package; import; import; import; import org.slf4j.Logger; import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory; import com.webobjects.eocontrol.EOEditingContext; import; import; import; import; public class ERIFile extends _ERIFile { /** * Do I need to update serialVersionUID? * See section 5.6 <cite>Type Changes Affecting Serialization</cite> on page 51 of the * <a href="">Java Object Serialization Spec</a> */ private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L; private static final Logger log = LoggerFactory.getLogger(ERIFile.class); public static final ERIFileClazz clazz = new ERIFileClazz(); public static class ERIFileClazz extends _ERIFile._ERIFileClazz { /* more clazz methods here */ } public interface Key extends _ERIFile.Key {} private class EOFIndexOutput extends IndexOutput { long filePointer = 0; long fileLength = 0; NSMutableData data; boolean dirty = false; public EOFIndexOutput(NSData contentData) { data = new NSMutableData(contentData); fileLength = data.length(); } private NSMutableData data() { return data; } @Override public void close() throws IOException { flush(); } @Override public void flush() throws IOException { if (dirty) { if (length() < data().length()) { data().setLength((int) length()); } editingContext().lock(); try { setContentData(data()); editingContext().saveChanges(); } finally { editingContext().unlock(); } } dirty = false; } @Override public long getFilePointer() { return filePointer; } @Override public long length() { return fileLength; } @Override public void seek(long l) throws IOException { assureLength(l); filePointer = l; } private void assureLength(long len) { if(length() < len) { if(data().length() < len) { data().setLength((int) len + 128000); } fileLength = len; dirty = true; } } @Override public void writeByte(byte byte0) throws IOException { assureLength(filePointer+1); NSMutableRange range = new NSMutableRange((int)filePointer, 1); byte[] bytes = data().bytesNoCopy(range); bytes[(int) filePointer] = byte0; filePointer += 1; dirty = true; } @Override public void writeBytes(byte[] abyte0, int offset, int len) throws IOException { assureLength(filePointer+len); NSMutableRange range = new NSMutableRange((int)filePointer, len); byte[] bytes = data().bytesNoCopy(range); System.arraycopy(abyte0, offset, bytes, (int)filePointer, len); filePointer += len; dirty = true; } } private class EOFIndexInput extends IndexInput { long filePointer = 0; NSData data; public EOFIndexInput(NSData contentData) { data = contentData; } private NSData data() { return data; } @Override public void close() throws IOException { filePointer = 0; } @Override public long getFilePointer() { return filePointer; } @Override public long length() { return data().length(); } private void assureLength(long len) throws IOException { if(len > length()) { throw new IOException("Not enough data: " + len + " vs " + length()); } } @Override public byte readByte() throws IOException { assureLength(filePointer+1); return data().bytes((int)filePointer++, 1)[0]; } @Override public void readBytes(byte[] abyte0, int offset, int len) throws IOException { assureLength(filePointer+len); System.arraycopy(data().bytesNoCopy(new NSMutableRange((int)filePointer, len)), (int)filePointer, abyte0, offset, len); filePointer += len; } @Override public void seek(long l) throws IOException { assureLength(l); filePointer = l; } } @Override public void didInsert() { super.didInsert(); log.debug("Did create: {}", name()); } @Override public void didUpdate() { super.didUpdate(); log.debug("Did update: {}->{}", name(), length()); } @Override public void didDelete(EOEditingContext ec) { super.didUpdate(); log.debug("Did delete: {}->{}", name(), length()); } @Override public void init(EOEditingContext ec) { super.init(ec); ERIFileContent content = ERIFileContent.clazz.createAndInsertObject(ec); setContent(content); setContentData(new NSData()); } private void setContentData(NSData data) { setLastModified(new NSTimestamp()); setLength((long)data.length()); content().setContent(data); } private NSData contentData() { return content().content(); } public void touch() { setLastModified(new NSTimestamp()); editingContext().saveChanges(); } public IndexInput openInput() { return new EOFIndexInput(contentData()); } public long timestamp() { return lastModified().getTime(); } public IndexOutput createOutput() { return new EOFIndexOutput(contentData()); } }