) NSLog.debug.appendln("the SiteConfig is \n" + aConfig.generateSiteConfigXML()); } catch (Throwable ex) { if (isWotaskd) { log.error("Failed to parse {}. Backing up original SiteConfig and continuing as if empty.", pathForSiteConfig()); backupSiteConfig(); } else { log.error("Failed to parse {}. Continuing as if empty.", pathForSiteConfig()); } } } else { log.error("Cannot read from SiteConfig file {}. Possible Permissions Problem.", pathForSiteConfig()); System.exit(1); } } else { log.error("SiteConfig file {} doesn't exist. Continuing as if empty.", pathForSiteConfig()); } if (aConfig == null) aConfig = new MSiteConfig(null); return aConfig; } private static void backupSiteConfig() { try { File sc = fileForSiteConfig(); if ( sc.exists() ) { NSTimestampFormatter formatter = new NSTimestampFormatter("%Y%m%d%H%M%S%F"); File renamedFile = new File(pathForSiteConfig() + "." + formatter.format(new NSTimestamp())); sc.renameTo(renamedFile); } } catch (NSForwardException ne) { log.error("Cannot backup file {}. Possible Permissions Problem.", pathForSiteConfig()); } } public void archiveSiteConfig() { saveSiteConfig(fileForSiteConfig(), generateSiteConfigXML(), false); } public void saveSiteConfig(File sc, String value, boolean compress) { try { if ( sc.exists() && !sc.canWrite() ) { log.error("Don't have permission to write to file {} as this user, please change the permissions.", sc.getAbsolutePath()); String pre = WOApplication.application().name() + " - " + localHostName; globalErrorDictionary.takeValueForKey(pre + " Don't have permission to write to file " + sc.getAbsolutePath() + " as this user, please change the permissions.", "archiveSiteConfig"); return; } if(compress) { sc = new File(sc.getParentFile(), sc.getName() + ".gz"); ERXFileUtilities.stringToGZippedFile(value, sc); } else { _NSStringUtilities.writeToFile(sc, value); } globalErrorDictionary.takeValueForKey(null, "archiveSiteConfig"); } catch (IOException e) { String message = "Cannot write to file " + sc.getAbsolutePath() + ". IOException: " + e.getLocalizedMessage(); log.error(message); String pre = WOApplication.application().name() + " - " + localHostName; globalErrorDictionary.takeValueForKey(pre + message, "archiveSiteConfig"); } catch (NSForwardException ne) { log.error("Cannot write to file {}. Possible Permissions Problem.", sc.getAbsolutePath()); String pre = WOApplication.application().name() + " - " + localHostName; globalErrorDictionary.takeValueForKey(pre + " Cannot write to file " + sc.getAbsolutePath() + ". Possible Permissions Problem.", "archiveSiteConfig"); } } public void archiveAdaptorConfig() { try { File ac = fileForAdaptorConfig(); if ( ac.exists() && !ac.canWrite() ) { log.error("Don't have permission to write to file {} as this user, please change the permissions.", fileForAdaptorConfig()); String pre = WOApplication.application().name() + " - " + localHostName; globalErrorDictionary.takeValueForKey(pre + " Don't have permission to write to file " + fileForAdaptorConfig() + "as this user, please change the permissions.", "archiveSiteConfig"); return; } _NSStringUtilities.writeToFile(fileForAdaptorConfig(), generateAdaptorConfigXML(false, false)); globalErrorDictionary.takeValueForKey(null, "archiveAdaptorConfig"); } catch (NSForwardException ne) { log.error("Cannot write to file {}. Possible Permissions Problem.", pathForAdaptorConfig()); String pre = WOApplication.application().name() + " - " + localHostName; globalErrorDictionary.takeValueForKey(pre + " Cannot write to file " + pathForAdaptorConfig() + ". Possible Permissions Problem.", "archiveAdaptorConfig"); } } /**********/ /** * This method should be removed, because it is only used by the deprecated MigrationPage in JavaMonitor. * @return */ @Deprecated public String generateHttpWebObjectsConfig(){ StringBuilder result = new StringBuilder(); result.append("ProxyRequests On\nProxyMaxForwards 10000\nProxyVia Full\n"); for (Enumeration e = applicationArray().objectEnumerator(); e.hasMoreElements(); ) { MApplication anApp = (MApplication) e.nextElement(); // if (!(onlyIncludeRunningInstances && !anApp.isRunning_W())) { anApp.extractAdaptorValuesFromSiteConfig(); // Integer retries = (Integer) anApp.adaptorValues.valueForKey("retries"); // String scheduler = (String) anApp.adaptorValues.valueForKey("scheduler"); // Integer dormant = (Integer) anApp.adaptorValues.valueForKey("dormant"); // String redir = (String) anApp.adaptorValues.valueForKey("redir"); // Integer poolsize = (Integer) anApp.adaptorValues.valueForKey("poolsize"); // Integer urlVersion = (Integer) anApp.adaptorValues.valueForKey("urlVersion"); result.append("<Proxy balancer://" + anApp.name() + ".woa>\n"); // if (retries != null) { // sb.append("\" retries=\""); // sb.append(retries.toString()); // } // if (scheduler != null) { // sb.append("\" scheduler=\""); // sb.append(scheduler); // } // if (dormant != null) { // sb.append("\" dormant=\""); // sb.append(dormant); // } // if (redir != null) { // sb.append("\" redir=\""); // sb.append(redir); // } // if (poolsize != null) { // sb.append("\" poolsize=\""); // sb.append(poolsize.toString()); // } // if (urlVersion != null) { // sb.append("\" urlVersion=\""); // sb.append(urlVersion.toString()); // } // sb.append("\">\n"); for (Enumeration e2 = anApp.instanceArray().objectEnumerator(); e2.hasMoreElements(); ) { MInstance anInst = (MInstance) e2.nextElement(); // if (!(onlyIncludeRunningInstances && !anInst.isRunning_W())) { anInst.extractAdaptorValuesFromApplication(); Integer id = (Integer) anInst.values.valueForKey("id"); Integer port = (Integer) anInst.values.valueForKey("port"); String host = (String) anInst.values.valueForKey("hostName"); // Integer sendTimeout = (Integer) anInst.adaptorValues.valueForKey("sendTimeout"); // Integer recvTimeout = (Integer) anInst.adaptorValues.valueForKey("recvTimeout"); // Integer cnctTimeout = (Integer) anInst.adaptorValues.valueForKey("cnctTimeout"); // Integer sendBufSize = (Integer) anInst.adaptorValues.valueForKey("sendBufSize"); // Integer recvBufSize = (Integer) anInst.adaptorValues.valueForKey("recvBufSize"); // if (id != null) { // sb.append(" id=\""); // sb.append(id.toString()); // } // if (port != null) { // sb.append("\" port=\""); // sb.append(port.toString()); // } // if (host != null) { // sb.append("\" host=\""); // sb.append(host); // } // if (sendTimeout != null) { // sb.append("\" sendTimeout=\""); // sb.append(sendTimeout.toString()); // } // if (recvTimeout != null) { // sb.append("\" recvTimeout=\""); // sb.append(recvTimeout.toString()); // } // if (cnctTimeout != null) { // sb.append("\" cnctTimeout=\""); // sb.append(cnctTimeout.toString()); // } // if (sendBufSize != null) { // sb.append("\" sendBufSize=\""); // sb.append(sendBufSize.toString()); // } // if (recvBufSize != null) { // sb.append("\" recvBufSize=\""); // sb.append(recvBufSize.toString()); // } final String route = anApp.name() + "_" + host + "_" + port + "_" + id; result.append("\tBalancerMember http://"); result.append(host); result.append(':'); result.append(port); result.append("/cgi-bin/WebObjects/"); result.append(anApp.name()); result.append(".woa route="); result.append(route); result.append('\n'); } // end if (!(onlyIncludeRunningInstances && !anInst.isRunning())); // } result.append("</Proxy>\n"); result.append("ProxyPass /cgi-bin/WebObjects/"); result.append(anApp.name()); result.append(".woa balancer://"); result.append(anApp.name()); result.append(".woa stickysession=woclusteragentid nofailover=On\n"); result.append('\n'); // } // end if (!(onlyIncludeRunningInstances && anApp.isRunning())) } // end Application Enumeration // if (shouldIncludeUnregisteredInstances) { // // For unknown/unregistered instances // ProtoLocalMonitor plMonitor = (ProtoLocalMonitor) WOApplication.application().valueForKey("localMonitor"); // if (plMonitor != null) { // StringBuffer unknownSB = plMonitor.generateAdaptorConfigXML(); // if (unknownSB.length() > 0) { // sb.append(unknownSB); // } // } // } result.append('\n'); return result.toString(); } /********** Archiving Support **********/ // KH - speed this up by uniquing the strings public String generateAdaptorConfigXML(boolean onlyIncludeRunningInstances, boolean shouldIncludeUnregisteredInstances) { StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder("<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"ASCII\"?>\n<adaptor>\n"); for (Enumeration e = applicationArray().objectEnumerator(); e.hasMoreElements(); ) { MApplication anApp = (MApplication) e.nextElement(); if (!(onlyIncludeRunningInstances && !anApp.isRunning_W())) { anApp.extractAdaptorValuesFromSiteConfig(); Integer retries = (Integer) anApp.adaptorValues.valueForKey("retries"); String scheduler = (String) anApp.adaptorValues.valueForKey("scheduler"); Integer dormant = (Integer) anApp.adaptorValues.valueForKey("dormant"); String redir = (String) anApp.adaptorValues.valueForKey("redir"); Integer poolsize = (Integer) anApp.adaptorValues.valueForKey("poolsize"); Integer urlVersion = (Integer) anApp.adaptorValues.valueForKey("urlVersion"); sb.append(" <application name=\""); sb.append(anApp.name()); if (retries != null) { sb.append("\" retries=\""); sb.append(retries.toString()); } if (scheduler != null) { sb.append("\" scheduler=\""); sb.append(scheduler); } if (dormant != null) { sb.append("\" dormant=\""); sb.append(dormant); } if (redir != null) { sb.append("\" redir=\""); sb.append(redir); } if (poolsize != null) { sb.append("\" poolsize=\""); sb.append(poolsize.toString()); } if (urlVersion != null) { sb.append("\" urlVersion=\""); sb.append(urlVersion.toString()); } sb.append("\">\n"); for (Enumeration e2 = anApp.instanceArray().objectEnumerator(); e2.hasMoreElements(); ) { MInstance anInst = (MInstance) e2.nextElement(); if (!(onlyIncludeRunningInstances && !anInst.isRunning_W())) { anInst.extractAdaptorValuesFromApplication(); Integer id = (Integer) anInst.values.valueForKey("id"); Integer port = (Integer) anInst.values.valueForKey("port"); String host = (String) anInst.values.valueForKey("hostName"); Integer sendTimeout = (Integer) anInst.adaptorValues.valueForKey("sendTimeout"); Integer recvTimeout = (Integer) anInst.adaptorValues.valueForKey("recvTimeout"); Integer cnctTimeout = (Integer) anInst.adaptorValues.valueForKey("cnctTimeout"); Integer sendBufSize = (Integer) anInst.adaptorValues.valueForKey("sendBufSize"); Integer recvBufSize = (Integer) anInst.adaptorValues.valueForKey("recvBufSize"); sb.append(" <instance"); if (id != null) { sb.append(" id=\""); sb.append(id.toString()); } if (port != null) { sb.append("\" port=\""); sb.append(port.toString()); } if (host != null) { sb.append("\" host=\""); sb.append(host); } if (sendTimeout != null) { sb.append("\" sendTimeout=\""); sb.append(sendTimeout.toString()); } if (recvTimeout != null) { sb.append("\" recvTimeout=\""); sb.append(recvTimeout.toString()); } if (cnctTimeout != null) { sb.append("\" cnctTimeout=\""); sb.append(cnctTimeout.toString()); } if (sendBufSize != null) { sb.append("\" sendBufSize=\""); sb.append(sendBufSize.toString()); } if (recvBufSize != null) { sb.append("\" recvBufSize=\""); sb.append(recvBufSize.toString()); } sb.append("\"/>\n"); } // end if (!(onlyIncludeRunningInstances && !anInst.isRunning())); } sb.append(" </application>\n"); } // end if (!(onlyIncludeRunningInstances && anApp.isRunning())) } // end Application Enumeration if (shouldIncludeUnregisteredInstances) { // For unknown/unregistered instances ProtoLocalMonitor plMonitor = (ProtoLocalMonitor) WOApplication.application().valueForKey("localMonitor"); if (plMonitor != null) { StringBuffer unknownSB = plMonitor.generateAdaptorConfigXML(); if (unknownSB.length() > 0) { sb.append(unknownSB); } } } sb.append("</adaptor>\n"); return sb.toString(); } public String generateSiteConfigXML() { return (new _JavaMonitorCoder()).encodeRootObjectForKey(dictionaryForArchive(), "SiteConfig"); } private String _lastConfig; public void backup(String action) { if(Boolean.getBoolean("WODeploymentBackups")) { String currentSiteConfig = generateSiteConfigXML(); if(!_lastConfig.equals(generateSiteConfigXML())) { String date = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd-hh_mm_ss").format(new Date()); saveSiteConfig(new File(fileForSiteConfig().getParentFile(), "SiteConfigBackup.xml." + date + "." + action), _lastConfig, true); _lastConfig = currentSiteConfig; } } } public void forceBackup(String reason) { reason = reason != null ? "." + reason : ""; String date = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd-hh_mm_ss").format(new Date()); saveSiteConfig(new File(fileForSiteConfig().getParentFile(), "SiteConfigBackup.xml." + date + reason), generateSiteConfigXML(), true); } public NSDictionary dictionaryForArchive() { int hostArrayCount = _hostArray.count(); int applicationArrayCount = _applicationArray.count(); int instanceArrayCount = _instanceArray.count(); NSMutableDictionary SiteConfig = new NSMutableDictionary(4); NSMutableDictionary Site = values; NSMutableArray HostArray = new NSMutableArray(hostArrayCount); for (int i=0; i<hostArrayCount; i++) { MObject anMobject = (MObject) _hostArray.objectAtIndex(i); HostArray.addObject(anMobject.values); } NSMutableArray ApplicationArray = new NSMutableArray(applicationArrayCount); for (int i=0; i<applicationArrayCount; i++) { MObject anMobject = (MObject) _applicationArray.objectAtIndex(i); ApplicationArray.addObject(anMobject.values); } NSMutableArray InstanceArray = new NSMutableArray(instanceArrayCount); for (int i=0; i<instanceArrayCount; i++) { MObject anMobject = (MObject) _instanceArray.objectAtIndex(i); InstanceArray.addObject(anMobject.values); } SiteConfig.takeValueForKey(Site, "site"); SiteConfig.takeValueForKey(HostArray, "hostArray"); SiteConfig.takeValueForKey(ApplicationArray, "applicationArray"); SiteConfig.takeValueForKey(InstanceArray, "instanceArray"); return SiteConfig; } @Override public String toString() { return values.toString() + "\n" + "hasChanges = " + _hasChanges + "\n" + "configDirectoryPath = " + _configDirectoryPath; } /**********/ // KH - all these should be cached! public long autoRecoverInterval() { int instanceArrayCount = _instanceArray.count(); int smallestInterval = 0; for (int i=0; i<instanceArrayCount; i++) { MInstance anInst = (MInstance) _instanceArray.objectAtIndex(i); Integer Interval = anInst.lifebeatInterval(); if (Interval != null) { int interval = Interval.intValue(); if (interval < smallestInterval) { smallestInterval = interval; } } } if (smallestInterval < 1) { return 30 * 1000; } return smallestInterval * 1000; } public MApplication applicationWithName(String anAppName) { if (anAppName == null) return null; int applicationArrayCount = _applicationArray.count(); for (int i=0; i<applicationArrayCount; i++) { MApplication anApp = (MApplication) _applicationArray.objectAtIndex(i); if (anApp.name().equals(anAppName)) { return anApp; } } return null; } public MHost hostWithName(String aHostName) { if (aHostName == null) return null; if (aHostName.equals("localhost")) { return localHost(); } int hostArrayCount = _hostArray.count(); for (int i=0; i<hostArrayCount; i++) { MHost aHost = (MHost) _hostArray.objectAtIndex(i); if (aHost.name().equals(aHostName)) { return aHost; } } return null; } public boolean localhostOrLoopbackHostExists() { String localhost = "localhost"; String loopback = ""; int hostArrayCount = _hostArray.count(); for (int i=0; i<hostArrayCount; i++) { MHost aHost = (MHost) _hostArray.objectAtIndex(i); if ( (aHost.name().equals(localhost)) || (aHost.name().equals(loopback)) ) { return true; } } return false; } public MHost hostWithAddress(InetAddress anAddress) { if (anAddress == null) return null; if ( (_localHost != null) && (anAddress.equals(localHostAddress)) ) { return _localHost; } int hostArrayCount = _hostArray.count(); for (int i=0; i<hostArrayCount; i++) { MHost aHost = (MHost) _hostArray.objectAtIndex(i); if (anAddress.equals(aHost.address())) { return aHost; } } return null; } public MInstance instanceWithName(String anInstanceName) { if (anInstanceName == null) return null; int instanceArrayCount = _instanceArray.count(); for (int i=0; i<instanceArrayCount; i++) { MInstance anInstance = (MInstance) _instanceArray.objectAtIndex(i); if (anInstance.displayName().equals(anInstanceName)) { return anInstance; } } return null; } public MInstance instanceWithHostnameAndPort(String hostAndPort) { NSArray hostPortArray = NSArray.componentsSeparatedByString(hostAndPort, "\n"); return instanceWithHostnameAndPort( (String) hostPortArray.objectAtIndex(0), Integer.valueOf((String) hostPortArray.objectAtIndex(2)) ); } public MInstance instanceWithHostnameAndPort(String hostName, String port) { try { Integer anIntPort = Integer.valueOf(port); return instanceWithHostnameAndPort(hostName, anIntPort); } catch (Exception e) { log.error("Exception getting instance: {}:{}", hostName, port, e); } return null; } public MInstance instanceWithHostnameAndPort(String hostName, Integer port) { MHost aHost = hostWithName(hostName); if (aHost == null) { return null; } return aHost.instanceWithPort(port); } public MInstance instanceWithHostAndPort(String name, InetAddress host, String port) { try { Integer anIntPort = Integer.valueOf(port); MHost aHost = hostWithAddress(host); if (aHost == null) { return null; } MInstance anInstance = aHost.instanceWithPort(anIntPort); if (anInstance != null) { if (anInstance.applicationName().equals(name)) { return anInstance; } } } catch (Exception e) { log.error("Exception getting instance: {}:{}", host, port, e); } return null; } public NSArray instancesWithHostName(String host) { try { MHost aHost = hostWithName(host); if (aHost == null) { return null; } return aHost.instanceArray(); } catch (Exception e) { log.error("Exception getting instances for host: {}", host, e); } return null; } public int _appIsDeadMultiplier; }