package er.jqm.components.core; import org.slf4j.Logger; import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory; import com.webobjects.appserver.WOContext; import; import; import; /** * Input type="<strong>text</strong> | password | number | email | url | tel | time | date | month | week | datetime | datetime-local | color" * * <pre> * id * class * value * * localValues * localMatchFromStart <strong>true</strong> | false * * data-corners <strong>true</strong> | false * data-clear-btn true | <strong>false</strong> - Adds a clear button * data-clear-btn-text string - Text for the close button. Default: "<strong>clear text</strong>" * data-mini true | <strong>false</strong> - Compact sized version * data-role none - Prevents auto-enhancement to use native control * data-theme swatch letter (a-z) - Added to the form element * data-wrapper-class * * data-disabled true | <strong>false</strong> * label * placeholder * inset true | <strong>false</strong> - surround all with div class = "ui-field-contain" * hideLabel true | <strong>false</strong> * * otherTagString tag string added to input field attribute list * otherTagStringLabel tag string added to label attribute list * * list-data-icon * list-inset <strong>true</strong> | false * jsonAction * jsonActionClass * jsonDirectActionName * jsonQueryDictionary * jsonComplex true | <strong>false</strong> * autosubmit true | <strong>false</strong> * minLength <strong>3</strong> * * </pre> * * More Information unter and */ public class ERQMAutoComplete extends ERQMTextField { private static final Logger log = LoggerFactory.getLogger(ERQMAutoComplete.class); public ERQMAutoComplete(WOContext context) { super(context); } @Override public String wodName() { return ERQMAutoComplete.class.getName(); } public String listID() { return "l_" + javaScriptElementID(); } public boolean hasHiddenValue() { return hasBinding("valueHidden"); } public String hiddenValueId() { return "h_" + javaScriptElementID(); } public boolean hasLocalValues() { return hasBinding("localValues"); } public String localValuesAsString() { String result = null; Object obj = _objectValueForBinding("localValues", null, null); if (obj != null) { if (obj instanceof String) { result = (String) obj; } else if (obj instanceof NSArray) { @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") NSArray<Object> array = (NSArray<Object>) obj; StringBuffer buf = new StringBuffer(); for (int i = 0; i < array.count(); i++) { if (i > 0) { buf.append(", "); } buf.append("'"); buf.append(array.get(i).toString()); buf.append("'"); } result = buf.toString(); } } return result; } public boolean localMatchFromStart() { return booleanValueForBinding("localMatchFromStart", true); } public String jsonActionClass() { return stringValueForBinding("jsonActionClass"); } public String jsonDirectActionName() { return stringValueForBinding("jsonDirectActionName"); } @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") public NSDictionary<String, Object> jsonQueryDictionary() { NSMutableDictionary tmp = null; if (hasBinding("jsonQueryDictionary") && valueForKey("jsonQueryDictionary") != null) { tmp = new NSMutableDictionary(valueForNSDictionaryBindings("jsonQueryDictionary", new NSDictionary("1", "any"))); } else { tmp = new NSMutableDictionary("1", "any"); } return tmp.immutableClone(); } public boolean isJsonComplex() { boolean complex = booleanValueForBinding("jsonComplex", false); if (complex && !hasHiddenValue()) { log.error("if jsonComplex = true a hidden value must be set"); } return complex; } public String minLength() { return stringValueForBinding("minLength", "3"); } public boolean hasIcon() { return hasBinding("list-data-icon"); } public boolean isAutosubmit() { return booleanValueForBinding("autosubmit", false); } public String otherTagStringList() { String tmp = _stringValueForBinding("otherTagStringList", "", null); if (hasBinding("list-data-icon")) { tmp = tmp + " data-icon=\"" + stringValueForBinding("list-data-icon") + "\""; } if (hasBinding("list-inset")) { tmp = tmp + " data-inset=\"" + stringValueForBinding("list-inset") + "\""; } else { tmp = tmp + " data-inset=\"true\""; } return tmp; } }