/* © Copyright 2006- 2007 Apple Computer, Inc. All rights reserved. IMPORTANT: This Apple software is supplied to you by Apple Computer, Inc. ("Apple") in consideration of your agreement to the following terms, and your use, installation, modification or redistribution of this Apple software constitutes acceptance of these terms. If you do not agree with these terms, please do not use, install, modify or redistribute this Apple software. In consideration of your agreement to abide by the following terms, and subject to these terms, Apple grants you a personal, non-exclusive license, under Apple's copyrights in this original Apple software (the "Apple Software"), to use, reproduce, modify and redistribute the Apple Software, with or without modifications, in source and/or binary forms; provided that if you redistribute the Apple Software in its entirety and without modifications, you must retain this notice and the following text and disclaimers in all such redistributions of the Apple Software. Neither the name, trademarks, service marks or logos of Apple Computer, Inc. may be used to endorse or promote products derived from the Apple Software without specific prior written permission from Apple. Except as expressly stated in this notice, no other rights or licenses, express or implied, are granted by Apple herein, including but not limited to any patent rights that may be infringed by your derivative works or by other works in which the Apple Software may be incorporated. The Apple Software is provided by Apple on an "AS IS" basis. APPLE MAKES NO WARRANTIES, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING WITHOUT LIMITATION THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF NON-INFRINGEMENT, MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE, REGARDING THE APPLE SOFTWARE OR ITS USE AND OPERATION ALONE OR IN COMBINATION WITH YOUR PRODUCTS. IN NO EVENT SHALL APPLE BE LIABLE FOR ANY SPECIAL, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE, REPRODUCTION, MODIFICATION AND/OR DISTRIBUTION OF THE APPLE SOFTWARE, HOWEVER CAUSED AND WHETHER UNDER THEORY OF CONTRACT, TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE), STRICT LIABILITY OR OTHERWISE, EVEN IF APPLE HAS BEEN ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. */ package com.webobjects.monitor._private; import java.util.TimeZone; import java.util.Timer; import java.util.TimerTask; import com.webobjects.appserver.WOApplication; import com.webobjects.appserver.WOMailDelivery; import com.webobjects.foundation.NSArray; import com.webobjects.foundation.NSDictionary; import com.webobjects.foundation.NSLog; import com.webobjects.foundation.NSMutableArray; import com.webobjects.foundation.NSMutableDictionary; import com.webobjects.foundation.NSPathUtilities; import com.webobjects.foundation.NSTimeZone; import com.webobjects.foundation.NSTimestamp; import com.webobjects.foundation.NSTimestampFormatter; import er.extensions.eof.ERXKey; public class MInstance extends MObject { static NSTimestampFormatter dateFormatter = new NSTimestampFormatter("%m/%d/%Y %H:%M:%S %Z"); static NSTimestampFormatter shutdownFormatter = new NSTimestampFormatter("%a @ %H:00"); public static final ERXKey<MHost> HOST = new ERXKey<>("host"); public static final ERXKey<String> HOST_NAME = new ERXKey<>("hostName"); /* * String hostName; Integer id; Integer port; String applicationName; * Boolean autoRecover; Integer minimumActiveSessionsCount; String path; * Boolean cachingEnabled; Boolean debuggingEnabled; String outputPath; * Boolean autoOpenInBrowser; Integer lifebeatInterval; String * additionalArgs; Boolean schedulingEnabled; String schedulingType; // * HOURLY | WEEKLY | DAILY Integer schedulingHourlyStartTime; // 1-24 * O'clock Integer schedulingDailyStartTime; // 1-24 O'clock Integer * schedulingWeeklyStartTime; // 1-24 O'clock Integer schedulingStartDay; // * 1-7 (Mon-Sun) Integer schedulingInterval; // in hours Boolean * gracefulScheduling; Integer sendTimeout; Integer recvTimeout; Integer * cnctTimeout; Integer sendBufSize; Integer recvBufSize; */ @Override public int hashCode() { final int prime = 31; int result = 1; result = prime * result + ((_application == null) ? 0 : _application.hashCode()); result = prime * result + ((id() == null) ? 0 : id().hashCode()); return result; } @Override public boolean equals(Object obj) { if (this == obj) return true; if (obj == null) return false; if (getClass() != obj.getClass()) return false; final MInstance other = (MInstance) obj; if (_application == null) { if (other._application != null) return false; } else if (!_application.equals(other._application)) return false; if (id() == null) { if (other.id() != null) return false; } else if (!id().equals(other.id())) return false; return true; } /** ******** 'values' accessors ********* */ public String hostName() { return (String) values.valueForKey("hostName"); } public void setHostName(String value) { values.takeValueForKey(value, "hostName"); _siteConfig.dataHasChanged(); } public Integer id() { return (Integer) values.valueForKey("id"); } public void setId(Integer value) { values.takeValueForKey(MObject.validatedInteger(value), "id"); _siteConfig.dataHasChanged(); } public Integer port() { return (Integer) values.valueForKey("port"); } public void setPort(Integer value) { Integer valVal = MObject.validatedInteger(value); if (!valVal.equals(port())) { setOldport(port()); values.takeValueForKey(valVal, "port"); _siteConfig.dataHasChanged(); } } public String applicationName() { return (String) values.valueForKey("applicationName"); } public void setApplicationName(String value) { values.takeValueForKey(value, "applicationName"); _siteConfig.dataHasChanged(); } public Boolean autoRecover() { return (Boolean) values.valueForKey("autoRecover"); } public void setAutoRecover(Boolean value) { values.takeValueForKey(value, "autoRecover"); _siteConfig.dataHasChanged(); } public Integer minimumActiveSessionsCount() { return (Integer) values.valueForKey("minimumActiveSessionsCount"); } public void setMinimumActiveSessionsCount(Integer value) { values.takeValueForKey(MObject.validatedInteger(value), "minimumActiveSessionsCount"); _siteConfig.dataHasChanged(); } public String path() { return (String) values.valueForKey("path"); } public void setPath(String value) { values.takeValueForKey(value, "path"); _siteConfig.dataHasChanged(); } public Boolean cachingEnabled() { return (Boolean) values.valueForKey("cachingEnabled"); } public void setCachingEnabled(Boolean value) { values.takeValueForKey(value, "cachingEnabled"); _siteConfig.dataHasChanged(); } public Boolean debuggingEnabled() { return (Boolean) values.valueForKey("debuggingEnabled"); } public void setDebuggingEnabled(Boolean value) { values.takeValueForKey(value, "debuggingEnabled"); _siteConfig.dataHasChanged(); } public String outputPath() { return (String) values.valueForKey("outputPath"); } public void setOutputPath(String value) { values.takeValueForKey(MObject.validatedOutputPath(value), "outputPath"); _siteConfig.dataHasChanged(); } public Boolean autoOpenInBrowser() { return (Boolean) values.valueForKey("autoOpenInBrowser"); } public void setAutoOpenInBrowser(Boolean value) { values.takeValueForKey(value, "autoOpenInBrowser"); _siteConfig.dataHasChanged(); } public Integer lifebeatInterval() { return (Integer) values.valueForKey("lifebeatInterval"); } public void setLifebeatInterval(Integer value) { values.takeValueForKey(MObject.validatedLifebeatInterval(value), "lifebeatInterval"); _siteConfig.dataHasChanged(); } public String additionalArgs() { return (String) values.valueForKey("additionalArgs"); } public void setAdditionalArgs(String value) { values.takeValueForKey(value, "additionalArgs"); _siteConfig.dataHasChanged(); } public Boolean schedulingEnabled() { return (Boolean) values.valueForKey("schedulingEnabled"); } public void setSchedulingEnabled(Boolean value) { values.takeValueForKey(value, "schedulingEnabled"); _siteConfig.dataHasChanged(); } public String schedulingType() { return (String) values.valueForKey("schedulingType"); } public void setSchedulingType(String value) { values.takeValueForKey(MObject.validatedSchedulingType(value), "schedulingType"); _siteConfig.dataHasChanged(); } public Integer schedulingHourlyStartTime() { return (Integer) values.valueForKey("schedulingHourlyStartTime"); } public void setSchedulingHourlyStartTime(Integer value) { values.takeValueForKey(MObject.validatedSchedulingStartTime(value), "schedulingHourlyStartTime"); _siteConfig.dataHasChanged(); } public Integer schedulingDailyStartTime() { return (Integer) values.valueForKey("schedulingDailyStartTime"); } public void setSchedulingDailyStartTime(Integer value) { values.takeValueForKey(MObject.validatedSchedulingStartTime(value), "schedulingDailyStartTime"); _siteConfig.dataHasChanged(); } public Integer schedulingWeeklyStartTime() { return (Integer) values.valueForKey("schedulingWeeklyStartTime"); } public void setSchedulingWeeklyStartTime(Integer value) { values.takeValueForKey(MObject.validatedSchedulingStartTime(value), "schedulingWeeklyStartTime"); _siteConfig.dataHasChanged(); } public Integer schedulingStartDay() { return (Integer) values.valueForKey("schedulingStartDay"); } public void setSchedulingStartDay(Integer value) { values.takeValueForKey(MObject.validatedSchedulingStartDay(value), "schedulingStartDay"); _siteConfig.dataHasChanged(); } public Integer schedulingInterval() { return (Integer) values.valueForKey("schedulingInterval"); } public void setSchedulingInterval(Integer value) { values.takeValueForKey(MObject.validatedInteger(value), "schedulingInterval"); _siteConfig.dataHasChanged(); } public Boolean gracefulScheduling() { return (Boolean) values.valueForKey("gracefulScheduling"); } public void setGracefulScheduling(Boolean value) { values.takeValueForKey(value, "gracefulScheduling"); _siteConfig.dataHasChanged(); } public Integer sendTimeout() { return (Integer) values.valueForKey("sendTimeout"); } public void setSendTimeout(Integer value) { values.takeValueForKey(MObject.validatedInteger(value), "sendTimeout"); _siteConfig.dataHasChanged(); } public Integer recvTimeout() { return (Integer) values.valueForKey("recvTimeout"); } public void setRecvTimeout(Integer value) { values.takeValueForKey(MObject.validatedInteger(value), "recvTimeout"); _siteConfig.dataHasChanged(); } public Integer cnctTimeout() { return (Integer) values.valueForKey("cnctTimeout"); } public void setCnctTimeout(Integer value) { values.takeValueForKey(MObject.validatedInteger(value), "cnctTimeout"); _siteConfig.dataHasChanged(); } public Integer sendBufSize() { return (Integer) values.valueForKey("sendBufSize"); } public void setSendBufSize(Integer value) { values.takeValueForKey(MObject.validatedInteger(value), "sendBufSize"); _siteConfig.dataHasChanged(); } public Integer recvBufSize() { return (Integer) values.valueForKey("recvBufSize"); } public void setRecvBufSize(Integer value) { values.takeValueForKey(MObject.validatedInteger(value), "recvBufSize"); _siteConfig.dataHasChanged(); } /** ******* */ /** ******** Don't use this ********** */ public Integer oldport() { return (Integer) values.valueForKey("oldport"); } public void setOldport(Integer value) { values.takeValueForKey(MObject.validatedInteger(value), "oldport"); _siteConfig.dataHasChanged(); } /** ******* */ /** ******** Object Graph ********* */ MHost _host; MApplication _application; public MHost host() { return _host; } public MApplication application() { return _application; } /** ******* */ NSTimestamp _lastRegistration = NSTimestamp.DistantPast; NSMutableArray _deaths = new NSMutableArray(); private boolean isRefusingNewSessions = false; public int state = MObject.DEAD; /** ******** Constructors ********* */ // This constructor is for adding new instances through the UI public MInstance(MHost aHost, MApplication anApplication, Integer anID, MSiteConfig aConfig) { shutdownFormatter.setDefaultFormatTimeZone(NSTimeZone.timeZoneWithName("UTC", true)); values = new NSMutableDictionary(); _host = aHost; _application = anApplication; _siteConfig = aConfig; setApplicationName(_application.name()); setHostName(_host.name()); setId(anID); takeValuesFromApplication(); setSchedulingEnabled(Boolean.FALSE); setSchedulingType("DAILY"); setSchedulingHourlyStartTime(Integer.valueOf(3)); setSchedulingDailyStartTime(Integer.valueOf(3)); setSchedulingWeeklyStartTime(Integer.valueOf(3)); setSchedulingStartDay(Integer.valueOf(1)); // Sunday setSchedulingInterval(Integer.valueOf(12)); setGracefulScheduling(Boolean.TRUE); } // This constructor is for unarchiving Instances public MInstance(NSDictionary aDict, MSiteConfig aConfig) { shutdownFormatter.setDefaultFormatTimeZone(NSTimeZone.timeZoneWithName("UTC", true)); values = new NSMutableDictionary(aDict); _host = aConfig.hostWithName(hostName()); _application = aConfig.applicationWithName(applicationName()); _siteConfig = aConfig; calculateNextScheduledShutdown(); } public void _takeNameFromApplication() { setApplicationName(_application.name()); } public void _takePortFromApplication() { NSDictionary appValues = _application.values; MHost aHost = _host; Integer appPort = (Integer) appValues.valueForKey("startingPort"); if ((port() == null) || ((port() != null) && (port().intValue() < appPort.intValue()))) setPort(aHost.nextAvailablePort(appPort)); } public void _takePathFromApplication() { NSDictionary appValues = _application.values; MHost aHost = _host; if (aHost.osType().equals("UNIX")) { values.takeValueForKey(appValues.valueForKey("unixPath"), "path"); } else if (aHost.osType().equals("WINDOWS")) { values.takeValueForKey(appValues.valueForKey("winPath"), "path"); } else if (aHost.osType().equals("MACOSX")) { values.takeValueForKey(appValues.valueForKey("macPath"), "path"); } } public void _takeOutputPathFromApplication() { NSDictionary appValues = _application.values; MHost aHost = _host; if (aHost.osType().equals("UNIX")) { values.takeValueForKey(generateOutputPath((String) appValues.valueForKey("unixOutputPath")), "outputPath"); } else if (aHost.osType().equals("WINDOWS")) { values.takeValueForKey(generateOutputPath((String) appValues.valueForKey("winOutputPath")), "outputPath"); } else if (aHost.osType().equals("MACOSX")) { values.takeValueForKey(generateOutputPath((String) appValues.valueForKey("macOutputPath")), "outputPath"); } } public void _takeValueFromApplication(String valueName) { NSDictionary appValues = _application.values; values.takeValueForKey(appValues.valueForKey(valueName), valueName); } public void takeValuesFromApplication() { _takeNameFromApplication(); _takePortFromApplication(); _takeValueFromApplication("autoRecover"); _takeValueFromApplication("minimumActiveSessionsCount"); _takePathFromApplication(); _takeOutputPathFromApplication(); _takeValueFromApplication("cachingEnabled"); _takeValueFromApplication("debuggingEnabled"); _takeValueFromApplication("autoOpenInBrowser"); _takeValueFromApplication("lifebeatInterval"); _takeValueFromApplication("additionalArgs"); } public String generateOutputPath(String pathEndingWithSeperator) { if (pathEndingWithSeperator != null) { return NSPathUtilities._standardizedPath(NSPathUtilities.stringByAppendingPathComponent( pathEndingWithSeperator, displayName())); } return null; } /** ******* */ /** ******** Archiving Support ********* */ public NSDictionary dictionaryForArchive() { return values; } @Override public String toString() { if (false) { return (values.toString() + " " + "lastRegistration = " + _lastRegistration + " " + "state = " + state + " " + "isRefusingNewSessions = " + isRefusingNewSessions() + " " + "deaths = " + _deaths); } return "MInstance@" + applicationName() + "-" + id(); } public void extractAdaptorValuesFromApplication() { // get my instance settings adaptorValues.takeValueForKey(values.valueForKey("sendTimeout"), "sendTimeout"); adaptorValues.takeValueForKey(values.valueForKey("recvTimeout"), "recvTimeout"); adaptorValues.takeValueForKey(values.valueForKey("cnctTimeout"), "cnctTimeout"); adaptorValues.takeValueForKey(values.valueForKey("sendBufSize"), "sendBufSize"); adaptorValues.takeValueForKey(values.valueForKey("recvBufSize"), "recvBufSize"); // get MApplication application settings for setting that are still not // set if (adaptorValues.valueForKey("sendTimeout") == null) adaptorValues.takeValueForKey(_application.values.valueForKey("sendTimeout"), "sendTimeout"); if (adaptorValues.valueForKey("recvTimeout") == null) adaptorValues.takeValueForKey(_application.values.valueForKey("recvTimeout"), "recvTimeout"); if (adaptorValues.valueForKey("cnctTimeout") == null) adaptorValues.takeValueForKey(_application.values.valueForKey("cnctTimeout"), "cnctTimeout"); if (adaptorValues.valueForKey("sendBufSize") == null) adaptorValues.takeValueForKey(_application.values.valueForKey("sendBufSize"), "sendBufSize"); if (adaptorValues.valueForKey("recvBufSize") == null) adaptorValues.takeValueForKey(_application.values.valueForKey("recvBufSize"), "recvBufSize"); // get MSiteConfig application settings for settings that are still not // set if (adaptorValues.valueForKey("sendTimeout") == null) adaptorValues.takeValueForKey(_siteConfig.values.valueForKey("sendTimeout"), "sendTimeout"); if (adaptorValues.valueForKey("recvTimeout") == null) adaptorValues.takeValueForKey(_siteConfig.values.valueForKey("recvTimeout"), "recvTimeout"); if (adaptorValues.valueForKey("cnctTimeout") == null) adaptorValues.takeValueForKey(_siteConfig.values.valueForKey("cnctTimeout"), "cnctTimeout"); if (adaptorValues.valueForKey("sendBufSize") == null) adaptorValues.takeValueForKey(_siteConfig.values.valueForKey("sendBufSize"), "sendBufSize"); if (adaptorValues.valueForKey("recvBufSize") == null) adaptorValues.takeValueForKey(_siteConfig.values.valueForKey("recvBufSize"), "recvBufSize"); } /** ******* */ /** ******** Display Name Strings ********* */ public String displayName() { return applicationName() + "-" + id(); } public String displayHostAndPort() { return hostName() + ":" + port(); } /** ******* */ /** ******** Statistics Support ********* */ NSMutableDictionary _statistics = new NSMutableDictionary(); public NSDictionary statistics() { return _statistics; } public void setStatistics(NSDictionary newStatistics) { _statistics.takeValueForKey(MObject.validatedStats((String) newStatistics.valueForKey("transactions")), "transactions"); _statistics.takeValueForKey(MObject.validatedStats((String) newStatistics.valueForKey("activeSessions")), "activeSessions"); _statistics.takeValueForKey(MObject.validatedStats((String) newStatistics.valueForKey("avgTransactionTime")), "avgTransactionTime"); _statistics.takeValueForKey(MObject.validatedStats((String) newStatistics.valueForKey("averageIdlePeriod")), "averageIdlePeriod"); _statistics.takeValueForKey(MObject.validatedStats((String) newStatistics.valueForKey("startedAt")), "startedAt"); } public String transactions() { if (_statistics != null) { Object _value = _statistics.valueForKey("transactions"); if (_value != null) return (_value.toString()); } return "-"; } public String activeSessions() { if (_statistics != null) { Object _value = _statistics.valueForKey("activeSessions"); if (_value != null) return (_value.toString()); } return "-"; } public String avgTransactionTime() { if (_statistics != null) { Object _value = _statistics.valueForKey("avgTransactionTime"); if (_value != null) return (_value.toString()); } return "-"; } public String averageIdlePeriod() { if (_statistics != null) { Object _value = _statistics.valueForKey("averageIdlePeriod"); if (_value != null) return (_value.toString()); } return "-"; } private String _statisticsError = null; public void setStatisticsError(String errorString) { _statisticsError = errorString; } public String statisticsError() { return _statisticsError; } public void resetStatisticsError() { _statisticsError = null; } /** ******* */ /** ******** Startup Calculations ********* */ public static long TIME_FOR_STARTUP = 30; NSTimestamp _finishStartingByDate = new NSTimestamp(); public void willAttemptToStart() { state = MObject.STARTING; long timeForStartup; Integer tfs = _application.timeForStartup(); if (tfs != null) { timeForStartup = tfs.intValue(); } else { timeForStartup = MInstance.TIME_FOR_STARTUP; } _finishStartingByDate = new NSTimestamp(new NSTimestamp().getTime() + (timeForStartup * 1000)); } /** ******* */ /** ******** State Support ********* */ private int _connectFailureCount = 0; public void failedToConnect() { _connectFailureCount++; if (_connectFailureCount > 2) { state = MObject.DEAD; _lastRegistration = NSTimestamp.DistantPast; } } public void succeededInConnection() { _connectFailureCount = 0; } public boolean isRunning_M() { return (state == MObject.ALIVE); } public int lifebeatCheckInterval() { Integer lb = lifebeatInterval(); if (lb == null) { return 30 * _siteConfig._appIsDeadMultiplier; } return lb.intValue() * _siteConfig._appIsDeadMultiplier; } public boolean isRunning_W() { long currentTime = (new NSTimestamp()).getTime(); long cutOffTime = _lastRegistration.getTime() + lifebeatCheckInterval(); long finishStartingByTime = _finishStartingByDate.getTime(); if (state == MObject.STARTING) { // I'm still trying to start if (currentTime < finishStartingByTime) { if (currentTime > cutOffTime) { return false; } state = MObject.ALIVE; return true; // I'm finished trying to start } // I've received a lifebeat in time if (currentTime > cutOffTime) { addDeath(); sendDeathNotificationEmail(); setShouldDie(false); state = MObject.DEAD; return false; } state = MObject.ALIVE; return true; } else if (state == MObject.ALIVE) { if (currentTime > cutOffTime) { addDeath(); sendDeathNotificationEmail(); setShouldDie(false); state = MObject.DEAD; return false; } return true; } else if (state == MObject.CRASHING) { addDeath(); sendDeathNotificationEmail(); state = MObject.DEAD; return false; } else { // UNKNOWN, DEAD, STOPPING if (currentTime > cutOffTime) { state = MObject.DEAD; return false; } // KH - I've returned to life - what should I do? state = MObject.ALIVE; return true; } } public boolean isAutoRecovering() { Boolean aBool = autoRecover(); if (aBool != null) { return aBool.booleanValue(); } return false; } public boolean isLocal_W() { if (host() == _siteConfig.localHost()) return true; return false; } private boolean _shouldDie = false; public void setShouldDie(boolean b) { _shouldDie = b; } public boolean shouldDie() { return _shouldDie; } public boolean shouldDieAndReset() { boolean b = _shouldDie; _shouldDie = false; return b; } /** ******* */ /** ******** Registration and Lifebeats ********* */ public NSTimestamp lastRegistration() { return _lastRegistration; } public void startRegistration(NSTimestamp registrationDate) { updateRegistration(registrationDate); } public void updateRegistration(NSTimestamp registrationDate) { succeededInConnection(); _lastRegistration = registrationDate; } public void registerStop(NSTimestamp registrationDate) { succeededInConnection(); _lastRegistration = NSTimestamp.DistantPast; state = MObject.DEAD; } public void registerCrash(NSTimestamp registrationDate) { succeededInConnection(); _lastRegistration = NSTimestamp.DistantPast; state = MObject.CRASHING; } public void sendDeathNotificationEmail() { NSTimestamp currentTime = new NSTimestamp(); String currentDate = currentTime.toString(); long cutOffTime = _lastRegistration.getTime() + lifebeatCheckInterval(); String assumedToBeDead = ""; if (currentTime.getTime() > cutOffTime) { long secondsDifference = (currentTime.getTime() - _lastRegistration.getTime()) / 1000; assumedToBeDead = "The app did not respond for " + secondsDifference + " seconds " + "which is greater than the allowed threshold of " + lifebeatCheckInterval() + " seconds " + "(Lifebeat Interval * WOAssumeApplicationIsDeadMultiplier) so it is assumed to be dead.\n"; } String message = "Application '" + displayName() + "' on " + _host.name() + ":" + port() + " stopped running at " + (currentDate) + ".\n" + "The app's current state was: " + stateArray[state] + ".\n" + assumedToBeDead + "The last successful communication occurred at: " + _lastRegistration.toString() + ". " + "This may be the result of a crash or an intentional shutdown from outside of wotaskd"; NSLog.err.appendln(message); boolean shouldEmail = false; Boolean aBool = _application.notificationEmailEnabled(); if (aBool != null) { shouldEmail = aBool.booleanValue(); } if (shouldEmail) { try { WOMailDelivery mailer = WOMailDelivery.sharedInstance(); String fromAddress = siteConfig().emailReturnAddr(); NSArray toAddress = null; String subject = "App stopped running: " + displayName(); String bodyText = message; if (fromAddress != null) { fromAddress = "root@" + _host.name(); } if (_application.notificationEmailAddr() != null) { toAddress = NSArray.componentsSeparatedByString(_application.notificationEmailAddr(), ","); } if (mailer != null && toAddress != null && toAddress.count() > 0) { mailer.composePlainTextEmail(fromAddress, toAddress, null, subject, bodyText, true); } } catch (Throwable localException) { NSLog.err.appendln("Error attempting to send email: " + localException); } } } /** ****** */ /** ******** Deaths ********* */ public NSMutableArray deaths() { return _deaths; } public void setDeaths(NSMutableArray values) { _deaths = values; } public int deathCount() { return _deaths.count(); } public void addDeath() { _deaths.addObject(MInstance.dateFormatter.format(new NSTimestamp())); } public void removeAllDeaths() { _deaths = new NSMutableArray(); } /** ******* */ /** ******** Command Line Arguments ********* */ public NSArray additionalArgumentsAsArray() { return NSArray.componentsSeparatedByString(additionalArgs(), " "); } private String toNullOrString(Object o) { if (o != null) { return o.toString(); } return null; } public NSArray commandLineArgumentsAsArray() { NSMutableArray anArray = new NSMutableArray(17); // Only if we were passed a WOHost argument if (!WOApplication.application()._unsetHost) { anArray.addObject("-WOHost"); anArray.addObject(WOApplication.application().host()); } // instance stuff anArray.addObject("-WOPort"); anArray.addObject(port().toString()); anArray.addObject("-WOCachingEnabled"); anArray.addObject(String_Extensions.booleanAsYNString(cachingEnabled())); anArray.addObject("-WODebuggingEnabled"); anArray.addObject(String_Extensions.booleanAsYNString(debuggingEnabled())); anArray.addObject("-WOOutputPath"); anArray.addObject(MObject.validatedOutputPath(outputPath())); anArray.addObject("-WOAutoOpenInBrowser"); anArray.addObject(String_Extensions.booleanAsYNString(autoOpenInBrowser())); anArray.addObject("-WOAutoOpenClientApplication"); anArray.addObject(String_Extensions.booleanAsYNString(autoOpenInBrowser())); anArray.addObject("-WOLifebeatInterval"); anArray.addObject(lifebeatInterval().toString()); anArray.addObject("-WOLifebeatEnabled"); anArray.addObject("YES"); anArray.addObject("-WOLifebeatDestinationPort"); anArray.addObject(String.valueOf(WOApplication.application().lifebeatDestinationPort())); // application stuff String adaptorString = toNullOrString(_application.adaptor()); if (adaptorString != null && adaptorString.length() > 0) { anArray.addObject("-WOAdaptor"); anArray.addObject(adaptorString); } String adaptorThreadsString = toNullOrString(_application.adaptorThreads()); if (adaptorThreadsString != null && adaptorThreadsString.length() > 0) { anArray.addObject("-WOWorkerThreadCount"); anArray.addObject(adaptorThreadsString); } String listenQueueSizeString = toNullOrString(_application.listenQueueSize()); if (listenQueueSizeString != null && listenQueueSizeString.length() > 0) { anArray.addObject("-WOListenQueueSize"); anArray.addObject(listenQueueSizeString); } String adaptorThreadsMinString = toNullOrString(_application.adaptorThreadsMin()); if (adaptorThreadsMinString != null && adaptorThreadsMinString.length() > 0) { anArray.addObject("-WOWorkerThreadCountMin"); anArray.addObject(adaptorThreadsMinString); } String adaptorThreadsMaxString = toNullOrString(_application.adaptorThreadsMax()); if (adaptorThreadsMaxString != null && adaptorThreadsMaxString.length() > 0) { anArray.addObject("-WOWorkerThreadCountMax"); anArray.addObject(adaptorThreadsMaxString); } String projectSearchPathString = toNullOrString(_application.projectSearchPath()); if (projectSearchPathString != null && projectSearchPathString.length() > 0) { anArray.addObject("-NSProjectSearchPath"); anArray.addObject(projectSearchPathString); } String sessionTimeOutString = toNullOrString(_application.sessionTimeOut()); if (sessionTimeOutString != null && sessionTimeOutString.length() > 0) { anArray.addObject("-WOSessionTimeOut"); anArray.addObject(sessionTimeOutString); } String statisticsPasswordString = toNullOrString(_application.statisticsPassword()); if (statisticsPasswordString != null && statisticsPasswordString.length() > 0) { anArray.addObject("-WOStatisticsPassword"); anArray.addObject(statisticsPasswordString); } String appNameString = toNullOrString(_application.name()); if (appNameString != null && appNameString.length() > 0) { anArray.addObject("-WOApplicationName"); anArray.addObject(appNameString); } anArray.addObject("-WOMonitorEnabled"); anArray.addObject("YES"); anArray.addObject("-WONoPause"); anArray.addObject("YES"); // Additional Arguments String additionalArgsString = toNullOrString(additionalArgs()); if (additionalArgsString != null && additionalArgsString.length() > 0) { anArray.addObjectsFromArray(additionalArgumentsAsArray()); } return anArray; } public String commandLineArguments() { return commandLineArgumentsAsArray().componentsJoinedByString(" ").replace('\n', ' ').replace('\r', ' '); } /** ******* */ /** ******** Overridden Methods for Scheduling ********* */ @Override public void setValues(NSMutableDictionary newValues) { super.setValues(newValues); if (isScheduled()) calculateNextScheduledShutdown(); } @Override public void updateValues(NSDictionary aDict) { super.updateValues(aDict); if (isScheduled()) calculateNextScheduledShutdown(); } /** ******* */ /** ******** Scheduling ********* */ NSTimestamp _nextScheduledShutdown = NSTimestamp.DistantPast; String _nextScheduledShutdownString = "-"; public boolean isActivelyBeingScheduled = false; public boolean isScheduled() { Boolean aBool = schedulingEnabled(); if (aBool != null) { return aBool.booleanValue(); } return false; } public boolean isGracefullyScheduled() { Boolean aBool = gracefulScheduling(); if (aBool != null) { return aBool.booleanValue(); } return true; } public NSTimestamp nextScheduledShutdown() { return _nextScheduledShutdown; } public void setNextScheduledShutdown(NSTimestamp newtime) { _nextScheduledShutdown = newtime; _nextScheduledShutdownString = shutdownFormatter.format(_nextScheduledShutdown); } public String nextScheduledShutdownString() { return _nextScheduledShutdownString; } public void setNextScheduledShutdownString_M(String newtime) { _nextScheduledShutdownString = newtime; } public boolean nearNextScheduledShutdown(NSTimestamp rightNow) { long temp; temp = Math.abs(_nextScheduledShutdown.timeIntervalSinceTimestamp(rightNow)); if (temp < halfHourAsSeconds) { if (NSLog.debugLoggingAllowedForLevelAndGroups(NSLog.DebugLevelInformational, NSLog.DebugGroupDeployment)) NSLog.debug.appendln("nearNextScheduledShutdown TRUE"); return true; } if (NSLog.debugLoggingAllowedForLevelAndGroups(NSLog.DebugLevelInformational, NSLog.DebugGroupDeployment)) NSLog.debug.appendln("nearNextScheduledShutdown FALSE"); return false; } // Note that we store and calculate everything based on GMT (sort of). // User selects "17:00", as assume that this means "17:00 relative to the // timezone the application is running in". // Since we do the comparisons based on the same timezone, we are slightly // insulated from the timezone stuff. // Finally, we use a formatter to make it "look" like we are storing in the // correct timezone, even though we aren't. // This should only cause problems if you change the timezone of the // appserver. public void calculateNextScheduledShutdown() { if (!isScheduled()) return; NSTimestamp currentTime = new NSTimestamp(System.currentTimeMillis(), java.util.TimeZone.getDefault()); TimeZone currentTimeZone = currentTime.timeZone(); int currentYear = currentTime.yearOfCommonEra(); int currentMonth = currentTime.monthOfYear(); int currentDayOfMonth = currentTime.dayOfMonth(); // [1,31] int currentHourOfDay = currentTime.hourOfDay(); // [0,23] // Java normally returns 1-7, ObjC returned 0-6, JavaFoundation will // return 0-6 int currentDayOfWeek = currentTime.dayOfWeek(); // [0,6] == // [Sunday,Saturday] String type = schedulingType(); // KH - can we check what happens if we run overtime - NSTimestamp // should take care of it, but... if (type.equals("HOURLY")) { Integer startTimeTemp = schedulingHourlyStartTime(); int startTime = (startTimeTemp != null) ? startTimeTemp.intValue() : -1; Integer intervalTemp = schedulingInterval(); int interval = (intervalTemp != null) ? intervalTemp.intValue() : -1; if ((startTime == -1) || (interval == -1)) return; // This is to make sure that we don't set it in the past! while (startTime <= currentHourOfDay) startTime += interval; setNextScheduledShutdown(new NSTimestamp(currentYear, currentMonth, currentDayOfMonth, startTime, 0, 0, currentTimeZone)); } else if (type.equals("DAILY")) { Integer startTimeTemp = schedulingDailyStartTime(); int startTime = (startTimeTemp != null) ? startTimeTemp.intValue() : -1; if (startTime == -1) return; // This is to make sure that we don't set it in the past! if (startTime <= currentHourOfDay) currentDayOfMonth++; setNextScheduledShutdown(new NSTimestamp(currentYear, currentMonth, currentDayOfMonth, startTime, 0, 0, currentTimeZone)); } else if (type.equals("WEEKLY")) { Integer startTimeTemp = schedulingWeeklyStartTime(); int startTime = (startTimeTemp != null) ? startTimeTemp.intValue() : -1; Integer startDayTemp = schedulingStartDay(); int startDay = (startDayTemp != null) ? startDayTemp.intValue() : -1; if ((startTime == -1) || (startDay == -1)) return; // This is to make sure that we don't set it in the past! int temp = (startDay - currentDayOfWeek); currentDayOfMonth = currentDayOfMonth + ((temp < 0) ? 7 + temp : temp); // Same day, but checking for past times if ((temp == 0) && (startTime <= currentHourOfDay)) currentDayOfMonth += 7; setNextScheduledShutdown(new NSTimestamp(currentYear, currentMonth, currentDayOfMonth, startTime, 0, 0, currentTimeZone)); } if (NSLog.debugLoggingAllowedForLevelAndGroups(NSLog.DebugLevelInformational, NSLog.DebugGroupDeployment)) NSLog.debug.appendln("calculateNextScheduledShutdown: " + _nextScheduledShutdown); } /** ******* */ public void setRefusingNewSessions(boolean isRefusingNewSessions) { // NSLog.debug.appendln(this + " setRefusingNewSessions: " + isRefusingNewSessions); this.isRefusingNewSessions = isRefusingNewSessions; } public boolean isRefusingNewSessions() { return isRefusingNewSessions; } protected int intStatisticsValueForKey(String key, int defaultValue) { NSDictionary aStatsDict = statistics(); if (aStatsDict != null) { try { String aValue = (String) aStatsDict.valueForKey(key); if (aValue != null) { return Integer.parseInt(aValue); } } catch (Throwable ex) { // do nothing } } return defaultValue; } protected float floatStatisticsValueForKey(String key, float defaultValue) { NSDictionary aStatsDict = statistics(); if (aStatsDict != null) { try { String aValue = (String) aStatsDict.valueForKey(key); if (aValue != null) { return Float.parseFloat(aValue); } } catch (Throwable ex) { // do nothing } } return defaultValue; } public int transactionsValue() { return intStatisticsValueForKey("transactions", 0); } public int activeSessionsValue() { return intStatisticsValueForKey("activeSessions", 0); } public float avgIdleTimeValue() { return floatStatisticsValueForKey("averageIdlePeriod", 0); } public float avgTransactionTimeValue() { return floatStatisticsValueForKey("avgTransactionTime", 0); } /** ******** Force quit task ********* */ private Timer _taskTimer; private TimerTask _forceQuitTask; public Timer taskTimer() { if (_taskTimer == null) _taskTimer = new Timer(); return _taskTimer; } /** * Cancel the forceQuit task if any */ public void cancelForceQuitTask() { if (_taskTimer != null) { _taskTimer.cancel(); _forceQuitTask = null; _taskTimer = null; } } public void setForceQuitTask(TimerTask task) { _forceQuitTask = task; } public TimerTask forceQuitTask() { return _forceQuitTask; } /** * only one force quit task can be scheduled * @param task - task to schedule * @param delay - delay before the task is fired (milliseconds) */ public void scheduleForceQuit(TimerTask task, int delay) { if (_forceQuitTask == null) { _forceQuitTask = task; taskTimer().schedule(_forceQuitTask, delay); } } /** * Schedule a task to repeatedly run * @param task - task to schedule * @param delay - delay before the task runs (milliseconds) * @param period - interval when the task is ran (milliseconds) */ public void scheduleRefuseTask(TimerTask task, int delay, int period) { if (_forceQuitTask == null) { _forceQuitTask = task; taskTimer().schedule(_forceQuitTask, delay, period); } } /** ******* */ }